Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 585-350-812 AT&T
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585 -350 -812 Issue 1 Octob er, 1 993 Conve rsa nt VIS Adjunct Switch Applic ation In terf ac e Graphics © Table of Contents.
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Conten ts Is s ue 1 O c t o b er 1993 iii Tabl e o f Cont ents i 1 AS AI O v e rview 1-1 ■ Overview o f the A d junct/ Swit c h Ap p licati on In terface F e ature 1-1 ASA I Voic e R espo nse A p pl.
Conten ts iv Issue 1 O ctobe r 1993 ■ Prerequisit es for ASA I Inst allat ion 3-2 ■ A S AI Hardwar e Architect ure 3 -3 ■ Installi n g A S A I Hard ware 3-4 ■ Installi n g A S AI S o ftware 3-.
Conten ts Issue 1 O ctobe r 19 93 v 6 ASAI S cript Bu ilde r Acti ons 6-1 ■ A SA I Scri p t Buil der A c tion s Overview 6-1 Defi ning A _Calli nfo 6 -2 Defi ning A _Event 6 -4 Defi ning A_ R o uteS.
Conten ts vi Issue 1 O ctobe r 1993.
1-1 1 ASAI Overview Overvie w o f the A d j unct/S witch Applicat ion Interface Feature The AT& T Adjunct/Swit ch A pplication I nterface ( AS AI) is an opt ional pa ckage that may be installed o n top o f the sta ndard CO NVERSA NT V oice Inform ation System software.
1-2 AS A I O ve rv i e w These typ es of a pplication s can run simul tane ously on a VIS. This imp lies tha t a VIS AS AI system provides co-resident voice response and PBX-to -host gat eway capabiliti es.
1-3 AS A I O ve rv i e w As a c a ll is de livered to the VIS, the VIS receives ASAI i nform at ion relat ed to the call. The AS AI feature all ows the VIS to recognize th e dialed (called) number of an incoming call t o a line. This fea ture is sometimes refe rred t o as Di aled Number Inform ation Se rvice (DNIS).
1-4 AS A I O ve rv i e w ■ Caller Dependent Transfe rs — The full ten-digi t ANI could be used t o iden- tify callers and determine where t hey should be transf erred if they need to speak to a l ive agent . This would be desirabl e if, for insta nce, th e caller is a preferred custo mer or is usually handled by a specific agent.
1-5 AS A I O ve rv i e w These call routing request s are generated by the D EFI NI TY Generic 3i when a call is processe d by specifi c call vector s on the DEF INITY Generic 3i. Informati on as to where calls should be routed may reside on t he VIS i n a local database or m ay be provided by a host to which the V IS is connecte d.
1-6 AS A I O ve rv i e w Figure 1-3. Data Screen Delivery Applications gateway.pic Note that the deli ve ry of data scree ns is not a functio n of the VIS itself. A special host applicat ion is deve loped by your company or a third party to perform this function .
1-7 AS A I O ve rv i e w ■ Incomin g Call Delivered Directly to Agent by ACD — In this call f low s ce- nario, incom ing trunk calls are delivered direct ly to live agent s. Here, data scree ns delivered to agent s would be based primarily on A NI, DNIS, and/ or call prompti ng info rmat ion.
1-8 AS A I O ve rv i e w (the init ial inco ming call to the vo ice response unit and the second, transferred call which is delivered to an agent). With the VI S ASA I feature , a single me ssag e to the host ove r a single interf ace provi des all the in f orm ation needed to deliver a data screen based on data collecte d in a voice script.
1-9 AS A I O ve rv i e w the overal l V I S /host applicat ion. In addit ion, the use of DNIS in voice response applica tion s to enable T/R or LST 1 channel sharing m eans that more calls can be s e rvice d with the same number of VIS channels.
1-10 AS A I O ve rv i e w.
