Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product I920 Nextel comm
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Nextel iDEN Digital Mult i-service Data-c apable Phone i 920/ i 930 Phone User’s Guide Sma rtp hon e Info rm atio n Pr ovid ed by Mi cro sof t.
© 2005 Nextel Commun ications , Inc. Copying, distribution, or use witho ut permission is strictly prohibited. NEXTEL ® , the NEXTEL l ogo ® , NEX T EL. Done. TM , a nd NEXTEL WORLDWIDE ® are service marks, trademarks, and/or registered trademarks owned by Nextel Communicat ions, Inc.
Content s Gettin g Started ........... ......... ................... ......... ................... ................... ......... ................ 1 About This Guide ............... .......... .................. ................... ......... ..........
Advanced Calling Options ............ ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ..... 48 Special Dialing Cod es .................. ......... ................... .................. .......... .................. .
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls ............ .................. ..... 86 Nextel Walkie-Talkie Ser vice ................ ................... ......... ................... .................. ..... 86 Dialing Walkie-Talkie Nu mbers .
Regional Se ttings ............... .......... .................. ................... ......... ................... ............ 126 Date and T ime ........... ................... .................. .......... .................. ................... ...
Clearvue TM Suite .................. .......... .................. ................... ......... ................... ............ 166 Java Ap plications ............... ................... ......... ................... ................... ......... ..
Gettin g Sta rted 1 Getting S t arted Con gratulations o n the purchase of your new i 920/ i 9 30 ph one, a Smart phone with Windows Mobile™ software! Th is chapter will help you familiarize yourself with your i 92 0/ i 930 phone and get it r eady to use.
Gettin g Sta rted 2 To exte nd the anten na, p ull gently o n the roun ded t i p until the ante nna is fu lly extend ed and clicks into position. When finished with a call, retract the antenna by p ushing gently o n the roun ded tip unti l the ante nna clicks int o place.
Gettin g Sta rted 3 Ex ter nal Di sp lay Shows a portion of the info rmation on the interna l display. T o see mor e informat ion, op en the flip. S pea ke r Soun d comes out o f your Sm artphone here w hen you have the speaker turned on . S te reo Audi o Port Insert h eadset connector h ere.
Gettin g Sta rted 4 Flip O pen — K eyp ad, Naviga tion Are a, and M ore Ear piece Soun d comes out o f the earpiece when the speaker is off. Power Ke y When the Smartph one is tu rned off: • Press and hold the Power key ( p ) for 2 to 3 second s to tur n on the Sma rtphone.
Gettin g Sta rted 5 Navigation Ar ea This ar ea cont ains the keys and controls used to: • Navig ate through your phon e’ s menus, list s, and screens. • Perf orm comm ands. • Begin phone calls, end phone calls , and put phone cal ls on hold. Navigation pad Use the naviga tion pad t o move t he selection focus up, down, left, or right.
Gettin g Sta rted 6 Keyp ad Press keys on the keyp ad to enter numbers a nd cha racters. * Key • Pre ss * to change b etween uppercase a nd lower case in text i nput mod es. • Press and hold * to chang e between text and n umeric input mode s. # Ke y • Press and hold # to view a li st of symbols t hat you can enter as text.
Gettin g Sta rted 7 2 All ow the ba ttery d oor to pop up, sli de it forwar d, and r emo ve i t from the back of your Smar tphone. Your SIM (Su bscriber Ide ntity M odule) car d is a smal l piece of plastic l ocated in the S IM card ho lder in the back of you r Smar tphone, un derneath t he bat tery.
Gettin g Sta rted 8 Ins e r t the batt er y bef ore ch arg ing i t 1 Slide th e rele ase button b ack until it r elease s the batter y door . 2 All ow the ba ttery d oor to pop up, sli de it forwar d, and r emo ve i t from the back of your Smar tphone.
Gettin g Sta rted 9 4 Rep l a ce the batte ry door an d pre ss it gently unti l you hear a click. Cha rge th e ba tte ry 1 Plug th e charger into an electrical outlet. 2 Open the conne ctor cover . 3 Plug th e other en d of th e charger into the accesso ry connector .
Gettin g Sta rted 10 Ch argi ng T im es Che ck your batter y and char ger type aga inst the grid b elow to deter mine appro priate charging times. For b est resul ts, charge t he batteri es withi n the tempe rature r ange of 50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C).
Gettin g Sta rted 11 3 All ow the ba ttery d oor to pop up, sli de it forwar d, and r emo ve i t from the back of your Smar tphone. 4 Remove th e batt ery by pushing it towar d the anten na an d liftin g it out. T urni ng Y our Smartphone On Tu r n O n Press and hold the power button for 2 or 3 secon ds.
Gettin g Sta rted 12 W ireless ly Syn chroni ze E-mail There are t wo pri mary ways to set u p your Sm artphone to w ir elessly synchron ize yo ur e- mail, so you can send and receiv e e-m ail mes sag.
Gettin g Sta rted 13 Nextel W orldwide ® Servic e Your Smart phone allow s you to ma ke and recei ve call s in the U nited State s on the Nexte l iDEN dig i t al network . With Nexte l Worldwide Service, you r Smar tphone ope rates in t he United St ates as wel l as in over 100 countries ar ound the world.
Gettin g Sta rted 14 The Sync Cra dl e Your Smartphone c omes with a S ync Cradle a nd min i USB cable that you u se to connect your S martphone to yo ur d esktop comput er when usi ng ActiveSync desktop cl i e nt. Do not conn ect your S martphone to your de sktop compute r until yo u have instal led ActiveS ync desktop cli ent on you r compute r.
Gettin g Sta rted 15 Co nnect th e mini U SB ca ble Note: Do not con nect you r desktop compute r and Sm artphone with the mini US B cabl e until afte r you have insta lled the ActiveSync desktop client. 1 Insert th e cable ’s smal ler connect or into the cradle’ s USB port.
Gettin g Sta rted 16 Using the Sync Cradle to Charg e Y our Smar tphone You ca n use the S ync Cradle to charg e your Smart phone any time, whet her or no t you are usi ng Act i v eSync or h ave the mini USB cabl e attached . Cha rge th e ba tte ry 1 Plug th e charger into an electrical outlet.
Gettin g Sta rted 17 5 Place th e Smar tphone into t he cra dle, inserti ng the con nector in the base o f the cradle i nto the Sma rtphone’ s acce ssory connecto r .
