Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CF-H1ADBAZW3 Panasonic
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1 Reference Manual Personal Comp uter Model N o. CF-H1 Series We recomme nd that t his Referenc e Man ual be pr inted..
2 Introduction z Do not set [Command P rompt] to “Ful l Screen”. T erms and il lustrations in this manual Î : Page in t his M anual. : Condition s that m ay res ult in minor or m oderate i njury . : Useful an d helpful info rmation. Click : T o uch the scr een with t he digiti zer pen or finger .
3 Touch Screen Operation Y ou can us e Windows b y touchi ng the sc reen in the s ame way a s you use a mouse . The scre en of this computer has fol lowing two pointi ng device fu nctio ns. z Digitizer : can be op erated wi th the digi tizer p en (includ ed) z T o uchscree n: can be opera ted with your fin ger etc.
4 Touch Scre en Operatio n z Check th e following to prevent the surface of the screen f rom being scra tched z Are yo u using t he digiti zer pen o r your finger to operate the scre en? z Is the su r.
5 Touch Scre en Operatio n Digitizer Cali bration T o calibr ate the dig itizer , u se the digitiz er pen and follow the steps below. 1 Click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Pri nters and other Ha rdware]. 2 Click [T able t and Pen Setti ngs]. 3 Click [Cali brate.
6 Hardware Buttons *1 Only f or model wi th the Barco de Reader <Model Without Barcode Reader> <Model with Barcode Reader> Button Funct ion Camera Button T a ke st ill p ictures . ( Î pa ge 30 ) RFID Reader Button Read the data from RFID tags.
7 Hard ware B uttons *2 Only f or model wi thout the Ba rcode Read er NOTE z The Hardwar e buttons work when th e Windows screen i s displayed. z The Har dware butto ns may n ot work imm ediately after Window s is starte d up or th e Windows l ogon scr een (or th e Welcome scre en) is dis played.
8 Panasonic Dashboa rd Y ou can per form the followin g oper ations by us ing Pan asoni c Dashboa rd. z Check th e remain ing bat tery ch arge z Change the LCD brigh tness z Change the camera lig ht s.
9 Panason ic Dash boar d [T ouchscreen ] (F) When a chec k mark for [Enab le digitiz er pen only ] is added, you ca n use only the di gitizer pen (inclu ded) to operate by touch ing the sc reen.
10 Panason ic Dash boar d A Click any button . B Selec t the appli cation from [Action] . Y ou can s elect [Disp lay Rotation], [Cleaning Utility], [Reference M anual] or [Launc h Appli cation]. T o resto re the default sett ing, cli ck [Restore De fault].
11 Application Button Setting Y ou can as sign the startup func tions of y our fav orite app licatio ns to th e Applicati ons Butt ons. 1 Click [start] - [All Programs] - [Panasonic] - [ Application Button Setting ]. Y ou can al so start up Applic ation Butt on Setting Utility f rom P anasonic Dashboar d ( Î page 8 ).
12 Applica tion Button Setting 1 Select the ac tion from [Action] of each button. Y ou can s elect [< none>], [ Dashboar d], [Displ ay Switc h], [Right Click], [Cleanin g Utility ], [Referen ce Manual ] or [Laun ch an Applica tion]. T o restore the d efault settin g, click [R estore Defaul t].
13 Panasonic Hand Wr iting Y ou can ma ke a bitma p file (.bmp) of a simpl e chara cter and a figure such as signature by han dwriting on the sc reen. CAUTION z Do not use the Fast User Swi tching fu nction wh ile Pana sonic Ha nd Writing is a ctive. z If you ins tall other p ointing d evices (e.
14 Display Rotation 1 Press [A 1] but ton (A) . Each ti me you pr ess the button, the screen display rotates co unter- clockw ise by 90°. When the compu ter is set to the Crad le, the screen display does not rotate. If yo u want to rotate the s creen display ev en if the compu ter is s et to the Cra dle, foll ow the step below .
15 Standby and Hibernation Functions The standby or hibern ation func tions allo w you to shut off the co mputer without clos ing pro grams and d ocume nts. Y ou can quickly r eturn to the program s and documents tha t you wer e workin g on befor e standby or h ibernati on.
16 Standby and Hibe rnation F unctions C Click [ start] - [Cont rol Pan el] - [Pe rformanc e and Mai ntenan ce] - [Po wer Opti ons] - [Adv ance d], and add a check mark in [Pro mpt for password when computer res umes from standby ].
