Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2007 R 320 CDI Mercedes-Benz
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Sommer Corporat e Media A G Operator ’s Manu al R-C la ss Ord er No. 65 15 18 09 13 Part No. 25 1 584 52 81 US A Edition A , 200 7 Ê9/tTqÃË 25158452 81 Operator’s Manual R-Class.
R3 2 0C D I R3 5 0 R5 0 0 R6 3A M G.
Our comp any and st aff congratul ate you on the purchase of your new Merced es-Be nz. Your selection of our product is a demon- stration of your trust in our company name. Furth ermor e, it exem plif ies yo ur de- sire to own an automobil e that will be as easy a s possib le to oper ate and provid e years o f servic e.
Contents Introducti on .......... ......... ............ ........... 9 Product inf ormation ................. ............. .. 9 Operator’s M anual .. ......... ............ ........ 10 Serv ice and war ranty infor mation ............ ............ .
Contents Safety and Security .... ............ ......... . 71 Occupa nt safety ............. ............ ......... . 72 Air bags ....... ........ ............. ............. . 74 Seat be lts ................. ............ ......... . 79 Active hea d restraints .
Contents Control sy stem ....... ......... ............ ...... 159 Multif unction disp lay .......... .......... 159 Multif unction stee ring w heel .. ...... 160 Menus ........... ......... ............ .......... 162 Standa rd displa y menu ........
Contents Power tilt/ sliding sunroof * ............ .... 258 Opening a nd closing . ........ ............ 258 Synchronizi ng ........... ........ ............ 2 60 Panorama roof with power tilt/sli ding panel* . ............. ........ ........ 2 61 Roll er sunbl inds fo r the panorama roof with power tilt/sl iding panel .
Contents Oxid ation ca talyst (diese l engine) ........ ........ ............. . 358 Emissi on control ............ ............. . 358 Coolant t emperat ure .. ............ ...... 3 59 At the gas station ... ............. ........ ...... 360 Refu eling .
Contents Flat tire . ........ ............ ............. ............ 497 Preparing th e vehicle .... ............ .... 497 Mounting the spare wheel ............ 498 Bleed ing the fuel s ystem (diese l engine only) ................ ............ 5 05 Battery .
9 Produc t inf ormatio n 왔 Introduction Product in formation Plea se obse rve the fo llowing i n your own bes t intere st: We rec ommen d using Genu ine Merce des-Be nz Parts as well as con version parts a nd accessori es explic itly approved by us for your ve hicle m odel.
10 Intro duction Operator’s Manual This Operator’s Manual contai ns a great deal of useful i nformati on. We ur ge you to read it carefull y and f amiliar ize you rself with the v ehicle b efore driv ing.
11 Introduction Operator’s Manual Import ant not ice for C alifo rnia re tail buyers and les sees of Mercede s-Benz automobiles Under Californi a law you may be entitled to a replacement of your veh.
12 Intro duction Operator’s Manual Maintenance The Maintenance Booklet describes al l the necessary maintenanc e work which should be performe d at regula r intervals. Always have the M aintenance B ooklet with you wh en you take the vehi cle to you r authori zed Merce des-B enz Light Tr uck Cent er for service .
13 Introduction Operator’s Manual Change of address or owners hip If you c hange your addres s, be su re to send in the “Change of Address Notice” found in the Ser vice a nd Warr anty In forma- .
14 Intro duction Where to find it This Operator’s Manual is designed to pr o- vide compre hensiv e sup port inform ation for you, the vehicle operator. Each section has its own refe rence color. At a glance Here you will f ind an overview of all the controls that can be operated fr om the driver ’s seat .
15 Introduction Symbols 왔 Symbols Trade marks: 앫 ESP ® is a regi stered tradem ark of Daim lerCh rysl er. 앫 HomeLink ® is a re gister ed trad emark of Prince, a Johnson Control s Company. The f ollowin g symbo ls are fou nd in this Operator’s Manual: * Optio nal equi pment is identifi ed with an asteri sk.
16 Intro duction Operating safety Proper use of t he vehicle Proper use of t he veh icle req uire s that yo u are fam iliar with the foll owing i nformat ion and r ules: 앫 the safety prec autions in.
17 Introduction Problems with your vehicle 왔 Problems wit h your vehicle If you should experience a problem with your vehicle, particular ly one that you believe may affect its safe o peration, we urge you to imme diately co ntact an aut horized Mer cedes- Benz Light Tr uck Cente r to have the pro blem di agnosed and correct ed if req uired.
18 Intro duction Reporting safety defects For the USA only: The following text is published as required of manufacturers under Title 49, Code of U.S. Federal Regulations, Part 575 pursuant t o the “Nati onal Traffi c and M otor Ve hicle Sa fety Act of 1966” .
19 Introduction Vehicle data recording 왔 Vehicle data recording Inform ation re gardin g electron ic reco rding dev ices (Including notice pursuant to California Code § 9951) Plea se note that your.
21 At a glance Exterior view Cockpit Instru ment c luster Multifunction steering wheel Center console Overhead control panel Storage compartments Door control panel.