Gettin g Sta rted 18 To or der additi onal accessor ies, go to sprin or call 1-800-Nexte l6. You can also contact your Nextel Autho rized Sales Repr esentati ve or stop by an y N extel -owned Retail Stor e. For i nforma tion on N extel retai l store locati ons, go t o sprint.
Gettin g Sta rted 19 Unders t anding S t atus Messages Your Smartphone may d isplay status messages un der certain condition s. Before contacti ng Sprint C ustomer Care, note t he me ssage, nume ric code , and the con ditions under w hich it appear ed.
The Ba sics 20 The Basics This chapter p rovides basic info rmation abo ut using your Smartp hone, such as moving throug h the screens, unde rstanding w hat is on yo ur scr een, enter i n g text and n umbers, and secur ing th e Smart phone.
The Ba sics 21 Using M enus On man y scree ns, the rig ht soft key is the M enu soft key . Pressing this sof t key displ ays a list of command s for the cu rrent scre en. Depending on the men u, select ing a comma nd has one of the following r esults: • Perf orms the comman d.
The Ba sics 22 Ne xtel Lay out The Hom e screen di splays: • S tatu s icons • Icons for the progr ams that you have most r ecently u sed. • The na me of the program a ssociated with the icon sel.
The Ba sics 23 Open pro gra ms f rom the Home sc reen For a ll Home scr een layouts: • T o open a pro gram fro m the list of progr ams on the S t art me nu, select the sta rt menu by pressin g A beneath Star t , and then sele ct a program by scrolling t o it and pressing O .
The Ba sics 24 Using the Quick List The Quick Li st pr ovides a lis t of commands tha t you can use to quickly perfor m com mon actions. Use th e Quick List 1 Press p . 2 Select t he Quick L ist command you want by scrollin g to it and pr essing O . Com mands are described in t he followi ng t able.
The Ba sics 25 Unde rst anding S t atus Indi cator s Statu s indicator s appear a t the top of the S martphone scr een. The fo llowi ng table li sts common status in dicators and their m eanings. Indica t or Meaning New e- mail New voice m ail. Th e icon o r icons you see may de pend on you r network.
The Ba sics 26 Ba ckli ght D im ming A ba cklight l ight s the di splay an d keyp ad whe n you make or recei ve a call, open or close the fl ip, or pre ss keys or butt ons. If you do not do any of these things f or 10 second s, the backli ght of the in ternal display dims .
The Ba sics 27 Ac cess th e Own er Info rma tion sc reen 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then select Owne r Inform ation .
The Ba sics 28 To select Symbols mode: • Press and hold # . Dele te ch arac te rs • Pre ss m to dele te character to the lef t of th e cursor . • Press and hold m to delete a l l t he characters in a line.
The Ba sics 29 Ent er te xt in T9 m ode 1 Select T 9 as your in put mode. 2 Enter letter s by pressing the keys on which the letters ap pear . Press a key only once for each letter . Ti p : If your wo rd is 3 letters long o r longer , it is best to p ress the keys fo r at least the first 3 lette rs.
The Ba sics 30 Entering Num bers You ca n enter nu mber s by using Nume ric mo de. If you ne ed to enter a num ber withi n a line of text, you can change to Numeric m ode to en ter the n umber, a nd then cha nge back to Mul tipress or T9 mode to finish entering the text.
The Ba sics 31 Ent er th e plu s (+) sign for inter nat iona l ca lls • Press and hold 0 . Securi ng Y our Sm a rtphone You ca n secure you r Smartphon e by: • Using your SIM card PIN f eatur e .
The Ba sics 32 Change the PIN Note: The SIM P IN requi remen t must be tur ned on i n order to access this fea ture . 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then S ecurit y . 3 Select Change PIN . 4 In Old PIN , enter the curren t PIN numb er .
The Ba sics 33 Rem ovin g th e SI M c ard 1 Power off you r Smar tphone. 2 Slide th e rele ase button b ack until it r elease s the batter y door . 3 All ow the ba ttery d oor to pop up, sli de it forwar d, and r emo ve i t from the back of your Smar tphone.
The Ba sics 34 5 Sli de your SIM ca rd o ut of the SIM ca rd ho lder . Ret urn the S IM c ar d to you r Sm art pho ne 1 Make sur e the Sm artphone is power ed off 2 If necessar y , remove the batt ery do or and bat tery . 3 Hold your SIM card and S martph one in the or ient ation show n in step 4.
The Ba sics 35 Us i ng a Dif fere nt SIM C ard in Y our Sma r t pho ne or Us in g Y o ur SIM Car d in a D iffer ent P hon e — Info rm ati on M ay Be L ost If you w ant to use a SIM car d other th an.
The Ba sics 36 Using a Hea dset If you use a hea dset or simil ar device wi th your Smart p hone, you can set your pho ne to send i nco ming sound to the head set o nl y, or to the hea dset and the speaker at the sam e time.
The Ba sics 37 Navig ating and Managi ng S tored Fi les Fil e Explorer enables you to navig ate and man age t he files stored on you r Smartphon e, and, i f you ha ve purchased an SD card* and inser ted it i nto you r Smartpho ne, the fi les on your S D card.
Phone Calls 38 Phone Calls This chapter explains how to ma ke, receive, and mana ge digital cel lular phone call s, and create a ids that help you make calls mo re ef fici e ntly, such as spee d dials a nd voice shortcuts. Ma ki ng a P h one Call There are severa l ways to make a phone cal l.
Phone Calls 39 Make a c all by e nter in g a co ntac t na me 1 On the Ho me screen, begin pres si n g the numb ers on the ke ypad the corr espond to the letter s in the contact n ame.
Phone Calls 40 Maki ng a Phone Call Us ing a Rece ntly Dialed Number You ca n select a name or number fr om the li st of recen tly dial ed phone numbers t o call that per son a gain.
Phone Calls 41 Maki ng a Phone Call from a Hy perlin k Phone Num ber You ca n quickly d i al a pho ne number from an e-m ail that co ntains a hyperli nk phone number . A hyper link pho ne number is und erlined , in the same manner as a Web site address.
Phone Calls 42 Recei ving a Phone Cal l When you receive a call on yo ur Sma rtphone, th e Smar tphone ring s, and the na me an d number of th e caller are displayed on the scree n. If the nam e of the caller i s not in your contact l ist, onl y the caller’ s phone nu mber is di splayed.
Phone Calls 43 Managi ng Phone Call s While a call is in progre ss, you can use menu comm ands f or common tasks. S ome of these com mands are availabl e only when multipl e calls are in pr ogress or d uring a confere nce call.
