Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PSP-1001 Sony
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2 W ARNINGS To avoid electrical shoc k, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified person nel only. Use the supplied AC adaptor onl y. If you use other types, it may cause fire, electrical shocks or a malfunction. For customers in the U.S.A.
3 US W ARNINGS For customers in the U.S.A. NOTE: This equipmen t has been test ed and found to c omply with the limi ts for a Class B digital device, purs uant to P art 15 of t he FCC rules . These li mits are de signed to provide reasonab le protect ion agains t harmful i nterferenc e in a re sidential installa tion.
4 W ARNINGS You are cau tioned that an y changes or modificatio ns not expres sly approved in this manua l could void your auth ority to o perate this equipment. FCC Radiation Exposure Statem ent This transmitt er complies with FCC radiation exposure limit set for th for an uncontrolle d environm ent.
5 US W ARNINGS Photosensitivity A very small perc entage of in dividuals may ex perience ep ileptic seiz ures when exposed to cer tain light patterns or f lashing li ghts.
6 GAME page 41 • Playing games • Managing save d data VIDEO page 45 • Playing UMD™Video • Playing videos (MPEG -4) saved on a Mem ory Stick D uo™ MUSIC page 57 • Playing UMD™Audio • .
7 US Basic button operations This manual includes instr uctions for the basi c features of the PSP™ system . For additional inform ation and answers to frequentl y asked questions about the PSP™ system, visit our Web site at http://www .
8 T able of contents WARNINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Battery pack precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 US T able of contents x Music Listening to music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Using the control panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 Operating with PSP™ system buttons or the remote control .
10 T able of contents x Additional in formation Compatible media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . .
11 US Precautions Before using this product, care fully read this ma nual and retain it fo r future referenc e. Safety This produ ct has been designed wi th the highest concern f or safety. Ho wever, any electric al devic e, if used impr operly, h as the potent ial for ca using fir e, electrica l shock or p ersonal injury.
12 Precautions • Do not use the system or a ccessories near wate r. • Use only atta chments/acc essorie s specifie d by the m anufactur er. • Do not use the headphone s if the y cause dis comfort t o your sk in. If the supp lied headp hones caus e discomfor t to your ski n, discont inue use immediat ely.
13 US Precautions • Do not al low dust or f oreign ma tter to bui ld up around the syst em or acces sory connector s. If there is dust or foreign matter on the syst em's connect ors or the AC power co rd, wipe it off with a dry clot h before c onnecting.
14 Precautions Memory Stick Duo™ For best resu lts, follow th ese guidelin es: • Do not touch the connecto r area ( A ) with your hands or with metal ob jects. • Do no t press hard w hen writing o n the memo area ( B ). • Do not insert a Memory Stick Duo™ into a device designed t o accept onl y standard-s ize Memory St ick™ media .
15 US Precautions Pouch and wrist strap • If you want to paus e or temporari ly store the system while play ing games or video, put t he syste m in sleep mo de before pl acing it in th e pouch. Thi s may help to avoid overheating . • Put both the PSP™ sys tem and the r emote con trol in hold mode to he lp prevent un intended operation .
16 Precautions • If the U MD™ becomes di rty, gently wip e the exterior and recorded su rfaces of the UMD™ us ing a soft cloth. Do no t use solve nts or oth er chemical s. Cleaning For safety re asons, unpl ug the AC power co rd from the e lectrical out let and remove the battery pa ck from th e system bef ore cleani ng.
17 US Precautions Battery pack precautions Do not handl e a damaged or leaking ba ttery pac k. Contact with the mat erial can res ult in injury or bu rns to the eyes o r skin. Even if foreign substance s are not i mmediately v isible, ch emical chan ges in the material c an result i n injurie s occurri ng at a lat er time.
18 Precautions Recycling Lith ium-Ion Batte ries Lithium-Ion b atteries are r ecyclable. You can help preserve ou r environme nt by returnin g your used re chargeable batteries to the c ollection and recycling lo cation neare st you.
19 Preparation US Checking the package contents Check that you have all of th e following i tems. If any it ems are missi ng, contac t our techni cal support line at 1 -800-345- 7669 for as sistance.
