Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MR-J2S- CL Mitsubishi Electronics
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J2-Super Series HEAD OFFICE:MITSUBISHI DENKI BLDG MARUNOUCHI TOKYO 100-8310 301) MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice. This Instruction Manual uses recycled paper.
A - 1 Safety Instructions (Alwa ys read t hese instruct ions b efore us ing t he equipm ent.) Do not attem pt to install, ope rate, m aintain or ins pect the serv o amplif ier and ser vo motor unt il .
A - 2 1. To prevent electric shock, note the follow ing : WARNING Befor e wirin g or insp ection, s witc h power off and wait f or more th an 10 m inutes. Then, c onfirm the vol tage is saf e with v oltage t ester. Otherwis e, y ou ma y get an e lectric shock .
A - 3 4. Additional instruct ions The fol lowing ins tructions sho uld als o be ful ly noted . Incor rect h andling ma y c ause a f ault, injur y , elec tric shock , etc. (1) Transportation and installation CAUTION Trans port the products correctl y according t o their weigh ts.
A - 4 CAUTION Secur ely att ach the ser vo m otor to th e mac hine. If at tach ins ecure ly, the ser vo m otor ma y come of f during operat ion. The s ervo motor with reductio n gear m ust b e insta lled in t he sp ecified direct ion to pr event oil leak age.
A - 5 (4) Usa ge CAUTION Prov ide an exter nal emer gency stop c ircuit to ens ure that o peration c an be s topped and po wer swi tched off imm ediately. Any per son who is involv ed in dis assem bly a nd repa ir shou ld be f ully c ompete nt to do t he wor k.
A - 6 (6) Maintenance, inspection and parts replacement CAUTION W i th ag e, the ele ctrolytic c a pacito r will det eriorate. To preven t a seco ndary accide nt due to a faul t, it is recom mended t o replac e the electrol ytic c apacitor ever y 10 years whe n used i n gener al envir onment.
A - 7 COMPLIANCE WITH EC DIRECTIVES 1. WHAT AR E EC DI RE C TIVES ? The EC directives were issu ed to standardize the regulations of t he EU countries and ensure smooth distribution of safet y-guaran teed products.
A - 8 (4) Power supply (a) Operate the servo amplifier t o meet the requirements of the overvolta ge c at egory II set forth in IEC664. For this purpose, a reinforced insulating transformer conforming to the IEC or EN Standa rd shou ld be u sed in t he pow er input section .
A - 9 CONFORMANCE WITH UL/C-UL STANDARD (1) Ser vo am plifier s and s ervo m otors us ed Use the servo amp lifiers and serv o motor s which comp ly with the s tandard mo del.
A - 10 MEMO.
1 CONTENTS 1. FUNCT IONS AND CO NFIGURATION 1- 1 to 1- 24 1.1 Intro duction............................................................................................................... ............................... 1- 1 1.1.1 Fun ction b lock diagram.
2 3.9 Servo motor w ith elec tromagnetic brake ..................................................................................... ........ 3-31 3.10 Ground ing ........................................................................................
3 5.2.6 Al arm histor y clear ...................................................................................................... .................... 5- 25 5.2.7 So ftware limit .....................................................................
4 8. GEN ERAL G AIN ADJU STMENT 8- 1 to 8-12 8.1 Diffe rent adju stment methods ............................................................................................... ................ 8- 1 8.1.1 Adju stment on a sing le servo amplif ier .....
5 13. CH ARACT ERISTICS 13- 1 t o 13- 8 13.1 Ove rload pro tection chara cteristic s ....................................................................................... ............ 13- 1 13.2 Po wer supply equipmen t capacity and generate d loss .
6 15.11 Co mmand and d ata No. lis t................................................................................................ ............. 15-1 1 15.11.1 Read comm ands ..........................................................................
7 Optional Servo Motor Instruction Manual CONTENTS The rough table of conten ts of the optional MELSERVO Servo Mo tor Instruc tion Manual i s introduce d here for your reference. Note that the contents of the S ervo Motor Instruction Manual are not included in the Serv o Amplif ier In struction Manual .
8 MEM O.
1 - 1 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATI ON 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.1 Introduc tion The MR- J2S-CL prog ram-comp atible A C servo amp lifier i s based on the MR-J2 S-CP AC servo amp lifier with bu ilt-in po sitioning functions and incorporates program-driven, single-axis positioni ng fun ctions.
1 - 2 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.1.1 Functi on block diagram The function block diagram of this servo is shown below. (Note2) Powe r supply 3-pha se 200 to 230VAC , or 1-pha se 100 to 120VAC N.
1 - 3 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.1.2 S y s tem c onfiguration This sectio n desc ribe s opera tions u sing this se rvo. You can arrange any configurations from a single-axis t o max. 32-axis systems. Further, the connector pins i n the int erf ace s ection allow you t o assign the optimum signals to res pec ti ve systems.
1 - 4 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (2) Op eration usin g extern al inpu t signa ls and c omm unication (a) Description Communication can be used to Selection of the program, change parameter values, and confirm monito r da ta, for examp le. En ter a f orward rotat ion sta rt (S T1) or rever se ro tation star t ( ST2) through the extern al I/O.
1 - 5 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 2) Seve ral (up to 32) servo amp lifiers are conne cted with the pe rsonal computer by RS-422 . Use parameter No.
1 - 6 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (3) Op eration usin g comm unication (a) Description Analog inp ut, forced s top (EMG) and other sign als are con trolled by extern al I/O s ignals and the other devices controlled through communication.
1 - 7 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 2) Seve ral (up to 32) servo amp lifiers are conne cted with the pe rsonal computer by RS-422 . Use parameter No.
1 - 8 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.1.3 I/O de vices This servo amplifier al lows devices to be al located to the pin s of connector CN1A/CN1B as desired.
1 - 9 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.2 Serv o amplif ier standard s pecif ications Servo am plifier MR-J2S - Ite m 10CL 20CL 40CL 60CL 70CL 100CL 200CL 350C L 500CL 700CL 10CL 1 20CL1 40CL1 Volta .
1 - 10 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION Servo am plifier MR-J2S - Ite m 10CL 20CL 40CL 60CL 70CL 100CL 200C L 350CL 500C L 700C L 10CL 1 20CL1 40CL1 Home position ignorance (Servo-o n position as home position) Position w h ere servo- on (SON) is s w i tch ed on is defi ned as home p os i t i on .
1 - 11 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.3 Func tion list The followi ng table lists t he functions of t his servo. For details of the functi ons, refer to the reference fiel d.
1 - 12 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION Function Description Ref erence Anal og monit or The s ervo sta tus is output i n terms of v oltage i n real t ime. S ection 5 .2.4 Alarm histor y By us ing the Se rvo conf i g uratio n Software , the cu rr ent ala rm a n d five pas t alarm n um be r s are stored and display e d.
1 - 13 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (2) Model MR–J2S–100CL or less MR–J2S–200CL 350CL Program compatibility operation function Rated output Rating plate Rating plate MR–J2S– Series CL Note:1. Not supplied to the servo amplifier of MR-J2S-60CL or more.
1 - 14 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.6 Structure 1.6.1 Part names (1) MR-J2S-100 C L or l ess MODE UP DOWN SET Used to set data . Used to change the display or data in each mode. Used to change the mode. Reference Section4.5 Chapter7 Name /Applica tion Battery h older Contains the b atter y for abs o lute positi on data ba ck up .
1 - 15 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (2) MR-J2S-200CL MR-J2S-350CL POINT This servo amplifier is shown without t he front cover. For removal of the front cover, refer to Section 1.6.2. MODE UP DOWN SET Coolin g f an Mounting hole (4 places) Used to set data.
1 - 16 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (3) MR-J2S-500CL POINT The servo am plifier is shown without the front cover. For removal of the front cover, refer to Section 1.6.2. MODE UP DOWN SET MODE UP DOWN SET Name/Application Reference Battery connector ( CON1) Used to connect the batter y for absolut e positio n da ta backup.
1 - 17 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (4) MR-J2S-700CL POINT The servo am plifier is shown without the front cover. For removal of the front cover, refer to next page. MODE UP DOWN SET MODE UP DOWN SET Name/Applicat ion Reference Battery connector ( CON1) Used to connect t he battery for absolute pos ition da ta backup.
1 - 18 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.6.2 Rem oval and rei nstallatio n of the front c over CAUTION T o avoid the r isk of an electric shoc k, do no t open the fron t cover while p ower is on.
1 - 19 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (3) For MR-J2S-700CL Front cover socket (2 p lac es ) A) 1) Removal of the front cover Reinstallation of the front cove r 1) Inser t the t wo front co ver hooks at the botto m into th e soc kets of the servo a mplifier.
1 - 20 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION 1.7 Servo system with auxiliar y equipm ent W ARNING To preve nt an e lectric s hock , always c onnect t he pr otective eart h (PE) ter minal (term inal m a rk ed ) of t he ser vo amplif ier to the pr otect ive earth ( PE) of the co ntrol box.
1 - 21 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (b) F or 1-phase 10 0V t o 120V A C 1-phase 100V to 120VAC power supply No-fuse breaker (NFB) or fuse Mag netic contacto r (MC) To CN2 To CN3 To CN1B To CN1A L .
1 - 22 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (2) MR-J2S-200CL MR-J2S-350CL Options and auxilia ry eq uipment No-fuse breaker Magnetic contactor Servo configuratio n softw are Regenerat i ve bra ke option Reference Section 14.2.2 Section 14.2.2 Chapter 6 Section 14.
1 - 23 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (3) MR-J2S-500CL 3-phase 200V to 230VAC power supply No-fuse bre aker (NF B ) or fuse Magneti c contact or (MC) Servo amplifi er L 1 L 2 L 3 Regenerat ive brake.
1 - 24 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURAT ION (4) MR-J2S-700CL Options and auxi liary equipment No-fuse brea ker Magnetic c ontactor Servo c onfiguration so f tware Regenerat i ve brake opt i on Reference Section 14.2. 2 Section 14.2. 2 Chapter 6 Section 14.
2 - 1 2. INSTALLATION 2. INSTALLA T ION CAUTION Stack ing in ex cess of the l imited n umber of prod ucts is no t allo wed. Instal l the e quipm ent to inc ombus tibles. Ins tallin g them direct ly or clos e to com bustibles will led to a fire. Instal l the equi pment in a load- bear ing place in accorda nce with this Instruc tion Manual .