22 At a glance Exterior view.
23 At a glance Exterior view Item Pag e 1 Tailga te Open ing 123 Clo sin g 125 Powe r tailgat e* 123, 125 Car go c omp art me nt Vehicle to ol kit 472 Spare wh eel 475 2 Rear window defroster 217 3 Re.
24 At a glance Cockpit.
25 At a glance Cockpit Item Page 1 Cruise control lever 267 2 Instru ment clus ter 26 3 Multifunction s teering whe el 30 4 Horn 5 Steeri ng whee l gearshif t butto ns 207 6 Gear se lector lever f or .
26 At a glance Instrum ent cluster.
27 At a glance Instrument cluster Item Page 1 L Left turn signa l indicator lamp 2 To di m instru ment clus ter illumi nati on 157 3 Reset button 156 4 To brig hten ins trume nt clus - ter illuminatio.
28 At a glance Instrum ent cluster.
29 At a glance Instrument cluster Item Page 8 Multifun ction dis play wit h: 앫 Trip odometer 157 앫 Main odometer 159 9 Tachometer wit h: < Sea t belt tell tale 79, 426 1 Supplem ental Rest rain.
30 At a glance Multifuncti on steering wh eel Item Page 1 Multifu nctio n display 159 Operating the con trol sys tem 160 2 Selec ting the submenu o r setting the volume : Press button æ up / to incre.
31 At a glance Cent er cons ole 왔 Center con sole Upper p art Item Page 1 COMAN D syste m, se e sepa rate o pera ting instructions 2 Clim ate cont rol 218 3-zone autom atic clima te control* 232 Rea.
32 At a glance Cent er cons ole Lower pa rt Item Page 1 Storage compartme nt 312 2 Armr est sto rage tra y releas e 313 3 Armres t stor age compar t- ment r elease 313 4 Storage compartme nt Ashtray w.
33 At a glance Overhead control panel 왔 Over head c ontrol panel Item Page 1 Left reading lamp on/off 153 2 Automatic inte rior lighting 153 3 Rear interior lighting on/off 153 4 Front interior ligh.
34 At a glance Storage compartmen ts.
35 At a glance Storage compartmen ts Item Pag e 1 Parcel net in front passenger footwe ll 315 2 Glove box/CD changer* 311 3 Door pocket 4 Parcel net on front pass enger sea t back res t 315 5 Door poc.
36 At a glance Door co ntrol pane l Item Page 1 Inside door handle 122 2 Centra l locki ng/unlo cking switch 130 3 Exterior re ar view mirror adjustment 49 4 Selection buttons for exterior rea r view .
37 Getti ng sta rted Unlocking Adjusting Driving Parking and locking.
38 Getting sta rted The “Getting s tarted” se ction provides a n over view of th e vehicl e’s mo st basic func- tions. First-time M ercedes-Benz owners should pay spe cial attention to t he infor- mation given here.
39 Getti ng sta rted Unlocking Unlocking with KEYLESS-GO* With the KEYLESS-GO function, you ca n lock or unlock the vehicl e with out using the remote control buttons on the SmartKey and start the engine without inserting the SmartKe y into the start er switch.
40 Getting sta rted Unlocking SmartKey Starter swi tch 0 For removing SmartKe y 1 Power sup ply fo r so me el ectrical consum ers, such as seat adj ustme nt 2 Igniti on (powe r supply f or all el ectr.
41 Getti ng sta rted Unlocking SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* Vehi cles equ ipped with the KEY LESS-G O featu re are su pplied wit h a Smart Key with integrated KEYLESS-GO function and a removable KEYLESS- GO star t/stop button.
42 Getting sta rted Unlocking Positio n 0 Before you press the KE YLESS- GO start/stop button, the vehicle’s on-board electron ics have status 0 (as wi th Smart Key remove d). Positio n 1 왘 Press th e KEYLESS -GO start /stop button once. This supplie s power for s ome e lectric al consum ers, such as seat adj ustme nt.
43 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting 왔 Adjusting Seats Wa rn i n g! G All s eat, hea d rest raint, steeri ng whee l, and rear v iew mi rror adju stment s, as w ell as fastening of seat belts, must be done before the ve hicle is put into m otion. Wa rn i n g! G Do no t adjus t the driver ’s sea t whil e drivin g.
44 Getting sta rted Adjusting Seat adju stment The seat adjustme nt switch is located on the en try si de of each fro nt sea t base . 1 Hea d restrai nt heig ht (veh icles with memory function)* 2 Seat cushion tilt 3 Sea t height 4 Seat b ackrest tilt 5 Seat fore and aft adjustme nt 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 40).
45 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting Seat for e and aft adjustmen t 왘 Pres s the switc h forwar d or back ward in direction of arrow 5 . Adjust the seat to a comfortable seatin g positi on that st ill al lows you t o reach t he acc elerato r/brak e pedal safel y.
46 Getting sta rted Adjusting Raisin g: 왘 Manual ly adju st the he ight of head restrai nt 1 by pullin g it upward. If head restra int 1 is fully retra cted, push re lease bu tton 2 in direction of arrow and pu ll head rest raint 1 upward.
