Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product EXPLORER 657 NorthStar Navigation
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www .n ort hs ta rn a v .c om Ex p l or er 6 5 7 Fis hfi nder and Chart plotter Installation and O peration Manual.
FC C Stat ement Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a normal installation.
3 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual The choice, location, angle and installation of the instrument & transducers are critical to performance of the system as intended. Follow instructions in this manual carefully. If in doubt, consult your Nor thst ar dealer.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 4 Con te nt s 1 Intr oduc ti on ......................................................................................................................................... 7 1 - 1 Ove rview . . . .
5 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 8- 4 Fish dete ction an d display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 8-5 R ange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 6 1 7 -5 Se tup > F ue l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 1 7 - 6 Setup > T r ack . .
7 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 In trod uction Quick reference to the built- in and opti onal features : Featur e T ype See Requires General How to use the keys and displa.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 8 1 -3 Plug-in ca rds The 657 can use two kinds of plug-in card: 1 C-MAP™ chart cards have chart details required for navigating in a particular region. When a chart card is plugged in, the extra details automatically appear on the 657 chart window.
9 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Hand le plug- in cards care fully. Keep the m in thei r protec tive case s when not p lugge d into the 65 7 . Keep t he hold er in place in th e 65 7 at all tim es to prevent m oisture f rom enteri ng the card comp ar tment .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 10 2 Basi c Operat ion Over view of the keys 2- 1 Using the keys In this ma nual: Press mean s t o push th e key for less t han a second. Hold means to hol d the key dow n. Th e internal b eeper b eeps w hen a key is pres sed (to disab le or enab le the b eep, see s ect ion 1 7- 1).
11 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Changing data First p ress or to move the highlight to the data to cha nge, then : a) To change a tick box means O n or Y e s means O f f or No. Press or to ch ange the t ick box . b) To select an option 1 Press to display t he menu of o ptions .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 12 2- 3 Bac klight a nd nigh t mode T o g o to the Bac klight disp lay , p ress brief ly . Backlight Th e display and ke ys are back lit. To change t he backlight level, highlight sele ct B acklig ht, then press to dim or to br ighten.
13 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 2-6 Sim ulate mo de In Simul ate mode, th e 65 7 i gnores dat a from th e GPS anten na and other t ransdu c ers a nd sensor s and th e 65 7 gen erates this d ata its elf. Oth erw ise, the 657 fu ncti ons norm ally.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 14 2- 7 The ma in windo ws Note 1 Th e window s availab le depen d on the o ptional s ensors a nd inst rument s that are ins talled (se e sec tion 1- 1). 2 Set up co mmonl y used win dows as favo rites an d press to swi tch bet ween wi ndows (s ee se ctio n 2- 7- 2).
15 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Note: Th e window s below th e menu div ider ca n only b e shown f ull screen w ithou t a data head er .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 16 Th e 6 57 can show t wo win dows at once. Adding a window to the display Press , sel ect Ad d window and s elec t a wind ow to add. T he 657 automatic ally rearr anges the dis play to show the n ew window.
17 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Th e 65 7 h as a list of com monly us ed display s, call ed favor ite display s. There c an be up to six fav orite disp la ys. Son ar , Ga uges, Fuel , Data, and Tanks w indows c an be co mbine d in a display.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 18 2- 7 -3 Data hea der Th e displays c an show data at th e top, calle d the data header. Whe n you sele ct a wi ndow fro m the displ ay menu (s ee se ctio n 2- 7) th e 65 7 displ ays an appropria te d ata heade r for the window .
19 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual The 657 has two ways of navigating, going straight to a point or following a route. 3-1-1 Navigating to a point When the 657 is navigating to a point, the chart and highway displays show navigation data: A The boat position .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 20 3- 1- 3 Fol lowin g a route Preparing A route is a lis t of wayp oints t hat the bo at can foll ow (see s ect ion 6). To create wayp oints be fore creatin g the route, s ee sec tio n 5- 2-1 .
