Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Audio 50 Mercedes-Benz
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Mercedes - Benz Audio 50 Ope rator’s Manual.
Congra tulations on your n ew Mercedes-Benz ca r radio. Please familiaris e yourself with your car ra- dio and rea d the operating manual befor e driving off. T his will e nsure your complete enjoyment of your car radio and prevent danger to yourself and to others.
Contents Introducti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Concept of this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Operating safe ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 At a glance . .
Contents Telephone main m enu . . . . . . . . . 60 Incoming call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Accepting call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Terminating call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Outgoing call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Concept of this manual Introduction Concept of this man ual This operating manu al was designed to help you to use your car radio i n all situa- tions.
4 Intro duction Symbols Symbols The f ollow ing s y mbol s are used in this operati ng manual : * This s tar indica tes sp ecial equi pment for al l mod els.
5 Introduction Operating safety Operating safety Acciden t hazard G In ord er to avoid d istra ction wh ich could lead t o an accident, system settings should be ente red wi th the v ehicl e at a standstil l and the system should be operated by the driver onl y when traffic conditions perm it.
7 At a glance Radio operating elem ents CD operating elements Cassette operating elements Telephone operating elements Multifunction steering wheel.
8 At a glance Radio operati ng elements Radio operati ng elements.
9 At a glance Radio operating elemen ts Function Page 1 Soft keys 2 ! - 0 Manual freque ncy entry Storin g sta tions Calli ng up pres et m emor y 31 31 29 Function Page 3 r c d Selection functions 4 p.
10 At a glance Cassette operatin g elements Cassette operatin g elements.
11 At a glance Cassette operatin g elements Function Page 1 Soft keys 2 Closi ng casse tte pane l 34 3 r c d Selection function 4 p Conf ir mat io n 5 Cassette cover 6 Ope ning cassette cover and ejec.
12 At a glance CD operating elements CD operating elements.
13 At a glance CD operating elements Function Page 1 E CD ejection 43 2 Soft keys 3 CD slot 40 4 ! - 0 Track number entry ! - 6 and 0 Selec ting CD 48 48 5 r c d Selection functions Function Page 6 p .
14 At a glance Telephone operating elements Telephone operating elements.
15 At a glance Telephone operating elemen ts Function Page 1 Function buttons 2 ! - 0 Unlock code entry Phone number entry Spee d dial 59 62 65 3 r c d Selection function 4 p Conf ir mat io n Function.
16 At a glance Multifuncti on steerin g wheel Multifuncti on steerin g wheel Function Page 1 Multifunc tion displa y 2 Adjusting volum e ç Quiet er æ Louder Settings m enu 20 20 Functi on Page 3 Mak.
17 Introduction Menu system General operation.
18 Intro duction Menu system Menu system The Audio 5 0 is ea sy to use thanks to its menu sy stem. Each of the ma in fun ction s, i.e. au dio (radio, CD and cassette mode), telephone* and service, has i ts own main menu. Main menus 왘 Audio: Press the a button ( 컄 Page 26).
19 Introduction Menu system Menu fun ctions and submenus In t he m enus, it is possib le to sw itch fu nc- tions on and off and op en other su bmenus using the so ft ke ys. Exam ple: FM m ain menu: 앫 The Scan s oft key switches the scan search on or off.
20 Intro duction General operation General oper ation Switching on/off Swit ching o n 왘 Turn the key in t he stee ring lock to po- sition 1 or 2. or 왘 Press the K button. In both cases, the system defaults to the mod e las t used be fore the unit was switched off.
21 Introduction General operation The sy stem auto matica lly s tores the volum e setti ngs o n sw itching off. After switching on again, the volume m a y b e q ui e t e r t h a n w he n s w i tc h e d o f f .
22 Intro duction General operation Bass and Treble Different bass a nd treble se ttings are pos- sible for al l ope rating modes. The system automatically stores each setting . Adjusti ng bass and tr eble: 왘 Press k . The To ne menu is disp layed. 왘 By pre ssing c o r d select either t he Bass or the Treble function.
23 Introduction General operation 왘 By pre ssing c or d select the d e- sired function. or 왘 Press the Reset soft key. This wil l ac tivate the Logic 7 function (factory setting). 왘 Press p . The selec ted s ettin g is stor ed. A c orre- sponding message is giv en in the sta- tus line.
