Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 760-770 MTD
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MTD LL C, P .O . BOX 3 6 1 1 3 1 CL EVE LAND, OHIO 4 4 1 36 - 00 1 9 Printed In USA Safe Ope ration Practices • Se t-Up • Operation • M aintenance • Ser vice • T roubleshoot ing • W arranty WA R N I N G RE AD AND FOLLOW ALL SAFET Y RULES AN D INS TRUC TIO NS I N THIS M ANUAL BE FORE A TT EMP TI NG TO OPE R A TE TH IS M A CHI NE .
Customer S uppor t Please do NOT return the machin e to the retailer or de aler witho ut first contactin g our Customer Sup por t Dep artme nt. If you hav e dif f icult y assembling thi s produc t or have an y questions regarding the con trols, oper ation, or main tenance of this machi ne, you can seek he lp from the exper ts .
Imp or t ant S afe Op er ation Prac tice s 2 3 General Operation 1. Read, un ders tand, and f ollow all instr uc tions on the machine an d in the manual(s ) be fore at tempting to assembl e and ope rate. Keep this manual in a s afe place fo r future and regular ref erence and for ordering rep lacement par ts .
4 S ectio n 2 — i mp orta nt S afe o per a tio n p ractice S 12 . A m issing or damage d discharge cover can c ause blade contac t or thrown obj ec t injuries. 13 . Stop the blade(s) when crossing gravel drives , walk s, or roads and w hile not cut ting gr ass.
5 S ectio n 2 — i mp orta nt S afe o per a tio n p ractice S Children 1. T ra gic accidents c an occur if the o perator is no t aler t to the presen ce of children. Childre n are of ten at trac ted to the machine an d the mowing ac tiv ity. They do not un ders tand the dange rs.
6 S ectio n 2 — i mp orta nt S afe o per a tio n p ractice S 3. Periodi cally che ck to make sure the blades com e to complete s top within app roximately (5) five se conds af ter ope rating the bla de disenga gement contro l.
7 S ectio n 2 — i mp orta nt S afe o per a tio n p ractice S Safet y S ymbols This pa ge depic ts an d describ es saf et y symb ols that may app ear on this produ ct . Read, un ders tand, and f ollow all instr uct ions on the machine b efore at tempting to ass emble an d operate.
8 S ectio n 2 — i mp orta nt S afe o per a tio n p ractice S (OK) ( T OO STEEP) USE THIS SL OPE GA UGE TO DETERMINE IF A SL OPE IS T OO STEEP FOR SAFE OPERA TION! T o check the slope, proceed as f ollows: 1. Remove this page and fold along the dashed line.
Ass embly & Set -Up 3 9 T rac tor S et -Up NOT E: This O perator s Manual covers a ran ge of produ ct spe cif ications for v arious mo dels. Char acte ristics a nd features discusse d and/or illustrated in this manua l may not be app licable to all mode ls.
10 S ectio n 3— A SSembl y & S et -U p Attachi ng The Seat If the seat f or your trac tor was not at ta ched at the f acto r y , fo llow the appli cable ins truc tions be low to att ach it. NOT E: For shippin g reasons, so me seat s are not at tache d at the fac tor y.
11 S ectio n 3 — A SSem bl y & S et -U p Note : See the At tachme nts & Accessories se c tion if you would like informatio n regarding a dding a mulchin g syste m for your model of tractor . Tire Pressure WA R N I N G ! M aximum tire p ressure under any circumsta nces is 30 psi.
Figure 4- 1 Spe ed Cont rol & Park ing B rake L ever Amme ter (On som e mod els) Clutc h/Brake Pedal Shift Lever Throttle/C hoke Le ver Deck L ift Lev er PTO (Bl ade En gag e) Lever Ignition Switch Module Con trols and F eatures 4 12 Lawn T rac tor controls an d features are illust rated in Fig 4 - 1 an d describ ed on the f ollowing p ages.
Throttle Control Lev er The throt tle contro l lever is locate d on the right sid e of the trac tor ’ s dash pan el. This lever contro ls the spe ed of the en gine and, on so me mod els, whe n pushed all th e way for ward, the choke control also. Wh en set in a gi ven position, t he throt tle will maintain a uni form engi ne spee d.
