Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Pathfinder Radar Scanner Raymarine
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Pa t h f i n d e r Rada r Scanners Owne r’ s Handbo ok Docum ent number: 81154 _7 Date: 1st March 2004.
i P athfinder R adar Scanners P athfinder Radar Scanners Owners Handbook Mar ch 2004 Intended Use T he scanner units detai led in this handbook for m part of naviga tional radar systems intended for light marine use . T hese radar systems are only an aid to navigat ion.
ii P athfinder Radar Scanner s NRPB , Boa rd Statem ent on Restriction s on Hum an Exposure to Sta tic and Time V aryi ng Electro magnetic F i elds and Ra diation, Do c NRPB , No . 5 (1993) . 3. Navigation Aid. T h is radar unit is only an aid to navigati on.
iii P athfinder Radar Scann ers Pr eface T his handbook describes t he followi ng Rayma rine P a thfinder radar scanner s: 2D 18" 2 kW R adome Sc anner 4D 24" 4 kW R adome Sc anner 5S 48&quo.
iv P athfinder Radar Scanner s T he software version can be confirmed by switching-on the display and checki ng the version number during the magnetron warm-up sequence . Note: If a scan ner unit is not connecte d the ve rsion number is only display ed for 10 sec- onds.
Sheet 1 of 2 Certificate No. RT031 We Ray marine Limited Anchor age Park Ports m ou th Hampshire Englan d P03 5T D declar e, under our sole r espons ibilit y, that the pr oducts identi fied i n this d.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT031 Declar ation of Conformity – Schedule of Ancillary Equipment and Radar Sy stems The foll owin g Raym arine Displa y Units a re comb ined with the Ra ymari ne 2D – 2kW , 18" Radome S canne r Unit (tran sceive r) listed on S heet 1 to fo rm the operatio nal ra dar sys tems given belo w.
Sheet 1 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT032 We Ray marine Li mited Anchor age Park Portsm outh Ham pshire Eng land P03 5TD declar e, un der our so le resp onsibili ty, th at th e produc ts iden tified in th.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT032 Declar ation of Conformity – Schedule of Ancillary Equipment and Radar Sy stems The foll owin g Raym arine Displa y Units a re comb ined with the Ra ymari ne 4D – 4kW , 24" Radome S canne r Unit (tran sceive r) listed on S heet 1 to fo rm the operatio nal ra dar sys tems given belo w.
Sheet 1 of 2 Certifica te No. RT033 We Rayma rine Li mi ted Anc horag e Park Portsm outh Hampsh ire Engl and P 03 5 TD decl are, under our s ole resp onsibi lity , that th e prod ucts iden tified in t.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ific ate No . RT033 Decl aration o f Conformity – Schedule o f Ancill ary Equipment and Radar Sy stems The fol lowin g units a re comb ined with the 4k W, Op en Arra y Scan ner U nit (tr ansce iver ) listed on She et 1 to form t he op erati onal Rayt heon or R aymari ne r adar s ys tems gi ven below.
Sheet 1 of 2 Certifica te No. RT035 We Rayma rine Li mi ted Anc horag e Park Portsm outh Hampsh ire Engl and P 03 5 TD decl are, under our s ole resp onsibi lity , that th e prod ucts iden tified in t.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ific ate No . RT035 Decl aration o f Conformity – Schedule o f Ancill ary Equipment and Radar Sy stems The fol lowin g units a re comb ined with the 10 kW, Op en Ar ra y Scan ner Unit (tra nsce iver) listed o n Shee t 1 to form th e ope rationa l Raym arine radar sys tems gi ven b elow.
Sheet 1 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT038 We Ray marine Li mited Anchor age Park Portsm outh Ham pshire Eng land P 03 5TD declar e, un der our so le resp onsibili ty, th at th e produc ts iden tified in t.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT038 Decla ration o f Conformity – Schedule o f Ancill ary Equipment * The foll owin g Raym arine Displa y Units a re comb ined with the Ra ymari ne 2D – 2kW , 18" Radome S canne r Unit (tra nsce iver) list ed on Sheet 1 to form the o per ationa l r adar s yst ems.
