Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 6800 Series Nokia
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Distribution and Routing Pr oducts Installation and Operation Manual Edition B 175-000076-00 6800/7000 Series.
6800/7000 Series Distribution and Routing Products Install ation and Operati on Manual Edi tio n B F eb rua r y 2003.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual iii Pre fa c e Purpos e This man ual details t he f ea tur es, ins tallation pr oced ur es, o pera tional pr oced ur es, and s pecifica tion s of the 6800/7000 Series - Distrib ution and R ou ting P r oducts.
Preface iv 6800/7 000 Ser ies - Distr ibuti on and R outi ng Pr oducts Insta llat ion an d Ope rat ion M anua l Revision History Edition Date Revision History A May 1998 Initial relea se. B Febr uary 2003 • U pd ated infor mat ion . • General refo rmatting and reorg ani zati on of mate ria l.
6800/700 0 Series - Distribu tion and R outing Pr oducts Installatio n and Opera tion Manual v Preface Summary of the 6800/7000 Series Pro d u c t M an u al s Audio/Video/Mux and Demult iplexing Manua.
Preface vi 6800/7 000 Ser ies - Distr ibuti on and R outi ng Pr oducts Insta llat ion an d Ope rat ion M anua l Distribution and Routing Manual Chapter 1 AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital Audio Distributio n A.
6800/700 0 Series - Distribu tion and Rou ting Pr oducts Installatio n and Opera tion Manual vii Preface Frames and Power Supply Man ual Chapter 1 Mounting Frames Chapter 2 FR-6801/FR -6801-1 Fra mes .
6800/700 0 Series - Distribu tion and Rou ting Pr oducts Installatio n and Opera tion Manual vii Preface Unpack ing/S hipping Inf o rmation This pr od uct has been care fully inspect ed, te st ed and cali bra t ed bef or e shi pmen t t o ensure years o f stabl e and trou blefree ser vice.
Preface viii 6800/7 000 Series - Distri buti on an d Routing P roducts Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al Imp or tant Sa fety In struc tions R ev iew the follo w ing saf et y p reca ution s to av oid inj ur y and pr e v en t da mage to t his produc t or any produ ct s con nec ted to it .
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products I n st a l lation and Opera tion Manual ix Preface Injury Precautions Protective ground (ea rth) te rminal. Fuse: Replace with sam e type and rating of fuse. Observe precaution s for handling electrostatic-sensitive devices.
Preface x 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing Prod ucts Inst allation and Op eration Man ual A VIS - Risque de choc el ectrique. Ne pas ouvrir .
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products I nstalla tion and Opera tion Manual xi Preface Use Pr oper Power Cord To avo id fire h azard, us e only the power co rd spec ified for this product. Ground the Pr oduct Do not de feat the safety pu rpose of the polar ized or grounding-typ e plug.
Preface xii 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing Prod ucts Inst allation and Op eration Man ual Product Damage Prec autions Use Pro per Power Source Do not opera t e this product from a p ower source that supplies more than the spe cified voltage.
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products I n st a l latio n an d Opera tion Manual xiii Preface Do not use this apparatus nea r water Do not expose this appa ratus to dripping or splashing water. Ensure that no objec ts filled with liquid, such as vases or cups, a re placed on the apparatus.
Preface xiv 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing Prod ucts Inst allation and Op eration Man ual Battery Use W arnings CAUTI ON: DANGER OF EXPLOSION IF BAT TERY IS INCORRECTLY PLACED. REPL A CE ONL Y WITH T H E SAME O R EQUIVALENT TYP E RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTUR ER.
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products I n st a l latio n an d Opera tion Manual xv Preface Prev enting Elec trostatic Discharge CAUTION: El ectrostatic discharge ( ESD) can damage com ponents in the product. To prevent ESD, observe thes e precautions when dire cted to do so: • U se a Gr ound St rap .
Preface x vi 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing Prod ucts Inst allation and Op eration Man ual C er tific ation s and C omplianc es This p r o d uct has been t ested and f ound t o com ply.
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products I n st a l latio n an d Opera tion Manual xvii Preface per the p ro v is ion o f the Electro magnetic Com pati bility Directiv e 89/ 336/E EC of 3 Ma y 1989 a s amen ded b y 92 /31EEC of 28 A pril 1992 an d 93/68/EEC , Ar t i cl e 5 of 22 J uly 19 93.
