Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NF2300-SE41E NEC
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NOTE: Read this m anual caref ully before usin g the unit. Kee p this manual near by as a hand y refer ence and refer to the "CAUT ION" and "W ARNING" statem ents whenever n ecessar y . NEC CONFIDENT IA L A ND PROPRIET A RY All rig hts reserved by NEC Corporat ion.
FEDERA L COMMU NI C A TIONS CO MMI SSIO N RADIO FR EQUENCY INTE RFERENCE ST A T EMENT NOTE: This equ ipment ha s been teste d and fo und to c omp ly with the limit s for a Class A digita l device , pursuan t to Part 1 5 of the FCC Ru les.
- i - Safety Precautions Before using this unit, read thi s m anual careful ly and k eep cautions in o r de r to use th is unit safely and correctly and to avoid to be a cause of dam age to th e body or propertie s. Keep th is manual to see whenever i t is neces sary.
- ii - Notes on Use The following includes i nformatio n necessary for proper and safe ope rati on of the additional disk enclos ure. WARNING Do not use the additional d isk enc losure in an are a with m uch moistur e or water usage. If so, a fault, el ectrical shock , or fire m ay occur.
- iii - CAUTION Do not instal l the additio nal disk enclosure and d isk array unit on an unstable place. If so, s o me s ubstances m a y be dropped to cause you to be injured. Do not instal l the additio nal disk enclosure and t he power c ords in an ar ea with direct suns hine or near an apparat us generatin g heat such as a heater.
- iv - Indicati on on Safety Warning la bels are put o n parts possib ly be dangerous and/o r surround ings in the additional disk enc losure. They are in tended to alway s m ake you conscio us of possible dangers whe n you han dle the add i t ional disk enclosure.
- v -.
- vi - Trademarks Microsoft, Windows, Win dows NT, and Windows 2000 are regis tered tra dem arks of Microsoft Corporation in the United Stat es and other countries. HP-U X is a reg istered t rade mark of Hewlett- Packard Com pany of the Un ited Stat es.
- vi i - Preface Thank y ou very much for your pu rchase o f the addi tional d isk enc losure. The manual describes the ope rations a nd notes on use of Addi tional Disk Enclosure NF2300-SE41E av ailable f or the NF2300- SR4xxE disk array unit to b e connecte d to NEC Express5800, NX7 000, or CX5000 series sy stem .
- viii - Check of Components in Package (1) Unpack ing Open the pack age and tak e out the addition al disk enclosure and a ccesso ries f rom the packag e without l arge sh ock. The additiona l disk encl osure i s grea tly hea vy. According ly, if two people or less li ft the unit, the i r b ack m a y be dam aged.
- ix - NF2300-SE41E (1) Additional disk enclosure (T he f igure above shows the unit with the front m ask installed .) (2) Pow er cord (3) HSSDC cable (4) DE diagnosi s cable (5) Front m ask (6) Key (.
- x - Legend Symbol s in the Text This User' s Guide uses the following sym bols to indicate improper h a ndl ing which m ay cause the add i t ional disk enclosu re to b e defec ted or fr ozen.
- xi - Contents Notes o n U se ..................................................................................................... ii Indica tion on Sa fety........................................................................................... iv Pre face .
- xi i - 8. ACTION TAKEN AT OC CURRENCE OF FAULT OR ERROR ................... 40 8.1 Countermeasur es Taken w hen Occurrence of a Faul t is S uspe cted ............................................................................ 41 8.2 Indica tion at Occu rrence of F ault .
- 1 - 1. NOTES ON INST A LL A TI ON A ND H A NDLIN G OF ADDITION A L DISK ENCLOSURE 1.1 Note on Carr y ing Additional Disk Encl osure Be sure to hold the bot tom the a dditio nal disk enclosur e when carry ing it. Hold the fron t or side botto m of the add i t ional d isk enclosu re if po ssible.
- 2 - 1.2 Environment in Use of Additional Disk Enclosu re In instal latio n of the additi onal disk enclo sure, take in to accou nt the foll owing item s on the locatio n, room tem perature, spac e required for handling , ventilation, an d other conditions.
- 3 - 1.3 Insta llation and Connection of A ddi tional Disk Enclosure WARNING Do not use the additional d isk enc losure in an are a with m uch moistur e or water usa ge.
- 4 - The additio nal disk enc losure weighs 34 kg or m ore. Hold the disk enclosure firm ly with at least three people to c arry it. Car rying the ad ditional disk enclosure on ly by two or less people ma y stra in their back .
- 5 - 1.4 Notes on Use of Additional Disk Enclosure Do not let an y anim al (pet) or c hildren touch t he cable connected to the additiona l disk enclosure. Pullin g the cable m ay cause the u nit to fal l down, resulting in failure of the unit. Do not enter an y liquid suc h as water in to the additi onal disk enclosure.
