Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product F23 Sony
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2 For the c ustomers in the U.S.A. This equi pment has been tes ted and found to com ply with the limits for a Clas s A digit al dev ice, purs uant to Part 15 of t he FCC Rul es. Thes e limits are des igned to provid e reasona ble protectio n again st harmful interferenc e when the equipmen t is operat ed in a co mmercia l env ironment.
3 For the State of California, USA only Perchlorate Material - specia l hand ling may apply, See Perchlorate Material : Lithium battery c ontain s perchlorate . For the cu stomers in the USA an d Canada RECYCLING LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES Lithium-I on batt eries a re recy clable.
4 Table of Con tents Table o f Content s Chapter 1 Overview 1-1 Features . .......... ......... ......... .............. .......... ......... ......... ... 7 1-2 Example of System Configuration .......... ......... ............ 9 1-3 Locations and Functi ons of Parts .
5 Table of Contents 3-2-9 ON/OFF of the Char acter Indication .............................. 32 3-2-10 Allocation of Functions to the Assignable Buttons and Switch ............................................................................33 3-2-11 Brightness Adjustment of the Subdisplay .
6 Table of Con tents 4-3-6 DIAGNOSIS Menu ........................................................ 74 4-4 Editing the USER Menu .............. .............. ......... .......... 75 Chapter 5 Storage and Retrieval of User Se tting Data 5-1 File Configurat ion .
7 Chapter 1 Overvie w Chapter Features 1 Over view 1-1 Feat ures The F23 is a d igital c inematography camera equip ped with 2/3-inch type CCDs, each with an ef fecti v e pix el count of 1920 (H) × 1080 (V).
8 Featur es Chapter 1 Overvie w Rugged and re liable le ns mou nt The ne wly designed lens mount u t ilize s a rigid , highly tempera ture-stable material , to better withsta nd freque nt lens changes, dr amatically r educing an y galling of th e lens mount and dr ift of back focus.
9 Example of System Configu ration Chapter 1 Overvie w 1-2 Example of System Co nfiguration The diagram bel ow sho ws a system conf iguration e xample to use of th is camer a. In this manua l, an optional HD VF-C35W HD Electron ic V iewf inder is used to i nstruct ho w to operat e the uni t.
10 Locatio ns and Funct ions of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w 1-3 Locations and Funct ions of P ar ts 1-3-1 Camera Head Front panel a VF1 (viewf inder 1) connector (20 -pin) Connect a vie wfinder ( optional) . b CONTROL P ANEL connector Connect wit h the CAMERA co nnector of the suppl ied assistant panel (page 15) .
11 Location s and Funct ions of Part s Chapter 1 Overvie w Left panel a Lev el vial Used as a reference to c heck that the camera st ands horizon tally . It can b e fi ne-adju sted when requir ed. If fine-adjustment is required, remo ve the cover and adjust it by rota ting the thre e slotted-he ad screws.
12 Locatio ns and Funct ions of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w The necessar y settings are made using the NETWORK menu displa yed on the vie wfinder o r monito r screen. i DC OUT 12V (DC 12V power output) connector DC 12V po wer can be fed to an accessory .
13 Location s and Funct ions of Part s Chapter 1 Overvie w The mounting/unmoun t ing mechanism is the same as that on the r ear panel (page 14) . F or details, see “ C hapter 2 Inst allation and Pr epa rations ”. i Memory Stick secti on A slot to accommod ate a “Memory Sti ck” is provided behind th e rubber cap.
14 Locatio ns and Funct ions of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w Rear panel a Safety release tab b Accessory clamp l e ver c Lock r elease knob d Accessory mount le ver For mounting/unmo unting an SR W -1 HD Portable Di gital Recorder or the interf ace box to/from the rear of the camera head.
15 Location s and Funct ions of Part s Chapter 1 Overvie w 1-3-2 Assistant P anel (Supplied) The most part s are common to those on the r ight p anel of the camera head. C onnecting t h e panel t o the CONT R OL P ANEL connector (pag e 10) of the camera head permits the camera and recorder to be oper ated at hand.
16 Locatio ns and Funct ions of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w e Camera connector 1 When the int erface bo x is mounted on the top or rear of t he camera head, vid eo/audio and control sig n als are sent/ recei ved to/from the came ra head.
17 Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations Chapter Mounting the Interf ace Box 2 Installation and Preparations 2-1 Mounting the Interfa ce Bo x The supplied interface b ox can be attached to the t op or rear of the camera head.
