Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MR-J3-B Mitsubishi Electronics
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SH (NA) 030051-D (0806) MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice. This Instruction Manual uses recycled paper. MODEL MODEL CODE General-Purpose AC Servo MODEL MR-J3- B SERV.
A - 1 Safety Ins tructions (Alwa ys rea d thes e ins truct ions befor e us ing the equ ipm ent.) Do not attem pt to inst all, o perat e, m aint ain or ins pect t he con verter uni t, ser vo am plif ie.
A - 2 1. To prevent electric shock, note the following WARNING Befor e wiri ng or inspec tion, turn of f the power and wait for 15 m inutes or m ore (20 m inutes or f or dr ive unit 30kW or m ore) unt il t he c harge lam p turns off .
A - 3 4. Additional instructions The f ollowi ng ins truct ions s hould also be fu ll y noted. I nc orrect handl ing m ay caus e a f aul t, injur y, e lectr ic shoc k, etc. (1) Transportation and installation CAUTION Trans port the pro ducts c orrec tly accor ding to the ir weig hts.
A - 4 CAUTION Prov ide ad equat e prot ectio n to pr even t scr ews a nd ot her con duct ive m atter, oil a nd oth er com bust ible ma tter from enter ing t he con verter unit , ser vo am plif ier ( drive unit) , an d serv o m otor. Do not dr op or str ike co nver ter un it, ser vo am plif ier ( drive u nit), or ser vo m otor.
A - 5 (3) Te st run adjust ment CAUTION Befor e oper atio n, check th e param eter setti ngs. Im prop er s ettings ma y caus e som e m achines to perf orm unexpec ted o perat ion. The par am eter se ttings mu st not be ch ange d exces sive ly. O perat ion wi ll be insat iable.
A - 6 (5) Co rrecti ve ac tions CAUTION W hen it is as sum ed th at a h azard ous c onditi on m ay tak e plac e at th e occ ur due to a power fail ure or a produc t faul t, use a ser vo m otor with an electr omagn etic brak e or a n exter nal brake m echanism for the pur pose of p reventi on.
A - 7 About processing of waste W hen you d iscar d c onverte r uni t an d ser vo am plif ier ( drive unit) , a b atter y (pr im ary batt er y), and other opti on art icles, ple ase foll ow the law of each coun try (ar ea).
A - 8 COMPLIANCE WITH EC DIRECTIVES 1. W HAT ARE EC D IR ECTI VES? The E C direc tives were issued to sta ndard ize th e reg ulati ons of the EU cou ntries and e nsure s mooth distr ibutio n of s afet y-guar anteed produc ts.
A - 9 (2) C onfigur ation The c ontro l circ uit pr ovid e saf e se parati on t o the m ain c irc uit i n the c onver ter u nit an d ser vo am plif ier (d rive unit).
A - 10 (b) D o not c onnec t t wo gr ound c ables to th e s ame protec tive earth (PE) ter mina l. Al ways c onnec t the cables to th e term inals one- to- one.
A - 11 CONFORMANCE WITH UL/C-UL STANDARD (1) C onver ter un it, ser vo am plif iers ( driv e unit) and s erv o m otors us ed Use th e con verter un it, s ervo am plifier s ( drive unit) and ser vo m otors whic h com ply with the s tand ard m odel.
A - 12 (4) Capaci tor discharge ti me The c apacit or disc harge tim e is as l isted b elow . To ens ure saf et y, do not t ouch th e c harging s ecti on for 1 5 minutes (m ore tha n 20 minu tes in case driv e un it is 30kW or more) after p ower- off .
A - 13 <<Abou t the man uals>> This In structio n Manual an d the MELSE RVO Servo Moto r Instruct ion Manua l (Vol.2) a re requi red if y ou use the Ge neral- Purp ose AC s ervo MR- J3- B for t he f irst t im e. Alwa ys purc hase them and use th e MR-J 3-B safely.
A - 14 MEMO.
1 CONTENTS 1. FUNCT IONS AN D CONF IGURATION 1 - 1 to 1 -28 1.1 Intr oduct ion ............................................................................................................................................... 1 - 1 1.2 Func tion b lock diagram .
2 3.13 Contr ol ax is selec tion ............................................................................................................................ 3 -52 4. START UP 4 - 1 t o 4 -1 0 4.1 Swi tchin g power on f or the f irst t ime ...........
3 6.4 Inter pola tion m ode ......................................................................................................... ......................... 6 -1 1 6.5 D iffer ences bet ween MEL SER VO-J2- Su per a nd MEL SERVO -J3 i n aut o tuni ng .
4 11.3. 4 Out line d im ens ion dr awings .......................................................................................................... 11-4 3 11.4 Po wer r egenera tion c onvert er ........................................................
5 13.4.1 D ispl ay flowc hart ....................................................................................................... .................... 13-49 13.4. 2 Status displa y mode .............................................................
6 MEM O.
1 - 1 1. FUNCTIO NS AND CONFIGURATION 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURATION 1.1 Introduc tion The M itsub ishi MELS ERV O-J3 s eries gen eral- purp ose AC s ervo has f urth er hi gher perf orm ance a nd hi gher functi ons c ompar ed to t he cur rent MELSE RVO-J 2-Sup er ser ies.
1 - 2 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION 1.2 Func tion bloc k diagram The fu nction block di agram of thi s servo i s shown below . (1) MR-J3- 350B or less MR- J3-20 0B4 or less Base amplifier CN4 N( ) D.
1 - 3 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (2) MR-J3-3 50B4 MR-J3-50 0B(4) MR-J3-700B( 4) Base amplifier CN4 N C Encode r Current detection CN5 NFB MC L 1 L 2 L 3 L 11 L 21 B2 U V W B1 USB USB Power factor.
1 - 4 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (3) M R-J3-1 1KB( 4) t o 22K B(4) Cooling fan Base amplifier CN4 N C Encode r Current detection CN5 NFB MC L 1 L 2 L 3 L 11 L 21 B2 U V W B1 USB USB Power factor .
1 - 5 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION 1.3 Serv o amplif ier stan dar d specif ications (1) 20 0V class, 10 0V class Servo am plifier MR-J 3- Item 10B 20B 40B 60B 70B 100B 200B 350B 500B 700B 11K B 15K.
1 - 6 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (2) 400V class Servo am plifier MR-J 3- Item 60B4 100B 4 200B4 350B4 500B4 700B4 11KB4 15KB4 22KB4 Voltage/ frequency 3-phas e 380 to 480VA C, 50/60Hz Permis sible volt age fluct uation 3-phase 323 to 528VA C Perm issible f requency fluct uation Wi th in 5% Power supply c apacit y Refer to s ection 10.
1 - 7 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION 1.4 Func tion list The f ollowi ng tabl e list s the funct ions of this ser vo. For detai ls of t he func tions , ref er to t he ref erenc e fie ld. Function Des cription Reference High-resolut ion encoder High-resolut ion encoder of 262144 pulses/rev is used as a servo motor encoder.
1 - 8 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION 1.5 Mode l code d efinition (1) Rating plate MR-J3- 10B AC SER VO POW ER : INPUT : OUTPUT: SER IAL : 100W 0.9A 3PH+1PH200- 230V 50Hz 1.
1 - 9 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (2) Model Power supp ly MR J3 B Serie s Symbol Description -PX Indicates a servo amplifier of 11k to 22 kW that does not us e a regenerative resistor as standard accesso ry.
1 - 10 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION 1.6 Com bination with ser vo m otor The f ollow ing ta ble lists c om binat ions of ser vo am plif iers an d ser vo m otors. T he s am e com binatio ns app ly to the m odels with a n elec trom agnet ic brak e a nd the m ode ls wit h a re ducti on gear .
1 - 11 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION 1.7 Structure 1.7.1 Parts identif icat ion (1) MR-J3 -100B or less 7 9 6 8 5 4 3 2 1 0 F E D C B A ON 4F 12 SW1 SW2 Fixed part (2 places) Used to set the axis No.
1 - 12 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (2) MR-J3-60B4 MR-J3- 100B4 Used to set the axis No. of servo am plifier. Rot ary ax is se tting switch (SW1 ) SW2 Test operation select switch (SW2-1) Used to perform the test operation mode by using MR Configurator.
1 - 13 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (3) MR-J3-200B(4) 7 9 6 8 5 4 3 2 1 0 F E D C B A 12 ON 4F SW1 SW2 TEST Fixed part (3 places) Cooling Fan Used to set the axis No. of servo am plifier. Rot ary ax is se tting switch (SW1 ) SW2 Test operation select switch (SW2-1) Used to perform the test operation mode by using MR Configurator.
1 - 14 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (4) MR-J3-350B 7 9 6 8 5 4 3 2 1 0 F E D C B A 12 ON 4F SW1 SW2 TEST Fixed part (3 places) Cooling fan Used to set the a xis No. of servo am plifier. Rotary axis setting switch (SW1) SW2 Test operation select switch (SW2-1) Used to perform t he test operation mode by using MR Configurator.
1 - 15 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (5) MR-J3-350B4 MR-J3-5 00B( 4) POINT The s ervo amplif ier is s how n without th e front c over. For rem oval of the front cover, ref er to sec tion 1.7. 2. 7 9 6 8 5 4 3 2 1 0 F E D C B A 12 ON 4F SW1 SW2 TEST Used to set th e axis No.
1 - 16 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (6) MR-J3-700B(4) POINT The s ervo amplif ier is s how n without th e front c over. For rem oval of the front cover, ref er to sec tion 1.7. 2. 7 9 6 8 5 4 3 2 1 0 F E D C B A 12 ON 4F SW1 SW2 TEST Used to set the axis No.
1 - 17 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (7) MR-J3-11KB(4) to MR-J3-22KB(4 ) POINT The s ervo amplif ier is s how n without th e fr ont cover. F or rem oval of the front cover, ref er to sec tion 1.7. 2. 7 9 6 8 5 4 3 2 1 0 F E D C B A 12 ON 4F SW1 SW2 TEST Cooling fan Fixed p art (4 places) Used to set the axis No.
1 - 18 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION 1.7.2 Rem oval and reinst allation of the f ront cover W ARNING Be fore re moving or in stalling the fro nt cov er, tu rn off t he pow er and wait fo r 15 minutes or m ore u ntil t he c harge lam p turns off.
1 - 19 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION Rein stalla tion o f the fron t cove r Front cove r settin g tab A) A) Insert the fr ont c over s ettin g tabs into the soc kets of servo am pl ifier (2 p laces) . Pull up the cover , suppo rting at point A) . Setting tab Push the settin g tabs un til they click.
1 - 20 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (2) For MR-J3-11KB(4) to MR-J3-22KB(4 ) Remo val of the f ront c over A) B) C) 1) Press the rem oving k nob on the lo wer sid e of the front c over ( A) and B) ) an d rel ease t he i nstal lation hook . 2) Pres s t he r emov ing k nob of C) and r ele ase th e exter nal hook .
1 - 21 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION 1.8 Conf iguratio n includ ing aux iliar y equipm ent POINT Equipm ent other tha n the s ervo am plif ier and ser vo motor are opt ional or recomm ended produc ts.
1 - 22 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (b) For 1-phas e 10 0V to 1 20V AC (Note 2) W UV CN5 PC CN3 CN1A CN1B CN2 CN4 L 11 L 21 L 1 L 2 (Note 3) Powe r supp ly R S Power f actor improving (FR-BAL) Rege.
1 - 23 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (2) MR-J3-60B4 MR-J3- 100B4 (Note 3) Power supply R S T No-fuse breaker (NFB) o r fuse Magnetic contactor (MC) (Note 2) Line noise filter (FR-BSF01) L 2 L 3 (Not.
1 - 24 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (3) MR-J3-200B(4) R S T L 21 L 11 C P (Note 3) Powe r supp ly No-fuse breaker (NF B) or fu se Magnetic contactor (MC ) (Note 2) Line noise filter (FR-BSF01) (Not.
1 - 25 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (4) MR-J3-350B R S T P C L 21 P 1 P 2 UV W L 11 L 1 L 2 L 3 CN5 CN3 CN2 CN1A CN1B CN4 Line noise filter (FR -BLF ) (Note 3) Powe r supp ly Magnetic contactor (MC.
1 - 26 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (5) MR-J3-350B4 MR-J3-5 00B( 4) R S T L 21 P 1 P 2 CN3 CN2 CN1A CN1B CN4 CN5 (Note 2) L 11 UV W C P L 1 L 2 L 3 Regenerative option Line noise filter (FR-BLF) (N.
1 - 27 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (6) MR-J3-700B(4) R S T L 21 L 11 UV W C P L 1 L 2 L 3 CN5 CN3 CN2 CN1A CN1B CN4 P 2 P 1 Line noise filter (FR-B LF) (Not e 3) Power supply Magnetic conta ctor (.
1 - 28 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURAT ION (7) MR-J3-11KB(4) to MR-J3-22KB(4 ) Line noise filter (FR-BLF) (Note 3) Power supply R S T Magnetic contacto r (MC) No-fuse breaker (NFB) or fuse Regenerative op.
2 - 1 2. INSTALLATION 2. INSTALLA TION CAUTION Stack ing in exces s of the l im ited num ber of prod ucts is no t allo wed. Instal l the e qui pment o n inc om bustible m ateri al. Ins tall ing th em directl y or cl ose to com bustibles wil l lead to a fir e.
2 - 2 2. INSTALLATION (b) I nstal lation of t wo or m ore s ervo ampl ifiers POINT Close m ounting is availab le fo r the servo amplif ier of u nder 3.
2 - 3 2. INSTALLATION (b) I nstal lation of t wo or m ore s ervo ampl ifiers Leave a lar ge cle aranc e bet ween the t op of t he s ervo a m plifier and the int ernal surfac e of the co ntrol box, a nd in stal l a co oling f an t o pre vent th e in terna l temper atur e of the co ntrol box f rom exceed ing t he environm ent al co ndit ions.
2 - 4 2. INSTALLATION (3) Avoi d any proba bilit y that the c able sh eath migh t be cut by shar p chips, r ubbed b y a machin e corner or stam ped by work ers or ve hicles. (4) For insta lla tion o n a m achine where the s ervo m otor will m ove, the fl exing radi us s hould b e made as lar ge as pos sible.