- 6 - 1.5 Routine Inspection of A dditional Disk Enclosure CAUTION To clean the ad ditional dis k enclosure , alwa y s turn off t he power a nd also disconn ect the plugs of power cord f ro m AC out lets. If not, you ma y be electrica lly shock ed.
- 7 - 2. FE A TURES OF ADDITION A L DISK ENCLOSURE The addit ional disk enclosu re has th e following features. NF2300-SE41E is a high- performance addition al disk enclosu re develop ed for the NF230.
- 8 - 3. NAMES A ND ROLES OF SECTIONS This chapte r descr ibes the nam es and functions of the section s in the additional di sk enclosure. 3. 1 Di sk Encl osur e (Fro nt) A front mask is insta lled on the f ront fa ce of the a dditiona l disk enclos ure as sho wn in the figure a bove.
- 9 - (2) SERV I CE LED (orange) The SERVI CE LED goes on oran ge if a n error occur s in the addi tional d isk enclosure. The LED is off while the d isk enclos ure oper ates norm ally. (3) Disk driv e/dumm y tray Disk drive: Contains a hard disk drive (HDD) wit h the dedicated tra y .
- 10 - 3.2 Disk Enclosure (Rear) (1) Power supply for disk enclosure (PS0/PS1) The power supp ly is intended to supply power to th e additiona l disk enclosure. See Section 3.3 "Power Supply for Disk Enclosur e". (2) Adapt er (ADP0/ADP1) The adapte r board is used to cont rol th e additiona l dis k enclosu re.
- 11 - 3.3 Power Suppl y for Disk Enclosure (1) Power plug The power plug is intended to s upply powe r to the a dditional disk enc losure. I nsert the recepta cle of the acces sory pow er cord to the power plug and the plug of the power cord to an outlet of 100 - 120 V AC power a t 50 or 60 Hz.
- 12 - Install the d isk enclos ure so that the v entilating h oles may not be block ed. If either or b oth of the ven tilating ho les are block ed, the internal temperature of the disk enclosure m ay increase to c ause a fault to oc cur. The disk enclosure is e quipped with 4 fans in tot al.
- 13 - 3.4 A dapter (1) READY LED ( green) The READY LED li ghts g reen when the adapter is powered on and the ini tial diagnostics in th e adapte r i s comp leted no rmally . The LED is on whil e the po wer is on. (2) FAUL T LED (o range) The FAULT LED g oes on orange i f a fault o ccurs in the adapte r.
- 14 - When the AL -P A switch es of the le ft and rig ht adapters are se t dif ferently , the FAULT LEDs on the adap ters bli nk and th e additional disk enc losure is n ot sta rted.
- 15 - 4. INST A LL A TI ON A ND C ONNECTION PROCE DURES This chapt er desc ribes th e proce dure for the insta llati on and connec tion of t he additiona l disk enclosu re. In general, fol low the procedure s hown in Sectio n 4.1 for the installa tion and co nnection of the add itional d isk enc losure.
- 16 - 5. CONNECTI ON OF A D DITION AL DISK ENCLOSURE The us er ma y conduc t the connecti on of the addi tional disk enclosure described in this ch apter.
- 17 - 5.1 Notes on Connection of A d ditional Disk Enclosure For the con nectio n of the additiona l disk enclosu re, check the following item s. (1) Cables used for con nectio n Use the prov ided pow er cord o r the NE C- specified pow er cord to connec t the additional disk enc losure w ith the power supp ly.
- 18 - 5.2 Connection of A dditi onal Disk Enclosure This sec tion shows recomm ended connect ion sam ples. Connect the additiona l disk enclosure with the ex isting disk enclosu res by us ing F C cables (HSSDC cables) and DE d iagnosis c ables in t he follow ing proced ure.
- 19 - (1) Check of power supp ly Check that the plug of the pow er cord is rem oved fro m the AC outle t in th e state that the power sw itch of the additiona l disk enclosure i s set to OFF.
- 20 - (2) Connection betwe en exis ting disk enclosures and additional d i sk enclosu res Use the FC cab le (HSSDC) provide d with th e additional disk enclosu re or th e FC cable (HSSDC) of the s eparate ly pric ed DE cable (NF9120- SJ04E).
- 21 - (3) Connection betwe en array controlle rs and addit ional disk enclosu res You need to inst all th e additiona l control card (NF2300-SP02E) befor e connec ting the additio nal disk enclosur e with the array contro ller.
- 22 - (4) Setting s of switches a) Setting of AL- PA switch on disk enclosu re Set an AL- PA by using the A L-PA switch on each adapt er of the add itional disk enclosu re.
