Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AX2550/2850 RoboteQ
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AX2550/2850 Dual Chann el High P o w er Digital Motor Contr oller User ’ s Manual v1 .7 , F ebrua r y 1, 2 00 5 visit www . robot to download the lat est revisio n of thi s manua l ©Cop yright 2003-2005 R oboteq, I nc.
2 AX25 50/2 850 Mo tor Co ntroll er U ser ’ s Ma nual V e rsio n 1 .7 . F ebruar y 1, 20 05 The inf ormation contained in this manua l is beli ev ed to be accurate a nd reliab le. Ho we v er , it ma y contain e rrors tha t were no t noticed a t time of p ublication.
AX25 50/2 850 Mo tor Co ntro ller U ser ’ s Manua l 3 Revision History.
4 AX25 50/2 850 Mo tor Co ntro ller U ser ’ s Manu al V e rsio n 1 .7. Februar y 1, 20 05.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 5 Re vi sion Hist or y 2 SECTION 1 AX250 0/2850 Quic k St art 11 What you will need 11 Locating Switc hes, Wir es and Conn ectors 12 Connecti ng to the.
6 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 Current Li mit Set tings 38 Contin uous and Extended Current Lim ita tion 38 T empe rature-B ase d Current Limit .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 7 Self-T est Displa y 68 SECTION 7 R/C O peratio n 69 Mode Des cription 69 Selecti ng the R /C Input M ode 70 T ypic al W iring 70 Connector I/O Pin As.
8 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 Apply Parameter Changes 97 Re set Control ler 97 Optica l Encoder Commands 97 Commands Ac knowledg e and Error Me.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 9 Using O ptical Enc oder for Spe ed F eedback (AX2850 on ly) 124 T ac hometer or En coder Moun ting 124 T ac h ometer wirin g 124 Spe ed Sens or and M.
10 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 Vie wing Encoder Data 152 Upda ting the En coder Sof t w are 152 SECTION 13 Conf iguri ng the Cont roller usin g.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 11 SECTION 1 AX250 0/2850 Quic k Star t Thi s sectio n will g ive you t he basic in fo rmation ne eded to qu ic kly in stall, set up a nd r un you r AX2500/2850 co ntroller in a minima l configu ration.
AX250 0/2850 Quic k Start 12 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 Locating S witc hes, Wires and Connector s T ak e a moment to fam iliariz e yours elf with the control ler ’ s wires, sw itc hes and co nnector .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 13 Connecting to the Bat teries and Motors Connecting to the Bat teries and Motors Connecti on to the ba t teries and motors i s sho wn in the fig ure belo w and is done b y con- necting the set of wir es coming o ut from the bac k of the control ler.
AX250 0/2850 Quic k Start 14 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 Importa nt W arning The contr oller inc ludes lar g e capacit ors. When connecting the Mot or P ow er Cabl es, a spar k will be g enera ted at the connection point.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 15 P o wering On the Controller Thi s wiring - with the wi re loop un cut - assum es hat the R/C ra dio will be po wered b y the AX2500/2850 c ontroller . Other w iring options are described in “ R/C Operation ” on pa ge 6 9 of th e User ’ s Manual.
AX250 0/2850 Quic k Start 16 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 T urn the R/C transmit ter On. T he “ no ctrl ” scrol ling mess age wil l disapp ear and the d ispla y will sh ow stea dy patterns de pendi ng on t he mot ors ’ se lecte d directio n.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 17 Default Controller Configuration Default Co ntroller Conf iguration V ersion 1 .7 of the AX2500/285 0 sof tware is configure d with the fact or y def aults sho wn in the table bel ow .
AX250 0/2850 Quic k Start 18 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 Connecting t he contro ller to y our PC usin g Roborun Connecti ng the con troller to y our PC is not neces sar y fo r basic R/ C operation .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 19 Obtaining the Controller ’ s Software Revi sion Nu mber T o connect the contro ller to your PC, use the pr ovided ca ble. Connect the 1 5-pin connecto r to the co ntroller . Connec t the 9-pin connector to your P C ’ s av ail able p ort (t ypi cally COM1) .
AX250 0/2850 Quic k Start 20 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 Eac h sof twa re ve rsion is ide ntified w ith a uniq ue number . Obtaining this numb er can be done us ing the PC c onnection d iscussed p re viously .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 21 SECTION 2 AX250 0/2850 Motor Contr oller Ov er view Congrat ulati ons! B y selec ting R oboteq ’ s AX2500/2850 y ou ha ve e mpow ered you r- self wi th the indu str y ’ s mo st v ersatile and programmabl e DC Motor Controller f or mobile robots.
