Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SK 1012-6-7-9-90 Sennheiser
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06- 6- l- 9-Z101 >ts 031dLN3 30 OOOLN OSn,l H3d INOIZnHlSI 39VSn,l HnOd SNOl13nHlSNI 3Sn HO~ SNOl13nHlSNI 9Nnll31NVS9NnN31038 H3ISI3IHNN3IS!Zi J.
1 Betriebsschalter Powerswitch Interrupteur de service Interruttoredi accensione Interruptorde servicio 2 Aussteuerungsanzeige Modulation indicator Temoin de crete Indicatore di Ilvello Indicatorde mo.
Inhaltl Contentsl Sommaire I Indice I Contenido Kurzbeschreibung Ausführungen Inbetriebnahme Einsetzen der Batterie Anschließen von Mikrofonen Einstellen der Betriebsart Einschalten des Sendersl Ein.
Kurzbeschreibung Inbetriebnahme Der SK 1012 ist ein Hochfrequenz-Sender für drahtlose Mikrofon-Übertragungsanlagen. Merkmale: - Schmalband- und Breitbandtechnik - 8polige, verschraubbare Mikrofon-Ei.
Einstellen der Betriebsart Mit dem Schalter 6 kann der Sender auf 3 Betriebsarten umgeschaltet werden: HiDyn Betriebmit Kompander.System. Regelver. stärker ausgeschaltet HiDyn + Limiter Betriebmit Kompander'System. Regelver. stärkereingeschaltet.
Trageweise/Befestigen des Senders Bei Verwendung als Handsender ist stets der den Mikrofonen MKE 2012 und MKE 4012 beiliegende Nahbesprechungs- und Windschutz zu verwenden, bzw.
Regelbereich des Begrenzerverstärkers . Klirrfaktorbei Nennhub (K ges., 1000 Hz) NF-Frequenzgang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abfall oberhalb der oberen Grenzfrequenz. . . . . . . . . . Stromaufnahme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stromversorgung.
Zubehör Brief description The SK 1012 is a radio-frequency transmitter for wireless microphone transmission systems. MZW 1010 Nahbesprechungs- und Windschutz für SK 1012. In folgenden Farben lieferbar: Anthrazit MZW 1O1OA (Art.-Nr.1531) Rot MZW 1010 B (Art.
Putting into service ~t~ A B Inserting the batteries Installthe batteries as shown in Figures A and B. Important note: Useonly alkaline-man- ganese cellsl The maximum operating periodwill depend on the transmitter model: SK 1012-6: approx. 32 hours SK 1012-7/ SK 1012-9 SK 1012-90: approx.
Recommended settings Microphone being used MKE 2 R, MKE 10,MKE 10 R, MKE 40 R MKE 2012, MKE 4012: transmitter hand-held Transmitter mounted on stand Transmitter usedas lavalier microphone Setting 3 1 2,5 - 3 2 - 2,5 After the correct setting of modulation put switch 1 in position "ON".
Troubleshooting checklist I 1IIII 11I I 111 Detect No function, LED 3 does not light Possible causes 1. Batterydischarged 2. Batteryreversed 3. Microphone not connected Insufficient battery voltage No.
11 ,I; RF-output power into dummy loadl radiated power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power of radiated harmonics and spurious . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . Nominal swing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peakswingat HiDyn . . . . . . . . . .
Mise en marche 11 1I11 11 1111 ~~ I 'KZ )~ A B Mise en place des piles Placez les pilesselon les figuresA et B. Note importante: Utilisez exclusivement des pilesalcalines. L'autonomie maximale depend du type de I'emetteur: SK 1012-6: env.
Recommandations de reglage Microphone utilise MKE 2 R,MKE 10, MKE 10 R, MKE 40 R MKE 2012,MKE 4012: Emetteur tenu a la main Emetteur fixe sur pied Emetteur accroche au cou Position 3 1 2,5 - 3 2 - 2,5 Apresun reglage correct mettre le selecteur 1 en position«ON».
Guide de depannage Defaut Aucunereaction. Le temoin 3 reste eteint Origine possible 1. Pile useeou accumulateur decharge. 2. Pile/accumulateurmonte a I'envers. 3. Micraphone non raccorde. I I Aucunereaction. Le temoin 3 s'allumelegerement Contre-reaction acoustique Tension pile 1 accumulateur trap faible.
Caracteristiques specifiques pour SK 1012-90 Frequence porteuse . . . . . . . . 1 frequence entre 138 - 220 MHz Stabiliteen frequence pour une variationde temperature de -lOoC a +55°C et et une variation de la tensiond'alimentation de + 10 %a - 30 % .
Descrizione sommaria L'SK 1012 e un trasmettitore ad alta frequenza per impianti di trasmissione microfonica senza fili. Caratteristiche: - Tecnica in banda stretta e banda larga - Presa di ingre.
111 " 11111 ,!~Ill 1IIIII1 [I 11 111 111111 : Trasmettitore taseabile HiDyn , I Mierofono a mano, a 11I I eollare 0 a stativo HiDyn 0 HiDyn + II111 Limiter , in easo di livelli I sonon I .
Ricerca guasti Possibile causa 1. Batteria esaurita 0 aeeumulatore searieo 2. Inversione di polaritabatteria / aeeumulatore 3. Mierofono seollegato Tensione batteria/ aecumulatore troppo scarsa «HiDy.
Campo di attenuazione dei regolatore di sensibilita con sensibilita 1 mV .. . . . . . Campo di regolazione dei I'amplificatore / limitatore .......... I ,I 1IIIi 1IIII I 1II I 1 ,,111,1 111111111111 1 111 Distorsione armonica con deviazione nominale (Kges, 1000 Hz) .
'I 11 I I Accessori MZW 1010 Cuffia antivento e di prossimita per SK 1012. Disponibile nei seguenti colori: Antracite MZW IOIOA (Art. n.1531) Rosso MZW 1010 B (Art. n. 1640) Azzurro MZW IOIOC (Art. n.1637) Giallo MZW 1010 D (Art. n.1638) Verde MZW IOIOE (Art.
Puesta en servicio 1t~ A B Colocaciön de la bateria Colocar la baterlaen el transmisorcomo se muestra en las figuras A + B. Avisoimportante: Emplear solamente baterlas de manganeso-alcalinas.
Ajusterecomendado Micröfono empleado MKE 2 R, MKE 10, MKE 10 R, MKE 40 R MKE 2012, MKE 4012: Transmisor sujeto a mano: 1 Transmisor fijado a tripode: 2,5 - 3 Transmisor colgado al cuelleo: 2 - 2,5 Una vez alcanzado un ajuste correcto,situarel interruptor1 en posicion "ON».
Lista de controlpara perturbaciones Perturbaci6n No funciona, diodo luminosi 3 apagado Posible causa 1. Bateria vacia 0 descargada 2. Bateria mal colocada 3.
Radiacion de las ondasarmonicas y secundarias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consumo de corriente ......... Tiempo de servicio dependendiente dei tipo de bateria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diferenciaspara el SK 1012-90 Frecuencia portadora . .
SENNHEISERELECTRONIC KG D-3002 WEDEMARK TELEFON05130/600-0 TELEX924623 TELEFAX 05130/6312 Printed in Germany Publ.11/92 18656/ AO2.
An important point after buying a device Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sennheiser SK 1012-6-7-9-90 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center