47 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting Make s ure t hat 앫 you ca n reach t he ste ering wheel wi th your a rms slig htly bent at th e elbows 앫 you ca n move you r legs freely 앫 all di splays (inc ludin .
48 Getting sta rted Adjusting Make s ure that 앫 you can reach th e steerin g wheel wi th your arms s lightly bent at the elbows 앫 you c an move you r legs f reely 앫 all di spl ays (in clud ing m.
49 Getti ng sta rted Adjusting Interio r rea r view mir ror 왘 Manually adjust the interior rear view mirror . For more information, s ee “Rear view mir- rors” ( 컄 page 212 ). Exteri or rea r view mi rror s The buttons are located on the driver’s door control panel.
50 Getting sta rted Adjusting For more information, s ee “Rear view mi r- rors” ( 컄 page 212) . ! Vehicles with power fol ding exterior rear view mirrors*: If an ext erior rear view mirror housi.
51 Getti ng sta rted Driving 왔 Driving Fastening the seat belts Wa rn i n g! G Make sure t hat absol utely no object s are obstructing the pedal’s r ange of mov ement.
52 Getting sta rted Driving 1 Seat belt outlet 2 Latch pla te 3 Buckle 4 Relea se button War n i n g! G Never ri de in a movi ng vehi cle with th e seat backr est in an exc essiv ely recli ned posi tion as this can be dangerous. Y ou could sl ide under t he seat be lt in a co llisi on.
53 Getti ng sta rted Driving 왘 With a smooth motion, pull the belt out of seat belt outlet 1 . 왘 Place the shoulder portion of the seat belt across the top of your shoulder and the lap porti on across your hips. 왘 Push latch pl ate 2 int o buckle 3 ( 컄 page 52) until it click s.
54 Getting sta rted Driving Starting the engine Automat ic transmissi on Gears hift pattern for au tomatic transmissi on P Park position R Reverse ge ar N Neutral D Drive positi on For information on how to operate the gear selecto r leve r, see “A utomatic transmis - sion” ( 컄 page 197) .
55 Getti ng sta rted Driving Starting wi th the SmartKey For information on turning off the engine with the Smar tKey, see “Tur ning off the en - gine” ( 컄 page 6 7). Gasolin e engine: 왘 Make s ure the automati c transm ission is set to P . The tr ansmissi on po sition indi cator i n the m ultif uncti on dis play s hould be on P .
56 Getting sta rted Driving KEYLESS-GO st art/stop but ton 1 USA only 2 Canada only 왘 Make sure the KEYLESS-G O start/stop button is inserted in the starte r switch ( 컄 page 4 1). For information on turning off the engine with KEYLESS-GO, s ee “Turning off with KEYLE SS-GO *” ( 컄 page 67 ).
57 Getti ng sta rted Driving Starting d ifficu lties If th e engine does not s tart as desc ribed , carry out the follo wing st eps: 왘 If you are star ting the engine with the SmartKe y, turn SmartKey in s tarter switch to po sition 0 and repeat s tarting proc edure.
58 Getting sta rted Driving Driving off 왘 Depress the brake ped al. The gear selector lever can now be used. 왘 Shift autom atic transm ission to D or R ( 컄 page 19 9). 왘 Releas e the brake p eda l. 왘 Carefully depress th e accel erator pedal.
59 Getti ng sta rted Driving For more informati on, see “Drivi ng instruc - tions” ( 컄 page 34 7). Swit chin g on he adla mps For more information on h eadlamps, see “Light ing” ( 컄 pag e 146). Low beam headlamps The e xterio r lamp switch i s loc ated on the dashb oard to the le ft of the st eering w heel.
60 Getting sta rted Driving Turn signals The c ombina tion s witch is locat ed on the left of the stee ring col umn. Combin ation switch 1 Turn si gnal s, ri ght 2 Turn si gnal s, left 왘 Press th e c ombina tion s witch in direction of arrow 1 or 2 .
61 Getti ng sta rted Driving Switchin g on wi ndshield wipers 왘 Turn the combination switch to the desired pos ition depending on the in- tensity of the rain. M Winds hield w ipers o ff U Slow intermittent wiping Rain sensor operation with low sensit ivity.
62 Getting sta rted Driving Wiping with wind shield was her fluid 왘 Press the c ombina tion s witch in direction of arrow 1 past th e resis- tance point.
63 Getti ng sta rted Driving Deactivati ng intermit tent wipe 왘 Turn rear window wiper switch 1 to posit io n 4 ( 컄 page 62). Indicator 6 f or the re ar window wiper is clea red from the lo wer multif unc tion displa y, indic ating that th e rear wi ndow wiper is deactivated.
64 Getting sta rted Driving In case o f accident If the ve hicle i s leak ing fue l: 왘 Do not start the engine under any circum stances . 왘 Notify local fi re and/or poli ce authori - ties. If the extent of the damage cannot be determi ned: 왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center .