Preface x viii 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing P roducts Ins tallation an d Operation M anual Safety Standa rds: (6801PS-1 -48) Only EN 60950-2000 Safety of information technology equ i.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution and Rou t ing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manual xxi Co n t e n t s Chap ter 1: AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital Audio Distribution Amplifier Mod ule .............. 1 Overview ....................... ..................
Conte nts xxii 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing Prod ucts In stallation a nd Operation Manual Network Configur ations ........ ................... .......................... ..................... 17 Small Netwo rk .......... ............
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products Installatio n and Operation Manual xxiii Cont ents Chapte r 5: VDA-6 830 Video Distribution Amplifier Module ......................... ..................................43 Overview .............
Conte nts xxiv 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing Prod ucts In stallation a nd Operation Manual Chap ter 8: VPD-6830 Programmable Video DA Series ......... ................................... ................. 63 Overview .................
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products Installatio n and Operation Manual xxv Cont ents VPD-6830 DLY Specifications .............. .................... ......................... ...... 85 Input ............... .................... ..
Conte nts xxvi 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Rout ing P roducts Instal lat ion an d Operat ion Manua l Chap ter 12: VSM-6802 D igi t al Composite Video Signal Monitor Module..................... ............... 105 Overview ..................
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual 1 Cha pte r 1 AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital A udio Distribution Amplifier Module Ov ervie w The AES-6880 is a diffe ren tial inpu t, eig h t outp ut; AES/EBU digital au dio distr ib ut io n am plifier .
Chapter 1: AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital Audi o Distr i bu tion Amplifier Modu le Board Layout and Functiona lity 2 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual Board La yout and F unc tionality The f ol lo w ing diagrams show t he la you t and fu n c tionality of the AES- 6880 board.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manual 3 Equalization Adjustment Chapter 1: AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital Audio Di st r ibution Amplifier Module Equalizat.
Chapter 1: AES- 6880 AES/EBU Digital Audio Distribution Amplifier Module Equalizati on Adjustment 4 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual Figure 1-3.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manual 5 Error Detec t i on and Reporting Chapte r 1 : AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital Audi o Distribution Amplifier Module .
Chapter 1: AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital Audio Distribution Amplifier Module Error Detection and Repo rting 6 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual Us.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manual 7 Error Detec t i on and Reporting Chapte r 1 : AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital Audi o Distribution Amplifier Module Ex ternal Alarm An external alarm may be co nnec ted t o an FR -6 800 or FR -7 000 series frame housing this and other D As.
Chapte r 1: AES-688 0 AES/E BU Digital A udio Distri bution Amp lifier M odule Spe cific ations 8 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual Specifi c.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manual 9 Specifications Chapter 1 : AES-6880 AES/EBU Digital Audi o Distribution Amplifier Module P ow er Supply The po wer sup ply eq uipped in ei ther an FR -6800 or FR -700 0 series frame is app ro priat e for the AES-6880.
Chapte r 1: AES-688 0 AES/E BU Digital A udio Distri bution Amp lifier M odule Spe cific ations 10 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution and Rou t i ng Products Installation and Oper tion Manual 11 Cha pte r 2 DNH-6800 DigiNet Hub Module Ov ervie w The DNH-6800 Dig iNet H ub mo d ule connec ts up to nine.
Chapt er 2: DNH-6800 Dig iNet Hub Modul e Overvie w 12 680 0/7000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Opertion Manual Block Di agr a m F low Fig ure 2 -1.
6800/7 000 Seri es - Distr ibution and Routing Produ cts In stallation and Oper tion Manual 13 Specificatio ns Chapter 2: DNH-6800 DigiNet Hub Module Specifi cations T otal P ow er Dissipa tion DigiNet P orts Item Spe c i fication Maximu m (heavy t raffic) 250 mA @ 6.
Cha pter 2: D NH-6800 DigiNet Hub Modu le Spe cific ations 14 680 0/7000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Opertion Manual Maximum U nit Nodes Item Spe c i fication Per Por.
6800/7 000 Seri es - Distr ibution and Routing Produ cts In stallation and Oper tion Manual 15 Installa tion Chapter 2: DNH-6800 DigiNet Hub Module Insta lla tion The DNH-6800 is designed to b e used in a 1R U FR -680x and FR -7001 frame, or a 2R U F R-680x frame.
