Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product autopilot control unit Raymarine
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Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine. The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company.
ST700 1+ Autopil ot Contr ol Unit Owne r’ s Handbo ok Docum ent numbe r: 81191-2 Date: May 2001.
ii ST7001+ Autop ilot Contr ol Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Autohelm, HSB (Hi gh Sp eed Bus) , SailPi lot, SeaT alk and Sp ortPilo t are registered trademarks of Raymarine Ltd.
Preface iii Contents About this handb ook ........ ...... ......... ........ ......... ...... ......... .. v ii Import ant Informat ion ........ ...... ......... ........ ......... ...... ....... viii Warranty .. ....... ........... ........... ......
iv ST7001+ Autop ilot Contr ol Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Selecting W ind V ane mode ................. .................................... 26 Exiting W ind V ane mode ........................................................ 26 Adjusting the locked wind angle .
Preface v Chapter 7: Adjusting Autopilot Settings ................. ............. 75 7.1 Calibration basics .................................................................... 76 Calibration groups ....................................................
vi ST7001+ Autopilot Control Uni t - Owner ’ s Handbook.
Preface vii About this hand book W e lcome to the handbook for the ST7001 + autopilot control unit. This handbo ok contains two mai n parts: P art 1: Using the S T7001+ P art 2: Installing the ST7001+.
viii ST7001+ Autop ilot Contr ol Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Important Information War ra n t y T o register you r new Raymarine product, please take a few minutes to fill out the warranty card. It is important that you compl ete the owner information and return the card to us to receive full warranty benefits.
Preface ix • Make sure that all members of crew know how t o disengage the autopilo t. • Regularly check for ot her boats and any obstacles to navigation – no matter how c lear the sea may appear , a dangerous situatio n can deve lo p ra pi dly .
x ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook.
Pa r t 1 : Using the ST7001+ P art 1: Using the ST7 001+.
P art 1: Using th e ST70 01+.
Chapter 1: Intr oduction 1 1 Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction The Raymarine ST700 1 Plus (ST7001+) is a SeaT alk ® c ompatib le autopilot control unit. It is designed as the main control unit for Raymarine T ype 1 50, 150G , 400 and 40 0G course computers.
2 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 1 Introduction Functio ns with Type 150/150 G and 400/ 400G a utopi lots The functions provi ded with T ype 150/ 150G and T ype 400/4000G autopi.
Chapter 2: Ba sic Operation 3 2 Basic Operatio n Chapter 2: Basic Oper ation The sections in this chapter explain how to use the basic functions on your ST7001+ aut opilot control u nit: Note: If you are using the control uni t with a non-150/40 0 autopilot syst em, r efer to the note s in th e App endix .
4 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 2 Basic O perat ion 2.1 Using the contr ol unit Start-up mode The autopilot alw ays powers up in S tandby mode with the display showing the boat ’ s current compass heading. Note: You can press stan dby at any time to return to manual steering.
Chapter 2: Ba sic Operation 5 2 Basic Operatio n Display layout The ST7001+ display screen prov ides the following i nformation: The bar graph at the bottom of the screen is normally a rudder position indicator . This indicates the current position of the rudder , as measured by the rudder posi tion sensor .
6 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 2 Basic O perat ion 2.2 Using A uto mode CAUTION: Before using Auto mode, make sure th at the pilot has been correctly commissioned. Engaging the autopilot (Auto mode) T o engage the autopilot: 1.
Chapter 2: Ba sic Operation 7 2 Basic Operatio n Changing course in Auto mode In Auto mode, use the -1 and -10 (port) and +1 and +10 (sta rboard) keys to change the locked heading in steps of 1 ° or 10 ° . For example: pre ss - 10 three times fo r a 30 ° course change to port.
8 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 2 Basic O perat ion Y ou ca n ad jus t the default response level in either User or Dealer Calibrati on (see page 89 ). This determines the default power-up response level. However , when using your autopilot on a day-t o-day basis, you can make temporary adjustments to the response level.
