Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 214393-A Nortel Networks
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Part No. 214 393-A March 2 003 4655 Gr eat Ame rica Parkway Santa C lara, CA 9505 4 Reference for the BayS t ack 380-24F Gigab it Switch Management Software.
2 214393-A Copyright © 2003 Nortel Networks All r ights r eserved. M arch 200 3. The informati on in this document is subj ect to change witho ut notice.
5 Referenc e for the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Switch Ma nagement S oftware Content s Pref ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Contents 214393-A T e lneting to a switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Opening the Web-based m anagement h ome page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 T rap log .
Contents 7 Referenc e for the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Switch Ma nagement S oftware VLAN tab for multiple ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Graphing port statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Contents 214393-A Chapter 8 RMON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Working with RM ON infor mation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Referenc e for the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Switch Ma nagement S oftware Figur es Figure 1 Device M anager wind ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Figure 2 Propertie s dialog bo x . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Figures 214393-A Figure 30 FileSystem dialog b ox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Figure 31 Graph C hassis dialo g box — Cha ssis SNMP tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Figure 32 Graph C hassis dialo g box — IP tab .
Figures 11 Referenc e for the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Switch Ma nagement S oftware Figure 65 How alarm s fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Figure 66 Alarm e xample — thr eshold less than 26 0 .
12 Figures 214393-A.
13 Referenc e for the Bay S t ack 380-24F Gigabit Switch Ma nagement S oftware Ta b l e s T a ble 1 Propertie s dialog box items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 T a ble 2 SNMP co mmunity str ing defau lt values .
14 Tables 214393-A T a ble 30 STG tab items for a sing le port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 T a ble 31 Interfac e tab fields for multiple ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 T a ble 32 VLAN tab fiel ds for mult iple por ts .
15 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Preface W elcom e to t he No rte l N etwo rks * Device Manager soft ware, a set of graph ical network man agement appl ication s you can us e to configur e and manage t he Nortel Ne tworks BayS tack * 380 -24F Gigabit Switch.
16 Preface 214393-A Related publi cations For mor e informat ion about using the Ba ySta ck 380-24F Gi gabit Swit ch, refer to the fol lowing publ ications: • Using the BayS tack 3 80-24F Gigabi t S.
Pref ace 17 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e How to ge t help If you pu rchased a service c ontract for your Norte l Networks product fr om a distri butor or authorized r eseller , contact t he techni cal suppo rt staf f for that distri butor or reseller f or assis tance.
18 Preface 214393-A.
19 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 1 Device Manager basics This chap ter descr ibes bas ic procedu res for usi ng the Devic e Manager sof tware.
20 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Figure 1 Device Manag er window Setting the Device Manager p roperties Device Mana ger communicates with the Ba ySta ck 380-24F s witch usin g Simple Network Manag ement Protocol (SNMP).
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 21 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Figure 2 Properti es dialog b ox 2 T ype information a nd select check boxe s. 3 Click OK. Ta b l e 1 describes t he Propert ies dial og box ite ms.
22 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Ta b l e 1 Proper ties di alog box items Area Item Description Polling S t atus In terval Interval a t which st atus in formation is gathe red (defaul t is 20 secon ds). (If T raps , S tatu s Interval: ) Int erval at wh ich s tatist ics a n d stat us inf ormat ion are g ather ed when trap s are enabled.
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 23 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Opening a d evice “Opening” a device d isplays t he device vie w , a pictur e of the devi ce. T o open the device v iew , you must e nter communi ty strings t hat dete rmine the a ccess le vel granted to the dev ice.
24 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Figure 3 Open Devic e dia log bo x Ta b l e 3 describes t he Open Device dialog bo x fields. 2 In the De vice Name text b ox, type the DNS name or IP addr ess of the device.
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 25 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 3 In the Re ad Community and W rite Community tex t boxes, t ype the pro per comm uni ty st ri ngs .
26 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Figure 5 Parts of th e Device Manage r window Menu bar Use the men u bar to se t up and ope rate Device Mana ger ( Ta b l e 4 ). Ta b l e 4 Menu bar comm and s Command D escription Devi ce Opens th e Open D evice d ialog bo x.
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 27 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e To o l b a r The toolb ar contai ns button s that provi de quick ac cess to co mmonly use d commands and some additi ona l actions.
28 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Selecting object s The types of object s contained i n the devi ce view ar e: • A switch ( called a uni t in the me nus and dia log boxes) • Min-GBIC .
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 29 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Selecting multiple obje ct s T o select multipl e object s of the same t ype (such as GBIC ports or or mi ni-GBIC ports): ➨ For a blo ck of conti guous port s, drag to select the group of min i-GBIC ports .
