Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FQM1-MMP21 Omron
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OPERA TION MANUAL Cat. No. O010- E1-01 FQM1 Series FQM1-CM00 1 FQM1-MM P21 FQM1-MM A21 Flexible Motion Controller.
FQM1 Series FQM1-CM001 FQM1-MMP21 FQM1-MMA21 Flexib le Motion Control ler Operation Manu al Produ ced Novem ber 2004.
v Notice: OMRON products are manufactured for use accordi ng to prope r procedur es by a qualifie d operato r and only f or t he pur po ses des cri bed in thi s manual. The following conv entions ar e used to in dicate and classi fy preca utions in th is manual.
vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PRECAUTION S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii 1 Intended Aud ience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi v 2 General Precaution s .
viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 4-4 Po wer OFF Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 SECTION 5 Module Fun ctions and Da ta Excha nge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 5-1 Synchro nous Operation between Mo dules .
ix TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 10 Inspection and Maintenan ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 59 10-1 Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xi Abou t this Ma nual: This m anual descr ibe s the operat ion of the C oordinato r Mod ule and Mo tion Co ntrol Mod ules of th e FQM1-s erie s Flexible Motion C ontrolle r .
xiii PRECA UTIONS This section pro vides general p recautions for using the FQ M1-series Flexible Motion Con troller and related de vices. The information contained in this section is imp ortant for the safe and reliable a pplication of the FQM1-series Flexible Motio n Controller .
xiv Intend ed A udience 1 1 Intended A udien ce This manual is intended for the following personnel, who mus t also have knowledge of electr ic al syst ems (an electr ical engineer or the eq uivalent). • P erson nel in charge of instal ling F A systems.
xv Safety Precaution s 3 • Wh en the 24-VDC outpu t (ser vice power suppl y to the FQM1) is ov er- loaded or shor t-c ircuited , the v olta ge may drop and result in the outputs being tur ned OFF . As a counter me asure for such p roblems, e xter nal safety measure s must b e provided t o ensu re safety in the system.
xvi Saf ety Precautions 3 • Loc ation s subject t o static electr icity or other f or ms o f noise • Loc ation s subject t o strong electro magnetic fields • Loc ation s subject t o possi ble e .
xvii Safety Precaution s 3 • O utputs may remain ON due to a malfuncti on in the built-in transi stor out- puts o r other inter nal c ircuit s. As a counter measure for suc h problems, ex ter nal safety measures must b e provided to en sure the s afety of the system .
xviii Saf ety Precautions 3 • D o not ap ply voltages o r connec t load s to the built- in outp uts in excess o f the maxi mum switching cap acity . Excess v olta ge or lo ads may result i n bu r ni n g . • D isconnec t the fu nctional ground ter m inal when perform ing withs tand v olta ge tests.
xix Conf ormance to EC Dire ctiv es 4 4 Conformance to EC Directives 4-1 Applicab le Direc tives •E M C D i r e c t i v e s • Low V oltage Direc tive 4-2 Concepts EMC Direct ives OMRON de vi ces t.
xx Conf ormance to EC Dire ctive s 4 4-5 Rela y Output Noise Reduction Methods The FQM1 -seri es Flexible Motion Con troller conforms to the Commo n Emi s- sion Stan dards (EN610 00-6-4 ) of the EMC Directives. Howe v er , noise gener- ated by relay outpu t s witc hing may not satisfy t hese Standa rds.
xxi Conf ormance to EC Dire ctiv es 4 When switchin g a load with a high in rush current such as an incandes cent lamp, suppress the inr ush curre nt as shown be low . The following Unit and Cables can be used with th e FQM1-s erie s Flexible Motion Con troller.
xxii Data Bac kup 5 5D a t a B a c k u p The user programs, I/O memor ies, and oth er data in the Co ordinator Module and Motion Control Mod ules i s back ed up ei ther by a super capac itor or flas h memor y , as l isted in the following table.
xxiii Data Backup 5 mentar y power interr uption s. F or operatin g parameter s and oth er long- ter m dat a, use th e por tion of DM Area sto red in flash memor y i n the Coor - dinator Module a nd transfer it to the Motion Control Modules before star t- ing operati on.
xxiv Data Bac kup 5.
1 SECTION 1 F eatur es and System Conf iguration This section des cribes the features of the FQM1 and its system conf iguration. 1-1 Outline of FQM1 Flexible Motion Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1-2 FQM1 Conf iguration .
2 Outline of FQM1 F lexible Motion Controller Section 1-1 1-1 Outline of FQM1 Fl exib le Motion Con tr oller The FQM1 (Flexible Quick Motion) is a stand-a lone Fl e xible Motio n Contr oller that can be used to crea te flexible high-speed, high- precisi on motion control syst ems f o r 2 to 8 a x es .
3 Outline of FQM1 F lexible Motion Controller Section 1-1 Built-in RS-232C P ort in Coor dinator Module A Programmable T er mina l (PT) can be connected to the Coo rdinator Mo dule to monitor present values on th e PT or make parameter setti ngs for Ser vomo- tors from the PT .
4 FQM1 Configuration Section 1-2 Pulse Input Frequency Meas urem ent F unct ion The spee d of pulse inp uts can be me asured at the same time a s the number of pu lse i nput s is coun ted.
5 FQM1 Configuration Section 1-2 FQM1-CM001 Coor dinator Module One Coordina tor Module is required in an FQM1. The Coor dinato r Module provides t he follo wing : I/O: 16 inputs, 8 outputs Program capac ity: 5 Ksteps DM Area capacity : 32 Kwords (DM) • T he CX-Programme r (V er .
6 Modules Section 1-3 FQM1-TER01 End Module One End Mod ule is sup plied with the Coordi nator Modu le. Alwa ys atta ch the End M odule bec ause it a cts as a ter min ator for the syste m.
7 Modules Section 1-3 Outline of Internal Data Exchange and I/O PT CX-Programmer DM DM RS-232C PLC RS-422A Coordinator Module Motion Control Module #1 Motion Control Module #2 Motion Control Module #3.
8 CX-Programmer Section 1-4 1-4 CX-Pr ogrammer The CX-Programm er provides software functions f or programmin g and debugging. FQM1 Patch Software must be i nstalled f or the C X-Programmer V er . 5. 0 (Model: WS02 -CXPC1-E- V50) to use it t o create ladde r programs, make set- tings in the Sy stem Setup, and monitor ope ration.
9 Expanded System Configurat ion Section 1-5 1-5 Expanded System Configuratio n 1-5-1 Serial Comm unications The FQM1 system can be e xpande d using the two se r ial por ts built into the Coordina tor Module: P er ipheral p or t a nd RS-23 2C por t.
10 Expanded System Configurat ion Section 1-5 Host Li nk System The Host Link System al lows the I/O memor y of the Module s to be read/w rit- ten and the operati ng mode to be chan ged from a host co.
11 Expanded System Configurat ion Section 1-5 Set the P T communi cations s ettings for a 1:N or Stand ard NT Lin k. An NT Link Sys tem is possible for either the pe rip heral por t or the RS- 232C por t. Note (1) T he FQM1 can b e connec ted to any P T por t that s uppor ts 1:N NT Links.
12 Expanded System Configurat ion Section 1-5 1:N Connection between CJ1M and FQM1 Contr ollers 1:1 Connection between CJ1M and FQM1 Contr oll er Serial Gatew ay Readin g/wri ting Ser vo P aramete rs .
13 Basic Operating Procedure Section 1-6 No-protocol (Custom) Communications Syste m via R S-422A Po r t No-pro toco l com municat ions a llow simple data tran smis sions, su ch as input- ting bar code d ata and outputtin g pr inter data us ing com munications por t I/O instr uct ions TX D(236) and RXD(2 35).
14 Basic Operating Procedure Section 1-6 Wir ing I/O ter minal s and conn ectors. Ref er to 3-3 Wir ing M odule Connec- tors for details. 3. Initial H ardware S ettings Set the DIP switch on the front of t he Coordin ator M odule as requ ired. Re- fe r t o 2-3 Co ordi nato r Modu le for details.
15 Basic Operating Procedure Section 1-6 1-6-1 Ex amples 1. Installa tion Connect the Po wer Supply Uni t, Coordinator Module, Motion Co ntrol Mod- ules, and En d Module to assemble the FQM1. Mak e sure t hat th e total po wer co nsump tion of th e Modu les is l e ss t han t he maximum c apacity of the P ower Supply Uni t.
16 Basic Operating Procedure Section 1-6 4. T urning ON P ower and Chec king Initial Operation Note The Syst em Setup and user programs are backed up in b u ilt-in fla sh memor y . When the data is b eing b ack ed up, a mess age indicati ng the da ta is bein g transferred will be displayed on the CX-Programmer .
17 Basic Operating Procedure Section 1-6 7. T ran sferrin g the Pr ograms When the pr ograms has been cre ated in the C X-Programmer , they must be transferred to the Mo tion Con trol Mod ules thr ough th e Coordin ator Modu le.
18 Basic Operating Procedure Section 1-6 1,2,3. .. 1. Select t he bit for differential moni tori ng. 2. Select Diffe renti al Mon itor from the PLC M enu. The Differential Monitor Dialog B o x will be displ a yed. 3. Select Risi ng or Falling. 4. Click the Start Button .
19 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 1-7 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose 1-7-1 Sync Cyc les and Synchr o nized data Purpose Operation Function us ed Details Synchro nizing 3 or mor.
20 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 Synchro nizing 3 or mor e axes Make contr ol cycle a s sho r t as poss ible wit h Modul es sy n- chroni zed Synchron izing Motion Contro l Modul es on ly Sync Mo de, Sync Cycle Time 5-1 Sync hronous O peratio n betw een Modules Set Sync Mode to Sync and Sync Cy cle Tim e to betw een 0.
21 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 1-7-2 P osition and Speed Contr ol Purpose Operation Main fun ctions used Details PTP posit ioning using p ulse I/O Using Ser vo Driv er compa ti- b.
22 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 PTP posit ioning using p ulse I/O Using Ser vo Driv ers compati - ble with an Absolute Encoder Reading PV from Se r vo Driver • Absolute counter o.
23 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 PTP posit ioning using a nalog I/O Simple p o sition- ing usi ng inv ert- ers Stepped o r sloped analog outp ut cor re- spondi ng to the high-sp eed.
24 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 Synchro nous control Slave axis co n- trol sync hro- nized t o vir t ual axi s. Electroni c cam: Chan gin g tar get pos ition and speed e very cycle based on vir tual puls e ou t- put (pos ition or speed) t o e x e- cute po sitioning .
25 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 1-7-3 Measuring Input Pulses Speed co ntrol T orque cont rol (positio n + torque c ontrol) Individ ual axis control f or mold- ing equ i pment and sim ilar applic ations Switching betw een posi - tion and torque control mo des.
26 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 1-7-4 High-speed Analog I/O Contr ol Detec ting spee d using ro tar y encode r inputs Detec ting spee d and us e in o ut- put co ntro l whi le manag.
27 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 Control using measur ement results fo r undu- lation, d istortion, thic kness , heigh t, diam e- ter , etc.
28 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 1-7-5 Controlling Timing Purpose Operation Main fun ctions used Details Respo nding quic kly to e xter- nal sig nals and oper ate Ex ecuting pro- cessi ng as soon as chan ge i n e x ternal input signal detected Star ting inte r- ru pt pro ces sing when an inp ut bit turns ON and/or O FF .
29 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7 Operat ion wit h highly precise timing Increas ing accu - racy of e xter nal output O N time . (F eeding, hole opening , tape windi ng, gluing, and othe r appli- cations ) High-prec ision ON output s, with minimum uni t of 0.
30 Function T ables Arranged by Purpose Section 1-7.
31 SECTION 2 Specif ications and Nomencl atur e This section pro vides the specif icat ions of the FQM1 an d desc ribes the parts a nd thei r func tion s on the Coo rd inato r Mod ule and Motion Contro l Modules. 2-1 List of Models . . . . . . . . . .
32 List of Models Section 2-1 2-1 List of Mode ls Note If CX-Programmer V er . 5. 0 is used wi th the FQM1, th e FQM1 Patch Software must be installe d.
33 General Sp ecifications Section 2-2 Note (1) Disconnec t the P ower Supply Unit's L G ter minal fro m the GR ter minal when t esting insula tion and diel ectr ic streng th. T est ing the insul ation an d dielect ric strength with th e LG and GR ter mi nals co nnected wi ll da mage inter na l circuit s.
34 Coordinator Modul e Section 2-3 Note (1) T he in rush current is given f or a cold s tar t at room tempe rature wit h an A C power supply . The AC inrush co ntrol circ uit uses a the rm istor ele ment with a low -temperature curre nt contro l character isti c.
