Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HT-D550 Samsung
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Digital Home Entertainment System user manual Imagine the possibilities Thank you for purchasing this Samsung product. To receive more complete service, please register your product at www.
2 English English 3 Chec k f or t he supp lie d ac ces sori es belo w. FUNCTION TV SOURCE POWER DISC MENU MENU TITLE MENU MUTE REPEAT VOL TUNING /CH TOOLS RETURN EXIT INFO A B C D DSP /EQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 RECEIVER SLEEP DVD TV P.
4 English English 5 Smal l s crat che s on th e di sc may red uce sou nd a nd pict ure qua lit y or ca use ski ppin g. Be e spe cial ly care ful not to scr atc h di scs whe n hand lin g th em.
4 English English 5 Contents 2 2 Safety Warnings 3 Important Safety Instructions 3 Precautions 3 Accessories 4 Cautions on Handling and Storin.
6 English English 7 32 32 Disc Playback 32 Audio CD(CD-DA)/MP3/WMA Playback 33 JPEG File Playback 33 Using the Playback Function 37 Sound Mode 39 Liste.
6 English English 7 01 Getting Started Play bac k of ma ny d isc typ es This pr oduc t a llow s y ou t o p lay bac k va rio us d isc s, incl udi ng D VD- Vide o, DVD± R/± RW , CD -DA, CD-R /-R W, M P3- CD, WMA -CD and Div X.
8 English Getting Started English 9 Region Code The product and the discs are coded by region. These regional codes must match in order for the disc to play. If the codes do not match, the disc will not play.
8 English English 9 01 Getting Started CD-R MP3 Discs Onl y C D-R dis cs w ith MP3 l es i n I SO 9 660 or Joli et form at can be play ed. MP3 l e na mes sho uld con tai n no bl ank spa ces or s pec ial cha ract ers (. / = +). Use di scs rec orde d w ith a c ompr ess ion/ deco mpr essi on data ra te g rea ter tha n 12 8Kb ps.
10 English Getting Started English 11 Notes on USB connection Supp ort ed d evi ces: US B st ora ge m edi a, M P3 play er, dig ita l ca mer a If a fo lder or le na me i s l onge r t han 10 char act ers, it may no t pr ope rly dis play or oper ate .
10 English English 11 01 Getting Started Description Front Panel 1 DISC TR AY Inse rt disc he re. 2 DISP LAY D ispl ays the pl ayin g s tatu s, time , e tc. 3 REMO TE CONT ROL SEN SOR Dete cts sig nal s fr om the rem ote con trol . 4 OPEN /CL OSE BUT TON ( ) Open s a nd c los es t he disc tr ay.
12 English Getting Started English 13 COOL ING FAN The fan alw ays rev olv es w hen the po wer is on. Ens ure a m inim um of 1 0cm of cle ar spac e o n al l s ides of the fa n wh en inst all ing the pro duc t. SPEA KER S OU TPU T CO NNE CTOR S Conn ect the fr ont, ce nter ,su rrou nd spea ker s an d s ubwo ofe r.
14 English Getting Started English 15 Installing batteries in the Remote Control NOTE Plac e b atte rie s in th e re mot e co ntr ol s o t hey mat ch the pol arit y : (+) to (+) an d (– ) t o (– ). Alwa ys repl ace bot h b atte rie s at th e sa me time .
14 English English 15 02 Connections This section involves various methods of connecting the product to other external components. Before moving or installing the product, be sure to turn off the power and disconnect the power cord.
16 English Connections English 17 SURR OUND CENT ER SUBW OOFE R NOTE Ref er to p age 17 to in sta ll the Sp eake rs on the Ta llb oy Sta nd. ✎ ` Speaker Components Speaker Components FRON T (L) (R ).
16 English English 17 02 Connections Installing the Speakers on the Tallboy Stand * HT -D5 53 o nly - F ron t Sp eak ers * HT -D5 55 o nly - F ron t/Su rro und Spe aker s Turn th e St and Bas e u psid e-d own and con nec t it to the St and.
18 English Connections English 19 Connecting The Speakers Pres s d own the ter min al t ab on t he back of the sp eake r. (HT- D55 3/HT -D5 55 o nly ) Inse rt the bla ck w ire int o t he b lac k te rmi nal (–) and th e re d w ire int o th e r ed term ina l (+ ), and the n re lea se t he tab.
