Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product J610s Promise Technology
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VT RAK J610 S , J310 S P RODUCT M ANUAL Ve r s i o n 1 . 0.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual ii Copyright © 2007 Promise T echnolo gy , Inc. All Right s Res erved. Copyri ght by Prom ise T echnology , Inc. (Promi se T echnology ). No p art of this manual may be reproduc ed or t ransmitte d in an y form with out the express ed, written permiss ion of Prom ise T echnolog y .
iii Content s Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About Th is Manua l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual iv Chapter 4: Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Frequently A sked Questi ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Contactin g Technical Support .
1 Chapter 1: Introductio n • About This Man ual (below) • Overvi ew (page 2) • Architec tural Desc ription (p age 4) • Features and Benefi ts (p age 5) • S pecifications (pa ge 6) Thank y ou for p urchasin g Promise T echnol ogy’ s VT rak J610s or J310s external disk ar ray s ubsy stem.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 2 Overview The Promi se VT rak J610s and J310s are optimiz ed for or ganizati ons depl oying cost-ef fec tive sm all-to-med ium appl icati on cluste rs, disk -to-disk b ackup an d midrang e stora ge so lutions. Figure 1.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Figure 3. VT rak J61 0s rear view Figure 4. VT rak J31 0s rear view The two external SAS ports provide t he needed conne ctivity and bandwid th for larg e capac ity solu tion s re quiri ng m ultip le JB OD bo xes c asca ded toget her whi le still p rovidi ng dual s erver sup port and ho st port failover o r aggre gation.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 4 Architectural Description The V Trak J610s pac ks up to 1 6 dr ives per sy stem , offe ring ind ust ry-l eadi ng cap acity in just 3U of s tan dard 19-in ch rack sp ace. The VT rak J 310s su pport s up to 12 dri ves per s ystem, i n just 2U o f st andard 19 -inch r ack sp ace.
Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Features and Benefits Featur e Benefit 3U or 2U 19 -inch wide en closure Instal ls eas ily in a ny st andard rackmoun t. Supports Serial Att ached SCSI disk drives All ows you to use t he n ew dua l-po rt S AS disk drives . Supports Serial A T A disk driv es Allows you to use yo ur lega cy SA T A disk drives.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 6 Specificati ons Drive Capa city: J610s, 1 6 drive s. J3 10s, 12 d rives. External I/O Ports: SAS host port and SAS expa nsion port. Supported Disk Inter faces: Serial Attache d SCSI (SAS) and Se rial A T A (SA T A), 3Gb/ s a nd 1 .
Chapter 1: Introduction 7 Dimensions (H x W x D): J610s, 13.1 x 44.7 x 56 .1 cm (5.2 x 17.6 x 22.1 i n) J310s, 8.8 x 44.7 x 56. 1 cm ( 3.5 x 1 7.6 x 22.1 in) Net W eight: J610s, 30.5 k g (67.2 l b) withou t drives , 38.5 kg (84.9 l b) with 16 drives , assum ing 0.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 8.
9 Chapter 2: Inst allation • Unpa ckin g the V T rak ( bel ow) • Mountin g VT rak J610s in a Ra ck (pa ge 1 1) • Mountin g VT rak J310s in a Ra ck (pa ge 13) • Ins talli ng Di sk D riv es (pa .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 10 Figure 1. VTr ak J610s rear v iew Figure 2. VTr ak J310s rear v iew Some J6 10s an d J310s unit s ship with a s ingle I/O module and a b lank u nit inst alled in the place of the se cond I/ O modul e. Y ou can upgrad e your J61 0s or J310s unit by inst alling a secon d I/O m odule.
