Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NWH660 National Datacomm
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User ’ s Guide Ve r s i o n A 1 Jul y 2002 National Datacomm Corpo ration 4 th Fl., No. 24-2, Indust r y East Road IV Science-based Industrial Park Hs in chu , T aiw an, R.O .C. T echnical Support E-mail: NDC W orl d W ide W e b www .
Instan tWave 11-M bp s W i reless Access Point TRA DEMA RKS NDC and In stantW ave are trad emarks o f Nation al Dat aco mm Corpor at i on. All o th er names menti on ed in thi s docu ment are t r ademarks/ r egi ster ed t r ad emarks o f thei r respective o wners.
Instan tWave 11-Mbps Wireless Access Poin t P acking List Your NW H660 package sh ould contain the following ite ms: • One Inst antW ave NWH660 1 1-Mbps W ireless Access Point (A P ) • One mountin.
Instan tWave 11-M bp s W i reless Access Point Contents INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 8 INSTANTWAVE WIRELESS LAN PRODUCTS .............................................. 9 IWMS — T HE I NSTA N T W AVE M ANAG EMENT S YSTEM .
Instan tWave 11-Mbps Wireless Access Poin t A UT O -D ISCOVER Y .............................................................................................. 39 C ONFIGURAT ION .........................................................................
Instan tWave 11-M bp s W i reless Access Point Figur es F IGURE 1. S IM P LE W IR E LE S S I NFR ASTRUCTUR E N ETWO R K ................................... 15 F IGURE 2. S IN G LE AP N ETWORK ...........................................................
Instan tWave 11-Mbps Wireless Access Poin t F IGURE 43. U PGRADE F IR M W AR E .......................................................................... 57 F IGURE 44. B AT C H M ODE O PER A TION L IS T ...............................................
8 InstantWa ve 11 - M bps Wireless Access Po in t Intr oduction Congratulations o n choosi ng an InstantWa ve wireless product. T his guide gives comprehens ive instruction s on installi ng and using .
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 9 InstantW av e W ire less LAN Pr oducts InstantWave wireless p rod ucts p rovide an integrated sol ution to your wi rele ss netw orking requirem ents.
10 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int IWMS — The In stantWave Ma nagement Sy stem IWMS is a powerful network ma nageme nt syste m that is fully compatible with the indus try-stan dard Simple Ne t work Managem e nt Protocol ( SNMP).
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 11 stat ions’ IP sett ings as desc ribed below; other wise, Windo w s may c ont i n ue to use th e previous IP address in stead of executing th e auto-IP procedure. Wi ndows 95/98 step 1. Click Sta rt/Ru n , type wi nipcfg , and click OK .
12 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int IWMS Hard ware and Soft ware Requir em ents Syst e m req u ir e ments fo r i ns ta l l in g a nd o p er a ting t he In sta nt W ave M ana ge me nt System are: • An x 86-based mi croco mpu ter running Microsoft W indows 95, 98, Me, N T 4.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 13 Terminology Us ed in this Guide BSSID/M AC ID The BSSID (Basic Service Set ID) is a factory-s et ID unique to each InstantWave WLAN product. It is identical to the MAC ID (Media A ccess Control ID). It allows each Instan tWa ve product to be iden tified on the wireless network .
14 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Ho w to Use this Guide This user’s guide gives co mplete instr uctions for instal latio n and use of the Inst a ntWave NWH660 11- Mbps Wireless Access Po int ( AP).
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 15 Planning the Netw or k Infrastructu re Network Types An inf ras tructure network is form ed b y several s ta tions and one or m ore access point s ( APs), w ith the stati o ns with i n a set dis tance fro m the AP or A Ps.
16 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Type 2. The next simplest wireless network is very similar to the T ype 1 network . This tim e th e AP is c on n ected to a w ired Ethern et netw ork as a node.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 17 Figure 3. Mu ltiple-AP Net w ork The reasons for having multip le APs i nstalled are: 1. T o increas e bandwidth in order to boost overall netw ork perform a nce 2. T o extend the cov erage range Any ot he r c on fig ura t io n i s u su all y a mix o f the s e co mmo nl y use d t ype s.
18 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Plannin g an Infras tructure Net work This section explains so me of the fa c tors you need to con sid er when plann i ng an infrastructure network. Setti ng up is a t w o -step p rocess: 1. Install and co nfig ure the InstantW ave wireless pro d ucts.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 19 Roam ing InstantWave prod ucts allow wireless stat ions to roa m f reely within an infrastr ucture domain composed of multiple APs with overlapping sig nal coverage (as in th e Type 3 netw ork configu ration described in the previous section).