AX250 0/2850 Motor Controlle r Overview 22 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 The motors ar e driv en using high-ef fi ciency P ow er MOSFE T transi stors con trolled us ing Pul se Width Modula tion (PWM) at 1 6kHz .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 23 T ec hnical features • T ac ho meter input s f or closed lo op speed control • P otentio meter inpu t for po sition (s er vo mode) • Motor tem.
AX250 0/2850 Motor Controlle r Overview 24 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 • 1 00A up to 30 secon ds • 80A e xtended • High cur rent ope rati.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 25 Connecting P o wer SECTION 3 Connecting P o w er and Motor s to the Contr oller Thi s sectio n describes the AX2500/2850 Con troller ’ s co nnecti ons to pow er so urces and motors. Importa nt W arning Please f ollo w the ins tr uctions in this section v ery ca refull y .
Connecting P o wer and Motors to the Controller 26 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Co ntro ll er P ower The AX2500/2850 us es a fle xible po w er supply sc hem e that is best describ ed in Fig ure 9.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 27 Controller P o wer that conn ecting one wire of a gi ven b at tery potential wi ll elimin ate the need fo r connecting the ot her . Malfunction o r e ven dam age ma y occur if one wire is assum ing the load of all tw o.
Connecting P o wer and Motors to the Controller 28 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 P o weri ng the Contr oller using the Motor Bat teries The AX2500/2850 included a DC/DC conv erter to generat e the internal 1 2V re quired f or its operatio n.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 29 Controller P o wer Using a Bac kup Bat ter y T o ensure that the controll er will alwa y s be operationa l, regardless of the c harge lef t in the main ba t tery , it is reco mmended to add a 1 2V bac kup bat tery connecte d as sho wn i n Figur e 1 1.
Connecting P o wer and Motors to the Controller 30 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Mak e sur e that you r mot ors have their wir es isolat ed from th e motor casing. Some mot ors, par ticular ly au tomotiv e par ts, use on ly one wir e, with the other conne cted to th e mo t or ’ s fr ame .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 31 Electrical Noise Reduc tion T e c hn iques has bu ilt-in c apacito rs and vol t age limiter s that wi ll redu ce these ef f ect s.
Connecting P o wer and Motors to the Controller 32 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Importa nt W arning A v oid sw itching O ff or c utting o pen the main pow er cable s (thick bl ack and r ed wir es) while the mot ors ar e spinni ng.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 33 Using the Controlle r with a P ow er Supply high cur rent surge s during moto r acceleration, making it possible to use a lo w er current po w er supply .
Connecting P o wer and Motors to the Controller 34 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 35 Basic Operat ion SECTION 4 General Operation Thi s section dis cusses the co ntroller ’ s normal operation in all i ts sup ported ope rating mode s.
General O peration 36 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Selecting the Moto r Control Modes F or eac h motor , the AX2500/2850 support s multiple mo tion control modes. Th e controller ’ s f actor y def aul t mode is Open L oop Spe ed control f or ea c h mot or .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 37 Selecting the Motor Contr ol Modes Closed Loop Speed Contr ol In this m ode, illu strated in Fi gure 1 5, an analog tac hometer or an optical encoder (AX285 0 only) is used to m easure the ac tua l motor spe ed.
General O peration 38 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Current Limit Set tings The AX2500/2850 ha s curre nt sensor s at eac h of its two output stages. Every 1 6 ms , this curr ent is meas ured and a cor recti on to the output p ow er le ve l is appl ied if high er than the user pres et v alue.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 39 T emperature-Based Current Limitation Y ou can select one of 7 cu rrent limit se t tings bas ed on yo ur robot ’ s compon ent capabi lities (motors, bat te r y , wiring), up to th e controll er ’ s o wn lim it.
General O peration 40 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Surge Current Pr otection During ex ceptio nally high load con ditions suc h as moto r stalls, the motors ma y make demand s on the c ontroller i n ex cess o f sev eral hundred Am ps.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 41 Pr ogrammable A ccelerati on Numeri cally spe aking, eac h acceleration v alue corres ponds to a fixe d percentage spe ed inc rement , appl ied ever y 1 6 m illis econd s. The value for eac h setting is sh own in th e t able below .
General O peration 42 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Command Cont rol Cu r v es The AX2500/2850 can also be s et to transla te the jo ysti c k or R S232 m otor command s so that the m otors resp ond dif f erently whether the jo ys tic k is ne ar the cen ter or near the ex tremes.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 43 Lef t / Right T uning Adjustment The AX2500/2850 is deli vered w ith the “ lin ear ” cur v es se lected f or bot h jo ysti c k c hannels.