21 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual A typical chart window shows: 3- 2 Cha rt wi ndow A B K C D E F G I J H A Dat a header. T o t urn the dat a of f or on or to chan ge what da.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 22 3- 2- 3 Char t scale Press to zoom in a nd display a smal ler area of the ch art in m ore detai l.
23 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 3- 2- 5 Findi ng a char t symbo l T o f ind and d isplay a char t sy mbol : 1 Press and s elec t Find . 2 Sel ect t he ty pe of s ymbol : Waypo ints, Ro utes, Por ts by nam e , Por ts & ser vice s, Tid e statio ns or AIS Vess els.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 24 T r ackin g records the b oat’s po sition to mem or y at regu lar inter vals, wh ich can b e: Tim e i nt erval s. Or di stance i nt ervals. Th e track of w here the b oat has be en can b e displ ayed on th e chart .
25 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 5 Navigat ion: Waypoints A wayp oint is a posi tion that yo u can set o n the 657 char t, for ex ample a f ishing spot or a p oint on a route. T he 657 can have up to 300 0 wayp oints . A way point ca n be created , change d or dele ted.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 26 5-2-1 Creating a new waypoint Creating and editing a new waypoint from the chart window 1 To create a waypoint at the boat position, press to switch the chart to center on boat mode. Or, to create a waypoint at a different point, move the cursor to that point on the chart.
27 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Deleting a waypoint from the chart window 1 In the chart window, move the cursor to the waypoint to delete. 2 Press and select Delete . 3 Select Yes to confirm. Deleting a waypoint from the waypoints window 1 In the waypoints window, press or to highlight the waypoint to delete.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 28 6- 1 Rou tes wind ow Th e routes win dow is a list of t he routes th at have be en entered, ea ch with rou te name, st art way point, en d wayp oint, numb er of legs a nd total di stance. T o g o to the routes w indow, press , sele ct Mo re , t hen sel ect Routes .
29 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual iv Pr ess . 3 T o m ove a wayp oint in the rou te: i M ove the curs or to the way point to move. ii Press and s elec t Mov e . iii M ove the curs or to where th e waypo int will be. iv Pr ess .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 30 GPS worldw ide naviga tion Th e U S Gover nment op erates the G PS sys tem. T w enty- four sa tellites or bit the ea rth an d broa dcast p osition an d time signals . The po sitions of th ese satel lites are cons tantly c hanging .
31 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Th e satellite w indow has i nformati on abou t the GPS s atellites an d GPS posit ion. T o g o to the sate llite wind ow , pres s , select Mo re , then se lec t Sa tellite .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 32 8- 2 Inte rpretin g the displ ay Th e sonar disp lays do not sh ow a fixed d istance trave lled by th e boat; r ather, they displ ay a histo ry, showing w hat has passe d below t he boat duri ng a cer tain pe riod of t ime.
33 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Bot tom type s Mud, w eed an d sandy b otto ms tend to weaken and s catter t he sonar p ulse, result ing in a weak ech o. Hard, rock y or co ral bot toms ref lec t the puls e, resulting i n a strong e cho.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 34 Shadows Shad ows are created a round areas w here the ul traso nic beam c annot ‘se e’ .
35 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual A Nar row angle, m ore detai led 20 0 kHz cone B Wide a ngle, le ss detai led 50 kH z cone B B A This f requen cy is use ful for ge ttin g a.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 36 50 kHz di splay 200 kHz d isplay 200/50 Khz d isplay Mi xed dis play 1 minute ago 30 seconds ago Now Compa rison of the sa me fish sce nario.
37 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 8-4 Fis h detec tion an d displa y Wher e to find f ish Under water fe atures like ree fs, wre cks and ro cky outcro ps attr act f ish.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 38 8-5 Range Rang e is the ver tical d epth display ed on the 657 sona r display. For exa mple, if t he rang e is 1 0 0 m, then t he sonar dis play shows de pths bet ween 0 and 100 m. T he ran ge is displaye d at the bot tom, rig ht corner o f a sonar dis play.
39 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 8- 6 Gain a nd thres hold Gain a nd thresho ld set tings contro l the amo unt of de tail displ ayed on a so nar display : Gain : The g ain of the s onar recei ver .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 40 T o sh ow the Son ar display, press , t hen select Sona r . Th ere are five k inds of so nar display.
