Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ASM-60 RAD Data comm
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ASM-60 10 Mbps VDSL-B ased Modem Installation and Operation Manual Notice This manual contains information that is proprietary to RAD Data Communication s. No part of this publicatio n may be repr oduced in any for m whatsoever w ithout p rior written appro val by RAD Data Commun ications.
Warranty This RAD produ ct is warranted against defects in material and workm anship for a period of one y ear from date o f shipment. Dur ing the war ranty per iod, RA D will, at its op tion, either repair o r replac e products which prove to be defecti ve.
Safety Warnings The excl amation poin t within a trian gle is intend ed to warn the operato r or service pers onnel of operation and mai ntenance factors relati ng to the product and its operati ng environment which could pos e a safety hazard.
Installing ASM-60 1 Quick Start Guide Installation of ASM -60 should be carried out only by an experie nced technician. If you ar e famil iar with ASM -60, use this gu ide to prep are th e uni ts for opera tion. 1. Installing ASM-60 Set ting the Inte rnal Sw itche s Perform th e interna l settin gs as fol lows: 1.
Quick Start G uide ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 2 Configuring ASM-60 2. Operating ASM-60 Normal Indica tions The tab le bel ow show s th e corre ct sta tus of the in dicato rs a fe w secon ds af ter power-up. Indic ator Statu s PWR ON TD Depend s on DTE dat a transmissio n.
ASM-60 Installa tion and Op eration Manual i Contents Chapter 1 . Introdu ction 1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-1 General .......................................
Table of Contents ii ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al Appendix A. IR-ETH Interface M odule Appendix B. IR- ETH/QH Interface Module Appendix C. IR -IP Interface M odule List of Figures 1-1. Typical ASM- 60 Application .......................
Overview 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overvi ew General ASM-60 is a VDSL (Very High-bitrate Digital Subscriber Line) modem handling high data rates. ASM-60 supports HSSI DTE interface, and several Ethernet inte rface modules, wh ich allow LAN-t o-LAN connectivit y using VDSL tec hnology.
Chap ter 1 Introd uction ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 1-2 Overview Table 1-1. Ty pical ASM-60 R anges Data R ate 24 AWG (Mbps) km miles 4.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al Chapter 1 Int roduct ion Physical Descript ion 1-3 1.2 Physical Description Fig ure 1-2 shows a 3D view of the ASM-60 st andalone modem. Figure 1-2. 3D Vie w of ASM-60 The front panel inc ludes nine LEDs, which display the status of power, data flow, control si gnals and provide di agnostics.
Chap ter 1 Introd uction ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 1-4 Functional Description 1.3 Functional Description This section provides a fu nctional description ( Figure 1-3 ) of ASM-60 in the form of block di agrams.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al Chapter 1 Int roduct ion Technical Sp ecifications 1-5 1.4 Te chnic al Spec ificatio ns Line Interface Protoc ol Very High-bi t-ra te Digi tal Subscr iber Lin e (VDS L) Type 4-wire, u ncon dition ed de dicat ed line s (twist ed pa ir), Cat.
Chap ter 1 Introd uction ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 1-6 Technical Sp ecifications Indicators PWR (green) Power RTS ( yello w) Reque st to S end TD (yel low) Transmit Data RD (yel low).
Site Requir emen ts and Prer equis ites 2- 1 Chapter 2 Installation and Setup This chapter de scribes installation and s etup procedure s for the stand alone ASM-60 modem. ASM- 60 is delivered completely assembled. It is designe d for table top or 19-inch rack inst allation.
Chap ter 2 Insta llati on and Setup ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 2-2 Installation and Setup 2.2 Package Contents The ASM -60 p ackag e incl udes th e fol lowin g items : • One ASM- 60 unit • ASM-60 Inst allation and Operat ion Manual • AC power cord.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Chapter 2 In stallat ion and Se tup Install ation and Setup 2-3 Opening the ASM-60 Case ➤ To open the ASM-60 case: 1. Discon nect the po wer co rd f rom th e pow er sou rce. 2. Slid e the blue side pane l forward to detach it from the case.
Chap ter 2 Insta llati on and Setup ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 2-4 Installation and Setup Connecting the DTE The ASM -60 D TE int erfac e prov ides in terfac e for inp ut/outp ut data , cl ock referen ce an d con tro l sign als b etween the m odem an d the DT E.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Chapter 2 In stallat ion and Se tup Install ation and Setup 2-5 Co nnect ing the Pow er Before switching on this unit and connecting any other cable, the protec tive earth terminals of this unit must be connected to the protective ground conductor of the power co rd.
