Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TSSTTVMNDG Oster
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For product questions contact: Sunbeam Consumer Service US A : 1 .8 00 .3 34 .0 75 9 Ca na da : 1.8 00 .6 67 .8 62 3 www .oster .com © 2010 Sunbeam Products, Inc. doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions. All rights reserved. Distributed by Sunbeam Products, Inc.
U s e r M a n u a l 6 - S l i c e C o u n t e r T o p O v e n M a n u a l d e I n s t r u c c i o n e s Horno tostador de 6 rebanadas P .N. 137149 V isit us at www .
I M P O RT A N T S A F E G U A R D S S A V E A N D R E A D T H E S E I N S T R U C T I O N S When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following: • READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS, PRODUCT LABELS AND W ARNINGS BEFORE USING THE TOASTER OVEN.
Fo r P ro du ct s Pu r ch as ed i n th e U ni te d St at e s an d Ca na da O nl y T o reduce the risk of electrical shock, this appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other) . This plug fits a polarized outlet only one way; if the plug does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the plug.
Preparing T o Use Y our T oaster Oven for the First T ime If you are using your toaster oven for the first time, please be sure to: Remove any stickers from the surface of the oven. Ope n ove n doo r and r emo ve al l prin ted d ocu men ts an d pap er fr om in sid e the t oast er ov en.
T o Use the Convection Bake Function Place oven rack into the desired position before heating the oven. (See “Positioning Rack” Section) When you select the Convection Bake the convection fan will turn on and circulate air allowing the food to cook evenly and faster .
T o Use the T oast Function Place oven rack into the desired position before heating the oven. (See “Positioning Rack” Section) N O T E – D if f er e nt t yp es of b r ea d re qui r e di f fe re nt se tti n gs . Li ght er br e ad s an d waf fle s re qui re a li g ht er se tti n g.
H E L P FU L T I P S / T ROUBLESHOOTING P R O B L E M • Ove rco oke d / Und erc ook ed Foo ds • Bur nt Sme ll • Ove n does no t tur n ON • On ly o ne he at ing el eme nt is h e at in g up • .
One-Y ear Limited W arranty S u nb ea m P r o d uc ts , I n c . do in g b u s i ne ss a s J a r d en C on s u m er S ol u t i o ns o r if i n C a n ad a, S u n b e am C or p o r a ti on ( C an ad a ) .
NOTES: English-8 TSSTTVMNDG_IB.qxd:Layout 1 12/14/09 5:53 PM Page 10.
PRECAUCIONES IMPOR T ANTES L E A Y G U A R D E E S TA S I N S T R U C C I O N E S Al usar aparatos eléctricos, deben seguirse siempre precauciones básicas de seguridad entre las que se incluyen las siguientes: • LEA TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES, ETIQUET AS DEL PRODUCTO Y ADVER TENCIAS ANTES DE USAR EL HORNO TOST ADOR.
• Para apagar este aparato, oprima el botón Stop/Cancel (Parar/Anular) dos veces. • Para desconectar , oprima el botón Stop/Cancel (Parar/Anular) dos veces para apagar el aparato, y luego saque el enchufe del tomacorriente.
Botones de control 1. Botones de funciones – (Véase la Figura 2) Horno (Oven) – Horneado, Horneado de Convección y Asado T ostada (T oast) – Seleccione para tostar pan, rosca de pan, etc. Pizza (Pizza) – Seleccione para hornear pizza de 9 a 12 pulgadas.
Cómo usar su horno tostador Poner el reloj Presione el botón del Reloj (Clock). El r el oj s e po nd rá i nt erm iten te . Use los botones +/- del tiempo para fijar el tiempo. Presione el botón del reloj nuevamente. Use los botones +/- para fijar los minutos.
Para usar la función de Horneado de Convección Coloque la rejilla en la posición deseada antes de calentar el horno. (Consulte la sección “Cómo colocar la rejilla”) Cuando seleccione “Horne.
Coloque el recipiente para asar a la parrilla en la rejilla del horno. Cierre la puerta hasta la primera guía, dejando aproximadamente una apertura de 3 pulgadas en la parte superior . Presione el botón de Asado (Broil). Presione el botón del tiempo.
Función Defrost (Descongelar) Cuando descongele no precaliente el horno. El control de temperatura está fijado ya en 150°F . Apriete el botón Defrost (Descongelar). Use los botones de las flechas para ajustar el tiempo. Para descongelar carnes o pescado se necesitan entre 15 y 20 minutos por cada lado.
C ONSEJOS Ú T I LE S / D E T EC C I ÓN Y R ESOLU CIÓN D E P RO B L EM A S P ROBLEMA • A li m e n t o s c o c i n ad o s demasiado o no lo suficiente • Olor a quemado • El horno no se enciende.
Garantía limitada de un año Sunbeam Products, Inc. operando bajo el nombre de Jarden Consumer Solutions, o en Canadá, Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited operando bajo el nombre de Jarden Consumer.
Español-10 NOTES: TSSTTVMNDG_IB.qxd:Layout 1 12/14/09 5:53 PM Page 20.
An important point after buying a device Oster TSSTTVMNDG (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Oster TSSTTVMNDG yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Oster TSSTTVMNDG - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Oster TSSTTVMNDG you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Oster TSSTTVMNDG will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Oster TSSTTVMNDG, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Oster TSSTTVMNDG.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Oster TSSTTVMNDG. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Oster TSSTTVMNDG along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center