Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product R-450s Remington
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Use and Care Guide R-450s R-650s (shown) MICROFLEX ® ® ® ® MC 34159_R450S-650S_IB_update.indd 1 5/24/07 11:04:57 AM.
3 When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be observed, including the following. RE AD ALL IN STR UCT IO NS BE FOR E USI NG THI S AP PLI ANC E. D ANGER T o redu ce the ri sk of elec tric shock: ■ Use on ly in dry cond itio n.
4 Product Features 5 Sh ave r P arts (A) Head & Cutter Assembly (B) ON/OFF Button (C) Head Guard (D) Rear T ab (E) T rimmer Button (F) Brush (F) (C) (B) Easy-View TM T rimmer (C) (A) (E) Re min gt.
Th e Be st T echn iq ue It’ s simple to get a great shave from your new shaver . Here are a few tips for getting the closest shave possible: Always use a clean, dry shaver .
Usage T ips 8 Ch arg in g Prior to using your sha ver for the first time, put it on charge for 24 hours. T o charge your shaver: ■ Make sure you r shaver is turne d off. ■ Conn ect th e cord to th e shaver and then the char ging adapter to the elec tric outlet .
11 Cleaning & Maintenance 10 T o assure smooth, efficient perfor - mance, it is important to clean your shaver . The hand-held unit shall be detached from the power supply cord before cleaning. The sha ver shall not be used until it has dried. The sha ver is a washable sha ver , the hand-held part of which may be cleaned under water .
12 W arranty P erformance Guarantee Sp ect ru m Br and s, Inc . Mo ney -B ack Off er If within 30 days after you have purchased your Remington ® shaver , you are not satisfied with your shaver and would like a refund, just return your shaver , together with the sales receipt, to the retailer from whom the shaver was purchased.
® ® ® ® MC Guía para el Uso y el Cuidado R-450s R-650s (Ilustración) MICROFLEX ® ® ® ® MC 34159_R450S-650S_IB_update.indd 14-15 5/24/07 11:05:15 AM.
17 Cuando se usa un electrodoméstico, se deben tomar precauciones básicas, inc luidas las siguientes. LE A TO D AS L AS IN STR UCC IO NES AN TES D E USA R ES T A A FEI T A DOR A. PELIGRO P ara red ucir el riesgo de elec troc utami ento : ■ Usa r sólo cu ando la afeita dora se encu entr e seca.
18 Características del Producto 19 P ar tes de l a Af eit ad ora (A) Cabezal y cuchillas (B) Bo tón de en cendi do y apagad o (“ON/ OFF” ) (C) Cu bier ta prot ector a (D) Le ngüe ta tras era (E.
La Mej or T écn ic a Con su nueva afeitadora, obtener una afeitada excelente es simple. Aquí tiene algunos consejos para obtener una afeitada lo más a ras posible: Siempre use una afeitadora limpia y seca. Asegúrese que las cuchillas se encuentren trabadas en el cabezal cor- rectamente.
Consejos para el Uso 22 Re car ga Antes del primer uso, recargue su afeitadora por un período de 24 horas. Para recargar su afeitadora: ■ Ase gúres e que la af eitad ora se encu entr e apagada (“OFF” ). ■ Con ecte el cable en la afeita dora para luego conect ar el carg ador al toma corri ente.
25 Limpieza y Mantenimiento 24 Es muy importante que limpie su afeitadora para así asegurar un desempeño eficiente y uniforme. Desenchufe el cable del cuerpo de la afeitadora antes de limpiar . La afeitadora no deberá ser usada hasta que se encuentre totalmente seca.
26 Garantía Garantía de Desempeño Pr ome sa de De vo luc ió n de Di ner o po r P ar te de Sp ect ru m Br and s, Inc Si dentro de los 30 días siguientes a la compra de su producto Remington ® ust.
Guide d’utilisation et d’entretien R-450s R-650s (illustré) MICROFLEX ® ® ® ® MC ® ® ® ® MC 34159_R450S-650S_IB_update.indd 28-29 5/24/07 11:05:27 AM.
31 Des mesures de sécurité élémen- taires, dont les suivantes, s’imposent lors de l’utilisation d’un appareil électrique. LI SEZ T OUT ES LE S DI REC TIV ES A V AN T D’ UTI LIS ER C ET AP P A REI L. D ANGER Afin de rédui re le ris que de cho c élec triq ue : ■ Uti lisez le rasoi r uniqu emen t lor squ’i l est sec .
32 Caractéristiques du produit 33 Pi èce s du ras oi r (A) Assemblage de têtes et couteaux (B) Interrupteur de marche/arrêt (C) Protège-tête (D) Patte arrière (E) Bouton de la tondeuse (F) Bros.
La mei lle ur e mé tho de Votre nouveau rasoir est facile à utiliser . Voici quelques conseils pour obtenir le rasage le plus près possible: Utilisez toujours un rasoir propre et sec. Assurez-vous que l’assemblage de coupe est en position verrouillée.
Conseils d’utilisation 36 Re cha rg e Avant d’utiliser le rasoir pour la première fois, rechargez-le pendant 24 heures.. Pour recharger le rasoir: ■ Assu rez- vous qu e le raso ir est en posi tion AR RÊT . ■ Bran chez le cordo n au rasoi r puis l’ad aptate ur de rec harge dans une pr ise éle ctri que.
39 Nettoy age et entretien 38 Pour que le rasoir fonctionne efficacement et en douceur , il est important de le nettoyer régulière - ment. Débranchez toujours le rasoir du cordon de recharge avant de le nettoyer . Attendez que le rasoir soit sec a vant de vous en ser vir .
40 W arranty Garantie de rendement Ga ran ti e de rem bou rs eme nt de Spe ctr um Bra nds , I nc. Si vous n’êtes pas satisfait et désirez obtenir un remboursement au cours des 30 jours qui suivent l’achat de ce produit de marque Remington ® , retournez le produit avec son reçu de caisse au détaillant où vous l’avez acheté.
® Marque déposée et (MC) marque de commerce de Spectrum Brands, Inc. ou de l’une de ses filiales. © 2 00 7 S B I 05/07 T ra vail n° CS34159 Brevets américains nos 5,390,416; 5,408,749; 6,199,282; D355,277; et D405,921. Dist. par: Spectrum Brands, Inc.
® ® ® ® MC 34159_R450S-650S_IB_update.indd 44 5/24/07 11:05:37 AM.
An important point after buying a device Remington R-450s (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Remington R-450s yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Remington R-450s - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Remington R-450s you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Remington R-450s will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Remington R-450s, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Remington R-450s.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Remington R-450s. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Remington R-450s along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center