T o sto p the engine, tur n the ignition key counterclo ck wise to the OFF positio n. See Fig. 4 -3B. Ignition S witch Module T o st ar t the engine, ins er t the key into the ignition s witch and turn clo ckw ise to the ST ART p osition. Re lease the key into the NOR MAL MOWING M ODE posi tion once the en gine has f ired.
Operation 5 15 Safet y Interlock Switches This tra ctor is e quippe d with a saf et y interlock s ystem fo r the protec tion of th e oper ator . If the interl ock sys tem should ever malfun ctio n, do not op erate the tr actor. Contact an au thorize d MTD ser vice dealer .
16 S ectio n 5— o per a ti on 4. Once ac tivated (indicator light ON) , the tr actor c an be dri ven in reverse w ith the cut ting blad es (PTO) engaged. 5. Always l ook down an d behin d befo re and while b acking to make sure no children are a round.
17 S ectio n 5 — o per a tio n Driving The T rac tor WA R N I N G ! Avoid sudden s tar ts , excessive spee d and sudden stops. WA R N I N G ! D o not leave the seat of the t rac tor withou t fir st pla cing the PTO (Blade Engage ) lever i n the diseng aged (OFF) positi on, depressi ng the brake pe dal and engag ing the park ing br ake.
18 S ectio n 5 — o per a t ion Mowi ng WA R N I N G ! T o help avoid bla de contac t or a thrown obje ct injur y, keep bystand ers, h elper s, children and p ets at l east 75 feet fro m the machine while it is in o peratio n. Stop machine if anyone enters the area.
Maintenance WA R N I N G ! B efore p er formin g any maintenance or repair s, disenga ge PTO, move shif t lever into neutral positio n, set par king b rake, stop engin e and remove key to prevent unintended s tar ting. Engi ne Refe r to the Engine Op erator/ Own er Manual for e ngine maintenance instruc tions.
Cleaning Batter y Clean the bat ter y by rem oving it fro m the trac tor and washi ng with a bak ing so da and water so lution. I f necessar y, scrape the bat ter y terminals wi th a wire brush to rem ove deposit s. Coat terminals and e xpos ed wiri ng with grease o r petro leum jell y to prevent corrosion.
Side to S ide If the cut ting d eck appe ars to be mow ing unevenly, a side to side adjustm ent can be p er form ed. Adjust i f necessar y as f ollows: 1.
Maintenance Schedule Before Each u se Ever y 10 H o u r s Ever y 25 Hour s Ever y 50 Hou rs Ever y 10 0 Ho u r s Prior to Storin g Clean Hood/Dash Louvers P P Chec k Engine O il Level P P Chec k Air F.
Ser vice 7 23 Ser vice 7 23 5. On 38 ” Deck s: Lo oking at th e cut ting deck f rom the le f t side of the tr acto r , l ocate the b ow-tie pin th at secures the deck supp or t rod on th e rear lef t sid e of the deck .
24 S ectio n 7 — S ervice 24 S ectio n 7 — S ervice 9. Caref ully remove the P TO cable fro m the rear of the cut ting deck by re moving the hair p in clip which se cures it. Remove the spr ing from th e deck idle r bracket. S ee Fig. 7-5 1 0. Gently sli de the cut ting de ck (from the lef t s id e) ou t from underneath the trac tor .
25 S ectio n 7 — S ervi ce 25 S ectio n 7 — S ervice Jump Starting WA R N I N G ! N ever jump star t a dam aged or f rozen bat ter y . Be cer tain th e vehicles do not to uch, and ignitions ar e of f. Do not allow cab le clamps to touch. 1. Connec t positive ( + ) cable to positive p ost ( + ) of your trac tor ’ s discharg ed bat ter y .
26 S ectio n 7 — S ervice 26 S ectio n 7 — S ervice NOT E: When re placing the b lade, b e sure to install the b lade with the side of th e blade mar ked ‘‘Bo ttom’’ (or with a pa rt num ber stam ped in it) f acing the groun d when the m ower is in the oper ating position .
25 S ectio n 7 — S ervi ce 27 S ecti on 7 — S ervi ce Figure 7 -9 Deck Idler Pulle y Engine Pulle y Idler Brack et 38-Inch Deck Figure 7 - 1 0 42 & 46-Inch Deck.