2 - 2 2. INSTALLATION 2.2 Instal lation dir ection and clearances CAUTION Do not h old th e front c over to tr anspor t the c ontroll er. T he contr oller m ay drop. The equ ipment m ust be insta lled in the sp ecif ied direc tion. Other wise, a f ault m ay occur.
2 - 3 2. INSTALLATION (2) I nstallat ion of two or m ore ser vo am plifiers Leave a large clearance between t he top of the s ervo amplifier and the internal surface of the control box, and install a fan to prevent the internal temperature of the control box from exceedi ng the environm ental cond itions.
2 - 4 2. INSTALLATION 2.4 Cable s tress (1) T he wa y of clamping the cabl e m ust be fully exa m ined so that flex ing st re ss and cable's own wei gh t stress are not appli ed to the cable connection.
3 - 1 3. SIGNALS AND WIRI NG 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING W ARNING Any per son who is involv ed in wir ing sh ould be f ull y compete nt to d o the work. Befor e starting wiring , switch power off , then wait f or mor e than 10 minut es, and after t he char ge lam p has go ne off, m ak e sure that the vol tage is s afe i n the tes ter or lik e.
3 - 2 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.1 Standar d connect ion exam ple LSP PI2 ST1 DI0 DI1 RST SG P15R VC LG 16 17 9 7 5 14 15 10 11 2 LSN TLA SD 1 12 4 3 MO1 LG A 14 13 MO2 LG A SD CN3 CN1B SON DOG CN1A RA5 .
3 - 3 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Note: 1. To prevent an electric shock, al ways connec t t he protect i ve eart h (PE) terminal of the servo amplifier to the protecti ve earth (P E) of th e cont ro l box.
3 - 4 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.2 Interna l connect ion diagram of ser vo amplifier This sec tion give s the intern al connect ion diagr am where the sig nal assig nment is in the ini tial statu s.
3 - 5 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.3 I/O sign als 3.3.1 Connec tors and si gnal arrangem ents POINT The connector pin-out s shown above are vi ewed from the ca ble connector wiring section side.
3 - 6 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.3.2 Sign al (devic es) explan ations (1) I/O devices POINT The devices not indicated in the C o nnector P in No. field of the I/O devices can be ass igned to the connector CN1A/ CN1B using the Servo Configuration s oftware.
3 - 7 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Device nam e Devices symbol Connect or pin No. Functions/Applicat ions To s tar t oper atio n, tur n LSP /LSN on. T urn it of f to br ing th e mo tor to a su dden stop a nd ma ke it s ervo-l ocked. Set " 1 " in pa rameter No.
3 - 8 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Device nam e Devices symbol Connect or pin No. Functions/Applicat ions Select the pro gram number from among those com bined by DI0, DI1, DI2 and DI3 to sta rt ope ration on the l eading e dge of ST1 in the p rogram operati on mode .
3 - 9 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Device nam e Devices symbol Connect or pin No. Functions/Applicat ions Tempo rary stop/R estart STP Turn ST P on d urin g progra m operat ion to mak e a temp orary st op. Turn it on again to m ake a r e start. If an y of Pr ogram inp uts 1 to 3 (PI1 to PI3) is turn ed on du ring a te mpora ry stop , it is ignored.
3 - 10 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (c) Output devices Device nam e Device s symbol Connect or pin No. Functions/Applicat ions Troubl e A LM CN1B -18 ALM tu rns off w hen p o wer is sw itched off or the p rotectiv e circuit is activ at ed t o shut off the bas e circuit.
3 - 11 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (2) In pu t si gn al For the inpu t interface s (symbo ls in I/O column in the table), ref er to Section 3. 6.2. Signal Signal symbol Connect or pin No. Functions/Applicati ons I/O divisi on PP CN1A- 3 PG CN1A- 13 NP CN1A -2 Manual pulse generator NG CN1A -12 Used to conne ct the manual pulse generator (MR-HDP01).
3 - 12 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (4) Communication POINT Refer to Chapter 15 for the communication funct ion. Signal Signal symbol Connect or pin No. Functions/Applicat ions RS-422 I/F SDP SDN RDP RDN CN3-9 CN3-19 CN3-5 CN3-15 RS-422 and RS-232C functions cannot be us e d together.
3 - 13 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.4 Deta iled desc ription of s ignals (dev ices) 3.4.1 For ward rotation s tart Rever se rotation s tart Tem porary stop/Rest art (1) A forward rotation start (ST1) or a reverse rotation start (ST2) should make the sequence which can be us ed a f ter th e main ci rcu it has been esta bl ished.
3 - 14 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.4.2 Movem ent com plete POINT If servo-on occurs after a st op made by servo-off, alarm occurrence or Forced stop (EMG) ON during aut o matic operation, Movement complet e (PED), turn o n. To make a start again , confirm the pr ogram No.
3 - 15 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.4.3 Overr ide POINT When usin g t he override (VC), make the override s election (OVR) device available . The overri de (VC) may be used to ch ange the servo motor speed.
3 - 16 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.4.4 T orque limit POINT To use the torque l imit, make the exter nal torque lim it selectio n (TL) and internal to rque limit se lection (TL2) available .
3 - 17 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (3) Ex ternal t orque l imit se lection (TL), i nternal torque limit s electi on (TL2) To u se the e xtern al torq ue lim it sele ction ( TL) and inte rnal torq ue l imit selec tion ( TL2), make them availa ble usin g the Se rvo Con figurat ion So ftware (re fer to Chapter 6).
3 - 18 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.5 Alarm occur rence timing c hart CAUTION W hen an alarm has oc curred , remov e its c ause, m ake sur e that t he oper ation sign al i s not be ing in put, en sure safety, and r eset the alarm before resta rting operat ion.
3 - 19 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.6 Interf aces 3.6.1 Comm on line The foll owing diagram shows the power supply and its common l ine. Dl-1 CN1A CN1B VDD COM SON ,etc. SG OPC 24V DC ALM,e tc CN1A CN1B RA DO-1 Manual pulse g enerator MR-HD P01 A(B) 0V 5V PP(N P) SG 5V SG <Isolated> 15V D C 10% 30 m A P15R TLA VC, etc .
3 - 20 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.6.2 Detai led descript ion of the interfac es This s ec ti on g ives the deta ils of the I/O signal interfaces (refer t o I/O Divisi on in the table) indi cated in Sectio ns 3.3. 2. Refe r to th is sec tion and conne ct the interf aces w ith the e xtern al equ ipment.
3 - 21 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (b) Lamp load For use of internal p ower suppl y For use of external po wer suppl y 24V DC VDD COM R Servo amplifi er ALM, e tc .
3 - 22 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (4) Analog input Input impedance 10 to 1 2k Upp er lim it s e t tin g 2 k 15VDC P15R VC‚ etc LG SD 2k Serv o am plif ier Approx.
3 - 23 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.7 Input power suppl y circuit CAUTION W hen the s ervo am plifier has bec om e fault y , switc h po wer off on the s ervo amplif ier p ower si de. Con tinuous flow of a larg e curr ent ma y cause a fire. Use the tro uble signa l to sw itch po wer off .
3 - 24 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (2) For 1-phas e 100 t o 120VA C or 1-p hase 23 0VAC powe r sup ply RA OFF ON MC MC SK NFB MC L 1 L 2 L 3 L 11 L 21 EMG SON SG VDD COM ALM RA Powe r s upp ly 1-phase 100 to 120VAC or 1-phase 230VAC Forced stop Servo-on (Note) Servo amplifier Trouble Forced stop Note : Not provi ded for 1-phase 100 to 120VAC.
3 - 25 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.7.2 T erminals The posit ions and signal arrangements of the termina l blocks change with the capacity of the servo amplifie r.
3 - 26 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.7.3 Power -on seque nce (1) Po wer-on procedur e 1) Alw ays wire the po wer sup ply as shown in above Section 3.7.1 u sing the magn etic contactor wi th the m ain circuit power supply (three-phase 200V: L 1 , L 2 , L 3 , sing le-phase 230V: L 1 , L 2 ).
3 - 27 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.8 Conn ection of s ervo am plifier and s ervo m otor 3.8.1 Connec tion instr uctions W ARNING Insulate the con nections of th e power s uppl y termina ls to pre vent a n electr ic shock . CAUTION Connec t the wires to the corr ect phas e term inals ( U, V, W ) of the servo amplifi er and ser vo m otor.
3 - 28 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Servo mo tor Connection diagram HC-MF053 (B) to 73 (B) HA-FF053 (B) to 63 (B) HC-UF13 (B) to 73 (B) U V W Serv o am plif ier B1 B2 24V DC EMG CN2 (Note 1) (Note3) Encode r.
3 - 29 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.8.3 I/O term inals (1) HC-KFS HC-MF S HC-UFS300 0r/min s eries 24 13 4 Power suppl y co nnector (molex) Without electromagnet ic brake 5557-04R-21 0 (receptacle ) 5556PBT L (F ema le terminal) With electrom agnetic brake 5557-06R-21 0 (receptacle ) 5556PBT L (F ema le terminal) Encoder cab le 0.
3 - 30 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (2) HC-SFS HC-RF S HC-UFS2000 r/m in series Ser vo m otor sid e conn e ctors Servo motor For pow e r supply For encod er Electromagnetic brake connector HC-SFS81(B) HC-SFS52(B) to 152(B ) HC-SFS53(B) to 153(B ) CE05-2A22- 23PD-B The c onnect or for power is shared.
3 - 31 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.9 Serv o motor with electrom agnetic brak e CAUTION Configur e th e electrom agnet ic brak e oper ation circ uit so that it is ac tivated not onl y by the s ervo amplif ier sig nals but also b y an ext ernal f orced stop ( EMG).
3 - 32 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (3) T iming char ts (a) Servo-on (SON) command (from controller) ON/OFF Tb (ms) after servo-on (SON) is switched off, s ervo lock is released and the servo motor coasts. If the electromagnetic brake is made valid in the servo lock status, the brake lif e may be shorter.
3 - 33 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING (c) Alarm occurrence Servo motor speed ON OFF Base cir cuit El ectr oma gne tic br ake i nter loc k (M BR) Invalid( ON) Valid( OFF) Trouble (ALM) No(ON) Yes(OF F) Dynamic .
3 - 34 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.10 Gro unding W ARNING Ground th e serv o ampl ifier a nd ser vo motor securel y. To pre vent an electric shock , alwa y s con nect the protec tive ear th (PE) term inal of the ser vo am plifier with the p rotect ive e arth (P E) of th e contr ol box.