25 Audio Audio main men u Radio mode Cassette Mode CD Mode Multifunction steering wheel.
26 Audio Audio main men u Audio main men u I n t h e A u di o m a i n m e nu y o u c a n s w it ch b e - tween th e foll owing audio sourc es: 앫 Radio (FM, AM , WB waveba nds) 앫 Casse tte (t ape) 앫 CD In addition, you c an also switch the mute function on or off.
27 Audio Radi o mode Radio mode Switching to ra dio mode 왘 Call up the FM, AM or WB main menu ( 컄 Page 27) . The sy stem auto matica lly s witches to radi o mode . FM or A M main m enu 왘 Call up the Audio main menu ( 컄 Page 26) . 왘 Press the AM or FM soft key.
28 Audio Radio mode Sele cting usin g fre quen cy list The frequ ency l ist c onta ins al l the rec ep- tion frequen cies of the res pective wa ve- band, regardless of the stations that currently can be re ceived.
29 Audio Radi o mode 왘 On the multifunction steering wheel, pre ss j or k . The se arc h pro ceeds upwar d or down- ward and stops at the next receivab le stati on. Sele cting using sta tion pres ets The FM and th e AM waveband each have ten a vailable preset s.
30 Audio Radio mode 왘 By pressing c , d , or r select a pres et. 왘 Press p . The syst em tune s to the preset st atio n. After a short time, the ma in menu of the r especti ve wa veband is dis play ed. Select ing using t h e scan search The scan searc h is available in the FM and AM waveb and.
31 Audio Radi o mode Sele cting using manual freque ncy entry Manual frequency entry is available in the FM and AM wavebands. Entry examp le: 97.9 MH z in th e FM wave- band : 왘 Swit ch o n the FM waveb and ( 컄 Page 27). 왘 Press Q . The fre q uency entry scree n is di s- pla yed .
32 Audio Radio mode Manuel storing using Memory menu: 왘 Tune to the station to be st ored ( 컄 Page 27). 왘 Press the Memory so ft k ey . The Memo ry menu is displayed. 왘 By pressing c , d , or r select a pres et. 왘 Press p for m ore than 2 seconds.
33 Audio Radi o mode 왘 Press the WB soft key. The weather band station with the best recep tion is call ed up. Changing weat her band stations You have the fol lowing options for c alling up another.
34 Audio Cassette Mode Cassette Mode Switch ing to casse tte m ode 왘 Open the cass ette cover ( 컄 Page 34) and insert a cassette ( 컄 Page 3 4). or 왘 Call up the Tape main m enu ( 컄 Page 35). Opening cass ette cover The casset te c over ( 컄 Page 11) must b e open in order to insert a cassette.
35 Audio Cassette Mode Side 1 is def ined as the cassette s ide that is facing upwards. 왘 Close the cassette cover ( 컄 Page 34). Ejecting c assette 왘 Press . The cassette cover opens and the Audio 50 eje cts the cassette. 왘 Remove the cas sette from the sl ot.
36 Audio Cassette Mode 왘 Press j . This will switch the tape from side 1 to side 2. or 왘 Press k . This will switch the tape from side 2 to side 1.
37 Audio Cassette Mode 왘 Press the Scan s oft key ag ain . The scan s tops. Fast forward/rewind 왘 Call up the Tape m ain menu ( 컄 Page 35) . 왘 Press X for more than 2 s econds. The c asse tte w inds fo rward . or 왘 Press for more than 2 s econds.
38 Audio Cassette Mode The Tape main menu is displaye d short- ly after switch i ng off or on. Dolby B N R Noise Reduction D o l by B N R sh ou l d b e s w it c he d on fo r o pt i - mum p layback of cassett es recor ded with Dolby B NR . Switchin g Dolby B NR on/off: 왘 Call up the Tape main m enu ( 컄 Page 35).
39 Audio CD Mode CD Mode Gene ral inform atio n The syste m ma y not be able to p lay som e audio CDs with copy protection. CDs should be handled with care in order to prevent malfunction when play ing. Avoid leaving fingerprints and dust on the CDs. You must not write on, or attach stickers to CDs.
