Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PT-L712NTE Panasonic
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LCD Projector Commercial Us e Operating Instru ctions (W ireless F unction) Model No. PT-L712NTE ENTER FREEZE SHUTTER INDEX WINDOW PROJECTOR VOLUME D.ZOOM STD AUTO SETUP VIDEO INPUT POWER RGB MENU • This LCD projector is equipped with a wireless card f unction.
-2- Contents Dear Panasonic Customer: .. 3 Safety Precautions ............... 3 Notes with regard to the wireless card and the projector . ...............3 Radio frequenci es used by the wirele ss card ............... 4 A vailab le cha nne ls ........
-3- Dear Panasonic Customer: Thes e instructions provide all the neces sary operating inform ation that you may require. W e hope it will help y ou get the bes t perfor m ance fr om your new product, and that you w ill be pleased with y our Panasonic LCD projector .
-4- Radio frequencies used by the w ireless card The ac cessor y wireless card and the optional wireless card (ET -CDW L1 series) operate on electronic frequenc ies within the 2.
-5- A v ailable channels The c hannels (f requency bandwidth) that are available for the wireless card to use will vary depending on the country or area where the wireless card is being us ed.
-6- Check accessories The f ollowing accessor ies are included with the projec tor, in addition to the access ories which are lis ted in the separate Oper ating Instruc tions. CD-ROM ... 1 pc. (W ireless Manager, Driver, Conf iguration Utility, JPEG Convertor, Oper ating Instru ction s) W ireless Card .
-7- Wireless image tr ansfer sy stem for the projector This system is des igned to let y ou project im ages for pr esentations and other purposes by transm itting im ages that appear on a com puter s creen to the projector . This is poss ible by inserting the spec ified wireless cards into the projector and into the com puters that are to be us ed.
-8- T ransferable images Computer screen s Projectio n images # Screen shot s of a w hole computer screen $ Screen shot s of the active w indow on a computer screen % Screen shot s of specified areas .
-9- Mai n functions of the applicati on softw are Software Functions Driver Configuration U tility • Basi c softwa re for carry ing o ut w irel ess com m unication with a optional wireless car d con.
-10- Explanation of terms The f ollowing terms appear throughout these O perating Instruc tions, and are defined her e for eas y referenc e. LA N Abbreviation for Local Area Network . A network which is sm all in sc ale, such as an intr a-com pany netw ork.
-1 1- A d Hoc M ode A mode f or direc t com m unication between the projec tor and a com puter with an optional wireless card. Infrastruct ure Mode A mode f or c omm unic ation via an acces s point which is connec ted to a wired LAN.
-12- JPEG Abbreviation for Joint Photographic Ex perts G roup. JPEG is the nam e of an international organisation which was j ointly established by the ISO and the ITU-T S (f ormerly the C CIT) , but the term is normally us ed to ref er to the specif ications f or the st ill picture co mpr ession algor ithm which was form ulated by the JPEG.
-13- LZW Abbreviation for Lempel- Ziv-W elch. LZW is a c om press ion method us ed for T IFF f iles, and is nam ed thus b ecause it was d evelo ped b y three p eople named Lem pel, Z iv and W elch. It com press es the files by converting patterns within the im ages into short c odes.
-14- Wireless function preparation The m ethods of transf erring im ages us ing a wireless LAN can be broadly classif ied into three types according to the environm ent you are currently using.
-15- (2) If already using computers for w ireless transmission (A d Hoc mode) Use the existing wireless cards for the c omputer s to carr y out direct wireless com m unication with the projec tor in Ad Hoc m ode. Computer Projector Computer Setting procedure Set the com puter and the projec tor acc ording to the following procedur e.
-16- (3) When using an existing access point for w ireless communication Use the acces s point to carr y out wireless com m unication between the com puter and the projec tor in Infr astructur e mode. Som e ac cess points may not let y ou mak e connec tions.
-17- • The proj ector’s SSID c an be up to 16 character s in length, and m ust consis t of capital letter s (A-Z) and num erals (0- 9). Acc ordingly, if the SSID that has been set f or the acces s.
-18- Installing and removi ng the w ireless card Inserting the w ireless card # # # # Turn off t he pow er supply for the projector. Turn of the power supply for the projec tor while referr ing to “Tur ning off the power” on page 23 of the PT -L712E Oper ating Instructions .
