Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DiMAGE H-A106 Minolta
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INSTR UCTION MANU AL E 9224-2766-21 H-A106.
- 2 - • This instruction manual ma y not be copied either in par t or in its entirety without the prior per mission of Minolta Co ., Ltd. © 2001 Minolta Co ., Ltd. • Ev er y precaution has been taken to ensure the accur acy of this material Please contact Minolta if you ha ve any questions , find an y mistak es or notice missing inf ormation.
- 3 - This instruction manual does not provide instructions f or the basic operation of the personal computers, or the basic oper ation of Windows® or Mac OS oper ating systems. Please ref er to the man ual that came with y our computer f or inf or mation on the abov e mentioned topics.
- 4 - T ABLE OF CONTENTS T ABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................4 BEFORE Y OU BEGIN..........................................................................................
- 5 - T ABLE OF CONTENTS COLOR CORRECTION ................................................................................................40 Corrections using the tone cur ves ...........................................................................
- 6 - BEFORE Y OU BEGIN TERMS USED IN THIS MANU AL • This manual assumes that y our computer’ s operating system (Windo ws®95/98/98 Second Edition/Me/2000/NT 4.0 or Mac OS) as well as other necessary software such as de vice drivers hav e been installed, and are operating properly .
- 7 - BEFORE Y OU BEGIN • If you are using Macintosh OS , the ter m ‘Command K ey’ ref ers to the key located ne xt to the Space Bar . • Command names shown in this man ual which are common both to the Windows® and Macintosh systems do not indicate any of the shor tcut ke ys found in Windows® command names .
- 8 - SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (Windo ws ® ) The system requirements f or the operation of this softw are are as shown belo w: IBM PC/A T and their compatible computers CPU Intel P entium® Processor 133MHz or higher OS Windows®2000 Prof essional, Windows®Me , Windows®98 / 98 Second Edition, Windoes®95, Windows®NT4.
- 9 - SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (Macintosh) The system requirements f or the operation of this softw are are as shown belo w: Apple Macintosh Series computers CPU P owerPC 100MHz or higher (e xcept a non-Macintosh Mac OS-compatib le computer) OS Mac OS 8.6 / 9 / 9.
- 10 - INST ALLING THE SOFTW ARE (Windo ws ® ) F ollow the procedure belo w to install the softw are on your Windows PC . RAM stationed programs such as anti-virus progr ams or installation monitoring programs ma y cause the installer to f ail.
- 11 - INST ALLING THE SOFTW ARE (Windows ® ) The “License Agreement” (figure-left) appears. Read the entire “License Agreement” carefully before continuing the installation If you do not ag ree to the terms of the “License Agreement”, clic k “No”.
- 12 - INST ALLING THE SOFTW ARE (Windo ws ® ) Click “Next >”, and the “Select Program F older” window (figure-left) will appear . 7. The name of the pr ogram f older where y ou will add the pr ogram icon is shown in the windo w . Click “Next >” to add the icon in the default (rever sed) f older .
- 13 - INST ALLING THE SOFTW ARE (Macintosh) F ollow the procedure belo w to install the softw are on your Macintosh computer . Functional e xpansion progr ams such as anti-virus programs or control panel documents ma y cause the installer to f ail.
- 14 - INST ALLING THE SOFTW ARE (Macintosh) 6. Clic k “Next >>” in the Installer’ s initial window . The “License Agreement” (figure-left) appears. Read the entire “License Agreement” carefully before continuing the installation. If you do not ag ree to the terms of the “License Agreement”, clic k “No”.
- 15 - INST ALLING THE SOFTW ARE (Macintosh) 8. Make sure that y ou ha ve selected a pr oper f older f or installation, and then c lic k “Next >>”.
- 16 - ST AR TING THE SOFTW ARE F or Windows ® : 1. T urn on y our PC to start Windows®. 2. Select “Star t” “Pr ograms(P)” “DiMA GE Image Vie wer Utility” “DiMA GE Image Viewer Utility”. The main window of the utility (figure-left) appears .