General O peration 44 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 directio n will ca se the motor to spin 3 to 5.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 45 Emergency Stop using External S witc h Aft er and Emerg enc y Stop c ondition, the c ontroll er must be r eset or po we red Off and On t o r esum e nor mal oper ation.
General O peration 46 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Special Use of Accessory Digital Inputs The AX2500/2850 in cludes tw o genera l purpose dig ital inputs id entified as Input E and Input F . O n the AX28 50, input E is disabl ed.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 47 Self-T est Mode Af ter a f ew second s, the LEDs will dis pla y a sequen ce of two n umerical digits and an opti onal le t ter se parate d by dashe s as sh own in the examp les be low . Af ter these digits are displa yed , the controll er will at tempt to po wer the m otors.
General O peration 48 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 49 AX250 0/2850 Connections SECTION 5 Connecting S ensor s and A ctuator s to Input/Outputs Thi s sectio n descri bes the v arious i nputs an d output s and pro vides g uidance on ho w to conne ct senso rs, ac tuators or o ther ac cessor ies to t hem.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 50 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Pr o gram S e t R es e t S e t Re se t 5 6 7 9 8 4 3 1 2 1 -.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 51 AX250 0/2850 ’ s Inputs and Outputs AX2500/2850 ’ s Inputs and Outputs In additio n to the RS23 2 and R/C c ha nnel comm unicatio n lines, the AX2500/2850 includes se vera l inputs and outputs f or v arious sensors an d act uators.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 52 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 I/O List an d Pin Assi gnment The figure and table belo w lists al l the input s and outp uts that are av ailabl e on the AX25 00/ 2850.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 53 Connecting devic es to Output C *The wir e color s are those used by Robo teq on our p refabric ated c ables. It is recom - mended you use these colors f or con sistency . **T hese con nections should onl y be done in RS 232 mode o r R/C mod e with radio pow- ered from the con troller .
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 54 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 When the c ontroller is used i n RS2 32 mode, th is output c an be t urned On and Of f using the !C (On) and !c (Of f) command strings.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 55 Connecting S witc hes or De vices to Input E This output i s not a v ailable on the AX2850 or on the AX2 550 with the E ncoder Mod- ule in stalled. Connecting S witc h es or Devices to Input E Input E is a genera l purpose, d igital input.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 56 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 be activ ated b y a sim ple switc h connected to +5V and no e xternal resistor , as sho w in the Figur e. The status of Input F can b e read i n the R S232 m ode with the ?i com mand string.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 57 Connecting P osition P otentiometers to Analog Inputs The status of the EStop/ Inv c an be rea d at all tim es in the R S2 32 mode with the ?i com- mand s tring. The con troller wil l respond w ith three se ts of 2 dig it numbers.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 58 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Connecti ng the pote ntiometer to the control ler is as s imple as shown in the di agram on Figur e 29.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 59 Connecting External Thermistor to Analog Inputs The tac hometers can generate v oltages in e x cess of 2.5 volts at ful l speed. It i s important, theref ore, to s et the pote ntiometer to the minimu m va lue (cur sor all the wa y do wn p er this dra wing) duri ng the first in stallation.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 60 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 The rmistor are non-line ar de vices. Us ing the c ircuit descri bed on Fi gure 31, the controller will re ad the f ollo wing v alues ( represented in signe d binary) according to th e temperat u re.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 61 Connecting User De vices to Analog Inputs Using these resis tor valu es, it is possibl e to measure a vo ltage ranging from -5V to + 60V with a 0.25 V resolution. The f ormul a for con v erting the A/D reading in to a vol t age v alue is as follows.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 62 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Internal V oltage Mon itoring Senso rs The AX2500/2850 i ncorporate s v oltage sensors that mon itor the Main B at tery voltage a nd the Internal 1 2V supply .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 63 T emperature Con v er sion C S ource Code T emperature Con v er sion C Source Cod e The code belo w can be us ed to con vert the ana log readi ng into temperat ure . It is provid ed f or ref erence on ly .
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 64 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 65 Use of the LE D Displa y SECTION 6 Normal and F ault Condition LED Messages Thi s sectio n discus ses the meaning of th e va rious mes sages and codes th at ma y be dis - pla yed on the LED d ispla y during n ormal ope ration and faul t conditions .
Normal and F ault Condition LED Messages 66 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Motor Direction Status When the c ontroller is r unning, two pa irs of LED segm ents are d irectly rela ted to com - mand inf ormatio ns to the P o we r Output stage.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 67 Fau l t M e ss ag es Fault M essages The AX25 00 /2850 u ses th e LED di splay to r epor t fault co nditio ns.
