Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DVP-FX850 Sony
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3-100-247- 11 (2) © 2007 Sony Corporation D VP-FX850 Oper ating I nstruct ions z To find out useful hints, tips and informati on about Sony products and services please visit: www.
2 WARNIN G To redu ce the ri sk of fi re or electric shock, d o not e xpose this ap para tus to r ain or moistur e. To avoid elect rical shock , do not op en the c abin et. Ref er servicin g to qual ified perso nnel onl y. The ma ins lead must be change d on ly at a quali fied service shop.
3 Notes Abou t the Discs • To keep the disc clean, handle the disc b y its edge. Do not touch the surface. • Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight or heat sources such as hot air ducts, or leave it in a car parked in dire ct sunlight as the temperature may rise considerably inside the car.
4 • Do not connect the AC adaptor to a traveler ’s electri c transformer, which may generate heat and cause a malfunction. On batt ery pack • Certain count ries may regulate disposal of the battery used to power this product. Please consult with your local authority.
5 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Notes About th e Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Precautions .
6 About Th is Manu al • Inst ructions in this manual de scribe th e contro ls on the remote. You can also use the controls o n the pla yer if th ey have the s ame or simil ar names as t hose on th e remote. • “DVD” may be used as a general term for DVD VIDEOs, DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs (+VR mode) and DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs (VR mode, video mode).
7 This P layer Can Play t he Fol lowing Di scs “DVD+RW,” “DVD-RW,” “DVD+R,” “DVD-R,” “DVD VIDEO,” and “CD” logos are trad emarks .
8 • Music d iscs enco ded with copyrigh t protect ion technol ogies This product is designed to play back discs that confo rm to the Co mpact D isc (CD) st anda rd. Recentl y, various mus ic discs encode d with copyright pr otection tec hnologies are mar keted by some r ecord c ompanie s.
9 Preparati ons Preparatio ns Check ing th e Access orie s Chec k that you have the fol lowi ng ite ms: • Au dio/vid eo cord (mini plug × 2 y phono plug × 3) (1) • Mains le ad (1) •A C a d a p.
10 Using the LCD Pan el The LCD pa nel of the play er can rot ate a maxim um of 180 deg rees cl ockwise and still be used . After rotat ion of the L CD pan el, i t can be folde d dow n on the mai n bo dy of the play er a nd stil l func tion. Rotating the LCD panel 1 Place the player on a ta ble o r ot her fl at st able surface .
11 Preparati ons Conne cting the AC Adapter Conne ct the A C adap tor (suppl ied) i n the orde r of 1 to 3 belo w. To disco nnect, follow the steps in revers e order. See also “On AC adapt or” in “P recau tions” (p age 3) . Note Stop playb ack before disc onnecting the mains lead.
12 Using w ith Ba ttery Pa ck When a mains c onnection is not avai lable, the p layer can b e enjoyed with the batt ery pack (suppl ied) in stalled . Please charge the batter y pack bef ore using i t. See als o “On bat tery pack” in “Prec aution s” (page 4).
13 Preparati ons Charging the battery pack 1 Attach the ba ttery pa ck to the play er (pag e 12) . 2 Conn ect the AC adapt or to the play er, and t hen con nect th e mains l ead int o a mains (page 11). When ch arging begins, th e CHARG E indica tor turns on.
14 Using W ith th e Car Batt ery Ad aptor Use the c ar batt ery adaptor ( suppli ed) to su pply power f rom the ciga rette li ghter soc ket to th e player . The ada ptor is for a 12V car ba ttery . Do not use it with a 24 V car batter y. The ad aptor i s also fo r use wit h negati vely gr ounded ca rs.
15 Playin g Discs Playing Disc s Playi ng Dis cs Depending on the DVD or VIDEO CD, some operat ions may b e differ ent or r estricted . Refer to th e operat ing instruc tions sup plied with t he disc. Connect th e AC adaptor or inst all the b attery pack.
16 • The disc ma y be still s pinning when the disc lid is opened. W ait until the spinnin g stops before removing th e disc. • During oper ation, “ ” may appe ar on the scre en. This symbo l indica tes that a f unction expla ined in this oper ating inst ruction is not avai lable on the current DVD VIDEO.
17 Playin g Discs Resuming playb ack from the point wher e you stopped the disc (Resume Play) When you stop playbac k, the play er remembers th e stop po int and displays a mess age on th e scre en. You can resu me from the same point by pressing H agai n.
18 Changing the sound When playing a DVD VIDEO recorded i n multiple a udio formats (PCM, Dolby Digital, or DTS ), you c an ch ange th e audio forma t.
19 Playin g Discs Displayin g the subtitl es If s ubti tle s ar e rec orded on t he d isc, you can chang e the sub titles or t urn them on and of f whenever you want while playing a DVD. 1 Pres s SUBTIT LE re peated ly to s elec t a settin g. Depe ndin g on the disc , the cho ice o f langua ge var ies.
