Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SCH-N415 Samsung
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* Some of the cont ents of this manual may differ from your phone, depending on the software inst alled or your service provider . Wo r l d W i d e We b http://ww w .samsu ngmo Printed in KORE A Code No.: GH68-06798A Englis h. 02/2005. Rev .1.
Tabl e of con tent s 3 Table of contents Importa nt saf ety precaution s ........... ....... ..... 7 Unpac king .......... ................... ............ ............ 9 Your p hon e ........ ...... ............. ...... ............. ... 10 Phon e layou t .
Tab le of con t en ts 4 Entering Text ........................ ................... ... 40 Chan gin g th e text inp ut m o de ........ .... .. ..... .. .... .. ... 41 Usin g T9 (En g lish ) m o de... ....... .... .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. ... 42 Usi n g Al pha bet m ode .
Tab le of con t en ts 6 Setup .... ............. ................... ............ .......... 9 7 Ans wer M eth od (Menu 9-1) ..... ..... ...... ....... .... .. .... ... 97 Auto Key Loc k (Menu 9-2) ..... ..... ...... ....... .... .. .... ... 98 Auto Re try (Menu 9-3) .
7 Important safety preca utions R ead these guide lines before us ing your wireless phone. F ailure to comply wi th them may be dang er ou s or illega l.
Important safety precautions 8 Sensib le u se Use onl y in the norm al position (held to the ear). Avo id unnecessary contac t with the antenna wh en the ph one is sw it ch ed on. Emergency call K e y in the eme rgen cy nu mber for your pr esent locati on, th en press .
10 Your phon e Phone layout The following illus trations show the m ain elements of your pho ne. Earpiece Display Microphone Soft key (le ft) Send key Soft ke y (r ight) Pow e r on /o ff / Menu exit k.
Your phone 12 In Standby mode, activates K ey Lock mode whe n pres s ed and hel d. In the text entry mode, changes case of letters. In Standby mode, qu ic kly enters or exits Silent mode when pr essed and held . In the text entr y mode, inserts a space.
Your phone 14 New text mes sage : Appears when a new text m es sa ge rec eiv ed. New vo ice ma il : Appears when a new voic e m a il is rece iv e d . New WAP push mess a g e : Appears when a new WAP push message is received . Alarm mode : Appear s when yo u set an alar m to ring a t a spe cifi ed t ime.
16 Getting st arted Using t he battery Y our phon e is powered by a r echargeable Li-ion battery . Use only approved batteries and charg ers. Ask you r loca l Sams ung deal er for furth er det a ils . Note : Y o u mus t fully c harge the battery be fore us ing your ph one for th e fi rst time.
Gett in g st arte d 18 1. With th e battery in position on the phone, plu g the connector of th e tra v el adapter into the jack at the bottom of the phone. Make su re t ha t th e arrow o n the conn ect or is fac ing up , as i s th e phon e. 2. Plug th e adapter into a stan dard AC wall outlet.
Gett in g st arte d 20 Switch ing on o r off the phon e 1. Press and ho ld unt il t he powe r -on ima ge displ ays to switch o n the phone. When the s ystem locates se rvices, the greeting message displays alon g with the time and date . Y ou can no w pla ce a nd rece i ve ca ll s.
Gett in g st arte d 22 Your phone’s mo des Standb y mode Standb y is th e most b asic sta te of yo ur phon e. The phone go es into Standb y mo de after you turn it on or whenever yo u briefly press . W hen your phone is in Standb y m ode , you will typically see the greeting mess age and the current ti me and date.
24 Call functions Making a call In Standby mode, enter th e area code and phon e number an d press . Note : When y ou hav e activated th e Auto Retr y menu ( Menu 9-3 ), the ph one wi ll autom atically re try to mak e the call if no one answ e rs or th e li ne is bu s y .
Call fu ncti ons 26 Usi ng th e r ecent call lo gs The phone stores up to 60 of th e ca ll s y ou ha ve diale d , rece ived, or mi ss ed chron ologi cally . The last ca l l is sa v ed in th e firs t p os itio n . T o recall any of these number s: 1. If there are any characters on the display , return to Standby mode by pres sing .
Call fu ncti ons 28 One-touc h dial Memory locations 001 th rough 0 09 are spec ial on e- touch lo ca t ion s. Y ou can d ial th e ph one numb ers stored in Phone Bo ok from 001 thro ugh 009 simp ly by pressing one k ey . Press and hold the third digit of the memo ry location .
Call fu ncti ons 30 • 2-sec pause : A 2-se con d paus e st op s the dialing sequence for 2 seco nds and then automatically sends the remaining digits. Note : Mu ltipl e tw o se co nd p au se s ca n b e enter e d to extend t he length o f a pause. Keep in mind that pause s count as di gits tow ards the 32 dig it dia ling ma ximu m.
