Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Bravia KDL-42EX410BU Sony
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4-288-09 1- 11 (2) LCD Digital Colour TV Operating Instructions KDL-42EX41 0 / 32EX310 / 22EX310.
2 GB NOTICE FOR CUSTOMERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM A moulded plug complying with BS13 63 is fitted to this equipme nt for your safety and convenience. Should the fuse in the plug supplied need to be replaced with the same rating of fuse approved by ASTA or BSI to BS 1362 (i.
3 GB Start-up Guide 4 Safety Info rmation .......... ................... .................... ................... ................... .................... 10 Precautions .. ................... ................... .................... ............. ...
4 GB Start-up Guide 1: Che cking th e accessories Table -Top St and (1 ) * Fixin g screws for Table-T op Stand (M 5 × 16) (3) (for KDL-42EX410/KDL-32 EX310) Fixin g screws for Table-T op Stand (M 4 .
5 GB Start-u p Guide For KDL-22EX310 After all the sc rews are tigh tened, atta ch the supplie d stand rear cover to the Tab le-Top Stand. ~ • If using an elec tric screwdri ver, set the tighten ing torque at approx imately 1.
6 GB 4: Preventing th e TV from topp ling ov er (KDL-42EX410/KDL- 32EX310 only) 1 Install a wood screw (4 mm in diameter, not supplied) in the TV stand. 2 Install a machine screw (M4×10, not supplied) into the screw hole of the TV. 3 Tie the wood screw and the machine screw with a strong cord (not supplied).
7 GB Start-u p Guide 6: Selecting the language, country/region and location 1 Connect the TV to your mains socket (220-240V AC, 50Hz). 2 Press 1 on the side of the TV. When you tu rn on the TV for the first time, the Langu age menu appear s on th e scree n.
8 GB 7: Auto-t uning the TV 1 Press G / g to select “Start”, then press . 2 Press F / f to select “Antenna” or “Cable”, then press . If you sele ct “Cable”, th e screen for sel ecting the scan type app ears. See “To tune the TV for Cable c onnec tion ” (pag e 8).
9 GB Start-u p Guide Adjusting the vie wing angle o f the TV (KDL- 42EX410/KDL- 32EX310 only) This TV can be adjusted within the angles shown below. ~ • When ad justing the angl e, hold the stand with on e hand to avo id having the stan d slip or TV t ip over .
10 GB Saf ety Inf orma tion Installation/Set-up Install and use the TV set in accordance with th e instructions be low in or der to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries. Installation • The TV set should be installed near an easily accessible mains socket .
11 GB Broken pie ces: • Do not throw anythin g at the TV set. The screen glass may break by the impact and cause serious injury. • If the surface of the TV set cracks, do not touch it unt il you have unpl ugged the mains lead. Otherwise electric shock may result .
12 GB ensuring these batteries are disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potentially negative consequences for the environment and human health which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste hand ling of the battery. The r ecycling of the ma terials will help to conserve natu ral resources.
13 GB Overview of the remot e 1 "/1 – TV standby Turn s the TV on and off from standby m ode. 2 SYNC MENU Displays th e menu of conne cted HDMI equi pment. While vie wing other input scr eens or TV pr ogramm es, “HDM I Devic e Selecti on” is displ ayed whe n the butto n is pres sed.
14 GB qj RETURN / Returns to the previo us screen of any displayed menu. qk GUIDE / – EPG (Digital E lectronic Programm e Guide) (page 18) ql – Scree n mode (p age 17) w; DIG ITAL – Di gital mod e (page 16) ANAL OG – Anal ogue mode (page 16 ) wa BRAVIA Sync (pa ge 26) m / N / X / M / .
15 GB Overview of the TV buttons and indicators 1 1 – Po wer Turns the TV on or off. ~ • T o disconnect the TV comple tely, pull the plu g from the mains. • W hen you turn on the TV, th e power indi cator ligh ts in gr een. 2 CH +/–/ / • In T V mode : Sele cts the next (+) or previous (-) chan nel.
16 GB W atching TV Watc hing TV 1 Press 1 on the side of the TV to turn on the TV. When t he TV is in standby mo de (the 1 (standby) indicator on the TV front panel is red), press "/1 on th e remote to tu rn on the TV. 2 Press DIGITAL/ANALOG to switch between digital and analogue modes.