Sheet 1 of 2 C e r t i f i c a t e N o . RT039 We Ray marine Li mited Anchor age Park Portsm outh Ham pshire Eng land P 03 5TD declar e, un der our so le resp onsibili ty, th at th e produc ts iden ti.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT039 Decla ration o f Conformity – Schedule o f Ancill ary Equipment The foll owin g Raym arine Displa y Units a re comb ined with the Ra ymari ne 4D – 4kW , 24" Radome S canne r Unit (tra nsce iver) list ed on Sheet 1 to form the o per ationa l r adar s yst ems.
Sheet 1 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT040 We Ray marine Li mited Anchor age Park Portsm outh Ham pshire Eng land P 03 5TD declar e, un der our so le resp onsibili ty, th at th e produc ts iden tified in t.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT040 Decla ration o f Conformity – Schedule o f Ancill ary Equipment The foll owin g Raym arine Display U nits a re comb ined with the Ra ymari ne 4kW, O pen A rray Sca nne r Uni t (transce iver) l isted o n Shee t 1 to for m the op eratio nal rada r system s.
Sheet 1 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT041 We Ray marine Li mited Anchor age Park Portsm outh Ham pshire Eng land P 03 5TD declar e, un der our so le resp onsibili ty, th at th e produc ts iden tified in t.
Sheet 2 of 2 Cert ifi cat e No. RT041 Decla ration o f Conformity – Schedule o f Ancill ary Equipment The foll owin g Raym arine Display U nits a re comb ined with the Ra ymarine 1 0kW , Open Arra y Scan ner Unit (transce iver) l isted o n Shee t 1 to for m the op eratio nal rada r system s.
xxi CONTENTS Preface ............ ........... ............ ................. ........... ................. ........... ........... ............. iii Display Software V ersion .... ............. ............. ................... ............ iii C-Series Display Compatibil ity .
xxii P athfinder Radar Scanner s Chapter 3: Post Installa tion Checks and Maintenance ...................... ........... 3 9 EMC Conformance .. ............ ............. ............. ............. ................... .... 3 9 3.1 System Chec ks and Alignment .
xxiv P athfinder Radar Scanner s.
1 CONTENTS Preface ............ .................. .......................... .................. ........................... .................. ...... iii Display Software Version ..................................... .................................
2 P athfinder Ra dar Scanners 2.3 System Connections ................................ ................................... ...................... 35 Cable details ........................... ................................... .........................
1 Chapter 1: Overview 1.1 Intr oduction T his handbo ok provides instructions to assist you i n the insta llation and set up of the following radar scan ners: 2D 18" 2 kW Radome Scanner 4D 24&quo.
2 P athfinder R adar Scanners CAUTION: Do not use an open array scanner w ith an SL70, SL 70 PLUS or SL70RC PLUS 7" LCD display unit. Failure to observe this may result in permanent dam age to these disp lay units. The 10 kW open a rray scanne r requi re s 24 V or higher; it will not operate o n 12 V sys tems.
3 • T he equi pment is supp lied from a separate ba ttery from tha t used for eng ine start. V oltage drops below 10 V (20 V for 10 kW open array scanners) in the power supply to our prod ucts , and star ter motor tran sients , can cause t he equipment to reset.
4 P athfinder R adar Scanners T able 1-1: Radome scanners Item Pa rt No. Supplied with : Optio n for : 2D 18" 2 kW Radom e Scanner with 15 m li ght cable 4D 24" 4 kW Radom e Scanner with 15 .
5 1.3 Selecti ng the scanne r unit sit e T h is sectio n provides informati on that affects the possible locations of the scanner , and its position relative to the display unit and to the power supply . T he dimensio ns of the ea ch scanner unit a re shown in the fol lowing diagrams .
