Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product S900 Ventura Snooper
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S1000 U ser manual.
2 Intr oduc tion Congra tulations on buying the S1000 Portable Navigator and F ixed Speed Camer a location system. This user manual aims to pro vide you with installation and operating instructions for the S1000.
3 C ontents P age 4 Components 5 F eatures 6 Registering your S1000 7 Quick Start Guide to Navigation 9 Start Up – Installing the SD Card Sy stem Requirements and Downloading 10 Downloading the A UR.
4 Return to contents C omponents Included The follo wing components come as standard with y our S1000:- 1 x S1000 Navigation system 1 x SD Card 1 x Windscr een suction cup bracket 1 x 12v DC to 5v DC .
5 Return to contents F eatur es L CD Screen Battery On/O ff/Reset Switch S1000 SD Card Slot USB Cable Socket Audio Out Socket ON/OFF button.
Return to contents 6 Registering y our S1000 IMPORT ANT! PLEASE READ BEFORE USING Y OUR S1000. T o ena ble yo ur S 100 0 t o lo cat e F ixe d Sp eed Ca mer as a nd A ccide nt Bla ck s pots y ou w ill ha ve to reg ist er and do wnlo ad t he A URA™ Camera Database .
7 Return to contents Quick Star t Guide to Na vigation 1. T ake your S1000 outside so that the GPS rec eiver can locate yo ur p osi tion . Thi s ma y t ake betw een 15 - 5 0 mi nut es the first time. When satellite lock is achieved, the scr een will dis pla y y our cur ren t p osit ion on its map in a ‘3D’ nav igat ion view .
Return to contents 8 Tip: The default rout e options are set to Quickest R oute. T o change the route options refer to section 6 in this user manual . 4. Press and the S1000 will calculate the fastest route fr om your current position to y our destination.
Return to contents 9 Star t Up – Installing the SD C ard Bef or e u sing yo ur S100 0, y ou wi ll n eed to ins tall the SD Ca rd inc lude d wi th the devi ce .
Return to contents 10 Downloading the A URA™ Camer a Database Please Note: Y ou must register your S1000 before you c an per form a download . P er forming a download is simple . 1. P ower up the S1000 by pressing and holding the po wer button for 2 seconds and then connect the computer to the Internet.
Return to contents 11 Installing y our S1000 The S1000 comes with a windscreen br acket so that the unit can be mounted onto y our vehicles windscreen.
Return to contents 12 P ow er C onnec tion & Charging P ow ering and charging y our S1000 from the cigarette ligh ter socket The S1000 comes with a pow er cable designed to plug into y our vehicles cigarette light er socket. This lead will power the device but will also charge the S1000’ s internal batter y .
Return to contents 13 Charging the int ernal battery Alt houg h t he S 1000 ca n be ch arg ed u sing th e ci gar ett e l igh ter in you r vehicle, a c omplete charge is more easily achiev ed by using the USB mains cha rge r i nclu ded . When new , the bat tery i n y our S10 00 is a ppr ox ima tel y 20% charged.
Return to contents 14 3D 2D Nor th Opera ting Instruc tions 1. Star ting Up Once you hav e synchronised the SD Card and performed a download as necessary it is time to per form the first Start Up.
15 Return to contents T o modify the information shown: l Access the Menu b y simply touching the S1000 in the centre of the screen. l Pr ess the ‘C onfigure ’ button. l Pr ess the ic on w her e y ou will se e th e li st of o pti ons belo w .
16 Return to contents 2.3 The S1000 volume can be adjusted using this function within the ‘ Configur e’ menu. T o adjust the volume: l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o access the ‘Menu ’ . l Pr ess ‘ Configure ’ . l Pr ess the ‘V olume Contr ol’ icon.
17 Return to contents l The S1000 will display a screen sho wing the postcode and the street name . l If you know the house/propert y number of your destination, pr ess the ‘House No . ’ butt on to ent er i t. Onc e you hav e entered the house number press the ‘Ok ’ button.
18 Return to contents Once the calculation is complete y ou can either press ‘G o’ to sta rt na viga tio n, ‘Simulation ’ to see the actual route that will be taken, ‘Route Option ’ to c han ge t he parameters of the rout e or ‘ Guide’ which will list the turn by turn instructions of the journey .
19 Return to contents 3.4 Y ou can navigate easily and quickly from a previous journey or destination to your office or plac e of work, by personalising your S1000 so that a route can be calculat ed by pressing just a few butt ons.
20 Return to contents Once a route has been calcula ted, the ‘Recent Route’ icon is replac ed with a ‘Clear Route’ icon. T o cancel a route that y ou ha ve calculated: l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o enter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu .
21 Return to contents If you are happy with the start position, you can now begin to ent er the dat a o f y our firs t de sti nati on. l Pr ess ‘A d d ’ – y ou ar e p ro vide d w ith sev .