2-1 2 ASAI A pplication Plannin g and Design ASA I A pplicati on Plan n i ng and Desi g n O verview This chapter contai ns inform at ion on planni ng and designi ng an applicat ion that will be used with the AT& T Adjunct/ S wit ch A ppli ca tion Inte rface ( ASAI ) f eature on the CONV ERS A NT Voice Inform ati on Syst em (VIS ).
2-2 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n ■ Routing A pplicat ions - The Rout ing capabil ity of AS AI and DEFI NIT Y Generic 3i call vectorin g is used to allow the VI S to act a s a routing server. A “routing” script on the VIS recei ves, processes, and respon ds to call rout - ing requests sent by t he DEF I NIT Y Generic 3i system.
2-3 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n ■ A_Tran — Used within a voice response script to t ransfe r a call away from a T/R or L ST1 channel on the VIS . T his acti on makes use of the Third Party Call Cont rol ca pabil ity of ASAI to effect the transfer.
2-4 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n per-call basis. The DNIS informat ion associated wit h a call is used to start a spe- cific voice script on the channel rece iving the call. The A_Callinf o actio n can then be used within the s cript to ret rieve this inform ation and use it in subsequent Script Builder acti ons.
2-5 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n This single event is then passed to the host, thereb y providing all informa tion needed by the host application i n a single message.
2-6 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n is that , once acti vated, routi ng scripts run cont inuousl y . Routing scripts, t herefore, have the followi ng general structure: 1. An A _Event action t o wa it for and retrieve a RO UTE REQ UEST event from lower-level A SAI soft ware o n the VIS.
2-7 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n Mon itorin g Sc ript D es ign Moni torin g scripts on the VIS are used to support data screen delivery applica- tions. T he Notificat ion capa bili ty of A SA I is used to track th e progress of calls t hat are delivered t o agen ts.
2-8 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n Steps 1 and 2 above are repeated by using addit ion al Script Bui lder steps to cre- ate an infini te loop (that is, script labels and Got o actions). A sam ple m onit oring script is pro vided in Appendix A, “Sampl e Scripts.
2-9 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n scree ning agent and the n use this d ata as the basis for data s creen s deliv- ered to other, specialize d agents wh ich may receive the call. The agent-t o- agent transf er can be placed to a monit ored domain or to an indi vidual sta - tion and is monitored wit h a VDN or ACD type monit oring script .
2-10 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n for example, could be collecte d in t he voice script , concatenat ed to geth er, and then saved in t he VI S Dat a fi eld.
2-11 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n the CONNE CT event f or the transferred call is receive d.The ca ll ID in the Other C all ID fi eld of th e CONNE CT event can be used to c orrel ate the t wo calls. ■ The call may again be transf erred after having been serviced by the live agent.
2-12 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n The first concept to understan d is call monit oring in transfer s cenarios. V DN or ACD split domains are mon ito red by the VI S by assigning m onit oring script s as described in Chapter 4, "ASAI Adm in istrat ion".
2-13 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n With a c onsult transf er, the merge takes p lace af ter the seco nd call is deli vere d to the second, sp ecialized agent. I n this case, the original call is still on hold at the first age nt’s phone when the second call i s delive red to t he secon d agent.
2-14 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n ■ The doma in receiving the original c all and any domains receiving the t rans- ferred call must be m onit ored. ■ In call-cen ter operat ions tha t use blind t ransfer, the host app licat ion ma y tag current call data by call ID.
2-15 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n ■ The call m ay again be transfe rr ed after having been serviced by Agent 2.In this case, an END event is not reported unt il all transferring is complet ed and the call term inat es normal ly. As in t he singl e transfer case, t he END event cont ains i nformat ion pert inent t o t he origin al call.
2-16 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n The persons responsible for administra tion and applicat ion develo pme nt must thoro ughly understand the call flow described previously.
2-17 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n tains the call ID of the origin al call delivered to Age nt 1. Also, fo r example, the Calling Pa rty Numbe r field of this CONNE C T event contains the A NI of the origina l caller. ■ If f or so me reason calls are transferred to non-monit ored dom ains, u nex- pected operati on ca n result.
