Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 21-1825 Ricoh
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Cat. No. 21-1825 OWNER’S MANUAL Please read before using this equipment. 2-Way Personal Radio • • • • Compact Design • • • • 14 Channel Se lection • • • • Clear Communica tio.
2 INTRODUCTION RadioSh ack welcom es you to the next gene ration o f personal commun ication — the F amily Ra dio Service (FRS). FRS is a new license -free, two-w ay, short-ra nge voice radi o servi ce that lets famili es and groups keep in touc h with each other on speci fic reserved chan nels.
3 Code s” on P age 14). You can t alk with a pers on who has an FRS ra - dio if both radios ar e tuned to the same c hannel and quie t code . Also, if th e radio is idle for 2 hours , it automa ticall y shuts o ff. It turns on again w hen you press PUSH T O TA L K (s ee “U sing A uto Po wer- Off ” on Page 18.
4 CONTENTS Preparation ............... ................. 5 Installi ng Batte ries ........ ..... ...... 5 Rechar ging Ni-Cd or Ni-MH Ba tteries ........ 7 Operation . ................. ........... .... 1 1 A Quick Lo ok at the Ra dio .... 1 1 Selecting a Chan nel .
5 PREPARATION INSTALLI NG BATTERIES Your radio requ ires three AAA ba t- teries f or power . For the best per- formance and longest life, we recommend RadioSha ck batte ries. Cautions: • Use onl y fresh bat teries of the required s ize and re commend - ed type.
6 2. Slide CHARGE ON/OFF inside the battery compartment to OFF (for alkal ine batteri es) or ON (for Ni-Cd or Ni-MH re- chargeab le batt eries). 3. Install t hree AAA batteries ac- cording to the polarit y symbols (+ and –) m arked ins ide. 4. Slide the batte ry cover back on.
7 batteries . To ensure maximum rang e, k eep f resh b at teri es in the radio. Warn ing: Dispose of old batteri es promptly and prop erly. Do n ot burn or bury th em. Caution: If you do not plan to use the radio for a month or longer, re - move t he batteri es.
8 If you u se recha rgeabl e Ni-Cd o r Ni-MH ba tteries, yo u can rech arge them in t he radi o using a n optio nal AC or DC a dapt er (bo th avai lab le from your l ocal R adio Shack store ). The radio’ s CHRG jack is onl y for charging Ni-Cd or Ni-M H batteri es.
9 the r adio 's CHRG jack. Usin g an adapter th at does not m eet these spec ificatio ns could damage the radio or the ad apt- er . • Always connect the a dapter to the r adio be fo re you co nnec t it to an ex ternal pow er source (such a s an AC outlet o r a ve - hicle cig arette-ligh ter socket ).
10 3. Attach the Ada ptaplug to the adapter so TIP reads pos itive (+). 4. Connec t the charge r ’s b arrel plug to th e radio ’s CHRG jack and plug its other end into a stand ard AC outlet or a ve hicle cigarette -lighte r socket . 5. Compl ete cha rging ta ke s abou t 15 hours .
11 OPERATION A QUICK LOOK AT THE RADIO Rotate VO LUME/OF F to turn the ra- dio on and off and adjus t the vol- ume. Hold down CALL to se nd a page to other FRS radi os set to the same chan nel (and qu iet co de, if you se- lec ted on e) .
12 Important: Th e FCC does not al- low yo u to send a contin uous tone for more t han 10 seco nds at a time on FRS f requencie s. Do n ot hold down CALL for m ore tha n 10 sec- onds. Set QUI ET to the d esired co de to provide gre ater communi cation flexibil ity.
13 You ca n conn ect an op tio nal micro- phone o r spea ker wit h a 3 / 32 -in ch mini p lug and a 1 / 8 -inch plu g to the MIC / SPK jack s (or an earphone w ith a 1 / 8 -inc h plug to the SPK ja ck). SELECTING A CHANNEL To manuall y select a ch annel , press 8 or 9 .