-19- Remov i ng the w ireless card # # # # Turn off t he pow er supply for the projector. Turn of the power supply for the projec tor while referr ing to “Tur ning off the power” on page 23 of the PT -L712E Oper ating Instructions . $ $ $ $ O pen the slot cover.
-20- On-screen menus List of menu screens Adjustm ents and s etting changes f or this proj ector ar e carried out using on-scr een menu oper ations. T he configur ation for the proj ector’s LAN SETUP m enu is s hown in the illustration below.
-21- Projector LAN settings After ins erting the wireless car d into the projec tor, you need to make the necessar y LAN settings. Displaying the LA N Setup screen # # # # Press t he MENU button. The MA IN MENU scre en will be disp lay ed. $ $ $ $ Press the F F F F or G G G G button to sel ect “LA N SETUP”.
-22- LOCK SETUP The LO CK SET UP setti ng is automatic ally ch anged t o O N after the SET UP function has been used, in order to pr event accidental changes from being made to the LAN s ettings. W hen LOCK SETUP is ON, the SET UP function c annot be used.
-23- $ $ $ $ MOD E This c an be set to either “AD HO C” or “INFRASTRUCT URE”. If using methods (1) or ( 2) as desc ribed on page 14 of “W ireles s func tion preparation”, set to “ AD HOC”. If using m ethod (3) in “ W ireless function pr eparation”, set to “INFRASTRUCT URE”.
-24- AD H O C INFRA S TRUCTURE & & & & In Ad Hoc m ode, m ake the “I P ADDRESS” setting in step ( below. SSID If using Inf rastruc ture m ode, change the “SSID” s etting to the sam e SSID for the ac cess point that will be used for com m unication.
-25- AD H O C INFRA S TRUCTURE ) ) ) ) SUBNET MASK This lets you set the projector’s subnet m as k. Refer to page 14 of “W ireless function pr eparation” while m aking this setting. Use the F or G button to set the num bers , and use the I or H button to change the num ber position.
-26- AD H O C INFRA S TRUCTURE - - - - KEY This appears when the ENCRYPT setting in step + is O N. Set an enc rypti on ke y using a com bination of num bers from “0-0” to “255-255”.
-27- Setting up the computer w ireless card W hen using an optional ET-CDW L1 ser ies wireless car d, it m ust be installed to a com puter and the dr iver sof tware and Configuration Utility mus t be installed into the com puter . This section describes the met hod of setti ng up the optional ET-CDWL1 series w ireless card.
-28- Removing the w ireless card # # # # Cl ose Wireless Manager i f it is runni ng. $ $ $ $ Left-click on th e PC Card ic on ( ) on the taskbar at t he bottom-right corner of the screen.
-29- $ $ $ $ Sel ect “Search for the best dri ver for your dev i ce” and then click “Next ”. % % % % I nsert the accessory CD-ROM int o the CD-ROM drive of the computer, select “CD-RO M drive” and then click “Next”. & & & & When “net cw 10.
-30- * * * * Click “Yes”. T he compute r will then re-start. Once the com puter has restarted, installation of the dr iver will be com plete. Next, you should check the pr otocol (page 31 ). For Window s 95 • If using W indows 95, ref er to the installation proc edure for W indows 98.
-31- ( ( ( ( Click “Yes”. Driver ins tallation will start. ) ) ) ) Click “Finish”. Installation of the dr iver will be com plete. Next, you should check the pr otocol (page 33 ). Checking the protocol TCP/IP is used to transf er the im ages f rom the com puter to the proj ector.
-32- % Check t hat “TCP/IP” is present i n the list of installed net w ork components. • If T CP/IP is inst alled, click “Canc el” and install the Configur ation Utility . (See page 35 .) • If T CP/IP is not installed, c ontinue on to step & below.
-33- * * * * Click “OK”. + + + + Click “Yes”. T he compute r will then re-start. • W hen the computer has restar ted, TCP/IP will be installed. Continue with the installation of the Conf iguration Utility (page 35 ). For Window s 95 • If using W indows 95, ref er to the protocol c heck ing (adding) procedur es for W indows 98.
-34- % % % % Check t hat “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” is present and selected in the “Components checked are used by this conne ction ” list. • If T CP/IP is inst alled, click “Canc el” and install the Configur ation Utility . (See page 35 .