Phone Calls 44 Go to the Home scr een d uring a c all • Pre ss h . You ca n then access o ther featu res from th e Home screen. To re turn to the call scree n: • Pre ss m as man y times as needed. S peakerphone Turnin g on sp eakerphon e makes incom ing soun d come out of the Smartp hone’s speaker instead of the earp iece.
Phone Calls 45 Using the Fli p to Answe r or End Ca lls You can se t you r S martpho ne to answ e r ph one call s by opening the fl ip, e nd p hone call s by clo sing the fl ip, or both . Set fli p op tio ns 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then P hone Calls .
Phone Calls 46 Cr eate a sp eed di al 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Co nt act s . 3 Select t he con tact for whom t o create a sp eed dial . 4 Scroll to the phone num ber , e-mai l address, or W eb page ad dress for which to create a speed dial.
Phone Calls 47 4 Scroll to the p hone numb er you w ant to crea te a voi ce shortcut fo r . 5 Select Menu and then Set V oi ce Shor tcu t . 6 Af ter the au dio and visual cue , begin recording t he voice shortcut. 7 When prompte d, repeat th e voice sh ortcut.
Phone Calls 48 4 Scroll to the p hone numb er that i s associated w ith the voi ce shor tcut you want to del ete. 5 Select Menu and then Set V oi ce Shor tcu t .
Phone Calls 49 To ma ke an in ternational ca ll, you m ust include an interna tional acce ss code at the begi nning of the dialing se quenc e for the ph one numbe r. Then e nter the co untry code, city co de or are a code, and phone num ber. Inser t an in tern atio nal ac ce ss co de • Press and hold 0 until a plus (+) si gn appear s.
Phone Calls 50 Ne xt el ® Phone Servi ces Con tact Sprint C ustomer Care to o btain t hese services or for addi tional i nformation : Note: Some services are not ava ilable ou tsid e of the contin ent al United S t ates.
Phone Calls 51 Note: If you ar e not provi sioned fo r a se cond line and yo u set yo ur line to l ine 2, you will not be able to make or rece ive calls. Call Restrictions You ca n prevent yo ur Sma rtphone from m aking o r receivi ng long distan ce, incom ing, and out going ( except 911) calls.
Sett ing Up Wireles s E-mail 52 Set t i n g Up Wire l e ss E -m a il There are t wo pri mary ways to set u p your Sm artphone to w ir elessly synchron ize yo ur e- mail, so you can send and receiv e e.
Sett ing Up Wireles s E-mail 53 Once you cr eate a conn ection, you can edi t the conne ction later to stop synch ronizing a parti cular app l ication ( E-mai l, Ca le ndar , or Conta cts) or chan ge h ow muc h infor matio n i s synchronize d.
Sett ing Up Wireles s E-mail 54 Creating a Synchroniz ation Sche dule After you set up yo ur Smar tphone to access your cor porate E -mail, C alendar, an d Con tacts, you can cr eate an au tomated sche dule fo r wirele ssl y synchronizi ng the info rmation.
Sett ing Up Wireles s E-mail 55 Note: Y ou can synchro nize as ite ms arrive o nly if your comp any is run ning M icrosoft Exchan ge Serve r with Exchan ge ActiveSy nc. Set up a sc he du le to sy nc hro ni ze a utom a tica ll y 1 On the Home scr een , select Sta r t .
Sett ing Up Wireles s E-mail 56 Configuring Y ou r Personal Int ernet E-mail A ccount (POP3 or IM AP) 1 On the Home scr een , select Sta r t , Me ssaging , and then select an account. 2 Select Menu and then Op tion s . 3 Select Account Setup , Me nu , and then New .
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 57 Using Wir ele ss Messaging Features You ca n use your S martph one to send and receiv e e-mail, text me ssages, media messages (MM S) , and instant messages. Your Smartphone is alrea dy set u p for voice m ail messa ging, if yo ur phone se rvice includ es this featur e.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 58 T ex t Me ssaging (SMS) You ca n send and r ecieve text messages o nly in GSM m ode. Wh ile using t he Nextel iDEN digital n etwork, you can only re cieve text messages. In GSM mode, you can send and receive text message s up to 160 ch aracters in s ize.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 59 W orking wit h Account s You ca n use up to 8 differ ent messagin g accounts wi th the S martphone . This secti on descri bes how to d o the following: • V i.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 60 Creat ing Messag es You ca n start crea ting a new message fr om Messag ing. You ca n also cr eate a new message from C ontacts. After you create a messa ge, you can send it. See “Sending and Rece iving Me ssages” on pa ge 65.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 61 5 In Cc and /or Bcc , ente r the e-mail or media message add resses o f persons to recei ve a copy . This fi eld does not appea r to recipien ts wh o receive the messag e as a text me ssage in stead of a m edia m essage.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 62 Ed it pr ed efi ned text 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t , Messaging , and then select an account. 2 Select Menu and then Op tion s . 3 Select Ed it My T ext . 4 Scroll t o the text to e dit. 5 Edit th e text and sele ct Done .
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 63 Inser ting Signa tures into Message s For e ach e-mail account a nd your text messaging accou nt, you can sp ecify a signature to be au toma tically inserted into messages tha t you send.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 64 Saving a Draf t of a Message You ca n save a dra ft of a messa ge tha t you are co mposing to fini sh and se nd later. Save a draf t of a m essa ge 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t and then Mess aging . 2 Select a n account.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 65 Sendi ng and Rece iving Mes sage s • The S martpho ne immediate ly sends t ext messages wh en you sel ect Send on the New Message screen. W hen you rece ive a messa ge, the n ew messag e icon app ears at the top of th e screen.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 66 Note: Before you can sen d and rece i ve e-mai l messages, th e Smar tphone must be proper ly configu red, as descr ibed earlier i n “Settin g Up Wirele ss E-mail” on page 5 2 . Y ou mu st take ad ditional st eps to r eceive lar ge message s and att achme nts.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 67 As shown in the following ex ample, messages tha t you h ave read ar e displa yed in norma l type wit h an ope n e nvelope i con . M essages tha t yo u h ave not read a re displayed in b old type wi th a closed-en velope icon.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 68 Rep ly to a mess age 1 From an open m essage, select Menu and then Re pl y . 2 Select Reply or Reply All . 3 Enter a message in the message area. 4 Select Send . The m essage is stored in Ou tbox and sen t to recipient s the next time you synchr onize or connect to yo ur e-ma il server .