3 - 35 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING 3.11 Ser vo amplif ier term inal block (TE2) wirin g method 1) Termi nati on of the cables Solid wire: After the sheath has b een stripped, the cabl e c an be used as it is. (Cable size: 0.2 to 2.5mm 2 ) Approx. 10mm (0.39inch) Twiste d wire : U se the c able af ter str ipping the she ath an d twi sting the core .
3 - 36 3. SIGNALS AND WIRING Use of a flat-blade torque screwdriver is recommended to manage the s crew tightening t orque. The follo wing table indic ates the r eco mmende d prod ucts o f the to rque screw drive r for tighte ning to rque management and the flat-blade bit for t orque screwdriver.
4 - 1 4. OPERATION 4. OPERATION 4.1 W hen switching po wer on f or the first tim e 4.1.1 Pre- operation check s Before starti ng operation, check the followi ng: (1) W iring (a) A correct power supply is connected to the power inpu t termin als ( L 1 , L 2 , L 3 , L 11 , L 21 ) o f the servo amplifie r.
4 - 2 4. OPERATION 4.1.2 St artup W ARNING Do not oper ate the s witches wit h wet hands. You may get an e lectric sh ock. CAUTION Befor e starti ng oper ation, c heck th e param eters.
4 - 3 4. OPERATION (2) Star tup pr ocedur e (a) Power on 1) Switch off the servo-on (SON). 2) When main circuit power/control circuit power is switched on, "PoS" (Curren t position) appears on the servo amplifi er displa y. In the ab solute positio n detec tion sy stem, fir st powe r-on re sult s in the a bsolu te posi tion lost (AL.
4 - 4 4. OPERATION (f) Home position return Perform home position ret u rn as required. Refer to Section 4.4 for home posit ion return types. A parameter setting example for dog type home position return i s given here. Parameter Nam e Setting Description No.
4 - 5 4. OPERATION 4.2 Program operat ion mode 4.2.1 W hat is progr am operatio n mode? Make selection with the input signals or by communication from among the programs that have been created in a dvance using the S ervo Configurati o n software, and perform operation with Forwar d rota tion star t (ST1).
4 - 6 4. OPERATION 4.2.2 Pro gramm ing language The maximum number of program steps is 120. Though up to 16 programs can be created, the total number of program steps is up to 120. The set prog ram can be selec ted u sing Pro gram No . selec tion 1 ( DI0) to Program No.
4 - 7 4. OPERATION Command Name Setting Setting range Unit Indirec t Addressing Descript ion MOVIA Incr ementa l continuous move comman d MOVIA (Set v alue) -999999 to 999999 10 STM m The set value is regarded as an inc reme ntal valu e for move ment.
4 - 8 4. OPERATION Command Name Setting Setting range Unit Indirec t Addressing Descript ion COUNT (Note 1) Exte rnal puls e co u nt er COU NT (Set v alue) -999999 to 999999 pulse Execut es th e next st ep when the pu ls e c ount er valu e be co mes g reate r th a n the co unt v alue s et to t he "COUNT" command.
4 - 9 4. OPERATION (2) D etails of progr amm ing langua ges (a) Details of th e command (SPN STA STB ST C ST D) "SPN " "STA" " STB" "STC " an d "STD" command s w ill be v alidated , when the " MOV" and "MOVA" commands are executing.
4 - 10 4. OPERATION 2) Program example 2 When operation is to be performed in two patt e rns that have different servo motor speeds, acceleration time constants, decelera tion time constants and move commands.
4 - 11 4. OPERATION (b) Continuous move command (MOVA MOVIA) POINT "MOV" c annot be u sed with "MOVIA ", and "MOVI " canno t be used with "MOVA ". The "MOVA" command is a continuous move command for t he "MOV" command.
4 - 12 4. OPERATION 2) Program example 2 (Wrong usage) In continuous operation, the acce leration or deceleration time constant cannot be ch anged at each speed change. Hence, the "ST A ", "STB " or "ST D " command is i gnored if it is inserted for a speed change.
4 - 13 4. OPERATION 2) Program example 2 Using par ameter No. 74 to 76, Program ou tput 1 (OUT1 ) to Prog ram out 3 (OUT3) can be turned off automaticall y. Parameter No. Nam e Setting Description 74 OUT 1 output time setting 20 OUT1 is turned off in 200ms.
4 - 14 4. OPERATION 3) Program example 3 When th e "TRI P" and "TRIPI " comm ands ar e used to se t the p ositio n add resse s where the "OUTON " and "OU TOF" co mmand s will be ex ecuted.
4 - 15 4. OPERATION 4) Program example 4 POINT "MOV" c annot be used with "TRIPI". Note th at the "TRI P" and "T RI PI" comm ands do no t e xe c ute th e n e x t ste p u nle ss the axis p a sses the preset address or travels t he preset moving dista nce.
4 - 16 4. OPERATION (d) Dwell (TIM) To the "TIM (setting valu e)" command, set the time from when t he comm and remaining distance is "0" until the next step is execut ed. For reference, the followi ng examples show the operations performed when this command is used with the oth er com mand s.
4 - 17 4. OPERATION 3) Program example 3 Program Desc ription SPN (1000) STC (20) MOVI (1000) OUTON (1) TIM (20) MOVI (500) STOP Speed (Motor speed) 1000 [r/min] Accel e ration /decel eration time c onstant 20 [ms] Incremental move command 1000 [ 10 STM m] Progra m output 1 (OUT 1) is t urned ON .
4 - 18 4. OPERATION 5) Program example 5 Program Desc ription SPN (1000) STC (20) MOVI (1000) TIM (20) SYNC (1) MOVI (500) STOP Speed (Motor speed) 1000 [r/min] Accel e ration /decel eration time c onstant 20 [ms] Incremental move command 1000 [ 10 STM m] Dwell command time 200 [ms] a) Step is suspended until Program input (PI1) turns ON.
4 - 19 4. OPERATION (e) Interrupt positioning command (ITP) POINT When Interrupt positioning (ITP) is used for posi tioning, a st op positi on differs depending o n the servo motor speed provid ed when the "ITP" command is en abled.
4 - 20 4. OPERATION 2) Program example 2 If the movin g dis tance o f the "I TP" c ommand is le ss than the m ovin g di stance nece ssary for dece leratio n, the actu al dec eler ation t ime co nstan t bec omes le ss th an th e set value of the "STB " command.
4 - 21 4. OPERATION (g) Step repeat command (FOR NE XT ) POINT "FOR ... NE XT" cannot be placed within "FOR ... NEXT". The st ep s located b e tween the "FOR (set value)" command and "NEXT" command is repeated by the preset number of times.
4 - 22 4. OPERATION (h) Program count command (TIMES) By s etting the number of times to the "TIMES (setting value)" command placed at the beginning of a program, t he program can be executed repeat edly. When the program is to be executed once, the "TIM ES (sett ing va lue)" c ommand is no t nece ssary.
4 - 23 4. OPERATION (i) Position latc h (LPOS) POINT When C urrent pos ition latc h input (LPS) i s used to st ore the current positi on, the val ue differs depending on the servo mot or speed provided when LPS has turned ON. The current position where Current position latch i npu t (LPS) is turned ON is stored.
4 - 24 4. OPERATION (j) Indirect addressing using genera l-purpose registers (R1-R4, D1-D4) The se t valu es of the "SPN", "STA ", "STB", "STC", " STD".
4 - 25 4. OPERATION 4.2.3 Bas ic setting of signals and parameter s Create programs in adva nce using the S ervo Configuration software. (Refer to S e cti o n 4.2 . 2 and Secti on 6.5) (1) Parameter (a) Command mode selection (parameter No.0) Make sure that the absol ute valu e command system has b een select ed as sh own below.
4 - 26 4. OPERATION 4.2.4 Pro gram oper ation tim ing chart (1) Op eration c ondit ions The t iming chart shown below assumes that the following progr am is executed in the absol u te value command system where a home position return is comp leted. Program No.
4 - 27 4. OPERATION 4.3 Manual operation m ode For machine adjustment, home position matching, etc., jog operat ion or a manual pulse generator may be used to make a motio n to any po sition. 4.3.1 Jog o peration (1) Setting Set th e inpu t signa l and p aram eters as follow s acco rding to the purpo se of u se.
4 - 28 4. OPERATION (4) T iming ch art Servo motor speed Forward rotation st art (ST1) Reverse rotation start (ST2) Forward rotation jog Reverse ro tation jog Forward rotati on Reverse rotati on ON OF.
4 - 29 4. OPERATION 4.3.2 Manua l pulse generator operation (1) Setting Set th e inpu t signa l and p aram eters as follow s acco rding to the purpo se of u se.
4 - 30 4. OPERATION (b) Using the input signals for setting Set the pu lse gen erator multipl ication 1 (T P0) and pu lse ge nerato r mult iplica tion 2 ( TP1) to the input signals i n "Device setti ng" on the S ervo Configuration Software (refer to Chapt er 6).
4 - 31 4. OPERATION 4.4 Manual home pos ition retur n mode 4.4.1 Outl ine of hom e position r eturn Home position return is performed to match the command coordinates with the m achin e coordinat es. In the i nc remental system, home position return is required every time input power is switched on.
4 - 32 4. OPERATION (2) Home position return parameter When performing home position return, set parameter No.8 as follow s: Home position re turn method··················· ····.
4 - 33 4. OPERATION 4.4.2 Dog t ype hom e position re turn A home posi tion re turn m ethod u sing a proxim ity d og. Wi th dece lera tion star ted a t the fro nt end of the proximity dog, the posit i.
4 - 34 4. OPERATION (3) T iming ch art The fol lowing shows the timing cha rt that start s after selec tion of the p rogra m includ ing the "ZRT " command.
4 - 35 4. OPERATION 4.4.3 Count t ype hom e position r eturn In count t ype home position return, a motion is made over the distance se t in parameter No.43 (moving distance after proximity dog) a fter detection of the proximity dog front end. The position where the first Z- phase signal is g iven after that is defined as a home position.
4 - 36 4. OPERATION 4.4.4 Data s etting t y p e hom e position ret urn Data s etting t ype home position return is used when it is desired t o determine any positi on as a home position. JOG operation, manual pulse generator operati on or lik e can be used for movement.
4 - 37 4. OPERATION 4.4.5 St opper type hom e positi on return In stopper t ype home position return, a machine part is pressed against a st opper or the like by jog operation, manual puls e generator operation or the like to make a home position return and that po sition is defined as a home position.
4 - 38 4. OPERATION 4.4.6 Hom e position ignorance (servo-o n position d efined as h ome pos ition) POINT When a home position-ignored home po sition return is executed, the p rogr am including the "ZRT" command need not be s elected. The position where servo is switched on is defined as a home position.
