Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product R-91 Remington
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® ® ® ® MC Dual T rack Rotary Sha ver R-91 U se an d Ca r e G ui d e 35473_R-91_IB.indd 1 3/18/08 11:19:58 AM.
IM PO R T ANT SA FE TY IN STR UC TI ONS 3 Wh en us in g an ele ctr ica l ap pl ia nc e, ba si c p rec aut io ns sho uld alw ay s b e ob serv ed , including the follo wing. Read all instructions before using this shaver . D ANGER T o red uce the risk of electr ic sho ck: ■ Do no t reac h for an appl ianc e that has falle n into wat er .
4 Dual T rack Rotary Shaver P ower Sys tem Cordl ess – thi s shave r can onl y be used when cha rged and deta ched from the power cord. 5 FE A TU RE R- 91 POWER SYSTEM cordless VOL T AGE TYPE 120 V AC, 60 Hz Pr oduct Featur es About Y our Shaver SH AV ER P AR TS A.
7 ■ Ens ure yo ur skin is dry and fre e of oils . ■ W ait at lea st 15 min utes after getti ng up bef ore shav ing, to ensu re your face is free of puff ines s that may be prese nt from sleep ing. ■ Alwa ys hol d the shav er at a righ t angle to the ski n so that bo th head s are touc hing the ski n with eq ual pre ssur e.
9 8 Mo nt hly Cle an in g: 1. Pe rfor m Dail y Clean ing st eps 1-2 first . 2. On the un ders ide of th e shavi ng unit , turn th e cente r switc h to the le ft to rel ease the fr ame fr om the sh aving unit. (Diagra m H) 3. T ake the 2 shaving heads (c utte rs & guar ds) ca refu lly out of the shav ing uni t.
10 11 Li mi ted T w o- Y ear Wa rr an ty Spec trum Brand s, Inc. warran ts this produc t again st any def ects that are due to fault y mater ial or workma nshi p for a two -yea r perio d from th e origi nal dat e of cons umer purc hase . T his war rant y does not inc lude damage to the prod uct re sult ing fro m acci - dent or misus e.
® ® ® ® MC Dual T rack Rasoir à têtes rotatives R-91 G ui de d’ u ti li sa t io n et d’ en t r et i en 12 ® ® ® ® MC 35473_R-91_IB.indd 12-13 3/18/08 11:20:09 AM.
ME SUR ES DE SÉ CU RIT É IM POR T ANT ES 15 Des mesures de sécurité élémentaires, dont les suivantes, s’imposent lors de l’utilisation d’un a ppareil électrique.
16 Rasoir à têtes rotatives Dual T rack Sy st ème d’a li me nt ati on Sans cordo n – ce raso ir peut être emp loyé se ulem ent lo rsqu ’il est recha rgé et débr anch é du cor don d’a lime ntati on.
19 ■ Assure z-vo us que vous avez la peau sè che et no n huile use. ■ Attend ez au moi ns 15 mi nute s après vo us être levé avan t de vou s raser , po ur que le visage ne soit plu s bour souf lé de som meil .
21 20 T ous les moi s : 1. Pro céde z d’ab ord aux étapes de nettoyag e 1 et 2. 2. T ou rnez le bouto n centr al sit ué sous la tête du rasoi r vers la gauche pour en déta cher le mont ant. (Diagra mme H) 3. Enl evez douce ment les deux ensemb les de coutea ux (ave c leurs prote cteu rs) de la tê te.
22 23 Ga ra nti e lim ité e de de ux ans Spec trum Brand s, Inc. garant it ce pro duit co ntre toute dé fect uosi té due à des vices matér iels et de fabr icati on pour une péri ode de deux ans à compte r de la date d’ac hat ini tial e, à l’exc epti on des do mmages résul tant d’un acc ident ou d’un mauvai s usage .
® ® ® ® MC 35473_R-91_IB.indd 24 3/18/08 11:20:14 AM.
An important point after buying a device Remington R-91 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Remington R-91 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Remington R-91 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Remington R-91 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Remington R-91 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Remington R-91, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Remington R-91.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Remington R-91. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Remington R-91 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center