Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CS 275 Siemens
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Created with "Chameleon CMYK PDF Creator" for Wolfgang Strozyk at Siemens AG This catalog is out of date, see note on page 2.
Summar y Mode of operation Design Modules and orderi ng data Appendix SY - -TRANS 300 CS Gat eway Document ati on f or CS 2 7 5 bu s syste m Subject i ndex CS 275 Bus Sys tem Catalog PL T 130 · 1994 .
Summary Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 1/2 The TELEPERM M process control system consis t s of f unct ion - all y different components which are opt i mi zed f or the v ar ious problems encountered i n process autom ati on. Because of their modular desi gn, thes e component s are als o ref erred t o as sy s - tem s.
Summary Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 1/3 Th e bus syste m ca n b e de sig n e d in r ed und ant fo rm if extr eme ly high demands are placed on t he av ail ab ility .
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 1/4 Created with "Chameleon CMYK PDF Creator" for Wolfgang Strozyk at Siemens AG This catalog is out of date, see note on page 2.
Mode of operat ion Siemens PL T 130 . 1994 2/1 Contents Page T ransf er contr ol 2/2 Data pr otecti on 2/2 Da ta tran s fer 2/2 Addr essi ng 2/3 T ransm issi on modes 2/3 Redundant operat ion mode 2/4.
Mode of operat ion Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 2/2 T r ansf er contro l, data pr otect i on and tr ansf er T r ansf er cont rol Sequenti al d ata t r ans mi s si on s y s t ems require a tr ans fer control unit for organiz at i on of t he dat a t raff i c on the l i ne.
Mode of operat ion Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 2/3 Addressi ng, transm issi on modes This method has the f ol lowi ng i mpor tant adv ant ages : There is far less loadi ng on t he bus syste m sinc e on l.
Mode of operat ion Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 2/4 Redundant oper at ion m ode, t r ansmi ssion r el iab ility , sy n ch ro niza tion Redundant oper at ion m ode Th e CS 27 5 b u s syste m ca n b e re dun dan t in or d e r to inc r e ase the a vaila bility .
Mode of operat ion Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 2/5 Confi gur ing of communicat i on Confi gur ing of communicat i on Si nc e the c om mu nic at io n via th e CS 2 75 bu s system is handl ed li k e the au.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 2/6 Created with "Chameleon CMYK PDF Creator" for Wolfgang Strozyk at Siemens AG This catalog is out of date, see note on page 2.
Design Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 3/1 Contents Page General not es 3/2 Local range 3/2 Remote r ange 3/3 Bus components 3/3 T echnical dat a 3/5 Bus confi gurat ions 3/6 Created with "Chameleon CMY.
Desi gn Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 3/2 General not es, l ocal r ange Th e CS 2 75 b us syst em is p hysi ca lly divid ed i nt o - - a local r ange up t o 20 m ( l ocal bus ) and - - a remote range up to 4 k m, or up to 12 k m wi t h bus couplers .
Desi gn Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 3/3 Remote r ange, bus components The fol lowi ng t herefore appl ies : In t he cas e of el ect r ical l y isol at ed l ocal bus int er face modul es, the ground pot ent ial of t he bus i nt er face is decoupled f rom t he ground potent ial of t he s ubrack syste m.
Desi gn Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 3/4 Bus components Connector board AF The remote bus cable i s connected t o t he bus conver ter v i a t he connector board AF . The board is provi ded wit h a t er m inat ing res i s tor which can be acti v at ed us ing a j ump er .
Desi gn Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 3/5 Bus components, techni cal dat a Ov erv ol tage pr ot ect ion The par t i cipant s connected t o the remot e bus can be ext en - si v el y protect ed against des t r ucti on by over vol t ages by means of t he coar s e and f ine ov er v ol tage prot ect ion uni t s .
Desi gn Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 3/6 Bus confi gur ati ons Bus confi gur at ion, ex ampl es App licat ion O ther conditions Cable connectors 20-m local bus Small plants Max. 9 p ar ticipants p oss ible Max. 20 m b us cab le Standard d esign redund ant Can only be us ed in instrumentation rooms.
Modules and or dering dat a 4/1 Contents Page Int erface modules for 20- m local bus N-AS 4/ 2 N-BK 4/ 3 N16-M 4/ 4 N-V .24 4/ 5 N-S5 4/ 7 N-A T 4/8 Bus converter UI 4/9 Connector boar d AF ” Remote.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/2 Int erf ace modul es f or 20-m l ocal bus (N-AS), 8 bit Descri pt ion and or der ing dat a 1 LE D ( yellow), sig nals ”maintenance protocol s tored” 2 LE D (red), sign.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/3 Int erf ace module f or 20-m local bus (N-BK ) Descri pt ion and or der i ng data 1 LE D W (y ellow), s ignals ”maintenance protocol stored” 2 LE D F (r ed), sig nals .