14 Th e radio cont inues to s can throug h channels if you do no t press an y buttons . QUIET CODES Quiet co des let yo u talk and listen to people who are using ot her radi - os set to th e s am e ch an nel and qui - et code . This is l ike hav ing a s ub- channel within a channe l, giv ing you gre ater c ommunicat ion f lexibili - ty.
15 2. Repeate dly pres s (or hold down) 8 or 9 unt il you see the code numbe r you want to use. (See the “Qu iet Cod es” chart on Page 16 for a com - plete lis t of qu iet codes .) 3. Press QUIET to store th e co de . 4. T o tur n on t he quiet code fea- ture, pr ess QUIET .
16 FRS Frequencies Quiet Codes Channel Freq uency (MHz) 1 462.5625 2 462.5875 3 462.6125 4 462.6375 5 462.6625 6 462.6875 7 462.7125 8 467.5625 9 467.5875 10 467. 612 5 11 467. 637 5 12 467. 662 5 13 467. 687 5 14 467. 712 5 Code Freq uenc y (Hz) 16 7 .
17 10 94.8 11 97.4 12 100. 0 13 103. 5 14 107. 2 15 110. 9 16 114. 8 17 118. 8 18 123. 0 19 127.3 20 131 .8 21 136. 5 22 141. 3 23 146. 2 24 151. 4 25 156. 7 26 162. 2 27 167. 9 28 173. 8 29 179. 9 30 186. 2 31 192. 8 32 203. 5 33 210. 7 34 218. 1 35 225.
18 USING AUTO POWER-OFF You can set the radi o to automati - cally turn off if it is i dle for abou t 2 hours. To turn this fea ture on or off, hold down 9 while turning o n th e ra dio. On or OF briefl y appears. When this feature is turned on, OF appears stead ily on t he displ ay.
19 Note: Strong interferenc e from a nearby rad io source migh t tempo- rar ily prev ent your r adio fr om work- ing proper ly. If UL (unlock ) appears, m ove away from the radio source an d turn your radio off and on again . If th e interfere nce contin- ues, take your radio to your local RadioShac k store fo r servici ng.
20 CARE To enjoy your radi o for a long time: • Keep the rad io dry . If it gets wet, wipe it dry im media tely . • Use and s tore the radio onl y in normal te mperatu re environ - ments. • Handle the radio gently and carefull y . Don’t d rop it.
21 FCC INFORMATION Important: D o not o pen you r radio to make an y intern al adjust ments . Your ra dio is set up to transmi t a regulated signa l on one o f 14 as - signed fre quenc ies. It is aga inst the law to alter or ad just the sett ings in- side the radio to exceed those li mi- tati ons.
22 ence, turn it off. If t he interfere nce goes a way, your rad io is causin g it . Try t o elimi nat e the in terfe renc e by: • moving your ra dio away from the r eceiv er • calling your loca l RadioSha ck store for help If you canno t eliminate the interfe r- ence, th e FCC r equires th at you stop using the radio.
23 SPECIFICATIONS Frequenc y Range : 462.5625– 467.71 25 MH z Channels .............. ........... .......... 14 Quiet Codes ...... Standard CT CSS To n e s RF Output Power: 300 mW ERP @ 4.5VDC Power Supply ....... . 3 AAA Alkali ne Sensitiv ity at 12d B Sinad .
Limi ted Ni nety-D ay Warrant y This product is warranted by RadioShack against manufacturing de- fects in material and workmans hip under normal use for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase from RadioShac k company-owned stores and auth orized RadioShack franchisees and dealers.
An important point after buying a device Ricoh 21-1825 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Ricoh 21-1825 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Ricoh 21-1825 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Ricoh 21-1825 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Ricoh 21-1825 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Ricoh 21-1825, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Ricoh 21-1825.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Ricoh 21-1825. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Ricoh 21-1825 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center