Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LY18R2A Mitsubishi Electronics
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MELSEC-L I/O Module User's Manual -LX10 -LX28 -LX40C6 -LX41C4 -LX42C4 -LY10R2 -LY18R2A -LY20S 6 -LY40NT5 P -LY28S 1A -LY41NT1 P -LY42NT1 P -LY40P T5P -LY41P T1P -LY42P T1P -LH42C4NT1P -LH42C4PT1P.
1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Read th ese prec autio ns befor e using th is prod uct.) Befor e usin g this produc t, pl ease rea d thi s manua l and t he r elevan t manu als care full y and p ay f ull at tent ion to safet y to han dle th e product correc tly .
2 [Design Precaution s] W ARNING ● Conf igure saf ety ci rcuit s ext ern al to the pr ogramma ble con tro ller to ensur e that the entir e syst em opera tes saf ely ev en when a fa ult o ccurs in the ex ternal powe r supply or the p rogramm able co ntro ller .
3 [Design Pre cautions ] [Inst allatio n Precautions] [Inst allatio n Precautions] [Wiring Precautions ] CAUTION ● Do not in stall the co ntrol lines or communica tion cables t ogether with t he main circuit lines or power cable s. Keep a di stance of 100mm or more betwee n them.
4 [Wiring Precautions] CAUTI ON ● Indiv idually gr ound the FG and LG termi nals of the programmable controll er with a ground resi stance of 100 oh ms or less. Failu re to do so may resul t in electri c shock or malfunction. ● Use app licable sol derless termi nals and tigh ten them withi n the specifie d torque ra nge.
5 [St artup and Maintenan ce Precaution s] [St artup and Maintenan ce Precaution s] [Disposal Precaut ions] W ARNING ● Do not to uch any terminal w hile po wer is on. Doi ng so will cause el ectric sho ck or malfuncti on. ● Correct ly connect th e battery conne ctor .
6 CONDITIONS OF U SE FOR THE PRODUCT (1) Mitsubishi programmable controller ("the PRODUCT ") shall be used in conditions; i) where any problem, fau lt or failure occurring in the PRODUCT , i.
7 INTRODUCTION Thank yo u for purchas ing the Mits ubishi MELSEC-L series progr ammable contro llers. This man ual describ es safety preca utions, speci fications, a nd functions.
8 COMPLIANCE WITH EM C A ND LOW VOL T AGE DIRECTIVES (1) Method of ensuring complianc e T o ensure that Mits ubishi program m able con trollers maint ain EMC and Low V oltage Dire ctives when inc orporated into oth er machinery or equipment, cert ain measures may be neces sary .
9 RELEV ANT MAN UALS (1) CPU module user's manual (2) Head m od ule User's Manual (3) Operating manua l (4) User' s manual for optional items Manu al na me manual number (mode l code) D.
CONTENTS 10 CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CONDITIONS OF USE FOR THE PRODUCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 CHAPTER 6 INST ALLA TION AND WIRING 61 6.1 Install a tion Enviro n ment and I n stallati on Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 6.2 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 MANUAL P AGE ORGANIZA TION In th is manual, p ages are orga nized and the s ymbols are us ed as shown b elow . The foll owing illust ration is for e xplanation purp ose only , and sh ould not be re ferred to as an ac tual document ation. *1 The mouse operation example is provided below .
13 Pages des cribing spe cifications are organiz ed as shown b elow . The follo wing illustrat ion is for ex planation purpos e only , and shou ld not be refe rred to as an actu al document ation.
14 TERMS Unles s otherwise spe cified, this ma nual uses t he following t erms. P ACKING LIST The following item s are included in the pa ckage of this p roduct.
15 CHAPTER 1 PRODUCT LINEU P 1 1.1 Product Lineup CHAPTER 1 PRODUCT LINEUP 1.1 Product Lineu p (1) Input module (2) Output module (3) I/O combine d module Modul e name Input specific ation s Number of.
16 1.2 How to Read t he Model Name • F or in put modul e or outpu t mo dule • For I/O co mbined mod ule No. Ite m Symbol Specifica tions 1) Modul e type X Input YO u t p u t H I/O combin ed No.
17 CHAPTER 1 PRODUCT LINEU P 1 1.2 How to Read the Model Nam e No. Item Symbol Specificat ions Inpu t modul e Outpu t module AC input DC input Contact ou tput T riac outp ut T ransis tor outp ut 5) Current specifications 1 - - - 1A 0.1A 2 --2 A -- 4- 4 m A - - - 5 ----0 .