Problem Cause Remedy Engine fails to s tar t 1. PTO /Blade engaged. 2. Spark plug wire disc onnected. 3. Fuel tank emp ty, or stale f uel. 4. Choke no t activated. 5. Faulty sp ark plug. 6. Blocke d fuel line. 7. Engine f looded. 8. Parkin g brake not engaged 9.
NOT E: This O perator s Manual covers a ran ge of produ ct sp ecif icati ons for vari ous mode ls. Charac teristi cs and featu res discussed a nd/ or illustr ated in this manual may not b e applica ble to all mo dels.
The following at tach ments and ac cessor ies are com patible for the se model s of Lawn T ractor s. See the retail er from whic h you purchased your tractor , an authorized MTD S erv ice Deal er or phone ( 80 0 ) 80 0 - 731 0 for informati on regardi ng pric e and availabilit y .
No tes 11 31.
32 S ectio n 1 1— n oteS.
FEDERAL and/or CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARRANTY ST A TEMENT Y OUR W ARRANTY RIGHTS AND OBLIGA TIONS MTD Co nsum er Group I nc, the U nited St ates Environ ment al Protec tion Ag ency ( EP A) , an.
GDOC-100223 Re v . A W ARRANTED P ARTS: The re pair or re plac ement o f any warrante d par t other wi se elig ibl e for warrant y covera ge may be exclu ded fro m suc h warrant y covera ge if MTD C o.
MANUF A CTURER’S LIMITED W ARRANTY FOR GDO C - 100 0 1 5 R E V . B Th e limi te d wa rr an t y s et f or t h bel ow is g ive n by M TD L LC w it h re spe c t to ne w mer ch and ise p urc ha se d and.
MTD LL C, P .O . BOX 3 6 1 1 3 1 CLEVEL AND, OHIO 44 1 36 - 0 0 1 9 Impreso e n Es tados U nidos de Amé rica M a n u a l d e l O p era d Or Me dida s impor ta ntes de segu rida d • Co ngu raci .
Asistencia al Cliente En caso de t ener problemas para montar est e producto o de tener dudas con respecto a los con troles, funcionamien to o mantenimien to de esta máquina, pued e solicitar la ayuda de exper tos. Elija en tre las opciones que se presentan a continuación: ◊ Visite nuestro sitio web en ww w .
Medidas impo r t ant es de segur idad 2 38 F uncionamiento general 1. Lea, entien da y cumpla tod as las instruccio nes incluidas en la máquina y en l os manuales antes de m ontarla y uti lizarla . Guarde es te manual en un lug ar seguro p ara consultas futur as y perió dicas, así como p ara soli citar repu estos.
39 S ectio n 2 — M ed idaS iMp orta nteS d e Seguri dad 1 0. Esté atento a la cor tad ora y a la dire cción de la des carga de los adi tamentos y no ap unte a nadie. Nunca o pere la cor tador a de céspe d sin que estén en su lu gar apropia do la cubier ta d e descar ga o el colec tor de re cor tes de céspe d.
40 S ectio n 2 — M ed idaS iMp orta nteS d e Seguri dad 6. No cambi e a transmisión neu tral par a descende r . El e xceso de .
41 S ectio n 2 — M ed idaS iMp orta nteS d e Seguri dad 2. Antes de limpiar , rep arar o inspeccionar la máquina, comprue be que la(s ) cuchilla(s) y t od as las par tes en .
42 S ectio n 2 — M ed idaS iMp orta nteS d e Seguri dad Safet y S ymbols This pa ge depic ts an d describ es saf et y symb ols that may app ear on this produ ct . Read, un ders tand, and f ollow all instr uct ions on the machine b efore at tempting to ass emble an d operate.
43 S ectio n 2 — M edi daS iMpo rt anteS de S eguridad (A CEPT AR) (DEMASIADO ESC ARP ADO) USO DE ESTE PENDIENTE DE CALIBRE P AR A DETERMINAR SI UNA PENDIENTE ES DEMASIADO ESCARP ADO P AR A UNA OPERACIÓN SEGURA! Par a comprobar la pendiente, haga lo siguient e: 1.