35 Coordinator Modul e Section 2-3 Switch on Fr ont Panel P er ipheral P or t Baud R ate Detecti on/Sy stem Setu p Swit ch Function Specifications PRPHL Y ello w P eripheral p or t communi catio ns Lit Communic ating via the peripher al por t. Not lit All othe r times.
36 Coordinator Modul e Section 2-3 CIO Area Input Bit Are a 1 6 bits (CIO 00 00): CIO 0000.0 0 to CIO 0000.1 5 Output Bi t Area 8 bits (CIO 000 1): CIO 0001 .
37 Motion Control Modules Section 2-4 I/O Specifications Built-in General-purpose I/O 2-4 Motion Control Modules Motion Control Module FQM1-MMP21 (Pulse I/O ) R UN ou tput 1 (wh en CJ 1W-P A205 R used.
38 Motion Control Modules Section 2-4 FQM1-MMA21 ( Analog I/O) Nomenc lature Indicators Note IN0 to IN 11, OUT0 to O UT7, an d A1 to B2 are all control led by hardware.
39 Motion Control Modules Section 2-4 P erformance S pecifications Item S pecifications Control method Stored prog ram I/O co ntro l meth od Cycl ic sc an Progr amming langua ge Ladder diag ram Instruct ion length 1 to 7 ste ps per instructio n Numbe r of instru ctions Appro x.
40 Motion Control Modules Section 2-4 I/O Specifications General-purpos e I/O Specifications Common Specifications f or FQM1-MMP21 (Pulse I/O) and FQM1-MMA21 (Analog I/O) P owe r interruption h old fu.
41 Motion Control Modules Section 2-4 Pulse I/O Sp ecifications FQM1-MM P21 (Pulse I/O) Item Specific ations Pulse inputs Number o f counters 2 Counter o peration s Linear coun ter and circular c ounter Input sign als T wo w ords eac h f or phase A, phase B , and phase Z .
42 Motion Control Modules Section 2-4 Pulse Inputs and Analog I/O Specifica tions FQM1-MMA21 ( Analog I/O) Item Specificati ons Pulse inputs Numb er of coun ters 2 Counte r operati ons L inear cou nter , circular counter Input si gnals T wo words each f or phase A, p hase B , and pha se Z.
43 Dimensions Section 2-5 2-5 Dimensions FQM1-CM001 Coor dinator Module FQM1-MMP21/MMA21 Motion Contr ol Modules FQM1-TER01 End Module FLEXIBLE MOTION CONTROLLER RDY RUN ERR PRPHL COMM1 COMM2 PERIPHER.
44 Dimensions Section 2-5 P ower Suppl y Units CJ1W-P A202 CJ1W -P A205R 65 45 81.6 90 POWER PA202 INPUT NC NC AC100 -240V L2/N L1 POWER PA205R DC24V AC240V OUTPUT RUN INPUT AC100-240V L2/N L1 65 80 81.
45 Module Cur rent Consum ption Section 2-6 XW2B-80 J7-1A Se rvo Relay Unit 2-6 Module Current Consumptio n The amou nt of current /power that can be s upplied to the Modu les mount ed in the FQM1 is lim ited.
46 Module Cur rent Consum ption Section 2-6 Motion Contr ol Modules Current Consumpti on for 24-V Syst ems Exam ple Calcula tion of Current and P ower Consumption Exampl e f or CJ1W- P A202 P ower Sup.
47 Memory Block Diagram Section 2-7 2-7 Memory Blo c k D iagram Coordina tor Modu le and Motion Control Module memor y has t he following bloc k confi gurations. • I/O Memor y Area: Mem or y acc essible from us er programs. • Us er Memor y (UM): User programs and paramete r area (See note 1.
48 Memory Block Diagram Section 2-7.
49 SECTION 3 Installation and W iring This secti on describes ho w to instal l and wire the F QM1. 3-1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3-1-1 Installation and W iring Precautions .
50 Installation S ection 3-1 3-1 Installation 3-1-1 Installation and Wiring Precautions Be sur e to co nsider the following factors whe n instal ling and wiri ng the FQM1 to improve the reliability of the syst em and make the most of th e FQM1’ s func- tions.
51 Installation S ection 3-1 • T he FQM1 will be easiest to install and operate if it is mounted at a heigh t of about 1.0 to 1.6 m . Impro ving Noise Resistance • D o not mount the F QM1 in a co ntrol panel co ntaini ng high-voltage equi p- ment.
52 Installation S ection 3-1 FQM1 Orientation • T he FQM1 mus t be mou nted in an upri ght pos ition to provide prope r cool- ing. • D o not ins tall the F QM1 in any of the f o llowing po sitio ns.
53 Installation S ection 3-1 3-1-2 Installation in a Contr ol P anel The FQM 1 must be mou nted in side a c ontrol pa nel on DIN T rack. Note The FQM1 must be mounted on DIN T rack. It cannot be mou nted with screws. Wiring Ducts Use wiri ng ducts to wi re the FQM1’ s built-in I/O.
54 Installation S ection 3-1 Routing Wi ring Ducts Install the wir ing du cts at leas t 20 mm awa y from the FQM1 and any ot her objects, (e.g., c eiling, wir ing duct s, stru ctural s uppor ts, a nd devices) to pro- vide eno ugh sp ace for air circul ation and replac ement of Mo dules.
55 Installation S ection 3-1 Assembled Dimensions W = a + 49 + 49 × n* + 14.7 * n is the number of co nnecte d Motio n Contro l Modules (Up to 4 can be con- nected.) P ower Supply Unit width: “a” mm Coordina tor Module wi dth: 49 mm Motion Con trol Module wid th: 49 m m End Modul e widt h: 14.
56 Installation S ection 3-1 Installation Height The ins tallatio n heig ht of the FQM1 varies from 115 to 165 mm. When a CX -Programmer or conne cting ca bles are conn ected, howe ver , ev e n greater height is requ ired. Allow sufficie nt depth i n the cont rol panel contain- ing th e FQM1.
57 Installation S ection 3-1 2. Mov e the yellow sliders at the top a nd bottom of ea ch Mod ule until th ey click into pla ce to lock the Mo dules tog ether . Note If the l ocking tabs are n ot se cured properl y , the FQM1 may not fu nction prop- erl y .
58 Installation S ection 3-1 2. Fit the back of the FQM1 onto the DIN T rack b y inser ting the FQM1 onto the top of the T rack and then p ressing i n at th e bottom o f the FQ M1, as shown bel ow . 3. Lock the pins on the backs of t he Modu les. 4. Install a DIN T rack End Plate on each end of the FQ M1.
59 Installation S ection 3-1 DIN T rack and Access ories Use the DIN T ra ck and DIN T rack End Plates s hown below . • DIN T rack Model numbe rs: PFP- 50N (50 cm) , PFP-1 00N (100 c m), and PFP-100N 2 (100 cm) Secure the DIN T rack to the c ontrol pan el using M4 screws separated by 210 mm (6 holes) or les s and us ing at least 3 screws.
60 Wi r i n g Section 3-2 3-2 Wiring 3-2-1 Wiring P ower Supply Units Note The R UN outpu t function is provided only f o r the CJ1W-P A205R P ower Sup- ply Unit . It is not provided on the CJ1 W - P A202 P ower Suppl y Uni t. A C P ower Sour ce • Supply 100 to 2 40 V AC .
61 Wi r i n g Section 3-2 T ermina l Screws and Crimp T e rminals The ter mi nals on th e P ower Supply Uni t use M4, self-rai sing ter mi nal screws. Note (1) U se cr imp te rm inals for wiring. (2) Do n ot con nect bare s tranded w ires direct ly to t er minals.
62 Wi r i n g Section 3-2 • LG is a noise -filter ed neutral ter mina l. If noise is a signi ficant sour ce of errors an d to prev ent el ectr ical sh ocks, connect the line ground ter minal to the ground ter minal an d ground both with a gro und resi stance o f less than 100 Ω or less .
63 Wi r i n g Section 3-2 T ermina l Screws and Crimp T e rminals The ter mi nals on th e P ower Supp ly Unit u se M4 sel f-raising t er minal s crews. Note (1) U se cr imp te rm inals for wiring. (2) Do n ot con nect bare s tranded w ires direct ly to t er minals.
64 Wi r i n g Section 3-2 3-2-2 RS-232C P or t Wi ring Connector Pin Arrang ement Note Do not connect the 5- V power supply on pin number 6 of the RS-23 2C por t to any de vices oth er than a NT -AL0001 C onv er ter . Doing so m a y damag e the ex ter nal device and the Coor dinato r Module.
65 Wi r i n g Section 3-2 P eripheral Bus (T oolbus) Serial Comm unications Mode Use the following conn ectors and cables if mak ing the RS- 232C cable for RS- 232C por t conn ections.
66 Wi r i n g Section 3-2 Connection Example to Pr ogrammab le T e rminal (PT) Direct Con nection f rom RS-232C to RS -232C • C ommunicati ons Mode : NT Link (1:N, N = 1 n ode onl y) • O MRON Cables with Connector s: XW 2Z200T ( 2 m) XW2Z5 00T (5 m ) RS-232C P or t Specifications Note Baud rates for the RS-232 C are specifi ed only up to 19.
67 W iring Module Connectors Section 3-3 3-3 Wiring Modu le Connectors 3-3-1 Connector Pin Arrangement The following tables p rovide the conne ctor pi n arrange ment for FQM1 M od- ules. FQM1-CM001 Coordinator Module General-purpose I/O 40-pin Connector Pin No.
68 W iring Module Connectors Section 3-3 FQM1-MM @ 21 Motion Control Modules General-purpose I/O 26-pin Connector FQM1-MMP21 Pulse I/O 40-pin Connector Pin No. Name Address Pin No. Name Address 26 No t used . 25 N ot us ed. 24 External input 0 (interrupt inpu t) CIO 0 000.
69 W iring Module Connectors Section 3-3 FQM1-MMA21 Analog I/O 40-pin Connector 23 Cou nter 1 SEN output si gnal f or absolute Servo Driver SEN output 24 Counter 2 SEN out put sign al for absolute Ser.
70 W iring Module Connectors Section 3-3 Note Connect th e voltage input ( +) and the curren t input when usin g with a current input between 4 and 2 0 mA. 3-3-2 External Connection Dia grams The conn ections wi th the Ser vo Drivers, the main type of device connected , are outl ined in th e follo wing t ables.
71 W iring Module Connectors Section 3-3 3-3-3 Wiring Exa mples Connecting Pulse Inputs (FQM1-MMP21/ MMA21) Connect th e output from an en coder to the co nnector in the following wa y , accord ing to the por t's counter op eration. Note The numbers in paren theses a re the pi n numbers o n the negati ve side.
72 W iring Module Connectors Section 3-3 • T he wir ing for an encoder wi th a line-dr iver output (A m26LS31 or equiva- lent) is shown be low . Connecting a Serv o Driver (OMRON's W Se ries) C.
73 W iring Module Connectors Section 3-3 Connecting Pulse Outputs (FQM1-MMP21) Examp le Connectio ns with a Ser vo Driver are given below , a s an example.
74 W iring Module Connectors Section 3-3 Connecting Analog Outputs (FQM1- MMA21) Output s ignals a re conne cted a s shown in the following diagram. Connecting Analog Inputs (FQM1-MMA21) V oltage Inpu.
75 W iring Servo R elay Units Section 3-4 Applicable Connector -T erminal Block Con version Units Recommended Wire Siz e The recomm ended size for cable wires is A WG 24 to A WG26 (0.2 to 0.13 mm 2 ) . Use a ca ble with an outer diameter of less than 1 .
76 W iring Servo R elay Units Section 3-4 Nomenclature and Functions 1,2,3. .. 1. Motion Con trol Module 40-pin C onnect or Connects to the 40- pin conn ector on the Moti on Contro l Module. 2. Motion Control Module 34-pin C onnect or Connects to the 26 -pin co nnect or on the Motio n Control Modu le.
77 W iring Servo R elay Units Section 3-4 Upper T ermina l Block Pin Arrangement Lowe r T erminal Block Pin Arr angement Note (1) Alloc ated when co nnect ing a n FQM1- MMA21 Analog I/O Motion Con tro l Module. (2) Us ed as the power s upply for FQM1-MMP 21 pulse outputs or SEN out- puts for Ser vo Dr ivers compat ible with abs olute enc oder .
78 W iring Servo R elay Units Section 3-4 6. Signa l Switch es Note (a) A n exter nal encod er with a line-dr iver output can be connec ted. (b) F or 4 to 20 m A cu rrent i nputs, voltage in put (+) a nd cu rrent i nput do not need to be connected . 7.