Chapter 2: Ba sic Operation 9 2 Basic Operatio n Adjusting performance – T ypes 150/400 and 100/300 T o adjust the perfo rmance of T ype 150/400 (non-Gyro Plus) and T ype 100/300 autopi lot systems you can change the resp onse level.
10 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 2 Basic O perat ion Off Course warning The ST7001+ activates the OFF COURSE warning when the boat has been off cours e from the locked heading by more than the specified angle* for longer than 20 seconds.
Chapter 2: Ba sic Operation 11 2 Basic Operatio n Dodging an obs tacl e 1. Select a course change in the appropriate direct ion. For example, pre ss -10 three times for a 30 ° dodge to port .
12 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 2 Basic O perat ion Using the set course feature The ST7001+ has a set course feature th at allows you to set up a course and then apply it at a specific time (e.g. to make a c ourse change at a pre-determined time or location).
Chapter 2: Ba sic Operation 13 2 Basic Operatio n Pr even ting ac ciden tal gybe s Note: For the gybe inhibit feature t o work, the autopilot needs suitable wind information (see page 25). The gybe inhibit feature stops the boat from performing an AutoT ack away from the wind – this will prevent accidental gybes.
14 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 2 Basic O perat ion • Y ou can significantly improve course keeping by improving the sail bal ance: • do not allow the boat to heel over ex.
Chapter 2: Ba sic Operation 15 2 Basic Operatio n 2.3 Adju sting displ ay/keypa d lighting and contr ast Lighting Note: When the d isplay lighting is off, t he control unit ill uminates the keys at a courtesy lev el. T o adjust the disp lay and keypad lighting : 1.
16 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 2 Basic O perat ion Cont r as t T o set the contrast l evel for the ST7001+ display: 1. W i th the autopilot in S tandby mode, press the disp key for one second to access the LAMP screen. 2. Press t he disp key for one second again, to display the CONTRAST screen.
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 17 3 Advanced Operation Chapter 3: Adva nced Oper ation The sections in this chapter explain how to use the more advanced function s on your autopilot: Note: If you are using the control uni t with a non-150/40 0 autopilot syst em, r efer to the note s in th e App endix .
18 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation 3.1 Using T rac k mode Note: You can only use Track mode if you have conn ected the autopilot t o a suitable navigat ion system providing S eaTalk or NMEA navigatio n information .
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 19 3 Advanced Operation Note: The closer the boat is to the correct heading and track when you press tr ac k , the quicker the autopilot will bri ng the boat onto the new course. If the boat is more than 0.3 nm from the track, the Large Cross Track Err or warning will sound (see p age 19).
20 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation Tidal stream compensation Under mo st condit ions, the a utopilo t will hold the sele cted trac k to within ± 0.
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 21 3 Advanced Operation In order of preference, the autopilot uses: • measured boat speed (speed t hrough water) • if this is not availa ble, it us es the spee d ov.
22 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation Adva nce When the ST7001 + sounds the W aypoint Advance warning, it suspends T rack mode and maintains the current boat heading.T o advance to the next waypoint: 1. Che ck that it is safe t o turn on to the new track.
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 23 3 Advanced Operation • the boat arrives at the tar get waypoint and the navigat or accepts the next waypoint • you activate the Man Overboard (MOB) function in T.
24 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation Safety in T rack mode CAUTION: T rack mode provides accurate track keepi ng even in complex navigation al situations.
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 25 3 Advanced Operation 3.2 Using Wind V ane mode – sail boats Note: You can only select Wind Van e mode if the autopi lot is receiving su itable SeaTalk or NMEA wi nd direction information .
26 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation Selecting Wind V ane mode Y ou can select W ind V ane mode from ei ther Standby or Aut o mode: 1.
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 27 3 Advanced Operation Returning to the previous wind angle (LAST WND) If you have steered the boat away from the sel ected wind angle for any reason (such as a do dge maneuver or selecting Stan dby mode), you can return to the previ ous locked wind angle: 1.
28 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation Wind Shift warning If the auto pilot de tects a win d shift of more than 15 ° it will so und the wind shift warning and disp lay the WIND SHIFT message: • T o cancel the warning, and retain the existing wind angle and new heading, press standby and auto together .