-35- * * * * Click “Close”. • TCP/IP will be added. Continue with the installation of the Conf iguration Utility (page 35 ). Installing the Configuration Utility You need to install the W ireless LAN Configur ation Utility to the com puter in order to use the optional ET -CDW L1 series wireless card.
-36- Displa y ing the Con figura tion U tility • If you use the mous e to left-c lick on the Configuration U tility icon in the task bar, a m enu appears. • Refer to the online help f or the Conf iguration Utility for details on us ing the Utility.
-37- You can start the W ireless Manager by click ing “Start”, pointing to “ Program s”, pointing to “W ireless Manager ” and then clic k the “W ireless Manager ”. W hen the W ireless Manager starts , an icon appears on the tas kbar at the bottom- right corner of the scr een.
-38- Make the fol low ing sett ings. # # # # Select Setting If cr eating several network settings, use the G button to sele ct a set tin g. $ $ $ $ Setting N ame Lets you ty pe a nam e for the network setting. (Example) LA N1 % % % % Create Creates a new network s etting.
-39- Wireless LA N 0 0 0 0 Mode Set to either “Ad Hoc” m ode or “Infr astructur e” m ode. Refer to page 14 of “W ireless function pr eparation” while mak ing this s etting. Note: • If setting to “ Ad Hoc” m ode, do not set to “802.
-40- Checking communication w ith the projector Right-c lick on the ico n in the task bar, an d selec t “Search Pr ojector” . • If com m unication with the projec tor is succes sful, the hos t nam e and IP address f or the projector will appear.
-41- Basic image transmission examples (Example 1) Capturi ng computer screen images and project ing them Projector The c urrent im age on the com puter sc reen can be c aptured and transm itted to the projec tor for pr ojecting.
-42- Before transmitting images Before us ing the W ireles s Manager to tra nsm it images to the projector , you mus t select the c orrect input s ource f or the projec tor. Press the input sel ect (I NPUT , RGB) buttons on the projector or remot e control unit to set the input source to “WIRELESS”.
-43- ( ( ( ( “CLOSE” button Closes the Capture window. Note: • Items $ to ( above appear when the “Preview & History” check box in the “SET T ING CAPTURE” windows is selected. (See page 46 .) Selecting the captur ing method Three types of c apturing m ethod are available.
-44- (1) Full Screen capture This captures the whole of the c om puter scr een. # # # # Sel ect “SETTING CA PTURE” in the “Option” w i ndow and then select “Ful l Screen” from the “Capture Form”. See “Selecting the captur ing method” above for details on the “Capture F orm ” settings .
-45- • If the setting f or “ % After Captur e” on page 46 is “Send Pr ojector” , the captured im age will be sent to the proj ector autom atically without needing to click the SEND button. Further mor e, you can save the image by selecting “ Save Picture”.
-46- Setting the capturi ng conditions The Setting Capture window contains various options which aff ect how im ages are c aptured. Right-click the icon on the tas kbar , and select “Option”. T hen selec t “SETT ING CAPT URE” from the “O ption” window.
-47- T ransmitting existing images The “I mage Lis t” window lets y ou view existing im ages and then selec t images to be transm itted to the projec tor. Functions in the “I mage List” w indow Right-click the icon on the tas kbar , and select “Im age List”.
-48- - - - - Thumbnail buttons Lets you change the number of im ages that c an be displayed in the Image List box. . . . . The next i mage is selected automa tically If this is selected, the s elected.
-49- Using A uto Play to play images in a specified order # # # # Use t he sorting funct ion of JPEG Convertor (page 57 ) to sort the images in t he order that you woul d like A uto Play to play them back, and then convert the i mages to JPEG fi les. JPEG Convertor can handle im ages that are in J PEG, BMP and T IFF form at.
-50- Other useful Wireless Manager functions Shortcut Key Assignment The W ireless Manager lets you cr eate shor tcut k eys f or quic k ac cess to the various windows. # # # # Right-cl ick the icon on t he taskbar, and select “Opt ion”. Then select “OTHER SETT ING” from t he “Option” w indow .
-51- Encry ption setti ngs The im ages that ar e sent to the projec tor can be encr y pted. Use the sam e encryption key that has been set for the projec tor. (See page 25 .) W hen images ar e encrypted, it takes longer f or them to be sent. # # # # Right-cl ick the icon on t he taskbar, and select “Opt ion”.