- 23 - Outline of cable connections on disk enclosures and settings of AL-PA/DE-DIAG switches Sample configuration 1: NF2300-SR4xxE.
- 24 - Sample configur ation 2: NF2300-SR4xxE + NF2 300-SP02 E.
- 25 - 5.3 Connection of Pow er Co rds WARNING Do not concen trate power c ords only to som e AC outlets. If so, fire ma y occur. Do not connec t the plug of a po wer cord to an AC outlet w ith a w et hand. If so, you ma y be electr ically shock ed.
- 26 - (2) Connection of pow er cord Insert th e provided power cord or the NEC-speci fied power c ord to the plug on the power supply of the disk en closure.
- 27 - 6. A DDITION OF OPTION A L DEVICES 6.1 Addition of Disk Drive CAUTION Do not store t he product in an area wher e the tempera ture ma y increase extrem ely or the difference between the warm and cold states is considera bly large. In addition, do n ot store the pr oduct in an are a with much m oisture or dust.
- 28 - W hen y ou chang e a failing dis k to a spare d isk, conf irm the follo wi ng to get the spare disk to func tion norm ally: The capacit y of the spar e disk is equal to or great er than that of the failing disk . The rotatio nal speed of the spare disk is equal t o or faster tha n that of the failin g disk .
- 29 - (2) Removal of dum m y tray Pull the e jector on th e dumm y tray tow ard you to relea se the lock . A click occurs when the lo ck is released . If the lock is re leased, ho ld the h andle and pul l out th e dummy tray . Be sure to k eep removed dumm y tr ays in the des ignated p lace.
- 30 - (3) In stallation of disk driv e With the eject or of the dis k driv e opened, engag e the g uides on the top and bo ttom faces o f the di sk dr ive wit h the g uide g rooves on the disk enclosure and in sert the disk driv e to th e end.
- 31 - (4) Writing inform ation on option lab el To allow th e optio ns ins talled in the disk enclosure to be fou nd by ext ernal v iew, the label ind icating the option s avail able for the installa tion is put on the additiona l disk enclosure.
- 32 - 7. HANDLING OF ADDITION A L DISK ENCLOSURE This chap ter desc ribes how to han dle the additiona l disk enclosure. 7.1 Notes on Handling of A dditional Disk Encl osu re Note the fo llowing in use of th e addit ional disk enclosur e.
- 33 - 7.2 Power On/Off of A dditi onal Disk Enclosure This sec tion de scribes how to turn on or o ff the pow er of the additi onal disk enclosure. Turning on o r off th e power carel essly may cause som e data to be brok en, some softwa re to operate incorrectly, and/ or the dev ice to be defected .
- 34 - [Power-on proc edure] Turn on the p ower swi tches in t he following order (1) to (3) : (1) Power switches of disk encl osures (3) Host syst e m (2) Power switches o f array controller (May be turned on at the same time the power switches of disk enclosures are turned on.
- 35 - (2) Notes on tu rning off AC po wer The disk array unit to be connec ted with t he add itional d i sk enclo sure periodica lly writes data from the cach e m emory onto a disk. If you tu rn off the AC po wer before com pletion of writ e to the di sk, the rem aining data on the disk is back ed up by the batte ry back up units.
- 36 - *1 – The shut down switch has a locking mechanism . To turn on/o ff the switch, ho ld and rais e the lev er. – While the shut d own sw itch is on, the d isk array un it does not a ccept a ny I /O operation by the host syste m . (The Link UP LEDs of th e cont roller' s HL0 and HL1 go off.
- 37 - (3) Turning off AC powe r Tur n off t he power s of the add itio nal disk e nclos ure an d disk ar ray uni t in the fo llowi ng proc edure . a) Turn off the hos t system or FC-AL switch, and the n perform the procedure explained in "(2) Notes on AC power-off".
- 38 - [Power-off p r oced ure] Turn off the power sw itches in the following order (1) to (5 ): (5) Power switches of disk encl osures (May be turned off at the same time the power switches of array c ontroller are turned off.
- 39 - 7.3 LD (Logical Disk) Setting Procedur e To use the add i t ional d isk e nclosure, first in stall the dis k driv e and then se t the RA ID lev el of the in stalled di sk driv e, and as sign the logica l disk (LD) con figuration. When the disk drives a re added, the RAI D level and logic al disk (LD) m ust be set app ropriate ly.
- 40 - 8. A C TION T A KEN A T OCCURREN CE OF F AUL T OR ERROR The us er ma y rem ove a defected com ponent and a new com ponent for the replacem ent dependi ng on the desc ription in t his chapter .