20 Part names and functions System front Part names and functions A L button B Directional butt ons C Memory Stick Duo™ access indicator Lights up when saving and loadi ng data D WLAN access indicat.
21 Preparation US Part names and functions System rear K LCD screen L Display but ton Adjusts sc reen bright ness ( page 37) M Sound button Adjusts the tone ( page 35) N Select button O Start butto n .
22 Part names and functions System top System bottom A IR port C Open latch B USB connector A Headset co nnector C DC IN 5V connector B Charging terminal s L R OPEN DC IN 5V.
24 Part names and functions Headphones with remote control A . button B > button C Volume + button Turns the volume up D Volume - button Turns the volume down E u button A Hold switch Locks the operation of the remote control. Note that this button does not lock the buttons of the PSP™ system.
25 Preparation US Preparing the PSP™ system for use Before usin g the PSP ™ system for the first time afte r purchas e, you must follow thes e steps to ch arge the batter y.
26 Preparing the PSP™ system for use 1 Plug the AC power cord into the A C adaptor. 2 Connect the AC adaptor to the DC IN 5V connector on the system bottom. Getting started 2: Charging Caution The socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be ea sily accessible.
27 Preparation US Preparing the PSP™ system for use 3 Plug the AC power cord into an e lectrical outlet. The power indicator lights up in orange, indicat ing that charging h as begun. The power indicator will turn o ff when the battery is fully charged.
28 Connecting the headphones with remote control 1 Connect the headphones to the PSP™ system. Hint The remote control is exclusively for use with the PSP™ system and cannot be used with other devices. Also, remote controls supplied with other devices cannot be used to operate the PSP™ system.
29 Basic operations US T urning the PSP™ system on and off 1 Slide the power/hold switch up. The power in dicator li ghts up in green, an d the home menu is dis played. Hints • If the PSP™ system is turned on with a UMD™ inserted, the UMD™ will begin playback automatically.
30 T urning the PSP™ system on and off 1 Hold the power/hold s witch in the up positio n for more than two seconds. The power indi cator flashe s and then turn s off, indicatin g that the syst em is turned off.
31 Basic operations US Putting into sleep mode If the PSP™ sy stem is switched to sleep mode, th e game that is play ing will be paused. When s leep mode i s cleared, the screen that was displayed before entering s leep mode wi ll begin pl ayback ag ain.
32 Inser ting a UMD™ Notice Do not eject a UMD™ during playback. 1 Slide the open latch on the PSP™ system top. The disc cove r opens. 2 Insert a UMD™. With the disc l abel facing th e system rear , slide the UMD™ in the direction of the arrow until it is fully inserted.
33 Basic operations US Insertin g a Memory S tick Duo™ 1 Open the slot cover and in sert the Memory Stick Duo™. Ejecting the Memory Stick Duo™ Open the slo t cover and pre ss the Memory Stick Duo™ in the direct ion of the arrow to ejec t.
34 Av oiding unintended operation of the PSP™ system 1 Slide the power/hold switch down. The hold indicator turns yel low, indi cating tha t the sy stem button s are locked.
35 Basic operations US Using the sound button The sound bu tton is us ed to adj ust the to ne and to mute the sou nd for au dio playback an d for key tones. 1 Press the sound button. Each time yo u press th e button, the tone changes as follows: Hint Tone can only be adjusted when using the headphones.
36 Using the sound button Clearing mute Muting can be tu rned off by the f ollowing meth ods: • Press ing the sound bu tton. • Pressing the volume + o r volume - b utton on the system front or on the remot e control.
37 Basic operations US Using the display b utton The displa y button is use d to adjust scree n brightness . 1 Press the display button. Each time yo u press th e button, the displa y changes as follows: Hint Level 4 can be selected only while plugged in using the AC adaptor.
38 Battery The battery cha rge level is displayed on the screen. Estimating the rem aining battery power Hints • If the power indicator flashes green, save game progress and recharge the battery. If the battery runs out before you save, game progress will be lost.
39 Basic operations US Battery • Battery charge level can also be checked in "Battery information" under "System Settings" ( page 87). • If the PSP™ system is left unused after the battery runs out, the date and time settings may be reset.