2 - 5 2. INSTALLATION (4) Bu ndle fi xing Fix the cab le at the closes t part to the conn ector wi th bundl e material in order to pr event SS CNET cabl e from putting its ow n weig ht on CN1A CN1 B conn ecto r of s ervo am plif ier.
2 - 6 2. INSTALLATION 2.5 Inspec tion item s W ARNING Befor e starting maint enanc e and/ or inspec tion, tur n off the power and wa it for 15 minutes or m ore u ntil t he c harge lam p turns off. T hen, c onf irm that the vo ltage between P( ) and N( ) is s afe wit h a volt age tes ter a nd o thers .
3 - 1 3. SIGNALS AND WI RING 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING W ARNING Any pers on who is invol ved in wir ing sho uld be ful ly compet ent to do the work . Befor e wiri ng, tur n off the p ower and wai t for 15 m inutes or m ore unt il the c har ge lamp tur ns off .
3 - 2 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.1 Input power supp ly circuit CAUTION Alwa ys conn ect a m agnetic cont actor ( MC) bet ween t he m ain circ uit po wer su ppl y and L 1 , L 2 , and L 3 of the s ervo am plif ier, and c onfigur e the wirin g to be abl e to s hut down the po wer sup ply on the side of the servo am plifier ’s power suppl y.
3 - 3 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Note 1. Always connect P 1 and P 2 . (Factory-wired.) W hen using the power factor improvi ng DC reactor, refer to section 11.13. 2. Always connect P( ) and D. (Factory-wired.) W hen using the regenerative option, refer to section 11.
3 - 4 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (3) For MR-J3-10B1 to MR-J3-4 0B1 EM1 NFB MC L 1 L 2 1-phase 100 to 120VAC ALM RA1 P 1 P DICOM DOCOM L 11 L 21 N D C U V W (Note 1) (Note 2) CNP1 CNP3 PE CNP2 U V W 2 3 4 1.
3 - 5 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (4) MR-J3-60B4 to MR-J3-200B4 EM1 NFB MC L 1 L 2 L 3 3-phase 200 to 230VAC ALM RA1 P 1 P DICOM DOCOM L 11 L 21 N D C U V W (Note 1) (Note 2) CNP1 CNP3 PE CNP2 U V W 2 3 4 1.
3 - 6 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (5) MR-J3-500B MR-J3- 700B EM1 NFB MC L 1 L 2 L 3 ALM RA1 P 1 DICOM DOCOM N U V W (Note 2) (Note 1) TE1 PE U V W 2 3 4 1 M Motor Encoder CN2 24VDC (Note 3) Encoder cable (N.
3 - 7 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (6) MR -J3-3 50B4 t o MR-J 3-70 0B4 EM1 NFB MC L 1 L 2 L 3 ALM RA1 C DICOM DOCOM P U V W (Note 2) (Note 1) TE1 PE U V W 2 3 4 1 M Motor Encoder CN2 24VDC (Note 3) Encoder c.
3 - 8 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (7) MR-J3-11KB to MR-J3 -22KB BW BV BU Dynamic break (Option) OFF Forc ed stop ON MC MC SK (Note 4) Alarm RA1 Controller forced stop RA2 Servo amplifier NFB MC L 1 L 2 L 3 .
3 - 9 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (8) MR-J3-11KB4 to MR-J3-22KB4 BW BV BU Cooling fan (Note 7) (Note 8) Cooling fan power supply Dynamic break (Option) OFF Forc ed stop ON MC MC SK (Note 4) Alarm RA1 Contro.
3 - 10 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.2 I/O s ignal co nnection e xam ple 13 9 15 10 6 16 7 17 2 12 19 CN3 Encoder Z-phase pulse (differential line drive r) 2m Max (Note 12) (Note 5) MR Configurator Personal.
3 - 11 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Note 1 To prevent an electric shock, always connect the protective earth (PE) terminal (t erminal marked ) of the servo amplifier t o the protect ive earth (PE) of the control box . 2. Connect the diode in the correct direction.
3 - 12 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.3 Expla nation of power s uppl y system 3.3.1 Sign al expla nations POINT For the la yout of connect or and term inal b lock , refer to outl ine dra wings in chapter 9 . Abbreviati on Connection t arget (Applic ation) Descr iptio n Supply the foll owing power to L 1 , L 2 , L 3 .
3 - 13 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.3.2 Power -on se quence (1) Po wer-o n proce dure 1) Alwa ys wire the power suppl y as s hown in a bove s ectio n 3. 1 usin g th e magne tic c ontact or with the m ain circui t power s up ply (thr ee-phas e: L 1 , L 2 , L 3 , single-p hase: L 1 , L 2 ).
3 - 14 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.3.3 CNP1, CN P2, CN P3 wiring m ethod POINT Refer to tab le 11.1 i n sectio n 11.11 f or the wire sizes used f or wiring. MR-J3-500 B or m ore MR-J3- 350B4 or m ore does n ot have these conn ectors . Use the supp lied s ervo amplif ier power s uppl y con necto rs f or wirin g of CN P1, C NP2 and CN P3.
3 - 15 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (c) The twin type connector for CNP2 (L 11 L 21 ): 721-21 05/026- 000 ( W AGO) Using this c onn ector e nable s pass ing a wire of c ontro l ci rcuit power supp ly.
3 - 16 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (c) The twin type connector for CNP2 (L 11 L 21 ): 721-22 05/026- 000 ( W AGO) Using this c onn ector e nable s pass ing a wire of c ontro l ci rcuit power supp ly.
3 - 17 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 2) CNP 2 CNP2 is the sam e as MR-J 3-10 0B or sm aller c apac ities . Refer to (1) (b) of th is sec tion. (4) I nsertio n of cable into Mol ex and W AGO connec tors Insert.
3 - 18 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (a) W hen usi ng t he sup plied cable conn ection lever 1) The s erv o am plifi er is p ack ed with the ca ble c onnect ion lever. a) 549 32-00 00 (M olex) [Unit: mm] MXJ 54932 7.7 4.7 Approx. 3 4.9 10 20.6 3.4 6.5 Approx.
3 - 19 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 2) Cab le con necti on pr ocedure 1) Attach the ca ble connection lever to the housing. (Detach able) 2) Push the cable connection lever in the direct ion o f arr ow. 3) Hold down the ca ble connection lever a nd insert t he cable in the direction of arrow.
3 - 20 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (b) I nsert ing t he ca ble in to t he con nect or 1) Ap plica ble fl at-bl ade sc rewdr iver dim ensions Alwa ys use the scre wdriv er sho wn here to do th e work . [Unit: mm] 3 0.6 Approx. R0.3 Approx. 22 3 to 3.5 Approx.
3 - 21 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3) W hen usi ng the f lat- blade scre wdriver - par t 2 1) Insert the screwdriver into the square window a t top of the co nnector . 2) Push the scr ewdriver in the direction of arrow. 3) With the screwdriver pushed, insert the cable in the dire ction of arrow.
3 - 22 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (4) How to ins ert the cab le into Phoen ix Contac t conn ector POINT Do not use a precisi on dri ver becaus e the ca ble cann ot be tighte ned with enough tor que. Insert ion of cables int o Ph oenix Contac t con nect or PC 4/6-ST F-7.
3 - 23 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.4 Conn ectors and s ignal arrangem ents POINT The pin c onfigur ations of the conn ectors are as vi ewed f rom the c able connector wir ing section. (1) Si gnal ar rang ement The s ervo am plif ier fron t vie w sho wn is th at of the MR-J 3-20B or les s.
3 - 24 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.5 Signa l (device) expla nations For th e I/O inte rface s (sy mbols in I/ O divisio n colu mn in the ta ble), r efer to section 3.7.2. In th e contro l m ode fie ld of t he ta ble The p in No.s in th e conn ector pin N o.
3 - 25 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (b) Output device Device Sym bol Connector pin No. Function/Applic ation I/O divisi on Trouble ALM CN3-15 ALM turns off when power is sw itc hed off or the protective circuit is activate d to shu t off th e ba se circu it.
3 - 26 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Device Sym bol Connector pin No. Function/Applic ation I/O divisi on Wa rn ing WNG When using this signal, make it usable by the setting of param eter No.PD 07 to PD 09. When warning has occurred, WNG turns on. When there is no warning, WNG turns off within about 1.
3 - 27 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.6 Alarm occ urrence tim ing chart CAUTION W hen an alarm has oc cur red, rem ove its caus e, m ak e sure tha t the op erati on sign al is not bei ng input, en sure safe ty, and rese t the alar m before re starting operat ion.
3 - 28 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.7 Interf aces 3.7.1 Inter nal conn ection d iagram 3 EM1 CN3 20 DI1 2 DI2 12 DI3 19 DICOM 5 3 CN3 10 13 9 15 DICOM (Note 2) INP ALM CN3 6 16 7 17 8 18 LA LAR LB LBR LZ LZR RA CN3 MO1 MO2 LG 4 14 11 RA Differenti al line driver output (35mA or less) <Isolated> Approx 5 .
3 - 29 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.7.2 Detailed des cription o f interfac es This sect ion pr ovides t he det ails of the I/O s igna l int erfac es (r efer t o t he I /O di vision in t he t able) giv en i n secti on 3.5. Refer to th is s ectio n and m ak e connec tion with the ex terna l equi pment.
3 - 30 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (3) Enc oder outp ut p ulse D O-2 (D iff erent ial l ine dr iver s ystem ) (a) Interface Max. o utput c urrent: 35m A LA (LB, L Z) LAR (LBR, LZR) LG SD LA (LB, LZ) LAR (LB.
3 - 31 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.7.3 Sour ce I/O interfaces In this ser vo am plifier , so urce t ype I /O i nterf aces c an be us ed. In t his c ase, all DI- 1 inp ut si gnals and DO-1 outpu t signa ls ar e of source t ype. Perf orm wiring accor ding to th e foll owin g inter face s.
3 - 32 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.8 Treatm ent of cable shie ld ext ernal cond uctor In the c ase of t he CN 2 and CN3 c onnec tors, s ecur el y connec t th e shie lded exter nal co nductor of the c able to the gr ound p late as sh own i n this sect ion and fix it to the co nnec tor she ll.
3 - 33 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.9 SSCNET cable conn ection POINT Do not see directl y the light generated from CN1A CN1B conn ector of servo amplif ier or the end of SSCNET cable. W hen the light gets into e ye, ma y feel som ething is wrong for eye. (The light sourc e of SSCN ET com plies with class1 def ined in JIS C68 02 or IEC60825- 1.
3 - 34 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3) W ith holding a ta b of S SCNET cable c onnec tor, m ake s ure t o ins ert it int o CN1 A CN1B c onnector of ser vo am plif ier u ntil you hear the c lick . If the end f ace of optic al co de tip is d irt y, optic al tr ansm ission is int erru pted an d it m ay caus e m alfunctio ns.
3 - 35 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.10 Connec tion of s ervo a mplif ier and ser vo m otor CAUTION Dur ing p ower- on, do not open or close the m otor power line.
3 - 36 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.10.2 Po wer suppl y cable wirin g diagram s (1) HF-MP service HF-KP series HF-KP series servo moto r (a) W hen c able l engt h is 1 0m or less CNP3 AWG 19(red) AWG 19(wh.
3 - 37 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (2) HF-SP series HC-RP ser ies HC-U P series HC-LP ser ies ser vo m otor POINT Insert a con tact in th e direc tion s hown in the figure. If inser ted in the wrong direction, t he co ntact is da m aged and falls off. Soldered part or crimping part facing up Soldered part or crimping part facing down Pin No.
3 - 38 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 2) W hen the power s uppl y con nector and t he e lectrom agnet ic br ake c onnect or ar e share d. Servo mot or (Note) Servo amplifier M U V W B1 B2 U V W 24VDC power sup.
3 - 39 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Encoder c onnector signal allotment CM10-R10P Power supply connect or signal allotment MS3102A18-10P MS3102A22-22P CE05-2A32-17PD-B Power supply connect or signal allotment CE05-2A22-23PD-B Terminal No. Signal Termi nal No.
3 - 40 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (3) HA-LP series servo motor (a) W iring di agram s Refer t o sec tion 1 1.11 for the c ables used for wiring. 1) 200V class Ser vo motor (Note 1) Servo amplifier U V W B1.
3 - 41 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 2) 400V class Servo motor (Note 1) Servo amplifier U V W B1 B2 U V W 24VDC power supply for electromagnetic brake 50m or l ess Forced stop (EM1) Trouble (ALM) RA1 24V DC A.
3 - 42 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (b) Servo motor terminal s Terminal box Encoder connector CM10-R10P Brake connector MS3102A10SL-4P Terminal No. Signal Terminal No.
3 - 43 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Terminal box inside (HA-LP801 (4) 12K1 (4) 11K 1M(4) 15K1M(4) 15K2(4) 22 K2(4) ) Thermal sensor terminal block (OHS1 OHS2) M4 screw Cooling fan terminal block (BU BV BW) M.
3 - 44 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Term inal box ins ide (HA- LP25K 1) OHS 2 OH S1 BW BV BU W V U Encoder connector CM10-R10P Thermal sensor terminal block Cooling fan terminal block (OHS1 OHS2) M4 screw (B.
3 - 45 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Signal name Abbreviat ion Descri ption Power supply U V W Connect to t he motor output terminals (U, V, W ) of the servo amplifier. During power-on, do not open or close the motor power line. Otherwise, a malfunct ion or faulty may occur.
3 - 46 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.11 Ser vo motor with an el ectrom agnetic brak e 3.11.1 Saf ety prec autions CAUTION Configur e the elec trom agne tic brak e cir cuit s o th at it is ac tivate d not onl y by the interf ace un it s ignals but also b y a f orce d stop (EM 1).
3 - 47 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.11.2 T iming char ts (1) Ser vo-on c omm and (f rom control ler) O N/OFF Tb [m s] af ter th e ser vo-on is s witc hed off, the ser vo l ock is re lease d and the s ervo m otor c oasts . If the electrom agn etic br ake is mad e vali d in the s ervo lock status , the br ake lif e m ay be s horter.
3 - 48 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (3) Al arm occurr ence Servo moto r speed Base ci rcuit Electromagnetic brake interlock (MBR) Alarm Dynamic brake Dynamic brake Electromagnetic brake Electromagnetic brake operation delay time Electromagnetic brake (10ms) ON OFF ON OFF No Yes (Note) (ON) (OFF) Note.