18 English English 19 02 Connections In case of HT-D550 .
20 English Connections English 21 NOTE Plac e t he w ire less re ceiv er modu le at t he rear of the li sten ing pos iti on. If the wir eles s r ecei ver mod ule is too clo se to the pro duct , s ome sou nd i nte rrup tio n ma y b e he ard due to int erf eren ce.
20 English English 21 02 Connections Choo se one of the thr ee m eth ods for con nec ting to a T V.
22 English Connections English 23 HDMI FUNCTION HDMI Auto Detection Function If y our TV is sams ung TV and it sup port s C EC f unc tion .Th e pr odu ct's vi deo out put wil l au tom atic all y ch ang e to HD MI mode wh en c onn ecti ng an H DMI cab le whil e p ower is on.
22 English English 23 02 Connections FM ANT FA NET (Only For Service) DIGIT AL AUDIO IN WIRELESS OPTICAL SURROUND SUBWOOFER SURROUND HDMI OUT SPEAKERS OUT AUX IN 2 COMPONENT OUT VIDEO OUT Conn ect the FM ant enn a su ppl ied to the FM Ante nna jac k.
24 English Connections English 25 FM ANT FA NET (Only For Service) DIGITAL AUDIO IN WIRELESS OPTICAL SURROUND SUBWOOFER SURROUND HDMI OUT SPEAKERS OUT AUX IN 2 COMPONENT OUT VIDEO OUT Optical Cable (not supplied) Audio Cable (not supplied) If the external analog component has only one Audio Out, connect either left or right.
24 English English 25 03 Setup Pres s t he P OWE R bu tto n wh en it i s p lugg ed in TV f or the rs t ti me. Init ial Set tin g sc ree n wi ll be d isp laye d.
26 English Setup English 27 You can con gu re v ari ous dis play op tion s s uch as the TV Aspe ct, Res olu tion , e tc. TV Aspect Depe ndi ng o n t he t ype of tel evis ion you ha ve, you may wan t to ad just th e sc ree n se tti ng.
26 English English 27 03 Setup Speaker Setting Speaker Size You can set th e Sp eak er S ize of the Cen ter and Su rrou nd Spea ker s, a s w ell as Test To ne i n t his mod e.
28 English Setup English 29 Ideal Center Speaker placement Df: The distance from Front Speaker Dc: The distance from Center Speaker Ds: The distance from Surround Speaker Place all speakers within this circle.
28 English English 29 03 Setup NOTE ASC set up c an be m ade whe n t here is no dis c in t he prod uct . You can not adj ust the vol ume dur ing the AS C setu p. If t he auto so und mic roph one is dis conn ect ed duri ng the ASC set up, the se tup wil l be canc ele d.
30 English Setup English 31 HDMI AUDIO The aud io s ign als tra nsmi tte d ov er the HDM I Ca ble can be togg led On/ Off . Off : V ideo is tra nsm itte d o ver the HDM I conn ect ion cab le o nly , an d a udio is out put thro ugh the pr oduc t s peak ers onl y.
30 English English 31 03 Setup You can sel ect the la ngua ge you pre fer for on- scre en menu , d isc men u, e tc. OSD Lang uag e Sele ct the lan guag e f or t he on- scre en disp lay s. Disc Me nu Sele ct the lan guag e f or t he disc menu di spla ys.
32 English Basic Functions English 33 Pres s t he O PEN /CLO SE ( ^ ) but ton. Plac e a dis c g entl y i nto the tra y w ith the dis c's labe l f acin g u p. Pres s t he O PEN /CLO SE ( ^ ) but ton to clos e the dis c tr ay.
32 English English 33 04 Basic Functions Imag es capt ure d wi th a di git al c ame ra o r c amco rde r, o r JPEG l es o n a PC can be sto red on a CD an d th en play ed back wi th t his pro duc t.
34 English Basic Functions English 35 Step Motion Play d D Pres s t he P AUS E bu tto n re pea tedl y. The pic ture mo ves for ward on e fr ame eac h t ime the but ton is pres sed dur ing pla yba ck. NOTE No s oun d is he ard dur ing ste p mo tio n pl ayb ack.
