Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product R7T40WWHF1 Pandigital
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User Guid e v1.4.
2 Register your pandigita l novel Qualify to w in a FREE digital photo frame !* ( valid in U SA only ) Register y our FREE 1- year w arranty!** *For detail s, go to our website: www.pandigita **The online signup is for the pur pose of user and produc t registratio n.
3 Table of Contents Package Con tents .................................................................................................... 8 Covers for y our pandig ital novel ................................................................ 8 Devi ce Ov erview .
4 Notes .............................................................................................................................. 26 Add Note .................................................................. .....................................
5 Browser Settings ................................................................................................................ 35 Page content settings ..............................................................................................
6 Set Default Email Account .................................................................................................. 48 AL ARM ..................................................................................................................
7 pandigital novel A conte mporary multi medi a de vice desig ned for str aightforw ard functio nal it y , featur i ng a full col or TF T LCD di splay and conv enient touch - scr een nav igation.
8 Package Cont ents pandigital novel Power Adapter Tabletop St and USB Cable Styl us Quick Start Guide User Guid e (l oaded i n devi ce ) Cover s for your pandigital novel Dress up your pandigital novel and keep it safe at the same t ime.
9 Devic e Ov erview Power Button Usage Turn On : Press and h old the pow er button at le ast 3 second s or unt il the boot up message ap pears . Turn Off : Press and h old the pow er button for 3 seconds, and th en tap Power of f , and tap OK conf irm the pow er off or Cancel to leave the device o n.
10 Touch - Scre en Na vigati on The touch - scr een allow s for quick, e asy and co nvenient nav igation for all application s . Throu ghout the User G uide, you are instructed t o use the fol lowing touch navig ation metho ds: Tap = quick Touch & hold = touch your f inger and ho ld in place unt il a respon se by applic atio n ( i.
11 Reset D evic e In the ev ent that the device does n ot respond to your touch, you can r eboot/restar t it by pressing and ho lding the po wer button for 10 second s .
12 4 Set Date & Time IMPORTAN T - In order to con nect with your K obo onl i ne account, the Date and Time must be set correctly accordin g to your loc ation. 1. Tap the Sett ings applicat ion icon. 2. Tap Date & time . 3. Tap Set date , and then use th e + or – to set th e current dat e; tap Set .
13 Home Screen Not ific atio n icon s (i.e., Email, SD card) Wi - Fi connec tion status Battery charge lev el stat us Alarm(s) are activated Current Time W idgets and Sh ortcuts ca n be added to the Ho me screen . Touch & ho ld in an e mpty spo t to display the menu for ad ding application shortcuts, widgets, and so on .
14 Applicat ions Tap or fing er slide up on t o open the Launcher scre en to a cce ss al l application s . Alarm Use as alarm clock w ith scheduled alar ms. Calcu lator Use th e calculator for basic m ath equation s. Calendar Display mont hly calen dar and schedul e events.
15 Application Function Menu On the Home screen, tap to di spla y th e A pplic ation F un ction M e nu . Add Tap Add on the Applica tion Fu nction Menu to a dd Shortcut s, W id gets, and Folders t o the Home screen. Y ou can also assig n a different photo as the w allpaper.
16 Widgets You can a dd quick laun ch widgets on the Home scre en. Analog clock A dd a round analog clo ck. Calendar A dd a calendar widget to qui ck ly open the Calen dar scr een without lau nching the C alendar appl ication . Music A dd a music widget to quickly begi n playing mus ic without launching the music a pplication.
17 Wallpaper Tap Wallpaper on the Appl icatio n Functi on Me nu to assi gn a differ ent photo as your bac kground im age. Pictures 1. Select de sired photo f rom your personal pho tos in the Ph o to Gallery . 2. A cropping frame appear s on the pi cture.
18 Overview of Buy ing & Downloading e Bo oks to Devic e Create an a ccount on Kob o’s w ebsite: www.kob obooks .com Create an A dobe account: ww w.adob Tap the application ico n on the Home screen. W ait for t he Ko bo Bo ok sto re to be display ed.
19 Kobo eBooks B ookstor e For better navigation, the Kob o bookstore d isplays in a fixed land scape view. Tap the app lication icon to display the Kobo onli ne boo kst or e . Purchase e Book s 1. Tap on a ny eBook listin g to display its descripti ve infor mat ion a nd synopsis.
20 2. Tap $ B UY NOW in the descri ptive w indow, tap $ BUY NOW to confirm the purch ase . If you do not have your credit card registere d with your Kobo account , you are pr ompted for y our credit c ard informat ion. You can enter it now through t he device or log into y our account online thro ugh your computer .