-52- Using JPEG Convertor The CD-RO M which is included with the projector contains the J PEG Convertor sof tware (for W indows only ). T o use this software, r ead the “Read this f irst” book let which is als o included, and then install the J PEG Convertor.
-53- Starting JPEG Conv ertor To s tart JPEG Conver tor, click Start, point to Program s, point t o JPEG Conv ertor Ver 1.0 and then click JPEG Convertor Ver 1.0. Main screen functions W hen JPEG Convertor is started, the m ain sc reen shown in the illustr ation below appears.
-54- + + + + Pi cture qualit y slider Lets you adjust the quality (com pres sion rate) of the JPEG images when they are being saved using the Save to SD Memor y Card and Save to other folder c omm ands . This projector cannot be used to write data to SD mem ory cards.
-55- quality . $ $ $ $ Cl ick Import Slide, and t hen select the present ation fil e to import. An Open window such as the one shown in the illustr ation will appear.
-56- Importing JPEG, BMP and TIFF files created using other applications Click Im port fil e, and then select t he folder and then the i mage you wish t o import.
-57- Checking, sorting and deleting images JPEG Co nvertor l ets you e nlarge th e im ported im ages which ar e displa yed in the thum bnail s creen f or check ing, and also lets you s ort the im ages into a particular or der for displaying during a presentation.
-58- Deleting images Select the i mage you wish t o delete. You can select m ultiple im ages by pressing the Ctrl key while click ing on each im age to be selected. You can also pr ess the Shif t key to select all im ages within a range between two images .
-59- Save as different size check box If this c heck box is s elected, the file will be conver ted to the size specified in the Converted size list box when the file is saved.
-60- DCF standard The DCF s pecif ication im poses the f ollowing conditions. Limits on di rectory names Directories must be created w ithi n the main DCIM di rectory . • Data which is contained within any directory other than the DCIM directory cannot be recognis ed.
-61- Using the SERIAL connector The f ollowing comm and par ameter s have been added to the serial connector c ontrol com m ands which ar e listed in the separate PT -L712E Operating Instr uctions.
-62- Symptom Check the foll ow ing The proj ector cannot be found when using the Search Proj ector function of the W ireless Manager. • Check if the com puter and the pr ojector ar e too far apar t, or if s omething is between them and obs tructing s ignal transm ission and reception.
-63- Symptom Check the foll ow ing The W ireless Manager screen c olors are incorrec t, and the character s are hard to read. • Click with the right mouse button on an empty part of the desk top and selec t “Properties” .
-64- Specifications Identical specif ications appear in the separate PT -L712E Oper ating Instruct ions, but the following should be ref erred to f or details on PT-L712NT E spec ifications . Power supply: 100 V - 240 V ~, 50 Hz/60 Hz Power consum ption: 240 W Approx.
-65- Connection term inals During RGB input: R.G.B.: 0.7 V [p-p], 75 Ω G.SYNC: 1.0 V [p-p], 75 Ω HD/SYNC: TT L high im pedance, autom atic plus/m inus polarity com patible VD: TT L high im pedance, autom atic plus/m inus polarity com patible AUDIO IN (f or RGB): Double-line 0.
-66- Wireless card Compatibility: IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.11b Trans m ission m ethod: DS-SS m ethod (direct dis persion spectrum dis persion m ethod) Modulation method: DBPSK:1 Mbps, DQPSK:2 Mbps CCK:5.5 Mbps, 11 Mbps Diff usion coeff icient: 10 or m ore Data tr ansm ission speed: 1 Mbps / 2 Mb ps / 5.
-67- T rademark Information • The SD logo is a tradem ark . • W indows and Powerpoint are trademar ks or register ed tradem ark s of Microsof t Corporation in the United States of Am erica and other countries. • Macintosh and Mac ar e registered tradem ar ks of Apple Com puter Inc.
A ttenti on • Unauthorized use or reproduc tion of this s oftware or this m anual in full or in part is s trictly forbidden. • Panasonic as sum es no res ponsibility for any results or eff ects arising from the use of this sof tware and this m anual.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic PT-L712NTE (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic PT-L712NTE yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic PT-L712NTE - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic PT-L712NTE you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic PT-L712NTE will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic PT-L712NTE, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic PT-L712NTE.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic PT-L712NTE. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic PT-L712NTE along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center