Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product N800 Nokia
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Internet Tablet OS 2008 edition Feature upgrade User Guide Nokia N800 Internet Tablet Nokia N8 1 0 Internet Tablet EN.
DECLAR ATIO N OF C ONFO RMITY Hereby, NOKIA CORPORATION declares that this RX-34/RX-44 product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declar ation of Conformity can be found at http://www.
Contents Safety .................................. ........................ 5 Your device ......................... ........................ 7 Touch s creen ......... ....... ........ ....... ........... ....... ....... ....... ........... . 7 Task navigator .
E-mail ... ........ .......... ....... ........ ....... ........... ....... ....... ....... .......... 3 2 Create an e-mail accou nt ............. ....... ....... ........... ... 32 Retrieve and re ad e-mail messages ... ....... ........ ...... 33 Create and send e- mail mess ages .
5 PC connectivity ....................................... 49 Battery and charger information .......... 50 Nokia battery a uthentication guide lines ............ ....... ... 5 1 Care and mainten ance ........................... 52 Additional safety information .
6 Safe ty Read these simple guideline s. Not fo llowing them may be dangerou s or illega l. Read the complet e user gu ide for furthe r infor mation. SWITCH ON SAFELY Do not switch t he device on when wireless devic e use is p rohibited or when it may caus e int erference or dange r.
7 Network services Contact your service provide r for additional instr uctions for the use o f netwo rk service s and inform ation on wha t charges w ill apply.
Your device 8 Your device Your Nokia inte rnet table t provi des ea sy acces s to th e int ernet t hro ugh a wirel ess netw ork c onnec ti on (WLA N/ Wi-Fi) or Bluetooth con nection with co mpatible mobile phones.
Your device 9 Task navigator The t ask nav igato r (1) in clude s ico ns th at y ou c an t ap to open new applications and switch bet ween runn ing applications . To select an option in a menu, tap it . To close the m enu, tap ano ther ar ea of the screen .
Your device 10 —you have set an alar m. —your device is connected to another devic e through a USB cable. The presence icon —your presence status. To c hange the presence se ttings, tap the icon. It is v isible only after you have c reated an a ccount for interne t call and instant mes sag ing se rv ice s.
Your device 11 Minimise and close buttons Every appli cation has the min imise and close buttons (4). If you tap , the curren t ap plicatio n is hid den and the underlyin g application is shown . To bring t he minimis ed application back to the top, tap its icon in t he applicat ion switche r.
Your device 12 Device control You c an control t he device in seve ral diffe rent wa ys: tap the sc re en wit h th e st ylus or fin gers; or pre ss th e sc rol l key and ot her har dware ke ys on the device.
Your device 13 To enter accent ed letters, hold dow n [ Chr ], and press a letter ke y repeat edly un til the desired ac cented ch aracter appears. To preview all spec ial charact ers available , press [ Chr ] briefly. The integrated keyboard allows you to use global keyboard shortcut s, as well as short cuts fo r application specific tasks.
Your device 14 7 Numeric keybo ard—Wh en you press the shift key, the most comm on specia l charact ers are displ ayed in t his area. 8 —Dele tes the charac ter to th e left of the c ursor. 9 —Mov es th e cu rsor t o the next r ow o r text input field.
Your device 15 Text input settings To defi ne the te xt input settin gs, ta p , and selec t Setting s > Control pa nel . In Contro l panel , select Text in put se ttings . For mor e information, see the device help . Volume co ntro l To adjust the master volum e of your devic e, tap on the status indica tor area.
Your device 16 Note: If you lose the device lock co de, you must take the device to a No kia authorised service fa cility. To u nlock t he devic e, the software must be r eloaded, and all data you have save d in the device m ay be lost.
Your device 17 Nokia N800 Internet Tablet —Your device has two memory card s lots. There is an in ternal slot under t he back cover and anothe r slot und er the mem ory card cov er on the front corne r of the device.
Your device 18 Back up and restore data You can back up data t o a compa tible extern al or intern al memory ca rd and restore it, if necessar y. The backup appears as a folder on the me mory car d. You ca n also secure the back up with a p asswor d. To back up data, do the followin g: 1.
Your device 19 updates as they m ay contain importan t bug fixes and other updates. To view and in stall the availa ble s oftware updates, tap , and select Install up dates i n Applic ation m ana ger... . In Applicatio n manager, select the pac kages to install and Updat e .
Your device 20 4. To start the searc h, select OK . Resul ts appear i n Searc h re sult s . To stop the search at any time, tap on the application toolbar.
