Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG Patton electronic
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Smar t Media System Software Configuration Guide Sales Office: +1 (301) 97 5-10 00 Tec hnical Su ppor t: +1 (301) 97 5-1007 E-mail: s uppor Web: w ww .
Patton Electronics Company, Inc. 7622 Rickenb acker Drive Gaithersburg , MD 20879 USA tel: +1 ( 301) 975-1 000 fax: +1 (301) 869 -9293 support: +1 (301) 9 75-1007 web: www.patt e-mail: support@patton.c om Copy righ t Copyright © 2012, Patton El ectro nics Comp any.
3 Summar y T able of Contents 1 Getting Started with the Web Portal ......... ...... ..... ...... ...... ......... ...... ..... ...... ......... ...... ...... ..... ...... ......... ...... .... 22 2 Configuring VoIP Interfaces ...... ...... ...... ...
4 T able of Contents Audience ............ ........... ............ ................ ............ ........... ........... ............ ................. ........... ........... ........... ............ 21 Struct ure ...... ............ ...............
5 Sma rt Me di a Sof twa re Co nfig ura ti on Gu ide Table of Con tents IP I nter face s (De taile d V iew) ........ ........... ................. ........... ............ ........... ........... ................. ........... ............ . 41 3 Configuring an ISDN-SIP Gateway .
6 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e Table of Cont ents Viewing the Sta tus of the SIP Stack ...................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............. 76 General View ....
7 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e Table of Cont ents General View ............... ........... ........... ............ ................. ............................ ............................ .... ..................104 Detailed View .
8 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e Table of Cont ents Understandi ng Param eters for ISUP Networks ... ................. ............................ ............................ ........... 140 Creating a n ISUP User Pa rt ...........
9 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e Table of Cont ents Understand ing Param eters f or M3UA Networks ............ ............ ........... ........... ................. ......................170 Creating a n M3UA User Pa rt ............
10 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e Table of Cont ents Under stan ding Par amete rs for Li ne Int erfaces ................ ............ ................. ............................ ................207 Creating Li ne Services .. .....
11 List of Fi gures 1 SmartNode Web Port al Navigati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2 SmartNode Web Port al Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e 48 Editing a Line Int erface to Create a New Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 49 Create New Line Ser vice . . . . . . . . . . .
13 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e 99 Timeslot States Di agram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 100 General View: SIP Stat us . . . .
14 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e 150 Detailed View: MTP3 Linkset Stat us-Links Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 151 Detailed View: MTP3 Link Status . . . . . . . .
15 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e 201 MTP3 Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 202 Creating the New MTP 3 Route .
16 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e 252 Creating the New MTP 3 (M2UA) Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 253 Successful MTP3 Li nk Message . . . . . . . . .
17 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e 303 Successful M3UA PS P Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 304 Associating SAPs wi th the M3UA PSP . . .
18 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e 354 Create New Line Interf ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 355 Confirmation Messa ge for New Line Interfa ce .
19 List of T ables 1 Configurati on Parameters fo r IP Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2 Configurati on Parameters fo r New Line Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 Sma rt Me dia Soft war e Co nfig urat ion Guid e 44 Configura tion Parameters fo r New ISUP User Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 45 Configura tion Parameters fo r New ISUP Interf ace .
21 About this guide This Smart M edia Software Confi guration Guide describes how to conf igure componen ts through the W eb Por - tal of Patton’s Smar t Media system. For detailed hardware or set- up informati on, refer to the pro duct’s User Manual .
22 Chapter 1 Getting Star ted with the W eb Por tal Chap ter cont ents Overview ................. ........... ................. ............................ ............................ ........................... ....... ........... ............ . 23 Accessing a nd Navigating the Web Inte rface .
Overview 23 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal Overv iew This chapter explains how to access and manage the SmartNode Web Portal.
Accessing an d Navigating the Web In terface 24 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal Note Figure 1 on page 24 sho ws the SmartNo de Web Management Interf ace. The navigation panel is loca ted to the left of the screen.
Managing Users 25 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal Managing Users This se ction desc ribes how to mange user access l evels in the SmartNode Web Po rtal. (Refer to “Connecting to the web server and logging on to the Web Portal” on page 23 for information about ho w to login to the Web Portal).
Managing Users 26 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal 2. The User List is displaye d. Figure 5. User List Creating a New U ser 1. Se lect Users from the navigation panel. 2. Cl ic k Create New User . Figure 6.
Managing Users 27 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal Deleting a Use r 1. Se lect Users from the navigation panel. 2. Cl ic k Dele te in the information panel, next to the us er account that you wish to delete.
Managing the Database Backup 28 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal Managing the Database Backup After carry ing out system modifi cations, it is recommend ed that you back up the SQ L database.
Managing the Database Backup 29 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal Downloading a Database Backup Once you have created a backup of your database, it is recomme nded that you download it to store it to an external storage device.
Work ing with Config urati ons 30 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal W or king w ith C onfig uratio ns This s ection exp lains how to manage applications and instances on the Sm artNode Web Portal, how to activate a configurat ion, and how to configur e IP interfac es.
Work ing with Config urati ons 31 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal When you first log on to the Web Portal, your syst em application will have b een installed on the Sm art Media application server, and it will be in a management st ate.
Work ing with Config urati ons 32 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal Verifying that an Appl ication is Operatin g When an app licati on’s target state is set to run, there ar e a number of crucial verifi cations that you should con - duct in order to know that an application is running properly.