Montaje y Con f iguración 3 44 CONF IGURACIÓN DEL TRACTOR N O TA : E ste Manual de l oper ador cub re una gama de .
45 S ección 3 — M ontaje y c on figur ación Inst alación de l volante .
46 S ección 3 — M ontaje y c on figur ación apón de abonadora ( si cuent a con est e equipo) .
F uncionamiento 5 47 IN TE RR UP TO RE S de bloqueo de seguridad Es te trac tor est á equipa do con un sistema de b loque o de segur idad par a protección de l oper ador.
48 S ección 5 — F un cionam iento 3. (botón triangular de col or na ranj a) en l a esquin.
49 S ección 5 — F un cionam iento Conducción del tractor ¡AD VERTENC IA ! E repente.
50 S ección 5 — F un cionam iento Corte de césped ¡AD VERTEN CIA ! .
Figura 4 - 1 Palan ca de co ntr ol de velocidad y freno de mano Pedal de freno/ embrague Palan ca de cambios Palan ca de estrangulador /obtur ador Palan ca de e levac ión de la plataforma Palanca de .
P AL AN C A DE CON TR OL D EL R EG UL AD OR La palanca de c ontrol del estra ngulador está ubicada del lado derech o del tab lero de ins trumentos de l trac tor .
MANTENIM IENTO ¡A DV ER T E N CI A! Antes de rea lizar t areas de mantenimiento o rep aracion es, descon ec te la .
Limpieza de la bat ería bicarb onato de so dio y solu ción de agua .
IMP OR T ANTE: Después d e limpiar la plat aforma con e l .
Calendario de mantenimi ento Antes de cad a uso Cada 10 h o r a s Cada 25 hora s Cada 50 ho ras Cada 10 0 ho r a s Antes de almacenar Limpie el capó/los respiraderos P P Inspe ccione e l nivel de ace.
Ser vic io 7 58 5. El 38 “Cubier tas: En cuanto a la plataf orma de cor te desd e el lado i zquierdo de l trac tor , busqu e el pasa dor que suje ta .
59 s eccióN 7 — s e rvicio 7 . En 42 “ & 46” Cubier tas: En cuanto a la plataf orma de de asistencia cu bier ta en la p ar te trasera iz quierda de la cubier ta .
60 s eccióN 7 — s e rvicio Arranque por medio de co nexión en puente ¡AD VERTENC IA ! Nunca arran que una batería dañada o congelada c on conexiones en puente.
61 s eccióN 7 — s e rvicio Para 4 2” & 46” Decks lo sig uiente: 1 .
60 s eccióN 7 — s e rvicio Figura 7 - 1 1 Plataforma de 4 2 & 46 pulgadas Figura 7 - 1 0 Plataforma de 3 8 pulgadas Polea del motor Ménsula intermedia Polea loca de la plataforma.
Problema Causa Solución El mot or no arran ca 1. conectada. 2. Se ha de sconec t ado el c able de la b ujía. 3.
N O TA : .
Los siguientes adi tamentos y accesor ios son compatib les con los T rac tores Cor ta Césp ed Mo delo. Consulte al minor ista a quie n le adquiri ó su trac tor , a un distrib uidor autor izad o MTD de mantenim iento o llame al telé fono (80 0) 800 -7 3 1 0 para o btener info rmación sobre precio s y disponibi lidad.
GDOC-100223 8. Durante la to tali dad del p eríodo d e gara ntía del motor y e quip o para to do terre no arri ba men cio nado, MTD C onsu mer Grou p Inc man tendr á un sumi nistr o de pi ezas baj o garantía su fic iente par a satisf acer la d eman da esp erad a de tal es piez as.
GARANTÍA LIMIT AD A DEL F ABRICANTE P ARA GDO C - 100 0 1 5 R E V . B L a sig uien te g ar an tí a limi t ad a es ot org ad a por M T D LLC c on r esp ec to a nue vos pr odu c tos a dquir ido s y ut.
An important point after buying a device MTD 760-770 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought MTD 760-770 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data MTD 760-770 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, MTD 760-770 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get MTD 760-770 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of MTD 760-770, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime MTD 760-770.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with MTD 760-770. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device MTD 760-770 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center