21 Sig n Out Sign out of your Ko bo account. To sign back into your Kobo account later , the Si gn I n dialog box is prese nted when y ou tap the P urchase H istory tab or attempt to p urchase or get free eB ooks from the Kob o Book store . Refresh Refr esh the curr ently displayed scree n.
22 MY LIBRA RY To acce ss My Libr ary , tap the applicat ion icon, t ap the My Librar y tab. Function M enu To view pre- loaded Kobo eBooks or eBoo ks that y ou have copied into your device from y our comp uter , tap Date , Tit le or Author , and then sel ect Local fro m the drop d own list .
23 2. eBooks ar e sorted by date; if d esired, tap Title or Author ( first name) to re- sort according ly . 3. Tap next t o the eBook y ou want t o delete, t ap Delete Selected . Bookshe lves Use Bookshelves to creat e and manage personalized bookshelv es into w hich yo u want to save y our downlo aded eBooks ( i.
24 Quick Open another Bookshel f Tap the bo okshelf name in the upper right of any bookshelf screen to d isplay the list of all bookshelv es, tap the desired book shelf to op en. Delete Shelf 1. In the My Librar y screen, tap Bookshelv es . 2. Tap next to t he bookshel f you want to delete .
25 If unit go es into sl eep mode (p ower saving fe ature), li ghtly press & r elease the power button quickly to turn sl eep mode off. Reader Func tion Menu In the Reader , t ap on t he top of the screen to di splay the Reader Fun ction M enu .
26 4. To delete bookmarks , tap on while displaying a bookmark ed page, o r while in the Bo okmarks screen , tap nex t to the de sired bookmark, tap Delete S elected . Not es As you rea d your eBook , you can qu ickly and easily mak e notes on pa ges for later r eference.
27 2. Tap Highlight s . 3. Tap on the highlight y ou want to v iew. 4. To jump t o the page a ssociated w ith a highlight, tap next to the highlight , tap View . Hide a ll Hi ghlights 1. To turn all highlight s off in the currently open eB ook , display the R eade r F uncti on M enu , tap Bookmarks .
28 2. T ap Word . 3. Enter the de sired tex t, tap Go . T he first insta nce of the f ound tex t is highlighted. 4. Tap to scroll thr ough all fo und insta nces of the text throug hout the eBook . 5. T ap Cancel Fin d (in top left corner) to r eturn to the or iginal pa ge you wer e view ing.
29 2. Night Rea d view mode st ays in effe ct until y ou switch ba ck to nor mal vi ew mode by tapp ing Day Read . Screen Or ientation - Loc k For optim al viewing w hile reading , t he orientati on of the s creen autom atically rotates fro m vertical to horizon tal dependin g on how y ou hold the devic e .
30 Enter a Webs ite URL Addres s 1. Tap the Web appl icat ion ic on to launch t he internet br owser. 2. To go to a new web site, ta p Go in the B rowser f uncti on Men u , tap in the web addres s entry fiel d at the t op of the scr een. 3. E nter th e desired w ebsite addr ess , tap Go .
31 Browser Fun cti on Menu T ap to display the Brow s er Func ti on Men u . Functi ons Go Enter a different website URL address. Bookmarks Bookm ark currently displ ayed web page, access list of all bookmarks, and manage bookmarks . Window s Shows open browser windows.
32 Go To Web site Use Go to enter and go to a different w eb site URL address . 1. In an open browser w indow , tap , tap Go . 2. Tap into t he URL addre ss field t o e nter the de sired websit e address. 3. Tap Go . Browser Bo okmarks Bookmarked w eb pages can be quick ly lau nched to re - visit at a ny time .
33 Add Shor tcut to H ome Scre en Tap Add s hortcut to Home to quickly add a shortcut to t he bookmark ed web page on the Home screen. Share Li nk Tap Sha re link to ema il a book marked web pag e’s URL add r ess to someone. T he email Com pose w indow immediate ly opens w ith the URL already list ed in the bo dy of the me ssage.
34 When you’ re in the Brow ser appli cation, at l east one win dow must be open, so if you close all w indows, a n ew window aut omatical ly open s to your designated hom e web page . Refresh After a w eb page has co mpletely loaded, you ca n tap Refres h to re - load i t.
35 4. Optional, a dd other e mail address es as cc/bc c, or add atta chment if d esired. 5. Tap Send . Downloads As you dow nload file s from websit e s, the download history is record ed in the device. Y ou can cance l downloads or clear the history thro ugh this f eature.