3 - 49 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (5) On ly m ain cir cuit power supp ly of f (c ontrol c ircu it power supp ly r emains on) Servo motor s peed Base circu it Electromagnetic brake interlock (MBR) Alarm Mai.
3 - 50 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.11.3 W iring dia gram s (HF-MP ser ies HF-KP series servo motor) POINT For HF-SP se ries HC-RP se ries HC-UP series HC-LP ser ies servo m otors, refer to section 3.
3 - 51 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.12 Gro unding W ARNING Groun d the s ervo am pl ifier and s ervo motor sec urel y. To pre vent an elec tric s hock , al ways co nnect t he pr otect ive earth ( PE) t erm inal (term inal m ark ed ) of the s ervo am plif ier wi th th e prot ecti ve ear th (P E) of the contr ol box.
3 - 52 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.13 Contro l axis select ion POINT The c ontrol axis num ber set to ro tary axis setting swit ch (SW 1) should b e the same as the one set to the s ervo system control ler. Use the rotar y ax is se tting switc h (SW 1) to set the contr ol ax is num ber f or the s ervo .
4 - 1 4. STARTUP 4. STARTUP W ARNING Do no t oper ate the s witches with wet hands . You m ay get an electr ic sh ock . CAUTION Befor e star ting o perat ion, c hec k the param eters. Som e m achines m a y perf orm unexpec ted o perat ion. Take s afet y meas ures, e .
4 - 2 4. STARTUP 4.1.2 W iring chec k (1) Power supply system wiring Befor e switc hing on t he mai n circ uit and contr ol c ircu it po wer sup plies, c heck the f ollo wing items .
4 - 3 4. STARTUP 2) W hen reg enera tive o ption is us ed o ver 5kW for 200 V class and 3 .5kW f or 400 V class The l ead of bui lt-in r egener at ive res istor c onnec ted to P t erm inal and C ter m inal of TE1 t erm inal bl ock shoul d not b e conn ected.
4 - 4 4. STARTUP 4.2 Start up Connec t the servo m otor wit h a m achine after c onf irm ing tha t the servo m otor oper ates pr oper ly alon e. (1) Power on W hen the m ain an d contr ol circui t power sup plies are s witc hed on, "b 01" (f or th e fir st ax is) a ppears on t he serv o ampl ifier dis pla y.
4 - 5 4. STARTUP 4.3 Serv o amplif ier d ispla y On the ser vo am plif ier dis pla y (three- dig it, se ven-s egment dis pla y), ch eck the stat us of com munic ation with the servo s ystem contr oller at p ower- on, ch eck the axis nu m ber, and diagnos e a f ault at occur rence of a n alar m.
4 - 6 4. STARTUP (2) Indication list Indication S tatus Desc ription A b Initializi ng Power of the servo amplifier was switc hed on at the condition t hat the power of serv o sys tem con tro ller i s OFF . The axis No. set to the servo system controller does not matc h the axis No.
4 - 7 4. STARTUP 4.4 Tes t operatio n Befor e star ting ac tual opera tion, perf orm test op erati on to m ak e sure t hat t he mac hine op erates norm all y. Refer t o sec tion 4. 2 for the power on and off methods of the serv o am plifi er. POINT If neces sary, verif y contro ller program b y using motor less oper ation.
4 - 8 4. STARTUP 4.5 Tes t operatio n mode CAUTION The tes t oper at ion m ode is des igned f or ser vo o perat ion co nfir matio n an d not for mac hine op erati on co nfirm ation. Do n ot use this mode wit h the m ac hine. A lwa ys use th e ser vo m otor alon e.
4 - 9 4. STARTUP 2) Oper ation m ethod Operation Sc reen control Forward rotation start Click the "Forward" button. Reverse rot ation st art Click the "Revers e" button.
4 - 10 4. STARTUP 4.5.2 Mot orless o peration in contro ller POINT Use m otor-less operation whic h is av ailable by mak ing the serv o system controller param eter setting. Motorless operatio n is don e while connec ted with the s ervo system control ler.
5 - 1 5. PARAMETERS 5. PARAME TERS CAUTION Never adjus t or c hange the param eter va lues ex trem ely as it will m ake oper atio n instab le. POINT W hen the ser vo am plif ier is conn ected with the s ervo s ystem contr oller, the param eters are set to t he va lues of the ser vo s ystem contro ller.
5 - 2 5. PARAMETERS 5.1.1 Par am eter list No. Sy mbol Name Initial value Unit PA01 For manuf acturer setting 0000h PA02 **REG Regenerat ive option 0000h PA03 *ABS Absol ute position detection system .
5 - 3 5. PARAMETERS 5.1.2 Par ame ter write inhi bit Para meter No. Symbol Nam e Initi al value Uni t Set ting range PA19 *BLK P arameter write inhibit 000Bh Ref er to the text. POINT W hen setting the par amete r values from the servo s ystem controller , the param eter No.
5 - 4 5. PARAMETERS 5.1.3 Selec tion of regen erativ e option Para meter No. Symbol Nam e Initi al value Uni t Set ting range PA02 **RE G Regenerative opti on 0000h Ref er to the text. POINT This param eter value a nd switc h power of f onc e, then s witch it on again to mak e that param eter setting v alid.
5 - 5 5. PARAMETERS 5.1.4 Usin g absolut e position d etection s ystem Para meter No. Symbol Nam e Initi al value Uni t Set ting range PA03 *ABS Absol ute position detection system 0000h Refer to the text. POINT This param eter is m ade valid when po wer is sw itched o ff, then o n after setting, or when the c ontro ller reset has bee n perform ed.
5 - 6 5. PARAMETERS 5.1.6 Auto t uning Para meter No. Symbol Nam e Initi al value Uni t Set ting range PA08 A TU Auto tuning m ode 0001h Ref er to t he text. PA09 RS P Aut o tuning response 12 1 to 32 Make ga in adju stment u sing auto t uning. Refer to section 6.
5 - 7 5. PARAMETERS (2) Aut o tun ing r espons e (p aram eter No. PA09) If the mac hine hu nts or gen erates larg e gear soun d, d ecreas e th e set value.
5 - 8 5. PARAMETERS 5.1.8 Selec tion of ser vo motor r otation dir ection Para meter No. Symbol Nam e Initi al value Uni t Set ting range PA14 *POL Rotati on direction selection 0 0 1 POINT This param eter is m ade valid when po wer is sw itched o ff, then o n after setting, or when the c ontro ller reset has bee n perform ed.
5 - 9 5. PARAMETERS (1) F or outpu t pulse de signation Set " 0 " (i nitial valu e) in paramet er No.PC0 3. Set t he num ber of puls es p er ser vo m otor r evolu tion. Output puls e set value [pulses/ rev] For ins tance, s et "5 600 " to Par ameter No.
5 - 10 5. PARAMETERS 5.2 Gain/f ilter par am eters (No.PB ) POINT Param eter whose s ymbol is precede d b y * is m ade valid with the f ollowing conditio ns. * : Set t he param eter va lue, switc h power of f once af ter settin g, and t hen switch it on again, or perf orm the controll er reset.
5 - 11 5. PARAMETERS No. Sy mbol Name Initial value Unit PB40 For m anufacturer sett ing 0.0 PB41 1125 PB42 1125 PB43 0004h PB44 0.0 PB45 0000h 5.2.2 Detai l list No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PB01 FI LT Adaptive t uning mode (adapt ive filter ) Select t he setting m ethod for f ilter tuning.
5 - 12 5. PARAMETERS No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PB02 VRFT Vibration s uppression cont rol tuning mode (advanced vi bration suppressi on control) This parameter cannot be used in the speed control mode. The vibration suppressi on is valid w hen the param eter No.
5 - 13 5. PARAMETERS No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PB06 GD2 Rat io of load inertia moment to servo motor inertia moment Used t o set the ratio of the l oad inertia m oment to the s ervo mot or shaft i nertia moment.
5 - 14 5. PARAMETERS No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PB14 NHQ1 Notch shape s election 1 Used to selection the machi ne resonance suppression filter 1.
5 - 15 5. PARAMETERS No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PB18 LPF Low-pass filter s etting Set the low-pass filt er. Setting paramet er No.PB23 (low-pass filter selecti on) to " 0 " a ut om ati ca ll y changes t his parameter.
5 - 16 5. PARAMETERS No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PB26 *CDP Gai n changing selection Select t he gain c hanging condition. (Ref er to sect ion 7.6.) Gain ch anging sele ction Under any of the following conditions, the gains change on the basis of the param eter No.
5 - 17 5. PARAMETERS No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PB34 VRF2B Gain changing vibration suppression control resonanc e frequency setting This parameter cannot be used in the speed control mode. Set the resonance frequency for vibrati on suppression control when the gain changing is valid.
5 - 18 5. PARAMETERS 5.3 Extens ion sett ing par am eters ( No.PC ) POINT Param eter whose s ymbol is precede d b y * is m ade valid with the f ollowing conditio ns. * : Set t he param eter va lue, switc h power of f once af ter settin g, and t hen switch it on again, or perf orm the controll er reset.
5 - 19 5. PARAMETERS 5.3.2 List of deta ils No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PC01 ERZ (Note 2) Error excessi ve alarm level This parameter cannot be used in the speed control mode. Set error excessi ve alarm level with rotation amount of servo motor.
5 - 20 5. PARAMETERS No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PC06 *COP3 Function selection C-3 Select the error excess ive alarm level setti ng for parameter No.PC01. 0 0 Error exce ssive al arm level sett ing select ion 0: 1 [rev]unit 1: 0.
5 - 21 5. PARAMETERS No. Symbol Name and function Initia l value Unit Setting range PC12 MO2 Analog monitor 2 offset Used to set the offset voltage of the analog monitor 2 (MO2) output.
5 - 22 5. PARAMETERS 5.3.3 Anal og m onitor The s ervo s tat us can be out put to two chan nels in ter ms of volta ge. T he ser vo s tatus can be m onit ored using an amm eter. (1) Setting Change the f ollo wing di gits of param eter N o.PC 09, PC1 0.
5 - 23 5. PARAMETERS Setting Out put item Des cription Setting Out put item Des cription 6 Droop puls es (Note 1) ( 10V/100 pulses ) 100[p ulse] CW direction CCW direction 100[p ulse] 0 10[V ] -10[V ].
5 - 24 5. PARAMETERS (3) An alog moni tor bl ock diag ram PWM M Feedback position Current control Speed control Current command Position control Droop pulse Differ- ential Speed command Bus voltage Sp.
5 - 25 5. PARAMETERS 5.4 I/O setti ng param eters (No.PD ) POINT Param eter whose s ymbol is precede d b y * is m ade valid with the f ollowing conditio ns. * : Set t he param eter va lue, switc h power of f once af ter settin g, and t hen switch it on again, or perf orm the controll er reset.
5 - 26 5. PARAMETERS 5.4.2 List of deta ils No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PD01 0000h PD02 For manuf acturer setting Do not change this value by any means. 0000h PD03 0000h PD04 0000h PD05 0000h PD06 0000h PD07 *DO1 Output signal device sel ection 1 (CN3-13) Any input signal can be assigned to the CN3-13 pi n.
5 - 27 5. PARAMETERS No. S ymbol Name and function Initial value Unit Setting range PD10 0000h PD11 For manuf acturer setting Do not change this value by any means. 0004h PD12 0000h PD13 0000h PD14 *DOP3 Function s election D-3 Set the ALM output signal at warning occurrence.
6 - 1 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 6. GENERAL GAIN A DJUSTMENT 6.1 Diff erent adjus tment metho ds 6.1.1 Adjus tm ent on a sin gle servo amplif ier The ga in adj ustm ent in this secti on can be m ade on a sin gle ser vo am plif ier. F or ga in adj ustm ent, firs t exec ute auto t uning m ode 1 .
6 - 2 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (2) Adj ustm ent seq uence an d mode usage Usage Used when you want to match the position gain (PG1) between 2 or more axes. Normall y not used for other purposes. Allows adjustm ent by merely changing the response level setting.
6 - 3 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 6.2 Auto tuning 6.2.1 Auto t uning m ode The s ervo am plif ier has a re al-tim e auto tuni ng func tio n whic h estim ates the m achin e char acter istic (lo ad iner tia mom ent rat io) in re al tim e and aut om atical ly sets th e optim um gains acc ordin g t o tha t val ue.
6 - 4 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 6.2.2 Auto t uning m ode op eration The b lock di agram of real-ti m e auto tun ing is sho wn bel ow. Servo motor Command Automa tic setti ng Loop gains PG1,VG 1 PG2,V.
6 - 5 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 6.2.3 Adjus tment pr ocedure b y auto t uning Since aut o tuni ng is m ade v alid b efore sh ipment fr om th e fac tor y, sim ply r unnin g th e ser vo m otor a utom atica ll y sets the op tim um gains that m atc h the m ac hine.
6 - 6 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 6.2.4 Respo nse lev el settin g in aut o tuning m ode Set t he resp onse ( The f irst di git of param eter No .PA 09) of the wh ole ser vo s ystem .
6 - 7 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 6.3 Manual m ode 1 (sim ple m anual adjustm ent) If you are not s atisf ied with the adjus tm ent of aut o tun ing, you can m ake s imple m anual adj ustm ent with t hree param eters. POINT If m achine res onance occ urs, fi lter t uni ng m ode (p aram eter No.
6 - 8 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (c)Adj ustm ent des crip tion 1) Spee d loop ga in (param eter No. PB0 9) This param eter determ ines the res pons e lev el of the s peed c ontr ol loo p. Incr eas ing t his v alue enhanc es res ponse but a too hi gh va lue wil l mak e the m echanica l sys tem lia ble to vi brate.
6 - 9 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (2) For position control (a) Parameters The f ollowi ng par ameter s are us ed for g ain adj ustm ent. Parameter No. Abbreviat ion Name PB06 GD2 Ratio of load inertia .
6 - 10 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (c) Adju stm ent descrip tion 1) Spee d loop ga in (VG2: param eter No. PB09) This param eter determ ines the res pons e lev el of the s peed c ontr ol loo p. Incr eas ing t his v alue enhanc es res ponse but a too hi gh va lue wil l mak e the m echanica l sys tem lia ble to vi brate.
6 - 11 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 6.4 Interpo latio n mode The in terpo lation m ode is u sed t o matc h the posit ion lo op ga ins of the ax es when per form ing t he int erp olatio n operat ion of serv o m otors of two or m ore axes for a n X- Y tab le or th e lik e.