20 Selecting “Origi nal” or “Play List” on a DVD-RW/DVD-R Some DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs in VR (Vid eo Recordi ng) mo de have tw o types of title fo r playback: original ly recorde d titles (Original) , and titl es that c an be created o n reco rdab le DV D play ers for e diting (Pla y List).
21 Playin g Discs Using th e Play back Setti ngs D ispla y While playi ng a DVD, you can che ck the curren t playba ck setti ngs on the scr een. The Playba ck Sett ings Di splay a lso allo ws yo u to chang e sound, su btitle, and angl e or search for a tit le or t rack by input ting numbers.
22 • See page 23 for de tails about usi ng direct sear ch for a CD or VIDEO CD. Notes • The displa yed titl e/chap ter numbe r is the same as the number record ed on the disc. • Chapter times are not displayed when a DVD- RW/DVD-R (VR mode) is played.
23 Playin g Discs Search ing for a Parti cular Point on a Disc (Search, Scan , Slow Pl ay, Repeat Pl ay, Rando m Play) You can quickly loca te a particular poin t on a disc by m onitori ng the pi cture or pl aying ba ck slow ly. Notes • Depending on the disc, you may not be ab le to perform som e of the operations des cribed.
24 Watching frame by frame (Slo w Pl ay) Press m or M wh en the play er is i n pau se mode. To retu rn to nor mal speed, p ress H . Each tim e you pres s m or M during Sl ow Play, the playbac k spee d change s.
25 Playin g Discs Checking the play information o f the disc When playin g a DV D Press DISP LAY while playing a DVD, and then use the Playba ck Setting s Dis play (pag e 21). When play ing a C D Press DI SPLAY . The playing track number/th e total number of tracks and the elap sed time of the cur rent track ap pear.
26 Compatib le So ny USB device s JPEG a nd MP3 f ile play back vi a USB po rt is confirmed wi th Sony’s USB Memory Stic k Read er/Wri te r and U SB Fl ash driv e “P ocket Bit.
27 Playin g Discs Playing a JPEG imag e file 1 Press X / x to select a n alb um on the list, an d pres s ENTER . The list of files in the albu m appears. • To go to the nex t or prev io us pag e, pres s > or . . • To re turn to the list of albums, press X / x to select and press ENTER .
28 Enjoying JPEG Image s as a Slid e Show You can play JPEG image file s on a DATA CD or DATA DVD successi vely as a s lide show. 1 While displayin g the file you want to start a slideshow, press MENU. The li st of th umbn ails appe ars. 2 Press C / X / x / c to select “Slide Show” a t the bot tom of the scree n, and press E NTER.
29 Playin g Discs sides. In “Ful l,” a 16:9 picture w ill be adjusted to fill the entire s creen. To turn off the Option Menu Press OPTIONS or O RETURN. z Hints • The scr een tur ns off a utomati cally w hen th e LCD panel is clos ed. • You can see t he sett ings fo r the display in “General Setup” (page 34 ).
30 Enjoying D ivX ® Videos Playin g Di vX V ideo F iles You ca n play D ivX vi deo fi les on DATA C Ds (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs) and DATA DVDs (DVD-ROMs/DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/ DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs). When you insert DATA CDs and DATA DVDs, the list of albu ms appears.
31 Enjoyi ng Div X ® Videos To chan ge t he subtitl es Press SUBT ITLE during play back. Press X / x , and EN TER du ring disp layin g the subtitle informa tion. To st op play back Press x . z Hint If the number of viewing times is pr eset, you can play the DivX vide o files as many tim es as the preset n umber.
32 About playback orde r of DivX video files Note that the playb ack or der may no t be appl ica ble, depe nding on t he so ftwar e us ed for creati ng the D ivX vi deo fil e, or if there ar e more tha n 299 albu ms and 64 8 DivX v ideo file s in each album .
33 Settings and Adjus tments Settings and Adjustmen ts Usin g the Setu p Disp lay By usi ng th e Setu p Displ ay, yo u can mak e various a djustments to items su ch as pi cture and so und. You ca n also set a languag e fo r the subtitl es and t he Setu p Disp lay, am ong othe r things.
34 To turn off the Setup D isplay Press OP TIONS or O RETURN twice. Setti ngs for th e Disp lay (Gener al Setup ) Choo se playb ack disp lay opti ons and se tting s accord ing t o the TV t o be conne cted . Select “Genera l Setup” in the Setup Display.
35 Settings and Adjus tments Note Depe ndi ng on the DVD, “4: 3 L ett er B ox” may be select ed au tomati call y inst ead of “4:3 P an Scan ” or vice versa. ◆ Angle Ma rk Displays the angle mark whe n you can change the viewing angles during playback of DVDs recorded with multi -angle s.
