Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TMC-6 Roland
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SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Us er s Guid e Smartrigger Electronic Pe rcussion Pr odu cts.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg T ab l e of Cont ents Table of Contents..................................................................................................
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Introdu ction Than k yo u for purchasing Smartrigger Electronic Cymbals – th e bigge.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Smartrigger Cymbal Featu res Smartrig ge r Electronic Cymbals feature many impro vements over previous electronic cy mbals including: Auth e ntic Playability is accomplished by using real brass a lloy metal cymbals.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Setup Electronic cymb als produ c e no sound themselves and require the use of external sound module s in order to be used as musical instruments.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Proper C ymbal Mou nting Smartrig ge r cymbals are designed to be mounted on any standard cymbal stand or mounting arm. Most sto ck cym bal stands come with a 6mm or 8m t h readed mounting rod, a series of washers and a wing-nut .
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Note that yo u CAN NOT use a cymbal sleeve with the Ride cymbal as it already has a built-in sleeve. M ake sure to use felt washers on the top and bottom of the ride.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Hi Hat Clu t ch Mounting Regard less o f which type of hi hat stand you choose, you will m ount the top hi hat cymbal onto your h i ha t clutch.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Triggeri ng the Dual- Zone Cras h and Hi Ha t Cymbal s The Smartrig ge r cra s h and hi hat cymbals use what is commonly called a “Head/Rim” or “Piezo/Rim-switch” type of triggering system.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Triggeri ng the Dual- Zone Ri de The Smartrig ge r ride cymbals use a dual-piezo desig.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Triggeri ng the Triple- Zone Ride The n ew Sm artrigger three z one ride cymbal i s th.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Setting Yo ur Trigger I nputs The f ollowing information is only a starting point for setting you r module to use Smartrigger Cymbals.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Roland Drum Module Settings Roland pr o duces some of the most popular drum modules on the market and offers several differe nt models. We have included the default settings for some of the most recent Roland module s h ere.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Include d Ride Y Cab le splits stereo c ab le into 2 mono inp uts Plug the black TIP plug in to the RIDE input and the orange RING plug into the EDGE input.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg o Aux Input HEAD = Ride Bell Sound o Aux Input RIM = Ride Edge Sound (Same a s #10 RIM) Notes for usi ng the Sm artrigger CY-16R Dual Zone Ride Cymbal: Use the includ e d Y cable on the module end of the rid e’s s tereo cable.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Hos a YPP-11 7 Y Cable Settings for th e R oland TD-6/6V Type Sens Thold Curve Scan ReTrg Can. Mask Xtalk Splash CY-6 10 2 Linear 2.5 6 8 40 Crash CY-6 10 2 Linear 2.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Settings for th e R oland TD-3 Type Sens Thold Curve Scan ReTrg Can. Mask Xtalk Splash CY-6 10 2 Linear 2.5 6 8 40 Crash CY-6 10 2 Linear 2.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Settings for th e R oland TMC-6 Type Sens Thold Curve Scan ReTrg Can. Mask Xtalk Splash CY 10 4 Lnr 2.5 8 8 40 Crash CY 10 4 Lnr 2.5 8 8 40 China CY 10 4 Lnr 2.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Yamaha Drum Modules Yamaha a lso o ffers a few very popular drum modules in t he DTX line of electronic drums such as the DT Xtr eme IIS and the DTXpress III.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg Transporti ng Your Cym bals You should t r ansport your cymbals in protected and padded cases. We recommend using standar d cymbal bags like the one pictured here.
SMAR TRIG GER U SE R S GU ID E Version 1 .4 1/30/2005 ©2004 All Righ ts Rese rved. http://ww w.sma rtrigg W ar ranty Inf ormation Smartrig ge r warrants its products against defects in mat e rial and workmanship for a period of one yea r from the date of the initial consumer purchase.
An important point after buying a device Roland TMC-6 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Roland TMC-6 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Roland TMC-6 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Roland TMC-6 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Roland TMC-6 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Roland TMC-6, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Roland TMC-6.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Roland TMC-6. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Roland TMC-6 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center