17 Standby and Hibe rnation F unctions z It may take 1 or 2 minu tes to ente r standby o r hibernati on. In st andby or hibernation z Do not at tach or remov e a perip heral de vice (in cluding the Cradle ). Doi ng so may cause m alfuncti on. z Power is consum ed in standby .
18 Saving Power Y ou can ex tend batter y life a nd save powe r also d uring AC ada ptor usa ge. Use the me thods b elow to r educe powe r consu mption . z Change [Power Options] Click [ start] - [Con trol Panel] - [Pe rformance and Mainte nance ] - [Power Options ] to sele ct [Ma x Batter y] under [Power schemes ].
19 Security Measures Use these features to protect y our data. Set the Su pervis or Passwo rd before s etting the User Pas sword. Preparation z Set the c omputer to the Cradl e and con nect an ex ternal keybo ard to the Cradle. 1 St art up the Setup Utility ( Î pag e 53 ).
20 Security Measures Y ou can se t a start-up password to protect your co mputer fr om un authorized use. 1 Set th e p assword ( Î pag e 1 9 ), and select [Enabled] i n [Password on Boot] in the [Sec u- rity] menu of th e Setup Utility ( Î pa g e 5 8 ).
21 Battery Power Y ou can attach 2 batte ry packs to this com puter . T he batter y indi cators ar e prepared for each batte ry . A : Battery 1 indicat or B : Battery 2 indicat or Battery Indicator Battery indicato r Bat tery st atus Not lit The batte ry pack is n ot inserted or not bei ng ch arged.
22 Battery Power NOTE z Once the battery is fully charge d, the com puter per forms r echarg ing only when th e battery level b ecome s less than appr oximate ly 95% , so ov erchargi ng is avo ided. Red The rem aining ba ttery is approxim ately 9% or les s.
23 Battery Power Y ou can ch eck the remai ning batte ry char ge on the screen. (Af ter logging on to Windows) 1 St ar t up Panasonic Dashboard. z When the battery pack is inse rted (example) z When the batter y pack is not inser ted NOTE z The battery di splay may not corre spond to th e actual remaining b attery charg e in the cases as below .
24 Battery Power High temperature mode The hig h temperat ure mode can prev ent the ba ttery fr om deteri orating w hen the co mputer is used in high-te mperat ure envi- ronment o r used fo r a long time with i ts battery full y char ged.
25 Battery Power Computer behavior with low battery The defau lt settin gs are a s foll ows. z This com puter auto matic ally sw itches fro m Batte ry 1 to B attery 2 and vice versa whe n eithe r rem aining b attery change becomes less th an 10%. Whe n both b atteries are not suffici ently ch arged, th e computer operate s as bel ow .
26 Battery Power The “Batte ry Reca librati on” funct ion meas ures and memorizes the batter y capacit y . T o correct th e battery display , us e this function to fill t he batte ry and then discha rge it c ompletel y . Pe rform th e proce dure at l east onc e immedi ately after purcha sing the compu ter .
27 Battery Power If you have a batte ry char ger (optiona l), you can remove one ba ttery pack to ch arge while the othe r battery pack is operating. The battery pack is a consum able item s o the repla cement wil l be neces sary .
28 Battery Power 1 Open the ba ttery c over . A Slide the battery c over an d open the c over . B Open t he cover . z Check t he blink ing (red) status of battery ind icator ( Î page 27 ). 2 Pull the tab to remove the batte ry p ack. 3 Insert the ne w battery p ack until it securel y fits t he connec- tor .
29 USB Devices Y ou can co nnect USB de vices to the US B ports on t he Cra dle. When you use the US B devic es, con nect the A C adapto r to the DC-IN j ack on the Cradle .
30 Camera Y ou can t ake stil l pictures . 1 Hold the s ide of the computer to aim t he cam- era. 2 Press the Camera button (A) to acti vate the camera. Preview w indow is displayed. 3 Pres s the Ca mera bu tton (A) to take a pict ure. A pictu re is di splaye d in th e window .
31 RFID Reader Y ou can read the data fr om RFID ( Radio Freq uency Ide ntificati on) tags. NOTE z RFID Reade r is typic ally used with spec ialize d appl ications. F or fur ther inform ation, ask the syste m admi nistrato r . 1 Aim the RFID Re ader (A) at the c enter of RFID t ag.
32 Fingerprint Reader <Only for model with Fingerp rint Rea der> NOTE z Enroll ment and authen tication is u navailab le to an ex tremely m inority of peo ple including those whose fingerpr ints give little da ta for per sonal id entifica tion.
