Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product COOLPIXS3000BLK Nikon
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No repr oduction in an y f orm of th is manual , in who le or i n part (exc ept fo r brief quot ati on in critic al articles or revie ws), may be made without written au thorizat ion fr om NIKON COR PORA TION.
Trade mark Infor matio n • Micros oft, Windo ws and Windows Vi sta are e ither re gistered tradem arks or trademar ks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/o r other countries. • Macin tosh, Mac OS, and Qu ickTime are trad emarks of Apple Inc.
i Introduction First Steps Basic Photography and Playback: A (Au to) Mode More on Shooting More on Playbac k Editin g Pictu res Movie Rec ording an d Playbac k Connecting to Televisions, Computers and.
ii For Y o u r Sa f e t y To prevent dam age to your Nikon product o r injury to yourself or to others, read the following safety precautions in their entirety before using this equipment. Keep these safety instructions where all those who use the product will read them.
iii For You r Safe ty Obse rve caution when handling the battery The b atter y may l eak or expl ode if improperly handled. Observe the following precautions when handling the battery for use in this product: • Before replacing the battery, turn the p roduct off.
iv For Your Safe ty Use ap propriate cables When connect ing cab les to th e input and out put ja cks, us e only the ca bles provided or sold by Nikon for the purpose, t o maintai n compliance with product regulations.
v Notices Notice for Customers in the U.S.A. Federa l Communi cations Commission (FCC) Radio Frequenc y Interference Statemen t Thi s equi pment has bee n tes ted an d found to comply wit h the limits for a Cla ss B digi tal dev ice, pursua nt to Par t 15 of the FCC rules.
vi Noti ces Notic e for cus tomer s in Cana da CAUTION This Class B digital apparatu s complies wit h Canadi an ICE S-003. ATTENTION Cet appareil numérique de la cla sse B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. Notice for custo mers in Europe This symbol indicates that this product is to be collected s eparately.
vii T able of C ont ents For Your Safety ................... .......... .............. .......... ............... .............. .......... .............. ...... ......... ....... ...... ii WARNINGS .... ...................... ............... ........
viii Tabl e of Co ntent s More on Shooting .................. .......... .............. ............... ......... ............... .......... .............. ...... ......... ..... 35 Selecting a Shooting Mode ...........................................
ix Table of Contents a Print Set (Creating a DPOF Print O rder) ................ .............. ...................... ...................... ............. .. . 87 b Slide Show ................... ............... ...................... .............. .
x Tabl e of Co ntent s w Electronic VR ............................. ...................... ...................... .............. ...................... .... ........... ............... ..... 134 U Motion Detection .......................... .........
1 Introduction Introduct ion Abou t This Manual Thank you for you r pur chase of a N ikon C OOLPI X S3000 digi tal camera. This manual was written to help you enjoy t aking pictures with your Nikon d igital camera. Read this manu al thoroughly before use, and keep it where all those who use the product will re ad it.
2 Introduction Info rmation an d Pr ecautions Life-Long Le arning As part of Nikon’s “Life-Long Learning” commitment to ongoi ng product support and education, continua lly updat ed informati on is availab le online at the followin g sites: • For users in the U.
3 Information and Precauti ons Introduction Notice Concerning Prohibition of Copying or Re production Note that simply bein g in possess ion of materi al that was digitally copied or reproduced by means of a scanner, digital cam era or other device ma y be punishable by law.
4 Introduction P arts of the Camer a The Camera Body 3 2 1 6 5 8 9 7 4 Lens cover closed 1 Shutter-release button........................... ... 26 2 Zoom control .......... ...................... ............... ... 25 f : wide ......................
5 Parts of the Camera Introduction 8 6 7 5 4 2 1 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Openin g th e connector cover 1 Charge lamp ................... ............... ....... 15, 117 Flash lamp........................ ............... .................. 31 2 A (shooting mode) button .
6 Parts of the Camera Introduction The Monitor The follo wing in dicator s may appear i n the monito r during shooting and playback (act ual d isplay vari es wit h cur rent c amer a se ttings ). The in dica tors t hat app ear in the m onit or dur ing sh ooti ng and p layb ack dis app ear after a few seconds ( A 132 ).
7 Parts of the Camera Introduction Playb ack 1 The icon for th e album or the sel ected category in auto sort mod e currently sel ected in playback mode is dis played. 2 Differs a ccording to the settings configured during shooting. 1 m 0 0 s 1 m00s 9 9 9 / 999 999/ 999 1 m 0 0 s 1 m00s 9999/9999 9999/9999 9999.
8 Introduction Basic O peratio ns The A (Shootin g Mode) Button The c (Playba ck) But ton • Press th e A button in playback mode to enter shooting mode. • Press th e A button in shooting mode to dis play the shooting-mode selection menu and switch shooting modes ( A 35) .
9 Basic Operations Introduction The Multi Selector This sect ion describe s standard us es of the multi sele ctor to select modes, select menu options and to ap ply selection. Press the multi selecto r up, down, left, or right to select options, or press the k (apply selection) button.
10 Basic Operations Introduction The d Button Press the d button to display the menu f or the selected mode. • Use the multi selector to navigate the menus ( A 9). • Choose a tab on the left to switch to the menu of the selected tab. • Press th e d button again to ex it the menu.
11 Basic Operations Introduction Help Displays Rotate the zoom control to g ( j ) when M / L is disp lay ed at the lowe r ri ght o f the menu screen to vie w a desc ription of the curr ently sele cted menu o ption. To return to the o riginal menu, rotate the zoom control t o g ( j ) again.
12 First Steps First S teps Inser t ing the B atter y Insert a Rechargeable Li-ion Bat tery EN-EL10 (supplied) into the camera. • Charge the battery before the first us e or whe n the battery is running low ( A 14). 1 Open th e battery-ch amber /memory car d slot cover.
