Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product WD-65736 Mitsubishi Electronics
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DLP ® HI GH - DEF INITION TELE VISIO N MODEL S C Series W D -7 3 C 8 7 3 5 Series WD- 6 073 5 , WD- 6 5 7 35 , WD- 7373 5 7 3 6 Series WD- 6 5 73 6, WD- 73736 8 3 5 Series W D-65835, W D- 7 3835 O W NE R ’ S GU I DE For questio ns : • Visit o ur website at ww w .
For Y ou r Recor ds Rec ord the model num ber , seria l number , and purcha se date of y our T V . The mo del and se rial numbe rs are on the ba ck of the T V .
4 5 Inter nal Fa ns Interna l cooling fans m aintain prop er oper ating t empe ra- tures ins ide the T V . It is no rmal t o hea r the f ans whe n you firs t turn on the T V , during quie t scenes w hile viewing the T V , and for a sho rt time af ter shut ting of f the T V .
6 1 . T elevision Over view 7 Pa ckage Co ntent s Please t ak e a mome nt t o review the following list of items to ensur e that y ou have received ever y thing.
8 1 . T elevision Over view 1 . T elevision Over view 9 F ront-Panel In dicator s L AM P Indicator LED Color TV Condition Additional Information No ne Norm al T V on or stan db y conditi on. Norm al opera tion. Gr een T V just powere d o f f and lamp is cooling.
10 1 . T elevision Over view 11 6. S - VIDEO (I NP UT 3) Conne ct an S - Vi deo device to this input. Us e the AUDIO R and L jacks for INPU T 3 (item 9 ) if you wish to send au dio t o the T V .
12 2 . T V Setup 2 . T V Setup 13 T o lock the control -panel but tons, use the - Lock > Control Pa n el me nu, page 50. T o restric t TV u se by channel, see - S etup > Edit > Lock , page 43. • Vid eo Setti n gs . Change vide o adjustment s t o get the be st picture for your vi e wing con ditions.
14 2 . T V Setup 2 . T V Setup 15 Abo ut Home- Th eater Cont rol Sys tems This su mmar y outlines the c ontrol methods available u sing the T V’s rem ote co ntr ol .
16 2 . T V Set up 2 . T V Setup 17 Conn ecti ng a Compute r t o t he T V Use one of the c onnection m ethods listed be lo w bas ed on your comp ut er’ s vide o output.
18 3 . T V Con nections 19 3 T V Connect ions HDMI 3D GLASSES EMITTER AVR AUDIO OUTPUT DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT L R AUDIO L R (480i / 480p / 720p / 1080i) L R DVI/PC INPUT VIDEO AUDIO R L Y Pb Pr AUDIO Pb.
20 3 . T V Conn ections 3 . T V Con nections 21 W all Outle t Cable (n o cable box) It is ver y impor tant to con nect the inc oming cable for your prima ry v iewing source to ANT 1 . Conne ct the prima ry in coming coa xial le ad cable to 1. ANT 1 on the T V back pa nel.
22 3. T V Connections 3 . T V Con nections 23 Older Cable B ox Requir ed: One coa xial cab le. Note: This connection is not recommended. The other connections described in this chapter provide better quality audio and video to the TV and allow NetCommand to work with the cable box.
24 3 . TV Connections 25 A: Y Pb Pr Comp onent Vi deo Conn ectio n Requir ed: Component v ideo and an alog stereo au dio cable s supplied wi th the camcor der . Conne ct compo nent video c ables fro m 1. VI DEO OUT on the ca mcorder to the T V’ s Y Pb Pr comp onent jacks on the fr ont panel.
26 4. T V Ope rat ion and Feat u res 4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 27 1 . POW ER : T urns T V power on and of f . 2 . Sl ide S witc h: Sele cts the A / V devic e t o b e oper - ated by the remote control. Se t the slide switch to TV for ope ration of the T V , and NetCo mmand- controll ed devices.
28 4. T V Oper at ion and Feat u res 4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 29 Press the IN FO key t o s ee the on-s creen st atus display . The mo st common dis plays are shown he re. Y ou will rare ly , i f e ver , see all s tatus indicator s at the same time.
30 4 . T V Operation and Feat ur es 4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 31 Using Fav Channels Se e th e cur rent Fav bank number Press IN FO . View c hann els i n curre n t Fav bank 1 . Pres s the FAV key . W ait fo r the T V t o tu ne t o a chann el in the curren t F av bank .