40 Battery Hint The battery pack lifespan varies depending on how it is stored, the conditions of use and environmental factors, such as temperature. For safet y reasons, turn off t he system b efore repl acing th e battery p ack. Also read "Batte ry pack p recautions " ( page 17 ) before han dling the battery pack.
41 Game US Playing a game 1 Select from the home m enu. 2 Insert a UMD™ ( page 32). The UMD™ icon is disp layed. 3 With the game icon selected, p ress the button. The game st arts. Icons displayed under Gam e In addition to playing games , the follo wing featur es are availa ble under Game .
42 Playing a game Hints • Access to a game that is displayed as (Restricted Content) is restricted by the parental control feature. You must enter the password as described below to access the game. See "Parental Control Level" ( page 94) for details.
43 Game US Game options menu You can view gam e informat ion or copy o r delete s aved data by d isplaying the options menu. 1 Select an icon, and then press the button. The option s menu is disp layed. 2 Select a menu item, and then press the button.
44 Copying and deleting sav ed data You can copy or delete sa ved game data t hat is saved on a Memory Sti ck Duo™ using the sav ed data utility. You can copy sa ved data to another Memo ry Stick Duo™. It is recommend ed that impor tant data be copied a s a backup .
45 Video US Watching a video You can watch UMD™Video and videos save d on a Memor y Stick Duo™ ..
46 Watching a video Icons displayed under Video Hints • Access to a video that is displayed as (Restricted Content) is restricted under the parental control feature. Enter the password as described below to access the video. See "Parental Control Level" ( page 94) for details about the parental control feature.
47 Video US Using the control panel You can perf orm the fo llowing operatio ns using t he on-scree n control panel. 1 Press the button during video playback. The contro l panel is displ ayed. 2 Select an icon, and then press the button. Clearing the control panel Press the bu tton or th e button.
48 Using the control panel * This operation cannot be performed during playback of video saved on a Memory Stick Duo™. Subtitle Options Switches between available subtitle options for UMD™Video th.
49 Video US Using the control panel 1 Select from the control panel during playback, and then press the butto n. The playba ck status of th e video is di splayed.
50 Using the control panel Changes th e size of t he viewabl e image o n the scree n. 1 Select from the control panel, and then press th e button. Each time the button i s pressed, the Scree n Mode will change as follows: Hint Depending on the video being played, the Screen Mode may remain unchanged.
51 Video US Using the control panel The volume ca n be adjust ed if the a udio output l evel of th e UMD™ is l ow. 1 Select from the control panel, and then press the button. Each time yo u press th e button, th e volume wil l change as follows: Hint The volume setting will be cleared if the UMD™ is ejected.
52 Using the control panel Returning to normal playba ck Select f rom the contr ol panel, and th en press the button. Hint Selecting or from the control panel while playback is paus ed, and then pressing the button, will also start slow playback. If (Fast Forward) is held down, slow playback will continue only as long as the button is held.
53 Video US Operating with PSP™ system buttons or the remote control You can oper ate the PSP™ sys tem without using the control pane l by using the system butt ons or t he remote co ntrol. *1 This operation cannot be performed during playback of video saved on a Memory Stick Duo™.
54 Video options menu You can use the Video o ptions menu to play a UMD ™Video or vi ew information or delete videos save d on a Memory Stick Duo ™. 1 Select the icon, and then p ress the button. The option s menu is displa yed. 2 Select a menu item, and then press the button.
55 Video US Saving videos on a Memory Stick Duo™ The follow ing methods can be used to save a video on a Memo ry Stick Duo™ . When using an MPE G-4 * -compatible device, you can play mot ion video b y directly in serting t he compatib le device 's Memory Stic k Duo™ int o the PSP™ system.
56 Saving videos on a Memory Stick Duo™ You can convert motion video t hat was taken or re corded on anoth er device int o a format that can be played on the PSP™ sy stem and tra nsfer it to a Memory Stick Duo™ using compa tible so ftware * . * For full details, visit http://www.
57 Music US Listening to music You can liste n to UMD™Audi o and music saved on a Me mory Stic k Duo™. The file for mats (for mu sic saved on Memory Stick Duo™) that can be played are ATRAC3plu s™ and MP3 ( p age 67). 1 Select from the home menu.
