Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ST9200423ASG Seagate
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Product Manual Momentus 7200.3 SA T A 100512541 Re v . C Ju ly 2008 ST9320421AS ST9320421ASG ST9250421AS ST9250421ASG ST9200421AS ST9200423ASG ST916041 1AS ST916041 1ASG ST912041 1AS ST912041 1ASG ST9.
Copyright © 2008 Seagate T echnology LLC. All right s reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Publication number: 100512541, Rev . C, July 2008 Seagate , Seagate T echnology and th e W ave lo go are reg istered trademarks of Seagate T echnology LLC in the United S tates and/or other countries.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C i Contents 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 About the Serial ATA interface . . . .
ii Momentus 7200.3 SATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C iii List of Figures Figure 1. Typical +5V only startup and operation curren t profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 2. Serial ATA connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 1 1.0 Introduction This manual describes the functiona l, mechanical an d interface specifications for the following Seagate Momentus ® 72 00.
2 M omentus 7200.3 SATA Product Manua l, Rev. C 1.1 About the Serial A T A interface The Serial A T A interface provides several ad vanta ges over the traditional (p arallel) A T A interf ace. The p rimary advantages include : • Easy installation and configuration with true plug-and -p lay connectivity .
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 3 2.0 Drive specifications Unless otherwise noted, all specific ations are me asured un der ambient conditions, at 25°C, and nominal power .
4 M omentus 7200.3 SATA Product Manua l, Rev. C S tandby to ready (sec typical) 3.0 T rack-to-track seek time, read (msec typical) 1.0 Average seek, read (msec typical) 11 . 0 Average seek, write (msec typical) 13.0 S tartup current, +5V (max) 1.0 amps Seek power (typical) 2.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 5 * On e Gbyte equals one billion byte s when referring to h ard driv e capacity. Accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environment and formatting. **During periods of drive idle, some offlin e activity may occur acco rding to the S.
6 M omentus 7200.3 SATA Product Manua l, Rev. C 2.3 Default logical geometry LBA mode When addressing these d rives in LBA mode, all bloc ks ( sectors) are consecutively numbered from 0 to n–1, where n is the number of guara nteed sectors as defined above .
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 7 2.6 Physical characteristics 2.7 Seek time Seek measurement s are taken with nominal p ower at 25°C ambient temperature.
8 M omentus 7200.3 SATA Product Manua l, Rev. C 2.8 St art/stop times 2.9 Power specifications The drive receives DC power (+5V) throug h a native SA T A power connector . 2.9.1 Power co nsumption Power requirement s for the drives are listed in the tabl e on page 8.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 9 T ypical current prof ile Figure 1. T ypical +5V on ly st a rtup and operation curren t profile 2.9.2 C onducted noise Input noise ripp le is measured at th e host system powe r supply across an equivalent 15-ohm resistive load on the +5 volt line.
10 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C 2.9.4 Power-man agement mo des The drive provides prog rammable power man agement to provide greater energy effici ency . In most systems, you can control power manage ment through the system setup program.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 11 2.10 Environment al specifications This section provides the temperature, humidity , shoc k, and vibr ation specifications for Momentus 7200.3 SA T A drives. 2.10.1 Ambient tempe rature Ambient temperature is defined as th e temperature of the envi ronment immediatel y surroundin g the drive.
12 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C Nonoperating shock The nonoperatin g shock level that the drive can exper ience with out incurring physical d amage or degradation in performance when subsequently put into operation is 800 Gs based on a nonrepetitive half-sin e shock pulse of 2 msec duration.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 13 2.12 Electromagnetic immunity When properly inst alled in a representative host syste m , the drive operates withou t errors or degradation in performance when subjected to the radio frequency (RF) environment s defined in the following table: 2.
14 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C T o ena ble the Free Fa ll Protection feature on ST9320421ASG, ST9250421ASG, ST9200 423ASG, ST916041 1ASG, ST912041 1ASG and ST98 041 1ASG models, use Se t Features comm and 41h. T o disable this feature, use Set Features command C1h.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 15 2.14.3 FCC verific ation These drives are intended to b e contained so lely within a person al computer or sim ilar enclosure (not att ached as an external device). As such, each drive is consider ed to be a suba ssembly even w hen it is individually mar- keted to the customer .
16 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C 2.15 Environment al protection Seagate designs it s products to meet envir onmental pr otection requirement s worldwide, including regulations restricting certain chemical substances.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 17 should never be expose d to condensing water on the surf ace of the printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) or exposed to an ambient relative humi dity greate r than 95%.
18 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 19 3.0 Configuring and mounting the drive This section contains the specif ications an d instructions for configuring and mounting the drive.
