Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FM2 Body only Nikon
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NOMENCLATURE CD Shutter speedlASAIiSO film speed ADR window @ ® Shutter release button Meter coupling l ever @ ® Shutter release fingerguard Sync cord terminal @ Lens moun t ing i nde x @ ® Depth -.
@ Meter coupling shoe @ Meter coupling ridge ® Hot - shoe contact @ R .. "nv-linlht contact @ Accessory s hoe ® Camera back lock lever @ Film rewind knob @ Film rewind crank ® Film plane indic.
CONTENTS--------------------------- NOMENCLATURE . . ......... . . . ... ... . ..... . .. ... . 2-3 ACCESSORIES ... . . ... ........ . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . 36-44 FOREWORD . . .. . ....... ..... .. .. . . . ........ . . .... ... 5 Interchangeable focusing screens .
FOREWORD--------- Thank you for your purchase of the Nikon FM2 and welcome to Nikon 's world of photography . The Ni kon FM2 offers many special features including top shutter speed of 1/4000 sec ., and flash synchronization speeds as fast as 1/250 sec .
BASIC OPERATION------------ 1 Remove the battery • chamber lid 58 • Use a coin to unscrew the lid in a counter - clockwise direction . 6 2 Install the baUery. • Wipe the battery terminal s clean and in s ert the batter i es , making sure that the + signs are up .
4 Pull out the film advance • lever (lI to unlock the shutter release button (g • The fi lm advance lever doubles as a shutter release button lock. You can un- lock the shutter release button by simply pulling out the film advance lever slightly from the flush to the standoff position .
-BASIC OPERATION-continued---------- 7. Mount the lens onto the camera. • Place the lens onto the camera , lining up the aperture/ focusing index @ on the lens with the lens mounting index ® on the camera body . Then twist the lens mounting ring ~ counterclockwise until it clicks into place .
9 Install the film cartridge. • Position the film cartridge in the film cartridge chamber @ with the film leader pointing towards the takeup spool @, and push the rewind knob back down to secure it in place . Note: You can use any of the 3Smm film car- tridges available on the market.
-BASIC OPERATION-continued---------- 12 Close the camera • back. Close the camera back until it snaps shut , making sure that the perforations are perfectly meshed with the sprockets and that the film is set between the film guide rails @. 10 13 Take up film slack.
15 Set the ASAIISO film • speed. Lift the ASA/ISO film speed ring CD and rotate it in either direction until the red ASAIISO film speed indicator ® is oppo- site the ASAIISO film speed indication in use . Unless the film speed is set correctly , you cannot obtain correct exposure .
-BASIC OPERATION-continued---------- 1l Set the correct exposure. • First, position your main subject at the center (i.e ., the 12mm-diameter circle) of the field of view inside the viewfinder . Then turn the shutter speed dial ® and/or lens aperture ring @ until the LED lamp for the symbol for correct exposure 0 lights up.
18 Focus on the subject • by rotating the lens focusing ring 46 • The FM2 is provided with the Type K2 fo- cusing screen as standard . Look through the viewfinder while turning the focusing ring u.
-BASIC OPERATION-continued----------- 19 Depress the shutter • release button. Look through the viewfinder , and depress the shutter release button . In depressing the shutter release button , apply light but steady pressure with the ball of your inde x finger to avoid camera shake that might result in image blur.
22 Rewind the film. • Lift the film rewind crank and turn it in the direction of the arrow. At the end of film rewind , you will feel a slight resistance . Continue winding one or two more turns until the crank feels lighter ; this will indicate that the film leader is now fully rewound into the cartridge .
CONTROLS IN DETAIL ----------- Film advance lever ® The film advance lever also functions as a lock for the shutter release button . The shutter release button is unlocked when the lever is pulled out to the standoff position . To advance the film , wind the lever to the right all the way until it stops .