36 SETTINGS Use the Sett ings featur e to set v arious functi on s that affe ct the nor mal usage o f your device. You can also set your perso nal pr efe ren ces for some funct ion s. T ap the Sett ings applicat ion i con , or the on the Home screen, to acces s al l setting f unctions .
37 1. Follow step 1-4 above to selec t the hotspot W i - Fi networ k. 2. Tap the Web appl icat ion ic on . 3. Enter the hotspot l ogin inf ormation. Wi - Fi Button on Device You ca n pr event the dev ice fro m c onnec ting to a ny Wi - Fi net work by turning the Wi - Fi & Low Power but ton on the top of the unit t o the O ff position .
38 Bright ness Tap & s lide to adjust t he screen br ightnes s as desired , tap OK . Screen timeout Ad just the d elay before th e screen a utomatically turns off (default = 10 minutes) .
39 Date & t ime 1. Tap Set date , and then use th e + or – to set the c urrent dat e; tap Set . 2. Tap Sel ect time zone , and then se lect the corr ect time z one for y our location. (Finger sl ide vertic ally to scroll the list.) 3. Tap Set ti me , and then use th e + or – to set th e correct time accordin g to your locatio n; tap Set .
40 Play Music 1. Tap the Mu sic appli cati on ic on to dis play the Musi c scree n . 2. Select the desired sort for mat: Artist s L ist s all artis ts . T ap indiv idua l a rtis t, tap on a n album to di splay songs on al bum, tap on song to play it.
41 Music Play Screen W hen you select a song to play , the Music Play screen is di splayed : List view V iew curre ntly sel ected song list. Tap on any song to play it immed iate ly . Shuffle P la y songs in ra ndom order . When off, so ng s play in the order list ed in the Mu sic Li brar y .
42 Delete Musi c File s You can d elete music f iles using the follow ing methods. In a Musi c Li brary screen, touch & hold on an item, tap Delete . When the M usic Play screen i s display ed, tap to display m usi c contro l options, tap Delete .
43 Deleting s ongs from a p layli st also delete s them fr om the main M usic Library . Rename or Delete a Pl aylist 1. Open the P laylist librar y. 2. Touch & ho ld on the pl aylist name, tap Re name or Delete . 3. If renami ng, tap in th e Playlist na me entry field ent er desired na me change, t ap Save .
44 3. To v iew a single 4. To v iew a photo, tap on the desired p hoto . slideshow of all photos, t ap , tap Slidesh ow . With a pho to displayed, tap on the screen to di splay z oom in/out icon s . P hoto Functi on Menu When a phot o is display ed indi vidually or dur ing a slide show, t ap to display the P hoto Func ti o n Menu .
45 VIDEOS Videos de fault to fix ed landsca pe (horiz ontal) viewin g mode. The or ientation does not change if you turn t he device. Scroll thro ugh multip le pages of videos in a video collect ion by finger sliding verticall y from top or bottom o f screen.
46 EMAI L POP3, SMTP and IM AP accounts ar e supported . While view ing your emai l, you can t urn the devi ce to rot ate the orie ntation of th e screen fr om vertical to horiz ontal. Add Em ail Accounts You can e nter one or mor e personal e mail addres ses that yo u would like t o access thro ugh your pandigital novel .
47 SMT P server: plus.smt p.mail.y Use SSL Port: 465 Use Authent ic ation Account Na me/Login Na me: Your Y ahoo! Mail ID (your ema il address without the “ @yahoo. com”, for ex ample “testi ng80”) Email Addre ss: Your Yahoo! M ail address (for example, testing80@ yahoo.
48 Compose New Email Message 1. On the I nbox screen, tap , t ap Compose . 2. Tap in the To entry fiel d and then ent er the recip ient’s email address. 3. Optionally , if you w ant to add Cc or Bcc recip ients , tap , tap Add Cc/Bcc , an d then enter the r ecipient’ s email addr ess.
49 3. Tap Defaul t Accoun t to select it. If you de lete the accou nt that was designated a s the def ault account, the nex t email list ed is automatically designated as the defa ult. ALARM You can u se your pandigital novel as an alarm cl ock by setting multiple alarms.
50 Edit A larm 1. Tap the Alarm Clock application icon . 2. Tap on the alarm you w ant to edit , make desir ed edits. 3. Tap t o return to pr evious s creens. Delete Alarm 1. Tap the Alarm Clock application icon . 2. Tap on the alarm you w ant to delet e.
51 3. T ap in ea ch entry fie ld to enter the desir ed event inf ormation , tap Save . 4. Tap to r etur n to the C alen dar screen or to retur n to the Home screen. Edit Event 1. On the C alendar screen, tap on the dat e with the ev ent you w ant to edit.