33 Fing erprin t Reader Fingerprint’ s O utline The conve ntional s ecurity s ystems us e ID/passw ords and token dev ic es such a s IC cards to a uthentica te users. There fore the passwords and token devices are expos ed to th e risk of being lost, s tolen and hacking .
34 Fing erprin t Reader Precautions Security Functions Q Fingerpr int Authe ntica tion T echnolog y does n ot guarant ee com plete authe ntica tion an d indivi dual ide ntificati on. Pl ease acknowl edge we shall no t be liabl e for any loss o r damage whatsoever resulti ng from th e use of, o r inabil ity to use you r Finger print de vice .
35 Fing erprin t Reader NOTE z If the “Inv alid T PM status” message is not di splay ed • Click [start] - [All Program s] - [Protector Suite QL] - [Control Center] - [Se ttings] - [Syste m Settings] - [TP M] - [Initial- ize TP M]. 4 User Fingerprint Enrollment Performe d by ea ch user .
36 Fing erprin t Reader E Add a che ck mar k for [P ower-On] i n [Passw ord T ype s]. F Enter the password (s tep C ), an d click [OK ]. G Click [Nex t].
37 Fing erprin t Reader 2 Set the High Se curity Level. A Selec t [Fingerpr int Sec urity], and press (E nter). B Selec t [Secu rity mo de], and se lect [High]. • Defau lt settin g: Simple C Pres s Esc to clos e the sub- menu. D Pres s F10 , se lect [Y es] , and pr ess (Ente r) t o exit the Setup Utility .
38 Fing erprin t Reader z Passwor d used b y each u ser • Backup Password for Enrollment This b ackup passw ord can be u sed in c ase of hardwar e failure to bypass the fingerpr int authen ticati on. CAUTION z The passwo rds othe r than thos e exp lained ab ove are also us ed for se curity , so do not lose them .
39 Fing erprin t Reader Deleting (Initial izing) Owner ’ s Dat a When you dispos e of the compu ter or tran sfer the ownershi p, delete ( initial ize) the ow ner ’s data to avoid una uthoriz ed acce ss. NOTE z The data enrol led in the finger print sens or is not image data.
40 Fing erprin t Reader NOTE z If the enro llment mo de is se t to “Enrollm ent to th e hard disk” ( Î pag e 3 5 ), you ne ed to r emove the fingerpr ints data after step 2 . Per forme d by the Co mputer Admini strato r . A Click [start] - [All Program s] - [Pro tector Suite QL] - [Co ntrol Center].
41 Fing erprin t Reader S tarti ng Over If the spec ific s olutions for your p roble m in Finge rprint R eader ( Î page 72 ) do no t work, y ou can us e these i nstruction s as the last m easure and start over . Howev er , ple ase n ote that you can l ose you r data - password s, secr et keys and fi ngerprints.
42 Cradle Y ou can co nnect external equipme nt in var iety by attaching the compu ter to t he Cradle (optiona l). For furthe r infor mation , read the operatin g instru ctions t hat com es with th e Cradle. Setting the computer to the Cradle 1 T urn off the computer .
43 External D ispl ay <Only when co nnected t o Crad le> Y ou can sw itch t he outpu t destina tion to an exte rnal di splay . Before s witchin g the c omputer o n, connec t the e xternal di splay to the externa l displa y port ( A) and th e AC adaptor to the DC-IN jack (B) on the Cradle.
44 External Display CAUTION z Before d isconne cting the external displa y , s witch to the inte rnal LCD. Otherwi se the display ed image q ualit y may become di fferent after dis connect ion (e.g., wrong resolu tion). z The scre en may be come d istorted du e to the following operatio ns.
45 LAN <Only when co nnected t o Crad le> 1 T urn off the computer . z Do not us e standby or hibernatio n functio n. 2 Connect the AC ada ptor to the DC-IN jack (A) on the Cradle. 3 Set the comp uter to the Cr adle. 4 Connect the LAN port (B) and the network sys- tem (server , HUB, etc.
46 Disablin g/Enabling Wi rele ss Commu nication There a re 3 way s of disa bling and enabl ing wir eless communi cation . z Wirel ess S wit ch Util ity ( Î page 46 ) z Settings in the [A dvanced] me.
