Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product E1833B AT&T
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U s e r ’ s m a n u a l E5802B/E5833B/ E1802B/E1833B 5.8 GHz c or dl ess tel ep hon e w i t h c al l e r I D/ c a l l w a i t i ng.
Model #: E5802B/E5833B/E1802B/E1833B Product name: 5.8GHz cordl ess telephone Serial #: (found on the bott om of the telephone base) Purchase dat e: P l a c e o f p u r c h a s e : Congr a tulations on your purchase of this A T&T product.
Se e pa ge 7 for easy instructions. Y ou m us t in st al l an d ch arg e th e ba t te ry b efo r e us in g the t el ep ho ne . For customer servic e or product information, visit our websit e at www.
Get tin g s tart ed Qui ck re fer ence gui de ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .2 Pa rts ch eckl ist ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... . 4 T elep hone ba se i nst all atio n ... .... ... ...5 Bat t ery ins tal lati on & ch ar gin g .
2 Getting started Quick r ef er ence guide Cor dless handset MENU/SEL/TRANSFER Press to display menu. Press to st or e a pr og r amm in g o pt io n. Du ri ng a call, press to transfer a call be tw ee n h an ds et s (p ag es 18 -1 9) . F eatur e menu Fea ture menu DIRECTOR Y .
3 Getting started Quic k r ef er enc e gui de T el ephone base HANDSET L OCA TOR P r e s s t o m ak e h a n d s et ( s ) b e e p (p a g e 16 ) . VOICEMAIL Flashes when there is new voicemail (requires v oicemail service from your local telephone company).
4 Getting started P arts checklist Save your sales rec eipt and original packaging in case you need to ship your telephone for warr anty service. Check to make sure the telephone package includes the following. The model number of your telephone can be found on the label located on the bottom of the telephone base.
5 Getting started T elephone base installation Choose a central location close to a telephone jack and a power outlet not connected to a wall switch. The telephone base can be placed on a flat sur- face or mounted on a standard wall plate. For optimum range and better reception, plac e the telephone base in a high and open location.
6 Getting started Tel ephone line cord DSL filter (Optional for DSL users, see number four in the note section, below.) T elephone base installation 5. P lu g th e o the r e nd of the telephone line cord into a t elephone jack. 4. Plug the large end of the larger power adapter into an electrical outlet not contr olled by a wall switch.
7 Getting started 1. Plug the small end of th e sm al l er po we r ad ap t er in to t he j ac k on th e un de r- side of the charger , then r ou t e th e co r d th r ou g h th e sl ot as sh own .
8 Getting started Install ation options T abl et op m ou nt W al l m ou nt Telephone outlet mounting plate with mounting studs 1. To remove the bracket, hold the telephone base in both hands, press the two bracket tabs and lift the bracket away from slots and .
9 Getting started T elephone outlet mounting studs 3. To attach the bracket for wall mounting, insert the tabs of the bracket into slots and on the telephone base, then press the other bracket tabs into slots and as shown on the right. 4. Plug the power adapter into an electrical outlet not controlled by a wall switch.
10 Getting started Belt clip & optional headset Install belt clip as shown below if desir ed. Snap belt clip into notches on bo th side s of handset.
11 T elephone operation Set tings Language The default language for the handset screen displays is English. To change the language to Espanol, or Francais: 1. Pr ess MENU/ SEL . 2. Press CID or DIR until the screen displays L AN GU A GE . 3. Press MENU /SEL to change the curr ent setting.
12 T elephone operation Set tings Each cordless handset operates individually from the other handsets. The ringer sound, ringer volume, date & time, dial mode and language must be programmed separately for each cord- less handset. Follow the steps below to program the cordless handset.
13 T elephone operation Set tings Choose ringer volume setting 1. Pr es s an d ho ld C ID or D IR w h en th e c or dl es s ha nd se t is i dl e (n ot i n u se ). Th is f ea tu re a ll ow s yo u t o cho o se l ow , m e d, h ig h rin ger vo lu me or tu r n th e ri ng er o ff .
14 T elephone operation Basic oper ation Making and answering calls To ans wer an inc omin g call, press PHON E/ FL ASH or SPE AKER , or any dial pad key (0- 9, * or #). To make a call, press PHONE/ FLASH o r SPEAKER , the n d ial a n umbe r. Pres s OFF / CLE AR to han g u p.
15 T elephone operation 52 013 14 Redial Ringer silenced SP EAK E R 00 : 49 52 013 14 PH ONE ON 00 : 49 -OR- Basic oper ation Las t number redial Wh i le th e ph one is not in u se , pr es s R ED IA L/ P AUS E on the co r dl es s h an ds et to dis p la y th e la st nu mb er called (up to 32 digits).
16 T elephone operation Basic oper ation Handset locat or If you misplace the handset(s), pres s HANDSET L OCA TOR on the telephone base. This starts the paging ton e at the handset(s) for 60 seconds to hel p you locat e it/th em.