18 Mounti ng the Inte rface Box Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations 5 Rotate th e accessory mount l ev er downw ard (pull it in the opposi te direct ion of the lens when at taching t o the top). 6 While ho ldin g the lo ck-release kno b in the direc t ion o f the arro w , fold the accessory moun t lev er into its home positi on.
19 Mounting t he SRW-1 Recorder Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations 2-2 Mounting the SR W -1 Recor der In the same manner a s the interf ace box, t he SR W -1 HD Portable Di gital Recorder can be mounted on th e top or rear of the camera head. F or handling of the SRW -1 Recor der , r efer to the Oper ation Manual of the r ecor der .
20 Attac hin g a Lens Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations 2-3 Attac hing a Lens Use an appropriat e optional lens that conforms t o the B4 (2/3”) le ns moun t. F or informat ion on hand ling lenses, r efer to the lens’ oper ation manu al. 1 Pull t he lens f ixing le ver upward s and remov e the lens mount cap from the l ens mount.
21 Attach ing a Viewfin der Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations 8 Repeat steps 4 thr ough 7 until the image is foc used at both tel ephoto and wide ang le.
22 Mounting t he Camera to a Tripod Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations When the L han dle is attached t o the camera he ad, the attach ing con dition m ay be li mited, o w ing to th e vie wfinder posi tion and the rotat ing posit ion of the hood.
23 Attach ing/Detachin g H andles Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations 2-6 Attac hing/Detac hing Handles 2-6-1 L Handle The L handle is attached t o the top of the camera head a t the fact ory . Three scre w holes (for 3 / 8 ” camera scre ws for a tripod) on the upper side of the L handle can be used f or f ixing various accessori es.
24 Prepar ing the Power Supp ly Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations 2-7 Preparing the P ower Suppl y This camer a operate s on DC 12 V (10.5 to 17 V). Supplying po wer directly to the camera head Connect a po wer supply to t he DC IN connector of the camera head.
25 Setting t he Built-in Clock Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prep arations 2-8 Setti ng th e Built -in Cloc k When usin g the camera fo r the first time, set the built-in clock to the local time, usin g the <D A TE> page of t he MAINTEN ANCE menu d i splaye d on the vi ewf inder screen.
26 Select ion of t he Basic Opera tion Modes Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-1 S elec tion of the Basi c Operati on Modes 3-1-1 Overview of the Basic Operation Modes W ith this camer a, Cine mode and C ustom mode can be switched.
27 Basic S ettings with the Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings <BASE SETTING> pag e of the MAINTENANC E menu SHOO T MODE Switch be tween CINE and CUS TOM on this line. D-RANGE W ith EXTEND, the dynami c range and se nsiti vity are improved.
28 Basic Se ttings with th e Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings Howe ver , the LOCK switches disabl e the but tons and dial on their o wn sides. T o inhibi t operat ions on eit her side, se t the LOC K switch on the side to b e inhibi ted to ON .
29 Basic S ettings with the Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings F or deta ils, consul t your loca l Sony re pr esenta tive. Shut ter setting page T o s elect th e step shutt er In Step Shut ter mode, one of t he reg istered eig h t shutt er val ues can be select ed, as follows: 1 Selec t STEP at 1 .
30 Basic Se ttings with th e Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-2-3 Selection of Video Formats On the subdispl ay , the video format can be selected from among the three re gistered formats.
31 Basic S ettings with the Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings Select one of t he ND:1 to ND:5 f ilters at 1 . The type of the fi lter selecte d at 1 is disp layed at 2 . If CC:E is selected at 3 , t he sum of th e ND val ues of the filters selected at 1 and 3 is displaye d at 2 .
32 Basic Se ttings with th e Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-2-7 Confirmation of the Time Code and T ape Remaining When the SR W - 1 HD Po rtable Digital Recorder is attach ed to this camera, the t ime code of t he recorder and approxim ate tape remai ning (u nit: minut es) can be confirm ed o n the su bdi splay .
33 Basic S ettings with the Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-2-10 Allocation of Functions to the Assignable Buttons and Switch V ariou s functions c an be allocated t o assignabl .
34 Black Ba lance Adjust ment / White Bal ance Adjustment (in Cust om mode) Chapter 3 Blac k Balance Adj ustment / White Balanc e Adjustment (in Cust om mode) 3-3 B lac k Bala nce Adjustment In orde r to mainta in high pictur e qualit y when usi ng the camera, it is nece ssary to set the black balance appropriately .
