Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ND0834HXB1 Samsung
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SAMSUNG New DVM-Pro User Manual ( Cad mode ) English V ersion 201 1. 07..
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 2 01 New DVM-Pro Installation & Ex ecution 02 Cad mode outline 03 Cad mode Procedur e for using 00 Contents 3 5 6 04 Cad mode int er face 05 S t ep-by-step description o.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 3 New DV M-Pro Configuration 01 설 명 New DVM-Pro Installation & Execution New DVM-Pro is support the Windows XP/Vista/7 3 2bit, 64bit. After installation, you need to obtain Authorization code in order to use DVM-Pro.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 4 설 명 When you run the New DVM-Pro, It is to choose one of two things as New DVM-Pro is composed of ‘Cad mode’ and ‘Sales mode’ When It need the update, Update Information displayed update information. User can update this optionally.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 5 02 설 명 Cad mode outline DVM-Pro Cad mode is AutoCAD plug-in program. Auto cad must be installed to use DVM-Pro cad mode Designed by the cad mode, data is saved two forms(*.dwg,*.dvm). *.dwg is drawing file in the cad program.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 6 03 Explain This is cad mode procedure f or using when design the new project. This procedure is not inclu ded modify procedure.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 7 04 Cad mode inter face DVM - Pro Menu SAMSUNG DVM - Pro Menu AutoCAD commend • It used i n DVM-Pro cad mode • It can control all progress function s in DVM-Pro cad mod.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 8 Project 04 Cad mode inter face Explain Possible to create the new project and start th e pr oject in cad mode pa lette . • View and modif y the project i nformation Poss.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 9 Explain It can register and start a new project when using command palette of cad mode. • Space management Enter the buildin g name. It can create/modify t he each floor, floor height, dist ance between ceiling. It can create/modify the room whic h get into indoor .
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 10 Explain This interface is possible to create and manage th e in/ou tdoor . • Add indoor unit After specify the area, ‘add indoo r unit window’ is open. - If the room area already designat ed , ‘enter’ key no need to specify t he area a s it’s open a wi ndow directly.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 11 explain This interface is possible to create and manage in /outdoor • Modify the i ndoor, ERV indoor, ou tdoor. Possible to modify the each unit. In/Outdoor - 2 04 Cad mode inter face • Select the accessories Possible to set the indoor and o utdoor accessories.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 12 Explain This interface is possible to create and manage piping/con trol line. • Draw piping manuall y When connect pipe usi ng refnet joint, Piping/control line 04 Cad .
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 13 Explain This interface is possible to create and manage th e piping/control lin e. • Pipe accessories a. when select t he outdoor unit, access ories activation t hat conn ectable.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 14 Explain This interface is possible to create and manage th e piping/control lin e. • Report Select the report li st and insert the report in drawing . Report 04 Cad mode inter face drawing . • Pipe diagram Insert the pipe diagram in order to the list of pipe diagram menu.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 15 05 (1) Project registration • project info. • Check and edit. S t ep-by-step description of th e design 01 01-1 • Assignment (drawing file) 02 • Select open method th e drawing • New project • It can create new *.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 16 05 (1) Project register and save S t ep-by-step description of th e design 01 02 03 01.Open the project • when DVM and DWG file is saved s ame folder and you open t he DVM file, DWG file open automatically. If it ’ s saved no same folder and you open th e DVM file, DWG file no open.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 17 • Space management 01 • Method of add room - There is pre-and enter all of room info rmation in management (room area, unit lo ad per area etc) proceed and add the room 05 (1) Management (building/floor/room) S t ep-by-step description of th e design proceed and add the room when add the in door.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 18 05 (3) Process the grayscale, lock layers S t ep-by-step description of th e design (2) M anagement (building/floor/room)-1 01 • Zoning(all floo r) 02 • There is zo ning(each floor) menu also.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 19 05 (4) Add in/outdoor-1 01 03 Explain When you add the indoor, you can add the room. In/outdoor information and room area is displayed interface left side and room information will be utilized by after reports.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 20 Explain The placement of the indoor unit method is three method ( 1) center 2) user deployment 3) copy ) indoor unit and room can copy and it displayed “in/outdoor information’ window in real-time When insert the block, Ctrl key i s redirect and Tab key is point conversion.