6 P athfinder R adar Scanners D3224_4 18" R ad ome Scanner 151.25 mm (5.95 in) 468 mm (18.4 in) dia. Weight: 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs) Compass safe distance: 1 m (33 in) 116.5 mm (4.6 in) 233 mm (9.2 in) 141.5 mm (5.6 in) 227 mm (8.9 in) 302.5 mm (11.9 in) Rear Rear D3228_5 Weight: 7.
7 Centre of rotation Centre of rotation 48" - 1306 mm (51.4 in), 72" - 1928 mm (75.9 in) 100 mm (4 in) 427 mm (16.8 in) 296 mm (11.65 in) 406 mm (16 in) D4572-4 Weight Pedestal: 24 kg (53.0 lb) 48" Open Array: 6 kg (13.2 lb) 72" Open Array: 9.
8 P athfinder R adar Scanners • Access: Th e scanner unit site sho uld be ea sily accessible to allow mainte- nance to be carried out safely . • Magnetic compas s: Mount the sca nner unit at lea st 1 m away from a mag- netic com pass.
9 • Mount ing Plat form : The platform must be mech anically se cure and ca pa- ble of supporting th e mass and i nertia of the open array sc anner . T he com- plete unit we ighs: 48" scanner - 30 kg (66.2 lb); 72" scanner - 33.4 kg (73.7 lb) .
10 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Setting the radiation plane T he scanner unit should b e mounted so that the array rotates parallel to the w aterline . T he radar beam is app roximatel y 25° wide in the vertical directi on, providing good target detection during the vessel’ s pitching and rolling.
11 1.4 Cable Requir ements T h is section p rovides det ails on selectin g the appropri ate cables fo r your system. P ermissible cabl e lengths depend on the sc anner type a nd the boa t’ s power system. Information on inter -unit and power cables is pr ovided for both radome and open array scanners in the following sections .
12 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Radome inter-unit cable for use with Pathfinder and C Series displays Open array inter-unit cable for use with P athfinder displays Split pedestal cable for use with new.
13 Running the cab le to the s canne r CA UTION: Do not pull the cable thr ough bulk heads us ing a co rd atta ched to the connector . This could damage the connections.
14 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Radome scanner cables Inter-uni t c able T he radome inter -unit cable is fitted with an 8-way plug and power cores (covered by a clear protec tive sleeve) for c onnecting to the scanner . T he length of the supplied cabl e should be sufficien t to complete the cable run required on most sm all vessels .
15 Powe r c abl e T he radome radar systems a re intended for use on sh ips’ DC power systems operating in the range 10.7 to 32 V DC (that is , 12 V and 24 V systems; no t 32 V systems). A 1.5 m (5 ft) pow er cable is supplied ( with the display unit) for con necting the ship’ s DC power to the radar scanner vi a the display unit.
16 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Note: If you have an 18" radome scan ner, an d the wire gauge r equire d for you r ext ended power cable is unac ceptably large, you should re place the sup plied light (2 power co re) in- ter-uni t cabl e with t he 25 m he avy (4 powe r core ) inter- unit cable ass embly (s ee table ).
17 Open array scanner cables for P athfinder displays Inter- unit c able T he P athfi nder display inter -u nit cables ha ve a connect or plug at on e end for connecting to the displa y unit or extension cabl e; the other end is prep ared ready to fit to the power and signal connectors (see Secti on 2.
18 P athfinder Radar Scanner s 24 V a nd 32 V S ystem s - 10 kW s canners 10 kW open array scanners can use any combination of inter -unit cable up to a maximum leng th of 35 m. However , these systems u se considerable po wer and installation s should be planned to minimize all cable lengths .