- 41 - 8.1 Countermeasures T aken w hen Occurrence of a Fault is Suspected If you suspe ct the occurr ence o f a fau lt during the u se of th e addi tional disk enclos ure, check the status ba sed on the tab les below.
- 42 - The host sy stem cannot recognize the additio nal disk enclosure . Cause Countermeasures The FC cable is not connected correctly . Connect the FC cable correctly accordin g to 5 "CONNECTION OF ADDIT IONAL DISK ENCLOSURE".
- 43 - 8.2 Indicati on at Occurrence of Fault If the add itional d isk enclo sure is defec ted, the SER VICE LED goes on ora nge and a lso the LED spec ific for e ach unit to indi cate that the unit is defected g oes on. The table be low shows the relat ion betw een the LED indicat ing th e occur rence of a fault and the de fected uni t.
- 44 - 8.3 Fault of Disk Drive If a disk driv e is defe cted, the SERVICE LED on the array con troller i s lit o range. In addition, th e SERV I CE LED on the additional disk enclosure in which the defe cted disk drive is in stalled and the F AULT LED on the defe cted disk driv e are li t orange.
- 45 - (3) Select the location label h aving the sam e location as that of the defected d isk drive from the locatio n labe l prov ided with th e repla cing disk drive, and then put the labe l on the rep lacing disk drive.
- 46 - After the replac ing disk driv e is inser ted to the end securely , push down the ejector open ed upward to click for lock ing. W hen inserting the d isk drive into the disk enclosure, push it as f ar as it will go an d then lock the ejector. Incorrec t insertion m ay cause m alfunction.
- 47 - 8.4 Fault of Power Supply for Disk Enclosure If the power supp ly for the addition al disk enclosure is def ected, th e SERVICE LED on the array control ler is lit o r ang e.
- 48 - (2) Loosen a screw se curing the e jector, pu t your finger on th e prot rusion (sh own in the figure ) of the ejector, and pull it toward y ou. When the e j ecto r turn s by 90 o , pull out the defected po wer supply . When the defec ted power supply com es out, hold it with both han ds and slo wly remov e it.
- 49 - (3) Confirm that the power switch of t he new power supply for the disk enclosure is off and the power co rd is d isconnected from the power plug. (4) With the e jector pu lled toward y ou, hold the new power supply for the disk enclosure wi th both ha nds and in sert it into th e slot.
- 50 - (6) Strongly push the ejec tor (t he part indi cated by the arrow in th e fig ure) until the new power supply for the disk enclosure is in serted firmly, and secu re the ejector with the screw.
- 51 - 8.5 Fault of A dapter If an adapt er is def ected, the SERVI CE LED on the array controll er is lit or ange. I n addition, the SER V I CE LED on the additional disk enclosure in wh ich the defec ted adapter is insta lled and the FAULT LED on the defe cted adap ter a re lit or ange.
- 52 - (4) Set the AL- PA and DE- DIAG ID of the adapte r for replacem ent to be the same as those of the defected adapt er. Before r eplacing the a dapter, m a ke sur e that the AL-PA s witch of the adapter f or replacem ent is set to the s ame value as that of the defected adapter, as well as the sou nd adapter.
- 53 - (7) Strongly push the ejec tor (the part indicated by the arrow in the fig ure) unti l the adapter is inser ted firm ly, and secure the ejector with t he screw. W hen inserting the a dapter int o the disk enclosure, pus h it as far as it will go and t hen secure it wit h the scr ew s.
- 54 - 8.6 Check of T y pe Name and Manufacturing Numbers The types name and manufacturing num ber of the add itional d isk enc losure a re shown a t the locati ons in t he fig ure below Manufacturing.
- 55 - 8.7 Prep aration before Phone Call When you hav e any question or des ire to contac t us on the occurrence of a faul t or error on the unit, do the fo llow ing prepara t i ons befo re cal ling us: • Write down the f ailure or f ault statu s and quest ions.
- 56 - 9. PRODUCT SPECIFIC A TI ON 9.1 Basic Specif ication of Additional Disk Enclosu r e The table below shows the basic specification of the additiona l disk enclosure. Phys ical sector leng th (bytes /sector) 512 byt es Maximum num ber of disk drives per unit 15 max.
- 57 - 9.4 Po wer S pecification The table below shows the power sp ecifica tion of the a dditional d isk enc losure. Additional disk enclosure Input voltag e 100 to 240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz Maximum po.
An important point after buying a device NEC NF2300-SE41E (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought NEC NF2300-SE41E yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data NEC NF2300-SE41E - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, NEC NF2300-SE41E you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get NEC NF2300-SE41E will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of NEC NF2300-SE41E, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime NEC NF2300-SE41E.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with NEC NF2300-SE41E. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device NEC NF2300-SE41E along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center