35 White B alance Adjustment (in Custom mode) Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings Be careful not to ha ve an y spots of high ill umination in the rectangle . 4 Adjust the le ns iris ope ning or set th e shutter to ON. Wit h a manuall y adjusted lens: Set the openin g to an appropriate v alue.
36 Sett ing the C amer a Outp uts Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-5 S etting t he Came ra Output s 3-5-1 Selecting a Video Output Signa l f or Eac h Connect or The type o f video signals to be output to th e MONITOR OUT HD SDI 1/2, TEST OUT , and REMO TE connectors can be selected.
37 Settin g the Camera Outputs Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings T o apply fix ed gamma to the monitor picture MONI GAMMA ENABLE If this is set to ON, fixed gamma (ITU-R709) appropriate for monitori ng 1) is applied to t he vid eo signals ou tput from the VF1, VF2, MONITOR OUT HD SDI 1/2, or REMOTE connector .
38 Sett ing the C amer a Outp uts Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 1) The VBS output sign al always becomes the camera ima ge to which ITU - R709 gamm a is applied . 2) W ith fixed gamm a, the Deta il sett ings for th e main line are not appl ied.
39 Viewing and Setting the Viewfinder Disp lays Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-6 Vie wing and Setting the Vie wfinde r Displa ys Besides th e video image, the vie wfi nder can display te xt and messages sho wing the camer a settings and operatio n status.
40 Viewing an d Setting t he Viewfind er Displays Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings m F v alue Indicates the l ens f-stop (iris openin g) v alue. n Self-di agnosis inf ormation “CAM?” is displ ayed if an error is generate d, e.g., on an internal board, and an error message appears in the message area.
41 Viewing and Setting the Viewfinder Disp lays Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-6-3 Viewing the FUNCTION (Format/Swi tch Function) Displa y If you pr ess the CANCEL/ST A TUS bu tton with th.
42 Viewing an d Setting t he Viewfind er Displays Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings <MARKER S ETTING > page All the mark ers have been set to OFF at the fac t ory .
43 Viewing and Setting the Viewfinder Disp lays Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-6-7 Setting the Cursor Indication Y ou can display a cu rsor on the vie wfind er and monitor screen. Example: Box cursor Setting the cu r sor indicat i on is performed o n the <CURSOR> page of the USER (OPERA TION) menu.
44 Detailed Set tings of the Switch Func tions Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-7 D etai led Setti ngs of the Switc h Functions By using the <SWITCH ASSIGN> pag e of the USER (OPERA TI.
45 Setting the Gain / Det ailed Shutter Se t tings Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-8 Setti ng the Gain If the gai n of the vi deo amplifier o f this came ra is to be switched usi ng the ga in switch of the RM-B150 Remote Control Un it, the g ain v alues for the corr esponding sw itch positions must be sp ecified in adv ance.
46 Resuming th e Standard Cond itions Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings If a format that is no t pref ixed with S has been selected , a value i s indi cated in pa rent hese s and c anno t be c hang ed. COMPENSA TIO N Either mode can be acti vated.
47 Selectin g the Gamma Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-11 Selec ting the Gamma Y ou can use User g amma you create in addition to the built-in Sta ndard gam ma and Hyp er gamma . Use the <GAMM A> page of the USER (P AINT) menu for gamma operati ons.
48 Setting the Fan O peration Mode Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings data of th e table. This is bec ause the gamma and knee are compulsorily f ixed when creating the gamma curv e. 1) CvpFileEditor is a trademark of Sony Corporation. T o s elect th e user gamm a 1 T o use the gamma table you ha ve creat ed, load it int o the camera .
49 Inverti ng the Camera Picture / Detailed Setti ng of the Video Format Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-13 In ver ting t he Camera Picture The image- in vers ion functi on allo ws you to cancel the image in version p henomena that oc curs when a cine-lens con verter is used.
50 Detailed Set ting of the Video For mat Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings <OUTPUT F ORMA T> page of MAINTE NANCE menu CURRENT The current format is displayed. Specify th e desired format, us ing the li nes under NEXT . SCAN Select the sc an mode: PR OGRESSIVE or INTERLA C E.
51 Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings Chapter Menu Configu ration 4 Men u Configuration and Detailed Settings 4-1 Men u Configuratio n In additi on to the subdi splay pages, the menus d i splay ed on the vi e wfi nder enab le v arious detail ed setti ngs of the camera.