32 4. T V O peration and F eatures 4 . TV O peration and Feat ur es 33 Viewin g Camera Files JPEG Photos and th e USB Photo P or t Conne ct your 1. USB ca rd reade r or USB drive to the T V’ s US B Photo por t. The U SB Photo m enu displays while file s are being re ad.
34 4. T V Oper at ion and Feat u res 35 This se ction provide s Instructi ons for viewing 3D vide o using the T V ’ s 3D feature. Th e 3D optio ns are found in the Setup > 3 D menu des cribed on p age 46 . Init ial Set-Up Chec k if y our HDMI 3 D video sour ce device outputs 1.
36 5. T V Menus 5 . TV M en us 37 A V Menu An on -scree n slider displ a ys when m aking some audi o and vid eo adjustme nts. Numer ic v alue s represe nt ed on the slide r range from 0 (minimum) to 63 (max imum ) , with 3 1 a s the mid-point.
38 5 . T V Menus 5 . TV M en us 39 A V m enu, Vid eo options Note: See “Computer Video Adjustments” on page 17 for additional adjustments for computer images. Vi deo Menu Mitsubi shi recomm ends you assig n names to T V inputs befo re makin g video adjus tments (use the Inputs > N ame me nu) .
40 5. T V Menus 5 . TV M en us 41 Audio M enu T o make audio adjustme nts : From t he Au dio me nu: • Press 1 . to highlight an optio n Press 2 . to display the subm enu and adjus t. Press 3. MENU to return to the AV menu. Wh ile wa tchi ng T V: • Press the A UDIO key repeatedly to display the audio option you want to cha nge.
42 5 . T V Menus 5 . TV M en us 43 Setup Menu Options Langu age English Spanis h Disp la y on-s creen me nus in either Eng lish or Spanis h . Note: T o listen to audio in other lan guages (when available), see the se ction on the AV menu, Audi o submenu, and refe r t o eithe r Listen T o > S AP ( anal og signa l) or La nguage (digital signa l) .
44 5 . T V Menus 5 . TV M en us 45 Set u p Men u, contin ued Clock Use eithe r the manual o r aut o metho d t o s et the clock. Set the clo ck if you wish to : • UsetheT V’sTimerfunc tion. • Mainta inaccurateChan nelViewlisting s.
46 5. T V Menus 5 . TV M en us 47 Setup m enu, Ene rgy option s Setup Menu Options Energy Energy Mode Fast Powe r On Use the Ene rgy Mode option to sele ct the level of power consumptio n while the T V is tur ned of f . The def ault setting i s F a st Power O n .
48 5 . T V Menus 5 . TV M en us 49 T V locks available fr om the Lock menu are: Paren t Loc k b y Ratings Restr icts acc ess to progra mming base d on V - Chip rating signals s ent by the broadc aster . Other Time Loc k b y Time Restr icts T V use by time of day .
50 5. T V Menus 51 Lock Menu, con tinued Time Blocks a ll use of the T V during the time p eriod you spe cify . Y ou must enter a pa ss code to use the T V wh en the time lock is in ef fec t. Loc k by Time On , Of f Enable o r disable Lock by Ti me. Loc k Time, Un lock Ti me T o set the lock and u nlock times: 1 .
52 6 . NetComman d IR Control ( 73 6 and 83 5 Serie s TVs) 6 . NetCommand IR Control ( 736 and 8 35 S eries T V s) 53 IR Emitter Pla cement An IR e mitte r cabl e is includ ed with the T V .
54 6. NetCommand IR Control ( 73 6 and 83 5 Seri es TVs) 6 . NetCommand IR Control ( 736 and 8 35 S eries T V s) 55 Refer to this char t whe n “learning” devic e k eys. “Le arn” some, all, or no ne of the k eys us ed for each devi ce ty pe. The char t ha s space for you to write in functio ns you assig n t o the F1 – F4 keys.
56 6. NetCommand IR Control ( 73 6 and 83 5 Seri es TVs) 6 . NetCommand IR Control ( 736 and 8 35 S eries T V s) 57 Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use Guide.
58 6 . NetCommand IR Control ( 736 and 8 3 5 Series T Vs ) 6 . NetCommand IR Control ( 736 and 8 35 S eries T V s) 59 Befor e Y ou Begin Conne ct your A / V device s t o the T V and co nnect 1. your A / V rec eiver to the audio outputs o n the T V and the DVD player .