Shutter re.e •• e button ® The shutter release button also serves to activate the FM2 's built-in exposure meter. When the film advance lever is in the flush position , the shutter release button is locked and will not operate . To release the button from its locked position, pull out the film advance lever to the standoff position .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued-------- - ASAIISO film speed dial ® The ASAIISO scale on the dial has numbered settings fo r speeds from ASAIISO 12 to 6400. The dots between each pair of AS A IISO numbers stand for intermediate settings, such as 64 , 80 , etc .
Fast shutter speed SlOw snutter speed 1 9.
- CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued --------- Setting the aperture The lens aperture determines the amount of light reaching the film plane . Generally , when you turn the aperture ring one graduation in the direction of the larger numbers , the amount is reduced by 1/2 .
Exposure determination The amount of light reaching the film plane is determined by a combination of the shutter speed and the lens aperture. A shutter speed of 1/500 sec. lets in twice as much light as a set- ting of 1/1000 sec ., and only half as much light as 1/250 sec .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-contlnued-------- --, Metering range of exposure meter When there is a proper combination of lens aperture and shutter speed , 0 lights up, indicating correct ex posure . This sign will not light up when the aperture and shutter speed combination is not s uitable for co r rect ex posu r e.
Stop - down exposure measurement This exposure measurement method is used when the dia- phragm on the lens does not link with the meter coupling lever on the camera body , such as when a non-AI lens or an exten - sion ring is mounted on the camera. The procedure is as follows: 1) Set the ASA / ISO number .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued----- ---- Exposure measurement in special cases The exposure meter of the Nikon FM2 adopts the center- weighted exposure measurement system in which approxi- mately 60 % of the total amount of light is measured by the 12 mm · diameter circle at the center of the focusing sc r ee n .
Duplication work and photomicrography In copy work, sl ide duplication, and photomicrography, you ca nnot obtain correct exposu re by si mply referring to th e FM2 's exposure meter di splay because these types of photography re present unu s ual contrast si tuation s.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- Inside the viewfinder: 1 . Fine matte l Fre s nel outer field 2. Mi c roprism colla r 3. Split - image rangefinder s pot 4 .
Split · image focusing Microprism grid focusing Matte outer field focusing Out of focus In focus 27.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- Depth-of-fleld preview lever ® What depth of field is When you focus on your subject at a certain aperture, you will find that not only is the subject itself in focus but objects in a certain distance range both in front of and behind it appear s harp .
Lens set at 1/1.4 Lens set at 1/16 Only major subject is in focus. Most objects near to far are in focus. 29.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- Depth-of-field preview lever ® When a lens with an automatic diaphragm is used , the image in the viewfinder is viewed with the aperture diap h ragm of the lens wide open .
Multiple exposure lever 5 Taking a picture of different subjects or two or more of the same subject on the same frame means multiple exposure . To make a multiple e x posure , observe the following : 1) Take the first shot. (Press the shutter release button .
- CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued --- --- --- Memo holder 4 To remind yourself of the film type and number of exposures on the roll of film in use, clip off the end of the film package and insert it into the memo holder. Of course , you can use the memo holder to store anything , including your name card .
Flash photography A Nikon electronic flash unit will prove very convenient for indoor or nighttime shooting or for use in the daytime as sup- plementary lighting .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued-- - ------ Picture taken by balancing the flash exposure with daylight. 34 I II 11 1111111 III ' I I l Ready-light ® When the 8B-28, 8B-27 , 8B-26 , 8B-25 , 8B-24, .
Ready-Light Status Per Shutter Speed Dial Setting Shutler speed dial I Speedlight charging I Speedlight charging setting complete incomplete 1 /4000 sec .
ACCESSORIES--------------------------- Interchangeable focusing screens Three different types of focusing screens are us able with the Nikon FM2 . The Type K2 screen comes with the camera as a standard accessory .
Focusing Screen Selector Qulde Type I Name/style I Features Split - image range- finder/microprism system Matte system Horizontal and vertical line etched s ystem Suitable lor general photography. Has microprism collar around the central split-image rangefinder spot.