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 29 3 Advanced Operation When you AutoT ack in W ind V ane mode, the boat turns through t he AutoT ack a ngle. Th e autopil ot will then tri m the headi ng to m irror the locked wind angle from the previous tack.
30 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation • if rud der gai n is too high , courses change will result in a distinct overshoot ( A ) • if rudder g ain is too low.
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 31 3 Advanced Operation 3.4 Dis playing da ta pages Use the disp key to show ‘ data pages ’ of SeaT alk or NMEA data: 1.
32 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation Waypoint names If waypoint names h ave been allocated, the ST7001+ will displa y them on the Cross T rack Error ( XTE ), B.
Chapter 3: Adv anced Operatio n 33 3 Advanced Operation Responding to a W atch warning T o respond to a W atch warning: • pre ss au to to silence the war ning and reset the timer to 4 mi nutes or .
34 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 3 Advanced Operation 3.5 Remotel y contr olling ST60 and ST80 i nstruments Y ou can use the ST7000+ to remotely control ST60 or ST80 instruments (bot h standard 1 10 mm and Maxiview instruments).
Chapter 4: F ault F indin g & Maintenan ce 35 4 F ault F i ndi ng & Ma inte nanc e Chapter 4: F ault Finding & Maintenance All Raymarine products are des igned to provide many years of trouble-free o peration. W e also put them through comprehensive testing and q uality assurance procedures before shipping .
36 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 4 F ault Finding & Main tenance 4.1 F ault findin g Common autopilot problems SYMPTOM CA USE and SOLUTION Display is blank No power – check th e power a nd Sea T alk fuse s on cours e compu ter , then ch eck ma in fuse/circu it break er .
Chapter 4: F ault F indin g & Maintenan ce 37 4 F ault F i ndi ng & Ma inte nanc e Autopilot alarm messages When the a utopilo t detec ts a fault o r failure o n the sy stem, it w ill activate one of the alarm messa ges listed in the following table.
38 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 4 F ault Finding & Main tenance N O D AT A C a u se d b y a n y o f t he f ol l o w i n g s i t u a t i o n s : • th e comp ass is not co.
Chapter 4: F ault F indin g & Maintenan ce 39 4 F ault F i ndi ng & Ma inte nanc e 4.2 Gene ral maint ena nce Routine checks CAUTION: The control unit does not contain an y user serviceabl e parts. It should be se rviced only by authorized R aymarine service technicians.
40 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 4 F ault Finding & Main tenance • Always report any EMC-rel ated problems to your n earest Raymarine dealer .
Chapter 4: F ault F indin g & Maintenan ce 41 4 F ault F i ndi ng & Ma inte nanc e Product details table For future reference, you may want to use this table to record serial and software inf .
42 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 4 F ault Finding & Main tenance.
Pa r t 2 : Installing the ST7001+ P art 2: Insta lling t he ST70 01+.
P art 2: Instal ling th e ST70 01+.
Chapter 5: Install ing the ST7001+ 45 5 Installing the ST7001+ Chapter 5: Installing the ST7001+ The sections in this chapter explain how to install the ST 7001+ control unit and connect it to an auto.
46 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 5 Installing the ST7001+ 5.1 Selec t t he loca tion Site requir ements Locate the ST7001+ control unit so it is: • within easy reach from the.
Chapter 5: Install ing the ST7001+ 47 5 Installing the ST7001+ Any mois ture or water vapor in th is area cou ld cause dama ge by coming into contact with electric al connections , or condensation by enter ing th e control unit through its b reathing hole.
48 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 5 Installing the ST7001+ transients, can cause th e equipment to reset. This wil l not damage the equipment, but may cause t he loss of some infor mation and may change the operating mode. • Raymarine specified cables are used.
Chapter 5: Install ing the ST7001+ 49 5 Installing the ST7001+ 5.2 C ont rol unit ins talla tion T o fit the con trol un it: 1. Apply the template (suppl ied at the back of this handbook) to the selected bulkhead. 2. Mark the centers of the four fixing holes and t he cable boss.