20 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Har d war e Description Figure 4. NWH660 Front Panel LED Indicators The NWH660’ s LEDs show the status of the unit and its con nec tions.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 21 Connector s and Swi tches Figure 6. N WH660 Rear Pan el Item Funct ion Pow er jack DC 5V pow er input Power sw itch Device on /off Ethern et port RJ-45 jack f or connection to 10Base- T Ethernet LA N Reset button If held down more than 3 seconds, relo a d s fact o r y settings a nd r estar ts device.
22 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Har d war e Pr e-configur a tion Before addin g the NWH660 t o an existing Et hernet network, y ou may need to set basic param eters — e.g., S SID, secu rity s ettings (WEP), A P name, chann e l num ber, and IP address — to make the AP compatible with the existi ng network.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 23 Using the AP COMFig T ool The AP COMFig T ool is a W indows-based utility used to co nfigure the AP via a COM port conn ection betw ee n the A P and a PC. It prov ides the follow ing function s: • Sets A P parameters (e.
24 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Figure 8. A P COMFig Tool/Pass word AP COMFig /Serv ice After connecting with the AP , click the Servi ce tab to open the Servic e panel ( Figur e 9 ). The Service panel prov ides access to A P management features.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 25 General: Th e General panel ( Figur e 10 ) is th e first panel i n the Conf iguration section. Figure 10. Confi guration/General On this panel, you can set an d vie w general AP settings. T hese settings are explained in the table below .
26 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int AP Alias Na m e Assigns t he AP a uniqu e human-fri e ndly name that allows the AP to be easil y identified. Domain Name (SSID) T his is commonly called the d o main name but is def ined in the IEEE 802.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 27 After ma ki ng a ny c ha nge s, c l i c k the Apply bu tton to make the changes ef fective immedi ately , without closing the di alog box, or cli ck OK to accept the changes and close the box . Encryptio n: Data encryption provides more secure wireless data co mmunications.
28 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Key Generation - There are two w a ys to generate a secu rit y key . The first is by entering any text in the Pass phrase field. Clic k the Genera te butto n. For 40-bit W EP , it will generate four keys, Key 1 , Key 2 , Key 3, and Key 4 .
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 29 If y ou assign a fixe d IP addres s to an NWH660, m ake su re that all NWH660s w ithin the sa me ne t wor k ha ve I P a ddr esse s o n t he sa me T C P /I P sub net . Obtain IP from DHCP Automat ically retrieves an IP address for th e NWH660 from a D ynamic Hos t Configurati on Protocol (D HCP) server .
30 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int a wired Ethernet LAN into the wireless LAN. If you do not require particular protocols on th e w ireless part of y o ur netw ork, you can save bandwi dth by en abling the protocol filter .
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 31 SNMP Access Control: SNMP Acces s Contr ol is the next tab on the box ( Figu re 14 ). Figure 14. Confi guration/SNMP A ccess Control The AP’ s access control is manag ed b y a con trol table on the AP . The firs t ti me this box is opened, the tabl e w i ll be empty .
32 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int T w o le vels of acce ss are available: Read Read-only righ ts. T he us er may read ev er yth i ng except the Access Co ntrol settin gs, but cannot al.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 33 Figure 16. Hard w are Diagnosis Click Sta rt and the tests will co mmence. As each ite m is tested, a yellow arrow will appear alongside it. If the test is successf ul, the arrow will change to a green chec k mark.
34 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Use the Br o wse button to choose the file to be uploaded to the AP , or ty pe the file location and name in the File Name field. The Upload butto n will the n beco me enabled. Click Upload . The new fir mware will be loaded into the AP’ s flash memory area.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 35 For the bes t performan ce, follo w t he guidelines bel o w in pla cing the produ ct: • Place as h igh as poss ible, in as open an area as poss ible • A void placing the A P (especially the antenna) clos e to metal objects (e.
36 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Installing the InstantW av e Mana gement System step 1. Insert the InstantW a ve Manage ment System disk into flopp y drive A:. Click Sta rt/Ru n and type a:setup.exe . The setup prog ram w i ll prepare the InstallShi eld Wizard an d then display a We l c o m e win d o w .
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 37 Figure 20. Im portant Issues step 3. Older o pe rating s yste ms ma y need to up da te so me syste m fi les to function correctly wi t h the InstantW ave Management System. If required, follow the on-screen instr uctio ns to do wnload the required file (Figure 20).