Work ing with Config urati ons 33 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal Activating th e Configura tion Changes made to the configuration of the S mart Medi a uni ts are stored on the OAM&P Configuration and Logging database.
Work ing with Config urati ons 34 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal 4. Verify that an activatio n confi rmation m essa ge is disp layed. T he system will rem ind yo u to bac k up your database when you are done configuring (at top of scre en, in yellow) .
Work ing with Config urati ons 35 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with th e Web Portal General View: The general vi ew, shown below, l ists the applications, and their current general status (ready, fault, not running. This window also provid es a count of all applications with ready or fault status .
36 Chapter 2 Configuring V oIP Inter faces Chap ter cont ents Overview ................. ........... ................. ............................ ............................ ........................... ....... ........... ............ . 37 Conf iguring Inte rfaces .
Overview 37 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 2 • Co nfigur ing VoIP Inter faces Overv iew The IP interf ace of the VoIP0 and VoIP1 po rts can be configured b y setting the follow ing: • IP Address • Ne tmas k • Ga te way Configur ing Inter faces To configur e a VoIP0 or VoIP1 port: 1.
Conf iguri ng Inte rfac es 38 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 2 • Co nfigur ing VoIP Inter faces Note The IP addresses of ETH0, ETH 1, VOIP0 an d VOIP1 m ust be on different subnets . Figure 32. Editing an IP Interface 4. The changes are displayed in the IP interfaces inf ormation panel.
Viewing the Statu s of Interfaces 39 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 2 • Co nfigur ing VoIP Inter faces Viewing the Status of Inter faces General and detailed status information about the Smart Medi a units, als o referred to as adapters, is acces sible from the Adap ters tab of the Global Status v iew.
Viewing the Statu s of Interfaces 40 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 2 • Co nfigur ing VoIP Inter faces Hardware The Hardware status screen displays detailed information about the Smart Media unit, such as the software ve rsio n, the firm ware ver sion, and th e c onfiguration state.
Viewing the Statu s of Interfaces 41 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 2 • Co nfigur ing VoIP Inter faces Lice nsed Featur es The Licensed Feature status screen d isplays detailed info rmation about lice nsed features.
42 Chapter 3 Configuring an ISDN-SIP Gateway Chap ter cont ents Overview ................. ........... ................. ............................ ............................ ........................... ....... ........... ............ . 44 Creating a New Co nfiguratio n .
43 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Line Interface .................... ........... ............ ................. ............................ ............................ .......... ............. . 73 Line Service .
Overview 44 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Overv iew The fo llowin g sect ions de scribe a typic al conf igura tion sc enario for an ISD N to S IP gate way.
Cre ati ng a N ew Co nfi guratio n 45 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway 2. Copy the d efault conf iguration—Clic k Copy next to the configuration named "default": Figure 39. Configuration List 3.
Allocating Physical Interfaces 46 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Alloca ting Physical Interfaces Allocating physical interfaces involves cre ating a new line interface and creating a new line se rvice.
Allocating Physical Interfaces 47 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway –C l i c k Create Figure 44. Create New Line Interface 4. Verify that the " Line interface was successf ully created " message is displayed.
Allocating Physical Interfaces 48 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Creating a new line service You must create a ne w line service for your line interface. A l ine service defi nes the payload type of a line inter - face o r anothe r line se rvice.
Allocating Physical Interfaces 49 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway –C l i c k Create Figure 49. Create New Line S ervice 5. Navigate b ack to the line i nterface page, b y following link displayed in the uppe r-left corner of the scree n.
Allocating Physical Interfaces 50 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Understanding Param eters for Li ne Se rvices Creati ng an I P por t range Afte r you h ave pr operly allo cated a ll of your sy stem's ph y sical interfaces, you must create a new IP port range.
Allocating Physical Interfaces 51 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway 2. In the IP Interfaces window , clic k Create New Por t Range : Figure 52.
Confi g ur ing ISD N-PRI Sign aling 52 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Configuring IS DN-PRI S ignaling Integrated Systems Digital Net work (ISDN) is a circuit-switche d telephone system th at integrated voice and data on the same lines.
Confi g ur ing ISD N-PRI Sign aling 53 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Figure 57. Create New ISDN Stack 4. Verify that the " ISDN stack was succes sfully created " message appears. Figure 58. Confirmation Message for New ISDN Stack Understand ing Parameters for ISDN St acks Table 6.
Defi ning a Cl ocking So urce 54 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Defin ing a Clocking Sourc e The clock i s a n ecess ary c ompone nt of a TDM n etw ork. Synchr oni zing your sy stem on the r ight clock , a llows it to offer good sound quality.
Configurin g SIP Signalin g 55 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Understand ing Parameters for the System Clock Configu ring SI P Signa ling Smart Medi a provides support for s ignaling using the Session Initiat ion Protocol , more commo nly known as SIP, for voice over IP (VoIP) communications.
Configurin g SIP Signalin g 56 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway 2. Clic k Create New Sip : Figure 64. SIP Configuration List 3.
Configurin g SIP Signalin g 57 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Understanding Param eters for SIP Stacks Creating a S IP transpor t server After you have created a SIP stack, you must cr eate a new SIP transport server for your configuration.
