Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product cwb7726 Soehnle
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CWE 7 7 4 5 / CWB 7 72 6 Bedienungsanleitung Opera ting Ins truc tions Mode d' emploi Modo de utili z ação M anual de uso.
2 3 Ihr Soehnle Pr of essional-Servic epar tner Y our Soehnle Pr of essional-Par tner V o tr e par t enaire du ser vice ap r ès-ven te Soehnle Pr of e ssional Seu sócio do ser viço de Soehnle Pr of essional Su socio del ser vicio de So ehnle Pr of e ssional DE GB FR PT ES T echnische Inf ormationen .
4 5 ■ Anzeigensymbole ■ Bedienen Nullmeldung St illstandsanzeige Akt iver Ber eich (siehe T ypenschild) Net towägung im Bat teriebe trieb – Bat ter ie erse tzen bzw. Akk u laden Wiegen Einschalt en (Nur b ei unbelast et er Waage). Nach Ablauf der Prüf r outine geht Anzeige auf Null.
6 7 ■ S törungen ■ Akku-/Batt er iebetr ieb Anz eige Beseitigun g Ein Signalto n b estä tigt die Ausf ührung der T arierung. F ehlb edienungen und Fehler- meldungen wer den durch 5 auf einanderf olgende Signaltö ne angezeigt. Beim Einschalt en setz t die Waage au tomat isch Null.
8 9 ■ Displa y symbols ■ Using the scale Zer o message Idle indicat or Ac tive r ange in the case of multi-r ange scales Net weighing Bat tery o pera tion: Replac e bat ter y respec tively charge accu. Wei ghi ng Switch o n (only when the scale is no t loaded).
10 11 N otice impo rtant e pour nos clients français: L 'arr êt é du 22 M ars 199 3, art icle 3 , pr écise que chaque instr ument de pesage à f onc tionnement non au toma tique doit êtr e accompagné d'un car net métr ologi- qué au lieu d'ut ilisation à par tir du 1er janvier 1994.
12 13 ■ Inf orma tions techniques • M anipulation par l'in termédiair e d'un clavier á ef fleur ement. • Fonc tionnemen t par bloc d'alimentatio n ext erne (Mod. 7745) ou bloc d’alimentat ion int égré (Mod. 772 6) de 230 V / 50 – 60 Hz / env .
14 15 PORTUGUES FR ■ Dérangemen t s ■ F onctionnemen t sur Accu/Pile Af fichage Rem ède Un bip sonor e confirme l'exac titude de l'entr ée. Les entr ées erro nées sont signalées par 5 bips sonor es consécu tif s. Lors de la mis e en marche, la balance passe au tomat i- quement à zer o.
16 17 ■ Símbolos do displa y ■ Utiliz ar a balança Mensagem zer o Indicador inac tivo Escala ac tiva no caso de multi escalas Peso Net F uncionament o a bater ias: Subs titua as bat erias Pe sar Ligue (só quando a balança não está car regada) Depois do tes te inicial, o displa y principal vai a zer o.
18 19 ■ Símbolos de la pantalla ■ Utiliz ación de la báscula Mensaje cer o Indicación de es tabilización del peso Peso net o Rango ac tivado en caso de bás- culas multi-r ango Operació n mediante ba ter ía: Reemplazar las p ilas o recar gar la bat ería.
20 21 FR GB DE ■ Dis funciones ■ F uncionamient o con Ac umulador/Pila Indi c ac ión S olución Una señal acús tica confirma que la entr ada es corr ecta. Las entr adas incorr ectas s e indican a tr avés de 5 señales acús ticas sucesivas. En el moment o del encendido la báscula se pone a cer o aut omáticamen te.
22 2 3.
T echnische Änder ungen vor behalten Subjec t to t echnical mo dificatio ns Sous r é serv e de modifications t echniques 470 .0 51.0 58 Print ed in Germany 0 6/20 10.
An important point after buying a device Soehnle cwb7726 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Soehnle cwb7726 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Soehnle cwb7726 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Soehnle cwb7726 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Soehnle cwb7726 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Soehnle cwb7726, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Soehnle cwb7726.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Soehnle cwb7726. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Soehnle cwb7726 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center