13 Inserting the Battery First Steps Removing the Batte ry Turn the camera off ( A 1 7) and be s ure that the power-on lamp and the monitor have turned off before opening the battery-chamber/memory card slot cover.
14 First Steps Charging th e Batter y Charge the suppli ed Rechargeable Li-i on Battery EN-EL 10 inserted into the camera, by connecting the suppli ed Charging AC Adapte r EH-68P to the camera via t he supplied USB Cable U C-E6, and th en plugging the Char ging AC Adapter into an elect rical outlet .
15 Charging the Battery First Steps 4 Plug th e Charging AC Adapter into an electri cal outlet. The charge la mp slowly b links green to ind icate that th e battery is c harging. About two hours and ten mi nutes are requir ed to charge a fully exha usted batt ery.
16 Charging the Battery First Steps B Notes on Charging AC Adapter • The Charging AC Adapter EH-6 8P is for use only wi th compatible devices. Do not us e with another make or model of device. • Be sure to read and follow the wa rnings for the Charging AC Ada pter on page iii and the s ection, “The Battery” ( A 14 7), before use.
17 Charging the Battery First Steps Turning On a nd Off the Camera To turn on the camera, press the power switc h. The power-on lamp (green) will light for a moment and the monitor will turn on. To turn off the camera, press the power switch again. When the camera is turned off, both the power-o n lamp and monitor will turn off.
18 First Steps Setting Di spla y Lang uage , Da te and T ime A language-selection dialog is displayed the first time the camera is turned on. 1 Press t he pow er switch to turn o n the ca mera. The po wer-on lamp ( green) will li ght fo r a mom ent a nd the monito r will turn on.
19 Setting Display La nguage, Da te and Time First Steps 5 Edit th e date and ti me. Press H or I to edit the highl ighted item. Press K to move the highl igh t in the fo llo wing order .
20 First Steps Inser t ing Me mor y Cards Image, sound, and movie fi les are s tored in the camera’ s internal me mory (approximately 47 MB) or on re movable Secu re Digital (SD) memory c ards (available separately; A 150).
21 Inserting Memory Cards First Steps B Formattin g Memory Cards If th e message a t righ t is di splayed, the mem ory card mu st be formatted be fore use ( A 1 38). Note that format ting perm anently de lete s all pict ure s an d oth er d ata o n th e me mory c ard .
22 Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode Basi c Photogra phy and Playback : A (Auto ) Mode Ste p 1 T urn the Camera On and Selec t A (Auto ) M od e This section describes taking pictures in A (auto) mode, an automatic, “point-and- shoot” mode recommended for first-time users of digital cameras.
23 Step 1 Tu rn the Came ra On and Select A (Auto) Mode Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode Indicators Displayed in A (Au to) Mode • The indicators and photo info displayed during shooting and playback will turn off after a few seconds ( A 132).
24 Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode St ep 2 Fr ame a Picture 1 Ready the cam era. Hold t he camera st eadily i n both hands , keeping your fingers an d other objec ts away from the lens, fla sh, AF assist-illum inator, microp hone, and speaker.
25 Step 2 Fra me a Pic ture Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode Using th e Zoom Use the zoom control to activate optical zoom. Rotate the zoo m co ntr ol to g to zoom in so that the subject fills a larger area of the frame, or f to zoom out, thus increasing the area visible in the frame.
26 Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode St ep 3 Fo cus and Shoot 1 Pre ss the shu tter -releas e but ton hal fway. Press the shutter -release button h alfway ( A 11) to f ocus. When a face is recogniz ed, it is framed by the doub le border ind icating the act ive focus are a.
27 Step 3 F ocus and Shoot Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode B During Re cording Whi le p ict ures are bei ng r eco rded , t he nu mber of e xp osur es rema inin g w ill b lin k. Do not open th e batt ery- chamber/ memo ry car d sl ot cover while pictures are being recorded.
28 Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode St ep 4 Playing Ba ck and De leting Pic tures Playi ng Ba ck Pictur es (Pl aybac k Mod e) Press t he c (playbac k) button. The last pict ure taken will be displayed in full- frame pl ayback mod e. Press the m ulti selecto r H , I , J or K to view additional pictures.
29 Step 4 Playing Ba ck and Deleting Pictures Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode C Operations Ava ilable in Playback Mode See “Op erat ion s in F ull- fram e Pl ayba ck M ode” ( A 68) and “Editin g Pictures” ( A 98) for more information.
30 Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode Us in g th e Fla s h When ISO sensi tivity is set to Auto , the flash has a rang e of 0.5-4 .5 m ( 1 ft. 8 in.- 14 ft.) at the max imum wide-angle zoom position and a range of 0.5-2.4 m ( 1 ft. 8 in.-7 ft .
31 Using the Flash Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode B Shooting When the Flash Is Disabled ( W ) or Lighting Is P oor • Use of a tripod is recomm ended to stabilize the cam era during shooting an d avoid the effects of camera shake. • The E indicator is displayed when the camera automa tically increases sensitivity.
32 Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode T aking Pic tures with the Self-timer The camera is equipped with a ten-second and two-second timer for self-portraits. This feature is useful f or reducing the effects of came ra shake that occurs wh en pressing the shutter-releas e button.
33 Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode Macr o Mode Macro mo de is used for taking pictu res of objects a s close as 8 c m (3.2 i n.). Note that the flash may be unable to light the entire subject at distances of less than 50 cm (1 f t. 8 in.
34 Basic Photography and Pl ayback: A (Auto) Mode Adjusting B rightness (Exposure Compen sation) Exposure compensation is used to alter exposure from the value sugg ested by the camera to make pictures brighte r or darker. 1 Press t he multi sele ctor o (exp osur e compens ation).