Configurin g SIP Signalin g 58 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway –C l i c k Create Figure 70. Creating a New SIP Transport S erver 5.
Configurin g SIP Signalin g 59 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Creating a SIP ser vice access point (S AP) After you have created a SIP stack and transport server, yo u must create a ne w serv ice ac cess po int (SAP) for your configur ation.
Configuring Codecs and Tone Detecti on 60 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway – Selec t a transport server f rom the list of avai lable servers – Assoc.
Configuring Codecs and Tone Detecti on 61 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway 2. Clic k Edi t next to the default configuration (or th e cu stom configuration you will b e using) : Figure 79. Edit Profile List 3.
Configuring Codecs and Tone Detecti on 62 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Managin g the Sessi on Des criptio n Prot ocol ( SDP) You can specif y the Pr ofile SD P Descri ption to define whi ch voice co decs are support ed in the Ne twor k Access Po int (NAP) usi ng this Profile.
Configuring Codecs and Tone Detecti on 63 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Table 11 shows t he lis t of co dec paylo ad type value s per RFC3551: When you use d ynamic payload types, yo u need to sp e cify t he addi tional en coding inf ormatio n using th e attribute for media announcement.
Configuring Codecs and Tone Detecti on 64 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway cific parameters may be any se t of parame ters requi red to be conveyed by SDP and given unchanged to the media tool that will use this format.
Configuring Network Access Points ( NAPs) 65 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Configu ring Ne twork Acc ess Points (NAPs) The next step in configuring an ISDN-SIP gateway is to conf igure the Netwo rk Access Poin ts (NAPs).
Configuring Network Access Points ( NAPs) 66 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway 5. Associate an ISDN stack with the new NAP: – Select a st ack from the ISDN stack li st –C l i c k t h e " << " button to associate it with the NAP Figure 8 5.
Configuring Network Access Points ( NAPs) 67 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway 3. Clic k Creat e th e new NAP : –E n t e r a na me fo r the NAP –C l i c k Cre ate : Figure 88. Cre ating a New SIP NAP 4.
Configuring Network Access Points ( NAPs) 68 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Understanding Param eters for SIP NAPs Tabl e 13.
Creating Call Routing Rules 69 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Creating Ca ll Routin g Rules You must set up call ro uting for your Smart Media syste m.
Creating Call Routing Rules 70 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway –C l i c k Create : Figure 93. Creating a New Route 4. Verify that the Route was successfully created message appears, and that the new route is listed in the Routeset list: Figure 94.
Creating Call Routing Rules 71 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Understanding Param eters for Call Routing Table 14 .
Viewing the Statu s of the TDM Lines 72 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Viewing the Status of the TDM Lines General and detailed status information about the TDM line s, also referred to as Adapters is accessibl e from the TDM Li nes tab of the Global Status vi ew.
Viewing the Statu s of the TDM Lines 73 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Detail ed View Line Inter face The detailed statu s view for each li ne interface allows yo u to reset status, or view ex tended status.
Viewing the Statu s of the ISDN Stack 74 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Viewing the Status of the ISDN Stack General and detailed status information about the ISDN stack is acc essible from the ISD N tab of the Global Status vi ew.
Viewing the Statu s of the ISDN Stack 75 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Timeslot S tates Diagram This diagram ind icates the timeslo t slates for ever y line service asso ciated with the N FAS stack.
Viewing the Statu s of the SIP Stack 76 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Viewing the Status of the SIP Stack General and detailed status information about the SIP stac k is accessi ble from the SIP tab of the Global Status view.
Viewing the Statu s of the SIP Stack 77 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Detail ed View SIP Stack Configuration Status The Stack tab of the S IP Configuration status sc reen, shown below, di splays the detailed status c ounters of one S IP stack.
Viewing the Statu s of the SIP Stack 78 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway 2. Clic k 'Now'. Figure 102. Detailed View: SIP SAPs Configuration Status SIP SAP Detailed Status The SIP SAP status screen, shown below, displays the c a ll transmit and receive counters.
Viewing the Statu s of the NAPs 79 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 3 • Configur ing an ISDN-SIP Gateway Viewing the Status of the NAPs General and detailed status information about the N etw ork Access Poi nts (NAPs) are acces sible fr om the NAP tab of the Glob al Status view .
80 Chapter 4 Configuring SS7 Signaling Chap ter cont ents Overview ................. ........... ................. ............................ ............................ ........................... ....... ........... ............ . 82 Con figuring th e MTP2 La yer .
81 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g MTP3 Linkset Sta tus: Linksets Tab .......... ............ ................. ............................ ............................ .... 105 MTP3 Linkset Sta tus: Links Tab .
Overview 82 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Overv iew The fo llowin g sect ions expl ain h ow to con figure the SS7 signal ing prot ocol .
Conf iguring the MT P2 L ayer 83 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Understanding Param eters for MTP2 Configurations Creatin g MTP2 Link s Now that you have created an MTP2 configuration, you must create the necessary MTP2 links.
Conf iguring the MT P2 L ayer 84 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g –C l i c k Create Figure 109. Cre ating a New MTP2 Link 3. Verify that the " MTP2 link was su ccessfully created " message displays: Figure 110.
Conf iguring the MT P2 L ayer 85 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Understanding Param eters for MTP2 Li nks Table 16 .