Chap ter 2 Insta llati on and Setup ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 2-6 Installation and Setup.
Front Panel Indicators 3-1 Chapter 3 Operation This chapter provid es the de scription of the A SM-60 front-pa nel indicators, an d details t he modem's operating procedures (t urn-on, front-pane l indications, performance monit oring and turn-off).
Chapter 3 Oper ation ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 3-2 Operating ASM-60 Table 3-1. ASM- 60 LED Indi cators ( Cont.) Name Function SYNC A (red/green) ON (red ) – Data link A is not synchronized with the remote modem. ON (green) – Data link A is synchron ized with the remo te modem.
13-Nov-01 18:46 Preparing for the Control Session 4-1 Chapter 4 Management from a Terminal The config uration of ASM-60 is pe rformed vi a menu-driven embedded so ftware using a stand ard ASCII terminal or a PC running a terminal e mulation application connecte d to the front pane l CONTROL DCE port .
Chapter 4 Management from a Terminal ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 4-2 Na vigating the M anagement Menus Table 4-1 . Control Port C ontrol S ignal s Control Line Interface Type DCE DTE C.
ASM-60 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Management from a Terminal Starting the Control Session 4-3 Term ina l Man agement Menu s Fig ure 4-1 show s a map of the management menus in the ASM-60 embedded software. The second leve l menus (Configuration, Display, Reset) are described in its own section in this chapter.
Chapter 4 Management from a Terminal ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 4-4 Configuring ASM-60 ASM-60/CO Main Menu 1. Configuration 2. Display 3. Test 4. Reset 5. Debug > ESC - previous menu ; ! - main menu ; & - exit terminal ------------------------------------------------------- Figure 4-2.
ASM-60 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Management from a Terminal Displaying the ASM-60 System Information 4-5 Data Rate (current value) Enter the Devise Bit Rate 1. 4096 kbps 2. 6144 kbps 3. 10240 kbps > ESC - previous menu ; ! - main menu ; & - exit terminal ------------------------------------------------------- Figure 4-4.
Chapter 4 Management from a Terminal ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 4-6 Displaying the ASM-60 System Information Displaying the ASM -60 Status You can display t he current status of the local and remote ASM-60 mode ms. ➤ To display the ASM-60 stat us: • From the Display menu, type 1 .
ASM-60 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Management from a Terminal Resetting ASM-60 4-7 4.6 Resetting ASM-60 You can perform res et of the main components of ASM-60, or reset t he modem to its factory set tings. ➤ To reset ASM-60: 1. From t he Main menu, type 4 .
Chapter 4 Management from a Terminal ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 4-8 Resetting ASM-60.
Error Detection 5-1 Chapter 5 Diagnostics This chapt er describe s the ASM-6 0 diagn osti c functio ns, which in clude: • Status indicat ions, alarms, power-up se lf-test • VDSL performance diagnostics • LED testing. 5.1 Error Detection This sect ion explains how to detect and fix errors and other problematic conditions in ASM-60.
Chapter 5 Diagn ostics ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 5-2 Error Detection Alarms DCD Failed > ESC - previous menu ; ! - main menu ; & - exit terminal ------------------------------------------------------- Figu re 5-1. Ala rms Scree n The di splay o f the Al arms screen incl udes o nly th e na me of th e alar m.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Chapter 5 Diag nost ics Displaying the VDSL Performance Diagnostics 5-3 Table 5-1. ASM- 60 Alar ms Number Terminal Message Description Severity 1 FPGA DOWNL.
Chapter 5 Diagn ostics ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 5-4 Displaying the VDSL Performance Diagnostics VDSL Performance Line A Lock Status: SYNC Line A Avg. Snr.: 34 Line A BER pre FEC: 0.000E+00 Line A BER after FEC: 0.000E+00 Line B Lock Status: SYNC Line B Avg.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Chapter 5 Diag nost ics Running the Diagnostic Tests 5-5 5.3 Running t he D iagnostic Tests Running the LEDs Test The ASM -60 m odem ca n p erfo rm the f ront-p an el indica tors test to v erif y tha t the unit LEDs are fu nctioning properly.
Chapter 5 Diagn ostics ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al 5-6 Running the Diagnostic Tests.
IR-ETH Connector Options A-1 Appendix A IR-ETH Interface Module IR-ETH is an interf ace mo du le for RAD mod ems, u sed f or con vertin g th e Eth ern et (10 BaseT o r 10 Base2 ) ele ctrica l lev els to the m odem TTL levels .