41 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 9- 1- 1 E xten ded his tory mo de T o re view an ol d sonar e cho, use or to move b ack and for ward th rough the s onar histo ry. The tim e since the ec hoes show n on the scre en were record ed is displ ayed at the b ottom of th e screen.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 42 9-3 Sonar Bo ttom di splay Th e display show s the sonar h istor y on the ri ght and th e bot tom signal as a f lat tr ace in the center of th e zoom se ctio n on the lef t. T he f lat trace make it ea sy to compare t he echo s trengt hs shown i n the bot tom signals .
43 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 9-5 Sonar A-Scope d isplay Th e display show s the sonar h istor y on the lef t and t he A-Scope d isplay on th e right.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 44 10 G a u g e s w i n do w Th e Gauges wi ndow shows b oat data, su ch as water sp eed , as analo g gauges .
45 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 2 Fuel functio ns and disp lay The Fuel func tions require optional petrol/gasoline or Smar tCraft™ fuel sensor s to be installed and set up. Each e ngine has a f low se nsor inst alled to measure t he engin e’s fuel f low.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 46 Fuel flow Th e fuel f low fo r the engin e(s). On a m ulti engi ne bo at, the data f or the po rt en gine is on the l eft of th e display. Use the f lows to ch eck the lo ad of each en gine. Range Th e estimate d boat r ange at the c urrent fu el f low.
47 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual C When you remove fuel 1 Befo re removin g fuel, g o t o the Fue l window, press and se lec t S et rem aining . 2 On a mul ti-ta nk boat, s elec t the tan k that you are remo ving fu el from.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 48 Water spe ed 10 knots Current 4 k nots Gives a g round spe ed of 6 kn ots 1 2-5 - 2 Wa ter spee d and gro und spe ed A pad dlewhe el senso r and a pitot se nsor measur e water spe ed, the b oat spe ed thro ugh the w ater .
49 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 2-6 Fuel co nsumpt ion cur ves A fue l consumptio n cur ve shows fu el consump tion (fu el used p er unit of d istance trave lled) an d boat sp eed as a f unct ion of engi ne RPM.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 50 1 2-6-2 Mana ging fu el consu mption c urves Renaming a curve 1 Press t wice, then s elec t Fue l . 2 Sel ect F uel co nsu mption c ur ve . Select Na me an d sele ct the n ame of the cur ve to rename.
51 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Cali brate pet rol/gaso line fue l flo w sensor s duri ng insta llation, o r if the fu el readings s eem inaccur ate and the ot her troub leshoot ing sugg estio ns do not hel p (see app endi x B troubleshooting).
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 52 1 3 Tides window Th e tides wi ndow is avai lable on C -M AP char ts. Th e tides win dow shows ti de inform ation at a tid e statio n for the se lec ted date.
53 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 4 User card wi ndow A C -MAP™ us er card is an opt ional plu g-in ca rd that ca n store data f iles (se e sec tion 1-3). The re are thre e ty pes of f iles: way point s, routes o r a track.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 54 T o l oad a fi le to the 657 : 1 Sel ect t he file to lo ad. 2 Press and s elec t Load . Del eting a fi le from th e user card 1 Sel ect t he file to d elete. 2 Press and s elec t De le te . 3 Sel ect Ye s to conf irm.
55 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 5-1 Vie wing AIS Vessel s A B C D A AIS Vesse l B Danger ous Vessel C Pr ojected Course D Data Box Whe n the curs or is placed o ver an AIS vessel f or at leas t two se conds, a d ata box ap pears at th e bot tom of th e window w ith infor mation ab out the AIS ves sel.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 56 1 5-3 AIS Win dows T o g o to the AIS win dows, pre ss , sel ect Mo re , t hen press or to se lec t one of th e t wo windows : V ess els or Safet y msgs (r x). If th ere are more ite ms than will f it on the window , press or to see th e others .