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 86 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Configu ring the MTP3 Layer The Message Transfer Part Level 3 (MTP3) provides message routing between signali ng points in an SS7 net - work.
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 87 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g 3. Verify that the " Mtp3Cfg was su ccessfully cre ated " message appears, and that the Enabled box is check ed.
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 88 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g 3. Verify that the " MTP3 network was successful ly created " message displays : Figure 116.
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 89 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g 3. Configure the new point code: –E n t e r a na me fo r the poin t cod e – Select a.
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 90 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Creating an MT P3 Linkset After you have crea ted an MTP3 network, you are ready to create an MTP3 linkset. This can be done through the MTP3 networ k configuration window.
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 91 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Understanding Param eters for MTP3 L inksets Creatin g MTP3 Link s After you have c reated an MTP3 linkset, you must create MT P3 links for your system.
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 92 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g –C l i c k Create Figure 125. Creating the New MTP3 Link 3. Verify that the " Mtp3Link was successfu lly created " message dis plays: Figure 126 .
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 93 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Understanding Param eters for MTP3 Li nks Creating an MT P3 Rou te MTP3 ro utes are built to ro ute traffic fr om previo usly created po int codes usi ng linksets.
Conf iguring the MT P3 L ayer 94 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g –C l i c k Create Figure 128. Creating the New MTP3 Ro ute 3. Verify that the " Mtp3Route was successfull y created " message dis plays: Figure 129 .
Conf iguring the IS UP Lay er 95 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Understanding Param eters for MTP3 Route s Configuring th e ISUP Layer The ISDN User Part (ISUP) is the highest layer in the SS7 signaling stack and is responsible f or the handling of calls.
Conf iguring the IS UP Lay er 96 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g 3. Configure the new MTP3 service: – Make su re the box l abeled En able d is chec ked.
Conf iguring the IS UP Lay er 97 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Creating an ISUP Network After you have created an initial ISUP stac k, you must create a new ISUP ne twork. The IS UP network te lls the ISU P protoc ol layer about a collection of SS7 nodes that are accessib le through MTP3 or M3UA.
Conf iguring the IS UP Lay er 98 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Understanding Param eters for ISUP Netw orks Creating an ISUP User Part After you have created your ISUP ne twork, you must create a new ISUP user part.
Conf iguring the IS UP Lay er 99 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g –C l i c k Create Figure 139. Creating the New ISUP User Part 3. Verify that the " IsupUserpart was successfully created " message appears, and that the Enabled box is check ed.
Conf iguring the IS UP Lay er 100 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Creating an ISUP Interface After you h ave created an ISUP user part to contain them, you must cr eate new ISUP interfac es.
Conf iguring the IS UP Lay er 101 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Understanding Param eters for IS UP In terf ace s Table 2 6.
Viewing the Status of SS7 MTP2 Lin ks 102 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Vi ewing the Status o f SS7 MTP2 Links General and d etailed st atus informat ion about the SS7 MTP2 stack is acce ssible from the S S7 MTP2 tab of the Global Status view.
Viewing the Status of SS7 MTP2 Lin ks 103 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g MTP2 Li nk Li sti ng The MTP2 Link listing, shown below, displays an expanded listing of each MTP2 link. In ad dition to indicat - ing whether a link is up or down , thi s listi ng prov ides s uppleme ntal inform ation.
Viewing the Status of SS7 MTP3 Lin ks 104 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Vi ewing the Status o f SS7 MTP3 Links General and d etailed st atus informat ion about the SS7 MTP3 stack is acce ssible from the S S7 MTP3 tab of the Global Status view.
Viewing the Status of SS7 MTP3 Lin ks 105 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g MTP3 Stack Status The MTP3 Stack Status, show n below, displays co unters for a var iety of status messages that in turn are used to i n d i c a te t h e c u rr e n t h e a l t h o f t h e M T P 3 s t a c k .
Viewing the Status of SS7 MTP3 Lin ks 106 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Figure 149. D etailed View: MTP3 Linkset Status-Linkset Tab MTP3 Linkset Sta tus: Links Tab.
Viewing the Status of SS7 MTP3 Lin ks 107 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g MTP3 Link The MT P3 Lin k status sc reen, sho wn below , disp lays th e detail ed inf ormation abou t one MTP3 li nk, such as the link state, configur ed values, and cou nters.
Viewing the Status of SS7 ISUP Stacks 108 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Viewing the Status of SS7 IS UP Stack s General and detailed status inf ormation about the SS7 IS UP stack i s access ible fr om the SS7 ISUP tab of the Global Status view.
Viewing the Status of SS7 ISUP Stacks 109 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Detail ed View The SS7 IS UP detaile d view group s status inf ormatio n into t.
Viewing the Status of SS7 ISUP Stacks 110 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g ISUP Interface S tatus The ISUP Interface status screen groups status info r mation about the in terface under two tab s, as follows: • Int erface Tab • Cir cui t Gro ups Ta b ISUP Interface Status: Int erface Tab.
Viewing the Status of SS7 ISUP Stacks 111 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 4 • Conf iguri ng S S7 Si gnalin g Circuit Group Status The Ci rcuit Grou p status screen di splays d etailed in form a tion for one ci rcuit grou p, such as status counters and configur ed values.
112 Chapter 5 Configuring SIGTRAN Applications Chap ter cont ents Overview ................. ........... ................. ............................ ............................ .......................... . .................. ...........115 Con figuring an M2PA Syst em .