Normal and F ault Condition LED Messages 68 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Emergency St op The “ Emergency Stop ” message is displ ay ed af ter.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 69 Mode Description SECTION 7 R/C Operation Thi s section describes the contr oller ’ s wiring and func tions specif ic to the R/C radio control mode. Mode Des cription The AX2500/2850 c an be direc tly con nected to an R/C receiv er .
R/C Oper ati on 70 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 S electing the R/C Input Mode The R/C Input Mo de is the f acto r y def ault set tin g .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 71 Connector I/O Pin Assignment (R/C Mode) • at le ast on e moto r • optional 1 2V bac kup pow er supp ly fo r the contro ller • R/C radio See “ Conn ecting P owe r and Motor s to the Controll er ” on pa ge 25.
R/C Oper ati on 72 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 R/C Inpu t Circuit Description The AX2500/2850 in cludes a n optical i solation barrie r on the Cha nnel 1 and Ch annel 2 R/C radio in puts. Figure 41 sho ws an electric al representation of the R/C input c ircuit.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 73 Supplied Cable Description Supplie d Cable Descrip tion The AX2500/2850 is deliv ered with a custom cable that can eas ily be ada pted to op erate in an y of the su pported is olated a nd non is olated mo des.
R/C Oper ati on 74 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 . The wire loo p is used to bring po wer fro m the cont roller ’ s internal po we r supply to th e optocou plers and to t he R C radio.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 75 Cabling to R/C Receive r with P artial Opto-Isolation The opto iso lators mus t be po we red with a 5V suppl y for their buil t-in ampli fiers to w ork. Thi s po wer is normally su pplied from the R/C radio ’ s ba t tery as detailed in the diagra m on Figur e 45 .
R/C Oper ati on 76 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 pow er v oltage are still se parate, some protectio n remains sh ould the c ontroller f ail and accid entally genera te a high voltage on its +5V ou tput.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 77 P o wering the Radio fr om the controller Importa nt W arning Do not conne ct a bat t ery to the radio w hen in this m ode. The bat te ry volta ge wi ll flow dir ectly into t he con trol ler and c ause pe rm anent d amage i f its voltag e is higher than 5.
R/C Oper ati on 78 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Los ing the o ptical isol ation increa se the risks that damage in the contro ller will reac h the radio, al though thes e risks remain e xtremely low .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 79 Reception W atc hdog F or best results, relia bility and saf e t y , the co ntroller will also perf orm a se ries of cor rec- tions, a djustmen ts, and c hec ks to the R/C co mmands, as describe d in the f ollo wing sec- tions.
R/C Oper ati on 80 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Another im portant consid eration is th e R/C receiv er ’ s abi lit y to oper ate in a n electr ically noisy e nviro nment: the AX25 00/2850 switc h es high cur rent at v er y high frequencies.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 81 Command Control Curves Command Co ntr ol Curves The AX2500/2850 can also be set to tra nslate the j oy stic k motor comman ds so that the motors re spond dif fere ntly whet her the jo ysti c k is ne ar the cen ter or near th e extrem es.
R/C Oper ati on 82 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 The re are tw o method s for c alibrati ng the jo y stic ks: • The a utomatic method is the simpl est and is b ased on the controller “ learn ing ” the joy stic k ’ s parameters u sing the s imple traini ng seque nce desc ribed bel ow .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 83 Activ ating the Accessory Outputs Notes: If y ou at tempt to calibra te the jo ysti c ks whil e the radio i s of f or no t connecte d to the co n- troller , the calibration data will no t c han ge and the pre viou sly stored i nforma tion wil l con- tinu e to be used.
R/C Oper ati on 84 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Data Logg ing in R/C Mode While in R/C Mode, the AX2500/2850 w ill continuo usly se nd a string of c harac ters on th e R S232 outp ut line.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 85 Data Logging in R/C Mode 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 RX Data RS232 Data Out GND R/C Ch 1 R/C Ch 2 R/C GND R/C +5V GND DB9 Female T o PC DB15 Male T o AX2550 FIGURE 55 .
R/C Oper ati on 86 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 87 Use and benefits of RS232 SECTION 8 S erial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation Thi s sectio n descri bes the co mmunicatio n set tings and the c ommands accepte d by the AX2500/2850 i n the R S232 mode of operatio ns.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 88 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Connector I/O Pin Assi gnment (RS232 Mode) When use d in the R S232 m ode, the pi ns on the controlle r ’ s DB1 5 connector are mapped as des cribed in the t abl e belo w T ABLE 1 7 .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 89 Cable configuration Cabl e conf ig uration The R S232 connec tion requi res the s pecial ca bling as described in the fi gure belo w . T he 9- pin f emale connecto r plugs in to the PC (or other micro controlle r).