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 69 W orkin g with La rge M essage s and At t achmen t s When you receive l arge e -mail messag es and attachments, the Smartpho ne do w n loads onl y a porti on of them. Y ou can view the partial message or attachmen t and decide if you wan t to downl oad the re st of it.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 70 Dele te an a ttach men t 1 In an op en m essage cont aining a downlo aded att achment, scr oll to the attachm ent.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 71 When you synchron ize or send and re ceive e-mai l, the S martphone synchronizes a ny addi tional e -mail fol ders that yo u have crea ted in O utlook on your desktop comp uter or on your e-mai l server.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 72 Confi guri ng Message Noti ficat ions Your Smart phone make s a sound to a lert you w hen new me ssages a rrive. You can change t he sou nd that is playe d when you receive a message. F or more i n formation, see “Set ting rin g tones” on page 124.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 73 Si gn in to MSN Me ss enge r 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select M SN Mess eng er . 3 Select Sig n In . 4 In Sig n- in Na me , enter the sig n-in name t hat you use for Hotm ail or your .NET Passpo rt (Exampl e: name_ 123@hotma il.
Usin g Wirele ss Me ssaging Featu res 74 Rep ly to an in st ant mess ag e 1 Select Menu and then Ch at s . 2 Select t he name of the p erson sending the ins tant me ssage. The m essage di splays, alo ng with a box for your reply . 3 Enter your rep ly and select Send .
Nextel Wo rldwide ® Se rvices 75 Nextel W o rl dwide ® Ser vices Your Smart phone allow s you to ma ke and recei ve call s in the U nited State s on the Nexte l iDEN dig i t al network . With Nexte l Worldwide Service, you r Smar tphone ope rates in t he United St ates as wel l as in over 100 countries ar ound the world.
Nextel Wo rldwide ® Se rvices 76 Placi ng W orldwi de Cal ls Placi ng interna tional ca lls has ne ver been ea sier. The p hone a nd Nextel Worldwide Service include access to multi ple networks so you can get conne cted an d stay connected . Use “+ Dialing ” when makin g calls fro m one coun try to another, o r within a forei gn countr y.
Nextel Wo rldwide ® Se rvices 77 • G SM pr efer re d —This optio n is useful if your home system is GSM and you tr avel to a countr y or region where iDEN is also available . Y our phone will always sea rch for GSM ne tworks first. If a GSM network is not fo und, your phone will then search for an iDEN netwo rk.
Nextel Wo rldwide ® Se rvices 78 Sele ct a G S M net wor k 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then Phone Networks . 3 Select GS M Ne t wor k S el e ct io n . 4 In Network selectio n , sele ct the o ption you want: Man ual or Automatic .
Nextel Wo rldwide ® Se rvices 79 3 Select I ntern et Conn ecti on . 4 Select Menu and then E dit Co nnecti ons . 5 Select GPRS Connections . 6 Select Menu and then Ad d . 7 Enter the requ ested in formation a s follows and select Do ne : • In Descript ion , enter a name for t he connecti on (for example, N extel, GSM, GPRS).
Nextel Wo rldwide ® Se rvices 80 T ext Mess aging (SMS) You ca n send and r ecieve text messages o nly in GSM m ode. Wh ile using t he Nextel iDEN digital n etwork, you can only re cieve text messa ges. In GSM mode, you can send and re ceive text messages up t o 160 characters in size.
Nextel ® Voice Ma il 81 Nextel ® V oice Mail Note: T o receive voice mail messag es, you must f i rst set u p your voice m ail box. Note: If you are bringin g your phone num ber from a nother car ri.
Nextel ® Voice Ma il 82 • Pause or continue the cur rent messa ge — press 2 . • Fast for ward — pre ss 3 . • Fast for ward to end of message — pre ss 33 .
Nextel ® Voice Ma il 83 Re cor di ng Y o ur A cti ve G ree ting You m ay w ant to i nclude one or all of the following opti ons in your gr eeting so that callers will know they are available. • Pre ss 1 to send a n umeri c message. • Pre ss 2 to send an operat or-assi sted message.
Nextel ® Voice Ma il 84 Automatic Play back an d Playbac k Order By def ault, th e playback mod e of your voi ce mail service i s set to nor mal. Thi s feature automa tically plays and saves new me ssages when you log in. To acti vate aut omatic pla yback: 1 From the main voice mail m enu, press 4 to access personal options.
Nextel ® Voice Ma il 85 Mess age For warding Note: Y ou can onl y forward messages to Next el custom ers in your home market. This feature a llows you to pro gram your phone to a utomati cally forwa rd incomi ng messages to ano ther mail box. Th ere are 2 types of forw arding: notified and silen t.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 86 Nextel W alkie- T alkie Call s, Call Alert s, and T alk gro up Call s This chapte r explains how to ma ke, rece ive , and man age Wal kie-T alki e calls, cal l alerts, and Ta lkgrou p calls .
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 87 Maki ng a W alkie-T alk ie Cal l from th e Home Scre en On the H ome scr een, you can ca ll someo ne by enter ing a phone numb er or a con tact name u sing the keypad.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 88 Maki ng a W alkie-T alkie Cal l from Co nt act s You ca n make a W alkie-Talki e call from your contact lis t or from an open con tact.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 89 5 Begin ta l kin g after your Sm artphone emit s a chirping so und. 6 Relea se the Walkie -Tal kie button to listen. 7 T o end the cal l: • W ait a few secon ds for the ca ll to end automaticall y .
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 90 Ma nag ing W alk ie-T al kie C alls While a Walki e-Talkie call is in p rogress, you can u se men u command s for commo n tasks. You can also go to the Home scre en and access other featu res without ending the Walkie-Talkie c all.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 91 Use a vo ice shor tcu t to m ake a Wa lki e-Ta lkie call 1 While your Smar tphone is idle, press and hold t . Y o u ca n do thi s with th e flip ope n or closed. 2 Say th e word or w ords th at you recor ded as a voi ce shortcu t.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 92 On e T ouch W alk ie- T al kie One To uch Walki e-Talkie se ts your Smartp hone to call the most recen t Walkie-T alkie number on t he recent ca lls list, or a Walki e-Talkie num ber you cho ose, eve ry time you press the Walki e-Talkie but ton.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 93 Sen d a call alert 1 Enter the Walkie-Ta lkie num ber y ou want to send to, a s you would when making a Walkie- Talkie cal l. Just as with ma king a W alk ie-T alkie call, yo u can ente r th e number from th e Hom e screen or choose it from Cont acts or the recen t call l ist.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 94 Make a Wa lki e-Ta lkie call t o the s ende r 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Ca ll Alert Queue . 3 Scroll to the ca ll alert you want to respond to. 4 Press the Walkie-Talki e button to be gin the call.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 95 Setting Up and Joini ng T a lkgroup s When you e nable se curi ty, yo u rec eive a l ist of Tal kgr oups that ha ve bee n set u p for you if yo u subscribe to this ser vi ce. Th e Talkgroup list is saved to Cont acts.