60 6 . NetCommand IR Control ( 736 and 8 35 S eries T V s) 6 . NetCommand IR Control ( 736 and 8 35 S eries T V s) 61 Befor e Y ou Begin T o complete these s t eps you will ne ed: The re mot e contro ls for both the T V and the • A / V re ceiver .
62 Appendices Appendices 63 Appendix A : Specific a tions US B Pho to Por t 1 For tra nsfer o f JPEG file s only. Au dio I np uts 5 pairs An al og le ft a nd r igh t aud io RCA Pin Pl ug 500 mV (fu ll scal e) , 4 3-k ohm Outputs Description Qty . Output Specifications Au dio S pe aker s 2 5.
64 Appendices Appendices 65 This p age in tent ion ally left blank This ap pendix explain s program ming the T V’ s rem ot e control to ope rate other A / V device s.
66 Appendices Appendices 67 I M P O R TA N T Y ou may n eed t o rep rogr am t he rem ote co ntr ol af ter c han ging t he b at teri es. Progra mming t he Remote Cont rol Move the slide switch at the top of the remote to 1. the posi tion for the produc t y ou want to control.
68 Appendices Appendices 69 Progra mming Cod es, cont inued CD Players Make Code Grun dig 3 015 7 Hafler 3 0 17 3 Harman/ Kardon 3 1 202, 301 73, 3 0 15 7 , 301 0 0, 30 083 Hitachi 30 032 In kel 301 8.
70 A ppen dices Appendices 71 Progra mming Cod es, cont inued VCRs Make Code CCE 20072, 2 0278 Cineral 20 278 Citi zen 204 79, 20278, 202 4 0, 20209, 20 037 , 200 35, 2 0000 Classic 2 0 037 Color tyme.
72 A ppen dices Appendices 73 Progra mming Cod es, cont inued DVD Players Make Code Sampo 207 52, 2069 8 Samsung 21 07 5, 21 044, 20 820, 207 44, 20 5 73, 204 90, 2 019 9 Sansui 20 69 5 Sa nyo 2 1334,.
74 Appendices Appendices 75 Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action S yste m Res et If the T V doe s not turn o n or of f , doe s not resp ond to the rem ote control o r con trol-pa nel but tons, o r has a udio but n o video. Pres s the SYSTE M RES ET but ton on the con trol pane l.
76 A ppendices Appendices 77 Picture Sy mptom Rem arks 1. Picture doe s not look like a high-d efinition picture. Not all sig nals are high- definition s ignals. T o receive high- defini- tion pro gramming fro m y our ca ble or satellite provider , you must subsc ribe to the provider’ s high- definition se rv ice.
78 Ap pen d ices Appendices 79 NetCommand Sy mptom Rem arks 1. Cannot se e the menu from the A / V Rec eiver . A / V Re ceiver Set Up for Audi o- Only Switching • The A / V Rece iv er is not c onnected to any vide o input of the T V . T o ch eck the A / V Re ceiver menu, tempo rarily plug into an unuse d input of the T V , such as Inpu t 3.
80 Appendices Appendices 81 CAUTION BURN DANGER! HOT SURF ACES INSIDE! T ouch lamp cartridge handle only . Do not touch lamp or lamp cartridge housing. Keep lamp cartridge horizontal during removal. Do not tilt as glass may come out and cause injury .
82 T rad emark and License Information T rademark and License Information 83 Appendix D: Pr o grammin g the Remo te Con trol, c o nt inu ed LICENSOR’S SUPPLIERS DO NOT MA KE OR P ASS ON TO END USER .
84 Warranty W arrant y 85 Mit subi shi DLP Project ion T elevis ion Limited W a rra nt y MITSUBIS HI DIGIT AL ELECTRONICS A MERICA, INC. (“MD EA ”) war rants as follows to the origin al purchas er.
86 Index Ind ex 87 I n d ex A Adjust Keys (Up/Down /Lef t /Right) 26 , 35 Ana morphic Pic t ure Form at 3 1 Antenna Conne cting 20 Signa l Strength for Di gital Chan - nels 29 Antenna I nputs (ANT 1 ,.
We b si t e: w ww .mitsub ishi- tv. com E-m ail: MDEA servic For quest ions , call Cons umer Relat ions at 800- 33 2 - 2 1 1 9 T o orde r replac ement or a ddit ional remote co ntrol s, lamp c ar tri dges, or O wner ’ s Gui des Vis it our websit e ww w .
An important point after buying a device Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mitsubishi Electronics WD-65736 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center