17 T elephone operation Options while on calls V olume contr ol Press CID/ -V OL UME to decrease the volume. Press DIR /V OL UME+ to increase the volume.
18 T elephone operation Call tr ansf er for E5802B/E1802B Call trans fer During a conversation, you can transfer the call to another cordl ess handset.
19 T elephone operation Call tr ansf er for E5833B/E1833B Call trans fer During a conversation, you can transfer the call to another cordl ess handset. • P r e s s MENU/SEL /TRANSFER t o t r a n s f e r t h e external call to another cordless handset.
20 Dir ectory Memory capacity Each cordl ess handset has its own directory . Each di re c to r y c a n s to re up t o 30 e n t ri e s ( i n cl u d i ng nine speed dial locations). Each entry can contain a number up to 24 digits, and a name up to 15 lett ers long.
21 Directory Speed dial Y ou ca n ent er ni ne sp ee d dia l nu mb er s of up to 24 di git s. Ea ch num be r is st or ed in a on e-d ig it spe ed di a l lo c at io n ( 1- 9) . The nine speed dial numbers on handset will be automatically added t o the handset directory .
22 Directory New dir ectory entries T o ent er a name • Press MENU/ SEL twice. • The screen will show ENTER NAME . • Enter the name (up to 15 alphanumeric charac- ters) of the person using the t able below. • Use DIR to advance to the next space to the right, or use CID then CHAN /DELETE to delete a mistake.
23 Directory New dir ectory entries T o ent er a number Use the dial pad to enter up to 24 digits. When the number is complete, pr ess MENU/SEL . Options while ent ering numbers: • Pr ess CID then CHAN /DELETE t o er as e di git s if yo u ma ke a m ist ake .
24 Directory Dir ectory sear ch F oll ow the st ep s on the le ft to br ows e thr ou gh th e di re ct ory or se ar ch to fi nd a spe ci fi c ent ry . Y ou ca n pr ess OF F /C LEA R a ny ti me t o ex it th e di re ct ory . T o br owse through the dir ectory T o browse, press DIR then press CID or DIR to scroll thr ough all entries one by one.
25 Directory T o change or dial entries Wh en a ny en tr y i s di sp la y ed , p r e ss MEN U / SE L t o se e op ti on s. Pr es s CID o r DI R t o hi gh li gh t th e o pt io n y ou w an t (b li nk in g t e xt ), t he n pr es s MEN U / SE L ag ai n t o se l ec t it .
26 Caller ID oper ation Informa tion about caller ID with call waiting This product has a caller ID function with call wait- ing feature which works with service from your local telephone c ompany. Caller ID with call waiting lets you see the name and telephone number of the call er before answer- ing the telephone, even when on another call.
27 Caller ID operation Caller ID oper ation Ho w ca ll er I D wo rk s If you subscribe to caller ID service provided by your local telephone company , information about each caller will be displayed between the first and second ring. Information about the last 30 incoming calls is st or ed in the call log .
28 Caller ID operation Caller ID oper ation There are also occasions when other information or no information is displayed f or various reasons: On-scr een message R eason PRIVATE NAME Caller pref ers to remain anony- mous. PRIVATE CALLER Caller name and telephone number not revealed at caller's request.
29 Caller ID operation T o r eview the call log Th e ca ll l og r ev iew d is pl a ys th e ca lle r ID in re v er se chro nological or der , with the latest one (the one wi t h th e h ig he st n umb er ) f ir st. Wh en the ph one is not in u se , p r es s C ID t o d is pl ay in for mat io n a bo ut th e m os t r e ce nt ca ll er .
30 Caller ID operation Delet e call log entries T o del ete a single call l og entry Press CID to display the first caller ID listing. Press CID or DIR to find the entry you want to delete, then press CHAN /DELETE . When the entry is deleted, the ne xt oldest recor d is displayed.
31 Caller ID operation 2. MENU /SEL 3. MENU /SEL 6. MENU /SEL 1. CI D Entry added to phone directory Edit name as desired 4. MENU /SEL Edit number as desired 5.
32 Appendix Indicator lights SPEAKER On when the speakerphone is i n u se . VOICEMAIL Fl a sh es wh e n t he r e i s ne w v o ic em a il (r eq ui r es v oi ce m ai l s e rv ic e fr om y our lo cal t el ep ho ne co mpa ny ).
33 Appendix Handset display scr een messages Scr een display messages CO NNE CTI N G . . . CONNECTING... The cor dless handset is waiting for a dial tone. NE ED S REC HA RG IN G Cordless handset battery is depleted. Place cor dless handset in base or charger to char ge the battery .
34 Appendix Handset display scr een messages CO NNE CTI N G . . . MICROPHONE ON MEMORY FULL SPEAKER M I C R O P H O N E M U T E D RINGER OFF CA LL T RAN SF ER RE D TR AN SF ERR ED C AL L Th e ca ll swi tc he s fr om n or ma l c al l t o mu t e. Y ou are saving to a full dir ectory .