Nextel Wal kie-Talki e Calls, Call Alerts, and Talkgrou p Calls 96 T urnin g Off T alkgroup Cal ls If you do n’t want h ear any calls to your Talkgr oup, you can set you r Smartphon e to silenc e all Ta lkgrou p calls. Silen ce a ll Talk gro up c alls 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t .
Recent Calls 97 Recent Calls The r ecent call s list contain s the numbe rs of up to 2 0 of the mo st recent cal ls you have made, r eceived , and missed.
Recent Calls 98 W ith the Flip Clos ed 1 Press . . 2 If you want to view th e rest of the rece nt calls list, p re ss the volume controls. 3 Press . twice to dismiss the recent calls list. View th e de tai ls of a c all on t he r ecent ca lls lis t 1 From the Home scr een, select St a r t .
Recent Calls 99 Make a p hon e cal l fr om the r ecen t cal l lis t W ith the Flip Open 1 From the Home scr een, select St a r t . 2 Select Recent Calls . 3 Ch oo se a num b er to ca l l: • Scroll to or select the name or number you want to call. • Scroll to a na me that i s stored in your Co ntact s.
Recent Calls 100 Delet ing I tems From the Recent Ca lls Li st Delete an item from the rece nt calls list 1 From the Home scr een, select St a r t . 2 Select Recent Calls . 3 Select t he item you want to d elete. 4 Select Menu and then select Delete .
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 101 Cont act s, Calendar , and T asks This chapter in troduces feat ures on your S martphon e that help you manage a nd kee p track of co ntacts, appointment s, and schedule, and mainta i n a things-to- do list.
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 102 View th e co ntact lis t • On the Ho me screen, select Co nt act s . The fo llowing tabl e descr i bes abbrevi ations that might be displa yed to the r i ght of a contact na me in the contact li st.
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 103 Cr eate a new co ntac t 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Co nt act s and th en New . 3 Enter informatio n for the ne w cont act. 4 Select Done . To can cel and return to the con tact list wi thout cr eating a co ntact card, select Menu an d then C ancel .
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 104 Maki ng Calls from Cont act s You ca n ma ke pho ne call s a nd Wal kie- Talkie ca l ls from your contact lis t or f rom an op en contact. When you make a call from your contac t list, the Smartphone d ials the co ntact’s defaul t number .
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 105 6 Relea se the Walkie -Tal kie button to listen. 7 T o end the call , press e . Ch ang e t he defa ult n umb er fo r a co ntac t 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Co nt act s . 3 Select t he con tact whose d efault number you want to change.
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 106 Note: For inf ormati on about cr eating speed dials and voice sh ortcuts, se e “Phon e Calls” on pag e 38. For instruct i ons on beam ing a co ntact car d, see “Beamin g Inform ation” on pag e 170.
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 107 5 If the ap pointm ent is recurr ing, se lect Ye s to delete o nly the curre nt occurren ce, or select No to del ete the se ries.
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 108 Mont h V ie w Month vi ew provid es an o verview o f your schedu le 1 month a t a time . Arro w s pointing upw ard repr esent morn ing appoi ntments, a nd arrows pointing d ownward represen t af ternoon ap pointments.
Co ntacts, Calen dar, and T asks 109 When you create or edit tasks with Outlook on your desktop com puter and then synchroni ze with your Smar tphone, add i tional task information m ay disp l a y. A task that has been mar ked as high pr iority is p reced ed by an exclam ation mark, and o ne marked as low priority by a down arrow.
SIM Manag e r 110 SIM Manager When you en ter a new cont act i nto Con tacts, th at conta c t is store d on yo ur S martpho ne, not your SIM car d. The cont act is not saved on your SIM card un til you cop y it to you r SIM c ard u sing SI M Manag er.
SIM Manag e r 111 4 Select Copy . Cop y co nt ac ts fr om y ou r S IM to y ou r S mart pho ne 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select SIM Ma nag er , an d then Copy to SIM . 3 Select e ach conta ct you want to co py . Note: If you select a cont act that is alread y on your S martpho ne, that cont act w ill not be copi ed.
SIM Manag e r 112 4 Scroll to the co ntact you want to view detai ls for . 5 Select Menu and then Details . Note: Y ou can not sel ect cont act types fr om th is screen. 6 Select Done . Se arch fo r co ntac ts Note: The sea rch featur e is only a vailable whe n the list displays alp habetical l y .
SIM Manag e r 113 Delete al l SIM con tac ts 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select SIM Ma nag er and the n Manag e SIM . 3 Select Menu and then De le te All .
Voice No tes 114 Vo i c e N o t e s You can use Voi ce Notes to wor k with sho rt voice recor dings. Vo i c e notes are included i n the A ll Notes li st and are named cons ecutively ( Record ing 1, Re cording 2, an d so on). Creat e a voic e n ote 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t .
Set tin gs 115 Settings This chapter d escribes how to customize the se ttings on your Smartp hone and h ow to restor e your Smartp hone to its origi nal setti ngs. V i ewing and Chang in g Se ttings The S ettings scree n displays a list of se ttings that you c an chan ge to perso nalize th e Smar tphone for the way you w ork.
Set tin gs 116 4 Select Done . Add y our ow n w all pap er im age 1 Con nect the Smart phone to your de sktop compute r . 2 On you r d esktop comp uter , copy the i mage f ile you w ant. T he file for mat mu st be .g if , .jpg, or .bmp. 3 In Active Sync on you r desktop com puter , click Ex plo re and then do uble- cl ick My Sma rt phone .
Set tin gs 117 Spe cify t he id le tim e be for e ret urning to the Ho me s cree n 1 On the Ho me screen, select Sta r t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then D isplay P ropert ies .
Set tin gs 118 An swer a ca ll b y pr es s ing an y k ey 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then P hone Calls . 3 Select Ca ll Options . 4 Select An y key an swer . This let s yo u answer incom ing calls b y pressin g any key .
Set tin gs 119 5 Select Done . If you selected Provide c all waitin g noti fications , you w ill now be noti fied when you r eceive a call while you are already on a call. Conf igure c aller ID 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then P hone Calls .
Set tin gs 120 4 In Auto Redial , select On . 5 Select Done . Y our Smartphone will automatically re dial calls you make when the system is bu sy . Ac tiv ate fl ip opt ions 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then P hone Calls .