-ACCESSOR I ES-continued------------ Close-up equipment The following are some of the accessories you can use for close-up photography . 1) Close-Up Lenses No. 0, No . 1, No . 2, No . 3T, No . 4T, No . 5T, NO . 6T . Since these lenses are attached to the front of the lens in use, metering can still be done at full aperture .
Motor Drive MD·12 The use of the MO-12 motor drive unit with the FM2 enables automatic film advance when the unit's trigger button is pressed. In addition to single - frame shooting , continuous firing at the maximum rate of 3.2 frames per second is possible (i.
-ACCESSORIES-continued------------ Nikon Speed lights Nikon speed lights are co nvenient for shoot ing in dim light or taking backlit portraits , as well as for synchro-sunlight shooting . Various models are available-from speed lights for beginners to those for professionals .
Data Back MF·16 To ke ep track of when photo s were taken , th e FM 2 ac cept s the sl im , lightweight Data B ack M F- t6 . Th is back attaches in place of the FM 2 's regular c a mera back with no sync c ord requ i red .
-ACCESSORIES-contlnued------------ Anti-Cold Battery Pack DB-2 In cold weather, use the Anti-Cold Battery Pack OB - 2, which accepts two M - type batteries , as an alternative power supply to the batteries inside the camera body . Simply connect the OB - 2 to the camera body , then slip the assembly inside your pocket or coat to keep it warm .
Filters As is shown on the table, Nikon filters are broadly divided into the screw-in, drop-in, and bayonet t ype, Be cause the FM2 incorporates a TIL full-aperture metering, the filter factor can be .
-ACCESSORIES-contlnued----------- Camera cases Semi-soft ca s es , such as the CF - 27 , CF - 28 and CF - 29 , are available . The CF-27 case accommodates the FM2 mounted with a lens smaller than 50 mm f/1 .4. The CF - 28 is for the camera mounted with any lens from 50mm fl1 .
TIPS ON BATTERY USE • Keep batteries away from infants and small children . In case a battery is accidentally swallowed , call a doctor i mmed i ately as the material inside the batteries can cause serious problems .
TIPS ON CAMERACARE ----------- Although the FM 2 is a tough an d durable camera , bear in mi nd that is a precision opti - cal instrument , and that care- les s or rough handl i ng may damage it. Observe the fol - lowing tips , and the FM2 wi ll always work as perfectly as the d ay you bought it.
Caution: Please note that the use of a spray-gun type blower to clean the lens may cause possible dam- age to the glass (esp ecially when ED glass is used for the front lens element), by suddenly lowering the temperature on the lens surface. To avoid damage , hold the blower upright, keep its nozzle more than 30cm (approx.
SPECIFICATIONS------------ Type of camera : Usable film : Picture format: Lens mount: Shutter : Shutter speed settings : Self - timer: Viewfinder : Viewfinder display: Focus i ng screen : Mirror: 48 3.
Film sensitivity range: Power source: Exposure meter switch: Battery power check : Camera back : Dimensions (W x H x D): (camera body only) Weight: (camera body only) ASAIISO 12"'6400 Choice of one 3V lithium battery , two 1 . 55V silver - o x ide batteries , or two 1.
IMPORTANT! 50 The Nikon FM2 is an AI-type (Automatic Maximum Aperture Indexing) camera whi c h performs full-aperture metering with AI - type lenses . The aperture rings of these lenses are fitted with meter coupling ridges (see illustration). Almost all lenses now manufa c tured b y Nikon are the AI type .
No reproduc t ion in any form of this manual, In whole or In part (except for brief quotation In critical articles or reviews). may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION.
An important point after buying a device Nikon FM2 Body only (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nikon FM2 Body only yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nikon FM2 Body only - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nikon FM2 Body only you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nikon FM2 Body only will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nikon FM2 Body only, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nikon FM2 Body only.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nikon FM2 Body only. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nikon FM2 Body only along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center