- 17 - ST ARTING THE SOFTW ARE F or Macintosh: 1. T urn on y our Macintosh to start Mac OS. 2. Open the f older where y ou installed the application software (the f older that y ou selected or created during the software installation), and open the “DiMA GE Image Viewer Utility” folder in the same wa y .
- 18 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS This software reads all image files (or one file) in the selected f older , and displa ys their thumbnails (100 x 75 pix els) on the screen.
- 19 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Displa y Thumbnails of All Images in the Folder: 3. Clic k the “Load All Images” button of the main window . The OS (operating system) standard f older selection dialog bo x appears. (The left-hand figure is for Windows ® .
- 20 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS 5. Image files in the selected f older are read, and their thumbnails are displa yed (figure-left). * If Minolta-RA W files (image files with the .mrw e xtension) e xist in the selected f older , the “Open the Minolta-RA W File” windo w appears e v ery time the software reads it in.
- 21 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Displa y a Thumbnail of a Cer tain Image in the Folder: (continued from page 18, Oper ation 2 ) 3. Clic k the “Load an Image” button in the main window . The OS (operating system) standard f older selection dialog bo x appears.
- 22 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS * If you selected a Minolta-RA W file (image file with the .mrw extension), the “Open the Minolta-RA W File” window appears when the softw are reads it in. The file will be processed to the image format that can be displa y ed on the monitor , and its thumbnail will be display ed.
- 23 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Open Minolta-RA W Files: If the selected image files are Minolta-RA W files (image files with the .mrw extension), the f ollowing “Open the Minolta-RA W File” window appears bef ore thumbnails are displa y ed.
- 24 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Open Minolta-RA W Files: (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 white balance selection menu 1 Select the white balance to apply to Minolta-RA W files. saturation adjustment slide bar 2 Adjust the saturation le v el between L (lo w) and H (high).
- 25 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS 1. Select a white balance option to apply fr om the white balance selection menu. 2. Adjust the saturation and contrast level with slide bar s if necessary , and then select the sharpness level.
- 26 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS 3. Clic k “OK”. Image files are processed accor ding to the setting in the “Open the Minolta-RA W File” window , and thumbnails of Minolta-RA W files are display ed in the main window . The “Open the Minolta-RA W File” window will close automaticall y .
- 27 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Sa ve in the Minolta-RA W File Format: If you clic k “Save” instead of “OK” in the “Open the Minolta-RA W File” window , the OS (operating system) standard file sav e dialog appears. (The left- hand figure is f or Windows ® .
- 28 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Rotate, Flip and Sort Thumbnails: Sor ting-Order Switch button Sor ting-T arget Specification list bo x Flip-V er tical button Flip-Horizontal button Rota.
- 29 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Change the Image Size: 1. Select the thumbnail that y ou wish to re-size , and then clic k the “Image Size” b utton in the main window . The “Image Size” window appears . 2. T ype the width or the height value of the re-sized image in pixels.
- 30 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Displa y the Ima ge (Recording) Inf ormation: 1. Select the thumbnail f or which y ou wish to see image inf ormation, and then c lic k the “Image Information” b utton in the main window .
- 31 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – THUMBNAILS T o Delete Thumbnails: 1. Select the (thumbnailed) image that y ou wish to delete in the thumbnail displa y area of the main window . 2. Press the “Delete” key on y our keyboar d. The selected thumbnail will be deleted.
- 32 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – COLOR MA TCHING The color matching function of this software is to repr oduce a subject’ s color on your monitor screen or on the specified color space. If y ou wish to reproduce a subject f or photography as close to original color s as possible, you should select the “Color Matching ON” option.
- 33 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – COLOR MA TCHING 2. Select the desired color space fr om the “Output Color Space” drop-do wn list. If y ou wish to reproduce ima ges on your monitor as c lose to the .
- 34 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – COLOR MA TCHING 2. Clic k “Load…”. The Windows ® standard file open dialog bo x appears. 3. Select y our color monitor’ s ICC profile, and then clic k “Open”.
- 35 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – COLOR MA TCHING If you use Macintosh, f ollow the procedure below . 1. Select the “Use ICC profile” option from the “Output Color Space” pop-up menu. 2. Clic k “Choose” of the folder selection dialog bo x or “Open” of the file selection dialog bo x.