17 GB Watching T V To acce ss Text Press / . Each time you press / , the display change s cyclically as follows: Text t Text ov er the TV pic tur e (mix mode) t No Text (exit the Text service) To select a pag e, press the numbe r buttons or / . To reveal hidd en information, pr ess .
18 GB Using the Digital El ectronic Programm e Guide (EPG) * 1 In digital mode, press GU IDE . 2 Perform the desired operation as shown in the following table or display ed on the screen. * Thi s function may not be avai lable in some co untries/r egions.
19 GB Watching T V Using the Digital Fa vourite list * The Fa vouri te feat ure allo ws you to spec ify up to four lis ts of your fa vourit e progra mmes. 1 In digital mode, press HOME , and select “Digital Favourites”. 2 Perform the desired operation as shown in the following table or display ed on the screen.
20 GB Using Optional Equipmen t Connecting opt ional equipm ent You can con nect a wide range of op tional eq uipment to your TV . Connect ing cables ar e not suppl ied.
21 GB Using Optio nal Equipment For KDL-22EX3 10 F G K J I H E A B C D Hi-Fi audi o equipme nt DVD play er with compon ent output Hi-Fi audio equi pment wit h opt ical audio in put PC (HDMI output) Bl.
22 GB Viewing pictures from connected equ ipment Turn on th e connec ted equipm ent, then perfor m one of the followin g operation. For a n auto- tuned V CR page 8 In analog ue mode , press PROG/CH +/ – , or the numbe r button s, to selec t the vi deo ch annel.
23 GB Using Optio nal Equipment Addition al operati on Playing Back Photo/Music/ Vide o via USB You can enj oy photo/ music/vid eo files st ored in a Sony d igital still camera or cam corder th rough a USB cable or USB storag e device on yo ur TV. 1 Conn ect a su pport ed USB de vice to the TV.
24 GB Basic operat ion of Photo/Music/Vi deo You can ope rate the conne cted USB device by the TV remote. To use play back optio ns Press the coloured buttons to displa y a list that contains shortcuts to some setting m enus. The listed opti ons var y depend ing on the curre nt inpu t and conten t.
25 GB Using Optio nal Equipment USB Video for mat USB Music for mat USB Photo for mat DCF2.0 or E XIF2.21 supporte d. ~ • P layback of t he above file formats is not guara nteed. Extension Container Video Codec Audio C odec .avi A VI DivX 3.11 /4.x/ 5.
26 GB Using BRA VIA Sync with Control f or HDMI The Control for HDMI function enables the TV to communicate with the connected equipment that is compatible with the function, using HDMI CEC (Co nsumer Electronics Control).
27 GB Using MENU Func tions Using MENU Functio ns Navigating thr oug h TV Men u “MENU” allows you to enjoy v ariou s con venient featur es of this TV . Y ou can easily select channels or inputs sources and change the settings for your TV . 1 Pre ss HOME .
28 GB Settin gs Picture Pictur e Mode Selects the picture mod e. “Vivid”: For enhanc ed picture con trast and sharpness . “Sta ndar d”: For standard picture. Recommended fo r home entertainment. “Custo m”: Allows you to store your preferr ed setti ngs.
29 GB Using MENU Func tions ~ • “Advanced Settin gs” is not avai lable when “Pic ture Mode” is set to “Vivid” or for USB (Video ) input. Film Mode Provides imp roved picture m ovement wh en playing DVD or VCR images tak en on film, red ucing pict ure blur and grain iness.
30 GB Surround Select s the su rroun d mode. “On”: Del ivers sur round effe cts that help you enj oy the vir tual two- ch surro und audio wi th just the t wo internal TV speak ers. “Simulate d Stereo”: Add s a surro und-like ef fect to m ono progra mmes.
31 GB Using MENU Func tions ~ • “Soun d Mode”, “R eset”, “ Equalize r”, “Bal ance” , “Auto Vol ume”, “V olume Offset”, “S urround” and “Bas s Booster” ar e not a vailab le when “Speak ers” is set to “ Audio Syst em”.
32 GB PC Adjust ment Cust omis es the TV scre en as a PC mo nitor . z • This opt ion is only avai lable if a PC signal is re ceived. • “Auto Adjust ment” may not work well with certai n input si gnals. I n such cases, manually adjust “Phas e”, “Pitc h”, “H orizonta l Shift”, an d “Ver tical Sh ift”.