65 Getti ng sta rted Parking and loc king 왔 Park ing a nd lo ckin g You have now c omplet ed your fi rst dr ive. You have properly stoppe d and parked your vehi cle. End your drive as f ollo ws. Wa rn i n g! G With the engine no t runni ng, there is no power assistance for the brake and the steer ing system.
66 Getting sta rted Parking and l ocking Parking brake 1 Parking brak e pedal 2 Releas e hand le 왘 Step firml y on parking brake p edal 1 . When the engine is running, the warn- ing l amp ; (USA only) or 3 (Canada only) i n the ins trument cl uster comes on.
67 Getti ng sta rted Parking and loc king Turning off the engine 왘 Shift the a utomatic tran smission to posit io n P ( 컄 page 199) . 왘 Apply th e parking brak e ( 컄 pa ge 66) . Turning o ff with the SmartKey 왘 Turn the S martKey i n the starter switch to position 0 ( 컄 page 40).
68 Getting sta rted Parking and l ocking Releasing seat b elts 왘 Press th e seat belt rele ase bu tton ( 컄 page 52) . Allow th e retractor to complet ely re- wind th e seat bel t by guidin g the latch plat e. Locking 왘 Exit th e vehi cle and c lose a ll doors a nd the tailgate.
69 Getti ng sta rted Parking and loc king Locking with KEYLESS-GO* 1 Lock button on the outside door handle 왘 Press lo ck button 1 on an outside door handle. With the tailgate and all doors cl osed, the turn signal l amps flash three tim es. The locking knobs on the doors move down.
71 Safety and Security Occu pant sa fety Panic alarm Driving safet y systems Anti-theft syst ems.
72 Safety and Security Occupant safety In this section you will l earn the most important facts about the res traint syst ems of the vehicl e. The re strai nt sy stems are 앫 Seat b elts ( 컄 page 7.
73 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Wa rn i n g! G Modification s to or work improper ly conducted on r estraint systems (such as seat belts and anchors , emergency tensi on- ing devices, seat be.
74 Safety and Security Occupant safety Air bags War n i n g! G Air bags ar e design ed to reduce the po ten- tial of injury and fata lity in certa in frontal impacts (front air bags), side impacts (side impact air bags and head protection window curtain air bags) or rollovers (head protec- tion wi ndow curtai n air bag s).
75 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety 앫 Alwa ys sit nea rly upri ght, prop erly use the seat belts and use an appropriately sized infant or toddle r restrai nt or boost - er seat re commended for the si ze and weight of the ch ild. Failur e to follow the se instru ctions can result in sever e injurie s to you or other occupants.
76 Safety and Security Occupant safety Safety guidel ines for the seat belt, emergen cy tensioni ng devic e and air ba g i Air bags are designed to deploy only in cer- tain frontal impacts (front air .
77 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety When you sell y our veh icle we strong ly urge you to gi ve notice to the sub sequent owner that it is equipped with an SRS by aler tin g them to th e appl icab le sect ion in the Oper ator’ s Manua l.
78 Safety and Security Occupant safety The air ba gs will not depl oy in impacts which do not ex ceed th e system ’s deploy - ment thresholds. You will then be protec- ted by the faste ned seat be lts.
79 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety 1 Front side im pact air bag 2 Window curtain air bag 3 Rear s ide impact air bag* The side impact air b ags and window curtai n air ba gs are depl oyed: 앫 o.
80 Safety and Security Occupant safety War n i n g! G Always fasten your seat belt before driving off. Alw ays make sure all of y our passenge rs are p roper ly restr ained , eve n those sitt ing in the re ar and pregnan t women .
81 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Wa rn i n g! G USE SEAT BELTS PROPERLY 앫 Seat be lts can o nly wo rk whe n used properl y. Neve r wear seat bel ts in any other way than a s described in this sec- tion, as t hat could r esult in s erious inj u- ries in case of an accident .
82 Safety and Security Occupant safety Enhan ced se at belt remind er syst em When the engine is started, the se at belt tellt ale < will al ways il luminat e for 6 seconds to remind you and your passen gers to fa sten you r seat b elts.
83 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety In an impact, emergency tensioning devices remove slack from the belts in such a way tha t the seat belts f it more snugl y against th e body. Belt force li miters, when act ivate d, ar e employ ed to help reduc e the peak forc e exer te d by th e sea t belts on occupants during a crash.
84 Safety and Security Occupant safety You cannot remove the active head restraint on the driver’s and front passen- ger’s s eats. For remova l of the active head restra ints we recommend that you contact an authori zed Merce des-B enz Light Tr uck Center.
85 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Infant and chil d restra int syst ems We recommend all infants and children be proper ly res trained at a ll times while th e vehi cle is in motion. All lap- shoulde r belts exc ept the dri ver’s seat bel t have special se at bel t retracto rs for secu re fastening of child rest raints.
86 Safety and Security Occupant safety Infan ts and sma ll chil dren shoul d be seated in an a ppropria te infan t or chil d restrai nt sy stem prope rly secu red i n accordan ce with th e manufact urer’s in- structi ons for the chi ld restrai nt, that comp lies with U.