58 Listening to music Hints • If the start button or the u button on the remote control is pressed in step 3, the first track of the first group will begin playing. • If the home button or select button is pressed during playback, the screen will return to the home menu.
59 Music US Listening to music 1 Press the button during playback. Playback s tops. Hints • "Album name" and "Track number/total number of tracks" are shown on the screen only while (Display) is turned on ( page 61).
60 Using the control panel You can perf orm the fol lowing oper ations us ing the o n-screen co ntrol pane l. 1 Press the button during pla yback. The cont rol panel is displ ayed. 2 Select an icon, and th en press the button. Clearing the c ontrol panel Press the button or the button.
61 Music US Using the control panel * If you press and hold the butto n, the music will play in Fast Reverse/Fast Forward as long as the button is held down. Tracks can be played in g roups. Pla yback stops after all tracks in t he group hav e been played.
62 Using the control panel Clearing Group Mode While Group Mo de is on, select from the co ntrol panel, and then press th e button. 1 During playback, select from the control panel, and then press the button.
63 Music US Using the control panel Specify an d then play the part that yo u want to play repeatedly . 1 Select from the control panel during playback, and then press the button at the point where yo u want the repeated playback to begin. The starting point (point A) is set.
64 Operating with PSP™ system buttons or the remote control You can operat e the PSP™ syst em without usi ng the control panel by using the system butto ns or the remo te control. * If you press and hold th e button, the music w ill play in Fast R everse/Fast Forward as long as the button is held down.
65 Music US Music options menu You can use the Music optio ns menu to vie w informati on about or delete musi c data saved on a Memory St ick Duo™. 1 Select an icon, and then press the button. The option s menu is disp layed. 2 Select a menu item, and then press the button.
66 Music options menu With a UMD™Audio that ha s multiple file form ats and bit rates recorded, you can select from amon g these opt ions for pl ayback. 1 Select a group you want to listen to, and then press the button. 2 Select "Select Codec", and then press the butto n.
67 Music US T ransf erring and saving music on a Memory Stick Duo™ You can use the PSP™ system to play musi c data obtained in the followin g ways: 1) Music imported from an au dio CD. 2) Music purchase d from a mu sic download We b site. See below for ins tructions regard ing item 1).
68 T ransf erring and saving music on a Memory Stick Duo™ *1 If the slot on the device can handle only standard-size Memory Stick™ media, a Memory Stick Duo Adaptor (model number MSAC-M2: a Sony product sold separately) is required.
69 Music US T ransf erring and saving music on a Memory Stick Duo™ Where to save music data Create a fo lder named "PS P" directly on the Memor y Stick Duo™, a nd then create a fo lder named "MUS IC" * in the "PSP" fol der.
70 Viewing images You can vie w images save d on a Memor y Stick Duo ™. The file f ormat that can be disp layed is JPEG ( page 80). 1 Select from the h ome menu. 2 Insert a Memory Stick Duo™ ( page 33). is disp layed. 3 Press the button while is selected.
71 Photo US Using the control panel You can perf orm the fo llowing operatio ns using t he on-scree n control panel. 1 Press the button while displaying an image. The contro l panel is displ ayed. 2 Select an icon, and then press the button. Clearing the control panel Press the bu tton or th e button.
72 Using the control panel 1 While displaying an image, select from the control panel, and the n press the button. The imag e status is d isplaye d. Zoom Out Zooms out from the image Zoom In Zooms in .
73 Photo US Using the control panel Clearing the disp lay Select from the control p anel, and then pres s the button. You can ch ange the size of the image d isplayed on th e screen. 1 While displaying the imag e, select from the control panel, and then press th e button.
74 Operating with PSP™ system buttons or the remote control You can operat e the PSP™ syst em without usi ng the control panel by using the system butto ns or the remo te control. * Obscured parts of the image are displayed when zooming i n/out, or when the View Mode is set to Zoom.
75 Photo US Photo options menu When the Phot o options m enu is di splayed, you can view i nformatio n about or delete imag es saved on a Memory St ick Duo™. 1 Select an icon and then press the button. The option s menu is disp layed. 2 Select a menu item, and then press the button.