40 Audio CD Mode Opening C D changer* 1 Open but ton 2 Butto n field 왘 Close the cas sette cover on the Audio 5 0 if it is ope n ( 컄 Page 34). Other wise th e CD ch anger* will n ot open. 왘 Press the open butt on 1 . The bu tton field 2 pivots upwar ds, the CD changer* opens.
41 Audio CD Mode Loadin g CDs into CD ch anger* In order to insert CDs, you will need to open the CD changer* ( 컄 Page 40 ). 1 CD sl ot 2 Magazine compartment buttons There is a built-in magazi ne in the CD changer*. It can hold up to six CDs . The CD ch anger* has six mag azine c om- partment buttons 2 for controlling the loading procedure.
42 Audio CD Mode 1 CD slot 2 Magazine compartment buttons 왘 Briefly press the button 2 o f th e em pt y magaz ine compart ment that you wish to load. 왘 W a i t u n t il t he L E D i n t h e b u t t o n 2 fl as h- es gree n. This indicates tha t the CD change r* is request ing the CD.
43 Audio CD Mode 왘 Push an audio CD into the CD slot 1 w i t h i n a p p r o x . 1 5 s e c o n d s . T h e p r i n t e d side of the CD must face upwards. The CD is retracted ; the first magazine compartment i s loaded. The LED in the corresponding maga- zine compartment button 2 has a c on- tinuous re d light.
44 Audio CD Mode Ejecting CDs from the CD changer* You have the following options: 앫 Ejecti ng a singl e CD ( 컄 Page 44) 앫 Ejecting all CDs ( 컄 Page 45) Ejecting a single CD 1 CD slot 2 Magazine compartment buttons 왘 Ope n t he C D c han ge r* ( 컄 Page 40).
45 Audio CD Mode Ejecting all CDs 왘 Open the CD changer* ( 컄 Page 40). 1 CD sl ot 2 Magazine compartment buttons 왘 Press the button 2 of a full m agazine compartment for more than 2 seconds. The butto n LEDs of all the fu ll magazin e compa rtmen ts bri efly light up red 3 times.
46 Audio CD Mode You will hear th e CD liste ned to las t. If the CD listened to last is no longer available, the u nit plays the next avail - able aud io CD. This may be the CD in the Audio 50 or a CD in the CD changer*. If no audio CD is available , the system does not switch to CD mode.
47 Audio CD Mode Sele ctin g by d irect ly e nteri ng th e CD number 왘 C a l l u p t h e CD m a i n me nu ( 컄 Page 45). 왘 A selection by dire c tly entering a num- ber is possible using the buttons ! - 6 . Selection exampl e: CD No. 3 in the CD changer* 왘 Press 3 .
48 Audio CD Mode Select ing using tra ck ski p Track skip on t he Audio 50: 왘 C a l l u p t h e CD m a i n m e n u ( 컄 Page 45). 왘 For forw ard skippi ng, press X .
49 Audio CD Mode Entry examp le: Tra ck 1 왘 Press ! . Entry examp le: Tra ck 15 왘 Press ! and 5 in quick success ion. 왘 Wait approx. 2 sec onds after entering the number .
50 Audio CD Mode Playback options The following options are av ailable: 앫 Normal sequence ( 컄 Page 50) 앫 Repeat track ( 컄 Page 50) 앫 Repeat CD ( 컄 Page 51) 앫 Track mix ( 컄 Page 51) 앫 CD mix ( 컄 Pag e 51) Acti vating playba ck optio ns Example: Repeat track option 왘 C a l l u p t h e CD m a i n m e n u ( 컄 Page 45).
51 Audio CD Mode 앫 Repeat CD The CD c urrentl y play ing is re peate d until t his fu nction is s w itched off. 앫 Track mix You w ill h ear the t rack s in ran dom o r- der (e.g. trac k 3, 8, 5 e tc.). If two or more CDs are available, the last track of one CD is followed by the n e x t C D .
52 Audio Multifuncti on steerin g wheel Multifuncti on steerin g wheel For controlling functions using the multi- function steeri ng wheel, the multif unction display in the instrum ent cluster m ust be switch ed to th e Audi o sc reen.
53 Telephone* Safety instructions General inform ation Operation Multifunction steering wheel.
54 Telephone* Safe ty instr uct ions Safe ty instr uct ions Accide nt hazard G Using cell phones whose a ntenna i s inside the vehicle may c ause the v ehic le el ectro nic system to malf unction . The ve hicle ope r at- ing safe ty is thus endange red.