87 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety 앫 A chil d in a re ar-f acing child res trai nt on the front passenge r seat wi ll be se rious- ly i njured o r even kill ed if t he fro nt pas - senge r fro.
88 Safety and Security Occupant safety Occupan t Classi fication Syst em The Occupant Classifi cation System (OCS) auto mati call y tu rns th e f ront p asse nger front air bag on or off based on the clas si- fied o ccupant weight ca tegory determine d by weight s ensor readings from the front passenge r seat.
89 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Wa rn i n g! G If the 59 indi cator lamp illumi - nates wh en an a dult or someon e lar ger th an a sma ll indi vidual is in the front pa ssen ger seat, ha ve .
90 Safety and Security Occupant safety If t he 59 indicator la mp is illu- minate d, the fron t passenger front ai r bag is deactivated and will not be deploye d.
91 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety 앫 If you must i nstall a rear-f acing ch ild restrai nt on the front passenge r seat because circums tances requir e you to do so, make su re that t he 59 indicator lamp is illum i- nated, indicating that the front passen- ger front air bag is deactivated.
92 Safety and Security Occupant safety The 59 indicat or lamp is lo- cated in the center console. 1 59 indi cator l amp The 59 indicator lamp 1 will be illum inate d, except with the Sm artKey removed from the starte r switch or with the sta rter swit ch in pos ition 0 ( 컄 page 39) .
93 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Self-t est Occupa nt Clas sificat ion Sys - tem After turnin g the SmartKey in the s tarter switch to posi tion 1 or 2 or pressing the KEYLESS-GO* start/stop button once or twice, the 59 indi cator l amp ( 컄 page 92) located in th e cen ter cons ole illuminates.
94 Safety and Security Occupant safety The LATCH anchors on the second-row seats a re cover ed with up holster y blends. 1 Anchors second-row seats 2 Indicates the position of the anchors 왘 Move the respective second-row seat backrest to a n upright position ( 컄 page 138) .
95 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety Installat ion of i nfant and chil d restra int syst em This veh icle is equipped wit h tether an- chorages for a top tether strap at each of the rear seat back rests . 1 Anchorage ring cover 왘 Remove anchorage ring cove r 1 from seat backrest of the seat on whi ch a chil d seat is to be inst alled.
96 Safety and Security Occupant safety 왘 Securely fasten hook 3 , which is part of top tether st rap 4 , to anchorage ring 2 . Make sur e 앫 the top tethe r strap is not twisted 앫 the head restra.
97 Safety and Security Occu pant saf ety 왘 Lower the hea d restrain t if nece ssary ( 컄 page 139) . Make su re the top tether st rap can pass freely betw een th e hea d rest rain t and t op of s eat back rest.
98 Safety and Security Occupant safety Disablin g 왘 Press ov erride switch 1 until it enga ges. The swi tch enga ges in the re cessed position. The rear door windows can no longer be opera ted using th e switche s located in the rear doors. Enabl ing 왘 Press ov erride switch 1 once more.
99 Safety and Security Panic alar m 왔 Panic al arm An audi ble alar m and fl ashing ext erior lamps will o perate bri efly . Smart Key 1 Â button Activating 왘 Press and hold button 1 for at l east 1 second. Deac tiv atin g 왘 Press button 1 ag ain.
100 Safety and Security Driving safety systems In this section you will find information on the foll owing dr iving sa fety sys tems: 앫 ABS (A ntilock B rake S yst em) 앫 BAS (B rake A ssist S yste.
101 Safety and Security Driving safety systems Braking At th e in stan t on e of th e whe els is ab out t o lock u p, a s light p ulsat ion ca n be fe lt in t he brak e pedal, in dicatin g that the ABS is in the regu lating mode . 왘 Keep fi rm a nd stea dy pr essure on th e brak e pedal while e xperienc ing the pul- sation.
102 Safety and Security Driving safety systems BAS The Br ake Assi st Syste m (BAS) operates in emergency situations. If you apply the brakes very quickly, the BAS a utomatically provide s full brake b oost, ther eby poten - tially r educing braki ng distance .
103 Safety and Security Driving safety systems For more information, see the “Practical hints” section ( 컄 pa ge 42 5) a nd ( 컄 page 441) . Wa rn i n g! G Never switch off the ESP ® when y ou see t he ESP ® wa rning la mp v flas hing in the in- strume nt clus ter.
104 Safety and Security Driving safety systems Switch ing off the ESP ® To improve the vehicle’s traction, switch off the ESP ® in driv ing s ituation s whe re it would be ad vantageous to ha ve t.
105 Safety and Security Driving safety systems Swit chin g on t he ES P ® 왘 Press E SP ® switch 1 . The ESP ® warning lamp v in t he instrum ent cluster goes out. You are now again in normal driving mode with the ESP ® s witched on. For more information, s ee the “Practical hints” section ( 컄 pa ge 420) .