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 90 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Commu nicat ion Set tin gs The AX2500/2850 se rial commun ication port is.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 91 Establishing Manual Communica tion with a PC and Inst al ling th e Utilit y ” on pa ge 159). The conf igur atio n fil e is set to use the COM 1por t. Y ou can easily c hange this set ting to a dif f erent port from the program ’ s menus.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 92 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Thi s inf ormation c an be saf ely ignored a nd the con troller will s till be a ble to switc h to R S232 mode upon rece iving 1 0 con tinuou s Carria ge Re turns as des cribed ab ov e.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 93 RS232 Commands Set !B7F c han nel 2, 1 00% forward !a3F c han nel 1, 50% rev erse Notes: The hexadeci mal nu mber must alw ays c ontain tw o digits . F or e xample, !a 5 will not be recogni zed and the contr oller wil l respond with a “ - ” to indicate an error .
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 94 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 ex er cising the c ontroller m anually , y ou ma y use th e Deci mal to He xadec imal con ve rsion table on page 1 03.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 95 RS232 Commands Set Query Heatsi nk T emperatures Descrip tion: Thi s query will cause the controlle r to ret urn v alues based on the temp eratu re measu red by internal t hermistors located at e ac h he atsink sid e of the co ntroller .
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 96 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 R eply: nn mm oo Where: nn = Inp ut E st atus mm = I nput F stat us oo = .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 97 Optical Encoder Commands Notes: All pa rame ters and valu es are e xp resse d with 2 hexadeci mal di gits No c ha nges will be made and an error wil.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 98 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Command Ac knowledgement The AX2500/2850 w ill ac knowle dge comm ands in.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 99 RS232 Acc essible P arameter T able RS232 Accessible P arameter T able T able 1 8 below lists the co mplete set of configura tion paramete rs that ma y be acce ssed and c ha nged using R S232 comma nds.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 10 0 AX2500/2850 Motor C ontroller User ’ s Manu al V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uar y 1, 2005 04 Input sw itc h func- tion Bits 0 to 3 contain the ESto p/Inv in put operat ing mode 0 = cau ses emergenc y stop 1 = invert comma nds (2) = no a ction (de fault ) Bits 4,5 a nd 6.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 101 Automatic S witc hing fr om RS232 to RC Mode Automatic Switc hin g from RS232 to RC Mode In man y com puter contr olled app lication, i t may be usefu l to allo w the controller to s witc h bac k to the RC mode.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 10 2 AX250 0/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005 to re vert th e controller i n the R C mode (the controller mu st be configu red to def ault to R C mode).
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 10 3 Data Logging Cables DB1 5 connector is desc ribed on page 85 for the R/C mode , and on page 1 1 3 f or the Analog mode.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 10 4 AX250 0/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005 logging purposes . Thi s cable ha s a 1 5 -pin male connector a nd 3 1 5 -pin conn ectors. T he male c onnector plug s into the controlle r .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 10 5 Decimal to He xadecimal Con v ersion T able 6 0 6 3 82 67 0 4 61 0 2 6 6 7 0 7 3 92 77 1 4 71 0 3 6 7 8 0 8 4 02 87 2 4 81 0 4 6 8 9 0 9 4 12 97 3.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 10 6 AX250 0/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005 -1 20 1 36 88 -88 1 68 A8 -56 200 C8 -24 232 E8 -1 1 9 1 37 89 -87 1 .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 10 7 Mode Description SECTION 9 Analog Contr ol and Operation Thi s sectio n descri bes ho w the motors may be opera ted using analog voltage c ommands.
Analog Control and O peration 10 8 AX250 0/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005 Connector I/O Pin Assi gnment (Analog Mod e) When use d in the An alog mod e, the pins on the contro ller ’ s DB1 5 con nector are mapped as des cribed in the t abl e belo w T ABLE 21 .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 10 9 Connecting to a V oltage S ource Connecting to a V oltage S ource The analog inputs e xpec t a DC v oltage of 0 to 5V whic h can be so urced b y an y custom cir- cuitr y (po tent iomete r , Digit al t o Ana log co nv ert er).
Analog Control and O peration 11 0 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 The controlle r include s two 47K ohm resis tors pull ing the in put to a mi d-vo ltage point of 2.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 111 Analog Deadband A djustment 1 00K or higher pote ntiometer . Figure 66 sho ws ho w the output v oltage va ries at the v ari- ous pote ntiometer pos itions, f or three typical p otentiomete r va lues.