55 Telephone* Gener al info rmati on General information If you vehi cle is fitted with a cell phone mount, you can i nsert certain cell phones into the adapter. Further informatio n can be obtained from y our Mercedes-Benz ser- vice station. 앫 If the mes sage Enter Unlock Code is display ed, enter the unlock c ode ( 컄 Page 59).
56 Telephone* General inf ormati on The te lephone cann ot be used or ca nnot be use d yet in th e fo llow ing s itua tions : 앫 If the t elephone is not or not y et regis- tered on a networ k. The m essage No service appears in the status li ne. The telephone auto- m a t i c a l l y t r i e s t o r e g i s t e r o n a n e t w o r k .
57 Telephone* Operation Operation Switchin g on telephone 왘 Swit ch on the Aud io 50 ( 컄 Page 20). or 왘 On the Audio 50, briefl y press . This call s up th e Tele phon e ma in m enu. or 왘 On the A udio 50 , press f or longe r than 3 seconds. or 왘 On the multifunction steering wheel, pre ss í .
58 Telephone* Operation “911” emergency cal ls The “911” emer genc y c all w ill a lso fun c- tion if t he telep hone is blocked by t he un- lock code . Making em erge ncy ca ll (unloc k code not entered yet) You can make an emergency call from the cell phone or from the Audio 5 0.
59 Telephone* Operation Unlock code en try The unlo ck co de pro tects t he tel ephone f r o m u na u th or i z ed u se rs . Y o u c a n a ct iv a te the un lock c ode on the tele phone ( 컄 Telephone operating manual).
60 Telephone* Operation The system automat ically swit ches to t ele- phone mode: 앫 with an incoming ca ll 앫 if you ini tiate an outgoing c a ll 앫 if the cell phone is inserted into the telephon.
61 Telephone* Operation From the Telephone main menu you have the following options 앫 viewing outgoing calls ( 컄 Page 64) . 앫 view ing inco ming cal ls ( 컄 Page 63). 앫 Initi ating redia l func tion !( 컄 Page 61). 앫 entering a phone number ( 컄 Page 62).
62 Telephone* Operation Acce ptin g call On the Audio 50: 왘 Press J . On the multifunction steering wheel: 왘 Press í . Once y ou have accept ed, t he c all is ac- tive. You will conduct the call over the hands-free sys tem. The volume of th e call ca n be adjusted ( 컄 Page 20) .
63 Telephone* Operation Redial f unctio n The redial fu nction starts the c all to the last phone number dia led. On the Audio 50: 왘 Briefl y press the J button twice in quic k succ ession. On the multifunctio n steering wheel: 왘 Swit ch the m ul tifu nct io n di spl ay in the instrument cluster to the Telephone main scr een ( 컄 Pa g e 73).
64 Telephone* Operation Selec ting l ist e ntry : 왘 By pressing or select the de- sired entry. 왘 After selecting the desire d entry, start the call ( 컄 Page 66). Selecti ng ent ry from the Dialed Dialed Dialed Dialed # l i s t The Audio 50 automatical ly saves a l ist of the last 10 outgoing calls.
65 Telephone* Operation Select ing list ent ry: 왘 By pre ssing c or select the de- sired entry. 왘 After sele cting the des ired entry, sta rt the call ( 컄 Page 66).
66 Telephone* Operation Star ting cal l On the Audio 50: 왘 Enter a phone number ( 컄 Page 62). 왘 Press J . The telephone esta blishes the connec- tion to the phone number entered or selec ted. You will hea r the ringing t one if the line is not busy.
67 Telephone* Operation Disp lay in the multi fun ction displ ay: The follow ing func tions are ava ilab le dur- ing a call: 앫 Ter minat ing a ctive cal l ( 컄 Page 67) 앫 Swit ching han ds-fre e m icrop hone on/ off ( 컄 Pag e 67) 앫 Send ing sequ ences of d igits ( 컄 Page 67) Termi nating a ctive call On the Audio 50 왘 Press I .
68 Telephone* Operation Telephone book The te lephone book is so rted in al phabet i- cal order and contai ns the first 500 tele- phone entries. Calling up the telephone book On the Audio 50: 왘 In the Telephone main menu, press the Ph. book soft key.