22 Return to contents Once you hav e pressed ‘G o’ the S1000 will now display your cur ren t m ap p osit ion alo ng with a s mal l su mmary scr een loc ate d in the bot tom left han d c orne r .
23 Return to contents 3.7 The S1000 has the capacity to store up t o 100 user locations. T o add your favourite locations see section 4.1 on page 26. l T o navigate t o one of your stored locations: l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o enter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu .
24 Return to contents 3.9 (Poin ts of Interest) If you would like to calculat e a route to a hotel , airpor t, restaurant or ev en a golf course the S1000 can calculate a rout e using its extensive database of POI’ s (Points of Interest).
25 Return to contents 3.10 Th is f uncti on w ill hel p y ou to find the nea res t P OI f rom ei ther yo ur ‘C urrent P osition’ or a ‘Different P osition’ within a certain radius which can specified up to a maximum of 60 miles.
26 Return to contents 3.10.2 T o navigate using a ‘Different P osition’ l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o enter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu . l Pr ess the black arrow once. l Pr ess the ‘Find by Near est POI’ icon. l Select ‘Different Position ’ l Pr ess ‘ Country’ and selec t ‘UK’ .
27 Return to contents Once the calculation is complete y ou can either press ‘G o’ to sta rt nav igati on, ‘Simulation ’ to see the actual route that will be taken, ‘Route Option ’ to change the parameters of the rout e or ‘ Guide’ which will list the turn by turn instructions of the journey.
28 Return to contents 3.12 The S1000 can recalculat e your route by a voiding certain roads or redirecting you by distanc e. This facilit y only becomes a vailable once you hav e calculated a route . T o per f orm a re -rout e: l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o enter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu .
29 Return to contents 3.12.3 If you do not wish to use the alternative r outes offered b y the S1000 and you wish to return to the orig inal calculated route , press the ‘ Clear Av oided Road’ button and the original route plotted b y the S1000 will be restored.
30 Return to contents 4.0 Th e ‘My F avo urit e ’ men u al low s y ou to st or e de stin ati ons tha t y ou visi t fr eque ntl y , re trie ve rec en tly visi ted de stin ati ons , m odif y us er poin ts and edi t or st or e y our ‘ Home ’ and ‘Offic e ’ det ails wit hou t ha vin g t o e nte r th e destination details each time.
31 Return to contents 4.2 This function can be used to delete any or all of the r ecent destinations tha t are store d on the S100 0. The S1 000 can store up t o a maxi mum o f 40 recent destinations . 4.2.1 T o delete individually stored rec ent destinations l Pr ess the centre of the scr een to access the ‘Naviga te to ’ menu.
32 Return to contents 4.3.1 Editing user points Onc e a use r p oint ha s be en stor ed on to the S10 00 t he loca tio n r equi re s ed itin g s o th at the cor rect ale rt wil l b e g ive n wh en you approach the user stor ed coordinate . T o edit the user point: l Pr ess the centre of the display to en ter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu.
33 Return to contents 4.3.3 Delete individually stored user points l Pr ess the centre of the display to en ter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu. l Pr ess ‘My F av ourite’ at the t op of the display . l Pr ess the ‘User P oint’ icon l Select the user point you wish to delete.
34 Return to contents Once you hav e entered y our ‘Home ’ location details you also have the facility to name your destination. l Pr ess ‘Name’ and a keyboard will be displa yed with the road name of the destination y ou selected. l Pr ess the ‘ Arrow’ key to erase this data then input the new name using the keyboard.
35 Return to contents 4.5.2 T o delete the office location l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o access the ‘Navigat e to’ menu . l Pr ess ‘My F av ourite’ at the t op of the display .
36 Return to contents 5.1 The S1000 enables you to adjust the brightness of the displa y and save two brightness settings: one f or driving during the day and one for driving at night. T o adjust the brightness setting: l Pr ess the centre of the display to en ter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu.
37 Return to contents 5.3 Y our S100 0 c omes wi th a cho ice of vo ice pr omp ts a nd a lerts in sev era l lan guag es . Ch ang ing the lan gua ge a lso cha nges the la ngua ge o f t he m enu items as well on the unit. T o use this facility : l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o enter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu .
38 Return to contents 5.4.2 This option allows y ou to change the information display ed in the bottom left hand side of the navigation screen between the vehicle speed and the current time . Y ou can also specify if you want to display a twelve or tw enty-four hour clock and whether to display ‘ a m’ and ‘p m’ .
39 Return to contents The screen will now sho w a list of POI’ s stored on y our unit with a ‘ tick’ bo x t o t he l eft o f e ach type of POI. Si mply pr ess the tic k b ox to sel ect o r des elect the PO I.
40 Return to contents This function allows you to personalise the camer a aler t settings that you will r eceive during operation. T o alter the camera alert settings: l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o enter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu . l Pr ess the ‘ Configure ’ button.
Auto Mute Y es: Th e un it w ill pr ovi de an a udib le alert at y our s et a udib le lev el b ut will th en r edu ce thi s al ert to a low er lev el afte r a fe w seconds when you ar e approaching a safety camera. No: S1000 will continue to emit a tone a t a constant audio level until the camera has been passed .