79 W iring Servo R elay Units Section 3-4 External Dimensions Wiring Screw -less Clamp T erminal Bloc ks Screw-less clamp te r minal bloc ks us e clam ps to attach wi res, and do not require s crews . In add ition to co ntrol si gnal wir ing to S er vo Drivers, clamp ter- minal blocks can be use d to connec t sensor s and extern al devices.
80 W iring Servo R elay Units Section 3-4 Recommended Scr ewdriver Model Man ufacturer SZF1 Phoenix Contact Inc. 3.5 mm 0.6 mm Side Front.
81 W iring Servo R elay Units Section 3-4 Wiring when Using Serv o Relay Units FLEXIBLE MOTION CONTROLLER RDY RUN ERR PRPHL COMM1 COMM2 PERIPHERAL PORT ON OFF CM001 2 CN1 RS422 1 40 39 1 2 MMP21 2 CN2.
82 W iring Servo R elay Units Section 3-4 Exam ple Serv o Relay Unit Wiring When Ser vo Rela y Un its for the FQM1 a re used, th e I/O power supply is pro- vided fr om ter minals 20-0, 21- 1, and 60-4 0. The only addition al wir ing required ar e the connec tions betwee n the signals, as s hown in the f o llowing diagram.
83 List of FQM1 Connecting Cables Section 3-5 3-5 List of FQM1 Co nnecting Cables It is reco mmende d that specia l cables are used when connecti ng Coordina tor and Motio n Contr ol Module s to Ser vo Rela y Units. Connecting Cable Models 1,2,3. .. 1.
84 List of FQM1 Connecting Cables Section 3-5 3. Ser vo Relay Unit Connec ting Cables (for FQM1-MM P21/M MA21, 40- pin MIL C onne ctor) 4. RS-422A Con necting Ca bles (with 9-pi n D-sub Connector) 5. Ser vo Driver Connecting Cables (Ser vo Rela y Uni t to Ser vo Driver) 6.
85 W iring Precautions Section 3-6 • Attach th e modif ied cable to the XW2D-40 G6 Connec tor-T er minal Block Conv e rsion U nit . 3-6 Wiring Precautio ns 3-6-1 Reducing Electrical Noise I/O Signal.
86 W iring Precautions Section 3-6 Inductive Loads When an i nductive load i s conn ected to I/O, connect a s urge s uppres sor or diode in parallel w ith the load as shown below . Note Use surge suppres sors and d iodes wi th the following specifi cations.
87 W iring Precautions Section 3-6 3-6-2 Connecting I/O De vices Input Devi ces Use the f o llowing infor matio n f or reference when sel ecting or connectin g input de vices.
88 W iring Precautions Section 3-6 • The circuit below sho uld NO T be use d for I/O devices having a voltage output. Precautions when Connecting a T wo-wire DC Sensor When using a two-wire sensor with a 24-V DC input device, check that the f ol- lowing con ditions hav e been m et.
89 W iring Precautions Section 3-6 3. Relation b etween FQM1 O FF curre nt and sen sor lea kage current : I OFF ≥ I leak Connect a bleeder res istor R if I leak is greater tha n I OFF . Use the following equation t o calcu late the bleeder resistan ce co nstant.
90 W iring Precautions Section 3-6 Output Sur g e Current When con necting a tra nsistor or tri ac output to a n output d e vice having a high surge c urrent (such as an incand escent l amp), s teps must be taken to av oid damage to the transi stor or tria c.
91 SECTION 4 Operation This section describes the oper ation of the FQM1. 4-1 Coordinator Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4-1-1 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
92 Coordinator Modul e Section 4-1 4-1 Coord inato r Module The FQM1 Coordina tor Modul e and eac h Motio n Control Module hav e sepa- rate ladder pr ogramming. Ea ch Mod ule in depende ntly proce sses the ladder programming, I/ O , and pe riph eral ser vic ing to achiev e high -speed I/O response somewhat li ke a system o f multiple CP U Units.
93 Coordinator Modul e Section 4-1 Syste m Setup The Syst em Setup c ontain s software switche s used to make initi al setti ngs and oth er setti ngs. As shown in Appen dix C Syste m Setu p , A uxi liar y A rea Alloca tions, and Bu ilt-in I/ O Alloc ations , add resses (words and bits ) are allo- cated f o r se ttings in the Sy stem Se tup .
94 Coordinator Modul e Section 4-1 4-1-3 I/O Refreshi ng and P eripheral Servic ing I/O Refreshing I/O ref reshing updates general- pur pose I /O statu s. All I/O is refr eshed in the same cy cle (i.e., time slici ng is no t used ). I/O ref resh ing is alwa ys per formed after program e xecution.
95 Motion Control Modules Section 4-2 4-2 Motion Control Modules 4-2-1 Outli ne Motion Co ntrol M odule s each hav e inde pendent l adder p rogramming, which perform processi ng indepe ndentl y from o ther Modu les. The following diagram shows the int er nal s truct ure of Mo tion Contr ol Modul es.
96 Motion Control Modules Section 4-2 Broadl y speaki ng, the u ser pro gram consis ts of a cyc lic tas k and inter rup t tasks, whic h are ex ecuted for inter rupts. T he cycl ic task is ex e cuted ev er y cycle. The use r program is stored in RAM and flash mem or y .
97 Motion Control Modules Section 4-2 Sync Mode Operation In Sync M ode , th e Moti on Co ntrol Modul e's cyclic scan i s synced w ith t he Coor dinat or Mo dule's cyclic sc an or the sync cycle time set in th e Syst em Setup. The program in each Moti on Con trol Mod ule is t hus ex ec uted at the same tim e.
98 Motion Control Modules Section 4-2 Initialization at At po wer ON Inter nal Mo dule i nitiali zatio n (deter mi ning t he operat ing mode, ini tializ ing user memor y , cle arin g specif ied me mor y a reas, checking for memor y corr uption , reading the Syste m Setup, etc.
99 Operating Modes Section 4-3 4-3 Operat ing Mode s 4-3-1 Operating Modes Coordina tor and Motion Control Mod ules have three operating m odes that control the user pr ogram.
100 P ow er OFF Operation Section 4-4 4-3-3 Operating Mode Changes and I/O Memory Note (1) T he cycle ti me will i ncrease by approximately 10 ms when the operatin g mode is changed from M ONIT O R to RUN mode. This wi ll not ca use a n error f or e xceeding the maxim u m cycle time limi t.
101 P ow er OFF Operation Section 4-4 Note The above timing char t shows an example wh en the User-s et P ower OFF Detection Time is set to 0 ms. The following timing char t shows the Coordi nator Modul e power OFF opera- tion in m ore detai l.
102 P ow er OFF Operation Section 4-4 Description of Operation P ower OFF wil l be dete cted if the 100 to 240 V A C power suppl y stays below 85% of the mi nimum rated voltage f o r the Fi x ed P ower OFF Detection Time (variable between 10 to 25 ms.
103 SECTION 5 Module Functions and Data Exchange This section describes the fu nctions common to bo th the Coordinator Module and Mo tion Control Modules an d the methods to transfer data between the Coordinator Module and Motion Control Modules. 5-1 Synchro nous Operation between Mo dules .
104 Synch ronous Operation betw een Modules Section 5-1 5-1 Synchr onous Op eration between Mo dules Sync and ASync Modes Sync Mode The Coordin ator Modul e and Mo tion Contro l Modules are nor mall y set to operate us ing the same c ycle t ime, i.e., sync hronously .
105 Data Exchange between Modul es Section 5-2 5-2 Data Exchange b etween Modules The three method s f or data exchange between C oordinato r and Motion Con- trol Modu les a re outlin ed in the following table. These m ethods can be use d simultaneo usly .
106 Cyclic Re fresh Section 5-3 5-3 Cyc lic Refresh 5-3-1 Outli ne Status i nf or mation , general-p ur pose I/O, and other in f or mati on for each Motion Cont rol Mo dule in the Cy clic Refre sh Area of th e Coordina tor Modul e are refres hed ev e r y Coordi nator Mod ule cyc le (asy nchronous to the Mo tion Control M odule cycles ).
107 Cyclic Re fresh Section 5-3 5-3-3 Cyc lic Refresh Area Details Coordinator Module Cyclic Refresh Area CIO 0100 to CIO 0109 in each Mot ion Control Mod ule is allocate d to ten words between CIO 0 100 to CIO 0139 in the Coordinator Modu le accor ding to the slot number for the Motio n Control Module.
108 Cyclic Re fresh Section 5-3 5-3-4 Cyc lic Refresh Area Allocations CM: Coordina tor Module MM: Mo tion Contr ol Mod ule CIO 0105 00 to 07 MM Output Refres h Area (This MM to CM) Data from thi s area is al lo- cated to the Coordi nator Mod - ule's CM Inp ut Refresh Area (MM to CM).
109 Synchron ous Data Refre sh Section 5-4 5-4 Synchr onous D ata Refresh 5-4-1 Outli ne If Sync is s et under Sy nchroni zation be tween Modules in the Syst em Setup, each Mo dule w ill broadc ast the specifi ed data (2 types data, 4 words max.) t o the Synch ronous Data Link Bit Areas each Coordina tor Module cycle or spe c- ified sy nc cyc le.
110 Synchron ous Data Refre sh Section 5-4 Synchr onous Data Note (1) Synchron ous data for Coordina tor Modul es is fi x ed to gen eral-pur pos e (ladder ex ecution results ) data.
111 Synchron ous Data Refre sh Section 5-4 Note (1) Ad dresses ar e the same for the Coordinator Modul e and all Mo tion Con- trol Mod ules. (2) Wh en the sy nchronou s data is one-wor d data (an alog input values, ana- log output values, built-in I/O, etc .
112 DM Data T ransfer Section 5-5 Syste m Setup ( Motion Contro l Modules) Selecting Sync hronous Data Select the type of sync hronous data to be s ent by each Motion Con trol Mod- ule in th e System Setup for that Mo tion Co ntrol Modul e, as shown in the f ol- low in g t abl e.
113 DM Data T ransfer Section 5-5 5-5-2 Settings Details The sett ings for using the DM data tran sf er fun ction are made in the Auxili ar y Area. 5-5-3 Executi ng DM Data T ransfer Step 1: Mak e Auxiliary Area Settings T o transfer data, the A uxiliar y Area settin gs, descr ibed ea rli er , must be made.
114 Cycle T ime Set tings Section 5-6 Step 2 : T u rn ON R equest Bit • T ransferring DM Data fr om the Coo rdinator M odule to a M otion Contr ol Module: T ur n ON the DM Wr ite Reque st Bi t (Coord inator M odule t o Moti on Cont rol Mo dul e) ( A530.
115 Cycle T ime Set tings Section 5-6 System S etup Constant Cycle Ti me Exceeded Flag Constant Cycle Ti me Exceeded Error Clear Bit Constant Cycle Time Function in Sync Mode When in Sy nc Mode with a.
116 Cycle T ime Set tings Section 5-6 Note When the c onstant c ycle ti me fun ction is en abled f or the M otion Cont rol M od- ule in A Sync Mode, the M otion Co ntrol Mo dule's cyc le time wi ll be co nstant.
117 Cycle T ime Set tings Section 5-6 5-6-4 Clearing Constant Cyc le Time Exceeded Err ors When us ing th e const ant cy cle time function, nor m ally th e cycle time wi ll no longer s ta y constan t (i.e., will vary dep ending on the real cy cle time) if th e constan t cycl e time i s exceeded o nce.
118 Operation Settin gs at Startup and Maintenan ce Functions Section 5-7 5-7 Operat ion Settin gs at S tartup and Main tenanc e Func tions This sec tion des cri bes the following ope ration setti ngs at st ar tup and mainte- nance fun ctions.
119 Operation Settin gs at Startup and Maintenan ce Functions Section 5-7 P asswor d Protectio n 1,2,3. .. 1. Register a password either onli ne or offl ine. a. Select the Module in the Device T ype drop-d own menu and select Prope r ties from the View Menu.
120 Diagnostic Function s Section 5-8 in the PLC prope r tie s and Window/PLC Memory Backup S tatus mus t b e sele cted from the View Menu. For nor mal transfer operations ( PLC/T ran sfer ), the backup status will be displayed in the transfer window after the tran sfer status for the program and other data.
121 Diagnostic Function s Section 5-8 The number of rec ords is stored in binar y in the Error Log P ointer (A408). T he pointer is not in cremente d when m ore than 20 errors hav e occur red. Note The FQM1 d oes not supp or t a clock and the ti me data in the error log will alwa y s be 0101 .