38 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Figure 22. Sel ect Program Folder step 5. Click Next aga i n ( Fi g ur e 22 ) . Figure 23. Setu p Complete step 6. Chec k “I would li ke t o l au nch Inst a ntW a ve Ma na ge ment S ys te m” a nd click Fin ish .
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 39 Using the InstantW av e Management System Once the NWH660 i s connected to an Ethe r net netw or k, a network ad ministrat or can connect to it from any PC on the same network v ia the InstantWave Management System (IWMS) utility.
40 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Figure 24. In stantWave Man agement Sy stem step 2. Select one of the w ireless devices on the list. The utility buttons on the left toolbar will be en abled (Fig ure 25). step 3. Righ t -clicking on a partic ular device will open a popu p menu of fering the sam e func t ions as th e toolbar .
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 41 Figure 25. Popu p Menu Configurat ion step 1. For configu ratio n, select the AP (NW H660) on th e Ho sts V ie w win d o w (Figure 24) step 2.
42 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Figure 26. IP Conf iguration IP IP Address Setting : T he Inst a ntW a ve NWH660 is a DHCP client. It will automatically ask the DHCP server to assign it a n IP address . An ad mini strator can assign a fixed IP to an NWH6 60 by un checking the Obtain IP fr om DHCP box (Figu re 26).
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 43 another LAN , the SNMP r esponse packet needs to be forwar ded by r outers. The default gat eway is the clos est r outer to the NW H660. If the corr ect default gateway i s set, you can use an IW MS manager (i .
44 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int • Ne tBEUI Protocol • A ppleTalk Protocol • Ot her Protocols • In ternet M ultica st Frames Wireless Th e Wi r e l e s s panel (Figure 28) prov ides access to the W ireless settings. Figure 28.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 45 Br oadcast SSID Click t o enable or disable t he SSID broadcast ing feature: If disabled, th e NWH660 will: • Blocks a connection reques t fro m a s tation without the correct SSID • Hi des the SSID in outgoing beacon frames.
46 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int M AC Access Co ntrol This feature lets you limit access to the network t hrough t he access point. Y o u can list up to 1000 station s that are to be granted or den ied access. A drop-down box lets y o u select the method of access con trol: • Disabled : Disable MAC-address access con trol.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 47 Figure 29. C onfiguration/Ma c Access Control W ireless st ations registered in the MAC Address C ontrol T able can be indivi d ually turned on or of f.
48 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Encryptio n Click the Encryption tab (Fi gure 30) to set u p the security options . Figure 30. Confi guration/Encry ption The de fault settin g is Disabled and in itia ll y the ke y section s are b lank.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 49 Anot her WE P ke y gene ra tio n me t hod is t o i nser t t he ke y va l ue s d ir ec tl y fro m the ke ybo ar d . Ent er your o wn ke y into one of t he Key 1~4 fields. Select that field number in the Default Key fiel d .
50 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Figure 32. New/Edit A ddress T w o le vels of access may be assign ed: Read Read-only righ ts. T he us er may read ev er yth i ng except the Access Co.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 51 the event. Y ou can save, open, and delete log files fro m the File menu. T o assign a trap server , click T rap Server (Figure 33). Figure 33. Confi guration/Trap Server Assign a station as a t rap server by ent ering its IP address and n etwork port ty pe.
52 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int T o view trap log information, click the Start T rap V iew icon (a ringing teleph one) in the upper lef t corner of t he main IWMS window ( see Figure 24, pag e 40). A wi ndo w such as that sho wn belo w will appear (Figure 35).
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 53 Moni tor The Monitor tool allo ws t he NWH660’s s tatus, Ethernet stat i stics , wireless statistics, and other configuration information to be viewed/ monitored. In the Hosts View window (Figure 37), select a dev ice and click the Monitor button on th e toolbar or on th e popup m enu.
54 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Figure 38. Monitor/Summary Summ ary Informati on The information shown i s read-only . Devi c e N a me IW MS s yste m d e fa ult c at e go r y na me N.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 55 Figure 39. Monitor/Statistics Th e C onnected W ir eless St ations w i ndo w lists all the currently associated wi rele ss station ’ s Me dia Acce ss Co ntro l ( MAC) a d dr esses. Whe n fi ni she d vie wing, clic k X to close the win do w .