19 Not e: If th e requ ired ext ensio n resul ts in unaccep tably large di amete r cable s, use tw o or more sm aller ga uge wir es to achieve the requi red cop per wire cross- secti on. For e xample , using tw o pair s of 2 mm 2 is e quiv ale nt to usin g tw o si ngle 4.
20 P athfinder Radar Scanner s T able 1-9: Max. Extension Power Cable Lengths (m), 24 V Systems - 10 kW Sc anners Int er- Unit Cab le( s) Power C ab le C ore (ea ch core) mm 2 : AWG: 1.5 16 2.0 15 2.5 14 4.0 11 5 m Heavy 12.0 16.0 20.0 32.0 10 m Heavy 10.
21 Open array scanner cables for C-series displays A split pedestal cable is required to connect a compatible open array scanner to the display unit and to the power so urce . If you are co nnectin g an existing co mpatible scan ner to a C-Serie s display a pedestal ad aptor cable can be u sed instead of the spl it pedestal c able.
22 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Gr ounding t he ra dar syste m It is impo rtant th at an eff ective RF ground is c onnected to the r adar system. Y ou must grou nd the rada r by connecting the drain wire (sc reen) of the power cable to the n earest groun d point of the ship’s RF ground system.
23 Chapter 2: Installing the Scanne r 2.1 Radome scanne r Securing the radome scanner to the mounting sur- face CA UTION: The drain tu be must always be used, but ma y be shortene d if necessary 1.
24 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Y ou may need to u se longer M 8 mount ing bolts to secure the sc anner if you have used shims to lower the ra dar beam. Connecting the radome scanner inter-unit cable CAUTION: Before wiring the scanner unit, ma ke sure that the inter-unit cable is not connected and power is not applied to the display unit.
25 4. Remove the drain tube from inside the base of the scanner , and insert it into the drain hole as shown in the following diagram. Pull the tube gently from outside the scanner so that it clips into place .
26 P athfinder Radar Scanner s 1 Secur ing nut 2 Gla nd 3 Grom met 4 Inte r -unit cab l e 5 Eight-way plug 6 Ei ght-way sock et 7 Power cores (2 or 4) 8 T e rminal clamp 9 Screwdriver 10 Earthing clamp 11 T op clamp 12 Clamp sc rews 6.
27 9. Connect the red “+”and black “-” power cores (7). If you h ave a 10 m or light 15 m int er - unit ca ble , there is one pa ir of cores . Connect the red cable lead to one of the t erminal sock ets marked “+”, and the black cabl e lead to on e of the sockets mark ed “-”.
28 P athfinder Radar Scanner s 2.2 Open arra y scanner Installati on of the open array scanner should only be undertak en by a competent insta lle r . I f yo u h ave any diff icu lty wit h th e i nsta lla tion , pl eas e co nt act y ou r lo cal Raymarine dealer o r distributor .
29 Securing the pedestal to the mounting platform 1. Using the paper t emplate supplied with the sc anner mounting kit, mark the flat mounting surface with the holes and drill as indicated on the template . Refe r t o Section 1.2 when selecting the scanner unit site .
30 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Connecting the open array scanner cable CAUTION: Befor e wiring the scanner unit check that it is secur ely mounted to the platform, then make sure th at the inter-unit cable is not connected and power is not applied to the display unit.
31 5. Ensure the exposed braid i s positioned in they p-clip to provide a n earth, then clamp securely into position. Secure the cable a t the entranc e to pedestal base using the plastic ca ble clamp . Hand tighten the cable gl and nut. . 6. T h e cable i s supplied prepa red and ready to fit to the signal and power con- nectors .
32 P athfinder Radar Scanner s CAUTION: If any of the wires are incorrectly fitted, the scanne r will not function correctly . 7. Fit th e 8-way plug (supplied in the kit of parts) to the cable as shown in the fol- lowing diagram. T he terminal clamps are o perated using a sc rewdriver as shown.