18 CHAPTER 2 P ART NAMES *1 Operate the Indication select or switch with you r fingers. Do not use a screwdriver or simila r tool as it m ay damage the switch. No. Name Descri ption 1) Module jo int lever s Levers fo r conn ecting tw o modu les 2) I/O oper ation statu s indicato r LEDs Indicate t he I/O s tatus.
20 CHAPTER 3 BEFORE USIN G I/O MO DULE 3.1 Input Mod ule (1) Common precautions for all output modules (a) Simult aneous on point s The number of simu ltaneous on point s of input modu le depends on the input voltage and ambient tem perature. Refer t o the derating ch art of the inpu t module sp ecifications.
21 CHAPTER 3 BEFORE USING I/O MODULE 3 3.2 Output Module 3.2 Output Module (1) Common prec autions for all output modules (a) M aximum switchi ng frequency when the module drives Inductive l oad. The output must be on for one secon d or longer an d off for on e second or lon ger .
22 (2) Precaution for using the transi stor output module (a) Action against reverse current If a t ransistor output module is wi red as show n below , reverse current flows in a n output element , causing a failure of the elemen t. When w iring a transis tor output module , connect a dio de as shown b elow .
23 CHAPTER 3 BEFORE USING I/O MODULE 3 3.2 Output Module (3) Precautions f or using the cont act output module When usin g the cont act output modu le, conside r the following .
24 (b) Effec ts t o relay life due to connected load The actual relay li fe may be s ignificantl y shortened compared to the relay life curve, de pending on t he type o f a load c onnected and the characteris tics of inrush c urrent. ( Page 23 , Section 3.
25 CHAPTER 3 BEFORE USING I/O MODULE 3 3.2 Output Module (c) M easures against back EMF Configu re a cont act protectio n circuit for exte nding the co ntact lif e, preventing noise when the contact is cut of f, and supp ressing the gen eration of carb ide and nitric a cid due to ar c discharge.
26 (4) Precautions for using the tria c output module (a) Measures against back EMF T ake measures against back EMF to the si de where the l oad is connec ted if the wiri ng distan ce from the output module to the load is l ong. If no t, the surge supp ressor in the ou tput module m a y not w o rk ef fectively .
27 CHAPTER 3 BEFORE USING I/O MODULE 3 3.3 I/O Combined Module 3.3 I/O Combined Modu le This sec tion describes the precauti ons for using th e I/O combined module. The preca utions not desc ribed below are common to tha t for the input module and outp ut module.
28 CHAPTER 4 SPECIFICA TIONS 4.1 General Specifications For the g eneral spec ifications of th e I/O modules, refer to the fol lowing manual. Manual "Safety Gui delines" incl uded in the C P.
29 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.2 Input Module S pecifications 4.2 Input Module Specifications 4.2.1 LX10 AC input module Item Spec ification s Appe arance Numb er of in put po ints 16 poin ts Rated input vol tage, freque ncy 100 to 120V AC ( +10%/-15 %), 5 0/60Hz(±3 Hz) Input vo ltage dis tortion Wit hin 5% Rated input cu rrent 8.
30 Exte rnal conn ections T ermin al connec tions LED LED Internal circuit TB1 TB16 TB17 Photocoupler Photocoupler 100 to 120VAC X01 X03 X05 X07 X09 X0B X0D X0F X00 X02 X04 X06 X0A X0C X0E COM 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Empty X08 100 to 120V AC T erminal number Signal name Signal name Viewed from the front of the module.
31 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.2 Input Module S pecifications 4.2.2 LX28 AC input module Item Spec ification s Appe arance Numb er of in put po ints 8 points Rated input vol tage, freque ncy 100 to 240V AC ( +10%/-15 %), 5 0/60Hz(±3 Hz) Input vo ltage dis tortion Wit hin 5% Rated input cu rrent 16 .
32 4.2. 3 LX 40C6 DC in put mod ule Item Specifica tions Appe arance Number of inpu t points 16 points Rated in put voltage 24VDC (r ipple rate: 5% or less) (Allowable voltage range : 20.
33 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.2 Input Module S pecifications Exter nal conn ectio ns T erminal connecti ons 24VDC 24VDC LED LED Internal circuit TB1 TB16 TB17 Photocoupler Photocoupler X01 X03 .