Chapter 2: Installation 11 Mounting VT rak J610s in a Rack The J61 0s su bsystem in sta lls to th e rack us ing the supplie d mou nting rail s. Y ou can als o use yo ur exi sting rail s. Figure 3. VTr ak J610s mounted in a rack with the supplied r ails T o instal l the J610 s sub system into a rac k with t he sup plied mo unting rails: 1.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 12 4. S quar e th e rail asse mblie s in t he ra ck. 5. Tight en th e adju stm ent screw s an d the a ttac hing screw s. 6. Place th e VT rak s ubsystem onto th e rails. 7. Secure th e VT rak s ubsyste m to t he rack th rough eac h handle, using the att aching screws from your rac k system.
Chapter 2: Installation 13 Mounting VT rak J310s in a Rack The J31 0s su bsytem i nstal ls to t he rack u sing t he suppli ed mo unting rai ls. Y ou can als o use yo ur exi sting rail s. Figure 5. VTr ak J310s mounted in a rack with the supplied r ails T o instal l the VT rak subsystem into a rack wi th the sup plied mo unting rails: 1.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 14 The rail is de signed to slide freely ov er the pla te. 5. Attac h a fla nge to eac h end of th e rail , with the rai l on the o pposi te side of the flan ge from the two-hol e bracket. 6. Inst all the rail adju stment s crews (inc luded) thro ugh the flange in to the rail.
Chapter 2: Installation 15 Figure 7. M ounting rail in stallatio n Insi de of post Rack fron t post Rail att ach ing screw (not inc luded) Rail adj ustment sc rew Mountin g Rail Rail at tachi ng screw.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 16 Installi ng Disk Drives Populate the VT rak with 3.5-inch SAS or SA T A disk drives. Inst all all of the drive c arriers i nto the J610 s or J31 0s enclos ure to ensure proper airflow , even if you d o not p opulate al l the carri ers with disk dri ves.
Chapter 2: Installation 17 If yo u inst alled an AAMUX, lay the SA T A disk drive in the ca rrier and sl ide it so the power and dat a connecto rs insert in to the AAMUX. S ee Figure 10 on page 18 . 5. Insert the screws through the holes in the driv e carrier an d into the b ottom o f the dis k drive (s ee Figure 5).
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 18 Figure 10.Drive carr ier with SA T A disk dr ive and AA MUX Cautions • If you plan to op erate yo ur VT rak with fewe r than a full load of disk driv es, inst all al l of the drive c arriers into the enclos ure, to ensure pro per airflow fo r cooling .
Chapter 2: Installation 19 Drive Numbering Each dis k drive in the J610s an d J310s unit s is ide ntifie d by a num ber that corresp onds to t he Port number u sed for m anage ment. See “Link C ommand” on page 37 . Numbe rs are sta mped above each drive bay for easy ind entific ation.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 20 Setting Up Data Cable Connections The VT rak J610s or J 310s un it provide s Direct Att ach ed S torage (DAS) sup port to the Hos t PC.
Chapter 2: Installation 21 Figure 15.VTrak J61 0s and J 310s I/O mod ules have one subtracti ve-routed port and one table-routed po rt Each I/O module has one t abl e-routed ex ternal recepta cle (CN1 ) and one subtrac tive-routed external recept acle ( CN2).
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 22 Basic DA S Connection Figure 16. An ex ample of a basic DAS c onnection be tween one Ho st PC and one VTr ak J310s unit. The J610s is simil ar The arran gement ab ove is th e minimum DAS system with a single SAS HBA card in the Host PC.
Chapter 2: Installation 23 Cascading DAS Connecti on If you are us ing m ultiple J6 10s or J310 s unit s and w ant to ma nage them fr om the same SAS HBA card, connec t the J61 0s or J310s units in a cas cade. Connect the SAS HBA card in the Host PC to the sub tractive-route d port (CN2) of the I/O module .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 24 Redundant DAS Con nection The arran gement be low is a DAS system with fu ll redund ancy . Figure 18. An ex ample of a redundant DAS conn ection betw een two Hos t PCs and four cascade d VT rak J31 0s units.