35 More on Shooting More on Shoot ing Selecting a Shooting Mo de Sele ct a shoot ing mod e from A (auto), x (scene), F (smart portrait), s (subj ect tra cki ng) , and D (movie) mode s. 1 Press t he A butt on in shootin g mode. The shooting-mode selection menu is dis pla yed .
36 More on Shooting Shooting O ptions: The Shooting Menu ( A (Auto ) M o de ) The following options can be s et when shooting in A (auto) mode ( A 22). Displaying the Shooting Menu Enter A (auto) mode ( A 22). Press the d button to display the shooting menu.
37 Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu ( A (Auto) Mode) More on Shooting A Image Mode (Image Quality/Image Size) Image mode refers to the combin atio n of image size and image quality (compression) at which pi ctures are recorded.
38 Shoot ing Op tions : The Shoot ing M enu ( A (A uto) Mo de) More on Shooting C Numb er of Ex pos ures Re main ing The following table lis ts the approximate num ber of pictures that can be stored in inter nal memory and on a 4 GB memory card.
39 Shooting Options: The Sho oting Menu ( A (Au to ) Mod e) More on Shooting B White Balance (Adjusting Hue) The color of light reflected from an object varies with the color of the light source.
40 Shoot ing Op tions : The Shoot ing M enu ( A (A uto) Mo de) More on Shooting Preset Manua l Preset manual is effective with mixed lighting or to c ompensate for light sources with a strong co lor cast (for ex ample, to make pic tures taken unde r a lamp w ith a red shade look as though they had been taken under white light).
41 Shooting Options: The Sho oting Menu ( A (Au to ) Mod e) More on Shooting C Continuous Enable continuous shooting or BSS (best shot selector). The flash is disabled when Continuous , BSS or Multi-sh ot 1 6 is selected, and focus, exposure and white balance are f ixed at the values de termined with the first picture in each series.
42 Shoot ing Op tions : The Shoot ing M enu ( A (A uto) Mo de) More on Shooting E ISO Sensitivity Sensitivity is a measure of the camera’s response to light.
43 Shooting Options: The Sho oting Menu ( A (Au to ) Mod e) More on Shooting F Color Optio ns Make colors more vivid or re cord p icture s in monochrome . At settings other than Stand ard col or , the icon for the current setting is displayed in the monitor ( A 6).
44 Shoot ing Op tions : The Shoot ing M enu ( A (A uto) Mo de) More on Shooting G AF Area Mode Use this option to determine how the camera selects the focus area for autofocus. When digital zoom is in effect, the camera always focuses at the center of the frame regardless of the specified setting .
45 Shooting Options: The Sho oting Menu ( A (Au to ) Mod e) More on Shooting B Notes on AF Area Mode This feature cannot be used simultaneously with certain features.
46 Shoot ing Op tions : The Shoot ing M enu ( A (A uto) Mo de) More on Shooting Face P riori ty When the camera is po inted at a human fa c e, face recognition, which the camera automatically recognizes that face and fo cus on it, starts. The f ace priority function is activated in the following s ituations.
47 Shooting Options: The Sho oting Menu ( A (Au to ) Mod e) More on Shooting 2 Pre ss the shu tter -releas e but ton hal fway. The camera fo cuses on the face framed by the double bord er . The doub le bord er t urns gree n a nd fo cus is locked. Whe n the c amer a is un abl e to foc us, the do ubl e bord er will blink.
48 Shoot ing Op tions : The Shoot ing M enu ( A (A uto) Mo de) More on Shooting I Autofocus Mo de Choos e how the cam era fo cuses. B Note on th e Au tofoc us Mo de Set ting for S ubjec t Tra ckin g Mod e Autofocus mode can be set for subject tracking mode.
49 Shooting Options: The Sho oting Menu ( A (Au to ) Mod e) More on Shooting Camera Settings that Canno t Be Applied Simultaneously Some shooting settings cannot be used w ith other functi ons.
50 More on Shooting Shooti ng Suited t o Scenes ( Scene Mode) Camera settings are automatically optimized for the selected subject type. The following scene modes are available.
51 Shooting Suit ed to Scenes (Scene Mode) More on Shooting Shooting in the Scen e Mode Sele cted by the Camera (Scene Auto Selec tor) By simply framing a picture, the camera automatically s elects the optimum s cene mode for simpler sho oting.
52 Shooting Suited to Scenes (Scene Mode) More on Shooting B Notes on Scene Auto Selector Scene Mode • Digital zoom is not available. • Dependin g upon shoot ing cond itions, t he camera m ay not sel ect the de sired sce ne mode. S hould this occur, switch to A (auto) mode ( A 22) or select the desired scene mode manually ( A 50).
53 Shooting Suit ed to Scenes (Scene Mode) More on Shooting Selecting a Scene Mode to Take Pictures (Features) See “Shoo ting in the Scene Mode Sele cted by the Camera (Scene Auto Selector)” ( A 51) for more informa tion on scene auto select or scene mo de.
54 Sho otin g Sui ted to S cen es (Sc en e Mod e) More on Shooting * Default setting can be modified. 1 Fill flash wit h slow sync and red-eye reduction. 2 Default setting can be modified. Use of a tripod is recomme nded in scene modes with which O is indicated.
55 Shooting Suit ed to Scenes (Scene Mode) More on Shooting 1 Slow sync with red-eye re duction flash mode may be used. Th e default setting can be modified. 2 Default setting can be modified. * Default setting can be modified. * Default setting can be modified.