Set tin gs 121 PTT — Next el W a lkie -T alki e Set ting s You ca n set PTT sett ings to co ntrol how your S martphone hand les Wal kie-Talki e calls and Ta lkgrou p calls . Mute Wal kie -Talk ie calls a n d Tal kgro up c alls 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t .
Set tin gs 122 Set the m ost r ecent ca ll as yo ur On e To uch Walk ie -Talk ie n um ber 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then PTT . 3 Select O ne T ouch P TT . 4 Select Us e One T o uch PTT . 5 In Place ca ll to , select Last C all .
Set tin gs 123 Chan ge how yo ur pho ne n otifies yo u of al l ca lls 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then N otific ations . 3 In Phon e ri ng typ e , select the o ption yo u want: •R i n g — your S martphone m akes a sound u ntil you r espond to t he call.
Set tin gs 124 Set ting ri ng t ones 1 On the Ho me screen, select Sta r t . 2 Select Setti ngs a nd then Not ificatio ns . 3 Scroll to the ite m that you wa nt to sp ecify a ring ton e for: • T o specify the sound mad e when you re ceive call s on line 1 or line 2, select Ri ng ton e line 1 or R ing tone line 2 .
Set tin gs 125 Tur n the s tat us li ght o n or o ff 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then N otific ations . 3 In St a tus LE D , sel ect the option you want.
Set tin gs 126 Accessi bil ity You ca n use Accessib ility settings t o config ure large d igit dial ing, multi press time out, conf irmation ti me out, and TTY. Cha nge ac cessib il ity setti ng s 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then Acce ssibility .
Set tin gs 127 5 Con figure other setting s in the same mann er: • S hort da te style and Long dat e st yl e show how dates appear on your Smar tphone.
Set tin gs 128 View cur rent GSM ban d 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then Phone Networks . 3 Select GS M Ba n d . 4 Select Done . Sele ct a G S M net wor k 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then Phone Networks .
Set tin gs 129 Add a URL exception 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then Dat a Connect ions . 3 Select I ntern et Conn ecti on . 4 Select Menu and then Work U RL Exceptio ns . 5 Select Menu and then Ad d . 6 In UR L Patter n , enter th e URL an d select Done .
Set tin gs 130 • In Connect s to , select the networ k. • In Phon e number , enter the phone num ber you use to dial th e network. • In User nam e , e nter your networ k user name . • In Passwo rd , enter your passwor d. • In Domain , enter the d omain name, if re quire d.
Set tin gs 131 4 Select Menu and then E dit Co nnecti ons . 5 Select Prox y Co nn ec tio ns . 6 Select Menu and then Ad d . 7 Enter the requ ested in formation a s follows and then select Done : • In Descript ion , enter a name for t he connecti on.
Set tin gs 132 Cr eate a GPRS c onn ectio n Note: Y ou are not requ ired to enter a use r na me, p asswo rd, p rimar y DNS, seconda ry DNS, or IP addr ess to create GPRS connecti on. 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then Dat a Connect ions .
Set tin gs 133 Ti p : After y ou use the GPRS conne ction on ce, you may wan t to cha nge your Int e rn et C o nn ec t i on back to Au tom atic . Y our phone will then au tomatically sele ct the corre ct connection ba sed on the network.
Set tin gs 134 Fli ght Mode Some times you ma y want to have your S martpho ne on, but turn off its ab ility to make and re ceive calls , such a s when you ar e on an airplan e. You can set your Sm artphone so that i t cannot m ake or rece i ve phon e calls, Walkie- Talkie calls, or Tal kgroup ca lls; or transfer data.
Set tin gs 135 View the list of p rof iles 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then P rofiles . Chan ge th e curr ent pr ofile 1 On the Profi les screen, scr oll to a new profile an d select Done . Ti p : Y o u can also chan ge you r profile by u sing the Quick List.
Set tin gs 136 Cha nge th e SI M PI N num ber 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then S ecurit y . 3 Select Change PIN . 4 In Old PIN , enter the curren t PIN numb er . 5 In New PIN , ente r the new PIN num ber . 6 In Co nfi rm ne w PI N , ent er the new PIN nu mber again , and select Done .
Set tin gs 137 Owner In for mation You ca n use Ow ner Inform ation setti ngs to rec ord person al infor mation, such a s your name, p hone number, a nd e-mai l address . View owne r in form atio n 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then select Owne r Inform ation .
Set tin gs 138 View se rvice stat us info rma tion 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select Setti ngs and then select Ph one In form ation . 3 Select Servi ce St a tus . 4 Select Done . View unit info rma tion 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t .
Act iveSync D esktop Client 139 ActiveSync Desktop Client This chapter in troduces the basic fea tures of Microsoft ® Active Sync ® desktop clien t technol ogy. It de scribes how to use Act i ve Sync for synchronizi ng informa tion on your Smar tphone with yo ur d esktop comput er.
Act iveSync D esktop Client 140 You ca n install Acti veSync d esktop client on th e deskt op computer fro m the i 920/ i 9 30 compani on CD. As soon as ActiveS ync desktop cl ient installation comple tes, the New P artnership Wizar d automatical ly starts.
Act iveSync D esktop Client 141 Chan ge Act iveS ync De skto p Clien t Sett ings Late r If you w ant to change Acti veSync desktop client sett ings for synch ronizing w ith a deskto p compute r, use Active Sync desktop cl ient on the desktop co mpu ter.
Act iveSync D esktop Client 142 Sync hroni zi ng Ca len dar Calen dar items sto red on your Smar tphone can b e synchronized with calend ar ite ms stored o n your deskto p computer . By defau lt, Calend ar items fro m the l ast 2 weeks are synchronize d.
Ca me ra a nd C amc orde r 143 Came ra an d C amcor der Note: The cam era and ca mcorder appea r only in the i 930 S martphon e. The cam era and ca mcorder in your Smart phone take pictu res and re cord vi deo clips. You can save these pictur es and video clip s in your Smartphone and view them through Medi a T heate r.
Ca me ra a nd C amc orde r 144 Af ter T a king a Pic ture After you take a p icture, w h ile New Picture is displaye d as the left so ft Key optio n, you can select Men u and then select an y of the fol lowing o ptions: Mana ging S tored Pictures You ca n manage your sn apshots with the image viewer, w h ich is in M edia Theate r.
Ca me ra a nd C amc orde r 145 Pict ure S ett in gs Option s * To purchase an SD card go to sprint. com or call 1-800-NEXTEL 6. V i deo Clip s Your Sma rtphone records vi deo clips in .3gp. While reco rding vide o clip s is not restri cted by a time limit, you are limite d to the maximu m file size of 95KB.