52 Basic Men u Operations Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings NETW ORK menu This menu is f or enabling the camera to be operated from a distance via a netw ork cable, e.g., usi ng the MSU- 900/ 950 Maste r Setup Unit . F or the pa ge s and include d items of the NETW ORK menu, see “4-3 -4 NE TWORK M enu” (page 70 ).
53 Basic Menu Op erations Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings F or settings on the subdisplay , see“3-2 Basic Settings with the S ubd ispla y” (page 27) . 4-2-1 Displaying Setting P ages Press the VF MENU/DIS PLA Y button. The last op erated menu page is display ed.
54 Basic Men u Operations Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 2 T urn the MENU SEL/ EN TER dial to flip through the pages. 3 When the desi red page is displayed, push on the MENU SE L/ENTER dia l. The “ ? ” symbol will change back t o the poi nter ( c or B ), and ope r ations w ith the d i splay ed page will be enabled.
55 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 4-3 Men u List This secti on sho ws the menus to be displ ayed on the vie wfinder i n tables. • For t he pages that ha ve been re gistered in the U SER menu at the f actory , the USER menu page numbers are indicated i n parentheses i n the No.
56 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <‘!’ IN D> Settin g the ABNORMAL < ! > disp la y 02 (U02) ND [IND] ON ON, OF F [IND]: Set whether to be include d in th.
57 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <VF DET AIL> Adjustin g the detail on the vi ewfinders 05 (U05) VF1 ON ON, OFF VF2 ON ON, OFF LEVEL 25% 0 to 100 % CRISP 0 – 99.
58 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <PB MIX SETTING> Setting f or mixing the pla ybac k picture 10 (U10) MIX TYPE MIX M IX, WIPE MIX DI RECTI ON CAM CAM, PB MODE Y- .
59 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <ASSIST ANT PNL> Regis tering the f ormats to be selec ted on the assist ant panel 13 (U13) FORMA T 1 23P 444 NO ASSIGN, 23P 444,.
60 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 4-3-2 P AINT Menu <OPERA T OR FILE> Operat ing the Operat or fi le 17 (U17) READ (MS t CAM) Execute by ENTE R. T o read the o perator file from a “Mem or y S tick” WRIT E (CAM t MS) Execute by ENTE R.
61 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <VIDEO LEVEL> Adjustin g the va r ious v ideo balan ce P02 WHIT E [R] [G] [B] [M] 000 – 99 to +99 R, G, B , and M (master) v alues can be i ndependently set.( M ca nnot b e set for WHITE or FLA R E.
62 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <KNEE> Adjustin g the compr essio n for high-lum inance areas P06 K POINT [R] [G] [B] [M] 0000 – 99 to +99 R, G, B , and M (master) val ues can be ind ependently set.
63 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <DET AIL 2> Adjustin g the emphas is of the contours in video P09 H/V RA TIO 0 – 99 to +99 T o specify the v er tical f actor o.
64 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <MUL TI MA TRIX> Adjustin g the color compon ents indepen dently b y dividin g into 16 ax es P12 PHASE 0 0, 23, 45 , 68, 90, 113,.
65 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 4-3-3 MAINTENANCE Menu <SCENE FILE> Stor in g and retr ieving scen e files ( data set b y the P AI NT m enu) P14 1 When s tor ing a file in c amera memor y , sp ecify the number bef ore ex ecuting ST ORE.
66 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <A UT O SETUP> Va r i o u s a u t o bala nce adjus tments M02 AU TO B L AC K Ex ecute by ENTER. A UT O WHITE Ex ecute by ENTER. A UT O LEVEL Ex ec ute by ENTER. AU TO W H I T E SHADING Execute by ENTER .
67 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <A UT O IRIS> A uto iris adj ustment M06 AUT O IRIS OFF O N, OFF WINDO W 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6 S elect the auto iris win dows: The sh aded parts indi cate the a rea w here light detection occurs.
68 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <BA TT ALARM SET> Settin g the v oltage va lues to tr igger alarm indicat ions M10 DC IN (24 V) TYPE AC A D P BA TT1, BA TT2, A C ADP BA TT1/BA TT2: Batteries A C ADP: A C adaptor NEAR END 22.
69 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <O THERS 2> Setting va r ious subsid iar y functions M13 D A TE TYPE 5 M/D/Y 1 Y/Mn/D 2 Mn/D 3 D/M/Y 4 D/M 5 M/D/Y 6 M/D T o selec t the date displ ay mode Y: Y e a r Mn: Mont h (numeric) M: Mo nth (ch aract er string) D: Da y F NO .