Chapte r 2: DNH-6800 DigiN et Hub Module Conne c tion s 16 680 0/7000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Opertion Manual Co n n e c t i o n s Cha nn el 0 is con ne cte d to the de dic ated D ig iNet por t (A U X B ) of a g iven 6800 se ries f rame.
6800/7 000 Seri es - Distr ibution and Routing Produ cts In stallation and Oper tion Manual 17 Networ k Configura tions Chapter 2: DNH-6800 DigiNet Hub Module Network C onfi gur ation s The mos t suit able config ur ation for a netwo rk is dep endent up on it s size.
Ch apter 2: D NH-680 0 DigiN et Hub M odule Net work Conf iguration s 18 680 0/7000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Opertion Manual Mid-Size Net w ork A mid -s iz e ne two rk is d efi ne d a s hav i ng be twe en 50 to 5 00 un it n od es.
6800/7 000 Seri es - Distr ibution and Routing Produ cts In stallation and Oper tion Manual 19 Networ k Configura tions Chapter 2: DNH-6800 DigiNet Hub Module Large Netw ork A large network is defined as having ov e r 500 unit nodes. Figu re 2-4 illust rat es a constant sig nal dela y .
Chapt er 2: DNH- 6800 DigiNet Hu b Modul e Us er Interface 20 680 0/7000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Opertion Manual U ser Inter fac e Indicators and Contr o ls The us er in terf ace consists of LE Ds that indicate various states or activ ities, a jum per for di s a bling Channel 0, and a Re se t butto n.
6800/7 000 Seri es - Distr ibution and Routing Produ cts In stallation and Oper tion Manual 21 User Interface Chapter 2: DNH-6800 Dig i Net Hub Module Figure 2-5.
Chapt er 2: DNH- 6800 DigiNet Hu b Modul e Us er Interface 22 680 0/7000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Opertion Manual.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual 23 Cha pte r 3 EDH-6800-2 EDH Detection/Inser tion Serial Distr ibution Amplifier Module Ov ervie w The EDH-680.
Cha pter 3: E DH-680 0-2 EDH D etec tion/In sert ion Ser ial Dis tributio n Amplifi er Modul e Spe cific ations 24 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera ti.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 25 Specificatio ns Chapter 3: EDH- 6800-2 EDH Detection/Insertion Serial Dist ribution Ampli fier Module Co nt r o l In t e r f a ce Power DC Offs et 0 V ± 0.
Chapter 3 : EDH- 6800-2 EDH Detection/Insertion Serial Distr ibution Amplifier Module Installa tion 26 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al I.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 27 Cont rols, Ind ic a tors , and Jumpers Chapter 3: EDH- 6800-2 EDH Dete c tion/I nsertion Serial Distri bution Amplifie r Module C ontr ols, Indicat ors, and Jumpers The follo w ing sec tions list the EDH- 6800-2 sw itches, LEDs, and jumpe rs.
Chapter 3 : EDH-6800-2 EDH Detectio n /In ser tion S eri al Distribu tion Amplifier Module Contr ols, Indi c at ors, and Ju mpers 28 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al LEDs Fra me ID (SW4, SW5 ) Frame I D switc hes.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 29 Cont rols, Ind ic a tors , and Jumpers Chapter 3: EDH- 6800-2 EDH Dete c tion/I nsertion Serial Distri bution Amplifie r Module Alarm Alarm indication. This LED lights when er rors are detected i n the input digital video data.
Chapter 3 : EDH-6800-2 EDH Detectio n /In ser tion S eri al Distribu tion Amplifier Module Contr ols, Indi c at ors, and Ju mpers 30 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al Jumpers Jumper D escription 525/62 5 Forces the line sta ndard to 52 5, 625, or auto.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 31 Cont rols, Ind ic a tors , and Jumpers Chapter 3: EDH- 6800-2 EDH Dete c tion/I nsertion Serial Distri bution Amplifie r Module FR_ID On/Off Selects be tween external 9000SSN Frame ID or fault opto-isolated output.
Chapt er 3: EDH-6800-2 E DH Detection/Inserti on Serial Di stribution Amplifier Modu le Fault Reportin g Output 32 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera ti.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual 33 Cha pte r 4 USM-6800 P AL/NT SC Monitoring Enc o der Module Ov ervie w Th e USM -6 800 offers the combinat ion of a 4 output NTS C/ P A L en code r and a 4 Ou tput serial distr i bution am plifier .