4 - 39 4. OPERATION 4.4.7 Dog t ype rear en d reference h ome positi on return POINT Thi s home pos ition retu rn me thod depe nds on t he timin g of re ading Proximity dog (DOG) that has detected the rear end o f a proximity dog.
4 - 40 4. OPERATION 4.4.8 Count t ype front en d reference h ome pos ition return POINT Thi s hom e pos itio n retu rn m etho d de pend s on the timin g of re adin g Prox imit y do g ( DOG ) that has det e cted the front end of a proximit y do g .
4 - 41 4. OPERATION 4.4.9 Dog c radle t ype home posit ion return The position where the first Z-phase signal is issued after detection of the proximit y dog front end c an be defined as a home position. (1) Signal s, parameters Set th e inpu t signa ls and param eters as ind icate d below .
4 - 42 4. OPERATION 4.4.10 Hom e positio n return aut omatic r eturn functio n If the cu rrent posi tion is at or beyond t he p roximit y dog in dog or count type home position return, you need not make a star t after making a return by jog op eratio n or the like.
4 - 43 4. OPERATION 4.5 Absolute pos itio n detection s ystem This servo amplifier contains a single-axis controller. Also, all servo motor encoders are compatible wit h an abs olute position sy stem.
4 - 44 4. OPERATION (4) Outl ine of abs olute pos ition det ection dat a comm unicat ion For normal operation, as shown below, the encoder consists of a detector designed to detect a positi on within one revolution and a cu mulati ve revolution counter desi gned to detect the number of revolutions.
4 - 45 4. OPERATION 1) Open the operati on w indow. (When the model u sed is the MR-J2S-200CL MR-J2S-350C L o r more , also remove the front cover.) 2) Install the ba ttery in the ba tt ery holder. 3) Inst all the battery co nnecto r into CON1 un til it c licks.
4 - 46 4. OPERATION 4.6 Seri al comm unication op eration The RS-422 or RS-232C communication functi on may be used to operate the servo amplifier from a command dev ice (contro ller) such a s a perso nal comp uter. Note that the RS-422 and RS-232C communication functions cannot be used at the same time.
4 - 47 4. OPERATION 4.6.3 Gr oup designat ion When u sing sev eral serv o amplif iers, command -driven parame ter se tting s, etc. can be made o n a gr oup basi s. You c an set up to six gro ups, a to f. Set th e grou p to ea ch st ation u sing th e com munic ation comman d.
4 - 48 4. OPERATION (2) T iming ch art In the following timing chart, operation is performed group-by-group in accordance with the values set in progra m No.
4 - 49 4. OPERATION 4.7 Incr emental valu e com mand system To use this servo ampli f ier in the incremental val ue command system, the setting of parameter No. 0 must be changed . As the position data, set the moving distance of (target address - current address).
4 - 50 4. OPERATION (3) Pr ogram exam ple Program Desc ription SPN (1000) STA (200) STB (300) MOV (1000) TIM (10) SPN (500) STA (200) STB (300) MOVI (1000) SPN (1000) MOVIA (1000) STOP Speed (Motor sp.
5 - 1 5. PARAMETERS 5. PARAME TERS CAUTION Never adj ust or ch ange the par ameter va lues extrem el y as it will mak e operatio n instab le. 5.1 Param eter list 5.1.1 Par ameter writ e inhibit POINT Set "000E " when using the Serv o Configur ation Software to make dev ice setting .
5 - 2 5. PARAMETERS 5.1.2 List POINT The paramet ers mark ed * before their s ymbols are made valid by switching pow er off once and then switching it on ag ain after par ameter setting . Refer to the corresponding reference i tems for details of the parameters.
5 - 3 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Nam e and Fun c tion Initia l val ue Un it Cust omer setting 20 *OP2 Function selection 2 0000 21 For manufacturer setting 0002 22 *OP4 Function selection 4 0000 2.
5 - 4 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Nam e and Fun ction Initi al value Unit Cust omer setting 54 For manufacturer setting 0000 55 *OP6 Function selection 6 0000 56 For manufacturer setting 0000 57 *O.
5 - 5 5. PARAMETERS (2) Detail li st Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range Basic p ara meters 0* S T Y Comman d system, regenera t i ve b rake op t i on s el ection Used to sele ct the command s ystem a nd reg enerative brake op ti on.
5 - 6 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range Basic p ara meters 1 *FTY Feeding f un ct i on selection Used to set the feed length multiplication factor and manual pulse generator multiplication facto r. ST1 coordinate system selecti on (Refer to Section 4.
5 - 7 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 2* O P 1 Function selection 1 Used to select the i np ut filter a nd absolute p os i ti on d etection s ys t em . Input filter If external input s ignal causes cha ttering due to noise, etc.
5 - 8 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 4 CMX Electr oni c g ear numera tor Se t th e va lue o f el ect ronic ge ar n umer ator. Setting "0" automatically sets the resolut ion of the s ervo mot or connected .
5 - 9 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 16 *BPS Serial communication function sel ection, alarm history clear Used to select the s erial com municatio n baudrate , select vari ous communication conditions, and clear the alarm history.
5 - 10 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range Basic p ara meters 18 *DMD Status display selection Used to select the status display shown at p o wer-on.
5 - 11 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range Paramet er block Used to select the ref erence an d w rite ran ges of the p arameters . Operati on can be p erformed for the parameters marked . Set value Operation Basic paramet ers No.
5 - 12 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 24 F F C F e ed fo rward ga i n Set the feed forward gain. When the setting is 100%, t he droop pulses during operation at constant speed are nearly zero. However, sudden acceleration/deceleration will increase t h e overshoot.
5 - 13 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 33 MBR Electromagnetic brake sequence output Used to set the d e lay tim e (Tb) between when th e electromagnetic brake interl ock (MBR ) switch es off a nd when the bas e circui t is shu t off.
5 - 14 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 46 47 *L MP Software limit Used to set the address increment side software stroke limit. The software limit is made invalid if this value is the same as in "software limit ".
5 - 15 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 54 For manufacturer setting Don’t change this value by any means. 0000 55 * OP6 Function s e lection 6 Used to select how t o process the bas e circui t when r eset (RE S) is va lid.
5 - 16 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range Expansio n parameters 2 59 OPA Function selection A Used to select the alarm code. Setting of alarm code output Connector pins Set value CN1B-19 CN1A-18 CN1A-19 0 1 88888 AL.
5 - 17 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 60 For manufact urer setting Don’t change this value by an y me ans. 0000 61 NH1 Machine resonance suppression filter 1 Used to sele ction the ma chine res onance s uppressi on fil ter.
5 - 18 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 63 LPF Low-pass filter/adaptive vibration suppression control Used to selection t he lo w-pass filter and adaptive vib r ation suppression control .
5 - 19 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 68 *CDP Gain changing selection Used to select the gain changing c o ndition. (Refer to Section 9.3) 0 00 Gain changing selection Gains are changed in accordance with the settings of parameters No.
5 - 20 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Setting range 78 0001 79 0209 80 060A 81 1918 82 030B 83 0504 84 0102 85 0000 86 0005 87 120E 88 For manufact ur er setting The settings ar e automatically ch anged. 0102 89 0 Special parameters 90 For manufact ur er setting Don’t change this value by an y me ans.
5 - 21 5. PARAMETERS 5.2 Deta iled expla nation 5.2.1 Elec tronic gear CAUTION False se tting will res ult in unexp ected fas t rot ation, c ausing injur y.
5 - 22 5. PARAMETERS Reduce CMX and CDV to the setting range or less, and round off the first decimal place. Henc e, s et 32 76 8 t o CMX a nd 4188 8 to CDV.
5 - 23 5. PARAMETERS 5.2.3 S-p attern acceler ation/d eceleration In servo oper ati on, linear a c celeration/ deceleration is usually made. By setting the S-patt ern acceleration/ deceleration ti me constant (parameter No .14), a smoot h start/stop can be made.
5 - 24 5. PARAMETERS (2) C ontents of a se tting The servo amplifier is factory-s e t to output the servo motor speed to analog monitor 1 and the torque to analo g moni tor 2. Th e set ting can be change d as list ed be low by ch anging the para meter No .
5 - 25 5. PARAMETERS 5.2.5 Chang ing the stop pattern usi ng a lim it switch The s ervo amplifier is factory-set to m ak e a sudden stop when t he limit switch or software limit is made valid.
6 - 1 6. SERVO CONFIGURATION SOFTW A RE 6. SERVO CONFIGURATION SOF TW ARE The Servo Configuration soft w are (MR2JW3-SETUP151E Ver.E1 or more) uses the communication function of the servo amplifier to perform parameter setting changes, graph display, test operation, etc.
6 - 2 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (2) C onfigur ation d iagram (a) For use of RS-232C Personal computer Communication cable Servo amplifi er Servo mo t or CN3 CN2 To RS-232C connecto r U V W (b) For use of RS-422 Up to 32 axes m ay be mul tidropp ed.
6 - 3 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.3 Station setting Click “ Sy stem ” o n the men u bar and click “ S tatio n Selec tion ” o n the menu .
6 - 4 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.4 Param eter s Click “ Param eters ” on the men u bar and clic k “ Parameter Li st ” on th e menu . When the above choices are made, the followi ng wi.
6 - 5 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (3) Parameter value bat ch-read ( c) ) Click the “ Read All ” b utton to read and display al l parameter values from the servo a mplifier. (4) Parameter value batch-write ( d) ) Click the “ Wri t e A l l ” bu tton to w rite all parame ter value s to the servo amplifie r.
6 - 6 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.5 Simp le Progr am 6.5.1 Pro gram data The followi ng screen is designed to set the program of the MR-J2S-C L. (1) H ow to open the s etting scr een Click " Program -Data " o n the m enu b ar and c lick " Program -Data " i n the menu.
6 - 7 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (e) Editing the program (e)) Used to edit the program sel ected in d). Click the " Wr i t e A ll " button to open the Program Edit window. Refer to (3) in this section for the edit screen. (f) Reading and saving the program file A program c an be saved/re ad as a f ile.
6 - 8 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (c) Pasting the text (c)) Click the " Paste " button to pa ste the tex t stored in the clipbo ard to the specif ied po sition o f the program edit area. (d) Deleting the text (d)) Select th e text of the program edit area an d click the " Cut " but ton to dele te the se lecte d text .
6 - 9 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.5.2 Indir ect addressin g The followi ng screen is designed to set the general-purpose regist er s (R1 to R4, D1 to D4) of the MR-J2S- CL. (1) H ow to open the s etting scr een Click " Program -Data " o n the m enu b ar and c lick " In dire ct-Addressing " in the menu .