30 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Figure 7 Color p ort legen d Shortcut menus Each obje ct in the device vi ew has a shor tcut menu that opens when y ou right- click a s elected object.
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 31 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Figure 9 Port shor tcut men u Ta b l e 8 describes t he commands on t he port sh ortcut menu. St atu s b ar The stat us bar dis plays er ror and in formationa l messa ges from th e softwar e applica tion.
32 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Using the buttons i n Device Manager dialog boxes Ta b l e 9 describes bu ttons i n Device Mana ger dia log boxes .
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 33 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Editing objec t s Y ou can edit obj ects and va lues in the Device Manager device vi ew in the followi ng ways: • Select an object and, on the t oolbar , click the Ed it Select ed button .
34 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A T ypes of st atistic s The data tables i n the stat istics dialog boxes list the counters , or categ ories of statis tic s b eing gathe red, for the spec ifie d o bjec t. For examp le, th e cate gori es fo r ports i nclude In terface, Ethernet Err ors, Bridg e, and Rmon.
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 35 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Figure 10 Line gr aph Figure 1 1 Area grap h.
36 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Figure 12 Bar gr aph Figure 13 Pie gr aph.
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 37 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e St atistics for singl e and multi p le object s S tatistic s for a sel ected obj ect or ob jects ar e displayed in the statisti cs dialo g box.
38 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A T o change the type of s tatist ics dis played, se lect a dif ferent type fr om the show list at the b ottom of th e dialog box. The stat istics are updat ed based on the poll int erval sho wn at the bot tom of the dialog b ox.
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 39 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Figure 16 S tatistics dialog bo x for a p ort 3 Select a tab for the group o f statisti cs you want to view . 4 On the dis played dat a table, dra g to sele ct the ce lls you want to graph.
40 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A Ta b l e 1 1 descri bes the but tons in t he graph dial og boxes. T elneting to a switch From Device Manager , you can init iate a T elnet se ssion to the console i nterface for the switch you are curr ently acc essing.
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 41 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Opening the Web-based managem ent home p age From Device Manager , you can access t he W eb-based manageme nt home page.
42 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A T rap lo g Y ou can configur e a BayS tack 380- 24F Switch to se nd SNMP generic tr aps. When Device Manag er is runni ng, a ny tr ap s re ceived are recorded i n the trap l og. Y ou set the max imum number o f entr ies i n the t rap l og usin g th e Propert ies di alog box ( Figu re 2 on page 21 ).
Chapt er 1 Device Ma nager basics 43 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Online Help Online Hel p in Device Manag er is cont ext-sen sitive. Y ou use a W eb browser t o display online Hel p. The W eb browser should la unch automatic ally when yo u click t he Help but ton.
44 Chapter 1 Device Mana ger bas ics 214393-A.
45 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 2 Configuring and graphing the switch The fir st three sections of this chap ter descr ibe how you can u se Device Man ager to config ure your switch. The la st section desc ribes how to use Devic e M anage r to graph swi tch stat istics.
46 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Figure 19 Globa ls tab Ta b l e 1 3 describes the Gl obals ta b items. Addresses t ab The Addres ses tab sh ows the IP a ddress inf ormation f or the devic e. T o open the Addresse s tab: 1 From the Dev ice Manager ma in menu, choos e Edit > IP .
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 47 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Figure 20 Edit IP dialog b ox — IP Addr ess tab Ta b l e 1 4 d escri bes th e IP A ddre ss ta b items .
48 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Figure 21 Edit IP dialog b ox — ARP tab Ta b l e 1 5 d escri bes th e AR P tab i tems . Ta b l e 1 5 ARP ta b items Item D escr iptio n Inte rfac e The de vic e u nit nu mber. MacAddr ess Th e unique hardware address of the devi ce.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 49 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Editing the chassis configura tion Y ou can edit a ch assis con figuration from the Edi t Chassis dialog box ( Figure 22 on page 50 ).
50 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Figure 22 Edit Ch assis dialog box — System tab Ta b l e 1 6 describes the S ystem tab i tems. Note: The chassis k eeps trac k of the el apsed ti me and ca lculates the time and date us ing the system cl ock of t he Device Mana ger machin e as a refer ence.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 51 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Authentic ationT raps Click enable o r disable . When you select e nabled, SNM P traps are sent to trap receive rs for all SNMP access authentic ation.
