Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 6.5 Microsoft
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Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Super v isor 6. 5 Wind ows and UNI X Page 1 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
2 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Copyright Copyright © 2004 Business Objects. All rights reserved. Printed in France. Trademarks Business O bjects, the Business Objects logo, Cr ystal Reports, and Cry stal Enterprise are trademarks or registered trademark s of Business Objects S.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 3 Conte nts Contents Preface Maximizing Your Information Resources 5 Information resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Services . . . . . .
4 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Contents Chapter 3 Managing Users 37 Using the User Management pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Understanding user profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
preface Maximizing Your Information Resources Page 5 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
6 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Maximizi ng Your Informati on Resou rces Overview Information, services, and solut ions The Business Objects business intelligenc e solution is su.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 7 Information res ources Information resources Whatever your Business Objects profile, we can help you quic kly access the documentation and other information you need. Where do I st art? Below are a few suggested starting points; there is a summ ary of useful web addresses on page 10 .
8 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Maximizi ng Your Informati on Resou rces ! ! ! ! Multimedia Are you new to Bus iness Objects? Are you upgrading from a previous release or expanding, for example, from our desktop to our web solution? Try one of our multimedia quick tours or Getting Started tutorials.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 9 Servi ces Services A global network of Business Objects technolo gy experts provides customer support, education, and consulting to ensure maxi mum business intelligence benefit to your business.
10 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Maximizi ng Your Informati on Resou rces Useful addresses at a glance Address Content Business Object s Docume ntation www.bus inessob jects .com/ser vices/ documen tation.htm Overvie w of Busi ness Objects docu mentat ion.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 11 Usef ul ad dres ses at a gl ance Online Customer Su ppo rt Starting point for answering questions, resolving issues. Information about registering with Worldwid e Customer Sup port .
12 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Maximizi ng Your Informati on Resou rces About this guide This guide describes how to use Supervisor over the Web. Audience This guide is intended for administrators who manage user and group accounts.
chapter Getting Started 1 Page 13 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
14 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Getting S tarted Overview This chapter contains the following sections: • What is Supervisor over the Web? • Installing and configuring Supervisor over the Web • Running Supervisor over the Web • Logging out of Supervisor over the Web • Using the online help ewwebsup60.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 15 What is Sup ervisor over th e Web? What is Supervisor over the Web? Supervisor over the Web allows you to manage users and groups via a web browser. You create a Business Objects repository using Supervisor.
16 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Getting S tarted What you cannot do with Supervi sor over the Web You cannot do the following with Supervisor over the Web: • create repositori.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 17 What is Sup ervisor over th e Web? ! ! ! ! Secu rity com m an d fami ly: tools ! ! ! ! Security comman d family: user and group NOTE These security commands are enabled for general supervisors by default.
18 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Getting S tarted Installing and configuring Supervisor over the Web You need to have a licence for Superv isor to be able to install and run Supervisor over the Web. Supervisor over the Web is supported in a JSP environment and requires an application server and a Business Objects server.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 19 Installing and configu ring Superv isor over the Web 4. Configure the application and web servers for Supervisor over the Web usi ng the Configuration Tool. 5. Set the virtual directory that allows you to access Supervisor over the Web through a browser.
20 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Getting S tarted Running Supe rvisor over the Web Once you have installed and configured Supervisor over the Web, you need to do the following to access Sup ervisor over the Web 1. Start the application and web servers.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 21 Running Supervisor o ver the We b 5. Click Log In . 6. Enter your user name and password. If you have the supervisor profile, only the groups to which you belong as a supervisor, and their subgroups, appear in the subgroup tree.
22 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Getting S tarted Logging out of Supervisor over the Web When you have finished using Supervisor over the Web, log out of the product instead of just closing your browser. This enables the Login Server to be refreshed with the changes that you performed.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 23 Using the on line help Using the online help The Supervisor over the Web online help provides you with a descripti on of Supervisor over the Web and complete instructions for using the product.
24 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Getting S tarted Page 24 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
chapter Managing Groups 2 Page 25 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
26 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Groups Overview Supervisor over the Web allows you to manage groups by: • Using the Group Management pane • Adding a user • Creating a new group • Renaming a group • Moving a group • Deleting a group ewwebsup60.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 27 Using the Group M anagement pane Using the Group M anagemen t pane When you log in to Supervisor over the Web, the Group Management pane's subgroup tree shows the groups to which you belong as a supervisor and their subgroups.
28 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Groups NOTE You are not allowed to perform actions on: • your own user instances. When your user instance appears in a user list, the check box is not displaye d. • a general supervisor instance if y ou ar e not logged in as a general s uper visor.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 29 Using the Group M anagement pane ! ! ! ! Sorting user list by profil e For information on profiles, refer to Understanding user profiles on page 41 . To sort users by profile: 1. Click the profile icon in the list s ort bar.
30 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Groups ! ! ! ! Sorting user list by group To sort users by group name: 1. Click Groups in the list sort bar. The list is sorted in descending order. A small, blue arrow appears next to Groups.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 31 Adding a user Adding a user A user can belong to more than one group. Each occurrence of the same user in different groups is an "instance." Using Supervisor over the Web, you can add an instance of an existing us er to a group.
32 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Groups Creating a new group The root group, which is created in the repository, represents y our organization. All other groups you create are subgroups of the root group. To create a new group in a selected group: 1.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 33 Renami ng a group Renaming a group To rename the current group: 1. In the Current group section click Rename . The Rename group “<group name>” pane appears. 2. In the Enter new grou p name box, type the new name of the group.
34 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Groups Moving a group Using Supervisor over the Web, you can move a group if: • it is not the root group • you are a General Supervisor or the group is within your scope To move a selected group: 1.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 35 Deleting a grou p Dele ting a g roup Using Supervisor over the Web, you can delete a group if: • it is not the root group • you are a Gener.