2-18 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n Host Ap plicati on Plann ing an d D esign In certain call cent er enviro nments, t he VIS ASAI s ystem is i nt egrated with a host computer. As discuss e d previously, you mu st p rovide or obtain the host software applica tion tha t works wit h the VIS ASA I system.
2-19 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n ■ You may want to write an ANI learni ng module to aut om atically as sociate new ANI informa tion with existing custom er records. Agent s and voice response scripts can verify ANI informat ion passed by the DE FINIT Y Generic 3i to the VIS.
2-20 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n Data Sc reen D eliv ery Applic at ion Con s ide rations ■ Prior to the use of data s creen delivery applicat ions, a host application t yp- ically waits for in put f rom agent s before perf orm ing an opera tion.
2-21 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n — If t he relat ionshi p betwe en data t ermi nals, termi nal ID’ s, and tel e - phones is relati v ely stabl e, admin istration o f the host appli cation can maint ain a fixed m appin g betwee n phones and term inal s.
2-22 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n Communi c a ti ons S ystem Pl anning Communicat ion system planning involves defi ning what changes must be made to your c ompa ny’s comm unicat ions system software conf igurat ion and A CD envi- ronment t o support th e planned ap p licat ions.
2-23 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n Call Cente r O perations Plannin g The persons responsible for call c enter or custom er service operations should plan for the changes tha t occu r in those operat ions when the VIS ASAI syste m is added to the call cent er.
2-24 ASAI Appl ication P lanning and Desig n must make sure that the origi nal call is on “transfe r” hold before complet ing the transfer. A call is said to be on transfer hold when the call was placed on hold by hitting t he Transfer button. This is as opposed to “regular” hold where the call is placed on hold by hitting the Hold but ton.
3-1 3 ASAI Ins t allation Instal lat ion Ov erview This chapter con tai ns inform ation on insta llat ion and setu p proced ures for the CONVE RS AN T Voice Inf ormat ion System (VI S) Adjun ct/Swi tch Ap plicat ion I nter- face ( AS AI) software package.
3-2 ASAI Instal lation Prerequisite s for A SAI Installation To install the A djunct /Swit ch Appl icati on Int erface fe ature on the CONV ER S AN T Voice Inf orma tion System (VIS ) Version 3.
3-3 ASAI Instal lation ASAI Hardw are Ar c hitectu re The VIS is designed to operate wi th the DEFINITY Generic 3i. The I PCI card must be instal led on the VIS.
3-4 ASAI Instal lation Installi ng ASA I Hardw are Prior to instal lation, you should run the configurato r program. For inform at ion on running the configurat or program, refer to Chapter 3, “Allocat ing S ystem Resources” in t he hardware inst allat ion and upgrade book for yo ur platform.
3-5 ASAI Instal lation Figure 3-3. IPCI Switch Se ttings For informa tion on install ing the IPCI Card in the system, refer to Chapt er 5, “Installi ng Circuit Cards” in the hardware i nstallation and upgrade book for your plat form. Figure 3-4 sh ows a typical wiring archit ecture for the ASA I link.
3-6 ASAI Instal lation Figure 3-4. Typ ical Wiring for AS AI Link wiring. ps Instal ling A SAI S oftw are The VIS ASAI so f tware package is contained on high -d ensity 3.5” floppy disks. Use the followin g proce dures to install the sof tware package.
3-7 ASAI Instal lation 1 0. Next, the package prompt s you f or the In t errupt Vect or Nu mber (I VN) of the IPCI card. Refer to the output of the configu ra tio n program to determ ine what interrupt number to use. Type in the number you have selected and then p ress .
3-8 ASAI Instal lation Remov i n g the A SAI Softw are To remove the A SAI softwa re, refer to the fo llowin g pro cedure: NO TE : The AS AI feature package soft ware mu st be removed bef ore the ASAI Library package software.