50 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 5 Installing the ST7001+ 5.3 SeaT alk connections The SeaT alk connections on the ST7001+ provi de it with its 12 V DC power supply and all ow it to share data with SeaT alk equi pment.
Chapter 5: Install ing the ST7001+ 51 5 Installing the ST7001+ W e suppl y the ST7001+ with a 9 m (29 ft 6 in) SeaT alk cable as standard. Dependi ng on your installat ion, you may need to obtain alternativ e or additio nal SeaT a lk cables ( as shown in the foll owing illustrat ion).
52 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 5 Installing the ST7001+ NMEA ca bling Connect the NMEA navigator or wind ins trument to the NMEA IN terminals on the rear of the ST70 01+ control unit. Y ou can only connect a single piece of NMEA equipment t o these terminals.
Chapter 5: Install ing the ST7001+ 53 5 Installing the ST7001+ NMEA cable con nect ors NMEA connections are made using s pade connectors. When fitting the spade connectors, make sure the connector fits securely over the blade and not between the connector and its plastic ins ulating cover .
54 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 5 Installing the ST7001+ 5.5 Fu nctiona l test – r epe ater units onl y If you have installed the ST7001+ as an additional control unit for an existing autopilot system , complete the followi ng chec ks to make sure you have installed the contro l unit correctly .
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 55 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot Chapter 6: Commissioning the Autopilot WARNI NG: All new au topil ot system insta llati ons MUS T be cal ibrated .
56 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot 6.1 Docksi de Checks W ith the boat saf ely tied u p, c omplete t he follow ing d ockside checks: 1. Switch on. 2. Check the SeaT alk and NMEA conn ections. 3. Check the autopil ot operating sense.
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 57 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot Step 2 - Check the SeaTalk and NMEA connections SeaT alk c onnections If you have connected t he ST7001+ to other SeaT alk inst ruments or control units, check the links as follows: 1.
58 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot Step 3 - Check the autopilot operating sense Check th e rudder po sition senso r 1. T urn the wheel manually to starboard. 2. Check that the rudder bar o n the display moves to starbo ard.
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 59 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot Step 4 - Adjust basic autopilot settings Note: For more informat ion about thes e calibration se ttings refer to the following pages : vessel type (page 94), drive type (pa ge 94), rudder sens or alignment (page 94), rudder limits (page 95).
60 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot Calibration Mode Overview Calibration Mode D5487-1 standby auto -1 and +1 standby auto standby auto standby aut.
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 61 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot Set th e drive typ e 1. W ith th e autopilot still i n Deale r Calibr ation, use the disp key to page through the calibration screens unt il you reach the Drive T ype screen ( DRIVE TYP ).
62 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot Adjust the rudder damp ing Note: You only need to adjust the ru dder damping valu e if the autopi lot ‘ hun ts ’ when trying t o position the r udder. Increasing the rudder dampin g value reduces hunting.
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 63 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot 6.2 Seatr ial Cali brat ion When you have complete d the dockside calibration, you mus t complete the setup by t aking the boat on a short seatrial to: 1. Calibrate t he compass: • complete the automatic deviati on correction • align the compass heading 2.
64 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot Calibrating the compass Note: This section does not apply if you ha ve connected an NMEA compass to your autopilot syst em. Refer to the handbook sup plied with the NMEA compas s for inform ation about calibrat ion.
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 65 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot 2 sec x2 2 sec D5477-1 or or Compass calibration Enter Seatrial Calibration 1 Compass deviation correction 2 Compass hea.
66 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot 4. Start turni ng the boat in slow circles (with the boat ’ s spe ed belo w 2 knots).
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 67 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot Adjusting the head ing alignment If you experience dif ficulties with compass alignment , you can check the compass alignment after completing the deviati on correction procedure (swinging t he compass).
68 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot Adjusting autopilot settings The next stage of the seatrial is to set key autopilot paramet ers that affect the autopilot ’ s steeri ng characteristics.