52 CONTACTS You can cr eate an addr ess eB ook of your perso nal conta cts, includi ng personal notes as desired. Add New Cont acts 1. Tap the Contacts appli cati o n ic on. 2. Tap , tap New Contact . 3. Tap in ea ch entry fie ld to enter your contac t informatio n.
53 Delete Contacts 1. In the Contacts screen, tap on the contac t you want to delete . 2. Tap , tap Delete contac t . 3. Tap OK to confir m the delet ion. Installing Android Applicatio ns Y our pandigital novel is an Android o pen platfor m model, al lowing you t o download An droid appli cations .
54 c) Click Envi ronment Vari ables… d) In the Syst em variables area, sele ct PATH and then Edit to add the lo cation of the ADB folder you installed in step 1.
55 eBook s (EPUB , PDF ) Separate c over image s files: - must be named th e same as the eB ook files, ( for ex ample, my book.pdf , my book.jpg ) - must be copi ed into the e Books>.
56 3. Select the storage dev ice corr esponding w ith the pandigital novel , and then cl ick Stop to dis c on nect. A fina l dialog box opens. 4. Click Close . 5. When the message “ It is now Safe to Disconnect Hardwar e” appears, you can di sconnect the U SB cable fr om your pandigital novel and computer .
57 Disconnect After di sconnecting t he USB c able from yo ur pandigital novel , the device sh ut s down and automatica lly restart s , which may take up to 20 seconds.
58 UP DATE FIRMW ARE WARNING ! Perform ing a firmw are update reset s all settings to f actory de faults, and all your persona lized dat a (em ail account s, contacts, etc.) is delete d . Your Kobo eBooks are deleted , so y ou must re- dow nload the m to My Library after the update is co mple te .
59 Frequently Asked Questions ADOBE ACCOUNT Q: Do I need an Adobe account to do wnload Kobo eBooks ? A: Yes , Kobo requires you to prov ide your Adobe a ccount inf ormation b efore you can download eBo o ks fr o m your Kobo online acc ou nt .
60 entry box and begin enter ing your personal information. T he pre - loaded text disappears as soon as y ou enter the first ch aracter. Q: How do I contact Customer Support? A: If this FAQ sect ion doesn’t an swer your ques tions, you can conta ct Customer Su pport at 1 - 800 - 715 - 5354 .
61 Q: How do I add audio f iles to my pandig ital novel ? A: You can copy audio file s from y our computer (pg. 54 ) . Q: Can I create a separ ate list o f my fav orite songs? A: Yes.
62 Q: Can I easil y jump to a specif ic page? A: Yes . Use either Bookma rks ( pg. 25 ) or the Go To function ( pg. 27 ). Q: Can I play music and read at the same ti me? A: Yes. Y ou can tap the icon in the upper left corner to display the music navigation b ar, and t hen tap .
63 Q: Can I have multiple br owser windows open at the same time? A: Yes, up to 8 w indows ( pg. 33 ). Q: Can I change bro wser settin gs? A: Yes. Ther e are multipl e settings y ou can set as desired, including priv acy & security opt ions ( pg. 35 ) .
64 Do not ex pose this pr oduct to r ain or moist ure. Keep your pandigital nov el o ut of direct sunlight a nd heat sou rces. Protect t he power cord . Route power cords so that they ar e not li kely to be walked on or pinched by items pla ced on or aga inst them.
65 Limited Warranty The limited warranty set forth below is g iven by Pandigital wi th respect to the Pa ndigital Novel™ line of products (the “Device”) purchased and used in the United States of America.
67 be collocated or operat ing in conjunction with an y other antenna or transm itter within a host devic e, except in accordance w ith FCC multi - transmitter produ ct procedures. Disc la imers Kobo and the Kobo logo are registered tradem arks of Kobobooks .
68 Softwar e Definitions: The followin g terms apply to the Device and to (a) a ll software (and the media on which such software is distributed) of Pandigit al or third parties that is pre - instal l.
70 CE Notice Pandigital hereby decl ares t hat t he essenti al requirements set out in the R&TTE Directive 99/5/EC have been fully fulfil l ed on our product with indic ation below: Product Name: .
An important point after buying a device Pandigital R7T40WWHF1 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Pandigital R7T40WWHF1 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Pandigital R7T40WWHF1 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Pandigital R7T40WWHF1 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Pandigital R7T40WWHF1 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Pandigital R7T40WWHF1, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Pandigital R7T40WWHF1.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Pandigital R7T40WWHF1. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Pandigital R7T40WWHF1 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center