Appendix A IR-E TH Interfac e Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al A-2 Technical Specif ications A-1 2 4 5-B : FOR CONT INUED TYPE AND RATING OF FUSE. FIRE, REPLACE ONLY WITH SA ME PR OTE CT ION AGAI N ST R IS K OF CAUT IO N 100-230 VAC 0.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix A IR-ETH Inter face Module Installation and Oper ation A-3 A. 3 Inst all ation an d Opera tio n Figure A-4 and Figure A-5 show the Ethe rnet bridge layout, the loc ations of the DIP switch es, and the r ear p anel co mpon ents f or the UT P an d the B NC ver sions , respectively.
Appendix A IR-E TH Interfac e Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al A-4 Installation and Operation DIP Swit ch Setti ngs Table A-2 describes fu nction s and def ault se tting s of the DI P swit ch SW-1 s ectio ns.
IR-ETH/QH Connector B-1 Appendix B IR-ETH/QH Interface Module B.1 Introduct ion The IR- ETH/Q H int erface modu le incl udes a high p er form ance s elf-lea rnin g Fast Ethernet brid ge, which is conn.
Appendix B IR- ETH/QH Interface Mo dule ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al B-2 Technical Specifications Table B -1. RJ-45 Connecto r Pinout Pin Si gnal Function 1 RD (+) Re ceive Data (positive) 2 RD (-) Rec eive Data (negative) 3 TD (+) Transmit Data (positive) 6 TD (-) Transmit Data (negative) B.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appendix B IR- ETH/QH Interf ace Module Installation and Operat ion B-3 B.4 I nsta lla tion and Opera ti on Figure B-3 sho ws l ocat ion of the conf igura tion DI P swit ch on the mo dule’s bo ard. S1 ON 8 7654321 Figure B-3.
Appendix B IR- ETH/QH Interface Mo dule ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al B-4 Installation and Operation LED Indica tors Table B- 3 lists the IR-ETH/QH rear-panel LED indicators and describes their functions .
Introduc tion C-1 Appendix C IR-IP Interface Module C.1 Introduction Overview IR-IP is a high-performance, mi niature IP rout er based on R AD's unique IP router chip, the Chip Router. IR-IP wor ks by takin g each Eth ernet f ram e from the L AN and deter mining whet her the IP pa ck et is d estine d f or the I P net o n th e Ether net LA N.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-2 Physical Description Application Figure C-1 shows a typ ical ap plica tion of the ASM-6 0 modem equip ped wi th th e IR-IP i nterface module. ASM-60 wit h IR-IP ASM-60 wit h HSSI Interf ace Router Figure C-1.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Physical D escription C- 3 IR-IP LEDs IR-IP contain s thr ee LEDs , which indi cate th e mo dul e activi ty. Table C-1 lists th e LEDs functi ons. Table C-1. IR-IP LE Ds Functio ns Name Type Function INT Green LED ON – LAN in tegrity is established .
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-4 IR-IP Management Subsystem, General C.4 IR-IP Management Su bsystem, Genera l Introduc tion The IR-IP interface modul.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Performing Preliminary Configuration C-5 Default IP C ommunicatio n Parameters The d efaul t IP com mun ica tion p aram eters o f th e inte rfa ce modu le ar e: • The default IP addres s of the IR- IP Ethernet port is 192.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-6 Performing Pre liminary Configuration Co nnect ing the Teln et Host Before starting the management and configuration activities , it is necessary to establ ish I P commun ica tion b etween yo ur Tel net h ost a nd the I R-I P interf ace module.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Performing Preliminary Configuration C-7 The IP a ddr ess is ac tual ly retr iev ed from the AR P fra mes s ent du ring p inging to loca te the ping destinatio n, not f rom the ping frames.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-8 Performing Pre liminary Configuration After cha ng ing the des tina tion IP a ddr ess of th e Teln et ho st, it i s r.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule IR-IP Managem ent Utilit y C-9 C.6 IR- IP Mana gement Util ity General Op erating Proced ures The IR-IP interface module is managed via a simple, menu-driven ut ility that uses a basic terminal user interf ace.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-10 Quick Setup Menu To end th e util ity, p ress <Esc> when the Main menu is displayed. This will also end the Tel net sessio n. Menu Structur e of Managem ent Utility Figure C-5 shows th e men u str uctur e of th e IR-I P ma nagemen t util ity.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Quick Setup Menu C-11 IR_IP <IR-IP> S/W Ver. 1.00 31/IR (date) Quick Setup ===================================================================== 1. LAN IP Address :192.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-12 Manage ment Access Me nu Default Gateway Operation without Default Gateway The IP in terf ace mo dule is in tende d to en abl e the ex tens ion o f LANs th roug h the ASM-60 VDSL lin k.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Advanced Setup Menu C-13 ➤ To access the Management Access menu: • From the Main menu, t ype 2 . The Manag ement Ac cess menu appear s ( Figure C-8 ). IR_IP <IR-IP> S/W Ver.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-14 Advanced Setup Menu ➤ To access the Advanced Setup menu: • From the Main menu, press 3 . The Advanced Setup menu appears ( Figure C-9 ). IR_IP <IR-IP> S/W Ver.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Advanced Setup Menu C-15 Contact Person Sele ct this p aram eter to en ter the n ame of th e pers on to be con tact ed with m att ers pertain ing to this equipm ent un it.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-16 Advanced Setup Menu The available se lections are: • 64 kbps • 128 kbps • 256 kbps • 512 kbps • 1024 kbps • Full (no rest riction on the rate).