122 Diagnostic Function s Section 5-8 Errors generated by F A L(006) can be clea red by e xecuting F A L(006) with F AL number 00 or performin g the error read/clear op eration from the CX-Pr ogram- mer . Operation of F ALS(007) When inp ut con dition B goe s ON, an error with F A LS number 3 is gen erated and A401.
123 SECTION 6 Coordinator Module Fu nctions This section describes the ser ial communications fun ctions, which are supported only by the Coordinator Module. 6-1 Serial Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
124 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 6-1 Serial Communications The FQM 1 supp or ts the following ser ial co mmunicatio ns func tions. Pr otocol Connecti ons Description P orts Pe ripheral RS- 232C .
125 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 Note The CJ1 W - CIF11 is not insulate d and t he tota l transmi ssion d istance is 50 meters m ax. If the tota l transmissi on distan ce is greater than 50 m eters, use the insul ated NT - AL001 an d do not use the CJ1 W -CIF11 .
126 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 6-1-1 Host Link Communications The following table shows th e Host Link co mmunica tion fu nctions av ai lable in FQM1. Sel ect th e method tha t best suits your applicat ion. Pr ocedure A list of Host Lin k comma nds is provided next.
127 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 Host Link Commands The follo wing table lists th e Host L ink comman ds. Refer to the C-ser ies Host Link Uni ts Syst em Manual (W143) for detai ls.
128 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 FINS Commands The following table lis ts the F INS commands . Refer to the C-ser ies H ost Li nk Units Sy stem Manual (W143) for details. Progra m ar ea access com- mands RP PROGRAM READ Reads the contents of the Coord i nator Module’ s user progr am area i n machine language (object c ode).
129 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 6-1-2 No-pr o tocol Comm unications (RS-232C P or t) No-prot ocol Mo de is used to se nd and recei v e data us ing the co mmunications por t TXD(236) an d RXD(23.
130 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 Pr ocedure Message Frame Formats Data can be plac ed betw een a start co de and en d code for transmi ssion by TXD(236) and frames with that sa me format can be received by RXD(235).
131 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 Refer to the Instr uct ions Re ference Manual ( Cat. No . O011) f o r more detai ls on the TX D(236) and RXD(2 35) instr uctio ns. System Setup RS-232C Settings (Host Link Port Settings) Note The set tings are m ade us ing CX-P rogrammer V er .
132 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 6-1-4 Serial PLC Links Overvie w T he FQM1 can be co nnecte d to a Se rial PLC Li nk by linking to a Ser ial PL C Master .
133 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 Direction of Data T ransfer For e x ample, if the numbe r of link words is set t o 10, the CJ1M CPU Uni t (master) will broadca st CIO 3100 to CIO 3109 from its I/O memor y an d to CIO 00 80 to CIO 0089 in the I/O mem or y of each FQM 1 Controller (slaves).
134 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 Settings CJ1M (Master) PLC Set up Note (1) A uto maticall y alloc ates 10 words (A hex) when the def ault s etting of 0 hex is used. (2) Con nectio n to the F QM1 is not possible at 1 15,200 b its/s. FQM1 (S lave) System Se tup Note The set tings are m ade us ing CX-P rogrammer V er .
135 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 Note When the Se r ial Gatewa y fun ction is u sed, the FQM1 receives FINS com- mands (e ncapsulated W -ser ies or SM ARTSTEP com mands) via the RS-422A por t fr.
136 Serial Comm unications Section 6-1 6-1-6 No-pr o tocol Comm unications (RS-422A P or t) RS-422A Sett ings Note The set tings are m ade us ing CX-P rogrammer V er .
137 SECTION 7 Motion Contr ol Module Functions This section describes th e v arious functio ns supported by the Motion Co ntrol Module. 7-1 Ov erview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
138 7-6-10 Range Compar ison Bit Pattern Outputs from Puls e Output PVs . . . 182 7-6-11 Acceleration/Deceleration R ates in A CC(888) and PLS2(887) Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 7-6-12 PLS 2(887) Pul se Output Directi on Prio rity Mode .
139 Overview Section 7-1 7-1 Over view The FQM 1 Modules hav e the following func tions. Main functio n (Applic able Mo dules) Sub-functions Basic i nterrupt functi ons (FQM1-M MP21/MM A21) Input Int err upts (4 po ints) (Inpu t Interrupt Mod e or Counter M ode) Interval T imer Interrupt (1 point ) Sett ing rang e: 0.
140 Interrupt Fun ctions Section 7-2 7-2 Interru pt Functio ns 7-2-1 Overvie w The Moti on Contro l Modu les supp or t the following in terr upts. Executing Interrupt Pr ograms in the FQM1 The programmi ng routin es that ar e e xecuted for all of the following interr upts are programmed as interr upt tas ks.
141 Interrupt Fun ctions Section 7-2 This situ ation can be a voided with the programming me thods shown in the f ol- lowing diagram. Note Only o ne inter rupt task numbe r is r ecorde d for pulse outp ut and high-spee d count er interr upts.
142 Input Interru pts Section 7-3 The EI(694 ) instr uction d oes not enable all interr upts. If an i nterru pt was masked before all in terr upts were di sabled, that interr upt w ill stil l be ma sked after the prohibi tion on al l interr upts is clear ed.
143 Input Interru pts Section 7-3 Counter Mod e 7-3-5 Using Input I nterrupts Input Interrupt Mode Pr ocedure 1,2,3... 1. De ter mine whi ch input inte rru pt number wi ll be us ed. 2. Wire t he i nput. 3. Make the necess ar y Syste m Setup setti ngs .
144 Input Interru pts Section 7-3 Counter Mode Pr ocedure 1,2,3. .. 1. Deter mine wh ich inpu t inter rup t number wil l be used . 2. Deter min e the i nitial S V for the decrem enting count er . 3. Wire th e input. 4. Make the necess ar y Sys tem Setup settings.
145 Input Interru pts Section 7-3 7-3-6 Applicatio n Example This example s hows input in terr upt 0 and input interr upt 1 used i n interr upt input mod e and c ounter mo de, respectively . Before e xecuting the program, v er ify th at the following System Setup settings hav e been m ade: input 0 and i nput 1 both set to Interr uptio n (up ) .
146 Interval T imer Interrupts Section 7-4 The following timing char t shows the operation o f the program as it is ex e- cuted . Note (1) Cou nting con tinues ev e n whil e the inter rup t task is b eing ex ecuted. (2) T he input i nterru pts are m asked after th is point .
147 Interval T imer Interrupts Section 7-4 7-4-5 Applicatio n Example In this e x ample, the i nter val timer is use d to generat e an inte rru pt ev er y 2.4 ms (0.6 ms × 4). The default System Setup s ettings are use d. (Input s are not refres hed for interr upt pr ocessing.
148 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 7-5 Pulse Inputs 7-5-1 Applicab le Models 7-5-2 Outli ne The FQM 1-MMP21 and FQ M1-MMA2 1 Motion C ontrol Mo dules c an rece ive pulse inpu ts.
149 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Counte r va lues Linear Cou n ter: 8000 000 0 to 7FFF FF FF he x Circul ar Counter: 0000 000 0 to Circular max imum count (he x) (The circ ular maxim um co unt is se t in the Sy stem Setup between 0000 0001 and FFFF FFFF h ex.
150 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 7-5-4 Pulse Input Specifications Item Specifi cation Number of pulse i nputs 2 inpu ts Note High-spe ed counte r 1 can be an RS-422A line-driv er inpu t or an inpu t with a v oltage of 24 VD C.
151 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Min imum r esponse pulse At 50 kHz At 500 kH z Operatio n ma y not b e reliab le abov e 50 kHz. Item Specifi cation OFF ON 50% OFF ON T1 T2 T4 T3 OFF ON 50% ON 50% OFF Encoder Inputs A and B W avef or m of Encoder Inputs A and B Signal rise and fall must be 3 µ s max.
152 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 7-5-5 Latc h Input Specifications 7-5-6 Applicab le Instruct ions 7-5-7 Internal C ir c uit Configurations Pulse Inputs Phases A and B Phase Z Item S peci fic atio n Numb er of i nput s 2 Input v oltage 20.
153 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 7-5-8 Pulse Input Functi on Description The pulse inp ut functi on uses the high -speed co unters. The puls e input func- tion can be u sed t o monitor change s (m ov e ment) i n the high-sp eed coun ter PV (mo de 1) or chang es in the high-sp eed co unter fr equency (mode 2) .
154 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Counter Operation (Numeric Ranges) The following two counter operation s are av ailable f or high- speed co unters 1 and 2, with the sp ecified counting ranges.
155 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 ■ Phase-Z Signal (Reset Input) and Software Rese t The PV of th e high -speed cou nter is reset on the firs t risin g edge of th e phase -Z signal after the correspo nding Hig h-speed Counter Reset Bit (se e below) tur n s ON.
156 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 ■ Range Comparison Method Up to 16 compar iso n ranges (lower and upper li mit values) and corres pondin g output bi t patter ns can be regist ered in the co mpar ison table.
157 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Monitoring High-speed Counter Mov ement (Mode 1) This func tion mo nitors t he change in a hi gh-speed counter ’ s PV ( tra vel dis- tance) regular ly at t he pres et sampli ng pe riod . The samp ling peri od can b e set betwee n 1 and 9,9 99 ms.
158 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 High-speed Counter Movement (Mode 1) Spe cifications Note (1) Wh en usin g mode 1 with a circul ar cou nter , set th e maximum circula r val- ue to 10 or higher . (2) In mo de 1, the Mo tion Cont rol Modul e outputs the change as the differ- ence in the count m easured eac h sampli ng per iod.
159 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Frequency M easureme nt (Mode 2) Specifica tions Latching a High-speed Counter’ s PV The prese nt counter value can be latc hed at t he risi ng edg e of the latc h signal input an d stored as the latch re gister value.
160 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 7-5-9 Pulse Input Functi on Pr ocedures High-speed Counter Pr ocedure 1,2,3. .. 1. Deter mine th e Input Mode, reset m ethod, and N umer ic Ran ge.
161 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Mode 1 Pr ocedure 1,2,3. .. 1. Deter mine the Counting Speed, In put Mode, Reset Metho d, and Counter Operation . • Cou nting Spee d: 50 k Hz or 50 0 kHz • Input Mode:.
162 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 • Mo nitor the high -speed counter m ov e ment value in A604 a nd A60 5 (high- speed co unter 1) or A606 and A6 07 (high -speed c ounter 2 ). Pr ocedure 1,2,3. .. 1. Set Coun ter movements (mode 1) in the System Setti ngs ( P ulse Inpu t, Coun ter da ta di spla y ).
163 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Examp le When the P V reac hes 2,500 hex, interr upt task 10 is sta r ted . When the P V reac hes 7,500 hex, interr upt task 11 is sta r ted .
164 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Exam ple 2 : High-speed Counter Range Compa rison & Bit P att ern Output In this example, pulse inp ut 1 operat es a high-sp eed co unter , th e high-spee d count er PV is compar ed i n a range compar ison , and corre sponding bit patte r n is outpu t inte rn ally wh en the PV is wit hin a specifi ed range.
165 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Range High-speed Counter PV Time Content of A612 3 10000 Range 2 7500 Range 1 2500 A612: 0001 hex 0002 hex 0004 hex 0008 hex 0001 hex 0002 hex 0004 hex 0008 hex 0001 hex P.
166 Pulse Inputs Section 7-5 Exam ple 3 : Latching High-speed Counter PV In this example, pulse inp ut 1 operat es a high-sp eed co unter , th e high-spee d counter PV is latche d, and the cap tured h igh-speed c ounter PV is read.
167 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 7-6 Pulse Outputs 7-6-1 Applicab le Models 7-6-2 Outli ne The FQM 1-MMP21 Motion Co ntrol Mo dule p rovides 2 pul se output s. The pulse ou tputs can be used for the following functi ons. Note Set the puls e output o peration mode f or each o utput in S ystem Set up (Pulse Out put T ab P age) .
168 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 7-6-3 Specifi cations Item S peci fic atio n Acceler ation/ decelera - tion None Y es T ra pezoid None None (ac celera tion or decele ration ) Y es with separ ate accele.
169 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 7-6-4 Pulse Output Specificatio ns All Pulse O utputs Except f o r One-shot Pulse Outputs One-shot Pulse Outputs Numbe r of out put puls es 1) Rela tiv e pulse outp ut: .
170 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 7-6-5 Applicab le Instruct ions The following se ven instr ucti ons can be us ed to contro l pulse outp uts. The relatio nship between the i nstr uction and the type s of pul se outp ut that is po s- sible is al so list ed in th e following table.