106 Safety and Security Driving safety systems 4-ETS The 4-Electronic T raction System (4- ETS) impro ves the veh icle’s a bility to uti lize available traction, especially under slip- pery road conditions. The brakes are ap- plied to the spinni ng wheel and power i s transferre d to the wheel(s) wi th traction.
107 Safety and Security Anti-theft sys tems 왔 Anti-theft systems Immobilizer The imm obilizer pre vents un authoriz ed persons from starting your vehicle. Acti va ting With th e Smar tKey 왘 Remove the SmartKey from the starter switch. With KE YLESS-G O* 왘 Press the KEYLESS-GO start/stop button ( 컄 page 4 1) once.
108 Safety and Security Anti-theft systems Arming th e alarm s ystem The al arm syste m is ar med afte r you have locke d the ve hicle w ith the SmartKe y or SmartKey with KEY LESS-GO*. The a larm syst em ind icator la mp is l ocated to the lower left of the hazard warning flashe r.
109 Safety and Security Anti-theft sys tems Canceling the alarm To ca ncel the al arm: With th e Smar tKey 왘 Inse rt the Smart Key in the s tarter switch. or 왘 Press the Œ or ‹ but ton on the SmartK ey. With KE YLESS-G O* 왘 Grasp an outside door handle.
111 Controls in detail Locking and unlocking Seats Memory fu nction* Lighting Instru ment c luster Contr ol syst em Automatic transm ission Good visibility Climate control 3-zone automatic climate con.
112 Control s in detai l In the “Controls in detail” section you will find detailed information on how to oper- ate th e equipm ent ins talled i n your vehicle . If you are al ready fa milia r with the bas ic functions of your vehicle, thi s section will be of particular i nterest to you.
113 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Factory setting Global unlocking 왘 Press button Œ . All t urn si gnal lamps flas h once. The lockin g knobs in th e doors move up.
114 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Global locking 왘 Press button ‹ . With the ta ilgate an d all door s closed, the turn signa l lamps fla sh three times . The locking knobs on the doors move down. The anti-thef t alar m system is armed .
115 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Che ckin g th e batt eri es 왘 Press bu tton ‹ or Œ . Batter y check lam p 5 ( 컄 page 112) comes on briefl y to indicate that the SmartKe y batteries a re in order. Unlock ing and open ing the tailgate (Vehicles with power tailgate*) You can u nlock an d open the ta ilgate s ep- arately .
116 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Smar tKe y wi th KEY LES S-GO * Vehicl es equippe d with KEYLE SS-GO co me with two Smar tKey s wit h KEY LESS- GO, each w ith remote contro l and a r emovable mechan ical key .
117 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Importan t notes on usin g KEYLESS-GO* 앫 You can also use the SmartKey with KEYLESS- GO like a normal SmartKey ( 컄 pag e 112). 앫 You can comb ine KEYL ESS-GO fu nc- tions with normal SmartKey functions (e.
118 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking 앫 If the Smar tKey w ith KE YLESS- GO is removed f rom the vehicle (e .g. if a passe nger exits the v ehicle wi th th e SmartKey with KEY LESS-GO) 앫.
119 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Factory setting Global u nlocking 왘 Grasp an outside door handle. All turn signal la mps fla sh once. T he lock ing knobs in the doo rs move up .
120 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Global unlocking 왘 Grasp any outside d oor handle other than the driver’s outside door handle. All t urn si gnal lamps flas h once. The locking knobs in the doors move up. The a nti-the ft alarm syste m is di s- armed .
121 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Unlocking an d opening the tailgate (Ve hic les w ith powe r ta ilga te*) You can u nlock an d open th e tailgate s ep- arately . A minimum height cl earance of 7.2 ft (2.20 m ) is requir ed to open the tailgat e.
122 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Ope ning th e do ors fr om the insi de You can open a locked door from the in- side. Open door only when conditions are safe to do so. 1 Locking knob 2 Inside door handle Front doors 왘 Pull on inside door handle 2 on the respective front door to open door.
123 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Opening the tailgate Opening the tailgate from the outsid e A minimum heig ht clearance of 7.2 ft ( 2.20 m) is requ ired to open the tailga te. The h andle is lo cated above th e rear licen se plat e rece ss.
124 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking 왘 Lift ha ndle 1 in direction of arrow 3 . The ta ilga te is releas ed a nd can be opened manually. Opening the tailgate fr om the i nside electrical ly* In vehi cles with powe r tailgate * you c an open the tailgate from the i nside if the vehicl e is statio nary.
125 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Limiting ope ning hei ght of ta ilgate* Vehi cles with power tailg ate*: The ta ilgate o pening heig ht ca n be li mited when transporting goods on a roof rack* (e.g. presence of an MB sport luggage con- tainer*).
126 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking If the tailga te comes into contact wit h an object while clos ing (e.g. luggage that has been pil ed too high) th e closing pr ocedure is stopped and the tailgate reop ens. Closing th e tailgate f rom the ou tside manua lly 1 Handle 왘 Lower tail gate by pulli ng firmly on handle 1 .