35 Appendix T r oubleshooting I f y o u h a ve di ff ic ul ty wi th y ou r t el e ph on e, pl e as e tr y th e s ug g e s t io ns b el ow . F o r C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e , v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t w w w . t e l e p h o n e s . a t t . c o m , o r c a l l 1 ( 8 0 0 ) 2 2 2 - 3 1 1 1 .
36 Appendix There is no dial tone • F ir st , t ry a l l th e ab ov e s ug g es ti on s. • Mo ve th e c or dl es s ha n ds et cl os e r t o th e t el ep h on e b as e . It mi gh t be o ut o f r an ge . • Th e t el ep ho ne l in e c o r d mi gh t b e ma lf un c ti on in g.
37 Appendix T r oubleshooting I cannot dial out • Fir st, try all the above suggestions. • Make sure there is a dial t one befor e dialing. It is nor- mal if the cordless handset takes a second or two to synchroniz e with the telephone before producing a dial tone.
38 Appendix T h er e i s n o is e o r i nt er f e r en ce du r- ing a telep hone c o n v e r s a t i o n • The handset may be out of range. Move it closer to the telephone base. • Applianc es or other cordless telephones plugged into the same cir cuit as the telephone base can cause inter- ferenc e.
39 Appendix I hear other calls when using the telephone • Disconnect the telephone base from the telephone jack. Plug in a different telephone. If you still hear other calls, the problem is probably in the wiring or local service. Call your local tel ephone company .
40 Appendix T r oubleshooting • If the telephone is not responding normally, trying putting the cordl ess handset in the telephone base or the charger . If it does not seem to r espond, try the fol- lowing (in the order list ed): 1. Disconnect the power t o the telephone base.
41 Appendix Important saf ety instructions This symbol is to alert you to important operating or servicing instructions that may appear in this user’s manual. Always follow basic safety precautions when using this product to reduce the risk of injury , fire, or electric shock.
42 Appendix Important saf ety instructions Especially About Cor dless T elephones • Privacy: The same featur es that make a cordl ess phone convenient create some limitations.
43 Appendix Important saf ety instructions • Nickel-met al hydride r echar geable bat teries: Dispose of these batteries in a safe manner . Do not burn or puncture. Like other bat teries of this type, if burned or punctured, they c ould release caustic mat erial which could cause injury .
44 Appendix F C C P art 68 and A CT A This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and with technical requir ements adopted by the Administrative Council for T erminal Attachments (ACT A). The label on the back or bott om of this equipment contains, among other things, a product identifier in the format US: AAAEQ##TXXXX.
45 Appendix F C C P art 68 and A CT A If this product is equipped with a cor ded or cordless handset, it is hearing aid compatible. If this pr oduct has memory dialing locations, you may choose to store emer- gency telephone numbers (e.g., police, fire, medical) in these locations.
46 Appendix F C C P art 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requir ements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Feder al Communications Commission (FCC) rul es. These requirements are intended to provide reasonable protection against harmful interferenc e in a residential installation.
47 Appendix Limit ed warr anty The A T&T br and is use d under licen se - any r epai r , re plac emen t or warr anty ser vic e, and al l q ues tion s abou t t his pr oduct sh oul d b e d ir ect ed t o: In the Unit ed St a te s o f Am er i c a c al l 1 ( 8 0 0) 22 2- 3 1 11 or v is i t www .
48 Appendix Limit ed warr anty 4. What is not cover ed by this limited warranty? This limited warranty does not co ver: • PRODUCT that has been subjected to misuse, accident, shipping or other physi.
49 Appendix Limit ed warr anty 6. What must you return with the PR ODUCT to get warranty service? Y ou must: a. Return the entire original package and content s including the PRODUCT to the service location along with a description of the malfunction or dif- ficulty; and b.
50 Appendix T echnical specifications RF frequency band (handset to tel ephone base) 5863.8 MHz — 5872.5 MHz RF frequency band (telephone base to handset) 912.
51 Appendix A Alert tones, 32 Answering calls, 14 B Battery char ging, 7 Battery inst allation, 7 Battery low , 7 Belt clip, 10 C Call waiting, 17 Caller ID, 26 a d d e n t ri e s t o p h on e d i r e.
www .telephones.att.c om Copyright © 2007 Advanced American T elephones. All rights reserv ed. AT&T and the Gl obe symbol are trademarks of A T&T Knowledge Ventur es, licensed to Advanced American T elephones. Printed in China. Issue 2 AT&T 01/07.
An important point after buying a device AT&T E1833B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought AT&T E1833B yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data AT&T E1833B - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, AT&T E1833B you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get AT&T E1833B will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of AT&T E1833B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime AT&T E1833B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with AT&T E1833B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device AT&T E1833B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center