Chapter 2: Installation 25 The arran gemen t requires J610s or J310s un its with du al I/O mo dules an d two Host PCs with a SAS HBA card in each PC. Connect t he SAS HBA card in the firs t Host PC to th e subtrac tive-routed port (CN2) on an I/O module o f the fi rst J610s or J3 10s unit.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 26 If your PC h as two DB9 CO M ports , and your J610 s or J 310s u nit has tw o I/O module s, you can con nect a second null-m odem cab le and RJ1 1-to-DB9 se rial data cable the I/O m odule on the rig ht.
Chapter 2: Installation 27 Figure 21.VTrak J610s / J310s disk carr ier LEDs Within o ne mi nute, the Po wer/Activ ity shou ld displ ay Green . If ther e is no d isk drive in the carri er , the Disk S tatus LED and th e Power/Ac tivity LED wi ll re main dark.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 28.
29 Chapter 3: Manag ement • Front S tatus Indic ators (below) • Drive S tatus Indicato rs (pag e 24) • I/O Mod ule S tatus Indi cators (p age 25) • CLI Com mand Set (p age 26 ) Front Status In.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 30 Dri ve Status In dic at ors Aft er a few mom ent s the Pow er/Activi ty sh ould disp lay Gr een. If ther e is no d isk drive in the carri er , the Disk S tatus LED and th e Power/Ac tivity LED wi ll re main dark. Figure 2.
Chapter 3: Management 31 I/O M odule Status I ndicat ors The VT rak J610s or J 310s I/O module has LE Ds that ind icate activity on each o f it s ports. Figure 3. VTrak J610s and J31 0s I/O Module LEDs The I /O modul e st atus LED shows red at st artup .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 32 Figure 4. VTrak J61 0s power s upply an d fan LEDs The batte ry LED on the cool ing un it has no function on the VT rak J6 10s and J310s mo dels. Figure 5. VTrak J31 0s power s upply an d fan LEDs Under n ormal co nditions , the po wer supply and fa n LEDs sho uld di splay gre en.
Chapter 3: Management 33 CLI Command Set The CL I has t he followin g set of comma nds: cabl e – S pe cifies t he leng th of cab le for o ptimal s ignal qua lity . encl osu re – Dis plays f ull inform ation on t he J61 0s or J31 0s enclo sure a nd all it s compon ents, ex pander add resses and SAS addresse s.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 34 cli>c able CN#1 Cable Length = 1 meter CN#2 Cable Length = 3 meter Note th e cable l ength ch ange fo r CN2. Enclosure C ommand The Encl osure command : • Dis.
Chapter 3: Management 35 I/O Module ID: 1 Max Num Of I/O Modules: 2 FwV ers ion: 1.00.0000.00 I/O Module Role: Primary MaxNumOfHDS lots: 12 MaxNumOfPSUs: 2 MaxNumOfF ans: 4 MaxNumOfBlowers : 2 MaxNumO.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 36 D01 SAS Addr: 50 00 15 E0 11 4E 5E B2 D02 SAS Addr: 50 00 15 E0 11 4E 80 C2 D03 SAS Addr: 50 00 15 E0 11 4C 22 0 2 D04 SAS Addr: 50 00 15 E0 11 4D E2 22 D05 SAS Ad.
Chapter 3: Management 37 For this comm and, a 1 e nables a nd a 0 disables . T o set the mi nimum fa n speed t o medium high, at the cli> prom pt, type enclosure -a mod -s “minfanspe ed=3” and pre ss Enter . For this comm and, 1 me ans l ow , 2 means m edium-lo w , 3 means m edium-hi gh, and 4 m eans h igh.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 38 P13 CN1 SAS 3.0G OK En d --- - Rdy P14 CN1 SAS 3.0G OK En d --- - Rdy P15 CN1 SAS 3.0G OK En d --- - Rdy P16 CN2 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- P17 CN2 ---- ---- --.