6 - 10 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (c) Read from the general-purpose registers (c)) Click the " Read A ll " button t o read the values of the general- purpose registers (R1 t o R4, D1 to D4) stored i n the servo amplifier.
6 - 11 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.6 Device as signm ent method POINT When u sing the de vice setting , preset “00 0E” in par ameter No . 19. (1) H ow to open the s etting scr een Click “P arameters” on the menu ba r and click “Devi ce setting” in the menu.
6 - 12 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (2) S c reen expl an a tio n (a) DIDO device setting window screen This is t he device assignment screen of the servo amplifier dis plays the pin assignment status of the serv o amplifier.
6 - 13 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (b) DIDO function display wi ndow screen This screen is used t o select the slot numbers and functi ons assigned to t he pins. Choose the slot numbers i n * and *. The functions dis played bel ow * and * are assignabl e.
6 - 14 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (C) Function device assignment checking auto O N se tting d isplay Click the “ / ” butt on in the DIDO function displa y window displays the foll owin g window. a) b) c) d) e) The assi gned functions ar e indicated by .
6 - 15 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.7 Tes t operation CAUTION The test operat io n mode is des igne d to c onf irm s ervo oper ati on an d no t to c onf irm ma chine opera tion. In this m ode, d o not us e the s ervo m otor wit h the m achine. Alwa ys use the servo m otor alone.
6 - 16 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (1) Servo motor speed setting ( a) ) Enter a new v alue in to the “ Mot o r spee d ” input field and press t he enter key. (2) Acc elera tion/dec elerat ion tim e const ant sett ing ( b) ) Enter a new v alue in to the “ Accel /decel ti m e ” input field and press the enter key.
6 - 17 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.7.2 Pos itioning oper ation POINT In the positioning operation mode, do not rewrite data from t he point tabl e list screen or the servo a mplifier's front panel . Otherwise, the s e t values are made invalid.
6 - 18 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (1) Servo motor speed setting ( a) ) Enter a new v alue in to the “ Mot o r spee d ” input field and press t he enter key. (2) Acc elera tion/dec elerat ion tim e const ant sett ing ( b) ) Enter a new v alue in to the “ Accel /decel ti m e ” input field and press the enter key.
6 - 19 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.7.3 Motor -less operati on POINT When this operation is used in a n absolute posit ion detecti on sy st em, the home positi on cannot be restored properly unless the encoder is connected properly.
6 - 20 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.7.4 Outp ut signal (DO) forced outp ut Each servo a mplifier output signal is forcibly swit c hed on/off independently of the output condit ion of the output signal . Click “ Test ” o n the menu bar and click “ Force d Output ” o n th e menu .
6 - 21 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.7.5 Pro gram tes t operation The program of the MR-J2S-CL can be t est-operated. (1) H ow to open the s etting scr een Click " Test " o n the menu bar and cl ick " Progra m-Test " in th e menu .
6 - 22 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE (1) Displaying the program (a)) Click the " Di splay " butt on to dis pla y the contents of the currently sel ect ed program No.
6 - 23 6. SERVO CONFIGURAT ION SOFTW ARE 6.8 Alarm histor y Click “ Alarm s ” on the menu b ar and c lick “ Hi story ” o n the menu . When the above choices are made, the followi ng window appears: a) b) (1) A larm histor y displa y The mo st recent six al arms are di splayed .
7 - 1 7. DISPLAY AND O PERATION 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.1 Displ ay flowchart Use the display (5-digit, 7-segment LE D) on the front panel of the servo ampli f ier for status dis play, paramete r setting , etc. Set the parame ters befo re operation , diagnose an al arm, confir m exter nal sequences, and/ or confirm the operation status.
7 - 2 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.2 Status disp la y The servo s tatus during operation is shown on the 5-digit, 7-s egmen t LED display. Press t he " UP " o r " DOWN " button t o change display data as desired. When the required data is selected, the correspondi ng symbo l appear s.
7 - 3 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.2.2 Disp lay exam ples The followi ng tabl e lists di splay exa mples: Displayed dat a Item Sta tus Serv o amplif ier di s play MR-DP60 Forward rotati on at 2500r/min Servo motor speed Revers e rotation at 3000r/min Reverse rotation is ind icated b y " ".
7 - 4 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.2.3 St atus displa y list The foll owing table lists the servo status e s t h at may be s hown: Display range Status displ ay Symbol Unit Des cription Servo a m plifie r display MR- DP60 Curren t posit ion PoS 10 STM mm The c urrent p osition from th e machi ne home positi on of 0 i s displaye d.
7 - 5 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.3 Diagnos is mode 7.3.1 Disp lay trans ition After c hoosin g the diagno sis mode w ith th e " MODE " b utton, pressing th e " UP " or " DOW N " bu tton ch an ge s the disp lay as shown be low.
7 - 6 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.3.2 Diagn osis m ode list Name Di splay Descr iption Not r eady. Indicates that the servo amplifier is be ing initializ e d o r an ala rm has occurred. Sequence Ready. Indi cates tha t th e servo w as switc hed on aft er compl etion of initialization and the se rvo amplifier is ready to oper ate.
7 - 7 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION Name Di splay Descr iption Motor s eries Press the " SE T " bu tton to show th e motor series ID of the s ervo motor c urrently connect ed. For indication details, refer to the optional MELSERVO Servo Motor Instru ction Manual.
7 - 8 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.4 Alarm mode The current alarm, past al arm history and parameter error are displayed. The lower 2 digits on the display indicate the alarm number that h as occurred or the parameter number i n error. Display examples are shown below.
7 - 9 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.4.2 Alar m mode lis t Name Di splay Descrip tion Indi cates no occurren ce of an alarm. Current alarm Indi ca t es the occur r en ce of overv o ltage (A L . 3 3 ) . Flick ers a t o ccurrence of the a larm. Indicates that the last alarm is overload 1 (AL.
7 - 10 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION Functions at occurrence of an alarm (1) Any mode screen display s the current alarm. (2) Even during alar m occurrence, the other screen c an be viewed by pressing the butt on in the operation sectio n. At th is time, the dec imal po int in th e four th digit remain s flicke ring.
7 - 11 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.5 Param eter m ode POINT To use the expansion parameters , change the parameter No. 19 (parameter block) val ue. (Refer to Sect ion 5.
7 - 12 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.5.2 Oper ation exam ple (1) Paramete r of 5 or less digits The foll owing example shows the operat ion procedure performed after power-on to change the home posi tion se tting metho d (Par ameter No.8) into the da ta sett ing ty pe.
7 - 13 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION (2) Si gned 5-d igit param eter The foll owing example gives t he operation procedure to change the home position return position dat a (parameter No. 42) to "-12345". Setting of lower 4 digits The screen flickers.
7 - 14 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.6 Externa l I/O signa l displa y The ON/OFF states of t he digit al I/O signals connected to the servo amplifi er can be confirmed. (1) Operation Call t he display screen s hown after power-on. Using the " MODE " button, show the diagnostic screen.
7 - 15 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.7 Output s ignal (DO) forced ou tput POINT When the servo system is used i n a vertica l lift appli cat ion, turni ng on the electromagnet ic brake interl ock (MBR) after assigni ng it to pin CN1B-19 will releas e the electr omagnetic brak e, causi ng a drop.
7 - 16 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.8 Tes t operation m ode CAUTION The test operat io n mode is d esig ned to c onfir m serv o ope rat ion and not t o co nfir m ma chine opera tion. I n this mode, d o not us e the servo motor wit h the mac hine. Alwa ys use the servo m otor alone.
7 - 17 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.8.2 Jog o peration Jog operation can be performed when there is no command from the external comm and devi ce. (1) Operation Connect EMG-SG, LSP -SG and LSN-SG to sta rt jog operation and connec t VDD-COM t o use the internal power supply.
7 - 18 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.8.3 Pos itioning oper ation POINT The servo configuration soft ware is required to perform positioning operation. Positioni ng operation can be performed once when th ere is no command from the external command device.
7 - 19 7. DISPLAY AND OPER ATION 7.8.4 Motor -less operati on Without connec tin g t he servo motor, you can provide output signals or monitor the status dis play as if the servo motor is r unning in response to external input signals. This operation can be u sed t o check the sequence of a host program mable contro ller or the like.
8 - 1 8. GENERAL GAI N ADJUSTMENT 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUS T MENT 8.1 Diff erent adjustm ent methods 8.1.1 Adjus tment on a single s ervo am plifier The gain ad justmen t in this sectio n can be made on a single servo amplif ier. For ga in adjustmen t, fir st execute a uto tuning mode 1.
8 - 2 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (2) Adj ustment seque nce and mode us age Usage Used when yo u want t o match the p o sition gain (PG1) be tween 2 or more axes. No rmally n ot u s ed for other purpos es. Allows adjustment by merely chan gin g th e re spon se le ve l se t ting .
8 - 3 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.2 Auto tuning 8.2.1 Auto t uning m ode The servo amplifier has a real -time auto tuning function which estimates the machine chara cteristic (load inerti a momen t ratio) in real time an d au tomati cally se ts the optim um gain s acco rding to th at value .
8 - 4 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.2.2 Auto t uning m ode operation The block dia gram of real-t ime auto tuning is shown bel ow. Servo motor Comma nd Automa tic sett ing Control gains PG1, VG1 PG2,VG.
8 - 5 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.2.3 Adjus tment proc edure b y auto tunin g Since auto tuning is made valid before shipment from the factory, simply running the servo mo tor autom atica lly se ts the o ptimum gain s that match the m achine . Mere ly chan ging the resp onse level setting value as require d comple tes the adju stment.
8 - 6 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.2.4 Respo nse level s etting in auto tuning m ode Set the response (The first digit of parameter No.3) of the whole servo system. As the re spons e level setting is increased, the trackability and settling time for a command decre as e s , but a too high response level w i ll g en er ate v ibr a tio n.
8 - 7 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.3 Manual m ode 1 ( simple m anual adj ustment) If you a re not satisfied with the adjustment of auto tuning, you c an make simple manual adjustment with three parameters.
8 - 8 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (c) Adjustment description 1) Speed contro l gain 2 ( parame ter No. 3 7) This p aramet er det erm ines the response level of the speed control loop. Increasing this value enhances res pon se b ut a too high value will make the mechani c al s ystem liable to vib r at e.
8 - 9 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (c) Adjustment description 1) Po sition co ntrol g ain 1 (p arameter No . 7) This paramet er determines t he response level of the positi on control loop.