52 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Base Uni t In fo tab The Base Uni t Info tab pr ovides r ead-only inf ormation ab out the ope rating sta tus of the h ardware and whether or not the de fault fa ctory se ttings ar e being us ed.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 53 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Agent t ab The Agent t ab provide s read-on ly infor mation about the address es that t he agent softwar e uses to i dentify the switch.
54 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Ta b l e 1 8 d escri bes th e Age nt tab field s. Ta b l e 1 8 Age nt tab field s Item Descrip tion NextBootp Addr The IP ad dress of t he BootP se rver to b e used the n ext time the switc h is boo ted .
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 55 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e SNMP t ab The SNMP tab pr ovides re ad-only i nformation about the addresses that th e agent softwar e uses to i dentify the switch.
56 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Ta b l e 1 9 d escri bes th e SN MP Info t ab fi e lds. T rap Receiv ers t ab The T rap Re ceivers tab list s the devi ces that wil l receive SNM P traps f rom the BaySta ck 38 0-2 4F sw itch.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 57 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 2 0 d escri bes th e T rap Rece ive rs tab it ems. Adding a T rap Receiver T o edit the ne twork traps t able: 1 In the T rap Receive rs tab (Figu re 26) , click In sert.
58 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Power Supply t ab The Power s upply tab p rovides read -only inf ormation ab out the ope rating s tatus of the s witch power supply . T o open the Power supp ly tab: 1 Select the chassis. 2 From the s hortcut men u, choose Edit > Chassis.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 59 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 2 1 describes the P ower supp ly tab fi elds. Ta b l e 2 1 Powe r su pply tab fiel ds Field Desc ription Desc The powe r supply typ e.
60 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Fan t ab The Fan ta b provides read-onl y informat ion about t he operat ing status of the switc h fan s. T o open the Fan tab: 1 Select the chassis. 2 From the s hortcut men u, choose Edit > Chassis.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 61 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 2 2 d escri bes th e Fa n tab fie lds . W ork ing with co nfiguration files Y ou can view infor mation and upload or d ownload the configura tion and im age files from the Edit F ileSystem dialog box.
62 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Figure 30 File Sy s tem dia lo g bo x Ta b l e 2 3 describes the F ileSystem dia log box items. Ta b l e 2 3 Fi leSyst em dia log box i tems Item Description LoadServ erAddr The IP addre ss of the loa d server f or the configu ration fil e and/or the image fil e.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 63 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Graphing chassis statistics T o gra ph c h ass is stat isti cs: 1 Select the chassis. 2 Do one of the fo llo w ing: • From the s hortcut men u, choose Graph.
64 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Six co lum ns pro vide the s ta tis tics fo r th e coun ter s t hat a r e lis ted on the ta b. For des c ript i o ns of the c hassi s IP st atis tics, ref er to T able 10 on page 34 . SNMP t ab The c hassi s SN M P ta b lis ts cha ssi s sta ti stic s.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 65 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Figure 31 Grap h Chassi s dialog box — Chassis S NMP tab Ta b l e 2 4 d escri bes th e SN MP tab fields .
66 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A InGetR equest s The tota l number of SNMP Get-R equest PDUs that hav e been acc epted and processe d by the S NMP proto col. InGetN exts The tota l number of SNMP Get-Ne xt PDUs a ccepted and processe d by the SNM P protocol .
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 67 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e IP tab The IP tab shows I P informat ion for t he chassis . T o open the IP tab: 1 Select the chassis. 2 Do one of the fo llo w ing: • From Device Manager main me nu, choose Graph > Chassis.
68 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A Figure 32 Grap h Chassi s dialog box — IP tab Ta b l e 2 5 d escri bes th e Cha ssi s IP ta b fie l d s Ta b l e 2 5 C hassis IP tab fields Field De scription InRec eives The t otal nu mber of in put dat agrams re ceived f rom int erfaces, inclu din g t hos e rece ived i n err or .
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 69 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e ForwDat agrams The number of input d atagram s for whic h this ent ity was not the ir final IP destinat ion, as a result of whic h an attempt was ma de to find a route to forward t hem to tha t final de stination .
70 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A ICMP In t ab The c hassi s IC M P In t ab sho ws IC MP In stat istics . T o op en the ICM P In ta b: 1 Select the chassis. 2 Do one of the fo llo w ing: • From Device Manager main me nu, choose Graph > Chassis.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 71 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Figure 33 Grap h Chassi s dialog box — ICMP In tab Ta b l e 2 6 d escri bes th e ICMP In ta b fie ld s.
72 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A ICMP Ou t t ab The c hassi s IC M P Ou t show s IC MP O u t sta t i stic s. T o op en the ICM P Out ta b: 1 Select the chassis. 2 Do one of the fo llo w ing: • From Device Manager main me nu, choose Graph > Chassis.