36 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Groups Page 36 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
chapter Managing Users 3 Page 37 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
38 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users Overview Supervisor over the Web allows you to manage user accounts by: • Using the User Management pane • Creating a new user • Adding to a group • Editing user properties • Renaming a user • Deleting a user • Removing a user from a group ewwebsup60.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 39 Using the Us er Managem ent pane Using the User Managemen t pane When you select a user in the Group M anagement pane, the User Management pane appears.
40 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users NOTE • The User Management pane is available only for users within your scope.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 41 Understand ing user profiles Understandin g user profiles Supervisor and Supervisor over the Web offer several user profiles.
42 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users ! ! ! ! Supervisor-Designer This user has all the rights of the supervisor and the universe designer combined. ! ! ! ! User Users use the Business Objects end-user products to view, query, report and analyze data.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 43 Creating a new user Creating a new user A user can belong to more than one group. Each occurrence of the same user in different groups is an ‘instance’ .
44 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users To create a new user: 1. Using the subgroup tree, navigate to the group in which you want to create a user. For information about the Group Management pane, refer to Using the Group Management pane on page 27 .
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 45 Adding to a group Adding to a group Using Supervisor over the Web, you can use Add to group to add a user to a group if: • the group or user .
46 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users Editing user properties Using Supervisor over the Web you can perform the following actions on user properties: • Changing a us.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 47 Editing user p roperties Changing a user profile To change the profile of a user: 1. Select the user instance in the Group Management pane.
48 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users Changing login proper ti es The Disable login and Enable offline login options are in the Pas sword & Securi ty section of the User Management pane. ! ! ! ! Enabling and disabling login The Disable login property grants or denies permission to a user to log i n.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 49 Editing user p roperties Setting t he object secu rity level Objects are components in Business Objects uni verses that make data accessible to users. Their security level i s defined by the designers who create them.
50 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users ! ! ! ! Forcing users to change their password at the first login To force users to change their password at their first login: 1. Select the user instance in the Group M anagement pane.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 51 Editing user p roperties Setting t he identif ication st rategy Supervisor over the Web allows you to set the identificatio n, or password checking, strategy for a user. To control the password checking strategy associated with a user: 1.
52 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users Changing a password To change a password: 1. Select the user instance in the Group M anagement pane. The User Management pane appears for that user. 2. Click Change password . The Change password for user “< user name>” pane appears.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 53 Renami ng a user Renamin g a use r To rename a user: 1. Select the user instance in the Group Management pane. The User Management pane appears for that user. 1. Click Rename . The Rename user “<user name>” pane appears.
54 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users Deleting a user You can delete the user permanently from the repository, which removes all instances of the user in all groups, and als o deletes from the repository any documents that have been sent only to that user.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 55 Removing a user fro m a group Removing a user from a group When a user belongs to more than one group, the instance of the user in any one group can be removed without permanently deleting the user from the repository.
56 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Users Page 56 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
chapter Managing Multiple Users 4 Page 57 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
58 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Multiple Us ers Overview Supervisor over the Web allows you to change the settings for more than one user in a group at a time.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 59 Selecting us ers Selecting users The Users in group sec tion in th e Group Management pane displays the user instances in the current group and its subgroup. To perform actions on users, you need to select their instances.
60 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Multiple Us ers NOTE You cannot: • select your own instance. • select a general supervisor instance if you are not logged in as a general supervisor. • perform an action if the security commands that allow thi s action are disabled for your profile.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 61 Editing mul tiple user p roperties Editing multiple user properties After selecting multiple u sers in the Users in group section of the Group Management pane, you can edit their properties.
62 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Multiple Us ers - To disable login, select On from the Disable login list. To enable the login, select Off from the list. - To enable offline mode, select On from the Enable offline login l ist.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 63 Adding m ultiple users to a group Adding multiple users to a group To add multiple users to a group: 1. In the Users in group section of the Group Management pane, selec t the users that you want to add to a group.
64 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Multiple Us ers Removing multiple users from a group To remove more than one user from a group: 1. Navigate to the group that contains the user instances you want to remove. 2. In the Users in group section of the Group M anagement pane, select the user instances to be removed.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 65 Deleting mult iple users Dele ting m ultip le u ser s This operation deletes ALL instances of the selec ted users in the repository. If you are unsure of the affiliatio ns of any of the users, remove them from the current group instead.
66 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Multiple Us ers Using the search options By default, the Group Management pane displ ays users in the current group. Use the search options to narrow this list or searc h for a user in the current group and its subgroups.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 67 Using the s earch options Searching by subgroup To search for users in the parent group as well as the subgroups: 1. In the search options, select Include subgroups . 2. In the box next to the Search button, type a name or wildcard.
68 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Managin g Multiple Us ers Page 68 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 69 Index Index A adding a use r to a group 31, 45 B Busine ss Obje cts consul ting services 9, 11 docum entation 8 Docume ntation Suppl y St or e .
70 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Index grou p m an age m en t pan e desc r ip t i o n 27 usin g the l i st so rt ba r 28 H help online 23 I identi fic at io n st ra t egy 51 inde.
Supervisor’s Gu ide: Using Supervisor ov er the Web 71 Index superv isor descript i on 15 profile 41 restric tio ns 41 superv is or ove r the web configur i ng 18 installing 18 superv is or -d es ig.
72 Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web Index Page 72 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM.
An important point after buying a device Microsoft 6.5 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Microsoft 6.5 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Microsoft 6.5 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Microsoft 6.5 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Microsoft 6.5 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Microsoft 6.5, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Microsoft 6.5.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Microsoft 6.5. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Microsoft 6.5 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center