47 Disabling/Enab ling Wireless Comm unication Y ou can aut omatical ly disa ble the wi reless LAN/wireles s W AN con nection wh en a LA N cable is connecte d to the Cradle an d your c omputer is s et to the Cr adle . Y ou need to install the W ireles s Connec tion Disabl e Utility to use thi s function.
48 Disabling/Enab ling Wireless Comm unication St atus indication After installation , the Wirel ess Connec tion Disa ble Util ity is aut omatical ly started afte r a user is lo gged in.
49 Wireless LAN CAUTION z T o avo id unaut horized a ccess to t he comput er throu gh wirele ss LAN We recommend yo u to make secur ity setti ngs such as encr yption befo re using wirel ess LAN. Oth erwise the hard disk data such as the s hared fil es can b e expose d to the risk of un author ized acce ss.
50 Wireless L AN 1 Double-click / / on the notification are a. The [Intel ® PROS et/Wireles s WiF i Connecti on Utili ty] scr een appear s. z When or is di splaye d, skip s tep 2. 2 When you double- clicked in step 1, slide the w ireless sw itch to turn on.
51 Wireless L AN 1 Click or on t he notification area. 2 Click [802.1 1a En abled] or [802 .1 1a Disabled]. NOTE z In some c ountries , commun ication using IEEE802 .
52 Bluetooth Y ou can ac cess interne t and o ther Blu etooth d evices without conne cting ca bles. NOTE z Communic ation is establishe d through the Blueto oth ante nna (A).
53 Setup Utility Y ou can ma ke the settin gs of the c omputer ’s operating enviro nment (passw ord sett ings, startu p drive se lecti on, etc. ) Preparation z Set the c omputer to the Cradl e and con nect an ex ternal keybo ard to the Cradle. 1 T urn on or r estart the c omp uter .
54 Setup Utility Unde rlin ed i tems are t he fac tor y pres ets. Information Men u Language En glish Japanese Product Inf ormation Computer info rmation (cannot be change d.
55 Setup Utility Unde rlin ed i tems are t he fac tor y pres ets. Main Menu System Date • Month/Day/ Y ear . • Y ou can us e Ta b to mov e the cursor . [xx/ xx/xxxx] System T ime • 24-hr . st yle. • Y ou can us e Ta b to move the c ursor . [xx:x x:xx ] Main Configura tion Display • The displ ay during t he Win dows start-up process.
56 Setup Utility Unde rlin ed i tems are t he fac tor y pres ets. *1 The sub-me nu that appear s when [ Wireless Configuration ] is selected : *2 The sub-me nu that appear s when [ Serial Port Configu.
57 Setup Utility Underlined items are the fact ory preset T o change the boot order The defau lt order i s [USB F loppy Di sk *3 ] - [Hard Disk] - [US B Hard Disk] - [USB CD/DVD D rive]. z Press (Enter ) on the bo ot device y ou want to change and se lect the b oot dev ice fro m the foll owing menu .
58 Setup Utility Underlin ed items are the fac tory p resets . *4 Y ou need to set the comput er to the C radle and connect an ext ernal keyboard t o the Cra dle, when the com puter start s.
59 Setup Utility Exit Menu Save V alue s a nd Reboo t Reboot the system after saving th e changes . Reboot Withou t Saving Changes Reboot the sys tem without savi ng the changes. Save Op tions Save Cur rent V alues Save th e changes for all Se tup opti ons.
60 Hardware Diagnostics If it appea rs that th e hardwar e installed in this co mputer is not op erating properly , you can use the PC-Di agnostic Utility to determin e whethe r or not the re is a p roblem. If the ut ility disc overs a probl em in the h ardware, contact P anasonic T echnical Support.
61 Hard ware D iagnos tics NOTE z For the har d disk drive and memor y only , you c an select standard diag nostic c heck or ex tende d diagnos tic check . When the P C-Di agnost ic Utility starts up, it will ru n the standar d diagnos tic chec k. z Y ou cannot opera te the PC -Diagno stic Util ity b y touchi ng the sc reen.
62 Hard ware D iagnos tics 4 Pres s F10 . At the c onfirmati on message , sele ct [Y es] and press (Enter). The c omput er wi ll re st art. 5 Press and hold Ctrl + F7 while [Panas o nic] boot scree n is displa yed. When the PC-Di agnostic Utility sta rts up, it will automa tically begin the diagno stic check for all h ardware compo- nents.
63 Hard ware D iagnos tics 6 When all the hardwa re has been ch ecked , confirm the diagnostic check result s. If the dis play is red and the mess age “Chec k Resul t TEST F AILED” is dis played, y ou ca n assume that the re is a proble m with the c ompute r ’s hardware.