36 Setting th e digital output s ignal Swit ches t he meth od of ou tput tin g audi o signal s wh en you con nect a n audi o equi pment such as an AV am plifi er (r ecei ver) wit h the OPTICAL OUT jack. For co nnection detail s, see page 39. After se tting “Dig ital Output ” to “On,” select “Dolby D igital” an d “DTS.
37 Settings and Adjus tments Pare ntal C ontro l Setti ngs (Parent al Cont rol) Playback of s ome DVD VIDEOs can be limited , by the par ental cont rol funct ion. Select “Parenta l Control” in the Setup Displ ay. To use the disp lay, se e “Usi ng the Setu p D isp lay” (pa ge 33) .
38 2 Press X / x to select the l imitation level (1-8) , and pre ss ENTER . The low er the va lue, the s tricter th e limitatio n. The disp lay for ent ering the passwor d appe ars. 3 Enter o r re-e nter your 6-d igit pa ssword usin g the num ber but tons, then pr ess ENTER .
39 Hookup s Hookups Connec tin g to anothe r device To switc h LINE SELEC T (IN/OUT) swit ch LINE SELECT IN: Inpu t images or audio fro m an exter ior device . The “Lin e in” mess age will be displ ayed on t he LCD screen until the s ignal f rom the ex terior device is re ceiv ed .
40 Connecting to an AV amplifier (receiv er) Examp le 1 To send the pla ybac k signal to an AV amplifier (rec eiver) 1 Set the LINE SELECT swi tch on the play er’s ri ght s ide to “OU T.
41 Hookup s Connecting to Video Pla yer or Camcorder To r eceive the playba ck si gnal fro m a Vide o Pla yer or Cam cord er 1 Set the LINE SELECT switch on the player ’s right s ide to “IN.” Note Set the LINE SELE CT switch to “OUT” after use.
42 Additional Info rmation Troubl eshoo ting If you ex perien ce any o f the follo wing difficu lties whi le using th e player, use this troublesh ooting guide to help reme dy the proble m before requestin g repairs . Should any prob lem pers ist, cons ult you r nearest Sony deal er.
43 Additi onal I nformat ion Nothi ng happens when but tons are presse d. , The pl ayer ’s / 1 /HOLD switch is set on “HOLD” (page 16). The disc does no t play . , The dis c is turned ov er. Insert the disc with the pla yback side facing down. , The dis c is not s et corre ctly .
44 The JPEG image f ile canno t be play ed (page 44). , The DA TA CD is not record ed i n a JPE G format th at confo rms to ISO 9660 Lev el 1 or Joliet. , The DATA DVD is n ot recorded in JPEG format that conform s to UDF (Uni versal Disk Form at). , The JPEG i mage fil e does not ha ve the extension “.
45 Additi onal I nformat ion Notes • Change the exten sion to “.JPG, ” for files wit h “.JPE” or “.JPEG” exte nsion. • The player will pl ay any data with the extension “.MP3,” “. JPG,” or “. JPEG,” e ven if they are not in MP3 or JPEG form at.
46 Spec ifica tions Syst em Laser: Semic ondu ctor la ser Signal format system : PAL (NTSC ) Audi o charac teris tics Freq uenc y re spons e: DVD VIDEO (PCM 48 kHz) : 20 Hz to 22 kHz/ CD: 20 Hz to 20 kHz Harm onic d ist ortion : 0.01 % Dynam ic rang e: DVD VIDEO: 90 dB/ CD: 90 dB Wow an d flutter: Less th an d etect ed v alue (±0.
47 Additi onal I nformat ion Index to Part s and Con trols For more informatio n, see the page s indica ted in pa renthese s. Upper vie w t A . / > (previous/n ext) butt ons (16) B x (stop) b utton.
48 Front view A OPEN kn ob (15) B (remote se nsor) (9) C CHARGE indicator (13) D / 1 (on/stand by)/HOLD swit ch (15) E Po wer in dica tor (15) Left vi ew A CD/DVD USB switch (15) B USB jack (25) Righ.
49 Additi onal I nformat ion Remote A DISPLAY button (21) B Number bu ttons (1 7) * C TOP MEN U but ton (1 7) D C / X / x / c buttons , ENT ER but ton (17) E O RETU RN but ton (2 1) F .
50 Index Numerics 16: 9 34 4:3 Lett er Bo x 34 4:3 Pan Scan 34 A Alb um 45 Angle 19 Audio 18 , 36 Audio D RC 35 Audio S etup 35 B Batt erie s 9 C CD 7 , 15 Connecting 39 D DAT A CD 6 , 31 , 44 DAT A D.
Sony Corporation Printed in China 3-100-247- 11 (2).
An important point after buying a device Sony DVP-FX850 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony DVP-FX850 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony DVP-FX850 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony DVP-FX850 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony DVP-FX850 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony DVP-FX850, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony DVP-FX850.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony DVP-FX850. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony DVP-FX850 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center