Chapter 4: USM-6800 PAL / NT SC Monitoring Encoder Module Featu res 34 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al Fe a t u r e s The USM-6800 has t.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 35 Specifi c ati ons Chapt er 4: USM-6800 P AL/NT SC Monitori ng Encode r Module Specifi cations Seri al Vi d.
Ch apter 4: USM-680 0 PAL/NTSC M onitori ng Enco der Modu le Spe cific ations 36 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al C omposite A nalog Outp.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 37 Specifi c ati ons Chapt er 4: USM-6800 P AL/NT SC Monitori ng Encode r Module F unc tional Block Diagr am Fig ure 4-1 . USM-68 00 F un ctional Block D i agr am Rear C onnec tor Figure 4-2.
Chapter 4: USM-6800 PAL / NTSC Monit oring Encoder Module Controls and Indicators 38 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al C ontr ols and Ind ica tors The co ntrols and indicato rs de s cribed in the tables belo w are loca ted at the fro nt edge o f the modul e.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 39 Use r Interface Chapt er 4: USM-6800 P AL/NT SC Monito ring Encode r Module Us er I nte r f ac e The follo.
Chapter 4: USM-6800 PAL / NT SC Monitoring Encoder Module User Interface 40 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al 5C o m p o s i t e 2 com p+ Y C : Genera tes 2 comp osite and YC analog ou tputs.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 41 Use r Interface Chapt er 4: USM-6800 P AL/NT SC Monito ring Encode r Module C onv er ting from C omponent YU V to F our Composit e Outputs T o con ver t from c omponen t Y UV to f our composite ou t pu ts , perform the f ollowing p roced ur e: 1.
Chapter 4: USM-6800 PAL / NT SC Monitoring Encoder Module User Interface 42 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual 43 Cha pte r 5 VDA-6830 Vi deo Distribution Am plifier Module Ov ervie w The VD A -68 30 is a high-per f or mance, high reliabilit y , genera l-purpose analog video distr ib ution am plifier .
Chapt er 5: VDA- 6830 Video Di stribution Ampl ifier Module Specificati ons 44 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al Specifi cations Input Out.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 45 Specificati ons Chapter 5: VDA-6830 Video Dist ribution Ampli fier Module Pe r f o rm a n c e Te m p e r a t u r e Item Sp ecifi cation Gain Range -3 dB to + 3 dB Gain Stability 0.
Chapt er 5: VDA- 6830 Vi deo Distribution A mplifier Mod u l e Installa tion 46 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Installa tion and O pera tion Manu al Insta lla tion The VD A-6830 module can be instal led in a Leitch FR -6 80x or FR -7 001 series f rame, o r an FR -7000M B MIX BO X frame.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual 47 Cha pte r 6 VEA-6830 Video Distribution A mplifier Module Ov ervie w The VEA-6830 is a relia b le, high-per f or mance vide o equalizing distributio n amp lifier .
Chapter 6 : VEA- 6830 Video Distribution Amp lifier Module Overview 48 6800/700 0 Series - Distri bution and Rou ting Produc ts Instal lation and Op eration Man ual The VEA -6830 can co mpens a te fo r var i ous cable ty pe s using diff eren t equaliz a tion net wo rk sub m odules instal led in the m ain module.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 49 Specificati ons Chapter 6: VEA-6 830 Video Distribu tion Amplif ier Module Specifi cations Input Output It.
Chapter 6 : VEA- 6830 Video Distributi on Am plifier Module Specifi c ati ons 50 6800/700 0 Series - Distri bution and Rou ting Produc ts Instal lation and Op eration Man ual Pe r f o rm a n c e Diff eren tial Gain Te m p e r a t u r e Item Sp ecifica tion Gain Range -3 dB to + 3 dB Gain Stab ility 0 .
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 51 Installa tion Chapter 6: VEA -6830 Video Dist ribution Ampli fier Module Insta lla tion The VE A -6830 V i.
Chapter 6 : VEA- 6830 Video Distributi on Am plifier Module Operati on 52 6800/700 0 Series - Distri bution and Rou ting Produc ts Instal lation and Op eration Man ual Opera tion A multi-tur n Gain pot en t iome ter pr ovides adj ust m ent o ver a range o f -3 to + 3 dB .
6800/7 000 Series - Distr ibution and Routing Pr oducts Install ation an d Ope rati on Manual 53 Cha pte r 7 VEA-6840 Video Equalizing Am plifier Module Ov ervie w The VEA -68 40 is a r eliable, high-performance and full-fea tured equa lizing v ide o dist ribut ion amplifie r .