4-1 4 ASAI Ad mini strat ion This chapt er desc ribes the adm inistrat ive screens that are provided wit h the ASAI feature package. For a step-by-step descript ion of a typ ical voice-response appli- cation involving a V IS ACD and V IS agents, refe r to Ch apte r 5 , "Adm inist ering AS AI".
4-2 ASAI Adm inistrati on After you have logged into the VIS , the CONV ER SANT VI S Version 4.0 screen should appear. If the CONV E RSANT V IS Version 4.0 screen does not appear, type cv is_ ma in men u at t he s y stem prom pt t o display the CONV ERSANT V IS Ver sion 4.
4-3 ASAI Adm inistrati on From the Voice Syst em Adm inist rati on screen, highl ight “Feature Packages” and press to open the Feature Pa ckag es screen (Figure 4-2).
4-4 ASAI Adm inistrati on Figure 4-3. ASAI Administration Screen The AS AI Admin istrat ion sc reen enable s you t o access the following admin istra- tive f eatures associat ed with A SAI: ■ Channe.
4-5 ASAI Adm inistrati on Cha n nel Ad minist rat ion The Channel A dmi nistrat ion screen provides one entry for each T /R or LST 1 channel (V I S a gent) that is ad ministe r ed as a mem ber of the VIS A CD split. I t pro- vides a mappi ng betwe en the VIS channel s and the P BX extension numbers.
4-6 ASAI Adm inistrati on The Channel Ad mi nistrat ion screen conta ins the fo llowin g fiel ds: ■ The “CHANNE L” field indicat es the T/R or LST1 channel number on the VI S. ■ The “EXT E NSIO N ” field indicate s the Privat e Bran ch Ex change (PB X ) extension num ber assigned for the channel.
4-7 ASAI Adm inistrati on The Channel Ad ministrat ion screen with the standa rd fun ction keys i s displayed i n Figure 4-4. Note that you need to use CHG -KEYS t o switch the funct ion key di s- play from the sta ndard to the screen-specific set o f comman ds, or vice versa.
4-8 ASAI Adm inistrati on Add Channel E ntr y The Add A Channel E ntry screen may be used to assign a Tip/R ing ch annel as a VIS a gent. While the Chann el Administrat ion s creen is active, press A DD to open the Add A Channel E ntry screen (Figu r e 4-5).
4-9 ASAI Adm inistrati on Change Channel Entry The Change A Channel En try screen is used to change th e extension of a VIS agent. NO TE : The channel must be logged out before it may be changed. While the Chann el Administrat ion s creen is active, press CHANGE to open the Change A Channel E ntry screen (Figure 4-6).
4-10 ASAI Adm inistrati on Remove Cha nnel Entry While the Channel Administ rati on screen is active, press REM OV E to unassi gn a Tip/Rin g channel as a VIS agent . You will receive a confirmat ion screen as king you if you wish t o RE MO VE the sele cted it em .
4-11 ASAI Adm inistrati on for each domain runnin g a data-onl y script. A maxim um of 32 virtual channels may be admini stered on the VIS..
4-12 ASAI Adm inistrati on The non-voice script that is a ssigned to a domain is started on the virtual channel when you use t he ENABLE key in the Domain Admin istrat ion screen to place the domain int o se rvice (inserv).
4-13 ASAI Adm inistrati on Diag n ose IPCI Board You should use the Diagn ose IPCI Board co mmand when you suspect that there is a problem with the AS AI link.
4-14 ASAI Adm inistrati on Domain A dmini s trati on The Domain Administ rati on screen is used to instruct the VIS adjunct on how to handle a call t hat was of fered t o a specific doma in. For voice-response appli ca- tions, there may be only one entry of type A CD to which the V I S service is assigned.
4-15 ASAI Adm inistrati on By default , the VI S update s the Doma in Adm in istrat ion s c reen eve ry 2 s e conds. The Domain Administ rati on screen contains the following fi elds: ■ The “NAME ” field indicates the domai n name. Y ou may choose any name for the d oma in nam e.