Analog Control and O peration 11 2 AX250 0/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005 Importa nt Notice Some analo g joys ticks do not caus e the pot entiomet er t o r eac h either e xtr emes.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 11 3 Data Logging in Analog Mode • Internal Hea t Sink tempera ture s 1 and 2 • Main B at ter y v oltage • Internal 1 2V voltage • Encoder Sp eed or P osition (A X2850) The entire string is repeate d ev ery 21 3 millisecond s with the la test internal parameter v al- ues.
Analog Control and O peration 11 4 AX250 0/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 11 5 Mode Description SECTION 10 Closed Loop P osition Mode Thi s sectio n describes the AX2500/2850 P osition mo de, ho w to wire the motor and posi- tion sen sor ass embly , and ho w to tune and opera te the con troller in t his mode.
Closed Loop P osition Mode 11 6 AX250 0/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005 P os ition Se nsor S electi on The AX2500/2850 ma y be used with th e fol lowi ng .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 11 7 P otentiometer wiring The mec ha nical coupli ng betwee n the motor and the s ensor must be as tight as possibl e. If the gear b ox is loose, the positioni ng will no t be accurate a nd will b e unstable, pote ntially causing t he motor to o scillate.
Closed Loop P osition Mode 11 8 AX2500/2850 Motor C ontroller Us er ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 In the P ositi on mode , the co ntroller c ompares the act ual p osition, as measu red b y the sen- sor , to the des ired positio n.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 11 9 Adding S afety Limit S witc hes Nev er apply a comman d that is low er than the sensor ’ s minimum output v alue, or higher than the sen sor ’ s maximum output v alue as the motor w ould tur n f orev er try- ing t o reac h a position it can ’ t .
Closed Loop P osition Mode 12 0 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 The second m ethod uses the AX2500/2850 ’ s Emergency Sto p input to sh ut dow n the con- troller if any of the limit s witc hes i s tripped.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 121 Control Loop Description Figure 7 3 sho ws a repr esentation of t he PID al gorithm. Ev ery 1 6 mill iseconds, the control - ler measure s the act ual mo tor position a nd substracts it from the d esired position to com- pute the p osition er ror .
Closed Loop P osition Mode 12 2 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 PID tuning in P osition Mod e As di scusse d abov e, thre e paramet ers - P roportiona l Gain, Inte gral Gain and Dif fere ntial Gain - ca n be adjus ted to t une the p osition control algorithm.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 123 Mode Description SECTION 1 1 Closed Loop Speed Mode Thi s section dis cusses the AX2500/2850 Clos e Loop Spe ed mode. Mode Desc ription In this mode, an analog or digital sp eed sens or measures the ac tual motor sp eed and com- pares i t to the desi red speed .
Closed Loop Speed Mode 12 4 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Using Optical Encoder for Speed F eedbac k (AX2850 only) Digital Optic al Enco ders ma y be used to capt ure ac curate mo tor speed.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 125 Speed Sens or and Motor P olarity Connecti ng the tac ho meter to the controller is as simp le as sh own in the dia gram in t he figure be low . Speed S ensor and Mot or P olari ty The tac hometer o r encoder polarity (i.
Closed Loop Speed Mode 12 6 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 6. Apply po we r to the Moto r P o wer wires (thic k pow er wires). T he motor w ill be stopped . 7. Mov e the cursor of the desired motor to the right so that the mot or starts rotating, and v erify that a positiv e speed is reported.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 127 Control Loop Description Control Loop De script ion The AX2500/2850 pe rforms the Closed Loop Sp eed mode using a full f eat ured P ropor- tional, Integral and Dif f eren tial (PID) a lgorithm.
Closed Loop Speed Mode 12 8 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 PID tuning in Speed Mo de As di scusse d abov e, thre e paramet ers - P roportiona l Gain Inte gral Gain, and Dif fere ntial Gain - can b e adjusted to tune th e Closed L oop Speed con trol algorith m.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 129 PID tuning in Speed Mode.
Closed Loop Speed Mode 13 0 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 131 Optical Increm ental Encoders Overview SECTION 12 Installing, Connecting and Using the Encoder Module Thi s sectio n describes the Encod er input mo dule that is f actory installed ins ide the AX2850, o r that ma y be a dded onto the AX2550.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 13 2 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 The figure bel ow s hows the typical co nstr uction of a quadrat ure enc oder . As the disk rotates in front o f the stationar y mask , it shut te rs light from the LED .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 133 Installing the Encoder Module Specifi cally , the en coder mod ule can p rocess 250, 00 0 co unts per sec onds. A s discu ssed in the pre vio us section, a count i s generated f or eac h transition o n the Chan nel A and Channel B .