69 Telephone* Operation Swit ching t elephone book dis play 왘 O n t h e A u di o 5 0 , c a ll u p t h e t el e p h o ne book ( 컄 Page 68 ). 왘 Press the 123 soft key. This will swit ch to th e nu mber disp lay. The name of th e hi ghlig hted e ntry is still given in the s tatus line.
70 Telephone* Operation Selection from the multifunction steering whee l: 왘 Press j or k r epeatedly until the des ired en try is give n in the mul ti- function display i n the instrument clus- ter. A f t e r s e l e c t i n g , y o u c a n s t a r t t h e c a l l t o t h e sele cted en try ( 컄 Page 66).
71 Telephone* SMS SMS You can r eceive, r ead and d elete SM S messag es. If a new SMS has been received, an enve - lope symbol appears on the right of the statu s li ne. SMS menu 왘 Call up the Telephon e main menu ( 컄 Page 60) . 왘 Press the SMS soft key.
72 Telephone* SMS 왘 Press c or . You can scroll through the te xt of the messag e. Deleting messag e 왘 Select a message ( 컄 Page 71). 왘 Press the Delete so ft k ey . 왘 By pressing selec t the entry Yes . 왘 Press p . The mess age is del eted.
73 Telephone* Multifunctio n steering w heel Multifunct ion steerin g wheel Using t he teleph one from the multif uncti on stee ring whe el presum es in so me ca ses th a t t h e m u lt ifu n c t io n d i s p la y i n t h e i n st r u - ment cluster i s switch ed to the Te lephone main menu.
75 Service System menu.
76 Service System menu System menu I n t h e S y s t e m m e n u y o u c a n m a k e s e t t i n g s that relate to the e nt ire system . Calling up the System menu 왘 Press s . The S ystem menu i s disp layed . You now have the following o ptions: 앫 Setting the time! ( 컄 Page 76).
77 Service System menu Displ ay settin gs Calli ng u p th e dis pla y sett ing s menu 왘 Call up the Service menu ( 컄 Page 76) . 왘 Press the Display soft key. The Disp lay settings menu is disp layed . Changing the d isplay design 왘 Call up the Display set tings menu ( 컄 Page 77) 왘 By pr essing c or d s elect a design.
78 Service System menu 왘 Press the Lingua so ft k ey . The H elp t ext scre en i s displ ayed . The box next to the Help Text menu item indi cate s wh et her t he he lp te xt is switc hed on o r of f. 왘 Press p . This wil l switch the help text on or off.
79 Technical terminology Autostore Enters the bes t-received stations in t he autostore memo ry, in order of th eir re- ceptio n qua lity. Balance Volume a djustment betwee n left and right lo udspea kers. Dolby B NR (Dol by B N oise R eduction ) Nois e reduc tion syste m in ca ssett e mode.
81 Index A Accepting Call (t elephon e) 62 Acci dent haz ard 5 , 34 , 39 , 40 , 54 Active call 66 Adjusting Balance 21 Bass 22 Fader 21 Sound functions 22 Trebl e 22 Volume 20 Adjusting sound function.
82 Index Closin g Casset te cover 34 Copy protection 39 , 40 D Deleting SMS 72 Dialed # l ist 64 Display Changing design 77 Enter Unlock Code 55 , 57 No N etw ork ava ila ble 56 No servi ce 56 Please .
83 Index O Opening Cassette cove r 34 Opening (CD chang er*) 40 Opening/c losing casse tte cover 34 Operat ing elem ents Cassette mode 10 CD m ode 12 Mul tifun ction st eering w heel 16 Radio mode 8 T.
84 Index Stat ion presets 29 , 31 search 28 selec ting 27 Switch ing Casset t e side 35 Mult ifunct ion disp lay 52 , 73 Telephone book display 69 to cassette mode 34 to CD mode 39 to radio mode 27 to.
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An important point after buying a device Mercedes-Benz Audio 50 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mercedes-Benz Audio 50 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mercedes-Benz Audio 50 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mercedes-Benz Audio 50 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mercedes-Benz Audio 50 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mercedes-Benz Audio 50, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mercedes-Benz Audio 50.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mercedes-Benz Audio 50. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mercedes-Benz Audio 50 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center