4-16 ASAI Adm inistrati on The “S ER V ICE ” field indicat es how the c alls o ffered to t he domain are h andled by the VIS. The SE RVICE field i s used to specify a script which services the dom ain.
4-17 ASAI Adm inistrati on The “STA TUS ” f ield indicat es whether the domain is ready to receive call in form a - tion. The domain S TA TUS can be one of the following. Refer to A ppen dix D, “Troubleshoot ing A SAI ” for addit ional i nform at ion.
4-18 ASAI Adm inistrati on Once the domai n is administered and m ade inserv, no m anual intervent ion is required to bring the dom ain back into service during recovery (for exampl e, switch or VIS reboot) or upon re starting the voice sy stem.
4-19 ASAI Adm inistrati on Cha nge Doma in Ent ry While the Dom ain Adm inist ratio n screen is active, press CHANGE to op en the Change A Domain En try screen (Figure 4-11). NO TE : The dom ain mu st be disabled before it can be changed. Figure 4-11.
4-20 ASAI Adm inistrati on NO TE : The domain must be disabl ed before i t can be removed. Initialize IPC I Board The IP CI Board m ust be init iali zed when it is taken off-li ne. The Init ial ize IPCI Board proce dure downloa ds the driver software onto the card and puts the card on-line.
4-21 ASAI Adm inistrati on Paramet er Admin ist ration The AS AI Parameters screen is provided to allow adjustme nt of AS AI system paramete r s. These param et er s affect t he behavi or of t he A SAI f eat ure.
4-22 ASAI Adm inistrati on If you select CONNECTE D in the CONNE CT E vent field, the CONNE CT event is reported when the AS AI CONNECTE D me ssag e is received from the PB X.
4-23 ASAI Adm inistrati on The Normal sett ing ca n be used for sim ple debuggi ng of applicati on sc r ipts wh ich use the A_Call inf o, A_Eve nt, A_Ro uteS el , and A_Tran act ions.
4-24 ASAI Adm inistrati on Show AS AI S oftware V ers ion The Show A SAI S oftwa re Version screen is a t ext screen which contains inform a- tion o n t he soft ware versi ons l oaded ont o the V IS. To show the A SAI Softwa re Ver sion from t he ASA I Administrat ion screen, h i ghlig ht “Show ASA I Software Ve r- sion”, th en press .
4-25 ASAI Adm inistrati on Show Statu s A SAI Li n k The Show S tatus of ASAI L i nk screen provides in forma tio n on t he cu rrent status of the ASAI link to t he VIS. To show the status of the ASA I link from the AS AI Admi nistrat ion screen, highligh t “ Sho w Status of ASAI Link”, then press to display link status inf ormat ion.
4-26 ASAI Adm inistrati on Tabl e 4-2. Show Status ASAI Lin k Disp lays Show Status of ASAI Link Me aning The IPCI Board is on-line. Physical la y er (L1) is DOWN, Link Layer (L2) is D OWN L1 DOWN, L2 DOW N The IPCI Board is on-line.
4-27 ASAI Adm inistrati on Take IPCI Board Off-li ne The Ta ke IP CI Board Off-Line procedure takes the IPCI card off-li ne and effec - tively disa bles the lin k between the IP CI card and the driver software.
4-28 ASAI Adm inistrati on.
5-1 5 Administering A SAI ASA I A dminist ration Overvi ew Admi nistrat ion of t he ASAI feat ure is a three-step procedure perform ed through the VIS menu system .
5-2 Admi niste ring AS AI Admin isteri ng the Lin es The li nes ( T/R or LST 1) a re admi nistered as d es c ribed in Chapt er 5, “S witch Inte r- face Adm inistrat ion” of CON VERS ANT VI S Versio n 4.
5-3 Admi niste ring AS AI 5. Select any nam e you choose and enter it into the “Name” fie ld. Alt hough it is not necessary, you may want to choose the same n ame given to the s plit on the PBX. To display the PB X name for the split, type l ist hunt at the DEFI NITY Generic 3 i system console.