127 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Closing the tailga te from the outside (vehicles without KEYLESS-GO*) In vehicles wit h power tailgate* you c an close th e tailgate f rom the outs ide usin g the tailgate closing switch or the Š button on the SmartKey.
128 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Closing the t ailgate and locking the vehicle f rom the outside ( vehicles with KEYLESS-GO*) In vehi cles with powe r tailgate * and KEYLES S-GO*, you c.
129 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking Closi ng the tailg ate 왘 Make su re you have th e SmartK ey wit h KEYLES S-GO* wi th you. 왘 Press tailgate closing s witch 1 briefly . The tailga te closes and an acou stic warning sounds. If the tailgate comes into c ontact with an object whi le closing (e.
130 Control s in detai l Locking and un locking Automatic c entra l locking The doors and the t ailgate loc k automati- cally w hen the ig nition is sw itched on and the whe els are tu rning at v ehic le speeds of approximately 9 mph (15 km/h) or m ore.
131 Controls in detail Locking and u nlocking i You can open a locked door from t he inside. Open door o nly when conditions are safe to do so. If the vehicle was previous ly centrally locked with the SmartKey or the SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO*, it will not unlock us ing the central unlocking switch 1 .
132 Control s in detai l Seats For information on seat adjustme nt, see the “Getting sta rted” secti on ( 컄 pa ge 44) . For mor e inform ation o n foldin g the sea ts, see “Loading” ( 컄 pag e 297) .
133 Controls in detail Seats With the easy-entry /exit feature activate d, the steering wheel tilts upwards when you 앫 remove the Smart Key from the starter switch or 앫 open th e driver’ s door .
134 Control s in detai l Seats 왘 Push th e seat for ward as far as it will go. You sh ould no w have su fficie nt sp ace to acce ss the veh icle’s thir d-row se at. Easy-entry /exit position 왘 Enter the vehicle. For information on how to fol d down the second-row seats completely, see “Folding seco nd-row seat s” ( 컄 page 303 ).
135 Controls in detail Seats Returning second-r ow seats to their origin al positi on Seat unlo cked 1 Lock sta tus indi cator 2 Red mar king When th e seat is unlock ed 앫 lock status indic ator 1 is ex tend ed 앫 red mark ing 2 is clearly visibl e 왘 When th e seat is unlocke d, push se at backrest back until the se at audibl y en- gages.
136 Control s in detai l Seats Lumbar suppor t The c urvatu re of t he dri ver’s seat c an be adjus ted to he lp enhan ce low er back su p- port and seating c omfort. The lever for lumbar su pport adjustment is located on the right ha nd side of the driver ’s seat backre st.
137 Controls in detail Seats Front seat active h ead restr aints You cannot remove the acti ve head restrai nts on the drive r’s and front pas sen- ger’s se at. For remova l of the active hea d restraints we recommend that you contact an autho rized M erced es-Ben z Ligh t Truck Center.
138 Control s in detai l Seats Fore an d aft adjust ment (second-row seats only) The handles for adjusting the seats are located on the front of e ach seat base. 1 Adjustment handle 왘 Pull up h andle 1 in di rection of arrow and ho ld it ther e. 왘 Move seat to the desired pos ition.
139 Controls in detail Seats 왘 T o m o ve s ea t b ac kr e s t b a ck , le a n li g ht - ly agai nst ba ckrest. 왘 To move seat backres t forward, lean forward wi th handle 1 pulled a nd held at resi stance poi nt. The se at backr est will move forward against y our bac k.
140 Control s in detai l Seats Second-row seat head restra int 1 Head rest raint 2 Releas e button Raisin g: 왘 Manual ly adju st the he ight of head restrai nt 1 by pullin g it upw ard to the desired position. Lowering: 왘 To lo wer head restra int 1 , press releas e button 2 and pu sh down on head rest raint 1 .
141 Controls in detail Seats Remov ing head rest raints Sea t posi tion f or r emova l of head r est raint s from se con d-ro w seat s 1 Head rest raint 2 Relea se button 왘 To remo ve head res traint 1 , pull head restr ain t 1 to its u ppermost position.
142 Control s in detai l Seats Seat heati ng* The sw itches for f ront-sea t heatin g are l o- cated in the center console. 1 Seat heat ing swit ch, front se ats 2 Indicato r lamps The swi tches f or the se cond -row se ats are located in the re ar cen ter consol e.
143 Controls in detail Seats Switching on 왘 Press s witch 1 . Three red indicator lam ps 2 in the switch come on . 왘 Continue pressing switch 1 until desire d seat heating le vel is re ached. Switching off 왘 Press s witch 1 repeated ly un til all indicat or lamp s 2 go out.
144 Control s in detai l Memory function* Prior to operati ng the veh icle, th e driver shou ld check a nd adjust the se at height, seat pos ition fore and af t, and s eat back- rest an gle if nec essar y, to ensur e adeq uate control, r each and comfor t.
145 Controls in detail Memory functi on* The memory button and stored position buttons are located on the entry side of each front seat base. M Memory but ton 1, 2, 3 Stored positions 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 39). or 왘 Open the resp ective do or.