34 4.2. 4 LX 41C4 DC in put mod ule Item Specifica tions Appe arance Number of inpu t points 32 points Rated in put voltage 24VDC (r ipple rate: 5% or less) (Allowable voltage range : 20.4 to 28.8VDC) Rated in put cur rent 4.0mA T YP . (at 24V DC) ON voltage/O N curre nt 19V or higher /3mA or higher OFF voltage/OFF current 9V or lower/1.
35 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.2 Input Module S pecifications Exter nal conn ectio ns T erminal connecti ons 24VDC 24VDC LED LED Internal circuit B20 A05 B01,B02 Photocoupler Photocoupler A20 B2.
36 4.2. 5 LX 42C4 DC in put mod ule Item Specifica tions Appe arance Number of inpu t points 64 points Rated in put voltage 24VDC (r ipple rate: 5% or less) (Allowable voltage range : 20.4 to 28.8VDC) Rated in put cur rent 4.0mA T YP . (at 24V DC) ON voltage/O N curre nt 19V or higher /3mA or higher OFF voltage/OFF current 9V or lower/1.
37 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.2 Input Module S pecifications *1 Switching left side (F) prov ides the first half (X00 to X1 F) LED indications, and s witching right side (L) prov ides the latte r half (Y20 to Y 3F) LED indica tions.
38 4.3 Output Module S p ecifications The foll owing outp ut module equip s the ove rload protection function and the overheat pro tection func tion. Applica ble model L Y40NT5P , L Y4.
39 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.3 Output Module Specifications 4.3.1 L Y10R2 cont act outpu t module Item Specifica tions Appe aran ce Numb er of outp ut poin ts 16 poin ts Rated switching voltag.
40 4.3. 2 L Y18R2A cont act output module (All poi nt s independent) Item Spec ification s Appe arance Number of out put po ints 8 p oints Insulation m ethod Relay Rated switching voltage, current 24 .
41 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.3 Output Module Specifications 4.3.3 L Y20S6 triac output module Item Specificatio ns Appe arance Numb er of outp ut poin ts 1 6 points Rated load voltage, frequen cy 100 t o 240VAC (+10%/-15% ), 50 /60Hz(±3H z) Maximum load cu rrent 0.
42 4.3. 4 L Y28S1A triac output m odule (All p oint s i ndependent) Item Spec ification s Appe arance Number of out put po ints 8 po ints Insulatio n method Photo coupler isola tion Rated lo ad voltag.
43 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.3 Output Module Specifications Exte rnal conn ections T ermi nal co nnectio ns Load Load TB15 LED TB16 100 to 240VAC 100 to 240VAC LED TB1 Internal circuit TB2 1 3.
44 4.3. 5 L Y40NT5P transistor output module (Sink type) Item Spec ification s Appe arance Number of out put po ints 16 p oints Rated lo ad voltage 10.2 to 28.8V DC Maximu m load c urren t 0.5A/p oint, 5 A/com mon Maximu m inrush current Current is limited by the o verload prote ction fun ction.
45 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.3 Output Module Specifications 4.3.6 L Y41NT1P transistor output module (Sink type) Item Specificatio ns Appe arance Numb er of outp ut poin ts 3 2 points Rated loa d voltage 10.2 to 28.8VD C Maximum load cu rrent 0.
46 Exte rnal conn ections T ermin al connec tions B20 A01,A0 2 B01,B0 2 12/24VDC A05 Internal circuit Constant-voltage circuit Photocoupler Photocoupler Load Load LED LED A20 B20 A19 B19 B18 B17 B16 B.
47 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.3 Output Module Specifications 4.3.7 L Y42NT1P transistor output module (Sink type) Item Specificatio ns Appe arance Numb er of outp ut poin ts 6 4 points Rated loa d voltage 10.2 to 28.8VD C Maximum load cu rrent 0.
48 *1 Switching left s ide (F) provides the first half ( Y00 to Y1F) LED indications, and switching right side (L) provides the latte r half (Y20 to Y3F) LED indications.
49 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.3 Output Module Specifications 4.3.8 L Y40PT5P transistor outpu t module (Source type) Item Specificatio ns Appe arance Numb er of outp ut poin ts 1 6 points Rated loa d voltage 10.2 to 28.8VD C Maximum load cu rrent 0.
50 4.3. 9 L Y41PT1P transistor output module (Sour ce type) Item Spec ification s Appe arance Number of out put po ints 32 p oints Rated lo ad voltage 10.2 to 28.8V DC Max. loa d current 0.1A/poin t, 2A/c ommon Max. inrush curre nt Current is li mited by the ov erload pr otecti on functi on.