64 Hard Disk Data Erase Utility When dis posing t he compute r or trans ferring th e owner ship, er ase all ha rd disk data in orde r to avoid d ata leakage. Even if you eras e the d ata or initi alize the hard disk us ing nor mal Wind ows co mmands, t he data can be read w ith so me spe- cial so ftware.
65 Hard Disk Data Erase Utility z The comp uter will restart. z If [En ter Passwo rd] is d isplaye d during the follo wing proc edures , input the Supervi sor Pa ssword or the Use r Passw ord. 7 Click [Era se the whol e dat a on the Hard Di sk for se curity] and click [Ne xt].
66 Error Code / Message Follow the instr uctions be low whe n an err or mess age or c ode appea rs. If th e proble m persi sts or if the e rror cod e/messag e is not sh own here, contact Pana sonic T echni cal Sup port. Error Code/Mess age Solution Bad S ystem C MOS An error has occurred in the memory of system s ettings.
67 Technical Information Close the commu nicat ions so ftware before using the powe r savi ng functi on. z If the power sa ving fun ction ( standby or hi bernation ) is a ctivated while comm unicatio ns softwa re is use d, the netw ork con- nection may be in terrupte d, or the p erforma nce may be adver sely affected .
68 Troubleshooting (Advanced) Refer to th e followin g instr uctions when a p roblem o ccurs. If t he remedi es indi cated in t he cha rt do not sol ve the pr oblem, contact Pana sonic T echn ical Sup port. Fo r a software problem , refer t o the in structi on manual of the software.
69 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) Net work Cannot co nnect to network . z Set LAN ( Î p age 45 ). Cannot check t he comput er ’s MAC addres s. z Foll ow the steps b elow . A Click [start] - [Al l Programs] - [Accessories ] - [Command P rompt].
70 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) A periphe ral d evice does not work . z When y ou use the Cradle, connect t he AC ad aptor to th e DC-IN jack on the Crad le. z Install the driver. z Contact the m anufac turer o f the devic e. z When operati on resu mes from standby o r hiber nation , device s suc h as a mouse may not funct ion prope rly .
71 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) LAN tran smiss ion speed slows down noticea bly . Wireles s LAN connecti on is cut. z Thes e proble ms may occ ur due to perform ance loss that resu lts from the CPU power-saving function . Log on to W indows a s an adminis trator and fol low the step s belo w .
72 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) Fingerprint R eader The sen sor does no t enroll or auth enti- cate my fingerprint. z Slide your finger co rrectly . For furthe r inform ation about enr ollment and authen- tication, refer to “How to Use the Fin gerprint Reader” ( Î pag e 32 ) and [Finger - print T u torial].
73 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) User cann ot use enr olled fi nger . (e.g . injur y) z It is s trongly recomm ended to en roll at l east 2 fi ngers to avoid thi s problem .
74 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) Lost [Ad vanced Secur ity] backu p pas sw or d. z T o change the [Adva nced Sec urity] backup passw ord, go to the [Enr oll or Edit Finge rprints] wizard an d swip e your fing er and go through th e Fingerp rint enrol lment.
75 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) Fast User Switchi ng Function Some a pplicat ion s do no t work prop- erly . z When s witch ing to a different user with the F ast User Switchi ng functi on, the followi ng probl ems may occur . We recomme nd you not to use the F ast User Swit chin g function .
76 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) Y ou can ch eck the comput er ’s usage status in the PC I nformatio n Viewer . Y ou may need this info rmation w hen ca lling Panasoni c T echnical S uppor t for advic e. NOTE z This com puter per iodical ly recor ds the ma nageme nt inform ation of the hard di sk etc.
77 Trou blesho otin g (Ad vanc ed) 3 When the s c reen copy me ssage appears, cli ck [OK]. The sc reen im age is s aved in [ My Docum ents] folde r . NOTE z The ima ge is a bi tmap file in 256 colo rs. z When usi ng the ex tended d esktop ( Î page 43 ), a copy o f the pri mary dev ice sc reen is saved.
78 z Discl aimer Compute r specifi catio ns and man uals ar e subjec t to chang e without n otice. Panason ic Corpo ratio n. assum es no lia bilit y for damag e incur red direc tly or i ndirect ly from e rrors, om ission s or disc repancies between the comput er and the manual s.
An important point after buying a device Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Panasonic CF-H1ADBAZW3 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center