Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DPP-MP1 Sony
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3-206-417- 12 (1) Printer Driver Installation Guide This guide d escribes installation and use of the Printer Dri vers fo r W indo w s 2000, W indo ws M e, W indow s 98, and Maci nt osh. Before u sing the printer driv er, be su re to read the “ReadM e” file located in the sam e folder of the printer dri v er on the CD- R O M.
2 Windows 2000 T able of Contents Windows 2000 Printer Driver Installing the Printer Driver ......................... ........ 4 Removi ng the Printer Drive r ........................ ........ 5 T o rem ov e the pr inter dri ver ......................
DPP-MP1 Windo ws 2000 Printer Driver.
Inst alli ng the Pri nter Dri ver 4 Windows 2000 Installing the Printer Driver 1 Con nect the DPP -M P1 to the comp uter . 2 Sw itch t he D PP-M P1 on. 3 Sw itch on the com puter, and then log in as the system adm inistrator . After W indo ws 2000 starts up, the [Found Ne w Hard ware W izard] opens.
Rem oving the Pri nter Dri ver 5 Windows 2000 9 C lic k t he [N e x t] b u tto n. If the [Digital Signature N ot F ound] dialog box opens, click the [Y es] button. The next screen op ens. 10 Click the [Finish] b utton. The printer dri ve r installat ion for W indo ws 2 000 is complete.
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 6 Windows 2000 Using the Pr inter Driver Y ou can use the printer dri ver [Printing Preferen ces] to set the defau lt setti ngs for the pa per size, orientation, and other im portant settings.
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 7 Windows 2000 [Graphics] T ab This tab presents adjustm ents for image color , brightness and so fo rth. From the [Color Ad just] pull-dow n list, you can select [Digital C.
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 8 Windows 2000 [Co lor Co rrec ti on] Select the color correction m ethod. • Select [Printer H ardw are Color C orrection] to ha ve the printer correct the color autom atically . • Select [ICM Color Correction] to use a color profile for color correction.
DPP-MP1 Windo ws Me Printer Driver.
Inst alli ng the Pri nter Dri ver 10 Windows Me Installing the Printer Driver 1 Con nect the DPP -M P1 to the comp uter . 2 Sw itch t he D PP-M P1 on. 3 Sw itch on the com puter . Aft e r W i ndows Me s ta rt s, t he [ Add New Har dwar e W izard] opens.
Rem oving the Pri nter Dri ver 11 Windows Me 10 Click the [Finish] b utton. After the f iles are copied, the ne xt screen opens. 11 Click the [Finish] b utton. The printer driv er installation for the USB connection is complete. Removing the Printer Driv er This section describes the procedu re to remo ve the printer driver .
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 12 Windows Me 4 Click the [O K] b utton. W hen the rem ov al procedure finishes, the follow ing dialog box ope ns. Note If another printer is using the Son y USB driv er , the follow ing dialog box appears. Click the [O K] b utt on.
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 13 Windows Me [Orientation ] Select [Portrait] or [Landscape] for the print direction. [Copies] Set th e numbe r of cop ie s to pri nt . Y o u can s el ect fr om 1 to 24 for the num ber of copies. [Scale] Select the rate of enlarg ement or redu ction.
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 14 Windows Me [Color Balance] Y ou can adjust the balance for eac h color by dragging the slider to the left or right, entering a v alue directly into a box, or clicking the arro ws ne xt to a b ox to increase or decrease t he setting.
DPP-MP1 Windo ws 98 Printer Driver.
Inst alli ng the Pri nter Dri ver 16 Windo ws 98 Installing the Printer Driver 1 Con nect the DPP -M P1 to the comp uter . 2 Sw itch t he D PP-M P1 on. 3 Sw itch on the com puter . Aft e r W in dows 98 st a rt s , t he [Ad d New Ha rd war e W izard] opens.
Inst alli ng the Pri nter Dri ver 17 Windo ws 98 9 Click the [Finish] b utton. A d ial og box opens. 10 Click [Y es] to re-start your com puter . If the [System Settings Chan ge] dialog box do es not open after the desktop sc reen appears, re-start the compu ter .
Rem oving the Pri nter Dri ver 18 Windo ws 98 16 Click the [Finish] b utton. After the f iles are copied, the ne xt screen opens. 17 Click the [Finish] b utton. The printer driv er installation for the USB connection is complete. Removing the Printer Driv er This section describes the procedu re to remo ve the printer driver .
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 19 Windo ws 98 4 Click the [O K] b utton. W hen the rem ov al procedure finishes, the follow ing dialog box ope ns. Note If another printer is using the Son y USB driv er , the follow ing dialog box appears. Click the [O K] b utt on.
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 20 Windo ws 98 [P aper T ype] Select the type of pa per loaded for printing. T ypes of printer packs that can be loaded and ma ximum image size settings are as follo ws, [Orientation ] Select [Portrait] or [Landscape] for the print direction.
Using the Pr inter Dr iver 21 Windo ws 98 [Color Balance] Y ou can adjust the balance for eac h color by dragging the slider to the left or right, entering a v alue directly into a box, or clicking the arro ws ne xt to a b ox to increase or decrease t he setting.
© 2001 Sony Cor poration DPP-MP1 Macintosh Printer Driver.
In st allin g th e P rinte r D riv e r / R em ov in g th e P rin te r Dr iv er 23 Macintosh Installing the Printer Driver Install the printer driv er from the C D -R OM pro vided with the printer . 1 Insert the prov ided “digital photo printer for DPP- M P1” C D-R OM into the CD -R OM driv e.
Mak i ng Pr int e r Se t t i ngs 24 Macintosh Making Printer Settings Select the DPP-MP1 with the Chooser Select the D PP-M P1 w ith the Cho oser it use it for the first time, or w hene ver y ou w ant to use it after using another print er .
Mak i ng Pr int e r Se t t i ngs 25 Macintosh Making Print Settings The [Print] dialog bo x appears w hen you select [Print] from the “F ile” menu. S elect [G eneral] or [Co lor Adjust] in the pull-dow n list at the top of t he dialog box an d make s ett i ngs f or bot h.
Mak i ng Pr int e r Se t t i ngs 26 Macintosh • Select [Cu stom] to manua lly adju st the [Brightn ess], [Cont rast], and [Saturat ion] of th e image .
An important point after buying a device Sony DPP-MP1 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony DPP-MP1 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony DPP-MP1 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony DPP-MP1 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony DPP-MP1 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony DPP-MP1, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony DPP-MP1.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony DPP-MP1. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony DPP-MP1 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center