33 GB Using MENU Func tions Label Assi gns a nam e of your choice, up to fi ve letter s or numbe rs, to the selecte d channe l. AF T Allows you to fine-tune the selected programme number man ually if you feel that a slight tun ing adjustme nt will im prove the p icture qualit y.
34 GB “Subtitle Set-up” • “Subt itle Setting”: When “For Hard Of Heari ng” is selected, some visual aids may also be displaye d with the subtitles (if TV channels broadcas t such informatio n). • “Prima r y Pr eferred La nguage”: Selects prefe rred languag e which subtitles are disp layed in .
35 GB Using MENU Func tions Sets an age rest riction for prog rammes. Any programme t hat exceeds the ag e restriction can on ly be watched after a PIN Code is ente red correctly. ~ • F or cable operators i n Netherl ands, the PIN code shou ld be ent ered whe n the prog ramme ra ting is ab ove or e qual to the age you spec ify.
36 GB Set-up USB Au to Start Automatic ally enters the thumbna il view of the last played Ph oto/Music/Vid eo when the TV is tu rned on and a USB de vice is conn ected to the USB port then tu rned on. Sleep T imer Sets a per iod of time a fter which the TV a utomatic ally switches itsel f into standb y mode .
37 GB Using MENU Func tions ~ • E nergy effici ency redu ces power cons umption and thus sa ves money by redu cing electri city bills. • W hen not in use – If you will not be using the TV se t for sever al days, the TV set should be disconne cted from the mains for envi ronmental and safet y reasons.
38 GB Addit ional Inf ormation Installing the Accessories (Wal l-Mount Bracket ) To Custom ers: For product pro tection and safe ty reasons, Sony stron g ly recommend s that installin g of your TV be performe d by Sony dealer s or licensed contract ors.
39 GB Addi tiona l Inform atio n Unit: cm Unit: cm Figures i n the ab ove table m ay differ slightly d epending on the i nstallation . The wall th at the TV will be installed on should be capable o f supporting a weight of a t least four times that of the TV.
40 GB Screw and Hook locations diagram/tab le Model N ame Screw lo cation SU-WL 500 Hook locat ion SU-WL500 KDL-42EX410 e, j b KDL-32EX310 e, g c SU-WL100 KDL-22EX310 b Screw lo cation b a SU-WL100 SU-WL500 b a* c * Hook l ocation “ a” canno t be used for th e models.
41 GB Addi tiona l Inform atio n Specification s System Panel System LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel TV S yste m Depending on your country/region selection Analogue: B/G, D/K, L, I Digital: DVB-T, DVB-C Colou r/Vid eo Syst em Analogue: PAL, PAL60 (only video input), SECAM, NTSC3.
42 GB * 1 Energy consu mption per ye ar, based on the pow er consumpt ion of the televisio n operating 4 ho urs per day for 365 days. The actua l energy consump tion will depend on how the tel evision is used. * 2 Specif ied standby power is reac h ed afte r the TV finishes necess ary interna l processes.
43 GB Addi tiona l Inform atio n PC Input Si gnal Reference Chart for PC IN and HDMI IN 1/2 For K DL-42 EX41 0 For K DL-32 EX310/K DL-22EX 310 • T his TV’s PC input doe s not support Sync on Gre en or Composite Syn c. • T his TV’s PC input does not support interlaced signals.
44 GB Troubleshooti ng Check whe ther the 1 (stan dby) indic ator is flashin g in red. When i t is flas hing The self-diagno sis function is activated . Press 1 on the si de of the TV to turn it off, disconn ect the mains le ad, and in form yo ur deale r or Sony service cen tre.
45 GB Addi tiona l Inform atio n T elevision in the UK is going digi tal, bringing us all more. Please see ov erleaf to f ind out when y our area switches to digital. Digital UK i s the independent, n on-profit or gan isation leading the p rocess of digital TV switchover in the UK.
46 GB How to re-tune : 1P r e s s "HO ME" on the rem ote 2P r e s s F/f to select "Settings", then press 3P r e s s F / f to select "Chan nel Set-up", then press .
© 2011 Sony Corporation 4-288-091- 11 (2) For useful inf orm ation about Sony products.
An important point after buying a device Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony Bravia KDL-42EX410BU along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center