8 - 10 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.4 Interpo lation m ode The i n terpolati on mode is u sed t o match the position control gains of the a xes when performing the interpolati o n operat ion of s ervo motors of two or more axes for an X-Y table or the like.
8 - 11 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.5 Dif ferences in au to tuning between M ELSERVO- J2 and MEL SERVO-J 2-Super 8.5 .1 Response level settin g To meet higher response demands, t he MELSERVO-J2-Super series has been changed in response level setting range from the MELS ERVO-J2 series.
9 - 1 9. SPECIA L ADJUSTMENT FUNCTI O NS 9. SPECIAL A DJUST MENT FUNCTIONS POINT The functions given in this chapter need not be used generally. Use t hem if you are not sat isfied with the mach ine sta tus after m aking adj ustmen t in the me thods in Ch apter 8.
9 - 2 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS You can u se t he m achine resonance suppression filt er 1 (paramet er No. 61) and machine resonance suppression filter 2 (parameter No.
9 - 3 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS POINT If the frequency of machine resonance i s unknown, decrease the notch frequency from higher to lower ones in order.
9 - 4 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (2) Parameters The op eration of adapt ive vi bration sup pressio n contro l selec tion (p arameter No .60). Pa rame te r N o.
9 - 5 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 9.5 Gain c hanging f unction This function can change the gains. You can change between gains during rotation and gains during stop or can use an external signal to change gains during operat ion.
9 - 6 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 9.5.3 Par ameters When using the gain changing function, always set " 4 " in parameter No.3 (auto tuning) to choose the manual mode of the gain adjustment modes . The gain changing function cannot be used in the auto tuning mode.
9 - 7 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (1) Para m eters No. 7 , 3 4 to 38 These paramet ers are the same as in ordina ry manual adjustment. Gai n changing allows the val ues of ratio of load inertia moment to servo motor inertia moment, position control gain 2, speed control g ain 2 and speed in tegral compen sation to be ch anged.
9 - 8 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 9.5.4 Gai n changing o peration This op eratio n will be descri bed by w ay of se tting e xample s. (1) W hen you c hoose c hanging by exter nal i nput (a) Setting Parameter No.
9 - 9 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (2) W hen you choose chan ging b y droop p ulses (a) Setting Parameter No. Abbreviati on Name Setting Unit 7 PG 1 Positio n control gain 1 10 0 rad /s 36 VG1 Speed con t r ol gai n 1 1000 rad/s 34 GD2 Ratio of load inertia m oment to servo motor inertia moment 40 0.
10 - 1 10. INSPECTION 10. INSPEC T ION W ARNING Befor e starti ng maint enanc e and/ or inspec tion, m ake sur e that th e charg e lam p is off more th an 10 m inutes af ter po wer-off . Then, co nfirm that the voltage is saf e in the t ester or t he lik e.
11 - 1 11. TROUBLESHOOTING 11. TROUBLESHOOTING 11.1 Troub le at start- up CAUTION Exc essive a djustm ent or c hange of param eter se tting m ust not be m ade as it will mak e operat ion inst able. POINT Using the optional servo configuration software, you can refer to unrotated servo motor reasons, etc.
11 - 2 11. TROUBLESHOOTING 11.2 W hen alarm or warning has oc curred POINT Configu re up a circuit w hich will d ete ct th e tro uble ( A LM) signal and turn off the servo-o n (SON) signal at occurrence of a n alarm. 11.2.1 Alar ms and warning list When a fault occurs during operation, the corresponding alarm or warning is displayed.
11 - 3 11. TROUBLESHOOTING 11.2.2 Rem edies for al arms CAUTION W hen any alar m has oc curred, elim inate its caus e, ensur e safet y, then r eset t he alarm , and rest art op eration. Otherwis e, inj ury ma y occur. If an absolut e posit ion eras e alarm (AL.
11 - 4 11. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Name Definition Cause Ac t ion AL.17 Board erro r CPU/par ts fau l t AL.19 Memory er ror 3 ROM me mory fault Faulty parts in the servo amplifier Checkin g meth od Alarm (A.17 or A. 18) occurs if power is switched on after disconne ctio n o f all cables but the co n trol circu i t power sup ply c ables .
11 - 5 11. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Name Definition Cause Action 1. Input co mm and pulse frequen c y exce eded th e per missibl e instantaneous sp e ed freq uency. Set comman d pu lses correctl y . 2. Small acceleration/deceler ation time constant caused overshoot to be large.
11 - 6 11. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Name Definition Cause Action 1. Serv o amplifi er faul t caus ed the parameter setting to be rew r itte n. Change the servo amplifier. 2. Regenerative bra k e option not used with servo amplifier was s electe d in param eter No.
11 - 7 11. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Name Definition C ause Action 1. Servo amplifier is us ed in excess of its continuous output current . 1. Reduce load. 2. Re view op eration p attern. 3. Use ser vo motor that pro v ides larger outpu t. 2. Servo system is instable and hunting.
11 - 8 11. TROUBLESHOOTING Display Name Definition C ause Action In incrementa l system: 1. Positio ning operat ion w a s perfo rmed wi thout home position return. 2. Home positio n return ended abnormally. 1. Posit i oni n g operatio n w a s perfo rmed wi thout ho me posi tion return.
11 - 9 11. TROUBLESHOOTING 11.2.3 Rem edies for warnings If AL.E6 occur s, the servo off status is establi shed. If any other warning occurs, operation can be continued but an alarm may take place or proper operation may not be performed. Use the option al servo configuration software to refer t o the ca use of warn ing.
12 - 1 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAWINGS 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRA W INGS 12.1 Servo am plifiers (1) MR-J2S-10CL to MR-J2S-60CL MR-J2S-10CL1 to MR-J2S-40CL1 [Un it: m m] 6 ( 0.24) mou nting hole A 70 (2.76) 135 (5.32) TE1 TE2 4(0.16) B 168 (6.61) 7 (0.28) 156 (6.
12 - 2 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) MR-J2S-70CL MR-J2S- 100C L C N 1 A OPEN MIT SUBISH I C N 1 B C N 2 E N C C N 3 7 (0.28) C N 1 A OPEN L1 L2 L3 UV W MIT SUBISH I C N 1 B C N 2 E N C C N 3 [Unit: m m] ([Un it: in] ) 70(2.76) 70(2.76) 190(7.48) 22 TE1 TE2 6(0.
12 - 3 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) MR-J2S-200CL MR-J2S-350CL MITSUBIS HI MITSUBISHI 70(2.76) 195(7.68) 90(3.54) 78(3.07) 6 168(6.61) 156(6.14) 6 6 ( 0. 24) mounting hole Ter minal layo ut TE1 [Uni t: mm] ([Uni t: i n ]) TE2 PE te rminal (0.24) (0.
12 - 4 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) MR-J2S-500CL [Uni t: mm] ([Un it: in ] ) C N 2 C N 3 C N 1 A C N 1 B OPEN OPEN C N 2 C N 3 C N 1 A C N 1 B OPEN TE1 TE2 2- 6( 0 .24) mounting hole 130(5.12) 118(4.65) 7.5 (0.5) (0.24) 6 (0.24) 250(9.84) 235(9.
12 - 5 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (5) MR-J2S-700CL C N 1 B C N 1 A C N 3 C N 2 TE2 OPEN C N 1 B C N 1 A C N 3 C N 2 TE1 2- 6( 0 .24) mounting hole 7.5 (0.5) (0.39 ) 10 180(7.09) 160(6.23) (0.39) 10 70 (2.76) 200(7.87) 138(5.43) 62 (2.44) 6(0.24) Terminal layout [Uni t: mm] ([Un it: in ] ) 20 (0.
12 - 6 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 12.2 Connectors (1) Servo amplifie r side <3M > (a) Soldered type Model Connector : 10120-3000VE Shel l kit : 10320-52 F0-008 [Uni t: mm] ([Uni t: i n ]) 10. 0 (0.39) Logo, etc. are indicated here. 12.0(0.47) 22.
12 - 7 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) Co mmun i ca ti on cabl e co nn e cto r <JAE> C D F A B [Unit: m m] ([Un it: in ] ) Fitting fixing screw G E (m ax. di ameter of cabl e us ed) Type A 1 B 1 C 0.25 D 1 E F reference G DE-C1-J6-S6 34. 5 (1.
13 - 1 13. CHARACTERISTI CS 13. CHARA CTE RISTICS 13.1 Overl oad protec tion charac teristics An electroni c thermal relay is buil t in the servo ampli fier to protect t he servo motor and servo amplifi er from overloads.
13 - 2 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 13.2 Power suppl y equipment c apacity and generated los s (1) Am ount of heat g enerat ed b y the ser vo am plifier Table 12.1 ind icates se rvo amp lifiers' p ower sup ply cap acities and los ses gene rated un der r ated load.
13 - 3 13. CHARA CTERISTICS (2) H eat diss ipation area for encl osed ser vo ampl ifier The encl o sed con trol box (hereafter ca lled the control box) which will contain the servo amplifier should be design ed to ensu re that it s temper ature ri se is w ithin 10 at the ambient temperat u r e of 40 .
13 - 4 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 13.3 D y n amic br ake charac teristics Fig. 13.3 shows t he pattern in which the servo motor comes to a stop when the dynamic brake is operat ed. Use Equati on 13.2 t o calculate an approximate coast ing dista nce to a stop.
13 - 5 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 0 14 16 2 4 8 10 6 12 0 50 0 1000 15 00 20 00 25 00 300 0 13 73 23 43 053 Speed [r/min] Time co n st ant [ms] 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 73 23 43 053 13 Speed [r/min] Time constant [s] a.
13 - 6 13. CHARA CTERISTICS Use the dynamic brake at the l oad inert ia moment indicated in the following table. If the load inertia mome nt is higher than this value, the bui lt-in dy namic b rake m ay burn. I f there is a po ssibili ty that the load inertia moment may exceed the value, contact Mitsubis hi.
13 - 7 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 13.5 Inrus h Currents at Power-On of Main Circ uit and Co ntrol Circuit The followi ng table indicates the inrush currents (measurement dat a) that will flow when the maximum permissible vol t age (253VAC) is applied at the power supply equipment capacity of 2500kVA and the wiring length of 10m.
14 - 1 14. OPTIONS AND AU XILIARY EQUIPMENT 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT W ARNING Before co nnectin g any option or auxiliar y equi pment, m ake s ure that t he ch arge la m p is off more t han 10 minu tes afte r pow er-off, then confi rm t he vol tage with a tester or the like.