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 13 4 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 When ins talling y ourself , fol low the se simpl e steps 1 .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 135 Connecting the Encoder 4- Slide the co ve r bac k on. Install the ne w f ace plate 5- P owe r on the con troller and install v ersion 1 .6 or ne wer of the controll er firmw are and P C utility . Update the encoder fi rmwa re if a ne w v ersion e xists .
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 13 6 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Moto r - Enco der P olarit y Matc hing When usi ng the Enc o.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 137 Wiring Optional Limit S witc hes In Figure 84, the encoder and switc hes are wir ed to the en coder mod ule using a set of resisto rs desig ned to c reate a multi-le v el sig nal combi ning bot h inf ormati on.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 13 8 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Usin g this circu it, whe n the s witc h is open, a 0V (l ow -level) outp ut fro m the e ncode r goes through a 1k an d 4.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 139 Using the Encoder to Measure Speed Using the Encoder to Measure Speed The encoder module w ill autom atically c ompute rotation speed f or eac h encoder .
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 14 0 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Using the En coder to T rac k Po sition The encoder module c an be u sed to report the distance between the act ual moto r position and a des ired desti nation.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 141 RS232 Communication with the Encoder Mo dule Encoders do not r epor t an absol ute pos ition v alue but a c ount that is r el ative t o the point wher e the m otor shaf t was at po w er up.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 14 2 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Details on sof twa re updatin g is giv en in section Figure , “ Upd ating the Encode r Sof tware , ” on page 1 52.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 143 RS232 Encoder Command S et S et/Reset Encoder Counter s and Destination Registers Descrip tion: Set one o r both coun ters to z ero or a us er -defin ed v alue.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 14 4 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Notes: The comman d ret urns a s igned he xade cimal n umber whe re 0 to +1 27 is repre sented b y 00 to 7F , and -1 to -1 27 is rep resented b y FF to 80 resp ectivel y .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 145 RS232 Encoder Command S et Note that f or this function to work, limit switc hes must be c onnected to the encode r mod- ule usi ng the sp ecial wi ring diag ram sho w in “ Wiring Optional L imit S witc hes ” on pag e 1 37.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 14 6 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Read par amet er Syn t a x: * mm R eply: DD Where mm = addre.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 147 Reg ister Descr ipt ion Importa nt W arning Do not alt er an y o ther ar ea locations a s this ma y cause pr ogr am ex ecution f ailure inside the encoder mod ule.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 14 8 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 S witc h St atus R eturn s a 4 bi t number (4 least signi ficant bit s of the b yte), eac h representi ng the state of one of the limi t switc h when installe d.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 149 Counter Read Data Format Speed 1 and 2 The se regist ers contain a s igned 8-bi t value (-1 27 to +1 27) that repres ents the moto r speed relativ .
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 15 0 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 When rea ding the c ounter v alue into a microc omputer , th.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 151 Encoder T esting and Set ting Using the PC Utility • Set and pro gram the Enco der module ’ s parameters in EEPR OM • Activ ate th e motors i.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 15 2 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Ex ercising the Motors A set of b ut tons a nd slide rs are pro vider to starting/stoppin g commun ication with the con- troller a nd encoder .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 153 SECTION 13 Conf iguring the Contr oller using the S witc hes The AX2500/2850 Speed Con troller can be pro grammed to operate in many modes using a simple se t-up proced ure. T wo but tons and a 7 -segmen t LED displ ay l et the user e xamin e and c ha nge thes e set tin gs.
Configuring the Controller using the Switc hes 15 4 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Entering Pr ogramming Mode P rogrammi ng mode is entere d by pressing a nd holdin g the Program but ton for 1 0 sec onds af ter reset ting the control ler .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 155 Pr ogramming using built-in S witc hes and Display Be car eful not t o c onfuse the Set and Pr ogra m butt on when ent er ing the Pr ogr am- ming Mode . Pr essing an d holdin g the Set but to n alone f or 1 0 seconds af ter r eset will cause the c ontrolle r to ent er in sel f-test mod e.
Configuring the Controller using the Switc hes 15 6 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 reset ti ng the con troller .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 157 Pr ogrammable P arameters List This ta ble sho ws only the par amet ers that can b e prog ram med using the switc hes and displ ay .