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 69 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot x4 2 sec D5480-1 To prepare for the AutoLearn: • steer straight ahead at cruising speed (planing boats – off the pla.
70 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot 1. Access the AU TO L E A R N screen in Seatrial Cali bration: • from Standb y mode, press standby for 2 seco.
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 71 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot Manual set-up: T ype 150/400 & T ype 100/300 If you have a T ype 15 0/400 (non-GyroPl us) or T ype 100/300 autopilot.
72 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot • if the rudder gain sett ing is too high , the 40 ° cours e change will result in a dis tinct overshoot of more than 5 ° and there may be a distinct ‘ S ’ in the cour se ( A ) Correct this oversteer by redu cin g the rudder gain setting.
Chapter 6: Commissi oning the Autopilo t 73 6 Com mi ssi oni ng the Auto pi lot • when gain and counter rudder are both set correctly , the boat performs a smoot h continuous turn with mi nimal over.
74 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 6 C ommissioning the Autopil ot.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 75 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Chapter 7: Adjusting Autopilot Settings This chapter explains all of the calibration settings you can adjus t on the autopilo t syst em.
76 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings 7.1 Calibr ation bas ics Calibratio n groups Note: If you are connecting the ST7001+ t o a non-150/400 autopil ot system, the calibr ation groups are different. Refer to the Appendix fo r full de tails.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 77 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Calibration Mode Overview Calibration Mode D5487-1 standby auto -1 and +1 standby auto standby auto standby auto Calibratio.
78 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings Accessing the Calibration mode Y ou can only access Calibration mo de from Standby mo de: 1. W i th the autopilot in S tandby mode, press and hold the standby key for 2 seconds.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 79 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings 7.2 Displa y Calibr ation Display Cali bration allows you to select the type of bar graph and heading shown on the ST7001+ displ ay , and control the information shown on the data pages.
80 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings Accessing Display Calibration Display Calibration D5488-1 or or To adjust values use To exit and save changes .
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 81 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Pop-up pilot time-out During normal autopilot operation, you can set the control unit so it has a data page as the main displ ay (see page 31 ). Whenever you select a new autopilot mode or make a course change, the autopilot mode screen will ‘ pop-up ’ .
82 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings Ava ilable data pag es Displayed as Speed Kno ts SPEED KT S Log LOG XXXX.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 83 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Using d ata pages to s et up ST60 and S T80 remote control Where the ST7001+ is used in conjunction with S T60 or ST80 inst.
84 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings When you set up ST60 and ST80 ins trument groups you wi ll need to use the followi ng ST7001+ keys. Press to select the required standard instrument. Press for 4 sec to enter Group Setup mode .
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 85 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Setting up an instr ument group 1. At the ST7001+: • select the INST RE M data page to group stan dard instruments • select the MAXI REM data page to grou p Maxiv iew instru ments 2.
86 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings • Maxiview instruments: us e the re s p key to toggle between group letter and sequence number , and the track key to se t the ide ntif ying ch arac ter . When you have identif ied the instrument, it should di splay its group letter and sequ ence number , e.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 87 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings 7.3 Use r Calibr ati on Note: If you are connecting th e ST7001+ to a non-150/ 400 autopilot system, the User Calib ration group is not ava ilable. Refer to the Appendix for full details.
88 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings Sail boats only Sail boats only Sail boats only Sail boats only Accessing User Calibration D5489-1 2 seconds 2.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 89 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Win d select ion Note: O nly availa ble if vess el type = SAIL BOA T and appropriat e wind data is available. This screen determines whether the bo at steers to apparent or true wind in W ind V ane mode.
90 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings T ype 150G/40 0G a utopilo t syste ms T ype 150G/400G autop ilot systems have 9 pos sible response lev els.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 91 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings 7.4 Seatr ial Cali brat ion The Seatrial Cali bration group has been designed specificall y for use during the initi al seatrial when commissioning you r autopilot. Refer to C hapter 6: Commissioni ng the Autopilot for f ull details.