14 - 2 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (b) To make selection according to regenera ti ve energy Use the following method when regeneration occurs continuousl y in vertical motion applications or when it is desired to make an in-depth selection of the regenerat ive brake opti on: a.
14 - 3 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT Subtract the capacitor charging from the result of multiply ing the sum total of regenera tive energies by the inverse effi ciency to calculat e the energy consumed by the regenerati ve brake opti on.
14 - 4 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (4) C onnectio n of th e regene rative brak e option The regenerat ive brake opti on will generat e heat of ab ou t 100 . Fully ex amine heat di ssipatio n, instal lation position, used cables, etc. before instal ling the option.
14 - 5 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (b) MR-J2S-500CL MR-J2 S-700CL Always remove the w iring (across P-C) of the servo amplifier built-in regenerative brake resistor and fit th e regene rative bra ke optio n acros s P-C. The G3 and G4 terminals act as a thermal protector.
14 - 6 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT For the MR-RB 50 MR-R B51 in stall the cooling fan as shown . 82.5 40 (1.58) 82.5 133 Fan installation screw hole dimensions 2-M3 screw hol e (fo r fan i.
14 - 7 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (5) Outline drawing (a) MR-RB032 MR-R B12 LA 5 (0.20) LB TE1 6 (0.23) 6 (0.23) 156 (6.14) 168 (6.61) 144 (5.67) 12 (0.47) 6 (0.23) 12 (0.47) 20 (0.79) LD 1.6 (0.06) LC G3 G4 P C [Uni t: mm (in)] 6 (0.24) mounting h ole MR-RB TE1 Terminal block G4 G3 C P Terminal screw: M3 Tighte ning torqu e: 0.
14 - 8 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (c) MR-RB50 MR- RB51 [Unit: mm (in)] 7 14 slot 7(0.28) 12 (0.47) 116(4.57) 128(5.04) 17(0.67) 200(7.87) 2.3(0.09) 350(13.78) 325(12.80) Terminal block Terminal block G4 G3 C P Terminal screw: M4 Tightening torque: 1.
14 - 9 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.2 Br ake unit POINT The brake un it and res istor unit of other than 200V class are not applicable to the servo amplifier. The bra ke unit and resistor unit of the same capacit y must be combined. The units of different capacities may result in damage.
14 - 10 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT The cabl es between the s ervo amplifi er and brake unit and between the resistor unit and brake unit should be as short a s possib le. The cab les longe r than 5m(16.4 04ft) should be twis ted. If twis ted, the cables must no t be long er th an 10m(32 .
14 - 11 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (b) Resistor unit (FR-BR) [Unit : m m(in)] 33 (1.299) 204 (8.031) 40 (1.575) K (F) (F) BA 1 (0.039) C 5 (0.197) 2- D AA 5 (0.197) EE (E) A 5 (0.197) EE (E) (Note) Control circuit termin als Main ci rcuit termin als FR-BR-55K Two eye bolts are provided (as shown below).
14 - 12 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (2) C onnectio n exam ple Power supply 3-phase 200V or 230VAC NFB MC Servo amplifier L 11 L 21 L 1 L 2 L 3 EMG SON COM Power return conve rter FR-R C SK ON MC BC ALM NPC RDY SE Alarm output RDY output A B C 5m(16.
14 - 13 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (3) Outs ide d imensio ns of t he power retur n convert ers [Unit : mm (in)] AA A C F K EE BA B E D 2- D hole Rating plate Fron t c over Display panel w.
14 - 14 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.4 Cabl es and conn ectors (1) Cable make-up The foll owing cables ar e used for connection with the servo motor and other models.
14 - 15 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT No. Product Model Description Application 1) Standard encoder cable MR-JCCBL M-L Refer to (2) in this section.
14 - 16 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT No. Product Model Des cription Application 9) Control signal connecto r set MR-J2CN1 Co nnector: 10120-3000VE Shell kit: 10320-52F 0-008 (3M or equiv alent) Qty: 2 each Connector: HIF 3BA-20D-2.
14 - 17 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (2) Encode r cable CAUTION If you hav e fabric ated t he encod er cab le, conn ect it correct ly. Other wise, m isoperati on or ex plosion m ay occ ur. POINT The encoder cabl e is not oil resis tant. Refer to Secti on 14.
14 - 18 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT P5 LG P5 LG 19 11 20 12 2 MR MRR 7 17 MDR 16 5 3 7 4 18 P5 LG MD 6 LG 1 BAT 9 SD 1 2 8 9 P5 LG P5 LG 19 11 20 12 2 MR MRR 7 17 MDR 16 5 3 7 4 MR-JC CBL2.
14 - 19 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (b) MR-JHSCBL M-L MR-JH SCB L M-H MR-ENC BL M-H These encoder cables are used with the HC-SFS HC-R FS HC-UFS 2000r/m in serie s serv o motors. 1) Model explanation L H 2 5 10 20 30 2 (6.56) 5 (16.4) 10 (32.
14 - 20 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT MR- JHSCB L2M-L MR- JHSCB L5M-L MR- JHSCB L2M-H MR- JHSCB L5M-H MR-ENCBL2 M-H MR-ENCBL5 M-H MR- JHSCB L10M- L to MR- JHSCB L30M- L MR- JHSCB L10M- H to MR- JHSCB L50M- H MR-ENCBL1 0M-H to MR-ENCBL5 0M-H Servo am plifier side Enco der side (Note2) Use of A WG24 (Less than 1 0m(32.
14 - 21 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (3) Co mmun i ca ti on cabl e POINT This cab le m ay not b e used with some personal computers. After fully examining t he signals of the RS-232C connect or, refer to thi s section and fabricate the cable.
14 - 22 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.5 Junc tion term inal block (MR-T B20) POINT When usin g the junction t erminal block, you cannot use SG of CN1A-20 and CN1B-20 .
14 - 23 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (4) Ju nction t erminal block c able (M R-J2TBL M) Model : MR-J2TBL M Cable len g th[m(ft)] Symbol 05 1 0.
14 - 24 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.6 Main tenance junc tion card ( MR-J2CN3T M) (1) Usage The mai n tenance junction card (MR-J2CN3TM ) is desi gned for use when a personal computer and analog monit or are used at the same time.
14 - 25 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (3) Outline drawing 2- 5.3(0.21)(mounting hol e) 3(0.12) 41.5(1.63) 75(2.95) 88(3.47) 100(3.94) MR-J2CN3TM CN3A CN3B CN3C A1 B1 A6 B6 TE1 [Un it: m m] ([Unit: i n ]) Weight: 110g(0.
14 - 26 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.7 Ext ernal digi tal displa y (MR-DP60) When usin g the M R-DP 60, se t " 1 4 " in par ameter No.
14 - 27 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (4) Mounting Fron t mou nting 2 - 5 (0.20) Square hole 141(5.55) 150(5.91) 53 (2.09) [Unit: m m (in)] Inside mounting 2- 5 (0.20) Square hole 95(3.74) 150(5.91) 20 (0.79) (5) O utline dimens ion dr awin g 7.
14 - 28 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.8 M anual puls e generator (MR-HDP01) (1) S pecific ations Item Specific ations Voltage 4.5 to 13.
14 - 29 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (4) Mounting 72(2.835) 62(2.441) 3- 4.8(0.189) Panel cu t tin g equally d ivided [Un it: m m(in)] (5) O utline dimens ion dr awin g 8.89 7.6(0.299) 12V 0V A B 5V to MANUAL TYPE SERIALNO. 50(1.969) 70(2.756) 60(2.
14 - 30 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2 Auxil iar y equipm ent Alway s use the d evice s indic ate d in th is sec tion or equ iva lent. To comply wi th the EN Stan dard or UL/C- UL (CSA) Standard, use the products which conform to the corresponding standard.
14 - 31 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT Use wires 6) of the followi ng sizes wit h the brake unit (FR-B U) and power return converter (FR-RC). Model Wires[mm 2 ] FR-BU-15K 3.5(AW G12) FR-BU-30K 5.5(AW G10) FR-BU-55K 14(AWG6) FR-RC-15K 14(AWG6) Table 14.
14 - 32 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.2 No-f use break ers, fus es, magnetic c ontactors Always use one no-fuse breaker and one magnetic contactor with one servo amplifier. When u sing a fuse instea d of the no-fuse breaker, use the one having the speci ficati ons given in this s ection.
14 - 33 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.4 Re lays The followi ng relays should be used with the int erfaces: Interface Select i on exam pl e Relay used for input signals (interfac e DI-1) signals To prevent defective contacts , use a relay for small signal (twin contacts).
14 - 34 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (b) Redu ction te chnique s for ex ternal noi ses tha t cause the servo amplifier to malfu nction If there a re noise sources (such as a magnet ic con t.
14 - 35 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT Noise transm issi on rout e Suppression t echniques 1) 2) 3) When measuring instruments, receiv ers, s ensors, etc.
14 - 36 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (b) Surge suppressor The recommended su rge suppressor for i n stallat ion to an AC relay, AC valve, AC electromagnetic brake or the li ke near the servo ampli fi er is shown below. Us e this product or equival ent.
14 - 37 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT Outline drawing Earth plate Cla mp section diagram (Note)M4 screw 11(0.43) 3 (0.12) 6 (0.24) C A 6 22(0.87) 17.5(0.69) 35(1.38) 35 (1.38) L or less 10(0.39) 30(1.18) 7 (0.28) 24 0 0.2 Note: Screw hole for groundi ng.
14 - 38 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (d) Line noise filter (FR-BLF, FR-BSF01) This filter is effective in suppressing noises radiat ed fro m the power supply side and output side of the servo amplifier and also in suppressing high-frequency leakage current (zero-phas e current) especi ally wi thin 0.
14 - 39 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.7 Leak age current breaker (1) Selecti on method High-frequency chopper currents controlled b y pulse width modulation flow in the AC servo circuits. Leakage currents containing harmonic contents are larger than those of the motor which is run with a commercial power supp ly.
14 - 40 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT (2) S electio n exam ple Indicated below is an example of selecting a l eakage current break er under the followi ng conditions: SM Servo amplifier MR-J2S -60CL Servo moto r HC-MFS73 2mm 2 5m(196.85inc h ) Ig1 Ig2 Iga Igm NV 2mm 2 5m(196.
14 - 41 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.8 EMC f ilter For compliance with the EMC Directive of the EN Standard, it is recommended to use the following filter: Some EMC filters are la rge in leakage current.