6 - 12 6. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 6.5 Dif ferenc es between M ELSER VO-J2- Super an d MEL SERVO- J3 in aut o tunin g To m eet h igher r espons e demands , t he MEL SER VO-J 3 ser ies h as bee n c hanged in r espo nse l evel s ett ing ran ge from the ME LSERVO-J2S -Supe r series.
7 - 1 7. SPECIA L ADJUSTMENT FUNCTIONS 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTME NT FUNCTIONS POINT The f unctions give n in th is chapter need no t be us ed gener ally. Use them if you are n ot satisf ied with the m achine status after mak ing adjustm ent in the methods in chapter 7.
7 - 2 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (2) Parameters The op erati on of a dapt ive tu ning m ode (p aram eter No .PB01) . Filter tunin g mode selec tion 000 Paramete r No.PB01 Setting Filt er adjustment mode Automaticall y set para m eter 0 Filter OFF (Note) 1 Filter tuning m ode Param eter No.
7 - 3 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (3) Ada pti ve tun ing m ode pr oced ure The response has increased to the machin e limit . The machine is too complicated to provide the optimum filter. Facto r Adaptive tuning adjustment Operation Is the target response reached? Tuning ends automatically after t he predetermined period of time.
7 - 4 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS POINT "Filter O FF" ena bles a r eturn to t he fact ory-set initial value. W hen adaptive tu ning is ex ecuted, vibration s ound inc reas es as an exc itation signal is for cibl y applied f or severa l secon ds.
7 - 5 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (2) Parameters (a) M achin e reson anc e sup pressi on f ilter 1 ( par ameter No.P B13, PB14) Set the n otc h frequ enc y, notch depth an d notc h widt h of the mac hine res onanc e suppr ess ion fi lter 1 (param eter No .
7 - 6 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 7.4 Advance d vibra tion suppr ession co ntrol (1) Op erati on Vibra tion s uppres sio n contr ol is used to fur ther s uppr ess machin e end vibrat ion, such as work piec e end vibrat ion an d base s hake. T he m otor sid e oper ation is adjus ted f or pos itioni ng so th at the m achin e does n ot shak e.
7 - 7 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (3) Vi brati on sup pressi on co ntrol tuning m ode proc edur e No Estimation cannot be made as machine end vibration has n ot been transmitted to the motor end. The response of the model loop gain has increased to the ma chine end vibration frequency (vibration suppression control limi t).
7 - 8 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (4) Vi brati on sup pressi on co ntrol m anu al m ode Measur e work end vibra tion and d evice sh ake wit h the m achine a nal yzer or ext ernal m easur ing instr um ent, and set th e vibr ation s uppres sio n contr ol vibr atio n freque nc y (param eter No.
7 - 9 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS POINT W hen machine en d vibrati on does not s how up in m otor end vibrati on, the setting of the m otor end vib ration f requenc y does not p roduce a n effec t.
7 - 10 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 7.5 Lo w-pass filt er (1) Function W hen a bal l scre w or th e lik e is used, r eso nance of h igh fr equenc y ma y occur as t he resp onse leve l of the serv o system is increase d. T o preve nt this, t he lo w-pass f ilter is fac tor y -s et to be vali d for a tor que comm and.
7 - 11 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 7.6.2 Functi on bloc k diagr am The v alid loop g ains PG2, VG2, VIC a nd GD 2 of t he act ual lo op ar e ch anged accor ding to t he con ditions selec ted b y gain c hang ing s elect ion C DP (p aram eter N o.PB26) and gai n chan ging condit ion CDS ( param eter No.
7 - 12 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 7.6.3 Par ameter s W hen using t he g ain c hangi ng fu nction, alwa ys set " 3 " in param eter No.P A08 ( auto tu ning) to ch oos e the manual m ode of the gai n adjus tm ent modes . The ga in c hanging f uncti on cann ot be us ed in the a uto tu ning mode.
7 - 13 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (1) Pa rameters No.PB06 to PB 10 Thes e param eters are th e sam e as i n ord inar y manua l adjustm ent . Gai n chan ging allows the v alues of ratio of load inert ia m oment to s erv o motor inert ia m oment, p osition loop gain, s peed loop gain an d spee d integr al com pens atio n to be cha nged.
7 - 14 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 7.6.4 Gai n changi ng operat ion This op erat ion will b e descr ibed b y wa y of set ting ex ampl es. (1) W hen you choos e chang ing by input device (a) Setting Parameter No.
7 - 15 7. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (2) W hen you choos e chang ing by droo p pulses (a) Setting Parameter No. Abbreviat ion Name Setting Unit PB 07 PG1 Model loop gain 100 rad/s PB06 GD2 Ratio of l oad ine rtia m oment to servo m otor inertia m oment 4.
8 - 1 8. TROUBLESHOOTING 8. TRO UBL ESH OOT ING POINT As soon as an alarm occ urs, mak e the Serv o off status and interr upt the m ain circuit po wer.
8 - 2 8. TROUBLESHOOTING 8.2 Rem edies f or alarm s CAUTION W hen an y alarm has occ urred, elim inat e its c ause , ens ure s afet y, then r eset t he alarm , and r estart opera tion . Oth erwis e, inj ur y may occ ur. If an absolut e pos itio n eras e (25) occ urred, al ways m ake h ome pos it ion se tting again.
8 - 3 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Nam e Definit ion Cause Action 12 Memory error 1 (RAM) RAM, m emory fault Printed board fault Faulty parts in the servo amplifi er Checking method Alarm (any of 12 and 13) occurs if power is switched on after disconnection of al l cables but the control circuit po wer supply cables.
8 - 4 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Nam e Defi nition Cause Act ion 1. Wrong setting of parameter No. PA02 Set c orrectly. 2. Built-in regenerati ve resistor or regenerative option is not connected.
8 - 5 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Nam e Defini tion Cause Action 1. Regenerative opt ion is not used. Us e the regenerative option. 2. Though the regenerative option is used, t he parameter No.PA 02 setting is " 00 (not used)". Set c orrectly.
8 - 6 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Nam e Defini tion Cause Action 1. Servo amplifier f ault caused the paramet er setting to be rew ritt en. Change the servo amplifier. 2. There is a parameter whose value was set to outside the setting range by the controller.
8 - 7 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Nam e Defini tion Cause Action 1. Mach ine struck s omething. 1. Check operation pattern. 2. In stall l imit swi tches. 2. Wrong c onnection of s ervo motor. Servo amplifi er's output terminals U, V, W do not match s ervo motor's input terminals U, V, W.
8 - 8 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Nam e Defini tion Cause Action (Note) 888 Watchdog CPU, parts fault y Fault of parts in servo amplifier Checking method Alarm (888) occurs if power is switched on after d isconnection of all cables but the control circuit power su pply cable.
8 - 9 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Nam e Defi nition Cause Action E1 Overload warning 1 There is a possib ility tha t overload alarm 1 or 2 may occur . Load increased to 85% or more of overload alarm 1 or 2 occurrence level. Cause, checking method Refer to 5 0,51.
9 - 1 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS 9. OUTLINE DRA W INGS 9.1 Servo am plifier (1) MR-J3-10B MR-J3-2 0B MR-J3- 10B1 MR-J 3-20 B1 [Unit: mm] 135 168 161 156 6 6 4 6 6 40 Approx.80 CNP1 CNP3 CNP2 Approx.14 Appro x. 25.5 Approx.68 With MR-J3BAT (Note) (Note) 6 mounting hol e Note.
9 - 2 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (2) MR-J3-40B MR-J3-6 0B MR-J3- 40B1 [Unit: mm] Approx. 25.5 6 5 161 168 6 170 40 6 Approx.80 156 CNP3 CNP1 CNP2 Approx.14 Approx.68 CN4 CN2L CN2 CN1B CN1A CN3 CN5 CHARGE L2 U W V D L21 L11 C P N P1 P2 L3 L1 (Note) (Note) With MR-J3BAT L1 L2 L3 N P1 P2 P C D L11 L21 U V W 6 mounti ng hole 6 Note.
9 - 3 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (3) MR-J3-70B MR-J 3-100B [Unit: mm] 60 12 12 6 156 6 161 168 185 6 Approx.80 Cooling fan wind di rection CNP3 CNP1 CNP2 Approx.
9 - 4 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (4) MR-J3-60B4 MR-J3- 100B4 [Unit: mm] With MR-J3BAT 6 12 42 Approx. 25.5 CNP2 CNP3 CNP1 6mounting hole 60 12 195 Approx. 80 6 Approx. 68 Mass: 1.7 [kg] (3.75 [lb]) L 1 L 2 L 3 N P 2 P C D L 11 L 21 U V W CNP3 CNP2 CNP1 PE te rmina l Terminal signal layout P 1 Screw size: M4 Tightening torque: 1.
9 - 5 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (5) MR-J3-200B(4) POINT Connector s (CNP1, CN P2, and C NP3) and appeara nce of MR- J3-200B s ervo amplif ier have b een ch anged fr om Januar y 2008 pro duct ion. Mode l nam e of the exis ting ser vo am plifier is chang ed to MR-J 3-200 B-RT .
9 - 6 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (6) MR-J3-350B [Unit: mm] Approx.1 4 Approx. 25.5 90 168 6 78 6 45 6 156 6 6 mounti ng hole 195 21.4 Approx.80 Cooling fan wind direction Approx.
9 - 7 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (7) MR-J3-350B4 MR-J3-5 00B( 4) [Unit: mm] CHARGE Cooling fa n 130 118 6 7.5 7.5 250 235 With MR-J3BAT 200 Ap prox. 80 131. 5 68.
9 - 8 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (8) MR-J3-700B(4) [Unit: mm] 172 160 6 7.5 7.5 300 285 6 With MR-J3BAT 200 Approx.80 138 62 6 TE2 TE3 TE1 CHARGE Cooling fan 20.
9 - 9 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (9) M R-J3-1 1KB( 4) t o 22K B(4) [Unit: mm] 2- 12mounting hole 12 236 12 260 12 260 Approx. 80 Cooling fan wind direction With MR-J3BAT Rating plate 26 52 6 26 156 13 123.5 183 227 236 0.5 Approx. 260 4-M10 screw Approx. 12 Approx.
9 - 10 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS 9.2 Conn ector (1) CN1A CN1 B conn ector [Unit: mm] F0-PF2D103 F0-PF2D103-S 2.3 20.9 0.2 1.7 4.8 13.4 15 6.7 9.3 17.6 0.2 8 2.3 1.7 4.8 13. 4 15 6.7 9.3 17.6 0.2 20.9 0.2 8 (2) Min iatur e delt a rib bon (M DR) s ystem ( 3M) (a) One-touch lock ty pe [Unit: mm] E B A 23.
9 - 11 9. OUTLINE DRAW INGS (b) Jack screw M2 .6 type This i s not availa ble as option. [Unit: mm] E B A 23.8 39.0 12.7 C D 5.2 F Logo etc, are indicated here. Each type of dimension Connector Shel l kit A B C D E F 10120-3000PE 10320-52F0-008 22.0 33.
10 - 1 10. CHARACTERISTICS 10. CHARA CTERISTICS 10.1 Overl oad prot ection c haracterist ics An e lectro nic therm al r ela y is bui lt in th e ser vo am plifier to protec t t he se rvo m ot or and s ervo am plifier from overl oads.
10 - 2 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS 10000 100 0 100 10 1 0 100 200 300 During operation Durin g se rvo l ock O p e r a t i o n t i m e [ s ] (Note) Lo ad ratio [ %] MR-J3-11K B(4) to MR- J3-22K B(4) Note.
10 - 3 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS 10.2 Power suppl y equipm ent capacit y and gener ated los s (1) Am ount of he at gen erat ed b y the s ervo amplif ier Table 10.1 i ndicat es ser vo amplif iers' power s up ply ca pacit ies a nd los ses g enera ted un der r ated lo ad.
10 - 4 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS (Note 2) Servo amplifier-generat ed heat[W] Area required for heat dissipation Servo amplifi er S ervo motor (Note 1) Power supply capacity[k VA] A t rated torque With servo off [m 2 ] HF-SP702 (4) 10.0 300 25 6.0 HA-LP702 10.
10 - 5 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS (2) H eat dis sipa tion ar ea for enc losed ser vo am plifi er The enc lose d contr ol box (her eafter call ed the c ontro l box ) whic h will c ont ain the s ervo am pl ifier s houl d be desig ned to ens ure tha t its tem peratur e rise is within 10 at the am bient tem peratur e of 40 .
10 - 6 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS 10.3 D ynamic br ake c haracteristics 10.3.1 D ynamic brake oper ation (1) C alcul atio n of c oastin g d istanc e Fig. 1 0.3 sh ows the patt ern in which the ser vo m otor co m es to a st op when the d ynam ic brak e is operat ed.
10 - 7 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS Speed [r/min] T i m e c o n s t a n t [ m s ] 500 1000 1500 2000 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0 81 201 121 51 421 301 Speed [r/min] Time constant [ms] 52 500 1000 15 00 20 00 25 00.
10 - 8 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS T i m e c o n s t a n t [ m s ] 0 0 52 500 100 0 1500 200 0 202 200 152 102 160 120 80 40 302 Speed[r/min] HC-LP series (b) 400V class servo motor 5024 0 1000 2000 3000 75.
10 - 9 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS 10.3.2 T he d ynamic brak e at the l oad iner tia mom ent Use the d ynamic brake und er the lo ad iner tia mom ent rati o indic ated in the fol lowing table. If th e load inertia mom ent is h igher th an th is val ue, the b uilt- in d ynamic brake m a y bur n.
10 - 10 10. CHARA CTERIST ICS 10.4 Cable flexing lif e The f lexing life of th e cab les is sho wn b elow. This gr aph ca lcula ted values . Si nce the y are not guara ntee d values , pro vid e a li ttle allo wance f or t hese valu es.
11 - 1 11. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T W ARNING Befor e conn ectin g an y optio n or p eriph eral equipm ent, t urn of f the power and wa it for 15 m inut es or m ore until the ch arge l am p turns of f.
11 - 2 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.1.1 Com binatio ns of c able/connec tor sets 36) Direct connection type (c able length 10m or less, IP65) 15)16)17)18) Servo system cont 1)2) Personal c.