51 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.3 Output Module Specifications Exter nal conn ectio ns T erminal connecti ons Internal circuit LED LED 12/24VDC Load Load Constant-voltage circuit TB20 A05 B01,B02 A01,B02 Photocoupler Photocoupler Viewed from the front of the module.
52 4.3. 10 L Y42PT1P transistor output m odule (Source type) *1 Switching left s ide (F) provides the first half ( Y00 to Y1F) LED indications, and switching right side (L) provides the latte r half (Y20 to Y3F) LED indications. Item Speci fication s Appe arance Number of out put po ints 64 poi nts Rated load voltage 10.
53 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.4 I/O Combined Module Specifications 4.4 I/O Combined Mo dule Specifications The I/O c ombined modul e equips the overload pro tection functio n and the ove rheat protecti on function. *1 This function is for protecting the internal circuit of the m odule, not for pr otecting external device s.
54 4.4. 1 LH42C4NT 1P DC input/transistor output combined module (Sink t ype) Item Specif ication s Appe arance Input specifica tions Number of inpu t points 32 points Rated in put voltage 24VDC (r ipple rate: 5% or less) (Allowa ble voltage range : 20.
55 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.4 I/O Combined Module Specifications *1 Switching left side (F) provides the input (X 00 to X1F ) LE D indications, and switching right side (L) provides the output (Y00 to Y1F) LED indications.
56 4.4. 2 LH42C4PT1P DC input/tr ansistor output combined m odule (Source type) Item Specificat ions App earan ce Input specifica tions Number of inpu t points 32 poi nts Rated in put voltage 24VDC (ripple rate: 5% or less ) (Allo wable voltage r ange: 2 0.
57 CHAPT ER 4 SPECIFIC A T ION S 4 4.4 I/O Combined Module Specifications *1 Switching left side (F) provides the input (X 00 to X1F ) LE D indications, and switching right side (L) provides the output (Y00 to Y1F) LED indications.
58 CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION (1) System configura t ion using I/O module An exam ple of overall s ystem configu ration using MELSEC-L series I/O modules is s hown below .
59 CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION 5 (b) Mounting to a head module (2) Optional pr o ducts The follow ing optional p roducts c an be used for e asy wiring of modules. (a) Display unit This uni t has a liqui d crysta l display a nd can be att ached to t he CPU modul e.
60 (3) Connection with the connector/t erminal block converter module (4) Connection with the re lay terminal module Dedicated cable with connector Connector/terminal block converter module Relay term.
61 CHAPTER 6 INST ALLA TION AND WIRING 6 6.1 Installation E nvironment and Installation Position CHAPTER 6 INST ALLA TION AND WIRING 6.1 Inst allation Environment an d Installation Position For inst allation en vironment and i nstallat ion position , refer to the fo llowing.
62 6.2 Wiring 6.2. 1 Fo r the 18-point screw terminal block module (1) Precautions • Always us e a solderles s terminal of 0 .8mm or less in thickne s s. Up to two solderle ss terminals can be connecte d to one termi nal block. • A solderle ss terminal with insulati on sleeve can not be used f or a terminal blo ck.
63 CHAPTER 6 INST ALLA TION AND WIRING 6 6.2 Wiring (3) Remova l procedure for the terminal block (4) Inst allation procedure for the terminal block 1.
64 6.2. 2 Fo r the 40-pin co nnector type module (1) Precautions • Use coppe r wires having temperature ra ting of 75°C or m ore for the conne ctors.
65 CHAPTER 6 INST ALLA TION AND WIRING 6 6.2 Wiring (3) Wir ing method for the 40-pin connector For the wi ring method, refe r to the following. MELSEC-L CP U Module Use r's Manual (Hard ware Design, Maintenanc e and Inspectio n) (4) Inst alling procedure for the 40-pin connector .
66 6.3 Input Wiring Exa mples The foll owing show s wiring exampl es of the DC i nput module to connecta ble DC input equipment s (DC output ty pe). (1) Wiring exa mple with relay output type (2) Wiri.
67 CHAPTER 6 INST ALLA TION AND WIRING 6 6.3 Input Wiring E xamples Avoid wiring shown below when connec ting with a volt age output type sensor . This wiring cause current to flow to the DC input module t hrough a pull-up resistor in a sensor . T herefore, input current may not reach ON current of the module and the I nput signal does not turn on.