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Advanced Setup Menu C-17 EIR Used to sp ecify th e ma ximu m amo unt of data, in bits, th at th e Fra me Rela y networ k will a ttempt to de liver du ring th e m easur ement in terv al.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-18 Advanced Setup Menu Security Host/Gu est This o ption can be u sed to conf igure th e IP ro uter either a s a gu est un it, to b e auth enticated by another rou ter, or as a ho st unit, tha t authentica tes other router s.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Advanced Setup Menu C-19 Multicast I P Menu The Mul ticas t IP m enu is u sed to sp ecif y the I P multi cast f ram e forw arding para meter s, and to acc ess the sta tic mu ltica st gro ups’ tabl e.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-20 Device Control Menu Static Groups Select th is pa rame ter to acce ss the s tati c mul ticast gr ou ps tab le. Th e tabl e is us ed to specify the IP addresses for up to 10 IP multicast groups.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Device Control Menu C-21 New Softwar e Download M enu IR-IP op era tes as a TFTP client, and ther efore i t is po ssible to upda te its sof tware by downloading new software from another compute r that operates as a TFTP server.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-22 Device Control Menu View Error Log Screen This item of th e Devi ce C ontro l sub menu is u sed to view th e err or lo g fil e. This file logs errors detecte d in IR-IP for debug and technical support purposes.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule View Menu C-23 Reset WAN ➤ To reset the WAN inter face: • From the Resets me nu, type 3 . You wil l be p romp ted to c onfir m the re set op eratio n. Resett ing th e WAN in terfa ce caus es the WAN cont ro ller to be r estart ed.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-24 View Menu IR_IP <IR-IP> S/W Ver. 1.00 31/IR (date) VIEW CONFIGURATION ------------------ BOOT Version :1.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule View Menu C-25 IR_IP <IR-IP> S/W Ver. 1.00 31/IR (date) Multicast Groups Table ---------------------- Group IP Address Status Group IP Address Status Press any key for exit Figure C -22.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-26 Diagnostic Tool (Ping Terminal) Menu IR_IP <IR-IP> S/W Ver. 1.
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Diagnostic Tool (Ping Terminal) Menu C-27 Usi ng the Pi ng Funct ion The Ping o ptio n is us ed to confir m IP con nect ivity by pinging other IP hosts. Connectivit y is confirme d by rec eiving a reply from t he remote ( pinged) I P host.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-28 Erasing IR-IP Sof tware C.13 Erasing User’s Co nfigurat ion The user -d efined co nfigu ra tion p aram eters ar e stor ed in the I P rout er card f las h memory .
ASM-60 Installat ion and Operat ion Manu al Appen dix C IR-I P Inter face M odule Erasing I R-IP Sof tware C-29 2. Set all the fou r sect ions o f IR-I P DIP s witch to O N. 3. Turn the ASM -60 o n and m onito r th e IP rou ter ER R in dicato r: it m ust tu rn o n and l ight s teadil y.
Appendix C IR-I P Interface Module ASM-60 Installat ion and Oper ation Manu al C-30 Erasing IR-IP Sof tware.
An important point after buying a device RAD Data comm ASM-60 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought RAD Data comm ASM-60 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data RAD Data comm ASM-60 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, RAD Data comm ASM-60 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get RAD Data comm ASM-60 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of RAD Data comm ASM-60, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime RAD Data comm ASM-60.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with RAD Data comm ASM-60. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device RAD Data comm ASM-60 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center