Ca me ra a nd C amc orde r 146 St o p re co rd i n g • T o stop record ing and exit the came ra an d camcorde r in o ne step, select m . • T o stop record ing, select Stop . Note: Y ou must reco rd a t least 1 second of video before you stop recor ding.
Ca me ra a nd C amc orde r 147 4 Scroll to the clip you want. 5 Select Menu . 6 Select File a nd then Dele te . 7 Select Y es . Vi ew c l ip d eta il s 1 On the Ho me screen, select Sta r t . 2 Select Camera&Camcorder . 3 Select Vi e w M e d i a and then Vi ew Videos .
Ca me ra a nd C amc orde r 148 Video Clip Settin gs O ptions * To purchase an SD card go to sprint. com or call 1-800-NEXTEL 6. Sendi ng Captur ed Pict ur es and V ideo Clip s You ca n send pictur es and video clips yo u captured in e-mail messages, m edia messages (MM S), and wi th infrared .
Ca me ra a nd C amc orde r 149 Sen d in an e-ma il me ss ag e 1 From the Send menu, select Sen d via E -ma il . If Sen d via E-ma il is not one o f your opti ons, select Via E-m ail . 2 Select O utl ook E- ma il . The e- mail m essage open s with the item at tached.
Me dia Th eate r 150 Media Theater Your Smartphone featu res Media T heater, which lets you vi e w pictures and playback vide o clips, as we ll as send picture s and vi d eo clips in e-mail messages, m edia messages (MM S), and wi th infrar ed. I f you receive a ca l l while you are vi ewing a picture or video clip, Media T hea ter will pause.
Me dia Th eate r 151 Ret urn to th um bnail vie w • Select Menu and then Thumbn ails . • Select Back . Manip ulating Pic tures (P ortr ait Mode Only) In port rait m ode, you can: • Fli p a pictu.
Me dia Th eate r 152 Ab out Zoo m and Pa n Zoom and Pan are only available in portra it mode . Pan is ava ilable once you h ave zoomed in to the degre e that the picture beco mes larger than its actu al size. While Pan is avai l a ble, Zoom is unavaila ble.
Me dia Th eate r 153 Mana ge Pictures Sort list b y dat e/tim e 1 On the Ho me screen, select Sta r t . 2 Select M edia Th eater . 3 Select Menu . 4 Select Sort . 5 Select Sort b y da te . Sort list by t itl e 1 On the Ho me screen, select Sta r t . 2 Select M edia Th eater .
Me dia Th eate r 154 Set a pic tu re as wallp aper 1 On the Ho me screen, select Sta r t . 2 Select M edia Th eater . 3 Scroll to the p icture you want. 4 Select Menu and then S e t W allp aper . 5 T o set the picture as wallp aper for the internal di splay , select Interna l Disp lay .
Me dia Th eate r 155 Play back Cont rol ( Portr ait M ode On ly) Duri ng playback, you can do the follow ing with t he specif i e d keys/options. Ab out Fa st For ward and Re wind When either fast f orwar ding or re winding, th e inter val that the cl ip moves forwar d or backw ard is deter mined by how lo ng you press the given key.
Me dia Th eate r 156 5 Select Y es . Vi ew c l ip d eta il s 1 On the Ho me screen, select Sta r t . 2 Select M edia Th eater . 3 Scroll to the clip you wan t and then se lect Men u .
Me dia Th eate r 157 5 Select Sen d via In frare d . 6 Select t he device you w ant to se nd the item t o. 7 Select Beam . Open ing C amera and Ca mcord er Note: The cam era and ca mcorder appea r only in the i 930 S martphon e. 1 On the Ho me screen, select Sta r t .
GPS E nable d 158 GPS E nabl ed Your Smart phone’s GPS E nabled feat ure u ses informat ion fro m Global Po sitioning System (GPS) sate llites orb iting the Earth to determine the ap proximate g eographical location of your Sm artphone, e xpressed as lat itude a nd longitude.
GPS E nable d 159 Even where loca tion infor mation c an be ca lculated in s uch sit uations, it may take much long er to do s o, and your lo cation estimate m ay not be as acc urate .
GPS E nable d 160 See “Enha nci ng G PS P erf orma nce ” on pag e 16 1 for inf ormati on on how to help yo ur Smar tphone de termine your locatio n. V i ewing Y our Appr oximat e Location You can calc ulat e yo ur appr oximat e l oca tion, whi ch is au toma ticall y save d in you r phone for you to view ag ain later .
GPS E nable d 161 Enhanci ng GPS Perfor mance Some times t he GPS featur e of your S martph one may be unable to com plete a location calcu lation suc cessfully.
GPS E nable d 162 • S t ay in net w ork cover age. Depe nding on who your ser vice provid er is, the netwo rk will provi de your Sma rtphone w ith in formation t hat hel ps deter mine your location m ore qui ckly and accurat ely .
GPS E nable d 163 Setting th e GPS PIN Security F eature To pr event your GP S priva cy settings from being altered wi thout your knowledg e, your GPS pri vacy option can be protected b y a PIN.
GPS E nable d 164 Note: Becau se your Smartp hone i s continu ously det ermin ing your l ocation , using the GPS featu re o f your Smartp hone with map sof tware uses the S martphone ’s battery pow er quickly .
GPS E nable d 165 Ch eck C OM po rt s ett ing s 1 Make sure no other appl icati on is using the COM port selected of yo ur laptop or ot her device. 2 Make sur e the C OM port set tings of your laptop .
Clearvue TM Suite 166 Clearv ue TM Suite Your Smart phone come s pre-install ed wit h Clearvue. C learvue lets you op en and view Microsoft ® Office files c reated in M icrosoft Office 1997 and later, Adobe ® Acrobat ® PDF s , and di gital i m ages.
Java A pplica tions 167 Java Appli cations Some Java appli cations can run with th e flip op en or the f lip closed. Others can be run onl y with the flip open . When you are r unning an ap plicati on, you ca n suspend the application . Th i s sends th e appl ication t o the backgr ound so that you can run anoth er appl ication in the foregr ound.
Java A pplica tions 168 Using Ja va A pplications W ith the Fli p Closed You m ust start r unning all Java applic ations with the flip open , but so me Java appl ications ca n continue r unning after you close the flip . You can then su spend, view, and re sume with out op ening the fl ip.