Configuring the Controller using the Switc hes 15 8 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 *The coas t fun ction is not im pleme nted in thi s revisio n of the sof twa re. The con troll er wil l only op erate in b rake mode.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 159 SECTION 14 Using the Roborun Conf iguration Utility A PC bas ed Configura tion Uti lity is av ailabl e, free of c harge, from Robo teq. T his pro- gram makes configuri ng and op erating the AX2500/2850 muc h more int uitiv e b y using p ull-do wn menu s, but tons and sli ders.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 0 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 • af ter the in stallation is comple te, you will be able to r un the prog ram from y our Start Menu > Programs > Robo teq Y ou do not need to h av e the con troller connec ted to y our PC to start the Utility .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 161 Roborun Frame, T ab and Menu Descriptions Roborun F rame, T ab and Menu Descripti ons The Ro boru n screen contains the fou r main set of comma nds and in fo rmation fra mes des cribe d below: 1 - Progr am Revision Number Thi s is the revisio n and da te of the R obor un utili ty .
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 2 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 With the port op en, R obor un will tr y to establish communi cation with the controlle r .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 163 Loading, Changing Controller P arameter s Control s Set tings The scre en shown in Figure 94 i s used t o view and c hange th e cont roll er ’ s main contro l modes.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 4 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Thi s pull do wn men u will le t you s elect the con troller ’ s respons e to c h anges on the opti onal sw itc h in put: Emerge ncy St op, I nv ert C omman ds, or no act ion.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 165 Loading, Changing Controller P arameter s Analog or R/C Specif ic S et tings The screen sho wn i n Figure 96 is slightly d if f erent w hether the Anal og Input mo de is selec ted or not.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 6 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Closed Loop P arameter s Thi s screen shown in Figure 97 is us ed to set the P rop ortional, Inte gral and Di f f erential gains needed f or the PID a lgorithm.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 167 Optical Encod er Operation Optical Encoder Operati on The Ro boru n utility pro vides many fac ilities f or conf iguring a nd testing the Optic al Encoder module contained in the AX2850.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 8 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 1 - Run/Stop But t on Thi s but ton will cause th e PC to s end the r un comm ands to th e controller a nd will update the scre en with measure ments receiv ed from th e controll er .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 169 Running the Motors The Po we r field disp lay s the po w er le vel that is act uall y being applied to the motor .
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 17 0 AX2500/2850 Motor C ontroller Us er ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 three dig ital inputs prese nt on the contro ller . Blac k rep resents a “ 0 ” lev el. Gr een repre - sent s a “ 1 ” level.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 17 1 Running the Motors line of th e sa ve file contains the Header n ames. Eac h follo win g line co ntains a com plete set of pa rameters.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 17 2 AX2500/2850 Motor C ontroller Us er ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Vi ew ing and Logging D ata in Analog and R/C Modes When the c ontroller is config ured in R/C o r Analog m ode, it will automatic ally an d continu- ously s end a string of A SCII c hara cters on the R S232 outpu t.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 17 3 Operating the AX250 0/2850 o ver a Wi red or Wireless LAN T o operate o ver t he netw ork two comp uters are required, a s show in Figure 1 0 0 belo w . The top com puter is connecte d to the con troller vi a its COM port.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 17 4 AX2500/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005 Updating th e Contr oller ’ s S of tw are The AX25 00 /285 0 ’ s ope rating so f tware c an be easi ly upgrad ed af ter it has lef t the fa ctory .
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 17 5 Creating Cust omized Object Files Creating a custom object file c an easily be done u sing the Ob jectmak er utility . T his short program is automa tically installed in the Start menu w hen installin g the R obor un uti lity .
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 176 AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 17 7 Mec hanical D imensions SECTION 15 Mec h anical Specif ications Th is sect ion details the mec hanical c haracte ristics o f the AX2 500/2850 co ntrolle r .
Mec hanical Speci fications 17 8 AX2500/2850 Motor C ontroller Us er ’ s Ma nual V ersion 1 .7. F ebr uary 1, 2005 Mounting Co nsideratio ns Mounting brac k ets o n eac h en d are pro vided for du rable asse mbly of the controlle r onto any c hassis.
AX2500/2850 Mo tor Controlle r User ’ s Manual 17 9 Wire Dimensions F or high current app lications, it is possi ble that the c ontroller ma y hea t-up fa ster and to a highe r tem perature than c an be di ssipa ted by th e heatsi nk en closu re usi ng natural convec- tion alon e.
Mec hanical Speci fications 180 AX250 0/285 0 Motor Contro ller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .7. F eb rua r y 1, 2005.
An important point after buying a device RoboteQ AX2550/2850 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought RoboteQ AX2550/2850 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data RoboteQ AX2550/2850 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, RoboteQ AX2550/2850 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get RoboteQ AX2550/2850 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of RoboteQ AX2550/2850, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime RoboteQ AX2550/2850.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with RoboteQ AX2550/2850. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device RoboteQ AX2550/2850 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center