Chapter 7 : VEA- 6840 Video Equaliz ing Ampli fier Module Overview 54 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual The VEA -6840 also can co mpen sa te various ty pes o f cables u sing differen t e q ualizat io n network sub modules insta lled in the m ain mod ule.
6800/ 7000 Ser ies - Dis tribution a nd Routing Produ cts Instal lation and Oper a t ion Manual 55 Modules Chapter 7 : VEA-6840 Video E qualizing Amp l i fier Module Modules The VEA-6840 v ideo equalizing amplifier works in an FR -6 800 series frame.
Chapter 7 : VEA -6840 V id eo Equaliz ing Amplifier Module Module s 56 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual VEA-6840-RMV-5 Equalizing video distributi o n amplifie r for 80 0 ft (250 m ) Nokia 0 .
6800/ 7000 Ser ies - Dis tribution a nd Routing Produ cts Instal lation and Oper a t ion Manual 57 Specificati ons Chapter 7 : VEA-6840 Video E qualizing Ampli fier Module Specifi cations Input Output Item Spec ificati on Video Input Level 1 Vp-p nominal Maximum Inp ut Level 2 .
Cha pter 7: V EA-6840 V ideo Equa lizing Am plifier M odule Spe cific a tions 58 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual Pe r f o rm a n c e Equa lizatio n Item Sp ecifica tion Gain Range ± 3.0 dB Frequency Response • ± 0.
6800/ 7000 Ser ies - Dis tribution a nd Routing Produ cts Instal lation and Oper a t ion Manual 59 Specificati ons Chapter 7 : VEA-6840 Video E qualizing Ampli fier Module Clamp Te m p e r a t u r e P.
Chapter 7 : VEA- 6840 Video Equaliz ing Amplifier Module I nstallation 60 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual Insta lla tion The VEA-6840 module can be instal led in an y of the Leitch FR -6800 series video equalizin g am plifier frames.
6800/ 7000 Ser ies - Dis tribution a nd Routing Produ cts Instal lation and Oper a t ion Manual 61 Conf igura tion Chapt er 7: VEA-6840 Video Equalizi n g A mplifier Module Co n f i g u ra t i o n Fig ure 7- 2.
Chapter 7 : VEA- 6840 Video Equal izing Ampli fier Module Operati on 62 6800/7 000 Series - Dis tribution an d Routing P roducts Install ation and Operatio n Manual Opera tion Fig ure 7- 3. VE A -6840 and VEA-6840-RMV C ard-Edge V iews A mul ti -tu r n po tent iome ter Gain ( R5 ) all ow s fo r adju st me nt t o the gain o ver a range of ± 3 dB .
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual 63 Cha pte r 8 VPD-6830 Pr ogrammable Vi deo DA S eries Ov ervie w The VPD-68 30 P rog rammable V ideo D As ar e a series of re l iab le , high- perf orm an ce, specialized function D As f or som e commo n D A applic ations .
Chapter 8: VPD-68 30 Programmable Video DA Series VPD-6830 Series DAs 64 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al VPD-6830 Ser ies DA s M odels a.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 65 Inst allatio n Chapt er 8: VPD-68 30 Progra mmabl e Video DA Serie s Insta lla tion The VPD-68 30 series D As ma y be in s talled into an y Leitch FR -6800 s eri es vid eo d is tri bu tio n a m pl ifi er .
Chapter 8: VPD-6830 Program mable Video DA Seri es Installation 66 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al Figure 8-2.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 67 VPD-6 830-CLP Speci fications Chapter 8: VPD-6830 Pro g r ammable Video DA Serie s VPD-6830-CLP S p ecifica tions Input Output Pe r f o rm a n c e Item Sp ecifi cation Video Input Level 1 Vp-p nominal Maximum Video Input Level 2.
Cha pter 8: V PD-683 0 Program mable V ideo DA Seri es VPD -6830-C LP Spe cific ations 68 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al S/N > 70 dB.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 69 VPD-6 830-CLP Speci fications Chapter 8: VPD-6830 Pro g r ammable Video DA Serie s Clamp Te m p e r a t u .
Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 Programmab le Video DA Serie s VPD-68 30-CLP 70 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al VPD-6830-CLP Co n f ig u r at i o n 1. Set the in put coupling f or either A C or D C coupling using jumpers J2 and J3 .
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 71 VPD-6 830-CLP C h ap ter 8: VPD- 6830 Progr ammable Vid eo D A Seri es Fig ure 8- 3.
Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 Programmab le Video DA Serie s VPD-68 30-XEQ 72 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al VPD-6830-XEQ The VPD-6830-XEQ is used t o com pensat e extremel y long runnin g cab le, u p to 3250 ft (1 000 m) of Be lden 8281.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 73 VPD-6 830-XEQ Specif ic a tions Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 P rogramm able Video DA Series VPD-6830-XEQ Specific ations Input Output Pe r f o rm a n c e Item Sp ecifi cation Video Input Level 1 Vp-p nominal Maximum Video Input Level 2.
Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 Programmab le Video DA Serie s VPD- 6830-XEQ Specificati ons 74 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al Clamp Te m p e r a t u r e P ower Requirements S/N > 70 dB measured by VM700A Hum < 1 mV p-p EQ Range 0 to 3250 ft (1000 m) Belden 8 281 Respon se < ±0.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 75 VPD-6 830-XEQ C hapt er 8: VPD- 6830 Progr ammable Vid eo D A Serie s VPD-6830-XEQ Co n f ig u r at i o n 1. Set the Inpu t Cou pli ng fo r either A C or DC cou pling using j umper s J2 and J3 .
Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 Programmab le Video DA Serie s VPD-68 30-XEQ 76 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al .
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 77 VPD-6 830-DEQ Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 P rogrammab le Video DA Series VPD-6830-DEQ The VPD-6830-D EQ uses a diff eren t ty pe of cable t han is used b y the main EQ.
Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 Programmab le Video DA Serie s VPD-68 30-DEQ Specifi c ati ons 78 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al VPD-6830-DEQ Specific ations Input Output Item Sp ecifica tion Video Input Level 1 Vp-p nominal Maximum Video Input Level 2.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 79 VPD-6 830-DEQ Specif ic a tions Chapter 8: VPD- 6830 Programm able Video DA Series Pe r f o rm a n c e Clamp Te m p e r a t u r e Item Sp ecifi cation Gain Ran ge -3 dB to + 3 dB Line Rate Window Tilt < 0.
Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 Programmab le Video DA Serie s VPD-68 30-DEQ Specifi c ati ons 80 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al P ower Requirements Specifications and desig ns are sub je ct to change without notice.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 81 VPD-6 830-DEQ Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 P rogrammab le Video DA Series VPD-6830-DEQ Co n f ig u r at i o n 1. Set the Inpu t Cou pli ng fo r either A C or DC cou pling using j umper s J2 and J3 .
Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 Programmab le Video DA Serie s VPD-6830-DE Q 82 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al Figure 8-11.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 83 VPD-6 830-DL Y S er ies Chap ter 8: VPD- 6830 Progr ammable Vid eo D A Ser ies VPD-6830-DL Y Series The VPD -6830-DL Y module ser ies pr ov ides sele ctable amounts of delay , up to 1235 ns.
Chapter 8: VPD-68 30 Programmabl e Video DA Series VPD-6 830-DL Y Series 84 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al Fig ure 8- 14.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 85 VPD-683 0 DL Y Specifications Chapter 8: VPD- 6830 Programmabl e Video D A Series VPD-6830 DL Y Specifica tions Input Output Pe r f o rm a n c e Input Sp ecification Video Input Level 1 Vp-p nominal Maximum Video Input Level 2.
Chapt er 8: VPD-6830 Programm able Video DA Serie s VPD-68 30 DL Y Specif ic a tions 86 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al S/N > 70 dB m.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 87 VPD-683 0 DL Y Specifications Chapter 8: VPD- 6830 Programmabl e Video D A Series Clamp Te m p e r a t u r.
Chapte r 8: VPD -6830 Pr ogramma ble Video DA S eries VPD- 6830-DLY240 88 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al VPD-6830-DL Y240 Co n f ig u r at i o n The VPD-68 30-DL Y2 40 pr ov ide s adjustable dela y f r om 0 to 240 ns.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 89 VPD-68 30-DL Y 240 Chapter 8: VPD-6 830 Prog rammable Video DA S eries where a designat ed amo u n t of dela y is used to s elect a total am ount of dela y .
Chapter 8: VPD-68 30 Programmabl e Video DA Series VPD-6 830-DL Y Series 90 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al VPD-6830-DL Y Series C onfig.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manu al 91 VPD-6 830-DL Y S er ies Chap ter 8: VPD- 6830 Progr ammable Vid eo D A Ser ies where a designat ed amo u n t of dela y is used to s elect a total am ount of del ay .