Call fu ncti ons 32 • Press for Hard Pause . The letter “P” displays, mean ing that a hard pause will occur at that point in the diali ng sequen ce. • Press for 2sec Pause . The letter “T ” displays, meaning that a 2-secon d pause will occur at that point in the diali ng sequen ce.
Call fu ncti ons 34 Answer ing a cal l When somebody calls you , the phone alerts y ou by ringing. If the caller can be identified, the caller’s phon e number , or nam e if stored in y our Phon e Bo ok, displays . There are two w ays to answer a call depending on your settin g in the Call A nswer menu ( Menu 9-1-2 ): T o end the call, press .
Call fu ncti ons 36 Opti ons dur ing a ca ll Y our phone provides a number of functions that you ca n use during a cal l. As man y of these options a re network s ervices, yo u may not be able to use all of them at all times.
Call fu ncti ons 38 Cal l wait in g Call W aiting l ets yo u recei ve a se cond call d uring a convers ation. Y our phone notifies you of a waiting call b y b ee p i ng a n d displa yin g “ Ca ll W aiting.
40 Entering Text At man y times when us ing yo ur ph one, y ou will need t o enter t ext, su ch as when stori ng a name in Phone Boo k, creating your pers onal greeting, or sche duling ev ents o n your c alend ar . Y ou can en ter alph an ume ric char acters into your ph one us ing your p hone’s ke ypad.
Enteri ng Text 42 Using T 9 (Eng lish) m ode T9 is a predictive tex t input mode th at allows you to key i n any ch aracter using sin gle keystrokes. This text input mode is based on a built-in dictionary . T o ente r a w o rd in T9 mo d e: 1. Press the keys on the phone just onc e per desired letter .
Enteri ng Text 44 Usi ng Alph abet mode When typ ing in Alph abet mode, you ne ed to p ress the keys labeled with the letter you wan t: - once for the first let ter - twi ce f o r the s e con d let ter - and so on This me thod is calle d m u lt i- tap t y ping .
Enteri ng Text 46 Usi ng Sy mbol mo de Symbol mode enables you to ente r symbol s into your t ext . Press or to disp l ay mo re sym bol se t s. Press the keys correspon ding to the symbol yo u want, then the phone automatically swi tches back to the tex t input mode used just prior to selecting Symbol mode .
47 Using the menus This phone offer s a range of functions that allo w you to tailor the phone to your needs. These functi ons are arranged in menus and submenu s. The menu s and s ubmenus can be acce ssed b y scrolli ng or by us in g the short c ut s.
Using t he me nu s 48 Using short cuts The m e nu item s, su ch as m e nu s, sub m enus , an d setting options, are numbered and can be accessed quickly by using their shortcut numbers. Note : The numbers assigned to each menu function are in dicate d on the l ist on p age 49.
Using t he me nu s 50 3.8 MSG Setting 3.8.1 Scroll Timer 3.8.2 MSG R eminder 3.8.3 New MSG 3.8.4 Canned MSG 4. P lanner (see page 71) 4.1 T oday 4.2 Scheduler 4.3 T ask List 4.4 Memo P ad 4.5 Alarm 4.6 Calculator 4.7 W orld Time 4.8 Countdown 4.9 Set Time 5.
52 Calls Y o u can us e th e Calls menu to: • view and dial the most rec en t outgoing, incomi ng , or miss ed numbers. • era se t he n umbe rs in the call log m e m o ry . • view the du rat ion of calls. Outgoing (Menu 1-1) The phone stores up to 20 of the m os t re cent numbers y ou hav e di aled.
Call s 54 Missed (Menu 1-3) If Caller Line Identificat ion is available, your phon e keeps a list of the most recen t 20 incomi ng calls th at you ha ve fa iled to answ er .
56 Phone Book Phoneboo k allow s y o u to store freq uen tl y us ed phone numbers and the associated names in your per sonal dire ctor y to make it e asy f or you to make a ca ll wi thou t having to remember or e nter the phone number . Y ou can store up to 500 entries including E-mail and URL addresses .
Phone Book 58 Finding an en try by group When y ou select th is m etho d , a li st of the Ph one Book entries in a group appears. 1. Press or to sc roll to By Gro up . 2. Press to move the gro up s election field. 3. Pres s or to select t he g ro up yo u w ant.
Phone Book 60 6. If nec essary , p ress t he Menu soft key and enter information or us e or to change the sett ing. 7. Wh en you have fini shed , pr ess . 8. Whe n a conf irmat ion messa ge disp lays, select Yes and press . After storing, the phone displa y s the mem o ry stat us of Pho ne B ook fo r a f e w se conds.