113 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understandi ng Param eters for NAPs (SIGTRAN) .... ........... ........... ................. ............................ ........... 147 Configuring an M2U A System on a Signaling Gateway .
114 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Parameter s for M3UA Routes ..... ........... ................. ............................ ............................176 Configuring an M3U A System on a Signaling Gateway .
Overview 115 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Overv iew The Smart Media system enables you to configure SIGTRAN and ex tend SS7 signaling functi onality to the IP network. Smart Media enables you to configure a number of SIGTRAN ap plic ation s based up on yo ur requ ire - ments.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 116 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Configuring an M2P A System In this co nfigurati on, the SS7 MTP2 layer is rep laced by the SIGTRAN M2PA layer which extends MTP2 s ig - nalling func tionality i nto the IP network.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 117 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Adding an Adapter When you rec eive a new system, at leas t one hardware con figuration will have be en set in the Smart Me dia app lication server, by default.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 118 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k Create Figure 160. Creating the New Hardware Device 4. Verify that the " Adapter was successf ully created " mess age displays, and that the newly added hardware device appears in the Hardware List belo w.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 119 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for H ardw are A dapte rs Creating Line Inter faces Line int erface is a generi c term for TDM physic al interfaces.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 120 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –S e t a local ind ex for the l ine – Select a len gth and an encoding sch eme –C l i c k Cre ate Figure 164. Create New Line Interface 4.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 121 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating L ine Ser vic es You must create a ne w line service for your line interface. A l ine service defi nes the payload type of a line inter - face o r anothe r line se rvice.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 122 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k Create Figure 169. Create New Line Service 5. Navigate b ack to the line i nterface page, b y following link displayed in the uppe r-left corner of the scree n.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 123 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for Li ne Se rvices Table 30.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 124 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating the S CTP Configura tion Stream Control Transmission Pr otocol (SCTP), a Tran sp ort Layer pr otocol, ensur es reliable, in-s equence transpor t of messag e s.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 125 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating a n M2P A Configur ation For the configuratio n of your SIGTRAN M2PA system, you wil l need to create a new M2PA configuration.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 126 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating a n M2P A SAP After you have created an M2PA configuration, you mu st creat e a new M2PA servic e access point (SAP ) for your system .
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 127 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for M2PA SAPs Creating M2P A Links After you have created an M2PA service access point (SAP), you must create a new M2PA link.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 128 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 3. Enter a destination a ddress in th e approp riate box in the inform ation panel: –C l i c k t h e " << " b utton to add the destination add ress to the address list Figure 183.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 129 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating SS7 Po int Codes Point codes are us ed to define the Sm art Media system netw ork, the adjacent netwo rk and the target networ k so that calls ar e properly routed from one network to the ne xt.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 130 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 4. Verify that the " Mtp3PointCode was successful ly created " mess age displays, and the new point code appears in the Point Codes li st: Figure 188.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 131 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an MT P3 Config uration MTP3 provides message r outing betwee n signaling p oints in a n SS7 network. To create an MTP3 configuration: 1.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 132 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for MTP3 Configurations Creating an MT P3 Netwo rk After you have creat ed your system's MTP3 configurat ion, yo u must create a new MT P3 network.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 133 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for MTP3 Netw orks Creating an MT P3 Linkset After you have crea ted an MTP3 network, you are ready to create an MTP3 linkset.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 134 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k Create Figure 196. Creating the New MTP3 Linkset 3. Verify that the " Mtp3Linkset wa s successfully created " message di splays: Figure 197.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 135 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –U n d e r Type of link to bind , select M2PA – Select an MTP2 li n k – Sele.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 136 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for MTP3 (M 2PA) Links Creating an MT P3 Rou te MTP3 ro utes are built to ro ute traffic fr om previo usly created po int codes usi ng linksets.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 137 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons – Create Figure 202. Creating the New MTP3 Ro ute 3. Verify that the " Mtp3Route was successfull y created " message dis plays: Figure 203 .
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 138 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for MTP3 Route s Creating a n ISUP Sta ck After you have configured th e MTP3 layer of your SS7 sy stem, yo u must create an ISDN user part stack.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 139 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k Create Figure 207. Creating the New ISUP Stack 4. Verify that the " IsupStack was succe ssfully cre ated " message displays.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 140 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 2. Configure the new ISUP network : –E n t e r a na me for the network – Selec t MTP3 or M3UA as the type of ne twork to bind – Select a MTP3 network or a M3 UA ne tw or k –C l i c k Cre ate Figure 210.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 141 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an ISUP User Part After you have created your ISUP ne twork, you must create a new ISUP user part. The user part is the con - tainer for th e multiple ISUP inter faces.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 142 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for ISUP User Parts Creating an ISUP Interface After you h ave created an ISUP user part to contain them, you must cr eate new ISUP interfac es.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 143 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 2. Configure the new ISUP interface: –E n t e r a na me for the inte rfac e – .
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 144 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating ISUP CI C Groups After you hav e created an ISUP inte rface, you must creat e a new ISUP Cicuit Identi fication Code ( CIC) group f or your syste m.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 145 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for I SUP CIC Groups Creating a NAP (SI GTRAN) After you h ave created an ISUP CIC group, you must create a netw ork access poin t, in order to finish co nfig - uring your syste m.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 146 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k Create : Figure 223. Creating a New NAP (SIGTRAN) 4. Verify that the NAP was successfully creat ed message appears: Figure 2 24.