57 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 6 DSC/ Buddy t rack windows Buddy track requires an optional Norths tar D SC VHF r adio to be i nstall ed. Bud dy trac k track s other bo ats which h ave DSC radio s connec ted to the ir GPS re ceivers by N avBus and are i n VHF ran ge.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 58 Dis playing a boa t on the ch art 1 Press or to sel ect a b oat. 2 Press and s elec t Display . T he 657 swi tches to char t wind ow , w ith the s elec ted bo at positio n in the mid dle (see B oat posi tions above ).
59 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 7 Sett ing up the 657 The 657 has a number of advanced features whic h are set up thro ugh the s etup menu . W e recom mend that yo u beco me famil iar with t he op eration o f the unit usin g the def ault set tings bef ore makin g any change s in these m enus.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 60 Setup o ption men us Factor y def ault set tings are sh own. T he setup dat a avail able will d epend o n the opti onal senso rs and instrum ents installed.
61 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Press twice, then select System : Language Select the language for the displays. Tip: In case you can’t read the current language, the language setting is found at the top of the system menu.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 62 Press t wice, then s elec t Char t: Rotation Th e options fo r char t rotation are : North u p : Nor th is al ways at the top o f the char t wind ow . Trac k u p : Th e char t is rotated so th at the bo at direc tion is to the top o f the displ ay .
63 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual NMEA da tum off set If you s elec t a map datum ot her than WGS 8 4, the ma p datum of fse t can be ap plied to l atitud e and l ongit ude c.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 64 Projected course The 657 can estimate the course after a given time, based on the current speed and heading (see section 3-4). The options are 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours or Off CDI scale Se e Appen dix C.
65 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Press t wice, then s elec t Sona r : Fre qu enc y Th ere is a choice of : 200 k H z , 50 k Hz a nd Mix ed . For infor mation ab out sel ect ing a suit able fre quenc y for th e water cond itions .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 66 ! W ARNING Fuel consu mption ca n change dr asti cally dep ending u pon the b oat loa ding and th e sea con ditio ns. Alway s carr y ade quate fue l for the jo urney, plus a res erve. Fuel functions require optional fuel flow sensors to be installed.
67 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Source Select the fuel flow sensors to use if the boat has more than one set of fuel sensors. Normally select Auto . Num engines Set the number of engines, or select 0 to disable the fuel functions.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 68 1 7 -6 Se tup > T rack Press t wice, then s elec t Track : T r ackin g records an d displays th e boat ’s course on th e chart (s ee se ctio n 3-5). Five dif fere nt track s can b e recorde d: tr ack 1 has up to 20 00 poi nts and tr ack s 2, 3, 4 and 5 have up to 500 p oints each.
69 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 7 -8 Setu p > Logs Press t wice, then s elec t Logs : Th e values c an be rese t indep endently o f each other. Th ese log v alues are s aved when th e unit is tur ned of f. Rese t trip dis t This re sets th e trip dis tance to zero.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 70 Press t wice, then s elec t Ala rm s : 1 7 -9 Setup > Al arms All ala rms except L oss o f GPS fix can b e tur ned on (en abled ) or of f (disab led). For all alarms select to tur n the alar m on or select to tur n the alar m off.
71 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Press t wice, then s elec t Units : Th e defaul t units are sh own above. Dist ance nm (nautical miles), mi (miles) or km (kilom etres ) Spe.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 72 Press t wice, then s elec t Calibr a te : Speed This c alibr ates the spe ed fro m a paddl ewhee l sens or conne cted to th e 65 7 . Cali bratio n may be required be cause dif fer ent hull shapes have dif fere nt flo w charac teris tics .
73 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Kee l Of fse t A dept h transdu cer measures d epths bel ow whe re the tran sducer is mo unted on the b oat, usuall y the bot tom of the b oat. T he 657 calculate s the d epths to display by a dding th e keel of fse t to all measu red depths .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 74 1 7- 1 5 Setu p > Simula te Simulate m ode is a way o f becom ing fami liar with the 657 (se e sec tion 2- 6).