20 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C 3.2 Configuring the drive Each drive on th e Serial A T A interface connect s in a point-to-point configuration with the Serial A T A host adapter . There is no master/slave rela tionship because each drive is consid ered a master in a point-to-p oint relationships.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 21 3.4 Drive mounting Y ou can moun t the drive using four screws in the side-mo unting holes or fou r screws in the bottom-mounting holes. See Figure 4 for drive mounting dimensions. Follow these imp ortant mounting pr ecautions whe n mount- ing the drive: • Allow a minimum clearance of 0.
22 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 23 4.0 Serial A T A (SA T A) interface These drives use the industry-s tandard Ser ial A T A interfac e that supp orts FIS data transfers. It suppor ts A T A programmed inpu t/output (PIO) modes 0–4; multiword DMA modes 0 –2, and Ultra DMA modes 0–6.
24 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C Notes: 1. All pins are in a single row , with a 1.27 mm (0.050”) pitch. 2. The comment s on the mating sequence a pply to the case of backplane blindmate connector only . In this case, the mating sequences ar e: • the ground pins P4 and P12.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 25 4.3 Supported A T A commands The following t able list s Serial A T A standard comman ds that the drive suppo rts. For a det ailed description of the A T A commands, refer to the Serial A T A: High S peed Serialized A T Att achment specification .
26 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C Note: Individual Set Max commands are identi- fied by the value placed in the Set Max Fea - tures register as defined to the right. Address: Password: Lock: Unlock: Freeze Lock: 00 H 01 H 02 H 03 H 04 H Set Multiple Mode C6h S.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 27 4.3.1 Identify Dev ice command The Identify Device command (command code EC H ) transfers information about the drive to the host following power up. The dat a is organized as a single 51 2-byte bl ock of data, whose content s are shown in the ta ble on page 27.
28 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C 27–46 Drive model numb er: (40 ASCII characters, padded with blanks to end of string) ST9320421AS ST9320421ASG ST9250421AS ST9250421ASG ST9200421AS S.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 29 69–74 A T A-reserved 0000 H 75 Queue depth 0000 H 76 Serial A T A capabilities 0508 H 77 A T A-reserved 0 000 H 78 Serial A T A features su pported 00.
30 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C 129– 159 Seagate-reserved xxxx H 160– 254 A T A-reserved 0000 H 255 Integrity word xxA5 H Note. See the bit descriptio ns below for words 63, 88, 93 and 94 of the Identify Drive data: Description (if bit is set to 1) Bit Wor d 6 3 0 Multiword DMA mode 0 is supported .
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 31 4.3.2 Set Featu res comman d This command controls the implement ation of various feat ures that th e drive supports. When the drive receives this command, it sets BSY , checks the contents of the Featur es register , clears BSY and generate s an inter- rupt.
32 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C 4.3.3 S.M.A.R.T . commands S.M.A.R.T . provides near-term failure prediction fo r disc drives. When S.M.A.R.T . is enabled, the drive moni- tors predetermined drive attributes that are suscep t ible to degradation over time.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 33 5.0 Seagate T echnology support services Internet For information regarding Se agate produ cts and services, visit www .sea . Worldwide support is available 24 hours da ily by email for your questions.
34 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C Customer Service Operations W arranty Service Seagate of fers worldwide customer support for Seagate products. Seagate d istributor s, OEMs and ot her direct customers should contact their Seagate Customer Serv ice Operat ions (CSO) re presentative for wa rranty- related issues.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 35 Index A ACA 14 acoustics 4 , 12 Active m ode 10 Address 25 AFR 13 Agency certification 14 Altitude 11 Altitude, nonoperating 4 Altitude, operating 4 Amb.
36 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C guaranteed sector s 5 , 6 H handling 19 Handling precautions 19 heads 6 Height 3 height 7 humidity 4 I I/O data-transfer rate 3 , 6 Identify 25 Identif.
Momentus 7200.3 SAT A Product Manual, Rev. C 37 Read/write heads 6 Read/write power 4 read/write power and current 8 Recording density 3 , 6 Recording method 6 Recording technology 6 Relative humidity 4 , 11 Reliability 13 resistance 9 Retries 25 RF 13 RoHS 16 RPM 3 RRL 14 S S.
38 Momentus 7200.3 SA TA Product M anual, Rev. C.
Seagate T echnology LLC 920 Disc Drive, Scotts V alley , California 95066-4544, USA Publication Number: 1005125 41, Rev . C, Printed in USA.
An important point after buying a device Seagate ST9200423ASG (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Seagate ST9200423ASG yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Seagate ST9200423ASG - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Seagate ST9200423ASG you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Seagate ST9200423ASG will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Seagate ST9200423ASG, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Seagate ST9200423ASG.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Seagate ST9200423ASG. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Seagate ST9200423ASG along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center