Conf iguring an M2 PA Syst em 147 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 6. Verify that the NAP was successfull y updated messag e displ ays: Figure 227. Confirmation Message for Updated NAP Understanding Param eters for NAPs (SIGTRAN) Table 47 .
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 148 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Configuring an M2UA System on a Signaling Gateway In th is c onfigu ratio n, M 2UA b ridge s th e SS7 MTP2 laye r of a Signaling Gateway across an IP network .
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 149 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 3. Verify that the " Mtp2Cfg was su ccessful ly updated " mess age appears, and that the Enabled box is check ed.
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 150 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k Create Figure 232. Cre ating a New MTP2 Link 3. Verify that the " MTP2 link was su ccessfully created " message displays: Figure 233.
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 151 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for MTP2 Li nks Creating an M2 UA Configura tion To create your M2UA system, you mu st c reate a new M2UA configuration.
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 152 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k Create Figure 235. Creating the New M2UA Configuration 3. Verify that the " M2ua Cfg was su ccessfully created " message displays .
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 153 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k Create Figure 238. C reating the New M2UA SAP 3. Verify that the " M2ua Sap was succe ssfully cre ated " message displays.
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 154 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 2. Configure the new M 2UA cluster: –E n t e r a na me for the cluster – Select a tr affic mode – Select a loa d share mode –C l i c k Cre ate Figure 242.
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 15 5 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons – For a system on a signal ing gateway: Sel ect an MTP2 li.
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 156 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating M2UA Peer s After you h ave created th e M2UA links, you mu st define M2U A peers for your system. To create an M 2UA peer: 1.
Configuring an M2UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 157 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for M2UA Peers Table 54 .
Configuring an M2UA System on a Media G ateway Controller 158 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Configuring an M2UA Sys tem on a Media Gateway Cont ro.
Configuring an M2UA System on a Media G ateway Controller 159 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creati ng MTP3 Link s (M2U A) After you have c reated an MTP3 linkset, you must create MT P3 links for your system.
Configuring an IUA System on a Signaling Gateway 160 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Configuri ng an IUA System on a Signal ing Gateway In this configuration, IUA bridges the SS7 MTP2 layer of a Signali ng Gateway across an IP network with the SS7 MTP3 layer of a Media Gateway Cont roller .
Configuring an IUA System on a Signaling Gateway 161 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for IUA Configurations Creating an IUA SA P After you have cr eated an IUA configu ration, you must cr eate a new IUA se rvice acces s point (SAP) fo r your system.
Configuring an IUA System on a Signaling Gateway 162 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for IUA SAPs Creating an IUA Cl uster After you have cr eated an IUA SAP, you must cr eate an IUA cluster for your system.
Configuring an IUA System on a Signaling Gateway 163 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for IUA C lust ers Creating IU A Links After you h ave created an IUA cluste r, you must create IUA li nks for your system.
Configuring an IUA System on a Signaling Gateway 164 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for IUA Links Creating IUA Peers After you have cre ated t he IUA links, you mus t defi ne IUA peers f or your s ystem.
Configuring an IUA System on a Signaling Gateway 165 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons – Verify that the “ (your address) wa s successful ly added ” message displays Figure 269. Editing D estination Addresses Understanding Param eters for IUA Peers Tabl e 60.
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 166 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling P oints In this configuration, the SS7 MTP2 and MTP3 layers are rep laced entirely by the SIGTR AN M3U A layer.
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 167 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creati ng an M3UA Conf igurat ion (IPSP) T o s e t u p y o u r M 3 U A s y s t e m o n a n I P s e r v e r pr oc e s s ( I P S P ) , y o u m u s t fi rs t c r e a t e a n e w M 3 U A c o n f i g u r a t i on .
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 168 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an M3 UA SAP After you have created an M3UA configuration, you must create a new M3UA service access point (SAP) for you r system .
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 169 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for M3UA SAPs Creating an M3UA Network After you have created M3UA SAPs, you must create a new M 3UA network to be used with them .
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 170 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for M3UA Netwo rk s Creating an M3UA User Part After you h ave created an M3UA netw ork, you must crea te a new M 3UA user part.
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 171 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 3. Verify that the " M3ua Userpa rt was successf ully creat ed " message displays.
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 172 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 3. Verify that the " M3ua PSP was success fully created " mes sage displays. Figure 285. Su ccessful M3UA PSP Me ssage 4.
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 173 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an M3UA Peer Server After you have cr eated an M3UA peer signaling pro cess (P S P), you mus t create a new Peer serv er.
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 174 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k t h e " << " button to associate the P SP with the peer ser ver. Figure 291. Associating PSPs with the New Peer Server Understanding Param eters for M 3UA P eer Se rvers Table 66.
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 175 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an M3 UA Route After you hav e configured M3 UA user parts, PSPs, and peer servers, you must create an M3UA ro ute for your sys tem.
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 176 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for M3UA Routes Tabl e 67.
Configuring an M3UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 177 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Configuring an M3UA System on a Signaling Gateway An M3UA system on a Si gnaling Gatew ay Process i nterf ac es with an M3UA system on an Application Server Process.