56 Sho otin g Sui ted to S cen es (Sc en e Mod e) More on Shooting * Default setting can be modified. * Default set ting can be modifie d. No te that the fl ash may be unable to light en tire subje ct at distances of less than 5 0 cm (1 ft. 8 in.). Use of a tripod is recomme nded in scene modes with which O is indicated.
57 Shooting Suit ed to Scenes (Scene Mode) More on Shooting * Default setting can be modified. * Default setting can be modified. u Food Thi s m ode is usef ul w he n ta kin g pi ctur es of foo d. • Macro mod e ( A 33) is enab led and the ca mera automatica lly zooms to the closest positio n at which it can focus.
58 Sho otin g Sui ted to S cen es (Sc en e Mod e) More on Shooting * Default setting can be modified. * Default setting can be modified. Use of a tripod is recomme nded in scene modes with which O is indicated. m Firew orks show Slow shutte r speeds are used to capture the expanding bur st of light fro m a firew ork.
59 Shooting Suit ed to Scenes (Scene Mode) More on Shooting * Default setting can be modified. p Pan ora ma assi st Use when taking a series of pictur es that will later be join ed to form a singl e panorama usin g the supplied Panorama Mak er software.
60 Shooting Suited to Scenes (Scene Mode) More on Shooting Shooting for a Panora ma The camera focuses on the subject at the center of the frame. U se a tripod for the best results. 1 Press the A button in shooting mode to disp lay the shooting-mode selection menu and use the multi selector to sel ect p ( Panorama assist ) scene mode ( A 50).
61 Shooting Suited to Scenes (Scene Mode) More on Shooting 5 Press the k button wh en shootin g is complete. The camera re turns to step 2. B Notes on Panorama Assist • Flash mode, self-time r, macro mode and exposure compensati on settings cannot be adjusted after the first picture is tak en.
62 More on Shooting Shooting Smiling F ac es (Smar t Portrait Mode) At the default s ettings, the camera uses f ace priority to r ecognize human faces, and then automatically releases the shutter when a smile is detected (smile timer). The skin softening option can be used to smooth ski n tones of human faces.
63 Shooting Smiling Faces (Smart Portrai t Mode) More on Shooting B Notes on Smart Port rait Mode • Digital zoom is not available. • Under some shoot ing c onditions, the ca mera may be unable to recognize faces or detect smiles. • See “Notes on Face Priority” ( A 47) for more infor mation.
64 Shooting Smiling Faces (Smart P ortrait Mode) More on Shooting Smart Portrait Menu The following options can be a pplied in the smart po rtrait menu. Press the d button ( A 10) in smart portrait mode ( A 62) to display the smart portrait menu and use the mu lti selector ( A 9) to apply options.
65 More on Shooting F ocusing on a Moving Subjec t (Subjec t T rack ing Mode) Use this mode to ta ke pictures of movi ng subjects. Select the subject which the camera will focus.
66 Focusing on a Moving Subject (Subject Tracking Mode) More on Shooting B Notes on Subject Tracking Mode • Digital zoom is not available. • Adjust zoom position, expo sure, menu setti ngs, and fl ash mode prio r to selecting th e subject. If any camera setting is changed after the subject has been selected, sub ject selection will be canceled.
67 Focusing on a Moving Subject (Subject Tracking Mode) More on Shooting Shooting in Subject Track ing Menu The following options can be applie d in the subje ct tracking menu. Press the d button ( A 10) i n subject tracking mo de ( A 65) to d ispla y t he subject tracking menu and use the mu lti selector ( A 9) to modif y and a pply settings.
68 More on Playback More on Playbac k Operations in Full-frame Pla yback Mode Press the c button in shooting mode to enter playback mode and pictures taken are displayed ( A 28).
69 More on Playback V iewing Multiple Picture s: Thumbnai l Playback Rotate the zoom control to f ( h ) in full-frame playback mode ( A 28) to display pictures in “contact sheets” of thumbnail imag es (except in list by date mode). The following operatio ns are availa ble wh ile thumbnails are displayed.
70 View ing M ultip le Pi ctur es: T humb nail Playb ack More on Playback C Thumbnail Pl ayback Mode Display When pictures marked using Print set ( A 87) o r Prot ect ( A 94) are selected, the icons shown at right are displayed with them . Mov ies ar e d ispla yed as fil m fram es.
71 Viewing Multipl e Pictures: T humbnail Playb ack More on Playback Calendar Display With playback display of 16 thumbnails ( A 69), rotate the zoo m co ntr ol to f ( h ) to switch to calendar display. Imag es c an be sel ected for disp lay base d on t he dat e on which they were taken.
72 More on Playback T aking a Cl oser L ook: Playb ack Zoom Rotating the zoom control to g ( i ) in full -fram e playback mode ( A 28) enlarg es di splay of the center portion of the current picture. • The guide displayed at bottom right show s the portion of the image currently displayed.
73 More on Playback Select ing a Playback Mode Select a playback mode from c (playback), h ( favori te pictu re), F (auto sort ), and C (list by date) modes. 1 Press t he c butt on in pl ayback mode. The play back-mo de selection m enu is dis pla yed .
74 More on Playback Sor ting Fav orite Pic tures (Fav orite Pic tures M ode) Pictures can be sorted to albums. Once pictures have been added to albu ms, favorite pictures mode c an be used to play back only the pictures in a specific album. Adding picture s to al bums makes finding a particul ar picture f aster and easier.
75 Sorting Favorite Pi ctures (Favori te Pictures Mode) More on Playback Viewing Pictur es in an A lbum Pictures can be display ed by selecting the albu m to which they were a dded in “ h favorite pictures mode”.
76 Sorting Favo rite Pictu res (Favorite P ictures Mo de) More on Playback Removing Pictures from Alb ums To remove a picture fr om an album without permanently deleting it, follow the procedures describe d below.