Phone Book 62 My Phone# (Menu 2- 4) This m enu shows yo ur phone nu m ber . After viewin g, press to return to the previous scree n. Memory Info (Menu 2-5) This m enu shows yo u how m a n y Phone B ook locations are used or empty . After viewi ng, pre ss to return to the prev iou s scree n.
Message s 64 3. Enter the mess age conten ts. For furth er det ails about how to enter t ext, see page 40. Y ou can use up to 10 cann ed m es sages by pressing the Menu soft ke y and se lectin g Canned MSG . For details, see page 70. 4. When you hav e finished entering the messag e, press .
Message s 66 Inbox (Menu 3- 3) Y our phone can s tore SMS m essages and their corre spo nding Caller ID in the phon e’ s memory . When the ph one receives a text me ssage, the New Mes sage ico n ( ) and a te xt no ti ficat ion w ith the call b ac k n umb e r appear .
Message s 68 While reviewing a message, pr ess the MENU soft key to use the following options : Resen d : allow s y o u to resend t he m es sage. F or further detai ls, see page 64.
Message s 70 Save Message : a ll ows yo u to se t wh et her or no t sent messages are saved in the Outb o x. Do N ot Sa ve : The ph on e does not sa v e the message . Promp t S a v e : T he pho ne as ks y ou wh ether o r n ot you want to s ave the mes sage.
71 Planner The Pl anner f eatur e enab les you t o: • keep track of important dates and even ts. • crea t e a li st of thing s to do a nd m e m os. • set an alarm to rin g at a speci fied time. • use the phone as a calculator . • check the curr ent time in an ot her par t of the world.
Planner 72 3. Enter the ending time and date using the numbe r keys. 4. Sele ct when an al arm al erts you to the event, by pressing or . When you select No Alarm , the phone does not ring the alarm.
Planner 74 2. Enter you r ev ent info rmation and press . For further detail s about enterin g lette rs, see page 40. 3. Enter the star ting time and date using the nume ric k eys. Notes : • Y ou need to enter the time in 12-hou r format. Pr e ss th e 2 key f or A (AM) or the 7 key fo r P (PM) .
Planner 76 3. Sele c t a prio rit y leve l , ei ther High or Low , using or and then press or Save soft key . Viewing a task The li st of the t a sks d is play s w hen you a ccess t he Task Li st menu ( Menu 4-3 ). Whil e view ing t he ta sk lis t, pre ss t he N aviga tion key s to sc r oll to a ta sk a nd: • Pr ess to view details.
Planner 78 Alarm (Menu 4- 5) This menu allows you to set the al arm to ri ng at a specif ied t ime. T o set an alarm: 1. Sele ct an alar m, Alarm #1 through Alarm #3 , and press . 2. Select On by pres sing or . 3. Press and enter the time for the alarm to ring by us ing th e nume ric ke ys.
Planner 80 1. Af ter sel ecting the time zon e you want to apply the DST , press the Set DST soft k ey . 2. The DST icon appears betwee n the tim e and the date.
82 Voice To ols Voice M emo (Menu 5-1) This me nu allows you to r ecord voi ce memos. Record (Menu 5-1-1 ) Y ou can reco rd up to voice memo s of 4 minut es total.
Voice Tools 84 Inbo x (Menu 5-2 -1) Y ou can liste n to the calle rs’ me ssages r ecorded in your phone. When you access this menu, a list o f the recorde d messa ges app ear s. Note : If the p hone has the ca ller s’ mess ages waiting to be ch ecke d, it disp lays the total number of t h e m e s s a g e s a n d c a l l e r ’ s n u m b e r.
86 Sounds Y ou can use the Sounds men u t o cu stomi ze var ious s o un d sett in gs, su c h a s th e: • ringer volume and type. • key tone and alert sounds.
Sound s 88 Alert s (Menu 6 -3) Y our phone gives audible alerts (beeps) at a specif ie d time to info rm y ou th at cert ai n thin g s have hap pened .
90 Display In this me nu, you c an cu stomize various sett ings for the display , the lights, and menu shortcut s. Menu Style (Menu 7- 1) This me nu allows y ou to se le c t t he m e n u displa y style. Y ou can choose ei ther List or Icon . Wallpaper (Menu 7 -2) Y ou can change the ba ck ground ima ge (wal l paper) to be displayed in Standby mode.
Disp lay 92 T o apply the daylight saving tim e: 1. When Locatio n highlights, press or to display DST . Press . 2. Select On to use the dayligh t saving time for the fi rst cl ock. O t her w is e, se le ct Off . 3. Press and repeat step 2 for the second clock .
Game s 94 Key Co mmands Honey B all (Menu 8-2) The goal of the game is to break honey blocks by bouncing a ball between a bat and the hone y blocks. When you start a new game, the ball i s sittin g on the bat in the middle of the s creen.