5-4 Admi niste ring AS AI Admin isteri ng the VIS A gen t Li nes After creating and bring ing the VI S ACD split domain into service, you must next administ er and lo g in the lin es as VIS agent lines.
5-5 Admi niste ring AS AI Once all the ch annels have been logged in, you are ready to run applicat ions. I f you have not done so already, you may now assign DNIS service to channels using the Assign S er vice To V oi ce Channels s creen and Assign S er vices t o Called Numbe rs screen as described i n CON VERSA NT VIS Version 4 .
5-6 Admi niste ring AS AI.
6-1 6 ASAI Sc ript Builder A ctio ns For more inform ation on def ining a transaction and other Script Builder acti ons, refer to Chapte r 4, “Defining the Tran saction” in the CONVE RS ANT V IS Script Builder , 585-350-704 .
6-2 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions Defin ing A_C al linf o The A_Call info action is used to access call informat ion obt ained fro m ASAI for a call on a VI S Agent line. The A_Ca llinf o acti on returns the Cal ling P arty Num ber and Called Party Number associat ed w ith an incom ing call to the t ra nsactio n script environment .
6-3 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions The “Called Part y Numbe r” field stores the called party num ber. The value returned in the Called Part y Number field can be up to 20 char acters in lengt h. I f the Call ed P arty Numb er is not known , a string of length 0 (null value) i s returne d.
6-4 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions Tabl e 6-1. A_C allinfo Fields Defin ing A_Ev en t The A_E vent act ion retrie ves inform ati on re lat ed to a call being monit ored by an ASAI domai n. This action must be used wi th all scripts assigned t o a d omain.
6-5 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions You mu st now define the A _Event step furt her. In the Defi ne Transaction screen, highlight “Exte rnal Act ion: A_E vent, ” then press DEFINE .
6-6 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions (null string) is returned. I f A_Event is reporting a route request (the Ret urn Fiel d returns a value of ‘R’), a string of lengt h 0 (null v a lue) is returned. The value returned can be up to 20 character s in length.
6-7 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions The “VIS Data ” field returns a value previousl y saved in the VIS Data field of the A_Tran acti on in a voice script . If the call was not previously transferred using A_Tran, then a string o f length 0 (null value) is returned.
6-8 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions ■ -4 — A SA I link is down and call inform ati on cannot be received fro m the switch. Refer to Appendi x D, “Troubleshoo ting ASA I” for informati on on troubleshoot ing t he ASA I digita l link. ■ -5 — Illegal request.
6-9 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions Tabl e 6-2 . A _Even t Return Field Value Meaning Ea c h A BANDON, CO NNECT, END, RO UTE RE QUES T , and A BNORM AL ROUTE END event ret urns inform ation perta ining to the event . Table 6-3 indi- cates what fields the A_ Event action returns for each e vent.
6-10 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions Tabl e 6-3. Field s R eturned by A_Event f or E ach Ev ent † The Routing ID f ield returns t he ASAI cluster I d of the domain which r eported t h ese even ts.
6-11 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions Tabl e 6-4. A_Event Fields Defin ing A_R o uteS el The A_Rout eS el action is used to send an AS AI route m essage to the PB X. The A_Rout eS el action is used in conjunction wit h the A_E vent act ion and ma y be used to construct scripts assigned to RTE type domain s.
6-12 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions Figure 6-3. Define A_RouteSel Form Scr een Each of the fields in the Define A_Rout eS el s c reen must contain a field nam e or constant which return s the following informat ion. Refer to Table 6-5 for a summary of the i nfo rmation in each of these fie lds.
6-13 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions The “Split Ext ension” field is use d only for direct agent calls. This field cont ains either a num ber or t he name of a f ield which cont ains a numbe r identif ying a valid ACD split. Th e Spl it Extensio n m ay be up to 5 digit s in length.