Internet connections 21 Inter net co nnec tions Your devi ce allows you to access the internet eith er through a wirele ss netw ork (WLAN /Wi-Fi) or a mo bile phone that supports Bluetooth wireless techn ology.
Internet connections 22 1. In Conn ection se tup: N ame and t ype , defin e the following: Connecti on nam e —Enter a descriptive nam e for the connection . Conne ction ty pe: —Selec t WLAN (wireless local are a network) . Select Next to proceed. 2.
Internet connections 23 Impor tant : Al ways enabl e on e of the available encryption m ethods to incre ase the securit y of your w ireless LAN connec tion. Using encryption reduces the risk of unauth orise d access to your da ta. Select Next to proceed.
Internet connections 24 A Bluetooth con nection does n ot require that the compatible phone and your internet tablet be in line of sight, but both devices sh ould be within 10 metres (32 feet) of each other. Connections can be subject to interfe rence from o bstr uctions , such a s wa lls or ot her electronic device s.
Internet connections 25 Connecti on nam e —Enter a descriptive nam e for the connection . Connecti on type : —Sel ect th e type of the ne two rk ove r which you want to access the int ernet. To use a packet -switched da ta service in a ce llular network, su ch as GPRS (network service ), selec t Packet data .
Internet connections 26 To enable conne ctions, briefly press the power key, and select Normal mode > OK . Note: In the off line mode, you cannot use featu res that req uire wirel ess netw ork or Blue toot h conn ect ion. To use th e feat ures , you must first se t the device back to no rmal mode.
Browse the web 27 Browse the web To open the web browser, tap , and select Open ne w br owse r wind ow or a bookmark. Befo re you can con nect to th e in tern et, y ou mus t d efine the proper internet co nnection s ettings. For det ailed instruction s, see ‘Connect ivity settings’, p.
Browse the web 28 Manag e bookm arks To manage the b ookmarks you save d in the devic e, tap , and select Mana ge book mar ks . I n the bookmark manager, you can add, move , copy, rename , delete, and open bookmarks and folders. The bookmark folders are show n on the le ft, and the bookmarks in the selected folder on the right.
Internet communication 29 Internet communication To commun icate over the int ernet, you must have an active netwo rk co nnec ti on an d regi ste red user a cco unts a nd passwords for internet call, instant mess aging, and e-mail services wit h service providers out side Nokia.
Internet communication 30 5. In Accou nt setup: U ser name , def ine the follow ing: User name —En ter th e user n ame for the acco unt. If yo u are defining a Google Talk user name, enter the full user nam e (e ver yth ing b efo re @g mail .c om). Password —Enter the password for the account.
Internet communication 31 Contacts To manage contact informat ion and start communi cating with you r co ntac ts, t ap , and sele ct View Co nt acts . The mai n view of the Contacts applica tion displ.
Internet communication 32 the chat room i n Room nam e , or select the room from the list of previously us ed rooms. To join the chat room, select OK . If the chat room is protected by a password, Enter password is displayed. To join the protected chat room, enter the correct password, and select OK .
Internet communication 33 Nokia N810 Internet Tablet —Tap to acti vat e the integrated web came ra. To end an int ernet call , ta p . When y ou en d a cal l, a call summary is displayed. E-mail To sen d and rec eive e-m ail messa ges, you must ha ve an active inte rnet conn ection and a r egistered e- mail account with a servi ce p rovider.
Internet communication 34 Tip: With POP3, the messages you retrieve are stored locally on your device and do n ot remain on t he se rver . With IMAP 4, th e mes sage s yo u retrieve remain on the server. Secu re conne cti on —Define th e securit y setting for incoming messa ges.
Internet communication 35 view, hold the stylus on until a cont ext-sens itive menu appears, and s elect the desired acc ount. When retrieving e -mail, all mess ages in the outbox fo lder are sent regardle ss of the selected account. To ret riev e the cont ents of a sele cted m essag e, tap the message h eader.
Internet communication 36 Play sound when message arrives —Sel ect i f you wa nt a tone to sound wh en a new message is rece ived. Composi ng p age Default me ssage form at —Selec t the de faul t messa ge format for you r e-mail messa ges. Modify e-mail account Select > Tool s > Ac counts.
Internet communication 37 Secu re co nnect ion —Defin e the sec urit y setti ng fo r the server conn ection for outgoing e-mail messages . Follow the in structions give n by you r service p rovider. Port —Follow the instru ctions given by your service provider.