11 - 3 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 24)25) 26) Ser vo motor HC-RP HC-UP HC-LP Encoder connector Bra ke connector Power supply connector 24)25) 26) Termin al box Servo mot or HA-LP 38) 30)39)40) From previous page a) From previous p age b) No.
11 - 4 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T No. Product Model Desc ription A pplication 2) Servo amplifier power supply connector CNP1 connect or: PC4/6-STF-7.62- CRWH (Phoenix Contact) CNP2 connector: 54928-0520 (Molex) CNP3 connector: PC4/3-STF-7.62- CRWH (Phoenix Contact) Supplied with serv o amplifier s of 3.
11 - 5 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T No. Product Model Description Applic ation 9) Motor brak e cable MR- BKS1CBL M-A 1-L Cable length: 2 5 10m IP65 Load side lead 10) Motor brake cable MR- BKS1CBL M-A 1-H Cable length: 2 5 10m Brake connector HF-MP series HF-KP series Refer to sectio n 11.
11 - 6 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T No Product Model Desc ription Application 21) Encoder cable MR-EK CB L M-L Cable length: 20 30m IP20 22) Encoder cable MR-EK CB L M-H Cable length: 20 30 40 50m For HF-MP HF -KP series Refer to se ction 1 1.
11 - 7 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T No. Product Model Des cription Appli cation 32) SSCNET cable MR-J 3BUS M Cable length: 0.15 to 3m (Refer to secti on 11.1.5.) Connector: PF-2D103 (Japan Aviation Elect ronics Indust ry, Ltd.) Connector: PF-2D103 (Japan Aviation Elect ronics Indust ry, Ltd.
11 - 8 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.1.2 Enc oder cabl e/connec tor sets (1) MR-J3ENCBL M-A 1-L/ H MR-J 3ENCBL M-A2-L/H These c ab les are enco der cables f or t he HF- MP HF-KP series servo motors. The numerals in the Cable Leng th fiel d of the tabl e are the sy mbols ent ered in th e part of th e ca ble m odel .
11 - 9 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) Ca ble in ternal wiring diagra m Servo amplifier side connector Encoder side connector Plat e MR-J3ENCBL2M-L/-H MR-J3ENCBL5M-L/-H MR- J3E NCB L10 M-L /-H P5 LG 1 2 MR MRR 3 4 2 3 9 SD 5 4 6 9 LG MR MRR SHD P5 BAT BAT (2) MR-EKCBL M-L/H POINT The f ollowing en coder ca bles are of four -wire t ype.
11 - 10 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (a) C onnect ion of serv o am plifier and s er vo motor Servo mot or HF-MP HF-KP 1) MR-E KCBL M-L MR-E KCBL M-H MR-J3JCBL03M-L Cable length: 0.
11 - 11 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) Inter nal wir ing diagr am MR-EKCBL20M-L Servo amplifier side En coder side P5 LG 1 2 MR MRR 3 4 3 7 9 SD Plate 1 2 8 9 P5G MR MRR SHD P5E BAT BAT (No.
11 - 12 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (c) W hen f abricat ing the e ncod er ca ble W hen fabric atin g the c able, pre pare th e foll owin g parts and to ol, and fabr icat e it accordi ng to the wir ing diagr am in ( b). R efer t o sec tio n 11.
11 - 13 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (a) C onnect ion of serv o am plifier and s er vo motor Servo motor HF-MP HF-KP MR-J3JCBL03M-A2-L MR-E KCBL M-L/- H 1) Servo amplifier 2) Servo motor HF-M.
11 - 14 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (4) MR-J3ENSCBL M-L MR-J 3ENS CBL M- H These c ables are detec tor cables f or HF-S P HA-LP HC-RP HC-UP HC-L P Ser ies s ervo m otors . T he number in the c able lengt h col umn of the tab le ind icate s the s ymbol f illi ng the s qua re in the cab le m odel.
11 - 15 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) Inter nal wir ing diagr am P5 LG 1 2 MR MRR 3 4 4 8 9 SD 1 2 5 10 LG MR MRR SHD P5 BAT BAT Servo amplifier side connector Encoder side connector Plate.
11 - 16 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (5) MR-J3BTCBL03M This cab le is a battery connecti on cable. U se this cabl e to retain th e current position even i f the detect or cable is dis con nect ed fr om the s erv o am plifi er. Cable model Cable lengt h Applic ation MR-J3BTCBL03M 0.
11 - 17 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.1.3 M otor po wer suppl y cables These c ables are motor power sup ply cab les f or th e HF- MP HF-KP seri es servo mo tors . The numeral s in the Cable l ength f ield of the ta ble are th e s ymbols e ntere d in the part of the cab le m odel.
11 - 18 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.1.4 M otor brak e cables Thes e cables are m otor br ak e cables f or the HF-MP HF-KP s eries ser vo motors . T he num erals in th e Cab le len gth fiel d of the ta ble are th e symbols en tered in the part of the ca ble m odel.
11 - 19 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.1.5 SSCN ET cable POINT Do not see directl y the light generated from CN1A CN1B connector of servo amplif ier or the end of SSCNET cable. W hen the light gets i nto e ye, you ma y feel som ething is wrong f or e ye.
11 - 20 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (3) Ou tlin e dra wings (a) MR-J3BUS015M [Unit: mm] (13.4) (2.3) (1.7 ) (37.65) (15) (6.7 ) (20.9) Protective tube 0 150 50 0 8 (b) MR-J3BUS03M to MR-J3BUS3M Refe r to the ta ble sh own in (1) o f this secti on fo r cable len gth (L).
11 - 21 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.2 Regenerat ive options CAUTION The spec ifie d com bina tions of reg ener ative opt ions a nd serv o ampl ifiers m ay onl y be use d.
11 - 22 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (2) Se lect ion of the r egen erative opti on Use the f oll owin g metho d whe n rege nerati on occ urs co ntin uousl y in v ertic al m otion applic ations or when it is des ired to m ake an in-dep th sel ectio n of t he re gener ati ve option .
11 - 23 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) L osses of ser vo m otor a nd se rvo am plif ier in reg ener ative m ode The f ollow ing tab le lis ts the eff icienc ies an d other data of the ser vo m otor an d ser vo am plifier in the regener ati ve m ode.
11 - 24 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T The f ollow ing are s ettin g val ues for regen erati ve resis tor a nd rege nerat ive opt ion whic h are used with a servo am pl ifier of 11k to 22kW .
11 - 25 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (a) MR-J3- 350B or less MR-J3- 200B4 or less Alwa ys rem ove th e wir ing fr om ac ross P- D a nd fit t he re genera tive option acros s P- C. The G 3 an d G4 term inals ac t as a ther m al sens or. G 3-G 4 is disc onnect ed when t he r egen erati ve option ove rheats ab normally .
11 - 26 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) MR-J3-350B4 MR-J3-5 00B( 4) MR-J3-700B(4) Alway s remove th e wiring (across P-C ) of the servo ampli fier built-in r egenera tive resist or and fi t the regener ati ve opt ion acr oss P-C. The G 3 an d G4 term inals ac t as a t herm al sens or.
11 - 27 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T The dra wing below s hows t he MR-J 3-35 0B4 MR-J3-50 0B(4) . Refer to sec tion 9. 1 ( 6) outli ne dra wings for the posi tion of the fix ing screw f or MR- J3-700 B(4).
11 - 28 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (c) MR- J3-11 KB(4) to MR-J 3-22 KB(4) (when usin g the supp lied re gener ati ve resis tor) W hen using t he r egener ativ e res istors supp lied to the s erv o am plifi er, the spec ified num ber of r esist ors (4 or 5 r esis tors) mus t be co nnecte d in series .
11 - 29 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (d) M R-J3-1 1KB( 4)-PX to M R-J3-2 2KB(4)- PX ( when using the re gener ati ve opt ion) The M R-J3- 11K B(4)- PX to MR- J3-2 2KB( 4)-PX ser vo am plif iers are not supp lie d with rege nerat ive resist ors.
11 - 30 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (5) Ou tlin e dra wing (a) MR-RB032 MR-RB 12 [Unit: mm (in)] LA 5 LB TE1 6 6 1 5 6 1 6 8 1 4 4 1 2 A p p r o x . 6 A p p r o x . 1 2 Ap pro x. 20 LD 1.6 LC G3 G4 P C 6 mounting hole MR-RB TE1 Terminal block G3 G4 P C Terminal screw: M3 Tightening torque: 0.
11 - 31 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) MR-RB30 MR-R B31 MR-RB 32 MR-RB34- 4 MR-RB3M -4 MR- RB3G-4 TE1 Terminal block G3 G4 P C Terminal sc rew: M4 Tightening torque: 1.2 [ N m] (10.62 [lb in]) Mounting screw Screw size: M6 Tightening torque: 5.
11 - 32 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (d) MR-RB5E MR-R B9P MR- RB9F MR-R B6B-4 MR- RB60 -4 MR-RB 6K-4 Terminal block G3 G4 P C Terminal sc rew: M5 Tightening torque: 2.0 [ N m] (17.70 [lb in]) Mounting screw Screw size: M8 Tightening torque: 13.
11 - 33 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (f) MR-RB1H-4 Terminal screw: M3 Tightening torque: 0. 5 to 0.6 [N m] (4.43 to 5.31 [lb in]) G3 G4 P C Mounting screw Screw size: M5 Tightening torque: 3. 24 [N m] (28.32 [lb in]) Regenerative option Mass [kg ] ([lb]) MR-RB1H-4 1.
11 - 34 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.3 FR- BU2-(H) Br ake uni t POINT Use a 200V class brak e unit and a resistor unit with a 2 00V class servo amplif ier, and a 400V c lass brak e unit and a resistor unit with a 4 00V class servo am plifier .
11 - 35 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.3.1 Sel ectio n Use a c ombin atio n of servo am plifier , brak e uni t and res istor u nit l isted belo w. Brake unit Resistor unit Number of connected units Per missibl e continuous power [kW] Total resistanc e [ ] Applic able servo amplifier 200V FR-BU2-15K FR-BR-15K 1 0.
11 - 36 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.3.3 Connec tion ex ample POINT Connectin g PR term inal of the brak e unit to P ter minal of the ser vo am plifier results in brak e unit m alfunction. Alwa ys connect the PR ter minal of the brak e unit to t he PR ter minal of the res istor unit.
11 - 37 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) W hen c onnect ing t wo brak e un its to a ser vo am plifi er POINT To us e brake units with a p arallel co nnect ion, use t wo sets of FR-BU2 br ake unit. Com bination with ot her br ake unit res ults in alarm occurr ence or malfunc tion.
11 - 38 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T Controller forced stop RA3 NFB 24VDC ALM RA1 MC SK MC ON OFF EM1 Servo mot or thermal relay RA2 (Note 7) (Note 1) Power supply N/ P/ BUE SD PR B C A SD MS.
11 - 39 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (2) Combination with MT-BR5-(H) resistor unit NFB 24VDC ALM RA1 MC SK MC ON OFF EM1 Servo m otor thermal relay RA2 (Note 1) Power supply N/ P/ BUE SD PR B.
11 - 40 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (3) Precautions for wiring The c ables betwe en t he ser vo am plif ier a nd t he br ake u nit, an d bet ween the r esist or un it and the brak e uni t shoul d be as sh ort as poss ible . Al ways t wist the c able lon ger t han 5m (t wist f ive tim es or m or e per one meter ).
11 - 41 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 2) Contr ol c ircui t term ina l POINT Undertight ening ca n cause a cable d isconnect ion or m alfunctio n. Overtighte ning can cause a s hort circ uit or m alfunc tion due to d am age to the screw or t he brak e unit.
11 - 42 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (5) Cr im ping te rm inals f or P and N term inals of s ervo am pl ifier (a) R ecomm ende d crim ping term inals POINT Always use recom mended c rimping t erm inals or equ ivale nt since s ome crimping t erm inals c annot be ins talled depend ing on th e size.
11 - 43 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.3.4 Out line dim ension dr awin gs (1) FR-BU2- (H) brake un it [Unit: mm] FR-BU2-15K Rating plate 5 hole (Screw size: M4) 68 6 56 6 5 18.5 52 62 4 132.5 FR-BU2-30K FR-BU2-H30K 129.5 5 59 18.5 Rating plate 52 2- 5 hole (Screw size: M4) 5 108 6 6 96 FR-BU2-55K FR-BU2-H55K, H75K 18.
11 - 44 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (2) FR-BR- (H) resistor unit [Unit: mm] 2- C Control circuit terminal Main circuit terminal W1 1 Approx. 35 Approx. 35 204 Hanging bolt C C W 5 For FR-BR-55K/FR-BR-H55K, a hanging bolt is placed on two locations (Indicated below).
11 - 45 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.4 Power regener ation c onverter W hen using t he p ower r egener ation conv erter , set " 01" in para meter No .PA02. (1) Selecti on The co nverte rs can conti nuously return 75% o f the nomina l rege nerative power.
11 - 46 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (2) C onnect ion ex am ple NFB MC Servo amplifier L 11 L 21 L 1 L 2 L 3 SK ON MC BC NP C RDY SE Alar m output RDY output A B C 5m o r less Operation ready.
11 - 47 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (3) Ou tside dim ensio ns of t he po wer re gener atio n con verters [Unit : mm] AA A C F K EE BA B E D 2- D hole Rating plate Front cove r Display panel .
11 - 48 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.5 Power regener ation c omm on converter POINT Use the FR-C V for the ser vo am plifier of 200V clas s and th e FR-CV-H for that of 400V c lass. For deta ils of the power r egenerat ion com m on convert er FR-CV- (H), ref er to the FR-C V-(H) Ins tallat ion Guide (IB(N A)060007 5).
11 - 49 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T The fol lowing ta ble lists the restr ictions . FR-CV- Item 7. 5K 11K 15K 22K 30K 37K 55K Maximum number of connected servo am plifiers 6 Total of c onnectable servo amplifier c apacities [kW ] 3.75 5.5 7.
11 - 50 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (3) C onnect ion di agram (a) 200V class P 1 DOCOM RA1 EM1 C B R/L 11 3-phase 200 to 230VAC S/L 21 T/L 31 R2/L 1 S2/L 22 R2/L 12 T2/L 32 S2/L 2 (Note 3) P.
11 - 51 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) 400V class P 1 (Note 8) Stepdow n transfor mer DOCOM RA1 EM1 C B R/L 11 3-phase 380 to 480VAC S/L 21 T/L 31 R2/L 1 S2/L 22 R2/L 12 T2/L 32 S2/L 2 (Not.