Chapter 2 Configur ing and g raphing the switc h 73 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 2 7 d e scri b es the ICMP O u t tab f ield s . Ta b l e 2 7 I CMP Out tab field s Field De scription SrcQuen chs The num ber of ICMP Source Quenc h messages sent.
74 Chapter 2 Configu ring and gr aphing th e switch 214393-A.
75 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 3 Configuring and graphing port s This chapt er descr ibes how you use Device Manager to confi gure and gra ph ports on a BayS tack 380 -24F Switch .
76 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A The foll owing sect ions provi de a descr iption of t he tabs in the Edit P ort dial og box, and de tails ab out each fie ld on the t ab. Interface t ab for a single port The Inte rface ta b shows the b asic conf igurati on and stat us of a si ngle port .
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 77 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 2 8 d escri bes th e Inte rfa ce tab items for a s ingle por t. Ta b l e 2 8 I nterface tab items for a single po rt Field Des cription Index A unique value as signed t o each in terface.
78 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A VLAN t ab for a single port The VLAN tab al lows you to view the VLAN mem bership for a single port. T o view the VLAN tab: 1 Select the port y ou want to e dit. 2 Do on e of th e fo ll owin g: • Double -click the selected port • From the s hortcut men u, choose Edit.
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 79 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 2 9 d escri bes th e VL AN ta b items . Ta b l e 2 9 VLA N tab items for a sing le port Item D escr iptio n T ype Indicat es the typ e of VLAN port (T runk or Acc ess port) .
80 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A STG t ab for a single port In the Sp anning T ree Group (STG) tab , you can vie w the stat us and modify t he configu ration of a port’ s spanni ng tree pa rameters . T o view the STG tab: 1 Select the port y ou want to e dit.
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 81 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 3 0 describes the S TG tab items. Ta b l e 3 0 ST G tab items for a singl e port Item Descri ption S tgId The number o f time s this port h as tra nsitio ned fro m the Learni ng stat e to the Fo rwarding st ate.
82 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A Configuring multiple port s Y ou can graph port statis tics fr om the graph port dialog box. T o open the graph por t dialog box: 1 Select the port o r ports yo u want to ed it. 2 Do on e of th e fo ll owin g: • From the s hortcut menu, choose Edit.
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 83 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 2 Do on e of th e fo ll owin g: • From the s hortcut men u, choose Edit. • From the Dev ice Manager main menu, choos e Edit > Po rt.
84 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A VLAN t ab for mul t ipl e ports The VLAN tab sh ows the VLAN members hip for t he selected ports. T o view or edit the Inte rface ta b for multi ple port s: 1 Select the ports that you wa nt to edit .
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 85 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 2 Do on e of th e fo ll owin g: • From the s hortcut men u, choose Edit. • From the Dev ice Manager main menu, choos e Edit > Po rt.
86 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A Graphing port statistics Y ou c an gra p h st at isti cs for eith er a sin gle p ort or multi ple ports from the graphPor t dialog b ox. The windows displayed are ident ical for e ither si ngle or multipl e port confi guration.
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 87 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Figure 40 Interfa ce tab for grap hing po rts Ta b l e 3 3 d escri bes th e Inte rfa ce tab fie lds fo r gr ap hing ports .
88 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A Ethernet Errors t ab for graphing port s The port Ethernet E rrors ta b shows port Ethernet Errors stat istics . T o open the Etherne t Errors tab for gr aphing: 1 Select the port o r ports yo u want to gr aph.
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 89 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 2 Do on e of th e fo ll owin g: • From the Dev ice Manager main menu, choos e Graph > Port. • From the s hortcut men u, choose Graph.
90 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A Ta b l e 3 9 describes the E thernet Er rors ta b fields. Ta b l e 3 4 Ethe rnet Er rors tab fields Field Desc ription Alignme ntErrors A count of frames recei ved on a p articular interface tha t are not an integral num ber of octe ts in length and do not p ass the FCS check.
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 91 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Frame T ooLongs A count of fram es received on a p articular interface tha t exceed t he maximum permitte d frame si ze.
92 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A Bridge t ab The Bridge tab displ ays port frame stati stics. T o open the Bridge t ab for graphi ng: 1 Select the port o r ports yo u want to gr aph. T o select mult iple ports, [Ctrl] + left-cli ck the por ts that y ou want to configur e.
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 93 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 3 5 describes the Br idge tab fields. RMON t ab The RMON tab displays Ethe rnet sta tistic s for graphi ng a port o r ports.