Chapter 8: VPD-68 30 Programmabl e Video DA Series VPD-6 830-DL Y Series 92 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Ins tallati on and Opera tion Manu al Figure 8-16.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual 93 Cha pte r 9 V SE-6801 S er ial Equalizing Am plifier Module Specifi cations Seri al Vi deo Inp ut Item Sp ec.
Cha pter 9: V SE-6801 Seria l Equalizi ng Ampli fier Mo dule Spe cific ations 94 6800/700 0 Series - Di stributi on and Routi ng Products Insta llation and Opera tion Manu al Seri al Vi deo Out puts Specifications and desig ns are sub je ct to change without notice.
6800/7 000 Seri es - Distr ibution and Routing Produc ts In stallation and Operation M anual 95 Operat ion Chapter 9: VSE- 6801 Serial Equa lizing Amplifie r Module Opera tion Jumpers LED Indicators J.
Chapter 9 : VSE-6801 Serial Eq ualizing Ampl ifier Module Operati on 96 6800/700 0 Series - Di stributi on and Routi ng Products Insta llation and Opera tion Manu al Ther e is one fro nt adjustmen t on the V SE-6801 (two on the V SE-6801 -V) which is factor y-set but can be changed if required.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operation M anual 97 Chap ter 10 V SE-6802 S er ial Equalizing Distribution A mplifier Module Ov ervie w V SE-6802 is a serial equalizing d i str ibu t ion am plifier for asy nchr onous seri al interface (acc ordin g to DBV_P I_2 32 sta nda rds).
Chapter 10 : VSE-6802 S erial Equalizin g Distribution Amplifi er Module Overview 98 6800/700 0 Series - Dist ribution and Rout ing Products Insta llat ion and Ope ration M anua l Figure 10-1.
6800/7 000 Seri es - Distr ibution and Routing Produc ts In stallation and Operation M anual 99 Specificati on Chapter 1 0: VSE-6802 Serial E q u alizing Dist ribution Amp lifie r Module Specifi catio.
Cha pter 10: VSE-680 2 Ser ial Equa lizing Di stributi on Amplif ier Modu le Specific ation 100 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing Pro ducts I nstallation a nd Operation Manual LED Indicators LED Name I ndicat ion D1 (Gre en) Data Pr esent D ata is prese nt at the inp ut.
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products Installa tion and Operation M anua l 101 Specificati on Chapter 1 0: VSE-6802 Serial E q u alizing Dist ribution Amp lifie r Module Jump er and P o tentiometer Jumpers an d Pote ntiom eter Name Fun ction J1 Auto Reclock/ 270MH z This jumper provides the selection of the recloc king mode.
Cha pter 10: VSE-680 2 Ser ial Equa lizing Di stributi on Amplif ier Modu le Specific ation 102 6800/ 7000 S eries - D istribution and Routing Pro ducts I nstallation a nd Operation Manual.
6800/700 0 Series - Installation and Op e r a tion Manual 103 Chap ter 11 V SD-6801 S er ial Digital Distribution Am plifier Module Specifi cations Seri al Vi deo Inp ut Item Sp ecifi cation Operat in.
Chapte r 11: VSD-680 1 Seria l D igital D istributio n Amplifie r Module Spe cific ations 104 6800/ 7000 S eries - Distribu tion and Rout ing Produc ts Instal lation and Op eration Man ual Seri al Vi .
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operati on Manual 105 Chap ter 12 V SM-6802 Digital C omposite V i deo Signal Monitor Module Ov ervie w The V SM-6802 is a monitoring qualit y digital -to-analog con verter for serial digital 4 fsc NTSC si g nal s (4fsc P AL- B signals a re no t suppor te d) .
Chapter 1 2 : VSM-6 802 Digital Comp osite Video Signal Monitor Mod ule Specificati ons 106 6800/ 7000 S eries - Distri bution and Rou ting Produ cts Inst allation and O peration Ma nual Specifi catio.
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products Installa tion and Operation M anua l 107 Specificatio ns Chapt er 12: VSM-6802 Digital C omposite Video Sign al Monito r Module Level 1 V DC Offs et ± 100 mV Freq uency Respo nse ± 0. 25 dB to 5 MH z Differential Gain 1.