Java A pplica tions 169 Set per miss ion opti ons 1 From the Home scr een, select St a r t . 2 Select J ava Cont rol P anel . 3 Select Menu and select P ermissio ns . 4 Select t he Java appl ication you w ant to se t permissi on options fo r . 5 In Locatio n , select th e permission o ption yo u want ( Ask , A lways , o r Never ).
Beamin g Inform ation 170 Beaming I n formation You ca n use the i nfrare d port on yo ur Smartpho ne to send a nd r eceive (beam ) contact cards a nd cal endar ap pointments b etween your Smar tphone an d an other mo bile devi ce or a desktop computer that has a n infrare d port an d sup ports vCards and vCal.
Beamin g Inform ation 171 Note: Once you se lect Rece ive incomin g beam s , your device automatical ly receives be ams u ntil you cle ar this check bo x. Y our Sma rtphone ca n recei ve beamed f iles of an y type, but you may need to copy some files to your d esktop comput er for viewing.
Usi ng Your Smar tpho ne a s a M odem 172 Using Y o ur Smar tphone as a Modem You ca n use your S martph one as an ext erna l modem for data tran sfer to and from your compute r by us ing the Syn c Cradle and mi ni USB cab le or by using a n infrare d connecti on.
Inter net 173 Inter ne t This chapter e xplains ho w to brow se the Web usi ng Micro soft ® P ocket Intern et Explore r. Browsi ng the W eb To help you get star ted, we have add ed Ne xtel’s Wir eless Web to provide you access to new s, weather, tr affic, sports a nd entertai nm ent information.
Inter net 174 Re turn t o a We b page you vi si ted i n the s am e ses sion • On a W eb page, pr ess m repeated ly until the p age appear s. View a l ist o f rec ently -v isited We b pages 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select I ntern et Exp lorer .
Inter net 175 4 Select Menu and then De lete . 5 Select Y es . Creat e a new fo lder in Fa vor ite s 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t . 2 Select I ntern et Exp lorer and t hen F avorites . 3 Select Menu and then Ad d Folder . 4 In Nam e , enter a n ame for th e folder .
Inter net 176 2 Select I ntern et Exp lorer . 3 Select Menu and then Op tion s . 4 Select Co nnect ions . 5 T o automatical ly detect net work set tings, sele ct Automatica lly d etect se ttings . 6 If you did not select Autom atically d etect se ttings , in Select ne twork , se lect the netw ork to whic h Interne t Explorer should conne ct.
Wir eless Data Services 177 Wi reless Dat a Ser vices You ca n use your p hone to acce ss a suite of wireless data produ cts known as W ireless Data S ervices.
Wir eless Data Services 178 Ti p : While navi gating thro ugh Wire less Dat a Service s screen s, a number may appear to the l eft of t he appl ication or topi c you want to acce ss. P ress the corresp onding number o n the keyp ad for qui cker acce ss to that appli cation or topic.
Win dows Me dia Play er 179 Wi ndows Med ia Pla yer Microsoft ® Windows Medi a ® Pl ayer 10 Mo bile for Smartphone le t you play digi tal audi o and vi deo fil es that are stored on yo ur Smar tphone or on the Web.
Win dows Me dia Play er 180 Now Playi ng Screen Me nu When you are viewi ng the No w Playing screen, the se command s appea r on Men u . Li br ary S cr een Men u When you are view ing the L ibrary scree n, the se commands appea r on Menu . * To purchase an SD card go to sprint.
Win dows Me dia Play er 181 On the L ibrar y screen, you c an switch b etween the M y Device li brary an d any other libr aries that ar e ava i la ble to your S martpho ne.
Win dows Me dia Play er 182 If you want to copy a pr otecte d fil e from y our de sktop co mput er t o you r Smar tpho ne, u s e the deskto p Player t o synchr onize the fil e to your Smartphone ( ins.
Win dows Me dia Play er 183 Playing Audio and V ideo File s • Use t he followin g proc edures to se lect and play au dio and video f i le s. Open Win dows Med ia Playe r 1 On the Ho me screen, select Star t .
Win dows Me dia Play er 184 To s kip t o the previo us it em i n a p lay list 1 If you ar e not on the Play back screen, p ress m until you ar e. 2 On the P layback screen , pre ss left on the navi gation pa d twice qu ickly . Play it ems rep e atedl y Use t he Repeat comm and to pl ay all ite ms in the Now P laying p l aylist rep eatedly.
Win dows Me dia Play er 185 Mana ging Au dio and V ideo Files Use t he followin g pro cedures to m anage aud io and vi d eo files on your Smar tphone. Co py fi les to y our Smartp hon e Use t he lates.
Win dows Me dia Play er 186 Ed it th e Now P lay in g pl ayli s t 1 If you ar e not on the Now P laying screen, p ress m u ntil you are on the Playba ck screen. 2 On the P layback screen , select Now P laying . 3 On the N ow Playing screen, select Men u , an d do any of the foll owing.
Win dows Me dia Play er 187 Shri nk ov ersi z ed vide o If you pla y a video that is lar ger tha n the video window , a por tion of the imag e will not be visible. When sele cted, the S hrink to f it w indow option scale s the vide o down to fi t the vide o window.
Win dows Me dia Play er 188 Cha n ge how tim e is di s pl aye d When you play a fi le, the P layback screen shows eith er how much time h as elapse d since you started playing th e file or how m uch tim e is remaini ng until th e file en ds. 1 If you ar e not on the Play back screen, p ress m until you ar e.
Win dows Me dia Play er 189 Ch ang e the star tup sc r een You ca n choose wheth er th e Playback screen o r the Li brary screen i s displ ayed when you open Window s Media Pl ayer. 1 If you ar e not on the Play back screen, p ress m until you ar e. 2 Select Menu , select Option s , and then select Lib rar y .
Games 190 Ga mes Your Smart phone come s with pre -loaded ga mes, inclu ding Soli taire. So lit aire The ob ject of Solitaire is to u se all the card s in the deck to build up the 4 suit stacks in ascendi ng orde r, begi nning with the aces. Y ou win t he game whe n all car ds are on th e suit stacks.
Calc ulat or 191 Calculator You ca n use Ca lculator to pe rform an y of the standard o perati ons for which yo u would norma lly use a h andhe ld calculat or. Calcu lator perfo rms b asic arith metic, such as addi tion, subtra ction, mul tiplication, and di vi sio n.
An important point after buying a device Nextel comm I920 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Nextel comm I920 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Nextel comm I920 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Nextel comm I920 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Nextel comm I920 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Nextel comm I920, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Nextel comm I920.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Nextel comm I920. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Nextel comm I920 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center