76 Playing slideshows You can set th e available ima ges to be disp layed in orde r. 1 Select the icon for a folder o r media containing imag es, and then press the start button. The slides how begins . The content di splayed v aries depend ing on the i con selected .
77 Photo US Playing slideshows 2 Select an icon, and then press the button. Clearing the control panel Press the bu tton or th e button. List of Operations Icon Description Slideshow Options Switches .
78 Playing slideshows Displaying slideshow options 1 During a slideshow, s elect from the control panel, and then press the button. Each time you press th e button, the option switches as follows: You can operat e the PSP™ syst em without usi ng the control panel by using the system butt ons or remot e control.
79 Photo US Playing slideshows Hint Some buttons cannot be operated while the control panel is displayed on the screen. In this case, press the button to clear the control panel.
80 Saving images on a Memory Stick Duo™ You can save images on a Memory Stick Duo™ by the methods desc ribed below. When using a digi tal still camera that is c ompatible with the Memory Stick Duo™, photo s can be d isplayed b y inserti ng the Memory Stick Duo™ from the camera dir ectly into the PSP™ sys tem.
81 Photo US Saving images on a Memory Stick Duo™ * A Memory Stick Duo Adaptor (model number MSAC-M2: a Sony product sold separately) is required if the slot on the device you are using is able to handle only the standard-size Memory Stick™.
82 Settings for the PSP™ system You can adj ust the set tings for the PSP™ sy stem, as we ll as sett ings for features , such as vide o, photo and network. 1 Select from the home menu . Icons for var ious settings are displayed . 2 Select an icon, and th en press the button.
83 Settings US Settings for the PSP™ system Icons displayed un der Settings Network Update Provides access to updates for the system software ( page 104) USB Connection Allows for connection to a PC.
84 Video Settings You can set t he UMD™Video lang uage or boos t UMD™Video vo lume. Notice Depending on the UMD™Video, playback conditions may be set in advance by the software developer. In such cases, certain options may not be available, even if you follow the instructions in this manual.
85 Settings US Photo Settings You can set t he Slides how Speed. The default setting for the menu item is underlined. Photo Settings Fast Displays images at a faster rate Normal Displays images at nor.
86 System Settings You can adjus t the set tings for a nd display i nformati on about th e PSP™ syst em, or format a Memory Stick Duo™. The nickna me you sel ected in th e initial setup can be changed . Use the on- screen keyb oard to enter a new nicknam e.
87 Settings US System Settings You can disp lay the f ollowing i nformation about th e system bat tery: * The number of hours as calculated by the system is shown as an estimate. Hint There may be a slight difference between the display information and actual battery performance.
88 System Settings You can dis play infor mation abou t the PSP ™ system. Displays tr ademark and c opyright i nformation r elated to software us ed by the PSP™ system.
89 Settings US Date & Time Settings You can set th e date and time, da ylight savi ng time and time zone for the PSP™ system. Set each item u sing the di rectional buttons an d enter the setting by pressing t he button.
90 P ower Sav e Settings You can cons erve the po wer of the PSP™ system by s etting the s ystem to automatica lly go into slee p mode or switc h off the backlig ht. When the syste m remains idle for a certain pe riod of time, it saves power by automatically turning off the backlight on th e LCD screen.
91 Settings US P ower Sa ve Settings You can set the sy stem to conser ve power by aut omaticall y entering sle ep mode when it rema ins idle for a cert ain period of time. The default setting for the menu item is underlined. Clearing sleep mo de Slide the p ower/hold s witch on t he right si de of the s ystem up.
92 Sound Settings You can turn of f the key tone and limit the volume leve l. You can lim it the maxi mum volume. This can hel p preven t sound esc aping from the h eadphones, a s well as t he possible danger res ulting from being una ble to hear wha t is going on around you when we aring headp hones.
93 Settings US Security Settings You can adjus t settings r elated to PSP™ sy stem securi ty features. Changes the 4-digit pass word requir ed for the "Pa rental Cont rol Level" fea ture. The passw ord is required f or the follow ing operatio ns: • To change the Parent al Control Level se tting.