Configuring an M3UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 178 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creati ng MTP3 Link s (M3U A) After you have c reated an MTP3 linkset, you must create MT P3 links for your system.
Configuring an M3UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 179 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 3. Verify that the " Mtp3Link was successfu lly created " message dis plays: Figure 297 . Successful MTP3 Link Message Understanding Param eters for MT P3 (M3UA) Lin ks Tabl e 68.
Configuring an M3UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 180 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an M 3UA Config uration (SGP) To s et u p y o ur M 3U A sy s te m on a si gn a l in g g a te w ay p ro c es s ( S GP ) , y ou m u st fi r st cr e a te a n e w M 3 U A c o nf i g - uration.
Configuring an M3UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 181 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating a n M3UA Peer S ignaling Pr ocess (SGP) After you have created M3UA use r part, you must create a new M3UA peer signaling process (PSP).
Configuring an M3UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 182 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons –C l i c k t h e " << " button to associate it with the PSP. Figure 304. Assoc iating SAPs with the M3UA PSP 5.
Configuring an M3UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 183 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an M3UA Route (SGP) After you hav e configured M3 UA user parts, PSPs, and peer servers, you must create an M3UA ro ute for your sys tem.
Configuring an M3UA System on a Sign aling Gateway 184 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for M3UA Routes Tabl e 71.
Configuring an M3UA System on an Appli cation Server 185 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Configuring an M3UA Sys tem on an Appli cation Server An M3UA system on a Si gnaling Gatew ay Process i nterf ac es with an M3UA system on an Application Server Process.
Configuring an M3UA System on an Appli cation Server 186 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an M 3UA Config uration (ASP ) To set up your M 3UA sy stem on an applicat ion ser ver proces s (ASP) , you must f irst cre ate a new M3UA c on - figuration.
Configuring an M3UA System on an Appli cation Server 187 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating a n M3UA Peer S ignaling Pr ocess (ASP) After you have created M3UA use r part, you must create a new M3UA peer signaling process (PSP).
Configuring an M3UA System on an Appli cation Server 188 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons 5. Enter a destination address for the PSP: –E n t e r a .
Configuring an M3UA System on an Appli cation Server 189 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Creating an M3UA ISUP Network After you have created an initial ISUP stac k, you must create a new ISUP ne twork.
Configuring an M3UA System on an Appli cation Server 190 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 5 • Configuri ng SIGTRAN Ap plicati ons Understanding Param eters for M3UA ISUP Ne tworks Figure 320.
191 Chapter 6 Configuring CAS R2 Chap ter cont ents Overview ................. ........... ................. ............................ ............................ .......................... . .................. ...........192 Adding an Ada pter ..
Overview 192 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 Overv iew The Smart Media So ftware allows you to configure CAS R2 signaling stacks . Refer to the following sections to conf igure CA S R2: 1. “Adding an Adapter” on page 192 2.
Adding an Ad apter 193 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 – Select the app ropriate hardware d evice from the Adapter Type f ield. – Selec t Ena bled from the Target S tate field. –C l i c k Cre ate Figure 323. Creating the New Hardware Device 4.
Adding an Ad apter 194 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 Understanding Param eters for H ardw are A dapte rs Creating Line Inter faces Line int erface is a generi c term for TDM physic al interfaces.
Adding an Ad apter 195 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 –S e t a local ind ex for the l ine – Select a len gth and an encoding sch eme –C l i c k Cre ate Figure 327. Create New Line Interface 4. Verify that the " Line interface was successf ully created " message is displayed.
Adding an Ad apter 196 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 Creating L ine Ser vic es You must create a ne w line service for your line interface. A l ine service defi nes the payload type of a line inter - face o r anothe r line se rvice.
Adding an Ad apter 197 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 –C l i c k Create Figure 332. Create New Line Service 5. Navigate b ack to the line i nterface page, b y following link displayed in the uppe r-left corner of the scree n.
Adding an Ad apter 198 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 Understand ing Parameters for Line Services Table 77. Con figuratio n Param eters for N ew Line Ser vices Pa.
Copying a Vari ant Script (optional) 199 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 Copying a V arian t Script (optional) If you plan to modify an existing CASR2 script, you may optionally create a copy of that scrip t first.
Crea tin g a CA S R2 St ack 200 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 Creating a CAS R2 Stac k Now that the nec essary underlying struct ures have be e n configured, you must create a new CAS R2 stack.
Crea tin g a CA S R2 NA P 201 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 Understand ing Parameters for CAS R2 Stac ks Creating a CAS R2 NA P After you h ave created a CAS R2 stac k, you must create a networ k access point, in orde r to finish configuri ng your system.
Crea tin g a CA S R2 NA P 202 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 6 • Config uring CA S R2 –C l i c k Create Figure 344. Creating N ew CAS R2 N AP 4. Verify that the " NAP was successfull y created " message displays. Figure 3 45. Success ful NAP M essage 5.
203 Chapter 7 Configuring H.248 Chap ter cont ents Overview ................. ........... ................. ............................ ............................ .......................... . .................. ...........204 Adding an Ada pter .. .
Overview 204 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Overv iew Refer to the following secti ons to configure the H.248 media gateway c ontrol protocol: 1. “Adding an Adapter” on page 204 2. “Creating Line Interfaces” on pag e 206 3.