56 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Reset Resetting the NWH660 w ill ta ke about 30 s econds (Figure 41). Figure 41. Reset the AP Configuration Duri ng this period, t he IWMS program will n o t be able to qu ery t he NWH660 vi a the SNMP protoc ol and th e NWH660 w ill not be avai lable to its clien t stations .
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 57 Figure 43. Upgrad e Firmware Browse for the file to be uploaded to the NWH660, or type the path and file name into the Select File fiel d. Th e Upgrade button will then b ecome enabled. Click Upgrade to s tart dow nl oading the fil e to the NWH660.
58 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Advanced Settings Batch mode oper ation In order to ma xi mize the ef ficiency of wireless LAN management, y o u can use batc h mode operation to manage selected A Ps or WEBs. Y ou can sort Instan tW ave devices by device type first.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 59 group with a specific Host T able nam e so that you can divide the w ireless network into m a ny small groups.
60 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Import Host Table to check dev ice’s a vaila bility Import the Hos t T able from a file (for convenien ce, you can retrieve th e Host table on a netw ork disk for the ease of acces s).
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 61 Figure 46. N ew/Edit/Delete a Host A ddress From here y o u can also select any AP or WEB on th e table. Edit it for the modification or delete it whenever it is no long er nece ssary.
62 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Import the Configuratio n Pro file from a File If there is a n accident, the configu ratio n file can also be imported to rec over the InstantW a ve prod uct’ s or iginal setti ngs. T his pro file can also be cop ied to the other InstantW a ve prod uct of the same k ind.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 63 Figure 50. Import the Co nfiguration Profile from a File (3) Encryptio n T he co nfig ura t io n fil e do es no t co ntai n t he sec ur it y ke y set t i ng s. T he attributes of security keys are externally w rite-only and cannot be saved into the configuration file.
64 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int FA Q s The FAQs section attempts to answ er the most co mmonly asked ques tio ns about InstantWave wireless access poin ts. Question Answer At what radio fr equency does an AP communicat e? In the U.S.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 65 T r oubleshooting T hi s sec tio n pr o vi de s yo u wit h so me tro ub le shoo ti ng i n fo s ho uld yo u enc o unter installation or o peratio n pr o blems on InstantW ave pro d ucts.
66 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int T rans mission perfor mance is slow or erratic. 1. Chan ge the direction o f the antenna sli ghtl y . 2. There may be in ter ference, pos sibly caused by a microwav e oven, 2.4-GH z wireles s phone, or m etal objects.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 67 T ec hnical Suppor t Suppo rt f r o m Y our N etwor k Su pplier If assistance is required, call your supplier for help.
68 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int NDC Limited W ar r anty Hard ware NDC wa rrants its produ cts to be free of def ects in w or kmanshi p and materials , un der nor mal use and s ervice.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 69 Limited W arranty Serv ice Procedures Any product (1) received in er ror , (2) in a def ectiv e or non- fu nctioning condition, or (3) exhibiting a defect.
70 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Services after W arranty P eriod Afte r t he warranty period expires, all produ cts can be repaire d for a reasonabl e service charge. The shipping char ges to and fro m the NDC facilit y will be bor ne by the purchaser .
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 71 Specifica tions General Regulatory Co m pliance FCC Part 15 Clas s B (U.S.) Stan dards W ireless LA N : IEEE 802.
72 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Wir eless Specifications Emissi on T ype Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Radio Fr equency Range 2471 t o 2497 MHz ( Japan) 2400 to 2483.5 MHz (N orth A m erica, Europe, an d Exte nde d J a p an B a nd ) 2445 to 24 75 MHz (Spain) 2446.
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 73 Appendix This appen dix lis t s the chann e ls support ed by th e world’ s reg ulatory doma i ns. The chann e l numbers, channe l center frequ e ncies, and regul a tory dom ains are shown in the table.
74 InstantWa ve 11 -Mbp s W ireless Access Po int Inde x Access C o ntrol ............................. 31 Access Righ ts ............................... 31 Alias Name ................................... 26 AP C OM Fi g Passw ord......................
InstantWa ve 11-Mbps Wireless Access Point 75 Service Set ID............................... 26 Service/AP COMFig .................... 24 SNMP Access Control............ 31, 49 SSID ....................................... 13, 44 Statistics ............
An important point after buying a device National Datacomm NWH660 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought National Datacomm NWH660 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data National Datacomm NWH660 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, National Datacomm NWH660 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get National Datacomm NWH660 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of National Datacomm NWH660, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime National Datacomm NWH660.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with National Datacomm NWH660. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device National Datacomm NWH660 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center