94 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A 2 Do on e of th e fo ll owin g: • From the Dev ice Manager main menu, choos e Graph > Port.
Chap ter 3 Configu ring and gr aph ing ports 95 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 3 6 describes the RMON ta b fields.
96 Chapter 3 Configu ring and gr aphing po rts 214393-A <=64 The tot al n umber of p acket s (includ ing bad p acke ts) rec eived tha t were les s than or equa l to 64 oc tets i n length (exc luding fra ming bit s but inc luding FCS oct ets).
97 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 4 Setting up Mu ltiLink T r unk por t s MultiLin k T runking (ML T) is a point-to-po int connectio n that aggr egates multip le ports s o that the y logical ly act like a single port with the aggre gated bandwi dth.
98 Chapter 4 Setting up Multi Link Trunk por ts 214393-A Figure 44 ML T di alog box The acti ve MultiLin k T runks ar e displa yed with th e fields des cribed i n Ta b l e 3 7 . Ta b l e 3 7 M L T dialog box fields Field Desc ription ID The numbe r of the ML T (assigne d consec utively ).
Chapter 4 Setting u p MultiLi nk Trunk por ts 99 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Adding por t s to a MultiLink T r unk T o add ports to an e xisting M L T : 1 From the Dev ice Manager menu b ar , choos e VLAN > ML T .
100 Chapter 4 Setting u p Mult iLink Trunk po rts 214393-A Figure 46 ML T St atistics — Inte rface tab Ta b l e 3 8 d escri bes th e fiel ds in th e Inte rfa ce tab.
Chap ter 4 Set ting up MultiLink T runk ports 101 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e MultiLink T runk Ethernet error st atistics T o view MultiLink T runk Ethernet err or statistic s: 1 From the Dev ice Manager menu b ar , choos e VLAN > ML T .
102 Chapter 4 Setting u p Mult iLink Trunk po rts 214393-A Ta b l e 3 9 d escri bes th e fie l ds in th e Et h ernet Err o rs ta b. Ta b l e 3 9 Ethe rnet Er rors tab fields Field Des cription Alignme ntErrors A coun t of frames received o n a par ticular ML T that are no t an integr al number of o ctets in length and do no t pass the FCS check.
Chap ter 4 Set ting up MultiLink T runk ports 103 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Frame T ooLong A coun t of f r am es rece iv ed on a p art icular ML T that excee d th e maximu m perm itt ed fram e siz e.
104 Chapter 4 Setting u p Mult iLink Trunk po rts 214393-A.
105 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 5 Creating and managing VLANs This chap ter descr ibes using De vice Manager to manage VLANs o n your BayS tack 380-24 F Gigabit Swi tch. The cha pter cove rs creatin g, editing , and deleti ng VLANs.
106 Chapter 5 Creating and ma naging VL ANs 214393-A Creating VLANs Device Mana ger enable s you to cr eate a port- based VLAN. VLAN Informa tio n T o open the VLAN dialog b ox: ➨ From the Dev ice Manager menu b ar , choos e VLAN > VLANs. The VLAN dialo g box opens ( Fig ure 48 ).
Chapter 5 Creating and man aging VLA Ns 10 7 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Creating a port-based VLAN T o create a port -based VLAN: 1 From the Dev ice Manager menu b ar , choos e VLAN > VLANs. The VLAN dialo g box opens ( Fig ure 48 on page 106 ).
108 Chapter 5 Creating and ma naging VL ANs 214393-A Accepting unt agged frames In the Ba yStac k 380-24F, you configur e whether or no t untagged frames ar e sent or recei ved on the po rt level . Refer t o “VLAN tab for a si ngle port ” on page 78 for VLAN tab fie ld descript ions.
Chapter 5 Creating and man aging VLA Ns 10 9 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Modifying an d managing existing VLANs The main di alog box fo r managing VLANs in De vice Manager is the VLAN dialog b ox. T o open the VLAN d ialog box: ➨ From the Dev ice Manager main menu, choose VLAN > VLANs.
110 Chapter 5 Creating and ma naging VL ANs 214393-A.
111 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 6 Setting up bri dgin g The Bridge parameters a llow you to view MAC address table fo r a Baysta ck 380-24 F Gigabit S witch.
112 Chapter 6 S etting up b ridging 214393-A Figure 52 Base tab Ta b l e 4 2 describes the Ba se tab fi elds. Sp an ning T r ee t ab The Spannin g T ree ta b displays the versi on of the spann ing tree prot ocol curre ntly running.
Chapter 6 Setting up bridg ing 11 3 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 2 Click th e Spanning T ree tab. The Spanni ng T ree ta b opens (Fi gure 53) .