75 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 657 disp lay unit , with a ho lder fo r plug -in car ds and bla nkin g cap for f uel conn ec tor.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 76 Black Y ellow Blue Con ne ct ion s Pow er (18-4) External alarms (18-4) NavBus instruments (18-9) and VHF radio (18-8) NMEA out to instrumen.
77 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 1 8-3 Instal latio n: The dis play uni t Th ere are two m ounting a rrang ements : 1 Flush M ounti ng Requires a solid panel with acc ess behind for wi ring and m ounting s crews.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 78 External beepers or lights Auto power Dur ing set up, set up Auto p ower off (see se cti ons 2- 2 and 17 -1 ) Pow er/data cable Y ellow Red Black Ignition Ignition switch Main switch 12/24 V DC Fuses 2A Pow er/data cable Red Green 2 Wire a ny exte rnal alar m beep ers or li ghts.
79 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Restart GPS: Res tar ts the G PS receive r , s atellite rece ption wi ll be l ost until t he receive r comple tes its res tar t and acqui res the s atellites . ! W ARNING MOB w ill not wor k if the Ins trume nt does not have a GPS f ix.
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 80 1 8- 6 Inst a llation: Sonar transducer Either: • Fit t he trans om mount so nar trans ducer supp lied, fol lowing th e instr uctio ns in the Tr a ns o m M o u nt Tr a ns d u c er I n s t al l a ti o n Manual supplied with the 65 7 .
81 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Y ellow GPS antenna (optional) SmartCraf t™ gat eway 1 8-8 Installation: Smar tC raft™ If th e boat has on e or two Sma rt Craf t™ capabl e Merc ury p etrol /gasolin e engine s, conne ct th e 657 to the Smar tCra ft™ eng ines with a n optiona l Smar tCr aft™ gatew ay .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 82 1 8- 10 Insta llatio n: Other N MEA instru ments NME A is an indus tr y stand ard for interco nnec ting inst rument s.
83 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Setup a nd test 1 Put a bl anking c ap on any unus ed conne ctor on th e back of th e display unit .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 84 Append ix A - Specif ications GENERAL Size: 5.9” H x 6.5” W x 2.6” D (150mm H x 164mm W x 65mm D) Display: 127 mm (5”) diagonal, TFT color, 480 x 640 pixels. Backlight: Display and keys Supply voltage 10.
85 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual List of datums Adindan Afgoo ye AIN EL ABD 1970 American Samoa 1962 Anna 1 Astro 1965 Antigua Island Astro 1943 ARC 1950 ARC 1960 Ascension .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 86 1-1 The 657 won’t turn on: a T he 657 is design ed to oper ate on a 1 2 /2 4 volt b atter y sys tem, where th e voltag e may var y from 10.5 to 30. 5 volts . If an excessi ve volt age is suppl ied, a fus e will be tr ippe d, tur ning the disp lay unit of f.
87 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual B- 2 GPS n avigatio n proble ms 2- 1 N o GPS f ix or l ong ti me to ge t fi x at startup: a M ay occur occ asionall y if the anten na does not have a cl ear view o f the sk y . T he satell ite posi tions are cons tantly c hanging .
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 88 c A fuel t ransdu cer may be clo gged . If so, remove th e trans ducer from th e fuel lin e and g ently blo w through it i n the opp osite dire ctio n to the fue l flo w .
89 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 4-2 Bottom is not displayed: a The 65 7 may have Manual Range selected and the depth may be outside the range value selected. Either change the 65 7 to Auto Range or select another depth range (see section 8-5 ).
Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual 90 Append ix C - Glossar y and navigatio n data Att enti on Area - A n impor tant area o n a char t, such as a res tric ted anch orage o r a shallow area (se e sec tion 1 7- 2) . AIS - Automat ic Identi ficat ion System .
91 Northstar Explorer 657 Installation and Operation Manual Navigation da t a The boat is sailing from the start to the destination and has moved off the plotted course fr om the start to the destination. BRG Bearing to Destination: Bearing to the destination from the boat.
Made in New Zealand MN000651A-G ".&3*$"4 4VECVSZ3PBE "DUPO."64" 1I.
An important point after buying a device NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device NorthStar Navigation EXPLORER 657 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center