14 - 42 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT HF3040-T M HF-3 050A-TM K LL G F E D CC B A M J H Dimension s [ mm(in ) ] Model AB CD E F G H J K L M HF3040A-TM 260 (10.23) 210 (8.27) 85 (3.35) 155 (6.10) 140 (5.51) 125 (4.92) 44 (1.73) 140 (5.51) 70 (2.
14 - 43 14. OPTIONS AND AU X I LIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.9 Sett ing potent iometers for analog i nputs The followi ng varia ble resi stors are avail abl e for use with anal og in puts.
15 - 1 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTI ONS 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCT IONS This servo amplifi er h as the RS-422 and RS-232 C serial communi cati on functions. These functions can be used to perform servo operation, parameter changing, monitor function, etc. However, the RS-422 and RS-232C communication functions ca n not be used t ogether.
15 - 2 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.1.2 R S-232C conf iguration (1) Outline A singl e axis of servo a mplifier is operat ed. CHARGE MITSUBISHI RS-232C Controller such a s persona l computer Servo a mplif ier To CN3 (2) Ca bl e co nn e cti o n di ag ra m Wire as shown below.
15 - 3 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.2 Comm unication specif ications 15.2.1 Com municatio n overvie w This servo amplifier is designed t o send a reply on receipt of an instruction.
15 - 4 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.2.2 Par ameter s etting When th e RS-422/ R S-23 2C communication functi on is used to operate the servo, set the communi cation specif ication s o f the servo amplifier in th e correspon ding parame ters.
15 - 5 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.3 Protoc ol POINT Whether st ation nu mber setting w ill be made o r not must be selected if the RS-232C com municatio n function is used. Note that choo sing "no station nu mbers" in par ameter No. 57 w ill make the co mmunication protocol free of s tation numbers.
15 - 6 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (3) R ecover y of com municati on stat us b y tim e-out E O T Controller side ( M as t e r s t at i o n ) Servo side (Sla ve sta t ion) EOT ca uses the servo to ret urn to the receive neutra l sta tus. (4) Data frames The data length depends on the command.
15 - 7 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.4 Charact er codes (1) C ontrol co des Code name Hex adecimal (ASCII code) Description Person al com puter termin al key operatio n (General) SOH STX ETX EOT 01H 02H 03H 04H start of he ad start of tex t end of t e xt end of tran smission ctrl A ctrl B ctrl C ctrl D (2) Codes for data ASCII codes are used.
15 - 8 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.5 Error codes Error codes are u sed in the following cases and an error code of single-code leng th is transmitted. On receipt of data from the mast er station, the slave stat ion sends the error code corresponding to that data to the master statio n.
15 - 9 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.7 Tim e-out operat ion The master stat ion transmits E OT when the slave station does not start reply operation (STX is not receive d) 300[ms] af ter the master station has en ded co mmunication opera tion. 10 0[ms] af ter th at, the maste r statio n retran smit s the me ssage.
15 - 10 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.9 Initia liza tion After th e slave st ation i s swi tched on , it c annot r eply to comm unica tion un til the intern al ini tializ ation processing terminates.
15 - 11 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.11 Comm and and dat a No. list POINT If the command/data No. is the same, its data may be different from the interface an d drive un its and othe r servo amplifiers. 15.11.1 R ead comm ands (1) Sta tus dis pla y (Comm and [0][ 1]) Command Data No.
15 - 12 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (4) Al arm his tory (C ommand [3][3]) Command Data No. Description Alarm occurrence seq uen ce Frame length [3][3] [1][0] Most recent alarm 4 [3][3] [1][1] Fir st a.
15 - 13 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (6) Curr ent posit ion latc h data (Com mand [6] [C]) Command Data No. Description Frame length [6][C] [0][1] Current position latch data. 8 (7) Ge neral- purpos e regist er (Rx) valu e (Comm and [6][ D]) Command Data No.
15 - 14 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.11.2 W rite comm ands (1) Sta tus dis pla y (Comm and [8][ 1]) Command Data No. Description Setting range Frame length [8][1] [0][0] Status display data clear 1EA5 4 (2) Par ameter (Comm and [8][4 ]) Command Data No.
15 - 15 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (8) Ex ternal input si gnal dis able ( Comm and [9][0]) Command Data No. Description Setting range Frame length [9][0] [0][0] Turns off the input de vices, exte rnal analog in put signals and pulse tra in inputs with the ex ception of EMG, L SP and LSN, indep endent ly of the ex t ern al ON/OFF stat uses.
15 - 16 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12 Detai led explan ations of com mands 15.12.1 D ata process ing When th e maste r sta tion tr ansmi ts a co mmand data No. or a command data N o. data to a slav e station, the servo amplifier returns a reply or data according to the pur pose.
15 - 17 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (2) Wr iting the proces sed data When th e data to be wri tten i s handle d as d ecimal , the d ecimal poin t posi tion mus t be specifie d. If it is not spec ified , the d ata cann o t be w ri tte n. Wh en the dat a is han dle d a s hex adec ima l, sp ecify "0" a s the decimal point position.
15 - 18 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.2 Stat us dis pla y (1) Stat us displa y data read When th e master stati on transmits the data No. to the slave station, the s lave st ation s ends back the data value and data processing information. (a) Transmission Trans mit command [ 0][1] a nd the d ata No.
15 - 19 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.3 Param eter (1) Parameter read Read the parame ter setting . (a) Transmission Transmit command [ 0][5] and the data No. corresponding to the parameter No. Comm and Data N o. Data N o. definitio n [0][5] [0][0] t o [5][A] Corresponds t o the parameter No.
15 - 20 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (2) Parameter write POINT The num ber of parameter w rite times is res tricted to 100, 000 times. Writ e t he parameter sett ing. Write the val ue within the s etting range. Refer to Secti on 5.1 for the setting range.
15 - 21 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.4 Ex ternal I/O s ignal status es (1) Re ad in g o f inpu t de vi ce sta t u ses Read the s tatuses of the input devices. (a) Transmission Transmit command [1][2] and data No. [0][0]. Command Data No. [1][2] [0][0] (b) Reply The slave sta tion sends ba ck th e statuses of t he input pins.
15 - 22 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (3) R ead of t he status es of input d evices switch ed on t hroug h comm unicat ion Read the ON/OFF statuses of t he input devices switched on through communication. (a) Transmission Transmit command [1][2] and data No.
15 - 23 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (5) Re ad o f th e st at u ses o f ou tp ut dev i ces Read the ON/OFF status es of the output devi ces. (a) Transmission Transmit command [1][2] and data No. [8][0]. Command Data No. [1][2] [8][0] (b) Reply The slave stati on sends back t he stat uses of t he output devices.
15 - 24 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.6 D isable/enabl e of I/O dev ices (DIO) Inputs can be disabled independently of the I/O devices ON/OFF. When inputs are disabled, the input signals (devi ce s) are recognized as fo llows. Among the input devices, EMG, LSP and LSN cannot be disabled.
15 - 25 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.7 Inpu t devices O N/OFF (test op eration) Each input devices can be turned on/off for test operation. when the device to be switched off exists in the exter nal inpu t sign al, al so swit ch off that input s ignal.
15 - 26 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.8 T est operation m ode (1) I nstructio ns for test o peratio n mode The test operati on mode mu st be executed in the following procedure. If communication is interrupted for long er than 0. 5s duri ng tes t operatio n, the servo am plifier cause s the mo tor to be decele rated to a stop a nd servo-locked.
15 - 27 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (2) Jo g oper ation Transmit the following commun ication commands: (a) Setting of jog operat ion data Item Comm and Data No.
15 - 28 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (c) Start of positi oning operati on Transmit the s peed and acceleration/d eceleration time constant, turn on the servo-on (SON) and forward/reverse rotation st ro ke end (LSP LSN ) , and then send the mov ing di stance to s tart positioni ng operation.
15 - 29 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.9 Ou tput signal pin ON/OFF ou tput signal (DO) f orced output In the test operation mode, the output signal pins can be turned on/off independentl y of the servo status. Using command [ 9][0], d isable the outp ut sig nals in advanc e.
15 - 30 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.10 A larm his tory (1) Alarm No. read Read the alarm No. which occurred in t he past. The alarm num bers and occurrence times of No.0 (last alar m) to No .5 (s i xth al arm in the p ast ) ar e rea d. (a) Transmission Send command [3][3] and data No.
15 - 31 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.11 Cur rent alarm (1) Current alarm read Read the alarm No. which is occurring current ly. (a) Transmission Send command [0][2] and data No. [0][0]. Comm and Data N o. [0][2] [0][0] (b) Reply The slave station sends back the alarm curren tly occurring.
15 - 32 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.12 Cur rent positi on latch data Read the curren t p ositio n latch data. When th e dat a No. is t ransm itted, the d ata va lue and data processing in formation a r e sent back. (1) T ransm ission Send command [6][C] and data No.
15 - 33 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.13 G eneral-p urpose regis ter (1) Ge neral- purpos e register (Rx) r ead Read the general-purpos e register (Rx) val ue stored in the EEP-ROM. (a) Transmission Transmit command [6][D] and any of data No. [0][1] to [0][4] corresponding to t he genera l-pi rpo se register (Rx) to be read.
15 - 34 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS (3) Ge neral- purpos e regis ter (Rx ) writ e Write the val ue of the general-purpose regis t er (Rx). Write the valu e within the s etting range. Refer to Section 4.2.2 (1) for the sett ing range. Transmi t command [ B][9], the d ata No.
15 - 35 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15.12.14 Servo am plifier grou p design ation With g roup settin g made to th e slave statio ns, data ca n be tr ansmitte d s imulta neously to two or more slave stations set as a group through RS-422 communication.
15 - 36 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS 15. 12.15 S oftwar e versi on Reads the software version of the servo amplif ier. (a) Transmission Send command [0] [2] and data No. [ 7] [0]. Comm and Data No. [0][2] [7][0] (b) Reply The slave station returns the software version requested.
App - 1 A PPENDIX App 1. Stat us indic ation bloc k diagram Peak load ratio PWM SM Current control Droop pulse ABS counter Low High CMX CDV Electronic gear Bus volta ge ABS cou n ter Servo motor Posit.
App - 2 APPENDIX App 2. Junc tion term inal block (MR-T B20) term inal block labels For CN1A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PG OP C.
REVISIONS *The manual numb er i s given on t he bottom left of the back cover. Print Data * Manual Number Revision Jan., 2003 SH(NA)030034-A First edition.
J2-Super Series HEAD OFFICE:MITSUBISHI DENKI BLDG MARUNOUCHI TOKYO 100-8310 SH (NA) 030034-A (0301) MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice.
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