70 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 4-3-4 NETWORK Men u The NETW ORK menu items can be set in both Cine and Custom modes. F or d etail s, see “ P arameter Setti ngs” (page 89) . Ex ecute by ENT ER . Ex ecute b y pushi ng on the M ENU SEL/EN TER dial.
71 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 4-3-5 FILE Menu F or details on the f iles, see“Chapte r 5 Storag e and Retriev al of User Setting Data”. : V alid in Cus tom mode on ly : V alid in both Cine and Custo m modes Ex ecute b y ENTER.
72 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <REFERENCE> F03 ST ORE FILE Ex ecute by ENTER. T o st ore the current se ttings of th e refere nce fi le ite ms in the ref erence file in the camera’s memor y . ST AND ARD Ex ecute by EN TER.
73 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings <OHB FI LE> F 06 ST ORE FILE Ex ecute b y ENTER. T o sto re the offs et values of the it ems spe cific to t he CCD (No repeated store oper ation is neces sar y ev en if the CCD is reattached) <FILE PRESET> F07 OPERA TOR FILE Ex ecute by ENTER.
74 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 4-3-6 DIA GNOSIS Men u This menu i s only for vie wing and no setting is made using this m enu. P age title No. Item Indic ation Remarks <BOAR D ST A TUS> D01 OHB OK, NG displa y only ( If NG is disp la yed, co nsult yo ur local Sony re presentativ e.
75 Editing th e USER Menu Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 4-4 Editing the USER Men u Y ou can sele ct desired pag es and items from the OPERA TION, P AINT , M AINTEN ANCE, NETWORK, FILE, and DIA GNOSIS menus and re gister them to the USER menu.
76 Editi ng the USER Menu Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 7 Add the r emaining it ems by repeating steps 4 to 6 . Y ou can add u p to 10 items on one page. T o dele te items f rom a pa g e Proceed as follo ws: 1 Mov e the point er to the ite m to be deleted , and push on the ME NU SEL/EN TER dia l.
77 Editing th e USER Menu Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Settings 4 Selec t INSER T then push on t he MENU SEL/E NTER dial. The selection scree n appears. 5 T urn the MENU SEL/ENTER dial to mo ve the point er to the desi red pag e, then push o n the MENU SEL / ENTER dial.
78 File Configuration Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data Chapter 5 Stora g e and Retrie v a l of User Setting Data 5-1 File Configura t ion This system permits v a rious se ttings .
79 List of Items Stored in Files Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data manually adjusted v alues of the camera will be reset to the reference va l ues that ha ve been stored in the reference file. At shipme nt, the refere nce file with the init ial settings is stored in built-in memory .
80 List of Ite ms Stor ed in Files Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data <DET AIL 1> (P08) DET AIL ON/OFF aa LEVEL aa LIMITER M aa LIMITER WHT aa LIMITER BLK aa CRISP aa LV L D .
81 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data 5-3 File O perations 5-3-1 Using a “Memory Stic k” Y ou can use “Memory Stick PR O” media with t his camera. “Me mor y Stic k PRO Duo” can als o be used with out u sing a Memory Sti ck Duo adaptor .
82 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data During fo rmatting, “MEMOR Y STICK A CCESS” is displaye d. When formatting i s completed, “COM PLETE” is displaye d. 5-3-2 Storage and Retriev al of the Operator File Use the <OPE RA TOR FILE> page of the FILE me nu.
83 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data T o store in or retrie ve from a “Me mor y Stic k” Position th e pointer to LENS MS READ/WRIT E and push on the MENU S E L/ENTE R dial. The subpa ge will be displayed. To s t o r e Posit ion the p ointer to WRI T E ( CAM t MS) then push on the MENU S EL/ENTER dial.
84 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data 5-3-5 Storage and Retriev al of the Reference File Use the <REFE RENCE> page of the FILE menu. T o retrie ve the ref erence file (standar d settings ) stored in b uilt-in memory Positi on the poi nter to ST AND ARD and pu sh on the MENU SE L/ENTE R dial.
85 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data The ND of fset adjustment stores white balance compensation v alues for each f ilter , using the white balanc e with the ND:1 and CC: A setti ngs as a refe rence.
86 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retriev al of User Setting Data Positio n the po inter to the item yo u wish to reset th en push on the MENU SEL/E NTER dial. T o reset a speci fic i tem in the reference fil e to the initial s etting The items in th e reference f ile can be reset individu al ly .
87 Appendix es Using the RM-B 750 Appendixes Using the RM-B 750 When the RM- B750 Remote C ontrol Unit (optional) is connected, y ou can control the menu settings of thi s camera and monitor t he camera images on the display o f the RM-B7 50.