94 Security Settings Some UMD™ soft ware have a preset pare ntal contr ol level b ased on the content. Y ou can set the par ental contro l level on the syst em to restrict the playback of a UMD™ with a leve l that is highe r than that set o n the system.
95 Settings US Security Settings Parenta l control le vels on games Most game pa ckaging show s a symbol to indi cate the age gr oup that is appropriate t o play the game. Th e symbols cor respond to th e UMD™ parental control leve l as shown below: As of March 2005.
96 USB Connection You can transfer files from a PC to a Memory Stick Duo™ inserted in th e PSP™ system using a commercially ava ilable USB cable. Not e however that files th at can be pl ayed are l imited to file forma ts suppo rted by the system.
97 Settings US USB Connection 2 Select (USB Conne ction) und er from the ho me menu, and then press the button. The Memory Stick Duo™ inserted in the system is detected by the PC. Notice Do not format a Memory Stick Duo™ on a PC, as it may no longer be recognized by the PSP™ system.
98 Network Settings You can adj ust the n etwork set tings to allow conne ction to a wireles s local a rea network (WL AN). Ther e are two WLAN m odes.
99 Settings US Network Settings Required item s The followi ng items ar e genera lly requir ed to se t up the system to c onnect t o a network and perform a network u pdate.
100 Network Settings 1 Select (Network Settings) un der from the home menu, and then p ress the button. 2 Select "Infrastructure Mode", and th en press the button. 3 Select "New Connectio n", and then press the button. 4 Enter a name for the network connec tion.
101 Settings US Network Settings When the set tings have been compl eted, pre ss the righ t button t o go to the next screen. 6 Select the address setting method . This screen is used to select the settings li sted below. Most home networks will allow y ou to use the sett ings shown in the "Eas y" setup (t his is the recommended se tup).
102 Network Settings 7 Check the settings. This scree n displays the settin g details . Press the lef t button t o return to the previous screens to correct any of th e settings, if necess ary. When you have finished select ing your setti ngs, press the r ight button to go to the next scr een.
103 Settings US Network Settings When the opti ons menu is disp layed in infra structure mod e, network connection s saved on t he system can be edit ed or delet ed. 1 Select (Network Settings) under from the home menu, and then press the button. 2 Select "Infrastructure Mode", and then press the button.
104 Network Update You can upd ate the system software us ing the Networ k Update fea ture. Network update proce ss Notice During an update : – do not remove the Memory Stick Duo™ – do not turn off the system – do not put the system into sleep mode The system software may be damaged if the update is interrupted.
105 Settings US Network Update You can conne ct to a n etwork usin g an acces s point to download update data . 1 Connect the AC adap tor to the system. The update c annot be co mpleted if the AC adap tor is not connecte d. 2 Select (Network Update) under from the home menu, and then press the button.
106 Network Update * For detailed instructions, see "Creating a new network connection" ( page 99). Delete Deletes a network connection Information Displays information about a network conne.
107 Settings US How to use the ke yboard You can use t he on-scree n keyboar d for text entry su ch as when en tering a nickname for the PSP™ s ystem or ent ering netwo rk setting i nformatio n. Control panel i tem list * This key is displayed only when two or more lines can be entered.
108 How to use the keyboard The number of in put modes avail able varies depending on the la nguage selected. Every time you press the select button, t he input mode switche s among the op tions in the di agram below : Hint The language for the on-screen keyboard is linked to the System Language selected in System Settings.
109 Settings US How to use the ke yboard Hint If you select the a/A key while entering characters, you can switch between upper and lower case. You can ente r symbols such as "." and "?" by selecti ng particula r keys whil e entering c haracter s.
110 Compatible media The media types listed below can be used on the PSP™ system. Throughout this manual , the term "Memo ry Stick Duo™ " is used t o refer to al l types of Me mory Stick™ media in th e table bel ow. *1 Compatible with MagicGate™ *2 Compatible with high-speed data transfer over a parallel interface.
111 Additional inf ormation US Compatible media There are two s izes of Memory Stick™: the standard size and the smaller siz e. The PSP™ system is c ompatible wi th Memory St ick Duo™, th e smaller s ized type. The st andard-s ize Memory St ick™ cannot be used with the sy stem.