11 - 52 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (4) Se lect ion ex am ple of wires used f or wiring POINT Selectio n con dition of wire si ze is as f ollows.
11 - 53 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) Exam ple of select ing th e wire s izes W hen connect ing m ultip le ser vo am plif iers, al wa ys use j unction term inals f or wir ing th e ser vo am plifier term inals P, N. A lso, conn ect the ser vo am plifier s in the order of larg er to sm aller ca pacit ies.
11 - 54 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (5) Ot her pr ecaut ions (a) Al ways us e the FR-CV L-( H) as th e po wer fact or im provi ng react or. Do not use th e FR-B AL or F R-B EL.
11 - 55 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (6) S pecif ica tions Power regeneration comm on converter FR-CV- Item 7.5K 11K 15K 22K 30K 37K 55K Total of c onnectable servo amplifier c apacities [kW] 3.75 5.5 7. 5 11 15 18.5 27. 5 Maximum s ervo amplifi er capacity [kW] 3.
11 - 56 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.6 Extern al dynam ic brake POINT Configure up a sequ ence whic h switc hes off the contac t of the brak e unit af ter (or as s oon as) it has turne d off the servo on s ignal at a po wer failur e or failure.
11 - 57 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (2) C onnect ion ex am ple NFB L 11 L 21 U V W U V W M Servo amplifier Serv o motor RA2 MC SK MC ON OFF ALM RA1 Operation-ready EM1 L 3 L 2 L 1 (Note 5) P.
11 - 58 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T Servo moto r rotation Coasting Alarm RA1 ON OFF Forced stop (EM1) Absent Invalid Valid Short Open a. Timing chart at alarm o ccurrence b.
11 - 59 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (3) Ou tlin e dim ension dra wing (a) DBU-11K DBU- 15K DBU- 22K UV W D 100 D 5 C E G F 2.3 Terminal block Screw : M3.5 Screw : M4 B A 5 E 13 14 E (GND) ab [Uni t: mm] Tightening torque: 1.2 [N m](10.6 [lb in]) Tightening torque: 0.
11 - 60 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) DBU-11K-4 DBU-2 2K-4 [Unit: mm] 15 51 25 15 73. 75 7 25 150 10 200 170 178.5 179.5 15 260 280 43 10 2- 7mounting hole 195 228 26 26 210 2.3 Mass: 6. 7[kg] a TE1 Tightening torque: 0.8[N m](7[lb in]) Scre w: M3 .
11 - 61 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.7 Junc tion term inal bl ock PS7DW -20V14B-F (r ecom mended) (1) H ow to us e the j unct ion t erm inal block Alwa ys use the j unct ion te rm inal bloc k (P S7W -20V1 4B-F( YOSHID A EL ECTRIC INDU STR Y)) with th e option c able (MR-J 2HBUS M) as a set.
11 - 62 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (3) Ou tline draw ings of junc tion t erm inal bl ock [Unit : mm] TB.E ( 6) 36.5 27. 8 18.8 7.6 2 44.11 54 63 4 .
11 - 63 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (2) S ystem conf igurat ion (a) C ompone nts To us e this soft ware , the f ollo wing c om ponents are re quir ed i n addi tion t o the ser vo am plif ier a nd ser vo mot or.
11 - 64 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.9 Batter y MR-J3BAT POINT The revis ion (E dition 44) of the D angerous Goods Rule of the Internat ional A ir Trans port Assoc iation (I ATA) went i nto ef fect on J anuar y 1, 2003 and was enforc ed imm ediatel y.
11 - 65 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.10 Heat s ink outsi de mounti ng attachm ent (MR-J 3ACN) Use the hea t sink outsid e mou nting a ttac hment t o m ount the heat generat ion area of the.
11 - 66 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (3) Fi tting m eth od Fit using the assembling screws. Attac hment Servo amplifier Attac hment Servo amplifier Punched hole Control box a. Assembling the heat sink outside mounti ng attachment b. Installat ion to the control box (4) Ou tlin e dim ension dra wing [Unit: mm] 236 280 Approx.
11 - 67 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.11 Selec tion exam ple of wires POINT Refer to sect ion 11.1.5 for SSCNET cable . W ires indicated i n this s ection ar e separat ed wires .
11 - 68 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (a) W hen using the 60 0V P olyvin yl chlor ide ins ulat ed wire (I V wire) Selec tion exampl e of wire si ze when us ing IV wir es is in dicate d belo w.
11 - 69 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) W hen using the 60 0V Gr ade heat- resis tant pol yvin yl chlori de insu lated wire (HIV wir e) Selec tion exampl e of wire s ize when us ing HIV wir es is indic ated bel ow.
11 - 70 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (c) Se lec tion ex ampl e of crim ping t erm inals Selec tion exam ple of c rimpi ng term ina ls for the ser vo am plifi er ter mina l box when us ing th e wir es mentio ned in (1) (a) a nd ( b) in this s ecti on is ind icate d belo w.
11 - 71 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (2) Wires for cables W hen fabric atin g a ca ble, u se t he wir e mode ls given in the follo wing table or eq uiva lent.
11 - 72 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.12 No-f use break ers, f uses, m agnetic co ntactors Alwa ys use one no- fuse break er a nd on e magn etic c ont actor with o ne s ervo a m plifier. W hen using a fus e instea d of the no-f use bre ak er, use th e one havi ng the spec ific atio ns given i n this se ction.
11 - 73 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T Rating plate L H B or le ss E A or le ss Terminal box - sc rew size G Mounting leg D F C or less Servo amplifier P 1 P 2 (Not e 2) FR-BEL-(H) 2-F L notch .
11 - 74 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.14 Po wer factor impr oving AC r eactors The p ower f act or im prov ing AC re acto rs im prov e th e phas e fac tor b y increas ing the f orm factor of serv o amplif ier's inp ut cur rent. It can reduce the power capaci ty.
11 - 75 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T Dimensions [mm] Serv o amplif ier Model W W 1 H D D1 C Mount ing screw si ze Termina l screw si ze Mass [kg (l b)] MR-J3- 10B 20B 10B 1 FR-BAL-0.4K 135 12 0 115 59 45 0 -2.5 7.5 M4 M3.5 2. 0 (4.4 1) MR-J3- 40B 20B1 FR -BAL-0.
11 - 76 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.16 Sur ge absorber s (rec omm ended) A surge absor ber is required for the electromagnetic brake. Use the following surge absorber or equivalent. W hen using t he s urge absor ber, p erf orm insulat ion bef oreh and to preve nt shor t-cir cuit.
11 - 77 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (c) T echni ques f or no ises ra diated b y the ser vo am plif ier th at caus e per ipher al de vic es to m alf unctio n Noises prod uced by the s er vo a.
11 - 78 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T Noise transmiss ion route Suppression t echniques 1) 2) 3) When meas uring instrum ents, rec eivers, sens ors, etc.
11 - 79 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) Surge suppresso r The rec omm ended s urge suppr ess or for inst allat ion to an AC rela y, AC val ve or the l ike ne ar the ser vo am plifier is s hown belo w. U se this pro duct or e quiva lent . MC Surge suppr essor Relay Surge suppresso r This distance should be short (within 20cm).
11 - 80 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T Outli ne dra wing [Unit: mm] Earth plate Clamp section diagram (Note)M4 sc rew 1 1 3 6 C A 6 22 17.5 35 3 5 L or less 10 3 0 7 2 4 0 0 . 2 2 4 0 . 3 0 B 0 . 3 2- 5 hole installation hole Note. Sc rew hole f or grounding.
11 - 81 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (d) Lin e no ise f ilter (F R-BSF 01, FR -BLF) This filter is ef fec tive in s uppr essi ng nois es r adiate d fr om the po wer su ppl y side an d outp ut sid e of th e servo am pl ifier a nd a lso in suppres sing high-f reque nc y leak age curr ent ( zero- phase c urre nt) es pecia lly wi thin 0.
11 - 82 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (f) Varistors for input po wer supp ly (Recom m ended) Varist ors ar e ef fectiv e to pr event ex oge nous n oise a nd li ghtnin g sur ge from enter ing th e ser vo am plifi er. W hen using a var istor , connec t it betwee n each ph ase of th e inpu t power suppl y of the eq uipm ent.
11 - 83 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.18 Leak age cur rent break er (1) Se lect ion m ethod High-f reque ncy ch opper c urren ts co ntrol led b y puls e width m odulatio n fl ow in t he AC serv o circ uits.
11 - 84 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T Table 11.4 Servo motor's leak age current example (Igm) Table 11.5 Servo amplif ier's leakage current example (Iga) Servo m otor power [kW] Leakage current [mA] Servo amplifi er capacity [kW] Leakage current [mA] 0.
11 - 85 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T 11.19 EMC f ilter ( recom mended) For com plianc e with t he E MC dir ectiv e of the E N Sta ndard, it is rec omm ended to use th e fol lowing f ilter . Som e EMC f ilter s are large in l eakag e curr ent.
11 - 86 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (3) Ou tlin e dra wing (a) EMC filte r HF3010 A-UN [Unit: mm] M4 IN 3-M4 65 4 Approx.41 4-5 .5 7 258 4 273 2 288 4 300 5 3-M4 85 2 32 2 110 4 HF3030 A-UN .
11 - 87 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T HF3100 A-UN 2-6.5 8 M8 2- 6.5 145 1 165 3 M6 380 1 400 5 160 3 M8 TF3005 C-TX T X3020C- TX TF3030C-TX [Unit: mm] 290 2 100 1 308 5 332 5 Approx.12.2 3-M4 16 16 6-R3.25 length8 M4 M4 125 2 140 1 155 2 IN 150 2 Approx.
11 - 88 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T TF3040 C-TX T F3060 C-TX [Unit: mm] K 2 L J H 5 M6 C 2 D 1 B 5 A 5 Approx.17 3-M6 22 22 8-M M4 M4 G 2 3-M6 F 1 E 2 IN D 1 D 1 Dimensi ons [mm] Model A B C D E F G H J K L M TF3040C-TX TF3060C-TX 438 412 390 100 175 160 145 200 Approx.
11 - 89 11. OPTIONS AND AUX ILIARY EQUIPMEN T (b) Sur ge pr otect or RAV -781BY Z-2 4.5 0.5 1 3 2 41 1. 0 28.5 1.0 28 1.0 4 .2 0.2 200 30 0 UL-1015AWG16 5.5 1 11 1 [Unit: mm] Black 1) 2) 3) Black B lack RAV -781B XZ-4 1 3 2 UL-1015AWG16 4 .2 0.2 5.5 1 11 1 28.
12 - 1 12. ABSOLUTE PO SITION DETECTIO N SYSTEM 12. ABSOLU TE POSITION DE TECTION SYSTEM CAUTION If an absolut e pos itio n eras e alar m ( 25) or a bsolu te p ositio n coun ter war nin g (E3) has oc curre d, a lways per for m home pos ition s ett ing ag ain .
12 - 2 12. ABSOLUTE POSITION DETECTION SYSTEM 12.2 Specif ications POINT Repla ce the batte r y with only the cont rol circuit power ON. Removal o f the battery with t he cont rol circuit power OFF will e rase the ab solute po sition data .
12 - 3 12. ABSOLUTE POSITION DETECTION SYSTEM 12.3 Batter y installat ion procedur e W ARNING Befor e inst allin g a b atter y, tur n off the m ain c ircuit powe r whil e kee ping t he c ontro l circui t power on. W ait f or 15 m inutes or m ore ( 20 m inute s or f or dr ive uni t 30kW or mo re) until the c harge lam p turns off .
12 - 4 12. ABSOLUTE POSITION DETECTION SYSTEM (2) For MR-J3-500B or more MR-J3- 350B4 o r more Inser t conne ctor into CN4..
12 - 5 12. ABSOLUTE POSITION DETECTION SYSTEM 12.4 Conf irm ation of abso lute pos ition detec tion dat a You ca n conf irm the a bsolu te p ositi on dat a wit h MR Co nf igurator . Choose "Diag nostic s" and "Absol ute Encod er Dat a" to open the abs olute posi tion d ata d ispla y scr een.
13 - 1 13. SERVO AMPLIFIERS WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k T O 55kW ) 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S W ITH A LARGE CAPAC ITY (30k TO 55kW) This ch apter expl ain s the MELSERV O-J3-B seri es AC servo fe aturing a large capa city of 200V (30k to 37kW )/400V (30k to 55kW ).
13 - 2 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.1.1 Func tion bl ock diagr am The fu nction block di agram of thi s servo i s shown below .
13 - 3 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) Model positio n control Model speed contro l L L L L Current co ntr ol Actual speed contro l Actual position control OHS2 Optional ba.
13 - 4 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.1.2 Pac king lis t Unpack the produc t a nd ch eck the r ating plate to se e if t he con vert er un it, dr ive unit and ser vo m otor are as you ordered . (1) Converter unit POINT Regenerat ive resis tor and power fac tor im proving DC reac tors are op tion.
13 - 5 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.1.3 St andard sp ecif ications (1) Converter unit Model Item MR-J3-CR55K MR-J3-CR55K4 Voltage/f requency 3-phase 200 t o 230VAC, 5.
13 - 6 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) Drive unit (a) 200V class Model Item MR-J3-DU30KB MR-J3-DU37K B Voltage/f requency 1-phase 200 t o 230VAC, 50/60Hz Permiss ible v.
13 - 7 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) 400V class Model Item MR-J3-DU30KB 4 MR-J3-DU37KB 4 MR-J3-DU45KB4 MR-J3-DU55K B4 Voltage/f requency 1-phas e 380 to 480VAC, 50/60.
13 - 8 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.1.4 M odel def inition (1) Rating plate Serial number POWER MITSUB ISHI AC S ERVO MADE IN JAPAN MODEL MR-J3-CR 55K MITSUBIS HI ELE.
13 - 9 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.1.5 Com binatio ns of c onverter uni ts, dri ve unit and servo m otors The f ollowi ng tabl es in dicat e th e com binati ons of the co nver ter un its, dr ive unit a nd s ervo m otors.
13 - 10 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.1.6 Pa rts id entif ication (1) Converter unit (MR-J3-CR55K(4)) POINT The s ervo amplif ier is s how n without th e fr ont cover. F or rem oval of the front cover, ref er to sec tion 13.