77 Sorting Favorite Pi ctures (Favori te Pictures Mode) More on Playback Using Favorite Pictures Mode The following operatio ns are availa ble with display of album list. Favorite Pictures Menu Press th e d button in full-frame playback mode o r thumbnail playback mode in favorite pictures mo de to apply the following menu options .
78 Sorting Favo rite Pictu res (Favorite P ictures Mo de) More on Playback Changing Ico ns Assigned to A lbums The icon assigned to the album can be changed to reflect the t heme of pictures inc lud ed in th e alb um.
79 Sorting Favorite Pi ctures (Favori te Pictures Mode) More on Playback C Adding/Viewing Favorite Pictures When pictures ar e added to albums, they are not physically copied to album s or moved from the folder to which they were orig inally recorded ( A 151).
80 More on Playback F inding Pictures in A uto Sort Mode Pictures and mo vies are automa tically sorted to any of the following categories wi th sho ot ing . Wh en “ F auto sort mode” is select ed, picture s and movies can be viewed by selec ting the category to which they were s orted.
81 Finding Picture s in Auto Sort Mode More on Playback Categ ories and th e Conte nts * Pictures ta ken in scene auto selector scen e mode ( A 51) ar e also sort ed to the appropri ate categ ories. B Notes o n Auto Sort Mo de • Up to 999 pictures and movie files can be sorted to each category in auto sort mode.
82 Finding P ictures in Auto So rt Mod e More on Playback Using Au to Sort Mode The following operations are available in the category list screen. Auto Sort Menu Press th e d button in full-frame playback mode o r thumbnail playback mode in auto sort mode to apply the following menu options.
83 More on Playback V iewing Pic tures by Date (List by Date) In “ C list by date mode ”, pictur es taken o n the same date can be played back. • In full-frame playbac k mode, just as with normal pla yback mode, picture display can be enlarged , pictures can be edited or added to albu ms, and movies can be pla ye d bac k.
84 Viewing Picture s by Date (List by Date) More on Playback Using List by Date Mode The following operatio ns are available in the list by date screen.
85 Viewing Pictures by Date (List by Date) More on Playback List by Date Menu Press th e d button in list by d ate mode to d isplay the following menu s for only the pictures taken on the specified date.
86 More on Playback Playback Option: Playback Menu The followi ng options are available in the playbac k menu. Displaying the Playba ck Menu Press the c button to enter playback mode ( A 28 ). Press the d button to display the playback menu . • Use the multi selector to choose and apply settings ( A 9) .
87 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback a Print Set (Creating a DPOF Print Order) When printing picture s stored on the memory card using any of the following methods, t he Print set option in the playba ck menu is used to create digital “print orders” for printing on DPOF-compatible devices.
88 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback 4 Choo se pict ures (up to 99) and the number of copi es (up to nine ) of each. Press the m ulti selecto r J or K to select pictures, and press H or I to s pecify the numb er of copies to be printed.
89 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback B Notes on Print Set When a print order is created in favorite pictur es mo de, auto sort mo de or li st by dat e mode, th e screen shown be low is disp layed if p ictures other than those in the album, the sel ected category, or taken on the selected shooting date, have been marked for printing.
90 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback B Not es on Prin ting S hootin g Date an d Photo In forma tion When the Date and Info options are enabled in the print set option, shooting date and.
91 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback b Slide Show Play b ack p ictur es sto red in the inte rna l mem ory or on a m em ory ca rd on e by on e in an a utomated “slide show.” 1 Use the multi sele ctor to choose Star t and press t he k button.
92 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback c Delete (Deleting Multiple Pictures) Delete select ed pictures or all pictures. B Notes on Del etion • Once deleted, pictures cannot be recovered. Transfer important images to a computer before delet ion.
93 Playback Option: Playback Menu More on Playback Selecting Pictures The picture selection screen li ke that shown at right is displayed with the follo wing menu selections: • Playback menu : Print.
94 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback d Protect Protect se lected pictures from accident al deletion. Sele ct pictu res to prote ct or cance l pr otection for previously protected pictures from the picture sel ection screen. See “Selec ting Pictures” ( A 93) for more inf orm at ion.
95 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback E Voice Memos Use the camera’s bu ilt-in microphone to record voice me mos for pictures. Reco rding V oice Me mos 1 Disp lay the d esired pi ctur e in ful l-frame playb ack m ode ( A 28) or thumb nail playb ack m ode ( A 69) and press the d button.
96 Playback Option: Playback M enu More on Playback Playin g Voic e Memos Pictures for which vo ice memos have been recor de d are in dica ted by p in full- frame playback mode. 1 Select the desi red pi cture in fu ll- frame playback mode ( A 28) or thumbnail playback mode ( A 69 ) and press the d button.
97 Playback Option: Playback Menu More on Playback h Copy (Copy Between Internal Memory and Memory Card) Copy pictures between the intern al memory and a memory card. 1 Use the multi se lector to select an option from the copy screen and press the k button.
98 Editin g Picture s Edit ing P ictures Edit ing F unctions Use the C OOLPIX S3000 to edit pictures in -camera and store them as separate files ( A 151). The editing functions described below are available. B Notes on Pictur e Editin g • Pictures taken at an Ima ge mode setting of P 3 96 8 × 2232 ( A 37) cann ot be edited.
99 Editing Fu nctions Editin g Picture s D Original and Edited Pictures • Copies created with editing functions are not dele ted if the original picture s are deleted. The original pictures ar e not deleted if copies created with editing functions are deleted.
100 Editin g Picture s Pict ure Editing k Quick Retouch: Enhan cing Contrast and Saturat ion Quick retouch can be used to easily create retouched copies in which contrast and saturation have been enh anced.