68 CHAPTER 7 V ARIOUS SETTINGS The foll owing setting s for I/O mod ule can be mad e with GX W orks2. • I/O respons e time settin g • Error time o utput mode setting 7.1 Input Resp onse Time Setting Perform th e following p rocedure. (When us ing GX Develope r Page 90, Appendix 4 (1)) 1.
69 CHAPTER 7 V ARIOUS SETTINGS 7 7.1 Input Response Time Setting The pulse width that the input module takes as input data differs depending on the input res ponse time. The pulse width taken as input data differs depending on the input response time.
70 7.2 Error T ime Output Mode Setting Perform th e following p rocedure. (When us ing GX Develope r Page 90, Appendix 4 (2)) 1. Open "I /O Assignment" of " PLC Parameter". Project window [Paramet er] [PLC Parameter] [I/O Ass ignment] 2.
71 CHAPT ER 8 TRO UBLESHO OTING 8 8.1 Troubleshooting for I n put Circuit CHAPTER 8 TROUBLESHOOT ING 8.1 T rou bleshooting for Input C ircuit (1) An input signal does not t urn off. (a) Case 1 (b) Case 2 Case Cause • The leaka ge cur rent of an input swit ch occur red.
72 (c) Case 3 (d) Case 4 Case Cause • A leaka ge curr ent occ urred due to the line capaci ty of a wiring cable . (The l ine capacity C of a tw isted pair cable is appro x.
73 CHAPT ER 8 TRO UBLESHO OTING 8 8.1 Troubleshooting for I n put Circuit Calcul ation exam ple The resistan ce value of a con nected resistor is calc ulated by the f ollowing fo rmula. A swit ch with LE D indica tor tha t gene rates a cur rent le akage o f 2.
74 (e) Case 5 (2) An input signal does not turn on. (AC input module) (3) A signal incorrectly inputs data. If excessive noise is pe riodically generated, setting t he response time shorter m ay be effective. 70ms 20ms Case Cause By usi ng two p ower supplie s, a sne ak path has been config ured.
75 CHAPT ER 8 TRO UBLESHO OTING 8 8.2 Troubleshooting for Output Ci r cuit 8.2 T rou bleshoo ting fo r Output C ircuit (1) When the output is off, exce ssive volt age is applied to the load (triac output). (2) The load does not turn off (triac output).
76 (b) Case 2 Case Cause • The l oad curre nt is lower th an the minimum load c urrent of the output modu le. • In such a case, th e load current flo ws into a photot riac as sh own abo ve because the tr iac does not opera te.
77 CHAPT ER 8 TRO UBLESHO OTING 8 8.2 Troubleshooting for Output Ci r cuit (3) A load m o ment arily turns on when powe ring on the external power supply . Case Cause An incor rect ou tput occ urs due to floati ng capacitanc e (C) be tween co llector a nd emit ter of p hotocouple r .
78 (4) A load moment arily turns on from off when the sy stem is powered off (transistor output). Case Cause When an indu ctive load is conne cted, 2 ) Load may turn on fro m off due t o a dive rsion of back EMF at 1) S hutoff. Action T ake one of two a ction s shown below.
79 CHAPT ER 8 TRO UBLESHO OTING 8 8.2 Troubleshooting for Output Ci r cuit (5) The loa d operates due to powering on the e x ternal power supply (tr a nsistor output). (6) The load operates by incorrect input due to chattering of the e xternal power supply .
80 (7) When an output is turned on, a l oad connected to the other output is also turned on (transistor output (source type)). Case Cause If the wire connect ing 0V of a n exter nal power su pply and .
81 APPENDICES A Appendix 1 O ptional Items Appendix 1.1 Connector/terminal block converter m odules APPENDICES Appendix 1 Optional Item s Appendix 1.1 Connector/termi nal block converter modules (1) I.
82 (3) Part na mes No. Name Descr iption 1) Panel m ounting holes Used to m ount the modul e to panel ( for incl uded scr ews(M4) ). 2) T erminal blocks Used to c onnect power su pply an d I/O sig nal wir es. 3) 40-pin connector Used to connect the AC TB.
83 APPENDICES A Appendix 1 O ptional Items Appendix 1.1 Connector/terminal block converter m odules (4) T erminal connections • A6TBXY36 B19 B20 B20 B19 B18 B18 B17 B17 B16 B16 B15 B15 B14 B14 B13 B.