13 - 11 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) Drive unit (MR-J3-DU 30KB4 MR-J3-DU37KB4 ) POINT The s ervo amplif ier is s how n with th e front cov er open ed. For rem ova l of the front c over, refer to sect ion 13.1.7. 7 9 6 8 5 4 3 2 1 0 F E D C B A 12 ON 4F SW1 SW2 TEST Cooling fan Chapter 4 Section 3.
13 - 12 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (3) Drive unit (MR-J3-DU 30KB MR-J3-DU 37K B MR-J3-DU4 5KB4 MR-J3- DU55K B4) POINT This servo am plifier is show n without th e front c over. F or rem oval of the front cover, ref er to sec tion 13.
13 - 13 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.1.7 Rem oval an d reins talla tion of the term inal bloc k c over CAUTION Be fore re moving or in stalling the fro nt cov er, tu rn off t he pow er and wait fo r 20 minutes or m ore u ntil t he c harge lam p turns off.
13 - 14 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) H ow to r einst all the ter mina l bl ock c over A) B) C) D) 1) 2) Mounting screw 1) Pu t the te rminal block cov er on an d match th e screw h oles of the c over f it with th ose of the main u nit.
13 - 15 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) MR-J3-DU30KB4 or MR-J3-DU37KB4 (a) Upper terminal block cover 1) How to open A ) A)' Pull u p th e cov er us ing th e axis A), A)' as a suppor t. W hen pulled up t o the to p, t he co ver is fixe d.
13 - 16 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 2) Ho w to clos e Setting tab A) A)' Close the co ver us ing t he ax is A) , A)' as a suppor t. Setting tab Press th e cover agains t the term ina l box until the ins tall ing k nobs c lick .
13 - 17 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) Lower terminal blo ck cover 1) How to open Hold th e bot tom of the t erm inal bl ock cover with both ha nds . B) B)' Pull u p th e cov er us ing th e axis B), B)' as a suppor t.
13 - 18 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 2) Ho w to clos e Setting tab Setting tab Hold th e bot tom of the t erm inal bl ock cover with both ha nds . B) B)' Close the co ver us ing t he ax is B) , B)' as a suppor t.
13 - 19 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.1.8 Ser vo s ystem with aux iliary equ ipment L L BV BW BU L 11 L 21 L 11 RS T 3-phase AC power supply MR Configurator L (Note 1).
13 - 20 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.2 Installa tion CAUTION Stack ing in exces s of the l im ited num ber of prod ucts is no t allo wed. Instal l the e qui pment t o inco m bustibles . Ins talli ng them dir ectl y or clos e to com bustibles will le d to a fire.
13 - 21 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.2.1 Instal lation direc tion and clearanc es CAUTION Instal l the e qui pment i n th e specif ied direct ion.
13 - 22 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.2.2 Insp ection W ARNING Befor e starting maint enanc e and/ or inspec tion, tur n off the power and wa it for 20 minutes or m ore u ntil t he c harge lam p turns off. T hen, c onf irm that the vo ltage between L and L is s afe with a vo ltag e tester and other s.
13 - 23 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.3 Signals and wiring W ARNING Any pers on who is invol ved in wir ing sho uld be ful ly compet ent to do the work . Befor e wiri ng, tur n off the p ower and wai t for 20 m inutes or m ore unt il the c har ge lamp tur ns off .
13 - 24 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) POINT Explanat ions on t he fol lowing i tem are the sam e as th ose for servo am plifiers with 22kW or less. Ref er to the secti on belo w for detai ls. I/O signal c onnect ion exam ple Ref er to secti on 3.
13 - 25 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (1) Ena bling con trol f uncti on of m agnet ic c ontact or (p aram eter No. PA02 1 (i nitia l valu e)) Connec ting t he m agnet ic co ntactor con trol connec tor (CNP 1) to the o perat ing c oil of t he m agnetic co ntactor enables to contr ol the m agnet ic contac tor.
13 - 26 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.3.2 Input power s upply cir cuit W ARNING Insula te th e con nectio ns of the power s uppl y term inals. Not doing so c an caus e an electric shoc k. Magnet ic co ntactor wir ing c onnect or on the co nvert er u nit CNP 1.
13 - 27 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (1) W hen m agnetic cont acto r contr ol co nnector (CN P1) i s m ade vali d (fac tor y-set) POINT The c onverter uni t contro ls the m ain circ uit m agnetic contac tor. Refer to s ection 13 .
13 - 28 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) 400V class (MR-J3-DU30KB4 to MR-J3-DU55KB4) Termination connector MR-J3- TM (Op tion ) L L Encoder cable Converter unit Drive un.
13 - 29 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) W hen m agnet ic co ntacto r contr ol co nnec tor (C NP1) is m ade in valid POINT The c onverter uni t contro ls the m ain circ uit m agnetic contac tor. W hen making CNP1 inval id, set "000 0" in param eter No.
13 - 30 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) 400V class (MR-J3-DU30KB4 to MR-J3-DU55KB4) 3- ph ase 380 to 480VAC 50/60Hz (Note 6) Power supply S400 R400 S400 R400 S400 R400 .
13 - 31 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.3.3 T erminal Refe r to se ction 13. 7 for the t ermin al bloc k arrang ement a nd signal layout .
13 - 32 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.3.4 How to use the c onnec tion bars Make s ure to us e the s uppli ed conn ectio n conduc tors a nd co nnect t he L and L of the dr ive uni t to th ose of the co nverter unit as sh own below.
13 - 33 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.3.5 Connec tors and sign al arrangem ents POINT The pin c onfigur ations of the conn ectors are as vi ewed f rom the c able connector wir ing section. (1) Converter unit CN6 Leave this open.
13 - 34 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) Drive unit The dri ve un it fron t vie w sh own is that of the M R-J3- DU30 KB4, M R-J3-D U37K B4 or less . Ref er to sec tion 13.7 Ou tline Dr awin gs f or the ap peara nces and c onnec tor l ayouts of the MR- J3-DU 30K B, MR-J3- DU3 7KB, MR-J3-D U45 KB4, MR-J 3-DU55 KB4.
13 - 35 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.3.6 Conv erter u nit signal (device) explan ations POINT Explanat ions on t he dr ive unit s ignals ar e the sam e as those for s ervo amplif iers with 22kW or less. Refer to s ection 3.
13 - 36 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) I/O interfaces (a) Digital inpu t interface (DI) Give a signa l with a rel ay or open c ollec tor tra nsist or. Re fer to s ection 3.7.3 f or th e sour ce i nput. EM1 Converter unit Switch Approx.
13 - 37 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.3.7 T iming char t (1) Power circuit timing chart Power-o n proc edure (a) Al ways wire t he power sup ply as s ho wn in a bove s ectio n 13 .3.2 us ing th e m agnetic contac tor with th e main c ircuit po wer su ppl y (3-phas e: L 1 , L 2 , L 3 ).
13 - 38 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 2) W hen contro l functi on of m agnetic co ntactor is enab led and th e status returns to read y off The m agnet ic cont act or of t he con verter uni t is t urned of f with s ervo off , and the m ai n circ uit m agnet ic contac tor is shu t off .
13 - 39 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 3) W hen con troll ing m agnet ic cont actor by ex tern al seq uence W hen an alar m oc curs, tur n O FF the m agnetic c ontac to r b y the ext ernal s equenc e and sh ut off the main ci rcuit pow er supply .
13 - 40 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) Al arm occurr ence t iming chart CAUTION W hen an alarm has oc cur red, rem ove its caus e, m ak e sure tha t the op erati on sign al is not bei ng input, en sure safe ty, and rese t the alar m before re starting operat ion.
13 - 41 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 2) Dri ve unit W hen an alar m oc curs on the dr ive u nit, th e base circu it is shut off and the s ervo m ot or co asts. W hen using a d ynamic brak e (option) , the d ynamic br ake is ac tivate d to st op t he ser vo m otor.
13 - 42 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) W hen c ontro lling m agn etic c ont actor by ex tern al seq uenc e 1) Con verter unit W hen an alar m oc curs on the c onvert er un it, t he ser vo-on t urns OF F; however , t he m ain circ uit p ower suppl y is not sh ut off .
13 - 43 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 2) Dri ve unit W hen an alar m oc curs in th e dri ve unit, the dr ive u nit t urns i nto t he ser vo of f but t he m ain circ uit power s uppl y is not sh ut off . Ther efore, shut off the mai n cir cuit po wer s upp ly usin g the externa l sequenc e.
13 - 44 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (3) Forced stop (EM1) ON/OFF tim ing chart (a) W hen contro l funct ion of m agnet ic contr oller is enabl ed 1) Con verter unit W h.
13 - 45 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 2) W hen CN P1 is inva lid W hen the forc ed st op (E M1) is in put in the c onver ter un it, th e driv e un it in o perat ion s tops a nd Ma in circui t off warn ing ( E9) ap pears.
13 - 46 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) Forc ed sto p in the drive unit W hen the forc ed st op (E M1) is made va lid in the dr ive unit, t he dr ive u nit in opera tio n stops , Mai n circ uit off w ar ning (E9) appear s, and th en the dri ve unit is for ced ly stop ped.
13 - 47 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.3.8 Ser vo m otor side d etails Encod er co nnector sign al ar rangem ent CM10-R10 P Terminal No.
13 - 48 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) Signal name Abbrevi ation Description Serv o motor power supply U V W Connect to the motor power terminals (U, V, W) of the drive unit. During power-on, do not open or c lose the m otor power line.
13 - 49 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.4 Disp la y section and o peration s ection of the con verter unit 13.4.1 D ispla y flowchart Use th e d ispla y (3- dight, 7-s egment LED) on the f ront pane l of t he c onvert er u nit f or st atus dis pla y, param eter settin g, etc.
13 - 50 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.4.2 St atus disp la y mode The s ervo sta tus dur ing o perat ion is sho wn on th e 3-di git, 7-s egm ent LED d ispl ay. Pr ess t he "UP " or " DOW N" butt on to chan ge display data a s desired .
13 - 51 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.4.3 D iagnostic m ode (1) Diagnostic li st Name Di splay Unit Not ready. Initial izing.
13 - 52 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) D isp lay def in itio n The 7-s egm ent LE D segm ents and C N1 con nector pins corres pond as sh own b elow.
13 - 53 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.4.4 Alar m m ode The c urrent alarm , par ameter error and p oint table error are d ispla yed. The l ower 2 digits on t he dis pla y indic ate the alarm number that has occurre d or t he param eter n umber in err or.
13 - 54 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) Funct ions at occ urrenc e of an alar m (1) An y mode scree n disp lays the c urrent alarm . (2) T he othe r scre en is visi ble d uring occurr enc e of an al arm . At th is tim e, the decim al p oint i n the th ird d igit flick ers .
13 - 55 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.5. Par ameter s for converter uni t CAUTION Ne ver adj ust or chan ge th e param eter valu es extr em ely as it wil l mak e oper ation instab le. POINT Refer to c hapter 5 f or param eters for drive u nit.
13 - 56 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.5.2 L ist of det ails No. S ymbol Nam e and function Initial value Unit Set ting range PA01 *REG Regenerat ive opt ion Used to select the regenerati ve option. Select the regenerative option.
13 - 57 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) No. S ymbol Nam e and function Initial value Unit Set ting range PA12 *DIF Input filter setti ng Select the input fil ter. In put si gna l fil ter If external input signal causes chattering due to noise, et c.
13 - 58 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) R emedies for alarm s CAUTION When an y alar m h as oc cur red, elim inate its c ause , en sure safet y, t hen r eset the alarm , and r estart opera tion . Oth erwis e, inj ur y may occ ur.
13 - 59 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) Display Nam e Def inition Cause Action 1. Wrong setting of paramet er No.PA01 Set correctly.
13 - 60 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) Display Nam e Def inition Cause Action 1. Wrong c onnection of the magnetic contactor. Review the wiring. 2. Parameters s pecifying whether to use/not use the magnetic contact or do not m atch the c onfiguration.
13 - 61 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (3) R emedies for warni ngs Continu ing opera tion i n an a larm occurr ence s tatus m ay resu lt in a n al arm or disa ble pr oper opera tion. Eli minate th e cause of th e warning a ccording to this secti on.
13 - 62 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.6.2 Dri ve unit POINT Explanat ion m ade in t his se ction is exclusi vely for th e dr iver unit. Other trou bleshoot ing is the sam e as that f or ser vo am plifiers with 22kW or less.
13 - 63 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (3) R emedies for warni ngs Continu ing opera tion i n an a larm occurr ence s tatus m ay resu lt in a n al arm or disa ble pr oper opera tion. Eli minate th e cause of th e warning a ccording to this secti on.
13 - 64 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.7 Outl ine dra wings POINT Refer to s ection 13 .2.1 for outline d imens ion drawing . 13.7.1 Conv erter unit ( MR-J3- CR55K(4)) [Unit: mm] 7 328 277 300 Approx. 200 180 20 Approx.
13 - 65 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.7.2 Dri ve unit (1) MR-J3-DU30KB MR-J3- DU37KB MR- J3-DU45K B4 MR- J3-DU5 5KB4 [Unit: mm] For mounting MR-J3BAT TE2-1 PE TE2-1 20 260 Approx. 200 300 180 7 TE3 TE1 328 Approx. 200 128 277 TE1 TE3 Approx.
13 - 66 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) MR-J3-DU30KB4 MR-J3- DU37KB4 [Unit: mm] 240 Approx. 200 Approx. 200 328 128 180 120 60 6 219.2 TE2 TE3 TE1 For mounting MR-J3BAT Approx. 60 Approx. 80 2- 6 Installation hole Cooling fan wind direction Terminal block layout (Terminal cover removed) Mass: 18[kg] (39.
13 - 67 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.8 Character istics 13.8.1 Ov erload pr otection charac teristics An el ectro nic t herm al re la y is built in t he c onver ter unit and drive unit to pr ot ect th e ser vo m otor, con verter u nit and dr ive u nit fr om over loa ds.
13 - 68 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.8.2 Po wer suppl y equip m ent capacit y and generat ed los s POINT The c alculation m ethod of heat dis sipati on area f or enc losed contr ol pan el is the sam e as that for servo am plifiers with 2 2kW or less.
13 - 69 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.8.3 D ynamic brake c haracteris tics (1) D ynam ic brak e oper atio n (a) C alcul atio n of c oastin g d istanc e Fig. 13.2 show s the patt ern in which the servo mot or comes to a stop when the dyna mic brake i s operat ed.