171 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 7-6-6 Pulse Output Function Details Overvie w Pu lses ar e output i n ind ependent m ode or c ontinuous m ode. In ind ependent mode, the number of ou tput puls es is spec ified i n advance. In conti nuous mode, the number of outpu t pulses is not s pecifie d in advance.
172 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Pulse output operation mo de (Only in Independent M ode) Description Compatib le instructions (1) Relativ e pulse ou tput P ositions to a relativ e positio n from the present po sition. The nu mber of ou tput puls es (actual o utput amou nt) in the spe cified di rection is the targe t numbe r of pulse s.
173 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Pulse Output Operations The following table shows the operations that can be performed with the pul se output functi on. Mode Frequency changes Des cription Proc edure Example Inst ruc- tions Settings Contin u- ous mode (Speed control) The f requency is changed in steps (u p or down) dur ing puls e out put.
174 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Indepen - dent mode (P osition - ing) Puls e out put starts at the specif ied fre- quen cy and stop s when the specif ied num- ber of pu lses hav e been ou t- put. (The numbe r of pulses cannot be chan ged dur- ing puls e out- put.
175 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Note With ACC(888) and PLS2(88 7), the ac celeratio n/decele ration rate’ s speed -change cycle c an be s et to 2ms or 1 ms.
176 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Form ula: Actual f requenc y = Clock frequ ency ÷ INT (clock frequency /target frequ ency) Note INT (clock freq uency /target freq uency ) is th e dividi ng ratio . The difference between the ta rget frequ ency and the actual frequen cy increa ses at hi gher freq uencies.
177 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Set the puls e output ope ration mode to 1 sh ot in advance in the Syste m Setup, as shown in the following table. Note A pulse ou tput por t that is bei ng used for one-shot pul se outputs cannot be used f or any other pulse output functions.
178 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 7-6-8 Time Measure ment with the Pulse Counter The one-s hot puls e output function can be us ed to cr eate a high-prec ision pulse coun ter timer.
179 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 (3) If th e STIM( 980) instr u ction is e xecuted again to r estar t an ope rating tim- er , the timer value will be reset to 0 and th e timer w ill restar t.
180 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Linear Mode Operation A target value can be set at a d esired p ulse outp ut PV to ex ecute an i nterr upt task when the target v alue is reache d. An ACC(888) or SP ED(885) instr uctio n can be programmed i n the interr upt tas k to perform spee d control at that tar- get value.
181 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 D00100 0 0 3 2 D00101 0 7 D 0 D00102 0 0 0 0 ACC #1 #0 D00100 @CTBL #3 #0 D00000 3.00 D00000 0 0 0 5 D00001 0 5 0 0 D00002 0 0 0 0 D00003 0 0 0 1 D00004 2 0 0 0 D00005 0.
182 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Circ ular Mode Operation A speed contr ol patt er n can be r epeate d in cont inuous spee d cont rol to c on- trol a se rie s of repet itive operations at specif ic posi tions.
183 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Setting the Spee d-change Cycle The speed c hange cyc le f or th e A CC(888) and PLS 2(887) ins truc tions is specifi ed by setti ng the O N/OFF bit sta tus of A 628.07 before e xecuting the A CC(88 8) or PLS2 (887) i nstruc tion.
184 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Setting the Pulse Output Direction Priority Mode The pul se outpu t direc tion pr io rity mode for the PLS2(8 87) ins truc tion is spec- ified by se tting the ON/OF F bit sta tus o f A628.14 before ex ecut ing the PLS2 (887) ins tru ction.
185 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 • Se t the clock spee d for pulse outpu ts 1 an d 2. 4. Create the necessar y ladder programming. • U se PULS (886) to se t number of o utput pu lses for the sp ecified por t. • U se SPED (885) to star t pulse output contro l with out acce leratio n/deceler - ation fro m the spec ified po r t.
186 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 • U se PR V(881) to read th e pulse o utput P V of the sp ecified por t. Pulse Outputs without Acceleration/Dece leration (PULS(886) : Elect r onic Cam Control) This p.
187 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 The PULS (886) ins truc tion (Elec tronic Cam C ontrol ) can be used to im me- diately change the pulse output value f or abs olute posi tioning or the pul se output freq uency for speed cont rol in re sponse to the high-s peed coun ter PV (e.
188 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 • Sele ct puls e outpu t 1 or 2 . 2. Wire th e output. • O utput: CW an d CCW • O utput power supply: 5 V DC 3. Make the ne cessar y Syste m Setu p setting s (Pul se Outpu t T ab Page − Op- eration Mod e).
189 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 • Se t the p ulse ou tput operati on mode ( in the Pulse O utput T ab P age − Operation Mode) to Calculation (tim e measureme nt) . 3. Create the necessar y ladder programming. a. Use STIM (980) with C1 = #000 B or #000C and C2 = #0000 to star t measur ement.
190 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Changing the Frequency in Steps In this ex ampl e, the SPED (885) i nstr uction is use d to cha nge th e speed of a pulse ou tput from por t 2 from a frequenc y of 3,000 Hz to 50,000 H z. In this case, the pulse ou tput is a CCW c ontinuou s mod e output .
191 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Note The pul se output can b e stop ped by e xecuting ACC(888) with a dece leratio n target frequen cy of 0. Howe ver , s ince the puls e output canno t be stopped at the co rrect number of pulse s, the dece leration ta rget freq uency should n ot be set to 0 if it is nece ssar y to output a precise number of pulses.
192 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 PULS #1 #2 D00000 P_On MOVL &200000 D00002 END P_On APR D01000 A600 D00000 D00000 D00001 D00002 D00003 D01000 1 0 0 4 D01001 0 3 E 7 D01002 0 0 0 0 D01003 0 0 0 0 D0.
193 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Using PLS2(887 ) for T rapezoi dal Accelerati on/Deceleration In this example, the axis is accelerated in the CW direc tion at 500 Hz/2 ms, the accel eration/decel eration rate is red uced to 300 Hz/2 ms, and th e pulse output is stopp ed after 30 0,000 p ulses have been output.
194 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 get F requenc y Not R eached Fla g (A624. 02 or A62 5.02) wil l tur n ON at the peak of th e tr iangula r patter n an d tur n O FF when de celera tion is c ompleted. One-shot Pulse Out put Function Example In this ex ampl e, STIM(980) is used to ge nerate a 1 .
195 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 (3) Us e this fun ction for position ing. Allo wed Star tup Conditions for P ulse Ou tput Operations (with Output Stopped) The follo wing ta ble shows when an independ e.
196 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 PULS(886) Absolute Pulse Output in Progress Pulse Ou tput Oper ation Mode (Absolute Linear) Limitations PLS2(887 ) Startup Conditions when other Instructions are being Executed Note (1) Can cel the number of output pu lses set with PULS(8 86) and then e xecute PLS2 (887).
197 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Note Cancel the number of output pu lses set with PULS(886) and then ex e cute PLS2 (887). Cases (1), (2 ), and (3) Case (4) Case (5) PULS (886) No absol ute output Y es Y es --- Y es N o Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s ( S e e note.
198 Pulse Output s Section 7-6 Note The pul se output w ill stop. After the ax is stop s, it must be rest ar ted . Cases (6), (8 ), (9), and (10) • Star ting ins truction: A CC(888) (continuou s or .
199 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 • Star ting ins truction: A CC(888) (continuou s or indepen dent), dece leratio n, absolu te circu lar 7-7 Function.
200 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 7-7-3 Data Format of Absolute Encoder Output The f or mat of dat a from a Ser vo Driver compatible with an abs olute enco der suppor ted by the Motio n Control Mod ule is a s f ollows: Serial Data Spe cification Data Format Note (1) T he “P” is in AS CII.
201 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 •E x a m p l e 1 A value between 0 a nd 65,534 i s set in the Se r vo Driver , the S ystem Setup’ s Coun ter 1 C ounter ope ration is se t to an a bsolu te linear (CW − ) counter , an d the Ser vo Driver’ s rev erse rotation mode se tting (Pn000.
202 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 Absolute Circular Counter The ab solute enc oder’ s pulse i nf or mati on is counted using a cir cular coun ter . (Only the initi al in crementa l pulse (angle) reading is u sed as th e abso lute v alue.
203 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 P s : Absolu te offset Note With an a bsolute circular counter, the absolut e number of rotations presen t v alue (A604/A 605) is not used ; only the initi al increme ntal pu lses ar e used.
204 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 7-7-9 Related Areas Syste m Setup T ab page Functi on Details Time when setting beco mes effect ive Pulse Input Coun .
205 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 A uxiliary Area Pulse input Counter 1 Max. circula r va l u e When the co unter operati on is set to circu lar counter , this pa rameter s ets the m aximum val ue in the circu- lar coun ter .
206 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 A606 and A607 00 to 15 High-speed Counter 2 Count er oper ation • Absol ute linear (CW − ) • Absol ute circul ar • Absol ute linear (CW+) Absolute No .
207 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 7-7-10 Overview of Absolute Encoder Output Data Acquire Behavior of the Serv o Driver Compat ible with an Absolute Encoder The SE N signa l being tu r ned ON, the Ser vo Driver behaves in the following manner : 1,2,3.
208 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 After a sho r t tim e has pass ed to allow the Se r v o Dr iver's output to stabil ize, tur n ON the H igh-spe ed Count er Star t Bit (A610 .00) from the la dder program.
209 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 7-7-11 Timing Char t of the Functions for Serv o Driver s Co mpatibl e with Absolute Encoders 7-7-12 Sample Progra m s (Connecting an OMRO N W -series Serv o Driver) Pr ogram Description 1,2,3.
210 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 Note Adjust the tim er value of T IMH(15) instr ucti on (10 m s tim er) to m atch to th e system requir ements ( such as t he abs olute encoder's resol ution se tting).
211 Function s for Serv o Drivers C ompatible with Absolute Encode rs S ection 7-7 Note Adjust th e timer value of TIMH( 15) instr uctio n (10 ms ti mer) to match the sys- tem requi rements (s uch as the abs olute enc oder's r esolution s etting).
212 V irtual Pulse Outpu t Function Section 7-8 7-8 Vir tual Pulse Outp ut Function 7-8-1 Applicab le Models 7-8-2 Overvie w The AX IS instr uction a llows the ex e cutio n of vir tual puls e output wit h trapezoi- dal accele ration/dec eleration.
213 V irtual Pulse Outpu t Function Section 7-8 7-8-3 AXIS Instru ction (For Vir tual Pulse Outputs) Overvie w T he AXIS i nstr uction i s used to generate a vir tual pu lse ou tput with trap ezoi- dal accele ration/dec eleration.
214 V irtual Pulse Outpu t Function Section 7-8 Description • Use th e AXIS i nstr uction w ith an input conditio n that is ON for one cy cle. AXIS ca nnot be used as a differentiate d inst ruct ion (the @ pre fix is no t suppo r ted ). • AX IS is ex ecuted at t he r ising e dge of the i nput co ndition.
215 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 7-8-4 Applicatio n Example P ositioning or Speed Contro l Using a Virtual Axis The inte rn al pulse c ount can b e treated as a vir tu al axis pos ition in orde r to perform el ectronic ca m operatio n on the real axis operation with si mple cur ve approximation.
216 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 The PR V(881) instr uctio n can also be used to read the latest analog i nput v alue through i mmedi ate refr eshing.
217 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 7-9-3 Analog Input Function Specificatio ns Note The following diagram is pr ovided as a reference example. This e x ample shows the inpu t respon se (step response) character istic s of an inp ut when th e ex ter nal input signa l is chang ed in a ste p patter n.
218 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 7-9-4 Related Areas and Settings Syste m Setup T ab page Functi on Setti ngs Time when se tting beco mes effec tive Analog In put/ Output Both inpu ts and outp uts Input method 0 he x: END refres h 1 hex: Immediate refresh (Re fresh with PR V(881).
219 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 A uxiliary Area W o rd Bits Function Setti ngs C ontr olled by A550 0 0 to 15 Analog Input PV Contains the value in put from t he analog in put por t (using eith er the END refresh or immediate refre sh) in 4- digi t hexadec imal .
220 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 A562 00 Analog Out- put 1 F lag s User Adjus tment Completed Initial v alue is 0. Set to 1 if user perf or ms offset/gai n adjustment and Returns to f actory def ault setting of 0 if adj ustment value is cl ear ed.
221 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 A570 0 0 Adjustm ent Mode Co m- mand B its (Eff ective o nly when A575 is 5A5A hex.) Adjustm ent Enab le Analog In put OFF: Adjustment disab led.