6-14 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions ■ -3 — The ASAI system could not route the call. Check the Cause Value field for inf orm ati on on why the call could not be rout ed. ■ -11 — Desti nati on Num ber exceed s 20 characters. ■ -13 — Split Extension exceeds 5 charact ers.
6-15 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions To insure that the original caller is exposed to such operations, you must construct your vectors so that t he transfer is forced to complet e before such operations are perform ed.
6-16 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions Each of the fields in the Define A_T ra n screen mu st conta in a field name or con - stant whi ch ret urns the followi ng i nformat ion. Ref er to T able 6-6 f or a sum mary of the inform at ion in each of t h ese fiel ds.
6-17 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions The “Call State” fi eld stores the statu s of the call. If a call transfer was attemp ted, the Call State fiel d will have one of the following values: ■ 0 — Call State informa tion not availa ble. ■ 1 — Destinati on Numb er is ringing (alerti ng).
6-18 ASAI Script Buil der A ctions ■ -2 — A_Tran did not receive a response from the AS AI for the request to take control o f the original call . Check t o see if the A SA I system i s runn ing. ■ -17 — A_Tran received an error from the ASA I sy stem when trying to put the original call on hold .
A-1 A Sample Scripts Samp le S cript s O verview This chapt er pro vi des exampl es of script s developed using the AT& T Adjun ct/ Switch A ppli cation Interface ( ASAI) feat ure on the CO NVE RS A NT V oice Inform a- tion System (VIS).
A-2 Sa m ple A SAI Vo ice Scr ipt Following is an exam ple of an A SAI voice script tha t has been develop ed with the A_Calli nfo a nd A_Tra n actions. start: # This is a sample voice scrip t making use of the A _Tran action. # This s cript would be used to handle calls at a T /R chan nel.
A-3 # 6. Eval uate If $MAT CH_FOUND = 0 7. Set Field Va lue Field: dest_num = “5 678” Field: split_n um = ““ End Evaluate # # Transfe r the call. Place th e account number (accou nt_n um) in the # visdata f ield. The ASAI DIP on the VIS saves thi s data and # associates it w ith the transfe rred call.
A-4 Samp le Rou t ing Scrip t Following is an example of an ASAI routing script t hat has been developed wit h the A _Event and A_Rou teSel actions. start: # T his is a sample rout ing s cript making use of the A_E vent action.
A-5 4. Modif y Table Table N ame : rt g_err Op eration: Add Field: clg_num = calli ng_num Field: cld_num = calle d_num Field: err_cause = cause Field ca llid_ va lue = call_id # # # # Else 5.
A-6 Samp le M onit orin g Scrip t Following is an example of an ASAI monitorin g script that has been deve loped with the A _Even t acti on. start: # T his is a sample monit oring s c ript making use of the A_E vent action. # This s cript would b e given, via admi nist ration, a “ VDN”, # “A CD”, or “CTL” type designation.
A-7 2. Eval uate If e vent_re t != “‘C’” 3. Goto Even t_start End Evaluate # # S en d data to the host. Only connected age nt, ANI, DNIS, and # V I S d ata are used in t his example appli catio n. # # I t is assumed that Aid Key for sending the data to t he host is # PF 3.
C-1 C Sample Scripts ASAI P erformance Performance Overvie w This chapter contai ns perform ance info rmation t o be used with the AT& T Ad junct/ Switch A ppli cation Int erface fe ature.
C-2 Voice R esp ons e Integration Up to 2 ,500 busy hour calls are s u pport ed by the VIS. V oi ce Response Inte gra- tion involves calls offered to VIS T/R or LST1 lin es and t ransferred to an agent with data sc reen delivery. Data S c reen D elivery Up to 10,000 busy hour calls are supported by the VIS.
An important point after buying a device AT&T 585-350-812 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought AT&T 585-350-812 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data AT&T 585-350-812 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, AT&T 585-350-812 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get AT&T 585-350-812 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of AT&T 585-350-812, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime AT&T 585-350-812.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with AT&T 585-350-812. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device AT&T 585-350-812 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center