114 Chapter 6 S etting up b ridging 214393-A Ta b l e 4 3 d escri bes th e Sp a nni ng Tree tab fields . Ta b l e 4 3 Spanni ng T ree tab f ields Field Des cription ProtocolS pecifica tion V e rsion of th e spa nning tree protocol being run. V alues includ e: • decLb100: Indicates th e DEC LA Nbridge 100 span ning tr ee protoco l.
Chapter 6 Setting up bridg ing 11 5 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e T ransparent t ab The T rans parent t ab contain s informat ion about a specifi c unicas t MAC address, which has some forward ing infor mation for the brid ge.
116 Chapter 6 S etting up b ridging 214393-A The Bridge dialog box opens, with th e Base tab d isplayed. 2 Click th e T rans parent t ab. The T rans parent t ab opens (Fi gure 54) . Figure 54 T ranspar ent tab Ta b l e 4 4 d escri bes th e Transpar ent tab i te ms.
Chapter 6 Setting up bridg ing 11 7 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e T o view the Forwardi ng tab: 1 From the Dev ice Manager me nu bar , choos e Edit > Br idge. The Bridge dialog box opens, with th e Base tab d isplayed.
118 Chapter 6 S etting up b ridging 214393-A Ta b l e 4 5 describes the F orwarding t ab fiel ds. Ta b l e 4 5 Forwar ding ta b fiel ds Field Desc ription S tatus The values of this field s includ e: • invalid: Entry is no l onger va lid, but has not been rem oved fro m the t able.
119 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 7 T roubleshoo ting Device Manager This cha pter d esc ribes diagno stic infor mati on ava ilabl e in De vice Mana.
120 Chapter 7 Troub leshooti ng Devic e Manager 214393-A Ta b l e 4 6 describes the T opolog y tab items. To p o l o g y Ta b l e t a b T o view more topology inf ormation: 1 From the Dev ice Manager menu bar , c hoose Edit > Di agnostics . The Diagn ostic s dia log b ox opens with t he T opology t ab di splaye d ( Fi gure 56 on page 1 19 ).
Chapter 7 Troub leshooti ng Devi ce Manag er 121 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 4 7 describes the T opology T able tab f ields. Ta b l e 4 7 T op ology T abl e tab field s Field Des cription Slot The slot number in the chas sis in wh ich the to pology mes sage was re ce ived .
122 Chapter 7 Troub leshooti ng Devic e Manager 214393-A.
123 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 8 RMON The Re mote Netw o rk Mon itori ng (R MON) MIB is an inter face b etwee n the RMON agent o n a Ba yS tack 380-24F Gig abit Switch and a n RMON manage ment applica tion, such as the Device Manager .
124 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A 2 Do on e of th e fo ll owin g: • Double -click o n the sele cted port • From the s hortcut men u, choose Graph. • From the Dev ice Manager main menu, choos e Graph. The Graph Po rt dialo g box opens wi th the In terface tab displaye d ( Figure 35 on page 76 ).
Chapter 8 RMO N 125 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e • Buckets a re gather ed at 30-mi nute interv als. • Number o f buckets gat hered is 5 0. Both the ti m e i nte rva l an d the number of bucke ts is c onf igurable .
126 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A Creating a history Y ou c an us e R MO N to co llect stat isti c s at in terv als. F or ex ampl e, i f y ou wa nt RMON statist ics to be gat hered over t he weekend, yo u will want eno ugh buckets to cover two days. T o do this, s et the hist ory to gat her one bucket each hour , thus coverin g a 48-hour period.
Chapter 8 RMO N 127 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 2 Select an index and then cli ck Insert . The RMONControl, Insert Hist ory dialo g box opens (Fig ure 61) .
128 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A 3 Select the port f rom the por t list o r type the por t number . 4 Set the number of buc kets. The defau lt is 50. 5 Set th e inte rval. The defau lt is 180 0 seconds. 6 T ype the owner , the network man agement syst em that crea ted th is entry .
Chapter 8 RMO N 129 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Enabling Ethernet st atistics gatheri ng Y ou c an us e RM ON to g athe r Eth ernet stat isti cs. T o gat her E the rn et st at isti cs: 1 From the Dev ice Manager main menu, choose RMON > Con trol.
130 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A 3 Click In sert. The RMONControl, Insert Et her S tats dialo g box opens (Fig ure 63) . Figure 63 RMONCon trol, Ins ert Ethe r S t ats dialog b ox 4 Select the port(s). Enter t he port numbe r you want or se lect the port fro m the list menu (Fig ure 64) .