42 Return to contents 5.8.1 Y ou can choose bet ween the f ollowing options: Y es: The unit emits a confirmation tone each time the scr een is touched. No: This will turn off the confirmation beep when the screen is touched. T o make your selection, touch the relevant tick bo x with your finger .
43 Return to contents 5.10 This function allows you to choose between the alt ernative colour schemes that are a vailable for the maps used in your S1000 system (sever al of which are most suitable for use at night). T o access this facility: l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o enter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu .
44 Return to contents 5.12 Th is o ptio n a llo ws you to vie w t he h ar dwar e and softw ar e v ersi on numb ers of your unit. T o view this information: l Pr ess the centre of the screen t o enter the ‘Navigate t o’ menu . l Pr ess the ‘ Configure ’ button.
6.1.3 If y ou wan t t o c alcu lat e a ro ute av oidin g an y type of T oll Road s, sele ct th is featur e before calculating y our route. P ress again to deselect.
46 Return to contents 6.2.2 If y ou wis h t o a voi d s eve ral ro ads fr om t he sele cted ro ute cal cul ate d by the S10 00, the n th is funct ion all ows y ou t o r e-calcu lat e a ro ute ov er a us er defin ed d ist anc e, ran gin g f rom 1 m ile up to a ma xim um of 100 miles.
47 Return to contents 6.3 If y ou wo uld like to ca lcul ate a rou te to a de sti nat ion but wan t t o g o vi a a spe cific loc ati on a long th e w ay you can us e th is funct ion.
48 Return to contents 6.5.1 Pr ess the ‘Simulation ’ button and your S1000 will take you thr ough the calculated journey step by step with full on scr een and voice instructions. Please Note: If at any time you wish to c ancel the simulation press the return arrow loc at ed i n th e bo tto m ri ght hand corner of the display .
49 Return to contents 7.2 Scroll Map By pressing this icon you can manipula te the map by touching and moving y our finger on the screen. 7.3 or Day or Night Settings Bri ght col our s ar e n orma lly use d f or the map ping di spla y s o th at yo u ca n se e t he m ap m or e cl earl y , ev en i n br igh t su nlig ht.
50 Return to contents 8.0 Understanding the Mapping Screen Distance to next junction or instruction Wh ilst na viga tin g a cal cula te d ro ute the S1 000 disp la y wi ll s how an ora nge inf orm ati on b ox . This bo x w ill tel l y ou the next ro ad yo u sh oul d be tr av elli ng on a nd the dis tan ce to that tu rn.
51 Return to contents 9.0 Speed Camera A ler t P atterns T o ena ble yo ur S 100 0 t o al ert y ou t o F ix ed S peed Ca mer as and Ac cide nt Bla ck s pots y ou w ill ha ve to reg ist er and download the A URA™ Camera Database .
52 Return to contents User P oints are display ed on the map as Green Camera icons F or the S10 00 to a lert y ou to a user poi nt cor rect ly t he user poi nt will nee d t o be ed ite d wi th t he corr ect inf ormat ion suc h as the us er p oin t type and sp eed .
53 Return to contents T roubleshooting S1000 Downloads If y ou ar e ha vin g a ny diffi culty in perfo rmin g a dow nlo ad o nt o y our S10 00 u nit it is a dvis abl e t o r ef er t o t he c hec klist in Sectio n A firs t before c ontacting us.
54 Return to contents 4. Is the USB cable supplied with the S1000 connected correctly? Please make sure the USB lead has a secur e connection to the PC and is fully plugged in. Ensure the smaller connector is plugged into the USB socket on the underside of the unit.
55 Return to contents 3. ERROR MESSA GE - ‘ There was a problem c onnecting to the Per formance Products server … ’ If y ou get an err or m ess age as d esc ribe d ab ov e t his norm ally me ans tha t th ere is som eth ing bloc king com muni cat ion betw een the software, most typically a firewall, and the A URA™ ser ver .
56 Return to contents SPECIFICA TION Proc essor (CPU) Intel PXA-270 (Xscale micro ar chitecture core) 312Mhz OS Linux 2.6.X Memory F lash 8MB SDRAM 64MB Memory Card* SD Card 256MB (UK & Ireland) S.
57 Return to contents AC Mains Char ger Connect the AC pow er adaptor only to designated po wer sources as marked on the product. Make sure the cor d is positioned so that it will not be subjected to damage or stress. T o reduce the risk of electric shock, unplug the unit from any power sour ce befor e attempting to clean it.
An important point after buying a device Snooper S900 Ventura (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Snooper S900 Ventura yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Snooper S900 Ventura - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Snooper S900 Ventura you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Snooper S900 Ventura will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Snooper S900 Ventura, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Snooper S900 Ventura.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Snooper S900 Ventura. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Snooper S900 Ventura along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center