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 21 Explain This is explain of name block. • Model name ND0834HXB1 • Model name RD540HHXH2 05 (4) Add in/outdoor-3 S t ep-by-step description of th e design The first line is capacity, The second li ne is model name to th e rest.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 22 Explain If you can continue to draw level, all of indoor connect the outdoor . And you can draw the out door after select in ‘in/out connect’ window.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 23 Explain If you select the in/outdoor which will conn ect, In/outdoor connection of CAC is conn ect simply. (5) C onnect in/ou tdoor-2 S t ep-by-step description of th e d.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 24 Explain After setting the number of columns and line Pit, click on the location of the drawing. Pi t draw by outdoor and if you put the mouse near the pit, you can see a conne ction outdoor image when you draw t he piping.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 25 Explain This is conne ction the piping. Recognize the co nne ction point automatically without click the direct connecti on point. • When y ou enter this command, menu ex ecute. • All of the un it have co nnection point w hen mouse comes close.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 26 Explain It’s explain to draw th e piping. Auto/manual pipe is available. You can various f orm s of dr aw the pipe. You can dra w through draw piping manually. It have draw piping automatically menu. You can conne ct indoor to main piping.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 27 Explain It’s explain to draw th e piping. Auto/manual pipe is available. You can various f orm s of dr aw the pipe. Also you can draw pipin g accessories. When insert the block, Ctrl key i s redirect and Tab key is point conversion.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 28 Explain It’s explain to draw th e drain piping, Auto/manual pipe is available. You can var ious forms of dra w the pipe. It have draw drain pipin g, dr aw Tee, dra w cap. And It have draw drain piping automatically menu.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 29 Explain It’s explain to draw th e drain piping, Auto/manual pipe is available. You can var ious forms of dra w the pipe. • If you delete the Tee and drain which connected the Tee, returns to original state of the drain piping.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 30 Explain If Draw dewatering outlets and draw vertical dewatering outle ts. draw vertical dewatering outlet’ s number is same, same number is same location of the other floor. Than this information used diagram in report.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 31 Explain Refrigerant pipe connection , pipe length and pipe level difference etc is checked. And Wh en s yste m check is error, modify the part of guide d in system check and check again. Drain pipe connection is checked. th e end of the system check, pipe diameter is placed automatically.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 32 Explain Pass the drawing check, test a variety of check list. If it have a problem, display part of the pr oblem and explain the cause of the problem.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 33 Explain Select the communication wires/wired remote controller, draw the communication wires/wired remote controller. • When you enter this command, menu execute. • Select check box the piping/pipin g a ccessories or commun ication wires/remote controller, selection layer is active.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 34 Explain Select the communication wires/wired remote controller, draw the communication wires/wired remote controller. • When y ou enter this command, menu ex ecute. • Select check box the piping/pipin g a ccessories or commun ication wires/remote controller, selection layer is active.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 35 Explain Design the piping remarks and insert to drawing. Click the piping diagram list in order. then Design the piping diagram. 02 (10) Piping re marks & Piping Diagram-1 S t ep-by-step description of th e design 05 01 03 • Repeat the order of outdoor and indoor which include the ou tdoor.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 36 Explain Click the piping diagram list in order. then Design the piping diagram. (10) Piping re marks & Piping Diagram-2 S t ep-by-step description of th e design 05 0.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 37 Explain Click the piping diagram list in order. then Design the control diagram. 01 02 (11) control Diagram-1 S t ep-by-step description of th e design 05 01 03 • You can cha nge the dir ection of the remote controller.
SAMSUNG DVM-Pro User Guide 38 Explain Click the piping diagram list in order. then Design the control diagram. (11) control Diagram-2 S t ep-by-step description of th e design 05 01 03 02 Enter Click .
An important point after buying a device Samsung ND0834HXB1 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Samsung ND0834HXB1 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Samsung ND0834HXB1 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Samsung ND0834HXB1 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Samsung ND0834HXB1 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Samsung ND0834HXB1, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Samsung ND0834HXB1.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Samsung ND0834HXB1. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Samsung ND0834HXB1 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center