92 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings 7.5 D eale r Cali bration The Dealer Calibration group includes items that have a significant impact on autopilot oper ation and can affect yo ur boat ’ s s afety .
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 93 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Accessing Dealer Calibration Dealer Calibration D5491-1 2 seconds 2 seconds (saves changes) 1 second or or 1 second or or o.
94 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings V essel type V essel type shoul d be set when commissio ning the autopilot (see page 59 ). Note: When yo u select the vessel type, the au topilot w ill set appropriate defaults for several other calibr ation settings.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 95 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Rudder limit Use the rudder limit screen to set the limits of autopilot rudder control just insi de the m echanical en d stops . This will avoid putt ing the steering system under unnecess ary load.
96 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings Rudder damping Adjust the rudder d amping value if the autopilot ‘ h unts ’ when t rying to position the rudd er (see page 62 ). Increasing the rudd er damping value reduces hunting.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 97 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Respon se leve l This screen determines t he default response setting. This sc reen also appears in User Calibration – see page 89 for full details (or refer to the Appendix fo r T ype 100/300 autopilots).
98 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings AutoRelease provides emer gency manual over -ride in situations when you need to avoid an obstacle at the last moment. Auto T ack angl e Note: Only a vailabl e if vesse l type = SAI L BOA T (Type 150/150G or Type 400/400G) or DISPLACEMENT (T ype 100/300).
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilo t Settings 99 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Cr uise s peed Set the cruise speed to t he boat ’ s typical cruising speed. I f both the boat ’ s speed through the water and speed over gr ound are unavailable via SeaT alk or N MEA, the autopilot wil l use this default cruise sp eed when computing course changes.
100 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings Latitude The ST7001+ only dis plays this screen if yo u have set AutoAdapt to nth or Sth . Use the -1 , +1, -10 and +10 keys to set the value to your boat ’ s current latitude, to t he nearest degree.
Chapter 7: Adju sting Autopilot Sett ings 101 7 Adjusting Au topilot Settings Dealer Calibration defaults: T ypes 150/150G & 400/4 00G Calib ration setti ng Ve s s e l t yp e F a ctory d efa ult D.
102 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook 7 Adjusting Au topilot S ettings Dealer Calibration options: T ypes 150/150G & 400/400G Calibr ati on settin g Ve s s e l t y p e F a ctor.
Appendix: Using the ST7001+ With Non-150/400 Autopilots 103 Appendix Appendix: Us ing the ST7001+ With Non-150/400 Autopilo ts Introduction The information in thi s Appendix explains the key dif feren.
104 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Appendix Using the autopilot (non- 150/400 systems) The operating procedures when using the ST7001+ control unit with a non-150/400 autopilot are basically the same as the procedures for using a 150/400 system without a Gyro Plus.
Appendix: Using the ST7001+ With Non-150/400 Autopilots 105 Appendix Commission ing the a utopilot (non-150 /400 sys tems) Using the ST7001 + to commission a non- 150/400 autopilot is basicall y the same as the commis sioning a 150/ 400 system wit hout a GyroPlus.
106 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Appendix Calibrat ion m ode (n on-1 50/4 00 s yst ems) Calibratio n groups When connected to an autopi lot other than a T ype 150/150G or 400/.
Appendix: Using the ST7001+ With Non-150/400 Autopilots 107 Appendix or or 1 sec 1 sec or or 1 sec or or 2 seconds 2 seconds (saves changes) Calibration Mode Overview 100/300 Autopilot Systems Calibra.
108 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Appendix Dealer Calibration scr eens The illustra tion sh ows the s creens t hat appear in the c alibratio n groups when the ST 7001+ is connected to a T ype 100/30 0 course computer . V essel type V essel type shoul d be set when commissio ning the autopilot (see page 59 ).
Appendix: Using the ST7001+ With Non-150/400 Autopilots 109 Appendix Count er rudder Counter rudd er is the amount of rudder the autopi lot applies to try t o prevent the boat fro m yawing off cour se. Higher counter rudder settings result in more rudder being applie d.