84 • A6TBXY54 B20 B20 B19 B18 B17 B16 B15 B14 B13 B19 B18 B17 B16 B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B9 B7 B6 B5 B12 B11 B10 B8 B6 B5 B4 B4 B3 B3 B2 B2 B1 B1 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A1.
85 APPENDICES A Appendix 1 O ptional Items Appendix 1.1 Connector/terminal block converter m odules • A6TBX70 B20 B20 B19 B19 B18 B18 B17 B17 B16 B16 B15 B15 B14 B14 B13 B13 B12 B12 B11 B11 B10 B10 .
86 Appendix 1.2 Relay term inal m odule (A6TE 2-16S RN) The A6TE2-1 6SRN is used in pl ace of joint termin al blocks and in -panel rela ys for saving man-ho ur for wiring acros s a prog rammable contro ller , a relay term inal block an d relays in the control pa nel.
87 APPENDICES A Appendix 1 O ptional Items Appendix 1.3 Dedicated cables with connect or Appendix 1.3 Dedicated cables with connector (1) For connec tor/terminal block converter module s *1 V oltage drop will grow due to the long length of the cables.
88 Appendix 2 Checking Se rial Number For che cking serial nu mber , refer to the following. MELSE C -L CPU Module User ' s Manu al (Hardware De sign, Maintenan ce and Insp ection) MELSE C -L CC-.
89 APPENDICES A Appendix 3 Compatibility of L series and Q series I/O module Appendix 3 Comp atibility of L series a nd Q series I/O modu le The follo wing shows compati bility of I/O mo dules of L s eries and Q series.
90 Appendix 4 When Using GX D eveloper This s ection describ es the metho d of the I/O mod ule settings with GX Developer . (1) Input response time se t ting Set the in put response ti me in I/O Assig nment of PLC Parame ter . Project win dow [Parameter] [PLC Pa rameter] [I/O Assign ment] The sett ing method i s the sam e as when us ing GX W orks2.
91 APPENDICES A Appendix 5 E xternal Dimensions Appendix 5.1 I/O modules Appendix 5 Externa l Dimensions Appendix 5.1 I/O mod u les (1) 18-point s c rew terminal bl o ck 28.
92 (2) 40-pin connector (a) 32-point module (b) 64-poi nt m odule 28.5 95 4 49 0 45 (45) 4 (Unit: mm) DIN rail center 28.5 95 4 49 0 45 (45) 4 (Unit: mm) DIN rail center.
93 APPENDICES A Appendix 5 E xternal Dimensions Appendix 5.2 Connectors Appendix 5.2 Connectors The c able may r un off f rom the ca ble cram p whe n th e siz e is thi nne r t han th at o f the c ram p. In that case, fix the c able by wing ing tape a round it.
94 Appendix 5.3 Connector/terminal block converter modules 89.6 120 48 52 5.5 17.3 44 78.5 48 52 124.6 155 5.5 17.3 44 78.5 48 52 159.6 190 5.5 17.3 44 78.5 A6TBXY36 A6TBXY54 A6TBX70 2- 4.5 Mounting holes (M4 25) Screws (M3.5) (Unit: mm) 2- 4.5 Mounting holes (M4 25) Screws (M3.
95 APPENDICES A Appendix 5 E xternal Dimensions Appendix 5.4 Cable for connecto r/terminal block c onverter module Appendix 5.4 Cable for connector/termin al block converter module 69.
96 REVISIONS *The m anual number is given on th e bottom left of the back c over . Jap anese manu al version SH-0808 72-I © 2010 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORA TION Prin t date *Manual n umber Revisio n.
97 W A RRANTY Pleas e confir m the fo llowing p roduct w arra nty details before us ing th is prod uct. 1. Gratis W arranty T erm and Gratis W arranty Range If any fault s or defects (hereinaf ter &qu.
98 TRAD EMARKS Micros oft, Windo ws, Windows V ista, Wi ndows NT , Windows XP , Windows Server , Visi o, Excel, Power Point, V i sual Bas ic, V isual C++, and Ac cess are eit her registered trad emarks or tradem arks of Microsof t Corporation in the Unite d S tates , Jap an, and other cou ntries.
SH(NA)- 080888E NG-G(1 407 )MEE MODEL: L-IO -U-E MODEL CODE: 13JZ34 Specifications subject to change without notice. When exported from Japan, this manual does not require application to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for service transaction permission.
An important point after buying a device Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mitsubishi Electronics LY18R2A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center