Media applications 38 Media appli cations Media player With Media player , you ca n li ste n to musi c an d othe r audio files stored on your device or a compatible mem ory card (if insert ed) and audio streams f rom the in ternet. You can also watch vide o clips or watch stream ing videos from the in ternet.
Media applications 39 2. In Add media bookm ark , enter the URL address of t he audio stream. If an audio stre am is pl aying, the dialog provides its URL address. 3. From the available types of media streams, select Internet radio , an d se lect OK to save th e chann el.
Media applications 40 Medi a pla yer does not necessarily support all features of a file format or all the va riation s of file for mats. UPnP media servers Universal plug and play (UPnP) technol ogy .
Media applications 41 The RSS feed r eader supports the f ollowing f ile formats: Rich Site Summary, RD F Site Summa ry, Really S imple Syndication (all are also known as RSS), and Atom. To refresh all feeds or only t he selected one, tap , and select the d esired option.
Positioning 42 Positioning The Global Positionin g System (GPS) is a w orldwide radio navigation system t hat include s 24 satellites an d their ground stations that mon itor the operation of t he satellite s.
Positioning 43 The intern al GPS receiver t akes its power f rom the devi ce battery. Using the GPS r eceiver may drain the battery fast er. You c an also pa ir a compa tible GPS re ceiver with your device us ing Bluetoot h wireless t echnology.
Positioning 44 Nokia N800 Internet Tablet —Local maps are not pre- installed on your device. You must download the local maps separately thr ough the map appli cation. For more information, see ‘ Select and download maps’, p. 44. Nokia N810 Internet Tablet —Local maps are pre-installed on your device.
Positioning 45 Find locations To find addres ses, cities, suburba n areas, and services stored in the map database, tap on the toolbar. You can se arch for a location based on the f ollowing inform ation: Addre ss —E nter the street address of a desire d location.
Positioning 46 service, if you have not yet done so. After purch asing, all navigation features become available in the menu. To start navigation, tap the arrow icon on the right side of the displa y, select Find route f rom th e menu , and e nte r the destinatio n similarly to find ing a locati on.
Settings 47 Settings Appl ica tion ma na ger With Applicat ion ma nag er , you ca n ins tall new applications and other extension s from t he application catalogues (reposit ories) on the in ternet and from t he inbox, web l inks, or File m anager. You c an also view and update installed package s and un install the m.
Settings 48 decreases to save power an d how soon t he display is turne d of f. GPS l oca tion —Configure items related to GPS functional ity, and view the details of your curr ent location. Langua ge and regi on —Select your region and device langua ge.
Utilities 49 Utilitie s Calculator To access the calculator , tap , and select Utili ties > Calc ula tor . Not e: This calculator ha s limited accura cy and is designed for simple calculations.
PC con nec tivity 50 PC connectivity You c an connect your device to a com patible PC with the supplied Noki a connectivity cable (USB). Use th e USB cable to trans fer files t o a compa tible me mory card and to update the la test softwa re on your devi ce.
Battery and charger information 51 Battery and charger information Your device is powered by a rechargeable battery. The battery intend ed for use with Nok ia N800 is BP-5L, a nd wit h Nokia N810 BP -4L. These devi ces are int ende d for us e when supplie d with power from the followin g chargers: Nok ia AC-4 and DC - 4.
Battery and charger information 52 Use the bat tery only for its inte nded purpose. Never use any charger or battery that is dama ged. Keep your battery ou t of the reach of small childre n. Nokia battery au thentication guidelines Always use origina l Nokia batterie s for your safety.
Care and maintenance 53 Care and maintenance Your device is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be tre ated with ca re. The following suggestions will help you protect y our warranty coverage.
Additional safety information 54 Additio nal safe ty informat ion Small child ren Your devic e and its enhancem ents may cont ain small parts . Keep them out of th e reach of small c hildren. Oper ating envi ronme nt This dev ice mee ts RF exp osure guidelin es whe n used eith er in the normal u se position or when position ed at least 1.
Open source software notice 55 Open source softwar e notice This product includes certain free / open source and other software orig inated from third parti es, that is subject to the GNU General Pub .
Open source software notice 56 • Tim Hudson (tjh@ Copyright © 19 96 NVIDIA, Corp. NVIDIA design pate nts pending in the U.S. and foreign countries. NVIDIA, CORP. MAKES NO REPRESENTATION ABOUT THE SUITABI LITY OF THIS SO URCE CODE FOR ANY P URPOSE .
An important point after buying a device Nokia N800 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nokia N800 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nokia N800 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nokia N800 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nokia N800 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nokia N800, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nokia N800.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nokia N800. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nokia N800 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center