Chapter 1 2 : VSM-6802 Digi tal Composite Vid eo Signal Monitor Mod ule Installa tion 108 6800/ 7000 S eries - Distri bution and Rou ting Produ cts Inst allation and O peration Ma nual Insta lla tion The VSM-6802 Vi deo Si gnal M onitor can b e insta lled i n to a 6800 ser ies, FR -7001 series, or FR -700 0MB MIX BO X ser ies frame.
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operati on Manual 109 Chap ter 13 V SM-6804 Digital C omposite V i deo Signal Monitor Module Ov ervie w The V SM-6804 is a monitoring qualit y digital -to-analog con verter and co lor e ncod er fo r 4:2 :2 co m pone nt s er i al d i gi tal signal s.
Chapter 1 3 : VSM-6 804 Digital Comp osite Video Signal Monitor Mod ule Specificati ons 110 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Insta llation and Opera tion Manu al Specifi catio.
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manual 1 11 Specificatio ns Chapt er 13: VSM-6804 Digital C omposite Video Sign al Monito r Module C omposit e An alo.
Chapter 1 3 : VSM-6804 Digi tal Composite Vid eo Signal Monitor Mod ule Installa tion 112 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Insta llation and Opera tion Manu al Insta lla tion The V SM-6804 can be instal l ed in to a FR -680X Ser i es mounting frame, a FR -7001 series mounting frame or a FR -7000MB MIX B O X fr ame .
6800/7 000 Series - Distri bution and Routing Produc ts Installation and Operation Manual 1 13 Installa tion Chapt er 13: VSM-6804 Digital C omposite Video Signal Monitor Mod ule LED Indicators In terfac e Swit ches LED Indication 525 or 625 L ED On indicates tha t the module is oper a tional and the incoming signa l is prope rly detec ted.
Chapter 1 3 : VSM-6804 Digi tal Composite Vid eo Signal Monitor Mod ule Installa tion 114 6800/700 0 S er ies - Distr ibution and Routi ng Products Insta llation and Opera tion Manu al Chroma On-Off Toggles chrom inance On/Off. Setup On-Off Toggles setup On/Off (active in 525 line input mode only).
6800/7000 Series - Distribution an d Routing Products Installation and Operati on Manual 115 Chap ter 14 V SR-4041 S erial V ideo Router Module Specifi cations Video Input Operating Standards Item Sp .
Chapter 1 4: VSR-4041 Serial Video Ro uter Module Specificati ons 116 6800/ 7000 S eries - Distri bution and Rou ting Produ cts I nstallation a nd Operation Manual S witching P oint Specifications and desig ns are sub je ct to change without notice.
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products Installa tion and Operation M anua l 117 Installa tion Chapter 1 4: V SR-4041 Serial Video Ro uter Module Insta lla tion T hi s mo d ul e c an b e in s ta l l e d i n an y s lo t of t he F R - 7 00 1 , F R7 0 0 0M B M I X BO X, or FR -680X series of mou ntin g fr am es.
Chapter 1 4 : VSR - 4 0 4 1 Serial Vi deo Route r Module Installa tion 118 6800/ 7000 S eries - Distri bution and Rou ting Produ cts I nstallation a nd Operation Manual Selec ting V-trig (J10) The V -.
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products Installa tion and Operation M anua l 119 Adjustment Chapter 14: VSR-4041 S erial Video Ro u ter Module Ad j us t m e n t Three a djustmen ts ar e requir ed. T o im plemen t these , the f ollo w in g in st ructi on s s ho ul d be carri ed ou t: 1.
Chapter 14: VSR-4041 S erial Video Ro u ter Module Adjustment 120 6800/ 7000 S eries - Distri bution and Rou ting Produ cts I nstallation a nd Operation Manual Te s t P o i n t s Item Specifica t i o .
6800/700 0 S eries - Di stribution and Rou ting Products Installa tion and Operation M anua l 121 Control Panel Chapter 14: VSR-4041 S erial Video Router Module Co n t ro l Pa n e l The v id eo serial r ou t in g (V SR -404 1) modu le use s a R emot e Con tr ol P a nel (R CP -4 x1MB).
Chapter 1 4: VSR-4041 Serial Video Ro uter Module Contr ol Panel 122 6800/ 7000 S eries - Distri bution and Rou ting Produ cts I nstallation a nd Operation Manual.
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An important point after buying a device Nokia 6800 Series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nokia 6800 Series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nokia 6800 Series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nokia 6800 Series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nokia 6800 Series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nokia 6800 Series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nokia 6800 Series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nokia 6800 Series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nokia 6800 Series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center