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/4 Inter f ace module for 20-m local bus (N16-M), 16 bit Descri pt ion and or der i ng data 1 LE D F (re d) , signals faults (line p rotocol faulty , r eceiver memor y over f.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/5 Int erf ace module f or 20-m local bus (N-V . 24) Descri pt ion 1 LE D F (r ed), sig nals faults (line p rotocol faulty , receiver memor y over flow) 2 LE Ds (g reen) D si.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/6 Int erf ace module f or 20-m local bus (N-V . 24) T echni cal data and or deri ng dat a This cir cuit cancel s the electrical isolation of the N.-V .24 inter face Fig. 4/5 20-mA current loop inter face with inter nal constant-cur rent source for trans mitter (left) and recei ver ( right) , connection ex ample Fig.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/7 Int erf ace module f or 20-m local bus (N-S5) Descri pt ion and or der i ng data 1 LE D F (red) , signals faults ( line protocol faul ty , receiver memor y over flow) 2 LE.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/8 Int erf ace module f or 20-m local bus (N-A T) Descri pt ion and or der i ng data Fig. 4/8 Inter face module for 20- m local bus (N- A T) Ap plic atio n The module i s use.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/9 Bus conver t er unit UI Descri pt ion and or der i ng data 1 LED E T (green), flashes in r hythm with the mes sag es received from the r emote bus 2 LED F (red) , sig nals.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/10 Connector board AF Descri pt ion and or der i ng data Fig. 4/11 Connector board AF ”Remote bus ” 6DS9 203 - -8DA, with mounting plate Ap plic atio n T o conver t t he.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/11 Remote bus connection unit F A E 1 Connection d istributor for 20- m local bus, 6DS 9 207-8AA; for commiss ioning and s erv icing, can be retrofi tted 2 Bus conv er ter 6DS 4 400-8AB 3 Connector board AF ”Remote bus” 6DS 9 203-8CA 4 P ower sup ply module Fig.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/12 Remote bus connection s ubrack S5 Descri pt ion and or der i ng data 1 Mains ter minals AC 230 V 2 P ower s upply mod ules 3 Bus conv er ter s UI 6DS 4 400-8AB Fig.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/13 Bus coupler Descri pt ion Fig. 4/18 Bus coupler ( BK- - FF) , sub rack configur ation Ap plic atio n Bus coupl er s are used f or dat a t r ansf er between par tici pant s on independent remote bus es (BK -FF).
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/14 Bus coupler T echni cal data and or deri ng dat a AF Connector b oard ”Remote bus” UI Bus conver ter Fig. 4/20 Bus coupler BK-FF , function diagr am The DC 5 -V suppl.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/15 Fr ont plug for 20-m local bus Descri pt ion and or der i ng data Fig. 4/21 Front plug 6DS9 200- 8AA (ES 902 p lug) Ap plic atio n T o connect a cabl e connect or t o t he las t bus par ti cipant . The front pl ug is only required for cabl e connectors 6DS8 201 - - 8.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/16 Overv oltage protection Descri pt ion Fig. 4/23 Coars e over voltage p rotection 6DS9 208-8AA Ap plic atio n The coars e and f i ne ov erv ol t age protect ion com ponent.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/17 Overv oltage protection Confi gur ing not es and or deri ng dat a AF Connector b oard ”Remote bus” GS Coars e over voltage p rotection Cable lengths: a < 25 m ES G.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/18 Remote bus cables Standar d r emot e bus cable Remote bus cabl e f or special appl i cati ons Fig. 4/26 Standard remote bus cab le Ap plic atio n Coaxi al cable 2YC(m S) CY1. 6/10 -75( Z2/5) v s sw is us ed as st andard as the remot e bus cable.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/19 Connecti on of remote b us cabl es It may b e necess ar y when us i ng remot e bus cables to connect sect i ons together .
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 4/20 Created with "Chameleon CMYK PDF Creator" for Wolfgang Strozyk at Siemens AG This catalog is out of date, see note on page 2.
Appendix 5 /1 Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 Contents Page SY -TRANS 300 CS Gat eway 5/2 Do c umentat ion for CS 275 bus system 5/4 Subject index 5/5 Conditions of sale and delivery 5/ 6 Created with ".
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 5/2 SY - - TRANS 300 C S gateway Descri pt ion Bild 5/1 S Y - - TRANS 300 CS g at ewa y Ap plic atio n The SY -TRANS 300 CS gat eway enables bidirect ional data tr ans f er at high r ates between par ti cipant s on the CS 275 bus system a n d co mp u ters connected t o an Et her net bus ( LAN ac - cording t o IEEE 802.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 5/3 SY -TRANS 300 CS gateway T echni cal data and Order i ng dat a T echnical dat a Ether net inter face IE EE 802.3 10Bas e2/10Base5 (thin/thick-wire) with TCP/IP oder DECnet protocol).
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 5/4 Appendix Document ati on f or CS 275 bus syst em Order i ng data Orde r No . Manual ” CS 275 bu s system ” including the followi ng instruc tions: - - ”Inter face mo.
Siemens P L T 130 . 1994 5/5 Appendix Subject i ndex Page A Address i ng 2/3 B Bus components 3/3 Bus confi gur ati ons 3/ 6 Bus conv er t er uni t UI 3/4, 4/ 9 Bus coupler 3/4, 4/ 13 C Cable connect .
An important point after buying a device Siemens CS 275 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Siemens CS 275 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Siemens CS 275 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Siemens CS 275 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Siemens CS 275 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Siemens CS 275, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Siemens CS 275.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Siemens CS 275. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Siemens CS 275 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center