222 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 7-9-5 Applicab le Instruct ions With END Refreshing Rea d the analo g inpu t PV (A5 50) using an instr uctio n such a s the MO V instr u ction . With Immediate Refreshing The data is acqu ired imm ediate ly with th e PR V( 881) in str uction .
223 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 Signal Range: 1 to 5 V and 4 to 20 mA Signal Range: 0 to 5 V 7-9-7 High-speed Analog Sampling (FQM1-MMA21 Only) Overv iew When an FQM 1-MMA2 1 Motion Cont rol Mo dule is be ing used, th e Motion Control Mo dule ca n be synchron ized with pul se inputs from the encod er to collec t analo g data.
224 Analog Input Functions Section 7-9 Once the sa mpling of ana log inpu t v alues sta r ts, the number of v alues sp eci- fied with the circ ular value (up to 32,76 7 sample s) are stored i n the DM Area begin ning at the spec ified DM addre ss.
225 Analog Outputs Section 7- 10 3. The high-s peed analog sa mpling func tion stops when the specifi ed num- ber of hi gh-spee d analog i nput data s ample s hav e been collected . The following diagram shows h ow this method can b e used to colle ct dis- placeme nt data f rom a par ticular workpi ece posi tion.
226 Analog Outputs Section 7- 10 7-10-3 Analo g Output Fun ction Sp ecifications Analog Outputs Item S peci fic atio n Outpu t s ignal s V olt age out puts Numbe r of analo g outputs 2 outputs Output .
227 Analog Outputs Section 7- 10 Note (1) T he ov erall ac curacy is the ratio of accuracy to the ful l scale. (2) T he follo wing table shows the status of the anal og outputs if there is a fa- tal error in the M otion Con trol Modu le or the Coor dinator Module is i n CPU stand by status.
228 Analog Outputs Section 7- 10 Specified Output V alues and Analog Output Signals 7-10-4 Applicable I nstructions END Ref reshin g Set the analo g output values in A5 60 and A56 1 usin g an instr uct ion such as the M O V instructio n. With Immediate Refreshing Outputs can be co ntrolle d with SPE D(885) and ACC(888) as out lined bel ow .
229 Analog Outputs Section 7- 10 F: Analog o utput value Specifi es the tar get an alog ou tput value as a 4-digit hexadecimal value. Note The spec ified analo g output value must be within the allowed range liste d abov e.
230 Analog Outputs Section 7- 10 7-10-6 Application Example Outputting the Analog Output V alue Stored in the A uxiliary Area In this example, the M otion Contr ol Modul e outputs th e anal og output value stored i n A560 fr om analog output 1.
231 Analog Outputs Section 7- 10.
232 Analog Outputs Section 7- 10.
233 SECTION 8 Connecting the CX-Programmer This section e x plains ho w to connect a per sonal computer r unning the CX-Program mer to the FQM1. 8-1 CX-Progr ammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
234 CX-Programmer Section 8-1 8-1 CX-Pr ogrammer Connect the CX-Programme r Suppor t Software to the Co ordin ator Modu le to create a nd mon itor programs for all Modul es.
235 Connecting the CX-Program mer Section 8-2 8-2 Connecting th e CX-Pr ogrammer 8-2-1 System Configurat ion Connecting a P ersonal Comput er Running Suppor t Software Connecting to the P eripheral P .
236 Connecting the CX-Program mer Section 8-2 Connecting through the USB port with a USB-Serial Con ver sion Cable Connecting to the P eripheral P or t Cable Connecti on Diagram Usin g a CS 1W-CN226/ .
237 Connecting the CX-Program mer Section 8-2 Connecting to the RS-232 C P ort Connection Methods (Using a USB-Serial Con version C able) Cable Connecti on Diagram Using an RS-232C Cable (XW2Z-200S-CV , XW2Z- 500S -CV , XW2Z -200 S-V , or XW2Z-500S-V) Note The con nection m ust be a Host Link con nection.
238 Connecting the CX-Program mer Section 8-2 8-2-2 CX-Pr ogrammer Connecting Cables Note When conn ecting one of these ca bles to the Coordinator Module’ s RS-232 C por t, alwa ys touc h a groun ded me tal objec t to discharge any electro static charge from the b ody before touch ing the ca ble connector .
239 Connecting the CX-Program mer Section 8-2 Connectin g an RS-232 C Cable to t he Peripheral P or t The following conne ction configurati ons can be used when conn ecting an RS- 232C cable to th e Coordin ator Modu le’ s peri pheral por t.
240 Connecting the CX-Program mer Section 8-2.
241 SECTION 9 Error Pr oc essing This section provides information on identifying and correcting err ors that occur during FQM1 operation. 9-1 Error Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
242 Error Log Section 9-1 9-1 Err or Log Each time tha t an err or occ urs in th e FQM 1, the error in f or mati on is s tored i n the Erro r Log Area star ting at A1 00. The error informatio n include s the error code (sa me code st ored in A400) and error con tents.
243 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2 Err or Pr ocessing 9-2-1 Error Categories Errors in the FQM1 can be bro adly div ided int o the following thr ee categor ies.
244 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2-3 Err or Cod es E R R O NO F F O F F O NF l a s h i n g - - - - - - - - - PRPHL --- --- --- --- --- OFF --- --- COMM1 --- --- --- --- --- --- OFF --- COMM2 --- ---.
245 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2-4 Err or Processing Flo wchart Use the f oll owing flowchar t as a guide for error processi ng with the CX-Pr o- grammer . Yes Lit Is RUN indicator lit? Not lit Is ERR indicator flashing? Flashing Fatal error Not lit Is POWER indicator lit? Lit Error occurred during operation Proceed to 9-2-6 Power Supply Check.
246 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2-5 Err or T ables The following tables s how the error s whic h can oc cur in the FQM 1 and indi- cate t he probable c ause of the error s. Note Always confir m the safety of conne cted equ ipmen t before turni ng the power supply OFF o r ON.
247 Error Processing Section 9-2 message and related Auxiliar y Ar ea flags /words an d correc t the cause of the error . Errors are liste d in o rder of im por t ance. When two o r more errors o ccur at th e same tim e, the more ser ious error’ s erro r code wi ll be recorded in A4 00.
248 Error Processing Section 9-2 When operati on is stopp ed, all outputs will be tur ned O FF . The Ser vo Dr iver that is in Ser vo ON state for outp uts from the FQM 1 wil l switch to Se r vo OFF state. Fat a l E r rors Error Error code (in A400) A uxiliary Area flag and w ord data Prob able cau se P ossibl e remed y Memor y error 80F1 A401.
249 Error Processing Section 9-2 Non-fatal Err ors If the following LED indic ator condi tion appe ars duri ng operation (in RUN or MONITOR mode), it indi cates tha t a non-fatal error has occurred .. The non-fatal error’s error contents will be displ ay ed in the Erro r T ab in the CX-Prog rammer’ s Error Windo w .
250 Error Processing Section 9-2 O th er E r ro rs Coordi nator Module F atal error 0006 A402.1 4: Coor- dinat or Mo dul e F atal Error Flag A f atal error occurred i n the Coordi- nato r M odule. Remov e the cau se of the error i n the Coordi nator Modu le and the n clear the error .
251 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2-6 P o wer Supply Chec k Power Supply Unit's POWER indicator is not lit. Is power being supplied to the Module? Connect power supply.
252 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2-7 Memory Err or Chec k 9-2-8 Pr ogram Err or Chec k Memory error occurred ON OFF No Yes Flash Memory Error Flag (A403.
253 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2-9 Cyc le Time Overrun E rror Check 9-2-10 System Setup Err or Chec k Not cause of error The program execution time exceeded the watch cycle time.
254 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2-11 I/O Setting Erro r Chec k Yes No I/O Setting Error occurred Are 5 or more Motion Control Modules connected? Reconfigure the system so that 4 or fewer Motion Control Modules are connected to the Coordinator Module.
255 Error Processing Section 9-2 9-2-12 I/O Check The I/O c heck flowchar t is based on the follo wing ladder d iagram section , assumi ng that t he problem is S OL1 does not tur n ON. Start Return to Start of I/O Check. Is the output indicator for CIO 0001.
256 T roubleshooting Problems in Modul es Section 9-3 9-2-13 En vir onmental Conditions Chec k Note Prev ent exposure to corr osive gases, flamma ble gases, dust, dir t, salt s, metal dust, dir ect sun light, water , oils, and che micals.
257 T roubleshooting Problems in Modul es Section 9-3 Motion Control Module Err ors Input Err ors Error condition Pr obable cause Remed y The Mot i on Cont rol Modul e’s R UN indicator do es not go ON. An error in program is causing a fa t a l e r ro r Cor rec t progr am.
258 T roubleshooting Problems in Modul es Section 9-3 O ut p ut E r ro rs Error condition Pr obable cause Remed y None o f the outpu ts will go ON. (1 ) The load pow er is not b eing suppli ed. Supply p ower . (2) Load po wer supp ly v oltage is too lo w .
259 SECTION 10 Inspection and Mai ntenance This section provides inspection and main tenance information. 10-1 Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 10-1-1 Inspection Poin ts .
260 Inspections Section 10-1 10-1 Inspections Daily o r peri odic inspec tions are re quired in order to main tain th e FQM1 in peak operatin g conditi on. 10-1-1 Inspection P o ints Although the majo r compon ents in the FQM1 hav e an extremely lon g life time, they can d eteri orate unde r improp er environmen tal con dition s.
261 Inspections Section 10-1 Note The following table shows the allowable v o ltage fl uctuation ranges for source power suppl ies. T ools Required for Inspections Required T ools • Phi llips- head .
262 Inspections Section 10-1.
263 Appendix A Pr ogramming Pr ograms and T asks Ta s k s There a re basi call y two typ es of ta sk. 1. Cyclic T ask The cycl ic task i s e xecuted once e ach cycle. 2. Interru pt T asks An inte rrupt ta sk is ex ecute d when the interru pt cond ition is m et, ev en i f this occur s while the cycli c task is being ex ecuted.
264 Programming Appendix A Subroutines What Are Subr outines? A subro utine is a program wr itten between the SB N(092) a nd RET(093 ) instr u ctions in a spec ial subrou tine area. A s ubrouti ne is ca lled f rom the m ain pr ogram using the SBS( 091), MCRO(099) , or JS B(982) inst ruct ion.
265 Programming Appendix A Using Subr o utines That P ass P arameter s With thes e subro utines, paramete rs can be p assed to t he subro utine when i t is calle d and th en the res ults of processi ng in the su broutine c an be retur n ed to the ma in program.
266 Programming Appendix A Note ( 1) Ind e x registers hav e been us ed to increase the usabi lity of su broutines cal led with JSB(9 82). The actual ad dresse s in I/O m emor y of the first in put parameter wo rd and firs t output parameter word are autom atica lly stor ed in index regist ers IR 0 and IR1, respec tively .
267 Programming Appendix A Application E xamples Execution without Subr outine Input Condition Flags MCRO 0049 0002 0015 0220.00 MCRO 0049 0000 0010 MCRO 0049 0005 0012 MCRO 0049 0010 0015 SBN 049 RET 0225.01 P_On (Always ON) 0225.00 0225.00 0220.01 0220.
268 Programming Appendix A Execution with Subr outine Input Condition Flags Main Progr am JSB 0 D00000 D01000 a c SBN 0 A000.00 @ACC #0000 #0000 ,IR0 @INI #0000 #0003 0000 W000.
269 Programming Appendix A Basic Information on Pr ogramming Basic Inf ormation on Instructions Programs co nsist o f ins truc tions. Th e conce ptual str ucture of the input s to and outpu ts from an i nstr uction is sho wn in the f ollo wing di agr am.
270 Programming Appendix A The following ins tr uctions are use d in p airs to set and c ance l cer t ain i nstr uctio n cond itions. Eac h pair o f instr uction s must be in the same task. Flags In this c ontext, a flag is a bi t that ser ves as an interface between i nstr uctions.
271 Programming Appendix A Instruction Location and Input Conditions The following table shows the possible locati ons for instruc tions. Instr uctions are grouped into those that do and those do not req uire in put con ditions.
272 Programming Appendix A DM Area addresses are given with “ D” prefixes, as shown bel ow f or the addre ss D00200 . Specifying Operands 0010 Word address D00200 Word addres s Operand Description Notation Application exam ples Specify ing bit address es Specify ing wor d address es MO V 0003 D00200 @@@@ .
273 Programming Appendix A Note With indi rect addr ess spec ificat ions in bin ar y mode, the DM Area addresse s are treat ed as consec utive memor y a ddresse s. Specify ing indirec t DM addr esses i n Binary Mode 1) D00000 to D 32767 are specifie d if @D( @@@@@ ) contains 0000 he x to 7FFF he x (00000 to 327 67).