Adding an Ad apter 205 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 –E n t e r a name fo r the hard ware dev ice –E n t e r t h e se ri al nu mbe r of the new hard ware device (filling in the Ser ial Number fi eld will cause auto- comple tion o f the f ield to occu r).
Adding an Ad apter 206 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Understanding Param eters for H ardw are A dapte rs Creating Line Inter faces Line int erface is a generi c term for TDM physic al interfaces.
Adding an Ad apter 207 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 –S e t a local ind ex for the l ine – Select a len gth and an encoding sch eme –C l i c k Cre ate Figure 354. Create New Line Interface 4. Verify that the " Line interface was successf ully created " message is displayed.
Adding an Ad apter 208 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Creating L ine Ser vic es You must create a ne w line service for your line interface. A l ine service defi nes the payload type of a line inter - face o r anothe r line se rvice.
Adding an Ad apter 209 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 –C l i c k Create Figure 359. Create New Line Service 5. Navigate b ack to the line i nterface page, b y following link displayed in the uppe r-left corner of the scree n.
Creating an IP Port Range 210 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Creating an IP Por t Range Creati ng an I P por t range Afte r you h ave pr operly allo cated a ll of your sy stem's ph y sical interfaces, you must create a new IP port range.
Creating an IP Port Range 211 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 –C l i c k Create Figure 363. Creating a New Port Range 4. Verify that the " Port Range was successf ully created " message appears: Figure 364.
Configuring Network Access Points ( NAPs) 212 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Configu ring Ne twork Acc ess Points (NAPs) A network acc ess point or NAP r epresents the entr y point to another netw ork or destination pee r (e.
Configuring Network Access Points ( NAPs) 213 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 5. Associate VoIP media with the new NAP: – Selec t Vo IP med ia from the VoIP Medi .
Configuring Network Access Points ( NAPs) 214 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 –C l i c k Create Figure 372. Creating the New TDM NA P 4. Verify that the NAP was successfully creat ed message appears: Figure 3 73. Confirmation Me ssage for New NAP 5.
Configuring the Media Gateway f or H.248 Mode 215 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Configuring the Media Gateway for H.248 Mode To configur e the me dia gatew ay for H. 248: 1. Se lect Conf igur ation s from the navigation pane: Figure 375.
Creating an H.248 Con figuration 216 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Creating a n H.248 Configurat ion After you have created the necess ary VoIP and TDM NAPs, you are ready t o create a new H. 248 configur a - tion.
Adding a New Medi a Gateway Controller (MGC) 217 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Understand ing Parameters for H.248 Configur ati on Adding a New Media Gateway Contr oller (MGC) After you have created the H.248 c onfiguratio n, you must c reate a new medi a gateway controller (MGC).
Associating NAPs with the H.248 C onfiguration 218 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Understand ing Parameters for Media Gateway Contr oller Associating NAPs with the H.248 Configura tion You must now associate the TDM and VoIP netw ork access points (NAPs) you previously created with the H.
Selecting Timeslots f or TDM Interfaces 219 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 7 • Conf igurin g H.248 Selecting Timeslo ts for TDM Interfaces Finally, you must assign timeslots to the TDM interfaces that hav e been associated wi th the H.248 configura - tion: 1.
220 Chapter 8 Configuring SNMP Chap ter cont ents Overview ................. ........... ................. ............................ ............................ .......................... . .................. ...........221 Acti vatin g the t bSnmp Agent .
Overview 221 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 8 • Conf iguring SN MP Overv iew To use the Simple Netw ork Managemen t Protocol (S NMP)on you r machine, you must first confi gure the tbSnmpAgent.
Activating the tbSnmpAgent 222 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 8 • Conf iguring SN MP Activating th e tbSnmpAgent a pplication After you h ave disabled the SELi nux service, log into the Web Portal and follow the steps below to activate SN MP: 1.
Configuring the tbSnmpAgent 223 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 8 • Conf iguring SN MP 5. Return to th e Applications infor mation wind ow. T he tbs nmpag ent should now appear in the Ready lis t . Figure 393. Applications > Ready list The tbSnmpAgent application has now been activated.
Configuring the tbSnmpAgent 224 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 8 • Conf iguring SN MP 3. The tb SnmpAgent Appl ication Configuratio n window i s divid ed into se veral s ections.
Configuring the tbSnmpAgent 225 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 8 • Conf iguring SN MP Configuring SN MPv1, SNMPv2c 1. Und er the SN MPv1 SNMP v2c Communitie s heading, new communities can be created for SNMP: – By defa ult, there are standar d communitie s: pub lic (read-only access ), and private (read-write acc ess).
226 Chapter 9 Contacting Patton Chap ter cont ents Introd ucti on ....................... ........... ................. ............................ ............................. ................... . ............. ........... 227 Contact inf ormati on .
Introduction 227 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 9 • Contacting Patton Introduction This chapte r contains t he follow ing infor mation: • “Contact information”—descr ibes how to contact Patt on technical suppo rt for assistance.
Warranty Service and Returned Merchand ise Authorizations (RMAs) 228 Smart Media Software Con figuration Guide 9 • Contacting Patton Out-of-war ranty serv ice Patton servic es what we sell, no matter how you ac quired it, inc luding malfunctioni ng products that are no longer under warranty.
An important point after buying a device Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Patton electronic 07MSMARTMEDIA-SCG along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center