Chapter 8 RMO N 131 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 2 Click th e Ether S tats tab. The Ether Stat s tab open s ( Figure 63 on page 130 ). 3 Highligh t the row that contains the port ID you want to de lete. 4 Click Del ete.
132 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A Figure 65 How alarm s fire It is im port ant to not e t hat th e ala rm fi re s dur i ng t he firs t i nte rv al th a t the sa mpl e goes o ut of ran ge. No additiona l even ts are gener ated for that thr eshold unt il the opposit e threshol d is crosse d.
Chapter 8 RMO N 133 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e spanning tree is disabled (which would cause the value for out bound octet s to drop to z ero), the falling alarm cann ot fire because th e baselin e traf fic is a lways greate r than the value of t he fall ing thres hold.
134 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A and all ows for the detection of thresho ld crossi ngs that span the sa mpling boundary . If you tr ack the cur rent values of a given delta-valu ed alarm an d add them toge ther , therefore, the resu lt is twice the actua l value.
Chapter 8 RMO N 135 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 2 In th e var ia bl e fi eld, sele ct a variab le for the alarm fr om th e list and a port (o r other I D) on which yo u want to se t an alar m ( Figure 68 ).
136 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A If you wan t to make fi eld chang es, see the fi eld desc riptions shown in Ta b l e 5 0 . T o view the RMON statis tics and h istory for the port f or which yo u have crea ted an ala rm : 1 Select the port o n which you ha ve create d an alarm.
Chapter 8 RMO N 137 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e 3 Click th e Ether S tats tab to vie w the st atistics ( Figure 64 on p age 130 ). Alarms tab T o view informat ion about alarms: ➨ Click on RMON > Al arms The RMONAlarms di alog box ope ns with the Ala rms tab ( Figure 69 ) display ed.
138 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A T o del ete an ala rm: 1 From the Dev ice Manager main menu, choose RMON >Al arms. V alue The val ue of the st atistic during the last sam pling perio d. For exam ple, if th e sample type is delta V alue, this value is the dif feren ce between the sa mples at the begin ning and end of the peri od.
Chapter 8 RMO N 139 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e The RMONAlarms di alog box ope ns with the Ala rms tab ( Figure 69 ) display ed. 2 Click any field f or the alarm t hat you want to delete t o highlight it.
140 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A The Events tab opens ( Figure 70 ). Figure 70 RMONA larms dial og box — Events tab Ta b l e 5 2 describes the RMONAla rms Events tab fi elds. Ta b l e 5 2 Event s ta b fiel ds Field Des cription Index This in dex uniqu ely iden tifies an en try in t he event t able.
Chapter 8 RMO N 141 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Creating an event T o create an event : 1 In the RMONAlar ms dialog box Eve nts tab, cli ck Insert. The RMONAlarms, In sert Event s dialog box o pens (Figure 71) .
142 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A Deleting an event T o del ete an eve n t: 1 In the Ev ents tab, highlight an event Descr iption. 2 Click Del ete. The event is remo ved from the table. Log inform ation The Log tab chronicl es and desc ribes th e alarm ac tivity , which is then ge nerated to viewed .
Chapter 8 RMO N 143 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 5 3 describes the L og tab fie lds. Ta b l e 5 3 L og tab fields Item D escr iptio n T ime An implement ation-de pendent d escription o f the even t that acti vated the log entry .
144 Chapter 8 RM ON 214393-A.
145 Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware Chapter 9 Security p a rameters Y ou c an set the se cur ity fea tur es fo r a sw it ch s o that the a c tion s are p erf orme d by the sof tware whe n a viol atio n occur s.
146 Chapter 9 S ecurity pa rameters 214393-A Figure 74 General tab Ta b l e 5 4 d escri bes th e Gen eral t ab it e ms. Ta b l e 5 4 Ge neral tab ite ms Items Descr iption AuthSecur ityLock If this p arameter i s listed as “locked,” the agent refu ses all request s to mo dify the security configura tion.
Chapt er 9 Secur ity par ameters 147 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Security Action Actions perform ed by the software w hen a viola tion occ urs (when Se curityS tatus is e nabled). T he security action specif ied here ap plies to all port s of the switch.
148 Chapter 9 S ecurity pa rameters 214393-A SecurityList t ab The S ecur ityLi st ta b con tains a list of Sec urity port i tem s . T o view the SecurityLi st tab: 1 From t he De vice Ma na ge r men u ba r, selec t E dit > S ecur ity . The Securi ty window ope ns with th e General t ab displ ayed ( Figure 74 on page 146 ).