274 Programming Appendix A Operand Descrip tion N otation Application e xamples Specify ing an ind irect address usin g a re g- ister Indirec t addre ss (No o ffs et) The bit o r word wi th the me mor y address containe d in IR @ wi ll be sp eci- fied.
275 Programming Appendix A T e xt string T e xt string data is st ored in ASCI I (one by te ex cept f o r special cha rac- ters) in ord er from the leftm ost to the rightmost b yte and from th e right- most (lo wer) to th e leftmost word.
276 Programming Appendix A Data Formats The following table shows the dat a forma ts that the F QM1 c an handle. Note Signed Binary Data In signed binar y data , the lef tmost bit i ndicates the sign of b inar y 16-bi t data. The value is e xpress ed in 4-digit hexadecimal.
277 Programming Appendix A Negative Numbers: A value is ne gative if the leftm ost bit is 1 (ON). In 4 -digit hexadecima l, this is e xpressed a s 8000 to FFFF h e x. The absolute of the negativ e va lue (decimal) is e xpressed as a two’ s complem ent.
278 Programming Appendix A Note Signed BCD Data Signed BC D data is a spec ial data for mat that is us ed to e xpres s negative numbers in BCD . A lthough this for mat is found in appli catio ns, it is not st ric tly defi ned an d depe nds on t he sp ecific appli cation.
279 Programming Appendix A Instruct ion V ariations The following variation s are available f o r instr ucti ons to dif f ere ntiate ex e cutin g conditi ons. Input Condi tions The FQM 1 offers the following type s of ba sic and special inst ruc tions.
280 Programming Appendix A • Input Instructions (Logical Starts and Intermediate Instructions) : The ins truc tion read s bit status, makes compar iso ns, tests bi ts, or perform othe r type s of proce ssing ev er y c ycle and will output a n OFF ex ecut ion con dition (p ower flow stops) when res ults switch from OF F to ON.
281 Programming Appendix A Pr ogramming Preca utions Conditio n Flags Using Condition Flags Condition flags a re sha red by all instr uctions, and will chan ge dur ing a c ycle depe nding on r esults of e xecuting indivi dual ins truct ions.
282 Programming Appendix A Since co nditio n flags are shared by all ins truc tions, make absolut ely su re that they do not in terfere with each other wit hin a sin gle ladde r-diagram pr ogram.
283 Programming Appendix A Example: The following example will move #0200 to D00200 if D001 00 contains #00 10 and move #0300 to D0030 0 if D00100 does not contai n #0010 . The Equa ls Flag wil l tur n ON if D0 0100 in the ru ng above contains #0 010.
284 Programming Appendix A 2. Using Execution Results fr om Differentiated Instructions With differentiat ed instr uctio ns, e x ecu tion resu lts for instr uctions are refl ected in Con ditio n Flags.
285 Programming Appendix A Equals Flag The Equal s Flag is a temporar y flag for all instr ucti ons e xcept whe n compar is on results are equal (= ). It is set automa tically by the sys tem, and it will change. The Equ als Fla g can be tur ne d OFF (ON) by an instr uctio n after a previous instruc tion has tur ned it ON (OFF).
286 Programming Appendix A Special P r ogram Sect ions FQM1 pro grams hav e special program secti ons that wi ll control instr uctio n conditi ons. The f ollo wing s peci al pr ogr am secti ons are a va ilab le. Instruction Combinations The following table shows which of the sp ecial in str uct ions can be used i nside ot her program sections.
287 Programming Appendix A Instructions Not Allo wed in Subroutines The following instr u ctions c annot be placed in a su brouti ne. Note Block Pr ogram Sections A subro utine can incl ude a block program sec tion.
288 Programming Appendix A Computing th e Cycle Time FQM1 Operation Flo w chart The Coord inator Mod ule and Mo tion Control Module s process data in rep eating cycles from the overseein g processi ng up t o per ipheral s er vicin g as shown in the following di agram.
289 Programming Appendix A Overview of Cyc l e Time Calculations Coordinator Module The cycl e time of t he Coor dinator Module wi ll var y with the f ollowin g f actors.
290 Programming Appendix A 5. Sync B us Refreshi ng 6. Cyclic Ref reshing 7. P er ipheral Se r vice Calculating the Cyc le Time of a Motion Control Module The cy cle tim e is the total tim e requi red for the Moti on Contro l Module to per f or m the operations shown in th e f o llowin g tables.
291 Programming Appendix A 4. I/O Refresh ing 5. Cyclic Ref reshing 6. Sync B us Refreshi ng 7. P er ipheral Se r vice Module I/ O Refresh Times Cyclic Refresh Time in the Coor dina tor Module Cyclic .
292 Programming Appendix A Example of Calculating the Cyc le Time An example is given here for FQM1 -MMP21 Motion Cont rol Modu les conn ected to a Coordina tor Modul e.
293 Programming Appendix A Response Tim e I/O Response Time The I/O resp onse time is the time it takes from when an built-in input on a Mod ule tur ns ON, th e data is recog- nized by the Module, and the user program is ex ecuted , up to the time for the result to be outp ut to the built-in output t er minals.
294 Programming Appendix A Motion Control Module I/O Response Time Minimum I/O Response Time (General-purpo se I/O 0 to 3) The I/O res ponse time is sh or te st when th e input refr esh is ex e cuted imme diately a fter a Mo tion Con trol Mod- ule detec ts an inp ut, as shown in th e figure b elow .
295 Programming Appendix A Calculation Example Inpu t ON de la y: 0.03 ms Overhead time: 0.193 ms Instr uction ex e cutio n time: 0.0 01 ms Output ON d ela y: 0.
296 Programming Appendix A Scheduled Interrupt T ask The interr upt r esponse time of schedul ed interr upt ta sks is t he time taken from afte r the sch eduled tim e speci- fied by the STIM( 980) inst ru ction h as elapse d until the inter ru pt task is ac tually ex ecuted.
297 Programming Appendix A Pr ocessing Time The time requ ired fro m when the inter rup t f actor occ urs until the interr upt task i s called and the time requi red from com pleting t he interr upt ta sk until program ex ec ution retu r ns to th e or iginal po sition a re shown bel ow .
298 Programming Appendix A (2) Wh en using i nterrup t tasks fr equently , be s ure to consi der the time required for interr upt pro cessing and it s affect on the overall sys tem. (3) T he resul ts of ex ec uting a n interr upt task can be o utput im media tely fro m within th e interr upt ta sk by using the IORF(09 7) instr ucti on.
299 Appendix B I/O Memory Over view of I/O Memor y Intr oduction This se ction desc ribes the I/O Memor y and other par t s of memor y in the Modules other than that c ontaining the user program. I/O Memory This regi on of me mor y cont ains the da ta areas which can be acces sed by instr uction op erands.
300 I/O Memory Appendix B I/O Memory Struc ture Coor dinator Mod ule The f ollo wing tab le sho ws the ba sic stru cture o f the I/O Me mory fo r the C oor dinat or Mod ule . Note When data i s wri tten from th e CX-Programme r or a host co ntroller , these DM A rea words are b ack ed up in flash memor y .
301 I/O Mem ory Appendix B Motion Control Modules The f ollo wing tab le sho ws the ba sic stru cture o f the I/O Me mory Area f or th e Moti on Cont rol Modul es. Note These DM Ar ea words ar e backed up by a su per capa citor . If the Memor y Not Held F lag (A404.
302 I/O Memory Appendix B CIO Area Overvie w It is no t neces sar y to input the “CIO ” pref ix when specify ing an address in the CIO Ar ea. The CIO Area is g en- erally used for data exchanges, such as I/O r efresh ing betwee n Modu les (Co ordinator Modu le and Mo tion Control Mo dules).
303 I/O Mem ory Appendix B This area ca n be u sed to transfer informati on bet ween Modul es that does not requ ired hi gh-spee d exchange. The user can al loca te the i nformation to be transferred .
304 I/O Memory Appendix B Immediat e Refres h I/O can also be refres hed on the tim ing spe cified by the user using immed iate refr eshing. Any I/O r efreshe d using an immed iate refres h will al so be refr eshed for the END refresh. Refreshing Usi ng the IORF(097) Instr uction W ork Area: W0 00 to W255 (W000.
305 I/O Mem ory Appendix B • Ea ch TR bi t can be u sed only once in one program s ection. • T he status of TR bit s cannot be change d from the CX-Pro grammer .
306 I/O Memory Appendix B The follo w ing table shows whe n timer PVs and Compl etion Flag s will be res et. Note The prese nt value of TIM, TI MH(015), and TMHH(54 0) timers programmed will be updated ev en whe n jumpe d between JMP and J ME instr u ctions.
307 I/O Mem ory Appendix B Data Memor y (DM) Area The DM Area co ntains 32,7 68 words with add resses ranging from D000 00 to D32767 . This data area is used f o r gen eral data storag e and mani pulation a nd is ac cessi ble only by word.
308 I/O Memory Appendix B The Condi tion Fl ags canno t be f orce-s et and force-re set except for the Carr y Flag, which c an be m anipulate d with the ST C(040) and CLC(0 41) inst ructio ns.
309 I/O Mem ory Appendix B Clock Pulses The Clock Pul ses are fla gs tha t are tur ned ON an d OFF at reg ular inter vals by the sys tem. The Clock Pul ses are specifi ed with la bels (or symbo ls) rathe r than ad dresses. Note The CX- Programmer trea ts Clo ck Pulses a s global symbol s beginn ing wit h P_.
310 I/O Memory Appendix B P arameter Area Unlike the data area s in I/O M emor y , which c an be used i n inst ruct ion operand s, the P aramete r Area can b e access ed only from t he CX-Programm er . The P arameter A rea is made up of the following par ts.
311 Appendix C System Setup, A uxiliar y Area Allocati ons, and Built- in I/O Allocations Over view of System Setups A System Setup cont ains softwa re setting s that the us er can cha nge to cust omize FQM1 operation. Mo dule functions are se t using i ts Sys tem Set up .
312 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Sync Cycle Time Sync Mode Star tup Mode Setting (CX-Pr ogrammer: Startup T ab P ag e) Startup Mode Cyc le Tim.
313 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C P eripheral P or t Settings (C X-Pr ogr ammer: P eripheral P or t T ab P age) Communic ations Settings P erip.
314 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Host Link Unit Number P eripheral P or t Settings for NT Link Serial Comm unications Mode Baud Rate Maxim um Unit Number for NT Link (NT Link Max.
315 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C Baud Rate RS-232C P or t Settings (CX-Pr ogrammer: Ho st P or t T ab P age) RS-232C P or t Settings f or Host.
316 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Host Link Unit Number RS-232C P or t Set tings for NT Link Serial Comm unications Mode Baud Rate Maximum Unit Number f o r NT Link (NT Link Max.
317 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C Baud Rate RS-232 P or t Sett ings f o r No-pr otocol C omm unications ( RS-232C) Serial Comm unications Mode .
318 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Start Code and End Code Number of R eceived By tes RS-232C P ort Settings f or PLC Link (PC Link (Sla ve) ) Serial Comm unications Mode Baud Rate PLC Link Unit No.
319 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C RS-4 22A P or t Settin gs (CX - Pr ogrammer: Drive T ab Pa ge) RS-422A P or t Settings for Ser i al Gatewa y .
320 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Start Code and End Code Number of R eceived By tes P eripheral Service Time Se ttings (CX-Progra mmer: Timer/.
321 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C System Setup in Motion Cont r ol Modules Settings Used b y All Motion Con tr o l Modules CX-Pr og rammer: Mod.
322 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C FQM1-MMP21 Motion Control Modules with Pulse I/O CX-Pr og rammer: Puls e Input T ab Pa g e Address Bits Funct.
323 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C CX-Pr og rammer: Puls e Output T ab Pa ge +323 00 to 03 High-speed counter 2 (Counter 2) Input method Same as.
324 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Note Alwa ys set th e Circul ar Maximum C ount whe n setting any of the circ ular operati on modes.
325 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C CX-Pr og rammer: Analog Input/Output T ab P age Note Analo g outpu ts that ar e not be ing used can be disa b led to decrea se the cycle time.
326 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Note The RS-23 2C por t setting s can a lso b e changed with the S TUP (2 37) instr uctio n. The RS -232C P or t Settings Chang ing Flag (A410.1 5) will remai n ON fr om the time S TUP (23 7) is e xecuted until the set- tings have actually b een chang ed.