33 8. Connect the red core(s) to the terminal sock et mark ed “+”and the black core(s) to the terminal sock et mark ed “-”. T he terminal clamps are operated using a screwdriver as sho wn in the inse t diagram. 9. Using the tie-wrap fitting on the pedestal lid, secure the cable .
34 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Fitting the open arr ay to the pedestal CAUTION: The pede stal unit has a ca p fitted ov er the open array mou nting shaft to protect the protudin g co-axial pin. Thi s cap must be lef t in place until the o pen array is fi tted to the pe destal.
35 2.3 System Connecti ons CA UTION: The display connector on the scanner cable is a moulded plug that canno t be replaced . DO NOT r emove this mo ulde d plug. Do not use an open array scan ner with an SL 70, SL70 PLUS or SL70RC PLUS 7" LCD displa y unit.
36 P athfinder Radar Scanner s T he open array scanner has a power switch fi tted to the pedestal. T his switch can normally be left ON . Howev er , if the scanner is being serviced or if any personnel are in the vicinity o f the op en arra y , the switch shoul d be se t to OFF .
37 Cable details T h e following diagrams - one for th e inter -unit cable , one for the split pedestal and adaptor cable - illustrate the connector pins and cable core details .
38 P athfinder Radar Scanner s 1 2 3 5 4 7 10 11 86 9 13 12 White Orange Black Green Yellow Shield Violet Blue Grey Video Video RTN Not connected Tx Trigger + Not connected Data I/O + Tx Trigger - - N.
39 Chapter 3: Po st Installation Checks and Maintenance Once you have in stalled your radar scanner and di splay unit , and made all the connect ions , you need to chec k your inst allation. Y ou ca n then set up the radar system, align th e scanner and ch eck the display tim ing.
40 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Chec king tr ansmissio n WARNING: The radar scanner transmits electr om agnet ic e ner gy . En sur e th at the scanner has been installed a ccor ding to the recommendations given i n Chapter 1 , and t hat all pers onnel ar e clear of the s canner , before switching to transmit mode.
41 3.2 Mainte nance War n i n g s The display unit and scanner unit c ontain high voltag e . Adjus tments r equir e specialized service pr ocedur es and tools only a vailabl e to qual ified s ervice t echnici ans - ther e ar e no u ser serv iceable pa rts or ad just ments and the op er ator should n ot attempt to service the eq uipment.
42 P athfinder Radar Scanner s • Always report any E MC-related problem to your nearest R aymarine dealer . We us e such information to improve our quality standards . • In some installations , it may not be possible to prevent the equipment from bei ng a ffect ed by exte rna l inf lue nce s .
43 T echnical Support: Please visit out website at: www .raymarine. com/recreational/su pport where you w ill find a Question s & Answer s databa se , service informati on and e- mail access to the T echnical Support department.
44 P athfinder Radar Scanner s For Pr oduct Repair an d Serv ice In the unli k ely event your Raymarine unit shoul d develop a prob lem, please contact your auth orized Rayma rine dealer for assistan ce .
45 If you are uncertain about what item to choose for your Raymarine unit, please contact our Customer Servic es Departmen t prior t o placing yo ur orde r . Worldwide Support Please contact the authorized distributor in the country . A list of worldwide distributors is supplied with your system.
46 P athfinder Radar Scanner s.
47 Appendix A: Specification 2D 18" Radome Scanner Unit Gener al Approvals CE - co nforms t o FCC - con forms to 1999/5/EC, EN6094 5 P art 80 (47CFR) and P art 2 (47CFR) Dime nsi ons Φ 468 x 227 mm (18. 4 x 8.9 in) Weight 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs) Input Voltage 8.
48 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Antenna Antenna T y pe P atc h arra y Beam Width (nominal) 5.2° horizontal, 25° v ertical P olariza tio n Hori zont al Antenna Side lobes Less than -22 dB Rotation Rat.