13 - 70 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) D ynam ic brak e tim e cons tant The f ollowi ng sho ws nec ess ary d ynamic brake t im e cons tant for th e equ ations ( 13.
13 - 71 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 500 1000 1500 0 2000 HA-LP30K2 HA-LP37K2 Spee d [r/mi n] Time constant [ms] 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 .
13 - 72 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.8.4 Inrus h curr ents at po wer-on of m ain cir cuit and c ontrol c ircuit The f ollow ing tab le ind icate s the inrush c urr en.
13 - 73 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (1) Mak eup of cab les a nd lik e The f ollowi ng sho ws the c abl e m akeup f or co nnect ion wit h th e servo motor and o ther m ode l. 3) Drive unit Converter unit 4) 5) 6) Terminal box Servo motor HA-LP CNP1 CN40 CN1 7) 8) 2) 1) CN40A CN40B CN2 No.
13 - 74 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) MR -J3CDL 05M(0. 5m ) Protect ion c oordi nation cabl e CAUTION Connect pr otection coordin ation cab les corr ectly if th ey are f abric ated. Other wise, the s ystem m ay perform unexpected opera tion.
13 - 75 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.9.2 Regen erative option CAUTION T he spec ifie d com bina tions of r egen erati ve opt ions , con verter unit and driv e un it ma y only be used.
13 - 76 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (4) Conne ction of t he reg enera tive opti on Alwa ys sup ply 1-p hase 2 00V a nd 400 V res pecti vel y to the c ooli ng f an. T he cool ing f an spec ific atio ns are as fol lows. Table 13.
13 - 77 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) MR-RB137 MR-RB138-4 POINT Three of MR-RB13 7 or MR- RB138-4 are requir ed per c onverter unit.
13 - 78 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (5) Ou tlin e dim ension dra wings [Unit: mm] MR-RB139 MR-RB136-4 Mas s [k g(lb ) ] 11(24.
13 - 79 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.9.3 Ext ernal d ynamic brak e POINT Configure up a sequ ence whic h switc hes off the contac t of the brak e unit af ter (or as s oon as) it has turne d off the servo on ( signa l) at a p ower f ailure or failure.
13 - 80 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) EM1 (Note 3) NFB L 1 L 2 L 3 L 11 L 21 U 1 MC 1 2 MC2 CNP1 L 11 L 21 CN3 RA1 RA4 RA1 MC SK (Note 2) RA2 RA3 CN1 1 DICOM 5 DOCOM 6 DI.
13 - 81 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (3) Ou tlin e dim ension dra wing [Unit: mm] Terminal block TE1 Terminal screw: M5 Tightening torque: 2.0 [N m] (17.7 [lb in]) Mounti ng scre w Screw size : M8 Tightening torque: 13.2 [N m] (117 [lb in ]) Terminal screw: M5 Tigh tening to rque: 0 .
13 - 82 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.9.4 Sel ectio n exam ple of wires POINT W ires indicated i n this s ection ar e separat ed wires .
13 - 83 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (1) W hen using the 60 0V P olyvin yl chlor ide ins ulat ed wire (I V wire) Selec tion exampl e of wire si ze when us ing IV wir es is in dicate d belo w.
13 - 84 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.9.5 No-f use bre akers , fuses, m agnetic co ntactors. Alwa ys use one no-f use br eak ers and one m agnetic c ontac tor with on e drive un it.
13 - 85 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.9.7 L ine nois e filter (FR-BLF) POINT This section exp lains ho w to us e the lin e noise f ilter un ique to s ervo am plif iers with a lar ge capacit y. Other noise reduct ion prod ucts ar e the sam e as those for s ervo amplif iers with 22kW or les s.
13 - 86 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.9.8 Leak age cur rent bre aker (1) Se lect ion m ethod High-f reque ncy ch opper c ur rents c ontro lled b y puls e width m odulat ion f low i n the A C ser vo circ uits .
13 - 87 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) S elect ion exam ple Indica ted belo w is an exam ple of select ing a leak age curr ent break er un der the fol lowin g condit ions .
13 - 88 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.9.9 EMC f ilter (r ecomm ended) For com plianc e with t he E MC dir ectiv e of the E N Sta ndard, it is rec omm ended to use th e fol lowing f ilter . Som e EMC f ilter s are large in l eakag e curr ent.
13 - 89 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (3) Ou tlin e dra wing HF3200 A-UN [Unit: mm] 500 5 480 1 3- 6.5 3-M10 M8 3- 6.5 Length: 8 TF3150 C-TX [Unit: mm] 150 1 150 1 150 1 452 5 500 3 3-M8 3-M8 M4 M8 M4 M4 8-R 4.
13 - 90 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 13.9.10 FR- BU2-(H) Brake Unit POINT Use a 200V class brak e unit and a resistor unit with a 2 00V class converter unit, an d a 400V c lass br ake unit a nd a res istor un it with a 4 00V clas s convert er unit.
13 - 91 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (2) Brake unit parameter settin g Norm ally, c hangi ng par ameter s of t he FR- BU2- (H) is n ot nec essar y. W hether a param eter c an be c ha nged or not i s listed below. Parameter No.
13 - 92 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) NFB Drive unit Converter unit L 1 L 2 L 3 L 11 L 21 (Note 1) Power supply L L L L 1 MC1 2 MC2 CNP1 EM1 3 20 SD Plate DICOM 10 DOCOM .
13 - 93 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) Note 1. For power supply specific ations, refer to section 13.1. 3. 2. Configure the circ uit to turn OFF the forced stop (EM1) of the drive unit and the converter unit at the same time.
13 - 94 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (b) Combination with MT-BR5-(H) resistor unit 1) W hen con necti ng a br ake unit to a c onver ter u nit NFB Drive unit Co nver te r.
13 - 95 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) 2) W hen con necti ng tw o bra ke uni ts to a con verter unit POINT To us e brake units with a p arallel co nnect ion, use t wo sets of FR-BU2- (H) brak e unit. Com bination with other brake uni t results in alar m oc currenc e or malfunc tion.
13 - 96 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) NFB Drive unit Converter unit L 1 L 2 L 3 L 11 L 21 (Note 1) Powe r supply L L L L 1 MC1 2 MC2 CNP1 EM1 3 20 SD Pl ate DICOM 10 DOCO.
13 - 97 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) Note 1. For power supply specific ations, refer to section 13.1. 3. 2. Configure the circ uit to turn OFF the forced stop (EM1) of the drive unit and the converter unit at the same time.
13 - 98 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) b) Contr ol c ircui t term ina l POINT Under tigh tening c an cause a c able dis connectio n or malf unctio n. Over tightening can caus e a shor t circuit or malf unction du e to dam age to the screw or t he brak e unit.
13 - 99 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (e) Crimping terminals for L and L term inals of T E2-1 of ser vo am plif ier 1) Rec omm ended c rim ping ter mina ls POINT Always use recom mended c rimping t erm inals or equ ivale nt since s ome crimping t erm inals c annot be ins talled depend ing on th e size.
13 - 100 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (4) Ou tlin e dim ension dra wings (a) FR-BU2- (H) brake un it [Unit: mm] FR-BU2-55K FR-BU2-H55K, H75K 18.5 Rating plate 52 72 5 142.5 5 6 158 6 170 2- 5hole (Screw size: M4) (b) FR-BR- (H) resistor unit [Unit: mm] 2- C Control circuit terminal Main circuit terminal W1 1 Approx.
13 - 101 13. SERVO AMPLIFIER S WITH A LARGE CAPACITY ( 30k TO 55kW ) (c) MT-BR5- (H) resistor unit [Unit: mm] Resistor unit Resistance value Approximate ma ss [ kg ] 200V clas s MT-BR5-55K 2.0 50 400V clas s MT-BR5-H75K 6.5 70 4 15 mounting hole 300 75 75 450 7.
App. - 1 A PPENDIX App. 1 Par ameter list POINT Param eter whose s ymbol is prec eded b y * is m ade valid with th e follo wing conditio ns. * : Set the p aram eter value , s witch po wer off onc e after s etting, and t hen switch it on again, or p erform the contr oller res et.
App. - 2 A PPENDI X Extension sett ing parameters (PC ) I/ O setting parameters (PD ) No. Symbol Name No. Symbol Name PC01 *ERZ Error excess ive alarm level PC02 MBR E lectromagnet ic brake sequenc e .
App. - 3 A PPENDI X App. 2 Sig nal layout recor ding paper 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DI1 MO1 DICOM LG DOCOM DICOM LZ DI2 MO2 EM1 LG LBR LA LB LZR LAR DI3 App. 3 Tw in type conn ector : Outli ne draw ing for 721- 2105/026- 000(WAGO) [Unit: mm] DC 2.
App. - 4 A PPENDI X Ap p. 4 Change of connector sets to the RoHS compatible products The f ollowi ng con nector s et s have b een c hang ed to R oHS c om pliant s ince Septem ber 2006. RoHS complia nt and non -RoHS complian t conne ctor sets may be mixed ba sed on avail abili ty.
App. - 5 A PPENDI X App. 5 MR -J3-200B- RT serv o ampli fier Connec tors (C NP1, CNP2 , and C NP3) and a ppear ance of MR-J 3-200 B ser vo am plif ier ha ve bee n chan ged from Januar y 2008 pr oduct ion. Mo del n ame of the exis ting s ervo am plif ier is chang ed to MR-J 3-20 0B-RT .
App. - 6 A PPENDI X App. 5.2 Configurat ion inc ludi ng auxiliar y equipm ent (1.8 C onfigur ation i ncludi ng auxil iar y equipm ent) R S T P C L 21 P 1 P 2 UV W L 11 L 1 L 2 L 3 CN5 CN3 CN2 CN1A CN1.
App. - 7 A PPENDI X App. 5.3 CN P1, CNP 2, CNP3 wiring m ethod (3.3.3 C NP1, CNP 2, CNP3 wiring m ethod) (a) Ser vo am plif ier po wer s upp ly conn ectors Servo amplifier power supply connectors CNP3 CNP1 CNP2 Connector for CNP 1 PC4/6-STF-7.
App. - 8 A PPENDI X App. 5.4 O UTLINE DR AW INGS (Chapter 9 OUT LINE DRAW INGS) [Unit: mm] Approx.1 4 Approx. 25.5 90 168 6 78 6 45 6 156 6 6 mounti ng hole 195 21.4 Approx.80 Cooling fan wind direction Approx.68 6 85 With MR-J 3BAT 6 Mass: 2.3 [kg] (5.
App. - 9 A PPENDI X App. 6 Sel ection ex ample of ser vo motor power cable POINT Selectio n con ditio n of wire si ze is as f ollows . W ire length: 30m or les s Depending on the ca ble sel ected, ther e ma y be cases that the c able do es not fit into the Mitsubis hi opt ional or recom mended c able c lamp.
REVISIONS *The m anual num ber is g iven on th e bottom left of the bac k cover . Print Data * Manual N umber Revision May, 2005 SH(NA)030051-A First edition Jan., 2006 SH(NA)030051-B Addition of serv o amplifier M R-J3-11KB(4), 1 5KB(4) and 22KB (4) Addition of se rvo motor HC -RP, HC-UP, H C-LP and HA-LP4 ser ies Section 1.
Print Data * Manual N umber Revision Jul., 2007 SH(NA)030051-C Section 1.2(1) Section 1.3 Section 1.3(2) Section 1.5(2) Section 1.6 Section 1.7 Section 1.7.1(1) (3) Section 1.7.2 Section 1.8 Section 1.8(1) ( a) Section 1.8(2) t o (7) Section 2.1(b) Chapter 3 Section 3.
Print Data *Manual Number Rev ision Jul., 2007 SH(NA)030051-C Section 3.10.2( 3) Section 3.10.2( 3) (b) Section 3.11.3( 1) Section 3.12 Section 4.3(2) Chapter 5 Section 5.1.3 Section 5.1.8 Section 5.2.1 Section 5.3.1 Section 5.3.2 Section 5.3.3(2) Section 6.
Print Data *Manual Number Rev ision Jul., 2007 SH(NA)030051-C Section 11.1.1 Section 11.1.2( 1) Section 11.1.2( 1) (a) Section 11.1.2( 1) (a) (c) Section 11.1.2( 2) Section 11.1.2( 2) (a) Section 11.1.2( 3) (a) (c) Section 11.1.2( 4) (a) Section 11.1.
Print Data *Manual Number Rev ision Jul., 2007 SH(NA)030051-C Section 11.11( 1) Section 11.12 Section 11.13 Section 11.14 Section 11.18 Section 11.19 Section 11.19( 1) Section 11.19( 3) Section 12.3(1) Chapter 13 Section 13.1.6( 1) Section 13.1.6( 2) (3) Section 13.
Print Data * Manual N umber Revision Jul., 2007 SH(NA)030051-C Section 13.5.2 Section 13.6.1( 3) Section 13.8.1 Section 13.9.1 Section 13.9.2( 5) Section 13.9.3( 2) Section 13.9.3( 3) Section 13.9.4 Section 13.9.5 Section 13.9.7 Section 13.9.8( 1) (2) Appendix 1 Appendix 5 : Deletion of parameter No.
Print Data * Manual N umber Revision Jun, 2008 SH(NA)030051-D Section 3.2 Section 3.3.3 ( 1) (a) Section 3.3.3 ( 2) (3) Section 3.7.2 ( 2) Section 3.10.2 (3) (a) 1) to 2) Section 3.10.2 (3) (b) Section 3.11.2 Section 4.1.2 ( 1) (c) 2) to 3) Section 5.
Print Data * Manual N umber Revision Jun, 2008 SH(NA)030051-D Section 1 1.2 (4) Section 11.2 ( 5) (a) Section 11.3.3 (4) (a) Section 11.3.4 (2) Section 11.5 ( 4) (a) 1) Section 11.5 ( 4) (b) 1) Section 11.5 ( 4) (b) 2) Section 11.6 ( 3) (a) Section 11.
Print Data * Manual N umber Revision Jun, 2008 SH(NA)030051-D Appendix 6 : New additio n of servo motor pow er cables sel ection example SH(NA)030051-D.
SH (NA) 030051-D (0806) MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice. This Instruction Manual uses recycled paper. MODEL MODEL CODE General-Purpose AC Servo MODEL MR-J3- B SERV.
An important point after buying a device Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center