101 Pictu re Edi ting Editin g Picture s I D-Lighting: Enha ncing Brightne ss and Contrast D-Lighting can be us ed to create c opies with enhanced brig htness and contrast , brightening dark portions of a picture. New copies are stored as separate files.
102 Pictur e Editin g Editin g Picture s e Skin Softening : Softening Skin Tones The ca mera de tects faces in pictur es and creat es a c opy wit h soft er facial skin tones. Copies created with the skin softening function are stored as separate files.
103 Pictu re Edi ting Editin g Picture s B Note on Skin Softening Depending upon the direction in which fa ces are look ing, or the brig htness of faces, the camera may be unable to accurately recognize faces, or the sk in softening function ma y not perform as expected.
104 Pictur e Editin g Editin g Picture s g Small Picture: Resizing Pictures Create a small copy of the current picture. This feature is useful fo r displaying on Web pages and using as e-mail attac hments. Small co pies are sto red as JPEG files with a compression ratio of 1:16.
105 Pictu re Edi ting Editin g Picture s a Crop: Creating a Cropped Copy Create a copy co ntaining only the portion visible in the monitor when u is displayed with playbac k zoom ( A 72) en abled. Cropped copies are sto red as separa te files. 1 Rotate th e zoom control to g ( i ) in full-fram e play back mo de to zoo m in o n the im age.
106 Movie Recording an d Playback Movie R ecording and Playb ack Recording Movies To shoot movies with sound recorded via the built-in microphone, enter shooting mode and follow the steps below.
107 Recording Movie s Movie Recording an d Playback B Recordin g Movies • Optical zoom cannot be adjus ted once movie recording begins . Digital zoom cannot be applied before movie recor ding begins. Howeve r, digital zoom can be applied (up to 2× ) while movies are being recorded.
108 Recording Movies Movie Recording and Playback The Movie Menu The movie menu can be used to adjust Movie options ( A 108), Auto focus mode ( A 109), and Electronic VR ( A 109) settings. Select D (Movie) from the movie mode, then press the d button ( A 10) to display the movie menu and use the multi sele ctor ( A 9) to modify and apply settings.
109 Recording Movie s Movie Recording an d Playback I Autofocus Mode Choose ho w the ca mera focuse s in movie mode. w Electronic V R Choose whether to use electronic VR ( vibration reduction) when shooting movies. At setting other than Off , the icon for the current setting is displayed in the monitor ( A 6).
110 Movie Recording an d Playback Movie Playback In fu ll-frame pl ayback mode ( A 28), movi es are recognized by the Movie option s ico n ( A 108). To play a movie, d isplay it in full-frame playback mo de and press the k button. Rotate the zoom control to g or f to adjust playback volume.
111 Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers Conn ectin g to Televi sion s, Comp uters and Print ers Connect ing to a T V Connect the came ra to a television using the supplied audio/video c able to play back pictures on a television. 1 Turn off t he camera.
112 Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers C onnecting to a C omputer Use the s upplie d USB c able t o conne ct the camera to a computer , a nd copy (transfer) pictures to a computer with the suppli ed Nikon Transfer software.
113 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers Transferring Pictures from the Came ra to a Computer 1 Start the computer to which Nikon Transfer was installe d. 2 Be su re that the camera is off. 3 Conn ect the c amera to the co mputer using th e suppl ied US B cable.
114 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers 4 Start N ikon Tran sfer inst alled on the compu ter. • Windows 7 When th e Devi ces an d Pr inte rs K S 30 00 screen is displayed, click Change program unde r Import pic tures and videos .
115 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers At the Nikon Transfer defa ult settin gs, ViewNX star ts automat ically when transfer is complete an d transferred pictures can be viewe d.
116 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers D Starting Nikon Transf er or Vie wNX Manually Windo ws Choose Start menu > All Programs > Nikon Trans fer > Nikon Tr ansfer (or All Programs > ViewNX > ViewNX ).
117 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers Charging While C onnecting to a Computer When connect ing the ca mera to a computer vi a the sup plied USB ca ble while .
118 Connecting to a Computer Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers B Notes on Charging w ith Connection to a Computer • The battery cannot be charged, nor can data be transfe rred, when the camera is connected to a computer before the camera’s date and time have been set ( A 18).
119 Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers Connec ting to a Pr inter User s of P ictBr idge-c ompa tible ( A 166) printers can c onnect the camera directly to the printer and print pictures withou t using a computer. Follow the procedures below to print pictu res.
120 Connecting to a P rinter Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers Connecting the Camer a to a Printer 1 Turn off t he camera. 2 Turn on the pri nter. Check pr inter settin gs. 3 Conn ect the c amera to the pri nter using th e suppli ed USB c able.
121 Conn ect ing to a Print er Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers Printing Pictures One at a Time After properly connecting the camera to the printer ( A 120) , foll ow the procedure described be low to print a picture. 1 Use th e multi selec tor to choose th e desir ed pictu re and pr ess th e k button .
122 Connecting to a P rinter Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers 6 Choose St art pr int and press the k button . 7 Printi ng begins. Monitor dis play return s to the print selection scre en shown in ste p 1 when print ing is complete. To cancel printing be fore all cop ies have been p rinted, press the k button.
123 Conn ect ing to a Print er Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers 4 Choose Pr int se lecti on , Print all imag es or DPOF printing and press t he k button. Print selection Choose pictur es (up to 99) and the numbe r of copies ( up to n ine) of each.
124 Connecting to a P rinter Connecting to Televisions, Comput ers and Printers 5 Printi ng begins. Monitor dis play return s to the print menu (step 2) wh en printing is complete. To cancel printing be fore all cop ies have been p rinted, press the k button.