Chapt er 9 Secur ity par ameters 149 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Security , Insert SecurityList dialog box Secu rity , Insert S ecur ityL ist d ialog box h as edi tab le fiel ds for the Securi tyL ist tab .
150 Chapter 9 S ecurity pa rameters 214393-A AuthConf ig t ab The AuthConf ig tab con tains a lis t of boards, p orts and MAC add resses t hat have the sec urity conf iguration. An SNMP SET PDU for a row in the tab requi res the entire sequence o f the MIB obj ects in each entry to b e stored in o ne PDU.
Chapt er 9 Secur ity par ameters 151 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Ta b l e 5 7 d escri bes th e Aut hCon fig ta b fi el ds. Security , Insert AuthConfig di alog box Securit y , Insert Aut hCon fi g di al og box has ed itable fi el ds for t he AuthConfi g t ab .
152 Chapter 9 S ecurity pa rameters 214393-A Figure 78 Securi ty , Inser t AuthConfig d ialog box Ta b l e 5 8 describes the S ecurity , Insert AuthConf ig dialo g box fiel ds. Ta b l e 5 8 Sec urity , I nsert AuthCo nfig dial og box fi elds Item D escr iptio n BrdIndx Index o f the board.
Chapt er 9 Secur ity par ameters 153 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e AuthSt a tus t ab The AuthS tatus tab displ ays inform ation of the authoriz ed boards a nd port st atus data col lection.
154 Chapter 9 S ecurity pa rameters 214393-A Figure 79 Aut hS tatus tab Ta b l e 5 9 d escri bes th e Aut hStatus ta b fie l ds. Ta b l e 5 9 Auth S tatus tab fields Item Description AuthS tatusBr dIndx The index of the board. This corre sponds t o the inde x of the slo t conta in ing the bo ard i f the i nde x is gr eater than zero.
Chapt er 9 Secur ity par ameters 155 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e AuthViolation t ab The AuthV iolation tab contains a list of bo ards and po rts where network acc ess violat ions have o ccurred, a nd also the i dentity o f the of fending MAC add resses.
156 Chapter 9 S ecurity pa rameters 214393-A 2 Click th e AuthV iolat ion tab. The AuthV iolation tab opens (Fig ure 80) . Figure 80 Auth Vi olat ion t ab Ta b l e 6 0 describes fie lds for t he AuthV iolati on tab fields . Ta b l e 6 0 Auth Violation tab fields Field Des cription BrdIndx The inde x o f the boa rd.
Reference for the B ayStack 3 80-24F Gigabit Switch Manag ement S oftware 157 Index Symbol s <=64 field 96 >1023 fiel d 96 >127 fi eld 96 >255 fi eld 96 >51 1 field 96 >64 field 96 A.
158 Index 214393-A Base tab Bridge Address field 11 2 NumPorts field 11 2 Ty p e 11 2 Forwardi ng tab Address field 11 8 Port field 11 8 Status field 11 8 Spanning T r ee tab BridgeHe llo T ime field .
Index 159 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e setting properties 20 Device Manager window 19 , 20 Device menu 26 Device Name field 24 device view , s ummary 27 .
160 Index 214393-A image file 61 ImageFileName field 54 , 62 ImageLoadMod e field 51 InAddrErro rs field 68 InASNParseErrs f ield 66 InB a dCo mm uni tyN ames fiel d 66 InBa dCo mm uni tyU s e s fie l.
Index 161 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e M MacAddr field 54 MacAddress field 48 Max T raps in Log field 22 Maximum statistics 34 menu bar, Device Man ager 26 menus.
162 Index 214393-A Port Interface tab 76 , 83 port sh ortc u t me nu 30 Port Spanni n g T ree window 80 PortMembers field 98 , 106 , 109 port s color -coded 29 configuring 75 , 11 9 controlling 75 dis.
Index 163 Referenc e for the BayStac k 380-2 4F Gigabi t Switch M anagement Softwar e Security , Insert AuthConf ig dialog bo x AccessCtrlT ype field 152 MACIndx field 152 Port Ind x fi e ld 152 Secur.
164 Index 214393-A troubles hooting locations of Help files 43 receiving tr aps 42 T rpRcvrCu rEnt field 56 T rpRcvrMaxEnt field 56 T rpRcvrNext field 56 Ty p e 106 Ty p e f i e l d 48 , 52 , 77 , 79 .
An important point after buying a device Nortel Networks 214393-A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nortel Networks 214393-A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nortel Networks 214393-A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nortel Networks 214393-A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nortel Networks 214393-A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nortel Networks 214393-A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nortel Networks 214393-A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nortel Networks 214393-A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nortel Networks 214393-A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center