Game s 96 Go Ha mster (Menu 8 -3) Go Hamster is an arcade board game. It requires patience and discretion. The aim is to remove about 80% of the ba ck ground w hil e a v oiding th e mushroom bombs in order to progre ss to the next stage . When th e start screen appears, press any key to start th e game.
Set up 98 Auto Ke y Loc k (Menu 9-2) This m enu allow s y ou to lock the keyp ad automatically after predefined time. 15 se c o nds , 30 secon ds and 1 minute are available.
Set up 100 Versi on (Menu 9- 5) This men u allo w s y ou t o vi e w th e softw are a nd hardw a re versi on s of your pho ne. This fea t ur e is helpful if you need to the call customer care. Security (Menu 9-6) Y o ur ph one prov ides you wi th vari ous se curit y opti ons, in cludin g a use r-programmable lock code and special number featu res .
Set up 102 IMPORTANT NOTICE! Emergency calling may n ot be available on all wirel ess net works at all ti mes. A co nnectio n cannot al ways be guaranteed, due to vario us transmission methods, network parameters and use r s ettin gs use d to compl et e a call fro m y ou r wireless phone.
104 Downloads This m enu allow s y ou to dow nload var ious multim edia files from the w ireless web. Games ( -1-1) This me nu allows y ou t o do w nloa d ne w g a m e s or play the downloaded games. Selec t Get Ne w to connect to the website preset by your s ervi ce pr o vid er and download new games.
106 WAP Y our phone comes equi pped with a W AP browser which mak es it pos sible for y ou t o ac cess t he wireless web. Launching th e WAP Browser Selec ting t he Ge t In WA P men u la u n ch es th e WA P (Wireless A ppli cation Protoco l) brows er and accesses the homepage of yo ur s ervi ce provid er .
WAP 108 Refr esh T his Page : refreshes the curr ent web page with updated information. About Browser : sho w s in forma t io n about the WAP b ro w s er . Restart Brow ser : res tar ts the W AP br o w s er . Preferen ces : provid es you with the furt h e r options.
Health and safety informati on 110 SAR tests are c onducted u sing standar d oper ating positio ns specified by the FCC with the phone tr a ns mitti ng at its hig hest certif ie d po wer leve l in all tested frequency bands.
Health and safety informati on 112 Precaution s when u sing batte ries • Never use any charger o r battery that is damaged in an y w ay . • Use the battery only for its intended purpos e.
Health and safety informati on 114 Oper ati n g en viro nme n t Rem ember to foll ow an y s pecia l reg u lation s in forc e in any area and always swit ch your phone off whenever it is forbidden to use it, or when it may cause interferen ce or danger .
Health and safety informati on 116 Vehicles RF signals may affect improperly instal led or inade qua tely s hie lded el ect ronic s yst em s in mo to r vehicles. Ch eck with the manufacturer or its representative regarding you r veh icle. Y o u sh ould als o cons ul t the manu fact ur er of any equipment that has been added to y ou r v ehi cle.
Health and safety informati on 118 Othe r im porta nt saf ety info rmatio n • Only q ualifie d pers onnel sho uld se rvice the phone or install the phone in a vehic le. F aulty insta lla t io n or serv ice ma y be dang erous an d may inv alidate a n y wa rr an ty ap p l ic able to the device.
Health and safety informati on 120 • Do not put the phone in or on heating devic es, such as a microwave oven, a stov e or a radiator . The phone ma y explode wh en o verheated.
Glos sary 122 Channel Communi cation s sign als transmi t alon g paths calle d ch anne ls. Codec Compr e ssi on & Decompr e ss ion. Deactivation The process of renderi ng a wireles s phone inacti ve. DTMF (Dual- tone Mu lti-Freq uency ) Y o u se nd D TMF si g nals when you enter nu mbe r s by pressing the digit keys.
Glos sary 124 Talk Time The le ngth of time a p erson can talk on a po rtab le or transportable wi reless phone without rechargin g the battery . Vocoder V oice Coder .
125 Internal Phone Book Save a number Ent er Number + or Save + + Naviga tion (T y pe) + + Enter Name + + / to sele ct Na me/E ntry /Ho me/Work /Mob il e/P ager/F ax/No la bel / Speed di al /E-mai l/ .
126 Main Menu (T o acce ss, pre ss t he Menu soft key.) 5 : Vo i c e Too l s 1 : Vo i c e M e mo 2: Voice Answer 6: Sounds 1: Ringer V olume 2: Ringer T yp e 3: Aler ts 4: Key T o ne 5: Ro am Ring er .
An important point after buying a device Samsung SCH-N415 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Samsung SCH-N415 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Samsung SCH-N415 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Samsung SCH-N415 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Samsung SCH-N415 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Samsung SCH-N415, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Samsung SCH-N415.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Samsung SCH-N415. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Samsung SCH-N415 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center