Chapter 3: Management 39 P15 - --------- ---------- ----- ----- ------ ---- --------- - -------- -- 0x01 P16 ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- --------- - -------- -- ---------- P17 -------.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 40 0488 500000E01122C0F3 0x10 CN1 ---- 0 0519 500000E01122C493 0x10 CN1 - --- 0 0731 500000E01122C5B3 0x10 CN1 ---- 0 0751 500000E01122C5C3 0x10 CN1 ---- 0 0851 50000.
Chapter 3: Management 41 VPDR Command The vpd r comm and d isplays vit al produc t dat a on the major comp onent s of the J610s or J310 s unit. Th ere are six com ponent s that report vit al p roduct info rm atio n.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 42.
43 Chapter 4: Sup port • Frequ ently Asked Qu estio ns (below) • Cont acting T echnical Su pport (p age 44 ) • Limited W arranty (p age 47) • Returning produc t for rep air (pag e 48) Frequently Asked Questions What kind of disk d rives ca n I use with J610s and J310s ? The J61 0s and J 310s support 3.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 44 In addit ion, le aving on e power sup ply of f reduc es air fl ow throug h the J61 0s or J310 s enclosu re and can contribute to ov erheati ng. Always switch on both power s upplies if yo ur J610s o r J310 s unit ha s two.
Chapter 4: Support 45 United States The Netherlands Germany It aly E-mail Support e-Support O n-Line Fax Support (408) 228-10 97 Attn: T ech nical Supp ort Phone Suppo rt (408 ) 228-14 00 option 4 If you wish to write us for su pport : Promise T echnolog y , Inc.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 46 Ta i w a n China E-mail Support e-Support O n-Line Fax Support +886 3 578 2390 At tn: T echnical Supp ort Phone Suppo rt +886 3 578 2395 (e xt. 881 1) If you wish to write us for su pport : Promise T echnolog y , Inc.
Chapter 4: Support 47 Limited Warranty Promise T echnology , Inc. (“Promise ”) warrants that for th ree (3) yea rs from the time of the del ivery of the produc t to the original end user: a) t he .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 48 No oth er docume nt, st atemen t or repre senta tion may be relied on to v ary the terms o f this lim ited warrant y .
Chapter 4: Support 49 The techn ician wi ll assist you in determi ning whet her the prod uct requires repair . If the pro duct n eeds rep air , the T echnical Support Depa rtment w ill issu e an RMA (Return Merchand ise Au thorizatio n) num ber .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 50.
51 Appendix A: Secon d I/O Module The VT rak J610s and J310 s un its s hip wi th one or two I/O mod ules. If your J61 0s or J 310s ca me with only one I/O module, you can upgr ade by ins tallin g a s econd I/O mod ule. Th e foll owing i nstruc tions describe how to i nst all a second I /O modul e.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 52.
53 Index Symbols ? comman d 41 A AAMUX ad apter 16, 18, 30 About This Manual 1 Attached SAS a ddress es 34 automa tic shutd own se tting 36 B blower statu s 34 C cable comma nd 33 null modem 25, 27 RJ.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 54 I I/O modul e 10, 26 add se cond module 51 default pr imary 20 dual 25 role 34, 43, 51 SAS ports 22, 23 L LEDs cooling unit 32 disk dr ives 30 drive c arrie r 26 f.
Ind ex 55 Serial cable c onnec tions 25, 27 setting automat ic shutd own 36 minimum fan sp eed 36 temperatu re 36 ther mal ma nag ement 36 Specifi catio ns 6 Status In dicato rs disk dr ives 30 front .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 56.
An important point after buying a device Promise Technology J610s (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Promise Technology J610s yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Promise Technology J610s - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Promise Technology J610s you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Promise Technology J610s will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Promise Technology J610s, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Promise Technology J610s.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Promise Technology J610s. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Promise Technology J610s along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center