34 English English 35 04 Basic Functions Repeat Playback dB A D DVD/DivX Repeat You can rep eat the ti tle, ch apte r o r th e s ecti on( A-B Repe at) of the DVD /Di vX. Repeat OFF Duri ng DVD/ Div X pl ayb ack, pr ess the REPE AT butt on on t he remo te cont rol .
36 English Basic Functions English 37 Displaying Disc Information d Change Select 1/1 2/20 0:05:2 1 1/1 EN AC3 5 .1 1/1 EN 1/1 D Change Select 1/6 1/1 1/1 EN Duri ng play bac k, p res s th e T OOLS butt on on t he remo te cont rol . Pres s t he ▲ ▼ b utto ns to s ele ct t he desi red ite m.
36 English English 37 04 Basic Functions Pres s t he _ + b utto ns to s ele ct t he desi red subt itl e la ngu age. Depe ndi ng o n t he l ang uage s o n a DVD dis c, a di ffe rent su btit le lang uag e is se lect ed each time th e bu tto n is pr esse d.
38 English Basic Functions English 39 GIGA The GIG A So und Fun cti on a mpl ies ba ss a nd impr ove s ba ss twic e a s mu ch for you to app reci ate pow erf ul r eal sou nd. The GIG A So und fea tur e wi ll be a ppl ied onl y to th e subw oof er. Pres s t he G IGA but ton .
38 English English 39 04 Basic Functions D o l b y P r o Lo g i c I I Mo d e You can sel ect the de sire d D olby Pr o Lo gic II aud io mode . Pres s t he PL II butt on. MUSI C When li sten ing to mus ic, you can expe rie nce sou nd e ffe cts as if y ou are list eni ng t o t he a ctu al p erf orma nce .
40 English Advanced Functions English 41 Playing Media Files using the USB Host Feature You can enj oy medi a les suc h as pi ctur es, mov ies and mus ic s ave d on an MP3 pl ayer , U SB m emo ry stic k o r di git al c ame ra i n h igh qua lity vi deo wit h 5.
40 English English 41 05 Advanced Functions Sele ct the mus ic le to p lay . - Yo u c an u se the rem ote con trol or pro duc t to cont rol sim ple pla yba ck f unc tion s s uch as the PLAY , P AUSE , S TOP , [ / ] , ( / ) and REPE AT butt ons . Se e p age 13.
42 English Advanced Functions English 43 Whil e p layi ng CDDA (C ompa ct Disc Di gita l A udio ) u sing the USB Rec ord ing fun ctio n o r li ste ning to the FM rad io or r ece ivin g a udio so urce fr om a n e xter nal dev ice , yo u can rec ord the aud io sour ce in t he USB mem ory.
42 English English 43 06 Other Information Refe r t o th e c hart be low whe n th is prod uct doe s n ot f unc tion pr oper ly.
44 English Other Information English 45 Sym pto m Che ck/ Rem edy • The p rodu ct is n ot work ing . (Exa mpl e: T he powe r g oes out or the fro nt p ane l ke y d oesn 't work or a st rang e n oise is hea rd. ) • The p rodu ct is n ot work ing norm all y.
44 English English 45 06 Other Information A Acce sso ries 3 Angl e 37 Anyn et+ (HDM I-C EC) 22 Audi o L angu age 36 AUDI O S YNC 29 B BD W ise 26 Befo re Star tin g (I nit ial Set tin.
46 English Other Information English 47 Gene ral Pow er R equi reme nts AC 120V , 60 Hz Powe r Co nsum ptio n 6 7W Weig ht 5.
46 English English 47 06 Other Information HT- D55 0 Speaker Speaker system 5.1ch speaker system Impedance Frequency range Output sound pressure level Rated input Maximum input Dimensions (W x H x D) Weights HT- D55 3 Speaker Speaker system 5.
LIMITED WARRANTY TO ORIGINAL PURCHASER This SAMSUNG brand product, as supplied and distributed by SAMSUNG and delivered new, in the original carton to the original consumer purchaser, is warranted by .
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QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? IN THE US 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) Samsung Electronics America, Inc. 85 Challenger Road Ridgeeld Park, NJ 07660-2112 Code No.
An important point after buying a device Samsung HT-D550 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Samsung HT-D550 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Samsung HT-D550 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Samsung HT-D550 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Samsung HT-D550 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Samsung HT-D550, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Samsung HT-D550.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Samsung HT-D550. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Samsung HT-D550 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center