112 Compatible media The follow ing forma ts can be played on the PSP™ sy stem: Hint Depending on the data type, some data items cannot be played. Formats that can be played Content category Format .
113 Additional inf ormation US Specifications Design and s pecificat ions are su bject to change wit hout notic e. PSP™ (PlayStatio n ® Portable) Specifications LCD screen 4.
114 Specifications UMD™ laser W ireless networking AC adaptor Battery pack Wave length 655-665 nm Power max 0.28 mW Type Semiconductor, continuous Standard IEEE 802.11b WEP 128-bit/64-bit Modulation format DS-SS (IEEE 802.11b compliant) Input AC 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz Output DC 5 V, 2000mA (2A) External dimensions Approx.
115 Additional inf ormation US Specifications Contents See page 19 . x Memory St ick Duo™ • Compatible wi th MagicGate™ • It is able to perform pa rallel data transfer (hig h-speed da ta transfer ). This type of high-spe ed data transf er can be used only with com patible dev ices.
116 Specifications Trademarks " " and "PlayStation" are regist ered tradem arks, and " " and "UMD" are tradema rks of Sony Computer Ent ertainment Inc. " " and "XMB " are tradema rks of Sony Corporation a nd Sony Compu ter Entertainme nt Inc.
117 Additional inf ormation US T roubleshooting Go through t his secti on if you experience difficul ty in ope rating the PS P™ system. Shou ld any pr oblem persi st, call S CEA Consumer S ervices at 1-800-345- 7669 for a ssistance . The power does no t turn on.
118 T roubleshooting The power i ndicator on t he system fro nt is on, b ut the LCD sc reen is not displayed. , Check that the LCD scre en's back light is n ot turned of f. If it i s, press any of the system buttons to tur n on the backligh t. The battery l oses its cha rge even when the sy stem is turne d off.
119 Additional inf ormation US T roubleshooting There is no sound. , Check that t he volume i s not set t o zero. Try raising the volum e ( pages 20, 24). , Check that t he mute setti ng is not on . Press the so und button on the system front t o clear the mute set ting ( page 35).
120 T roubleshooting The Memory Stick Duo™ ca nnot be inserted. , Set the Memory St ick Duo™ in the p roper directio n when insertin g ( p age 33). The system does no t recognize th e Memory Stick Duo™. , If the Memory Stick Duo™ was formatted by a PC , the system m ay not recognize it.
121 Additional inf ormation US T roubleshooting The syst em does no t recognize a video d ata item. , Video data items i n a file format that is no t compatible with the sy stem will not be recogniz ed ( page 112).
122 T roubleshooting The system does no t recogniz e the image dat a. , Check that the data i s saved in t he correct folder on the Memory St ick Duo™ ( page 81). , If the file or folder name on the Memory Stic k Duo™ is chang ed, or if the file or fol der is moved to another location us ing a PC, th e system m ay not recognize it .
123 Additional inf ormation US T roubleshooting , Check that t he headset connecto r and the hea dphone plu g are clea n. If not, wipe them wit h a dry, sof t cloth. See also "There i s no sound". The remote c ontrol does not work. , Check that t he headphon es are fu lly inser ted in the system ( page 28).
124 T roubleshooting The PSP™ system is not rec ognized by the PC whe n connected using a USB cable. , When using a USB hub or ot her device s, dependi ng on the op erating environmen t of the PC, the Memory Stick Duo™ inserted i n the syst em may not be recog nized by the PC.
125 Additional inf ormation US LIMITED W ARRANTY Sony Compute r Entertainme nt America ( SCEA) warrants to the origi nal purchaser t hat each of the consti tuent pro ducts of th is PSP™ syst em shall be free from def ects in mater ial and wor kmanship for a period of one (1) year fr om the date of purchase ( the "Warranty Period").
© 2005 Sony Computer En ter tainment Inc. All rights rese r ved. www .us .playstation .com.
An important point after buying a device Sony PSP-1001 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony PSP-1001 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony PSP-1001 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony PSP-1001 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony PSP-1001 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony PSP-1001, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony PSP-1001.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony PSP-1001. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony PSP-1001 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center