- 36 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – SA VING IMA GES The f ollowing describes how to sa ve thumbnailed images as image files in your desired location. T o Sa ve an Image File: 1. Select the thumbnail that y ou wish to sa ve . 2. Clic k the “Save an Image” button in the main window .
- 37 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – SA VING IMA GES 3. Select the location to save the ima ge file from the “Sa ve in:” drop-do wn list (the pop-up menu on the top of the dialog f or Macintosh), and then type the file name to save in the te xtbo x next to “File name:” (“Name:” for Macintosh).
- 38 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – SA VING IMA GES T o Sa ve Multiple Images at One Time: 1. Select the thumbnails that y ou wish to sa ve . If you wish to select more than 2 (thumbnail) images , clic k those (thumbnail) images while holding the “Ctrl” key (“Command” ke y f or Macintosh).
- 39 - USING THE SOFTW ARE – SA VING IMA GES 3. Select the destination f older to save ima ges. 4. Select the type of image files to save fr om the “File T ype:” dr op-down list (“File T ype:” pop-up menu for Macintosh). Select either “TIFF” or “JPEG” .
- 40 - COLOR CORRECTION If you clic k the “Color Correction” tab, the f ollowing “Color Correction” window appears. Y ou can add various corrections (retouches) using tone cur ves and histog rams , or corrections of brightness, color balance, saturation, lightness and so on.
- 41 - COLOR CORRECTION Corrections using the tone curves 1. Clic k the “T one Curves/Histogram Correction” button. The “T one Cur ves and Histog ram” window (figure-below) appears . 2. Select the desired tone curve channel to correct fr om the “Channel” drop- down list.
- 42 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Dra w a Free Hand T one Curve: 1. Clic k the “T one Curves/Histogram Correction” button. 2. Select the desired tone curve channel to correct fr om the “Channel” drop- down list. 3. Clic k the “Draw T one Curves” b utton, and then mo ve the mouse cursor o ver the tone curve .
- 43 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Correct Images Using the “Blac k P oint” Button: Y ou can correct images by specifying the shadow point (the point that y ou wish to reproduce in b lac k) on the pre vie w image in the corrected image displa y area. 1. Double-c lic k the “Blac k P oint” button.
- 44 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Correct Images Using the “White P oint” Button: Y ou can correct images by specifying the highlight point (the point that you wish to reproduce in white) on the pre vie w image in the corrected image displa y area. 1. Double-c lic k the “White P oint” button.
- 45 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Correct Images Using the “Gra y P oint” Button: Y ou can correct images by specifying the gra y point (the point that you wish to reproduce in monochrome) on the pre vie w image in the corrected image displa y area. 1. Clic k the “Gray P oint” button.
- 46 - COLOR CORRECTION Histogram Correction – A uto Setting: Y ou can correct images by specifying the “Input Le vel” and the “Output Le v el” ranges in the “Histogram” palette in the corrected image displa y area, where the color le v el distribution of the pre view image is displa y ed.
- 47 - COLOR CORRECTION Histogram Correction – T o Correct RGB Channels Separately: 1. Clic k the “RGB Histograms” button. The “T one Cur ves and Histog ram” window is e xpanded to the right and each histogram f or “R”, “G” and “B” (figure-lower left) appears .
- 48 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Correct Brightness, Contrast and Color Balance: 1. Clic k the “Brightness, Contrast and Color Balance Correction” button. The “Br ightness, Contr ast and Color Balance Correction” window (figure-lo wer left) appears .
- 49 - COLOR CORRECTION If you clic k “ A uto Setting ”, “Brightness” and “Contrast” will be automatically adjusted based on the lightness inf ormation holding the RGB color balance. Y ou can cancel all kinds of correction performed in the “Brightness, Contrast and Color Balance Correction” window b y clic king “ Reset ”.
- 50 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Correct Hue, Saturation and Lightness: 1. Clic k the “Hue , Saturation and Lightness Correction” button. The “Hue, Saturation, Lightness Correction” window (figure-low er left) appears. 2. Drag the contr ol of eac h slide bar with the mouse, or type an appropriate number in eac h bo x.