88 Using the MSU-900/ 950 Appendix es Monitoring the Camera Image Setting s on this cam era Set RM VIDEO to VBS on the <MONITOR OUTPUT> page of the US ER (OPERA TION) menu. Setting s on the RM-B 750 Press the MONIT OR but ton. The camera i mage will be displayed on the disp lay of the RM-B750 .
89 Using the MSU-90 0/950 Appendix es P arameter Settings Settings on the camera Set the co mmunicatio n parameter s usin g the NETWOR K menu. 1) W hile the c onnection m ay be steady with the ON setting, t he performa nces are im prove d with an OFF sett ing f or the c ollateral condition.
90 Using the MSU-900/ 950 Appendix es Settings on the MSU-900/950 Set the unit to Engineer mode an d set the co mmunic ation parameters , usin g the Ether net Conf iguration menu. F or details on operatio ns, r efer to the Operation Manual of the MSU-900/95 0.
91 Using the MSU-90 0/950 Appendix es W arning/Err or Messages If battery po wer is low or a problem occurs at po wer on or during oper ation, a warning is gi ven by an indicator flashing or v ari ous alarm indi cations.
92 Precaut ions Appendix es Precauti ons Use and Storage Do not su bject the unit to se vere sho cks The inte rnal mechanism ma y be damaged or the b ody warp ed . After use Always turn off the po wer . Before storin g the u nit for a long period Remov e the battery pack.
93 About a “Memory Stick” Appendix es About a “Me mory Stick” What is “M emor y Sti ck”? “Memory Stic k” is a ne w compact, portabl e and versatil e IC (Integrated Circuit) recording medium wit h a data capacity tha t e xceeds a floppy disk.
94 About a “Memory Stick” Appendix es — Y ou remo ve t he “Memory Stick” or t urn of f the unit whi le it is rea ding or writi ng data . — Y ou use the “ M emory Stick” in a location su bject to the ef fects of static electricity or elect ric noise.
95 Specifications Appendix es Specifi cations Camera Head General Po w er re quirementsDC 10.5 t o 17 V Po w er consumption Approx. 56 W with 23.9 8 PsF (not includi ng lens, vie wfind er) Operating temperature 0°C to +40°C ( 32°F to 104°F) Storage temperat ure –20°C to +60°C (–4°F to +140°F) Mass Approx .
96 Specifica tions Appendix es Dimensions With the L handle attached OFFON REMOTE 23 CTRL VF2 L E N S VF1 123 LOCK VF MENU/DISPLAY CANCEL/STATUS 4 AUTO BLK BAL PAG E RUN SET CLEAR FILTER ND 1 1/4 ND 2 1/16ND 3 1/64ND 4 CAP 5 5600K CC A 3200K B 4300K C 6300K D 1/2 ND E 1 1 PRO 105 (4 1 / 4 ) 90 (3 5 / 8 ) 273 (10 3 / 4 ) 200 (7 7 / 8 ) 144.
97 Specifications Appendix es Interface Bo x (Supplied) General Po w er re quirementsDC 10.5 t o 17 V Operating temperature 0°C to +4 0°C (32°F to 104°F) Storage temperat ure − 20°C to +60°C ( − 4°F to +140°F) Dimensio ns 138 × 104 × 79 mm (5 1 / 2 × 4 1 / 8 × 3 1 / 8 inches) Mass Approx .
98 Index In dex Index A ABNORMAL display 40 AC power 24 accessory clamp lever 17 accessory moun t lever 1 7 Accessory pockets 11 Accessory receptacles 10 Aliasing 92 ALL menu 51 Angle Compens ation mo.
99 Index In dex OPERATOR FILE 46, 60 , 71, 82 Operator file 78 Optical system specifications 95 OTHERS 1 38, 48 , 49, 68 OTHERS 2 69 OUTPUT FOR MAT 50 , 67 P PAG E but ton 13, 27 PAINT menu 51, 60 PB .
The materi al contained i n this manual c onsists of inf ormation that is the property o f Sony Corpora tion and is intended sole ly for use by the purchasers of the equipmen t described in this manua l.
Sony Corp oration F23 (SY) 3-214-586 - 01 (1) Printed in Japan 2007. 05.1 3 © 2007.
An important point after buying a device Sony F23 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony F23 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony F23 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony F23 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony F23 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony F23, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony F23.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony F23. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony F23 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center