327 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C Note The watch c ycle tim e setting canno t be chang ed whil e the M odule is in RUN or MONIT OR mode. Note The default value for the watch cycl e time is 50 ms.
328 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C The default value for each ser vi cing proc ess is 6.25 % of the l ast c ycle’ s cycle time.
329 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C A uxiliar y Area Allocat ions b y Fun ction The following tables list the wo rds and bi ts alloc ated in the A uxi liar y Area by function . These tables provi de only an ov e r view of the functionali ty .
330 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Address Bits Name Function Controlled by A608 00 High-speed counter 1 status T arget Compar - ison In- progress Flag OFF: T arget value compar ison is not being performed for CTBL(882).
331 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C A609 00 High-speed counter 2 status T arget Compar - ison In- progress Flag Same as for high-speed counter 1. M odule 01 PV Ov erflow/ Underflow Flag 02 Reser ved 03 P hase Z Input Reset Flag (ON for one cycle) 04 A bsolute No.
332 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C A610 00 High-speed counter 1 com- mand bits Star t Bit OFF: S tops counter operation. The counter P V will be maintained. ON: Star ts counter operation. The counter PV will not be reset.
333 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C A611 00 High-speed counter 2 com- mand bits Star t Bit Same as command bits for high-speed counter 1.
334 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C A620 to A621 00 to 15 Pulse Output 1 PV Note This item applies when the operation mode is relativ e pulse output, absolute pulse output in linear mode, absolute pulse out- put in circular mode, or elec- tronic cam mode.
335 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C A626 00 Pulse O utput 1 Command B its PV Reset B it OFF: Pulse output 1 PV not r eset.
336 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C FQM1-MMA21 Motion Control Modules wi th Analog I/O Address Bits Name Function Contr olled by A550 00 to 15 A nalog Input PV Contains the value input from the analog input por t (using either the END refresh or immediate refresh) in 4-digit hexadecimal.
337 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C A562 00 Analog Out put 1 Flags User Adjustment C om- pleted Initial v alue is 0. Set to 1 if us er performs offset/gain adjustment and Retur ns to f ac tory default setting of 0 if adjustment value is cleared.
338 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Address Bits Name Function Controlled b y A564 00 Analog O utput 1 Conv ersion Enable Bit ON: Enables D/A conversion (enables analog output).
339 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C Address Bits Name Function Contr olled by A600 00 to 15 H igh-speed Counter 1 PV Range: 8000 0000 to 7FFF FFFF Note F or a Linear Counter , high-speed counter ov er- flows/underflows are check ed when the P V is read (i.
340 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Address Bits Name Function Controlled by A608 00 High-speed counter 1 status T arget Compar - ison In- progress Flag OFF: T arget value compar ison is not being performed for CTBL(882).
341 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C A609 00 High-speed counter 2 status T arget Compar - ison In- progress Flag Same as for high-speed counter 1. M odule 01 PV Ov erflow/ Underflow Flag 02 Reser ved 03 P hase Z Input Reset Flag (ON for one cycle) 04 A bsolute No.
342 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C A610 00 High-speed counter 1 com- mand bits Star t Bit OFF: S tops counter operation. The counter P V will be maintained. ON: Star ts counter operation. The counter PV will not be reset.
343 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C Allocations Related to Built-in Inputs Input Interrupts A611 00 High-speed counter 2 com- mand bits Star t Bit Same as command bits for high-speed counter 1.
344 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Allocations That Ar e the Same f or th e Coordinator Module and M otion Contr ol M odules System Flags Pr ogr.
345 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C FA L / FA L S E r r o r s Me m or y Er ro rs System S etup I/O Errors Module Err ors A500 14 Error Log P ointer Reset and Memor y Not Held Flag OFF Bit The error log pointer in A408 is reset to 0000 he x and Memory Not Held Flag (A404.
346 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Other Allocations Related to DM Data T ransfer (Coordinator Module Only) Communications Pe r i p h e r a l Po.
347 System S etup, A uxiliary Area Alloc ations, and Buil t-in I/O Allocation s Appendix C RS-232C Port RS-422A Port Allocations Directl y Related to Instructions Built-in I/O Alloca tions The Coordin ator Mo dule and Moti on Control M odules all hav e built-in I/O .
348 System Setup, A uxiliary Area All ocations, and Bu ilt-in I/O Allocati ons Ap pendix C Coor dinator Module Buil t-in I/O Allocations Inputs (40-pin General-purpose I/O Connector) Outputs (40-pin G.
349 Appendix D A uxiliar y Area Allo cations A uxiliar y Area Allocation s in Or der of Address The following table lists the A uxiliar y Area alloc ations in orde r of addres s. Ref er to Auxiliar y Area Allocati ons by Function o n page 329 for a list of a llocati ons by function.
350 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D A403 00 UM Error Flag T ur ns ON when there is an error in t he user memor y . 04 System Setup Error Flag T ur ns ON when there is an erro r in the System S etup in the Coor- dinator Module or Mot ion Control Module.
351 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D A414 02 RS -422A Po r t Error Flags P arity E rror Flag These error flags tur n ON when an error has occurred at the RS- 422A por t.
352 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D A520 00 to 15 Interr upt Counter 0 Counter SV Used f or interrupt input 0 in counter mode. Sets the count v alue at which the interrupt task will start. Interrupt task 000 will star t when interr upt c ounter 0 has c ounted this num- ber of pulses.
353 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D A559 00 to 15 Number of Analog Samples Indicates t he number of data samples actually input since sam- pling star ted. A560 00 to 15 Analog Output 1 Output V alue When an END refresh is selected, the 4-digit hexadecimal v alue set here by the user is output from analog out put por t 1.
354 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D A570 00 A djustment Mode Command Bits (Effectiv e only when A 575 is 5A5A hex.) Adjustment Enable Analog Input OFF: Adjustm ent disabl ed.
355 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D A606 to A607 00 to 15 High- speed Counter 2 For f ollowing counter modes • Absolute linear (CW − ) • Absolute circ ular • Absolute linear (CW+) PV o.
356 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D A610 00 High- speed counter 1 com- mand bits Star t Bit OFF: Stops counter operation. The c ounter PV will be m ain- tained.
357 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D A612 00 to 15 High- speed counter 1 monitor data Range Compar ison Execution Results Flags Contains the CTBL(882) ex ecution results for r ange comparison.
358 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D A626 00 P ulse Output 1 Com- mand Bits PV Reset B it OFF: Pulse output 1 PV not reset. ON: Resets pulse output 1 PV .
359 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D Detailed Ex planations on the A uxiliary Area Err or Log Area: A100 to A199 Err or Codes and Error Flags Note ( 1) Cod es C101 to C2FF wi ll be sto red for F ALS number s 001 to 511. (2) Cod es 410 1 to 42FF wi ll be stored for F AL num bers 001 to 511.
360 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D FQM1 Memory A ddresses FQM1 mem or y a ddresses are s et in In dex Registers (IR0 or IR1) to i ndirec tly addr ess I/ O memor y . Nor mal ly , FQM1 me mor y addr esses a re set in to the Index Register s automati cally w hen calli ng subro utines wit h JSB( 982).
361 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D Memory Map Note Do not acc ess the areas indi cated Reserve d f or system. Classification FQM1 memory addresses (hex) User addresses Area P arameter areas 00000 to 0B0FF --- System Setup Area Profile Area I/O memor y ar eas 0B100 to 0B1FF --- Reser v ed for system.
362 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D FQM1 Instruction Execution Times a nd Number of Step s The following table lists t he ex e cution ti mes for all inst ruct ions th at are available f or the FQ M1.
363 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. Sequence Contr ol Instructions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e.
364 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. Data Mo vement Instruc tions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e.
365 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D Data Shift Inst ructions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. Incremen t/Decreme nt Instructions Inst ruction Mnemonic Code Length (steps) (See note.
366 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. Symbol Math Instructions Instruction Mnemonic Co de Length (steps) (See note .) ON ex ecution tim e ( µ s) Har dwa re implementation Conditio ns SIGNED BINARY ADD WITHOUT CARR Y + 400 4 0.
367 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. Con versi on Inst ructions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e.
368 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D Spec ial Math In str uct ions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. Floating-point Math Instructions Instruction Mnemonic Code Length (steps) (See note .
369 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. T able Da ta Pr ocessing I nstructions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e.
370 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D Interrupt Control Instructions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. High-speed Counter and Pu lse Output Instructions Inst ruction Mnemonic Code Leng th (steps) (See note .
371 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D Step In struct io ns Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. I/O Refresh Inst ruction Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e.
372 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D Serial Comm unications Instructions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. Deb ugging Instructions Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e.
373 A uxiliary Area Alloc ations Appendix D Note When a do uble-length ope rand is used, add 1 to the value shown in the length column in the above tabl e. Branching IF (input condition) 802 1 6.8 Y e s IF true 12.2 IF false Branching IF (relay number) 802 2 11.
374 A uxiliary Area Allocations Appendix D.
375 Index A A/D conversion va lue , 222 absolute en coder absolu te circular coun ter , 202 absolute linea r counter , 202 absolut e offset pres et , 203 absolute pres ent value , 202 absolute PV preset , 203 output da ta acquisition , 207 format , 200 Absolute No.
376 Index RS-232C port , 66 , 134 serial data , 200 BCD data , 276 BCD-mode addressin g , 307 binar y-mode addre ssing , 307 block pr ogram s , 270 , 286 , 287 instructio n execution times , 372 C cab.
Index 377 current consum ption , 45 CX-Programmer , 92 , 95 Analo g Input/Outp ut Tab Page , 325 connect ing cable s , 234 , 23 8 connect ions , 23 5 methods , 237 Cycle T ime Settin gs , 312 Cycle Ti.
378 Index Equal s Flag , 285 , 30 8 error codes , 359 Error Flag , 308 error flags , 359 error log , 120 , 242 Error Log Area , 242 , 344 , 349 Error Log Po inter , 350 error processing flowchart , 24.
Index 379 Memory Error Flag , 248 , 345 , 349 Memory Not Held Flag , 345 , 350 Motion Control Module Monito r Error Flag , 249 Motion Cont rol Module Monitorin g Error Flag , 345 , 34 9 Negative Flag .
END refresh , 303 immediate refresh , 30 4 Motion Con trol Module s , 98 using IORF(097) in struction , 304 I/O response time , 293 calcul ating , 29 3 Coor dinat or Modu les , 29 3 Motion Con trol Mo.
Index 381 Less Than or E q uals Flag , 308 Linear Counter , 154 linear coun ter CCW rotation , 201 CW rotation , 201 Linea r Counte r Mode , 205 linear mode , 180 logic instr uctions execut ion times .
382 Index Peripheral Devices , 6 per ipher al por t connect ing a personal co mputer , 23 5 Peripheral Port Communications Error Flag , 346 , 350 Peripheral Port Erro r Flags , 346 , 350 Peri pheral P.
Index 383 puls e inpu ts , 14 8 applicable in structions , 15 2 applicat ion exa mples , 162 connect ions , 71 high -speed c ounter , 153 internal circ uit config uration , 15 2 mode , 204 specificati.
384 Index operatio n procedure , 133 PLC Setup (Master) , 13 4 System Se tup (Slave) , 13 4 Ser vo Dr iv ers compat ible with absol ute encoder , 20 7 compatibl e with absolute en coders timing ch art.
Index 385 T table d ata proc essing in struc tions execut ion times , 369 Target Compariso n Flag , 357 Target Comparison In-progress Flag , 340 , 341 , 355 Target Fr equency Not Reached Flag , 357 ta.
386 Index.
387 Revision History A manual r e v ision code a ppears as a suffix t o the catal og number o n the fron t cover of the manual. The following table outlines the changes mad e to the manual dur ing ea ch revision. Page numbers ref er to the previous version.
OMRON CORPORA TION F A System s Divisi on H.Q. 66 Mats umoto Mishima-c ity , Shizuoka 41 1-8511 Ja pan T el: (81)5 5 -977-9181 /Fax : (81)55-977 -9045 Regional Hea dquarters OMRON EUR OPE B.
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O010-E1-01 11 /0 5 © 200 5 OM R ON ELECT R ONICS LLC Specifications subject to change without notic e . Printed in the U.S .A. OMRON ELECTRONICS L LC 1 Commerce D rive Schaumbur g, IL 60173 847.843.7900 For US technical support or other inquiries: 800.
An important point after buying a device Omron FQM1-MMP21 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Omron FQM1-MMP21 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Omron FQM1-MMP21 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Omron FQM1-MMP21 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Omron FQM1-MMP21 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Omron FQM1-MMP21, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Omron FQM1-MMP21.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Omron FQM1-MMP21. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Omron FQM1-MMP21 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center