Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NN-SD681S Panasonic
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->DA B054CH 0=3 C74 B054CH >5 >C74AB 0A4 E4AH 8<?>AC0=C We have provided important safety messages in this manual and on your appliance.
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>=CA>; $0=4; 44? '>D=3 When a button is pressed correctly, a beep will be heard. If a bu tt on is p re ss ed and no b ee p is he ar d, the uni t did not or c an no t ac cept the ins truc tion . Wh en ope rati ng, t he ove n w il l be ep twi ce be tw ee n pr og ramm ed st ag es .
'4CC8=6 C74 ;>2: • P re s s ; > 2 : . Colon flashes. • Set time of day usi ng Tim e Sel ect Dial. Tim e app ear s in the disp lay windo w; col on co nti nue s fla shi ng. • Press ; >2 : .
'4;42C8=6 $>F4A >>: (8<4 "# ( ' 1. For mor e tha n on e s ta ge coo ki ng , rep ea t st ep s 1 a nd 2 fo r ea ch st ag e of co ok in g be fo re pre ssin g 'C0AC Butt on. T he max i- mu m nu mber of s ta ge s fo r c oo ki ng is 3 .
"#(' #" $#$#&" ()& 1. Pop one bag at a time. 2. Place bag in oven according to manu- facturers’ directions. 3. Start with popcorn at room tempera- ture. 4. Allow popped corn to sit unopened for a few minutes.
This feature allows you to defrost foods such as: meat, poultry and seafood simply by entering the weight. Place food on microwave safe dish. G 0<? ;4 (> 345 A >B C ? >D= 3 B> 5< 40C • Press =E4AC4A (DA1> 45A>BC .
45A>BC8=6 (8?B (427=8@D4 B (continued) # $ % % # # $ % % ,?! & # # $% 84 9> ;0 =7- $ ?, 9/% 48 0 #4 9> 0 .
This feature allows you to conveniently program one recipe program into memory. G0<?;4 (> ?A>6A0< <8=DC4 0=3 B42>=3B 0C $ ?>F4A 8=C> C74 &428?4 'C>A4 DCC>= • Press &428?4 'C>A4 once.
'4=B>A &4740C 40CDA4 '4=B>A >>: 40CDA4 "# ( 0 BB4 A>; 4 B - A dd 3 to 4 t ab les poo ns o f l iqu i d, co ver wi t h l id or v en ted pl ast ic w ra p.
'4=B>A >>: 70AC #0.4;0 $ 0 =A 49 2 ( 0 4 23 ? 49? > ,?80,7 8JE < (A68: D6IB:6A .
'4=B>A >>: 70AC (continued) #0.4;0 $ 0 =A 49 2 ( 0 4 23 ? 49? > !,>? , DO .
4.=:B,A0 #0.4;0> % Bas ic Omele t I6 7A: HED DC7J II: GDGB6G <6G >C: :<< H I6 7A: HED DCH B>A@ H6A I6C9 <GDJC 97A6 8@.
(8<4A 40CDA4 "#( 1. When each stage finishes, a two-beep signal sounds. At the end of the pro- gram, the oven will beep five times. 2. If the oven door is opened during Stand Time, Kitchen Timer or Delay Time, the time on the display will con- tinue to count down.
4.=:B,A0 $3:=?.@? > ! ( # % # % $ 49 849> , DH:E 6G6 I:G: ;G> <:G 6I: 9 ( H: 8 * :BD K:LG6 EE: G6C9 EA68: >CB>8 GDL 6K: ,.
4.=:B,A0 $3:=?.@? > (continued) ! ( # % # % $ 49 849> , D8DD@ 76@: 9 !:? ,?: ( >: G8: :68=ED I6 IDL&.
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::6492 % 0.394<@0> (continued) :A0=492 H L>I= 8DCK:CI>DC6A 8DD@>C< BD>HIJG: :K6EDG6I:H 9JG>C< B>8GDL6K: 8DD@>C< 6HH.
0 A 4 0= 3 ; 4 0 = 8 = 6 >5 -> DA !8 2A >F 0E 4# E 4 = 014; Do not remove, wipe with a damp cloth. =B 834>5 C74>E4 = Wip e with a damp clo th aft er usi ng. Mild det erg ent may be used if neede d.
(74B4 C78=6B 0A4 =>A<0; The oven causes Some radio and TV interference might occur when you cook interference with with the microwave oven. This interference is similar to the my TV. interference caused by small appliances such as mixers, vacuums, blow dryers, etc.
8 < 8 C 4 3+0 AA 0= CH D B C > <4 A'4 AE 82 4B 8 A4 2C >A H > A ) ' 0 = 3 $D 4A C> &8 2> >= ;H.
%D82: D834 C> #?4A0C8>= 40CDA4 To set ;>2: ( * page 11) >F C> #?4A0C4 Press twice. Set time of day. Press once. To set $>F4A 0=3 (8<4 ( * page 12) Press to select Power Level. Set cooking time.
'?4285820C8>=B )B4AWB &42>A3 The serial number of this product may be found on the left side of the control panel. You should note the model number and the serial number of this oven in the space provided and retain this book as a permanent record of your purchase for future reference.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic NN-SD681S (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic NN-SD681S yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic NN-SD681S - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic NN-SD681S you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic NN-SD681S will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic NN-SD681S, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic NN-SD681S.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic NN-SD681S. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic NN-SD681S along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center