110 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Appendix Off course warn ing angle This screen determines the angle used by the OFF COURSE warni ng (see page 10 ). The OFF COURSE warning operates if the pilot strays of f course by more than t he specified angle for more than 20 seconds.
Appendix: Using the ST7001+ With Non-150/400 Autopilots 111 Appendix Drive t ype The drive ty pe settin g controls how the au topilot drives the s teering system.
112 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Appendix Note: If you set A UT O ADAPT to nth or Sth , you then need to enter your current la titud e in the ne xt sc reen ( LA TITUDE ), so that the a utopilo t can provide accurate course keeping by automatically adjusting the rudder gai n depending on the heading.
Appendix: Using the ST7001+ With Non-150/400 Autopilots 113 Appendix Auto Release (I /O drive s only) Note: Only available if vessel type = STERNDRV . If the vess el type is set to STERN DR V (I/O or stern d rive), you will s ee the AutoRelease screen (AU T O RELEASE) set to ON as a default.
114 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Appendix Dealer Calibration: possible settings with T ype 100/300 Calib ration s ettin g V essel typ e Displac ement Semi Disp lacem ent Plani.
Specif ications 115 Specifica tions ST7001+ contr ol unit Cou rse c omp uter fun ction s Nominal supply voltage: 12 V DC via SeaT alk Oper ating volta ge ra nge: 10 V to 15 V DC Current consumpti on (.
116 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Glossary T erm Meaning ° Degree s AA m p AST (Advanced Stee ring Te c h n o l o g y ) AST ( Adv anced Steerin g T echno logy) is Raymarin e ’ s unique ad vanced ste ering algo rithm.
Glossary 117 MOB Man overboard nm Nautical mile NMEA T he NMEA (National Maritime Ele ctronics Association) protocol is an inter natio nally accepte d seria l commun icatio n inte rface st andard for shari ng data betwee n elect roni c equipm ent.
118 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook.
Index 119 A Adjusting a utopilot set tings 75 – 102 Accessing Cali bration mod e 78 Calibr atio n gro ups 76 Deal er Cal ibra t i on 92 – 100 Aligni ng ru dder 94 AutoAdapt 99 Autopilot rese t 100.
120 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook B Bar graph 5 Selecting bar type 79 C Calibrati on mode 75 – 102 Accessing 78 Calibr ation g roups 76 Dealer Calibrat i on 92 – 100 Displa.
Index 121 Location 46 NMEA connect ions 51 Parts supplied 45 Power supply (vi a SeaTalk) 50 SeaTalk co nnecti on s 50 Tools required 45 K Keypad Functi ons 4 Illumina tion 15 L Large cross track error.
122 ST7001+ Autopilot Control Unit - Owner ’ s Handbook Software version 41 Specificatio ns 115 Standb y mo de , Se le ct ing 6 Steering bar 79 Swingi ng the compa ss 64 T Testing the system see Com.
D4235-4 Drill 5mm Drill 5mm Drill 5mm Drill 5mm Machine hole 90 mm (3.55 in) diameter Control unit - surface mount template.
Docume nt n umber: 84064- 8 Apri l 2001 Limited Warr anty Certifi cate Raymarine warrants each new Light Marine/Dealer Distributor Produ ct to be of good materi als and workmanship, and will re pair o.
Factory Service Centers United States of Ameri ca UK, Eur ope , Middle East, F ar East Raymari ne Inc 22 Cotton Road, Unit D Nashu a, NH 030 63-4219 , USA Raym ar ine Ltd Anch orage P ark, P ort smouth PO3 5TD, Engla nd T elephone: +1 603 881 5200 Fax: +1 603 864 475 6 www .
An important point after buying a device Raymarine autopilot control unit (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Raymarine autopilot control unit yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Raymarine autopilot control unit - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Raymarine autopilot control unit you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Raymarine autopilot control unit will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Raymarine autopilot control unit, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Raymarine autopilot control unit.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Raymarine autopilot control unit. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Raymarine autopilot control unit along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center