Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2011 Nissan
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9 2011 NISSAN TOWING GUIDE Table of Contents Introduction _____________________________________________________ 1 Towing Equipm ent ______________________________________________ 2 What Is Right for Y.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 1 INTRODUCTION SAFETY IS PRIORITY ONE Obviously, your first concer n should be safety. Your vehicle wa s designed to be used primarily to carry passengers and cargo. Always reme mber that towing a trailer places additional loads on your vehicle’s engine, drivetrain, suspensio n, steering, braking, and other systems.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 2 It is also a good idea to discuss your towing requirements with either yo ur NISSAN dealer or a professional supplier of towing equip ment before you equip you r NISSAN vehicle for towing. F inally, there are state and local laws on towing that you should review to ensure compliance with all regulations.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 3 PURCHASING If you are buying a travel or boat trailer, be sure that your NISSAN vehicle has the towi ng capacity to pull it. Refer to your vehicle ow ne r’s manual for detailed information regarding the towing capacity of your s pecific vehicle.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 4 Installing an aftermarket hitch may affect t he rear crash performance of your v ehicle. Be sure that the hitch doe s not interfere in any way with the vehi cle’s impact-absorbing bumper. Regularly check to see that all hitch-m ounting bolts are securely fastened.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 5 Weight-Distributing Hitch System – This type of system uses a “load-leveling” or “equalizing” hitch. The weight-distrib uting feature helps shift trailer tongue weight to all trailer tires a nd the tow vehicle fro nt tires.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 6 5th Wheel or Gooseneck Hitch – Mounted in the bed of a pick-up and designed for heavy-duty applications, these types of hitches are not available from NISSAN but can be purchased from a professional supplier of towing equipment.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 7 Like ball mounts, hitch balls are available in a numb er of weight capacities and sizes. Always make sure the hitch ball selected has the pro per shank diameter and weight rating for the ball mount as well as the coupler on your trailer.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 8 will allow the chains/cables to drag on the ground. Do not use S-hooks for attaching, as they may become un-hooked and are illegal in many states. To avoid damage to the bu mper and chains/cables when makin g a sharp turn, do no t attach the chains/cables too close to the couple r.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 9 converter” must be us ed, as a converter of this type creates only minimal additio nal electrical demand (draw) on the vehicl e lighting circuits, whi ch helps to ensure protection for th e vehicle’s sensitive ele ctronics.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 10 NOTE – Improper or poor quality tr ailer harness wiring may affect your vehicle’s electri cal system. Use only a NISSAN approved wiring harne ss, or consult your dealer or a profe ssional supplier of towing equipm ent for compatible eq uipment.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 11 MEASURING VEHICLE WEIGHT The key to safe, efficient to wing has to do with weight. Your vehicle — SUV, crossov er, truck or passenger car — is capable of carrying and towing only a certain amount of weight.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 12 On all NISSAN vehicles, the GVWR is shown on the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (F.M.V.S.S.) certification label located in the driv er’s-side door area.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 13 GROSS COMBINED WEIGHT (GCW) The Gross Combined Weight (GCW) is the total weigh t of the tow vehicle with all passengers, cargo, and fuel, plus the total weig ht of the trailer and all its cargo.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 14 For example, to determine the pr oper trailer tongue load for a 1,500-lb. trailer, multiply the weight of 1,500 lbs. by 10% to arrive at a fi gure of 150 lbs. 5th whee l and gooseneck trailer king pin load must be kept between 15-25% of the actual tra iler weight, within th e limits of the king pin load allowable.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 15 TOWING SAFETY Towing can significantly alter the handling and performance characteristics of your vehi cle. Plus, it puts increased strain on the e ngine and dr ivetrain.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 16 The trailer load should be balanced eq ually from side-to-side. Unequal side-to-side loading can negatively affect handling and braking.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 17 VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS Vehicle modifications — beyon d those required for proper hi tch installation, wiring ho ok-up, or adding extended mirrors — are not re commended for any NISSAN vehicle b eing used for towing purposes.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 18 If possible, before you actually hit the open road, practice tow ing in a large uncrowded area such as a stadium or shopping center parking lo t. Become especially familia r with backing up a trailer — the maneuver many people find most difficult.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 19 the trailer to the righ t, move the wheel to th e right. All movemen ts of the wheel should be done in small increments. Of course, backing up should be done only at very slow speeds. For large trailers that obstruct your rearward vision, ha ve someone outside the ve hicle act as a “spotter” to guide you along.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 20 (if equipped) carefully. At the first sign of over heating, pull to the side of the road. See IF YOUR ENGINE OVERHEATS later in th is section for more information. HILLS – DOWNGRADES While going downhill, th e weight of the trailer push ing on the tow vehicle may decrease overall stability.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 21 the hood. Never remove the radiator ca p when the radiator is hot. If the cap is removed under these conditi ons, hot water/coolant u nder high pressure may spurt ou t, possibly causing serious injury.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 22 TOWING GLOSSARY 5TH WHEEL HITCH Located just forward of the rear axle ce nterline, this hitch uses a king pin to serve as the pivot point for the trailer. BALL MOUNT A bar that holds the hitch ball and is inserted into the hitch receiver.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 23 HITCH BALL A ball that connects the trailer to the tow vehicle hitch and provides the means by which the trailer pivots during cornering. Available in a number of sizes and weight capacities, it must correspond to the trailer coupler size, and have a sufficient capacity rating for the trailer being pulled.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 24 PROTECTION At NISSAN, we back everything we b uild. So we are proud that every NISSAN is protected by some of the best New Vehicle Limited Warra nties, including 3-year/36,000-mile basic coverage. All 2011 models also feature 5-year/60,000-mile Li mited Powertrain Warranty.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 25 CONCERN FOR YOUR SAFETY NISSAN urges you to always use your seat belt whenever yo u drive. Also, please make sure all passengers are buckled up. Keep in mind that air bags are a supplemental restraint system and must always be used in conjunction with a seat belt.
2011 NISSAN Towing Guide 26 All illustrations, and specifications in th is document are based on the latest product information available at the ti me of publication. Some vehicles are shown with optional equipment. See the actual vehicle for complete accuracy.
An important point after buying a device Nissan 2011 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nissan 2011 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nissan 2011 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nissan 2011 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nissan 2011 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nissan 2011, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nissan 2011.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nissan 2011. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nissan 2011 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center