125 Basic Camera Setup Basi c Came ra Setup Setup Menu The setup menu contains the following options. a Menus A 127 Choose how men us are display ed. c W elcome screen A 128 Choose whe ther or not a welcome scr een is display ed when the camer a is turned on.
126 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup Displ aying the Se tup Men u 1 Press t he d button to di splay the m enu screen . If the d button was presse d in Scene mode, press the multi selecto r ( A 9) J to disp lay the tabs . 2 Press t he multi sele ctor ( A 9) J .
127 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup 3 Press H or I to select the z tab. 4 Press K or the k button. The setup menu item s can be selec ted. Use the multi se lector to choo se items and adj ust menu options ( A 9). To ex it th e set up men u, pr ess th e d button or J to select a different tab.
128 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup c Welcome Screen Choose whether or not a welcome screen is displayed when the camera is t urned on. d button M z (Setup menu) ( A 126) M c W elcome s creen None (default setting) The camera enter s shooting or playb ack mode without displayin g the welcome screen.
129 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup d Date Set the camera clock. Sele cting Tra vel De stin ation Time Zo ne 1 Use the multi sele ctor to choose Time zone and pr ess the k button. The Time zone me nu is displayed. 2 Choose x Travel dest inati on and press the k butt on.
130 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup 3 Press K . The time zone selection sc reen is disp layed. 4 Press J or K to choos e th e trave l dest inat ion time zone. Press H in a time zone where daylight s aving is in effect to enab le the dayl ight saving t ime functi on and automatica lly advan ce the time by o ne hour.
131 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup D Time Z ones The camera supports the time zones listed below. For time zone not listed below, set the camera clock to local time.
132 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup e Monitor Settings Set the options below. Photo Info Select whether or not the pho to information is displayed in the monitor.
133 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup f Date Imprint (Impr inting Date and Time) The shooting date and time can be imprinted on the pictures with shooting, allowing the information to be printed even from p rinters that do not support date printing ( A 90).
134 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup w Electronic V R Choose whether or not electronic VR (vibration reduction) is used when taking still pictures. When Aut o is sele cte d, R is d isplayed in the monitor ( A 6), and electronic VR is applied according to sh ooting conditions.
135 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup U Motion Detection Enable motion detection to reduce the ef fects of subject movement and camera shake w hen sho oting s till pictu res. The current moti on detection setting ca n be confirmed in the c amera monitor with shooting ( A 6, 23).
136 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup h AF Assist Enable or disable AF-assist illumination, which assists autofocus operation when the subj ec t is p oor ly li t. u Digital Zoom Enable or dis able digital zo om. B Notes on Dig ital Zoo m • When di gital zoom is in effe ct, AF area mo de is set to Center ( A 44) .
137 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup i Sound Settings Adjust the following sound settings. k Auto Off When the camera is o n and a specified period of time pas ses with no operations performed, the monitor turns off and t he came ra wi ll ent er s tandb y mode ( A 17) to save power.
138 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup l Format Me mory/ m Format Card Use this option to format the internal memory or a memo ry card. Form atti ng the I nterna l Mem ory To format the internal memory, remove the memory card fr om the cam era . The Format memory o ption is displayed i n the setup menu.
139 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup n Language Choose one of 24 languag es for displa y of camera menus and mes sages. o Video Mode Adjust settings for connection to a television.
140 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup V Charge by Computer Choose whether or not the battery inserted in the camera is charged whe n the camera is connected to a co mputer via US B cable ( A 11 7).
141 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup d Blink Warning Specify whether or not the camera dete cts hu man subjects that have blinked using face pri ority when shooting in the f ollowing modes. • A (auto) mode (when Face pri orit y ( A 44) is se lec ted f or AF a rea mode option).
142 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup Opera ting th e Blink Wa rning Sc reen When the blink warning screen shown at right is displayed in the monitor, the o perations described bel ow ar e av ail able . If no operations are pe rformed within a few seconds, the camera automatically returns to shooting mode.
143 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup p Reset All When Reset i s selected, the camera’s settings will be restored to their d efault values. Basic Shooting Fun ctions Shooting Me nu Scene Mo de Smart Por.
144 Set up Me nu Basic Camera Setup Sub ject Trac king Menu Movi e Menu Setup Me nu Option Default v alue Autofocus mod e ( A 67) Full-tim e AF Option Default v alue Mov ie op ti ons ( A 108) I TV mov.
145 Setup Menu Basic Camera Setup Other s • Choosi ng Reset all also clears the current file number ( A 151) from me mory. Numbe ring will continue from the lowest number available. To reset file numbering to “0001”, delete all pictures ( A 92) before selecting Reset all .
146 Caring for th e Camera Carin g for the Camera Maximizing Camer a Life and P erformance To ensure continued enjoyment of this Nikon product, observe the following precautions when using or s toring the device. B Kee p dry The dev ice will be dama ged if i mmersed in water or subject ed to h igh humi dity.
147 Maximizing Camera Life and Performance Caring for the Camera C The Battery • Check the battery level before usin g the camera and replace or charge th e battery if necessary. Do not continue charging on ce the battery is fully charged as this will result in reduced battery performance.
148 Maximizing Camera Life and Performance Caring for th e Camera Cleaning Do not use alcohol, thinner, or other volatile chemicals. Storage Turn the camera o ff when not in use. Be su re that the power-on lamp is o ff before putting the camera away. Remove the battery if the camera will not be used for an extended period.
149 Technical Notes and Ind ex Techni cal Notes a nd Index Optional A c cessor ies * To use the char ging AC adap ter abroad, be sure to use a pow er adapter (available commercially ) where necess ary. Check be forehand with your travel ag ent regardin g the nec essit y for pow er adapt er plu gs.