- 51 - COLOR CORRECTION If you clic k “ A uto Setting ”, “Saturation” will be automatically corrected f ocusing on conspicuous par ts of the image and holding “Hue” and “Lightness” as they are. Y ou can cancel all kinds of correction performed in the “Hue, Satur ation, Lightness Correction” window b y clicking “ Reset ”.
- 52 - COLOR CORRECTION V ariation Correction: Y ou can perform corrections of “Color Balance”, “Br ightness & Contrast” and “Saturation” while checking the finishing (the image after corrections) on simulation images . 1. Clic k the “V ariation Correction” button.
- 53 - COLOR CORRECTION V ariation Correction – Color Balance: “Adjust Correction Le v el” slide bar “Displa y Limit” checkbo x If you selected the “Color Balance” variation option , sho.
- 54 - COLOR CORRECTION “Adjust Correction Le v el” slide bar “Displa y Limit” checkbo x V ariation Correction – Brightness & Contrast: If you selected the “Brightness & Contrast.
- 55 - COLOR CORRECTION V ariation Correction – Saturation: “Adjust Correction Le v el” slide bar “Displa y Limit” checkbo x If you selected the “Saturation” variation option , sho wing .
- 56 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Undo the Correction: Clic k the “Undo” button. Y ou can cancel the current image correction and retur n the image to the pre vious status. Y ou can k eep cancelling corrections you made b y clicking the button repeatedly as f ar as your computer memory capacity allows .
- 57 - COLOR CORRECTION Snapshot: Y ou can sav e the pre vie w image displa y ed in the corrected image displa y area temporarily in the snapshot displa y area. If you sa ve the snapshot at each phase of correction, you can quic kly previe w the image under each correction status.
- 58 - COLOR CORRECTION Color Correction Job: Y ou can register color correction contents in each correction window as the “Color Correction Job”. If you hav e a fixed correction pattern (to some .
- 59 - COLOR CORRECTION T o apply the registered color correction job to other images, perf or m the follo wing operations: 1. Displa y the image that y ou wish to apply the series of color corrections in the “Correction Image Display” area. 2. Clic k the “Select a Color Correction Job” b utton.
- 60 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Compare the Pre/P ost Correction Images: Clic k the “Pre/P ost Correction Comparison” button. Y ou can check the correction result by comparison with the pre-correction image that appears in the left with the post-correction image in the right.
- 61 - COLOR CORRECTION T o Displa y the Whole P ost-Correction Image: Clic k the “Whole Image” button. The whole post-correction image is e xpanded or shrunken according to the main windo w size , and displa y ed in the corrected image displa y area.
- 62 - COLOR CORRECTION Thumbnail Number Displa y: If you selected the image f older (see page 19), the total number of images in the f older and the frame number of the image currently displa yed.
- 63 - COLOR CORRECTION RGB V alue Displa y: The RGB v alues are displa y ed f or the current mouse pointer location on the pre vie w image in the corrected image displa y area.
- 64 - SHARPNESS If you clic k the “Sharpness” tab , the f ollowing sharpness correction window appears. Y ou can set the frequency to be emphasized or the deg ree to be emphasized while chec king those eff ects on the previe w image.
- 65 - SHARPNESS If you chec k the “Preview” chec kbo x, y ou can e x ecute the real time reflection of the correction effect to the pre vie w image in the shar pness correction window . Y ou can select display magnification out of six options; 100%, 66.
- 66 - QUITING THE SOFTW ARE Clic k the “Close” bo x in the main window (the “X” button on the upper right-hand corner of the main window f or Windows®, and the “ ” b utton on the far left corner of the title bar f or Macintosh). The main window is closed and the softw are quits.
9224-2766-21 H-A106.
An important point after buying a device Minolta DiMAGE H-A106 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Minolta DiMAGE H-A106 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Minolta DiMAGE H-A106 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Minolta DiMAGE H-A106 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Minolta DiMAGE H-A106 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Minolta DiMAGE H-A106, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Minolta DiMAGE H-A106.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Minolta DiMAGE H-A106. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Minolta DiMAGE H-A106 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center