49 4D 24" Radome Scanner Unit Gener al Approvals CE - co nforms t o FCC - con forms to 1995/5/EC, EN60 945 P ar t 80 (47CFR) and Part 2 (47CFR) Dime nsi ons Φ 599 x 227 mm (23.
50 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Ante nna Antenn a Type P at ch arra y Beam Width (no minal) 3.9° ho rizontal, 25° ve rtical Polarization H oriz ontal Antenn a Side lobes L ess than -22dB Rotation Rat.
51 5S and 9S 48" Open Array Scanner Unit Gener al Approvals CE - co nforms t o FCC - con forms to 1995/5/EC, EN6 0945 P art 80 (47CFR) and P art 2 (47CF R) Dimensions Pedestal: 427 x 296 x 406 mm (1 6.8 x 10.5 x 16 in ) Array: 1306 mm (5 1.4 in) length Weight P edest al: 24 kg (53.
52 P athfinder Radar Scanner s 9S T ransmitter - 10 kW Input V oltage 16 - 44 V DC (from display unit ) P ower Co nsumptio n 11 W Stan dby 80 W T y pical operation in lig ht winds 95 W M ax.
53 Not e: If the sc anner i s boug ht for use wi th an e xisti ng dis play , cont act you r deal er/s ervice agent for the latest displa y softw are to e nsure y ou can u se all the op en arra y scann er fea- ture s.
54 P athfinder Radar Scanner s 7S and 11S 72" Open Array Scanner Unit Gener al Approvals CE - con forms to FCC - conf orms to 1995/5/EC, EN60945 P art 80 (47CFR) and P art 2 (47CFR) Dimensions P edestal: 42 7 x 296 x 406 mm ( 16.8 x 10.5 x 16 in) Array: 1918 mm (75.
55 11S T ransmitter - 10 kW Input V oltage 20 - 44 V DC ( from disp lay u nit) Power Consumpti on 11 W Standb y 80 W T ypical oper ation in light winds 117 W Max.
56 P athfinder Radar Scanner s Note: If the s canner is bou ght for use wi th an e xistin g displ ay, c onta ct your deale r/ser vice agent for the l ates t displa y soft ware to ensu re yo u can us e all th e open array scan ner fea- tures.
Index 57 Index A Alignment Bearing 40 P osition o f 72" Open Arr ay Scan ner 40 B Bearing A lignment 40 C Cable Requ iremen ts 11 Cabl e Runs 1 3 Cabl es 17 Extension 4 Ope n Ar ray 17, 19, 20 Ra.
58 P athfinder Radar Scanner s R Radar Syste m Grou ndi ng 22 Typ i c a l S y s t e m D i a g r a m 1 Radome Scanne r 18" iii, 1, 47 24" iii, 1, 49 Connect ions 2 4 Moun ting 2 3 Rejoining C.
25 Limited W arra nty Ce rtificat e In ord er to ens ure tha t the equ ipme nt conti nues to operate effic iently a nd re liably , we reco mmend t hat before usi ng th e product, the cu stomer c areful ly read the Own er’s handbook and fol low th e advic e on the safe and corr ect ope rati on and use of the pr oduct.
26 Limited W arranty Certific ate (b) A warranty ca rd co mplete d by the sel ler of t he produc t contai ning th e inf ormation require d in (a) above.
27 T his warranty does n ot cover a ny differe nces i n materia l, color ing or s ize bet ween tho se allude d to in corporate adver tising, liter ature or publis hed on the Internet , which is not spe cifically object ed to at the time of de livery .
28 Limited W arranty Certific ate Factor y Service Centers Unit ed St ates of Amer ica UK, Eur op e, Middle Eas t, F ar Eas t Raymarine Inc 22 Cotton Ro ad, Uni t D , Nashua , NH03 063-4219, USA T elep hone: +1 603 881 5200 F ax: +1 603 864 475 6 www .
An important point after buying a device Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Raymarine Pathfinder Radar Scanner along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center