150 Opti onal A ccess ories Technical Notes and Ind ex Approved Me mory Cards The foll owing Secure Digital ( SD) memory cards have been tested and approved for use in this camera. All cards of t he des ignate d make and ca pacity can be used , rega rdles s of spee d.
151 Technical Notes and Ind ex Image/So und F ile and F older Names Pict ures, movie s or voice memos ar e ass igned fi le names a s foll ows. • Files are stored in fold ers named with a folder numbe r followed by a five- character identifier: “P_” plus a three-digit sequential number for pictures taken in Panorama assist scen e mo de (e.
152 Technical Notes and Ind ex Err or Messag es The following table lists the erro r messages and other warnings d isplayed in the monitor, as well as the solutions for dealing with them. Display Problem Solu tion A O (bl inks ) Clock not set. Se t dat e and tim e.
153 Error Me ssages Technical Notes and Ind ex P Card is not formatte d. Forma t card? No Yes Memory card has not been fo rmatted fo r use in this camera. Formatt ing dele tes all data stor ed on the me mory car d. Be sur e to se lec t No and make copi es of an y pict ures you wish to k eep before forma tting th e memory card.
154 Error Messages Technical Notes and Ind ex P Sound file cannot be saved. A voice memo cannot be attach ed to this file. • Voice memos cannot be attach ed to movies. • Select a picture t aken with this cam era. – 96 P A blink wa s detected in the picture just taken.
155 Error Me ssages Technical Notes and Ind ex N File contain s no image data. File not created w ith this camera. File ca nnot be viewed on this camera. View file using a computer or the devices used to c reate or edit thi s fi le. – P This file ca nnot be played b ack.
156 Error Messages Technical Notes and Ind ex * See the documentat ion provided with your pr inter for further guidance and information . PR Pri nter e rror : out of paper No pap er is lo aded in printer. Load the specifie d paper, sele ct Resume and pre ss the k button to res ume print ing .
157 Technical Notes and Ind ex T roublesh ooting If th e camera fail s to f unction as expected, c heck the l ist of common proble ms below before consulting your retailer or Nik on- auth ori zed se rvic e re pres ent ati ve. Displ ay, Se ttings an d Power Su pply Problem Cau se/Soluti on A Monitor is bla nk.
158 Troub lesho oting Technical Notes and Ind ex Elect roni cally C ontro lled Camera s In extremely rare instances , unusual characters may appear in the monitor and the camera may stop f unctioning. I n most c ases, t his phenomeno n is caus ed by a strong external static c harge.
159 Trouble shooti ng Technical Notes and Ind ex Camera cannot focus. • The intende d subject is one with which autof ocus does not p erform wel l. • Select Auto for AF assist in set up menu. • Turn c amera off an d then on aga in. 27 136 17 Pictures ar e blurred.
160 Troub lesho oting Technical Notes and Ind ex Skin tones are n ot softened. • Under some sh ooting conditions, fa cial skin tones may not b e so ften ed. • Use Skin sof tening in t h e pl ay b ac k m e nu f or pictures containing mo re than three face s.
161 Trouble shooti ng Technical Notes and Ind ex Playba ck Saving images takes time. It may ta ke more time to save images in the follo wing situatio ns.
162 Troub lesho oting Technical Notes and Ind ex The reco rded pictu res are not displayed in auto sort mode . • The desi red picture was sorted to a cate gory othe r than the cate gory cur rently di splayed.
163 Technical Not es and Index Specific ations Nikon COOLPIX S3000 Digital Camera Type Compact digita l camera Effective pixels 12.0 million Image sensor 1 / 2.3 -in. CCD; total pixels : approx. 12.39 million Lens 4× optical zoom, NIK KOR lens Focal length 4.
164 Specifications Technical Not es and Index Exposure Metering 256-segment matrix, ce nter-weighted (digit al zoom less than 2×), spot (digital zoom 2× or more) Exposure con trol Program med auto exposure with motion detection and exposure compens ation (–2.
165 Specificatio ns Technical Notes and Ind ex • Unless otherwise stated, all figures are for a camera with a fully-charged Rechargeable L i-ion Battery EN-EL10 op erate d at an ambient temperature of 25 ° C (77 °F). * Based o n Camera and Ima ging Pro ducts Ass ociation ( CIPA) stan dards f or meas uring the l ife of camera b atteries.
166 Spe cific atio ns Technical Notes and Ind ex Supported S tandards • DCF : Design Rule for Camera File System is a standard widely used in the digital camera indus try to ensu re compati bil ity among different makes of camera.
167 Technical Notes and Ind ex Index Symbols A Auto mode 22 C Scene mode 50 F Smart portrait mode 62 s Subject tracki ng mode 65 D Movie mo de 106 z Setu p menu 125 h Favorite picture s mode 74 F Auto.
168 Index Technical Notes and Ind ex Dayli ght s aving time 1 8, 130 Delete 92 Digital zoom 2 5, 136 Direct print 119 D-Lighting 101 DPOF print 124 DSCN 151 Dusk/dawn i 55 E EH-68 P 14, 14 9 Electroni.
169 Index Technical Notes and Ind ex Nikon Trans fer 112 Number of exposures re maining 22, 38 O Option al accessor ies 149 P Panorama a ssist p 59, 60 Panora ma Make r 112, 116 Paper s ize 121, 1 22 .
170 Index Technical Notes and Ind ex Welcome screen 128 Whi te ba lanc e 39 Z Zoom co ntrol 4, 25, 110.
No repr oduction in any form of this manua l, in whole o r in part (except f or brief quotation in critic al ar ticles or reviews), may be made without writte n authoriz ation from NIKON CORPORA TION.
An important point after buying a device Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nikon COOLPIXS3000BLK along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center