146 Control s in detai l Lightin g For information on how to s witch on the headlamps and use the tur n signals, see “Switching on headlamps” ( 컄 page 59) and “Tu rn sig nals” ( 컄 page 60).
147 Controls in detail Lighting Manual h eadlamp m ode The low beam headl amps and the parki ng lamps can be s witched on and off wi th the exte rior l amp sw itch.
148 Control s in detai l Lightin g Daytime r unning lamp mod e 왘 Turn the exterior la mp switch to position M or U . When the engine is running, the low beam he adlamps a re switche d on.
149 Controls in detail Lighting Locator ligh ting and night secu rity illuminatio n The loc ator ligh ting an d the night se curity illum ination a re descri bed in the “ Control system” section, see “Setting locator light- ing” ( 컄 page 18 4) and “Se tting night se cu- rity illumination” ( 컄 page 18 5).
150 Control s in detai l Lightin g Rear fog lamp (drive r’s sid e only) 왘 Switch on the lo w beam h eadlam ps ( 컄 page 59) . 왘 Pull out the exter ior lamp switc h to second stop. The re ar fog l amp swit ches o n. The ye llow in dicator la mp † in the exterior lamp switch comes on ( 컄 page 14 6).
151 Controls in detail Lighting Corner-il luminating fro nt fog lamps * The c orner-i llumin ating front fo g lamps improve illumination of the ar ea in the direct ion into w hich you are turni ng.
152 Control s in detai l Lightin g Swit ching of f corne r-ill uminati ng fro nt fog lamps The c ombina tion switc h for the t urn signa l resets a utomatically after major stee ring wheel m ovement s. This w ill switc h off the corner -illum inatin g front f og lamps i f they were act ivated b y switch ing on the le ft or right turn signal.
153 Controls in detail Lighting Switc hing on hazard warning flasher 왘 Press haza rd warning flash er switch 1 . All turn signals a re flas hing. Switc hing off haza rd warni ng flashe r 왘 Press hazard warning flasher switch 1 again.
154 Control s in detai l Lightin g Activa ting automati c control 왘 Press swi tch 3 . The interior lighting and the locator light ing ( 컄 page 184) come on when you 앫 unloc k the veh icle 앫 re.
155 Controls in detail Lighting Switc hing thi rd-row read ing lamps* on and of f The swi tches for the third- row read ing lamps a re lo cated in the r ear ov erhead control panel.
156 Control s in detai l Instrum ent cluster For a f ull vi ew illus tratio n of the instru ment cluster, se e “Inst rument cluster” ( 컄 page 26) .
157 Controls in detail Instrument cluster Adjusting ins trument cluster illuminatio n Use button 1 or 3 to adjust the illumina- tion brightness for the instrument clus ter. To brighten il lumination 왘 Press and hold button 3 until the desired level of illumination is reached.
158 Control s in detai l Instrum ent cluster Outside temperature indicator The ou tside te mper ature is indica ted in the multif unction displa y ( 컄 page 15 9). The te mperat ure s ensor is locat ed in t he front bumper area. Due to its location, the sensor can be af fected by road or engine heat during idling or slow driving.
159 Controls in detail Contro l system 왔 Control system The control system is activa ted as soon as the SmartKey in the starter switch is turned to posi tion 1 ( 컄 page 40) or as soon as the KEYLESS-GO start/stop button* is in position 1 ( 컄 page 41).
160 Control s in detai l Control system Multifunction s teering wheel The di spla ys in the mul tifun ctio n disp lay and the se ttings in th e control sy stem are controlled by the b uttons on the multifunc- tion steering wheel.
161 Controls in detail Contro l system It is helpful to think of the menus , and the functions within each menu, as being ar- ranged in a circ ular pattern. 앫 If you pres s button è or ÿ repea tedly , you w ill p ass thr ough ea ch menu one after the other.
162 Control s in detai l Control system Menus This is what you will see when you scroll through the menus 1 to 5 . The table on the next page provides an overvi ew of the indiv idual me nus.
163 Controls in detail Contro l system Menus, su bmenus an d func tions Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3 Menu 4 Me nu 5 Standard display AMG 1 1 AMG vehic les only .
164 Control s in detai l Control system This is what yo u will s ee when yo u scro ll through the menus 6 to b . The ta ble on the next pag e prov ides an overvi ew of the in dividua l menus.
165 Controls in detail Contro l system Menus, su bmenus an d func tions Menu 6 Menu 7 Menu 8 Menu 9 Menu a Menu b DISTRONIC* Vehicle statu s messag e memo ry Settings Distanc e wa rning functi on* Tri.
166 Control s in detai l Control system Standard displ ay menu In the stan dard display , the main odom eter and the tri p odomet er appear in the mul ti- function display. 1 Trip odometer 2 Main odometer 왘 If you se e anoth er displa y, press button è or ÿ repeatedl y until the sta ndard displ ay appe ars.
167 Controls in detail Contro l system 왘 Press button k or j repe atedly unti l the co olan t temp era ture a ppears in the m ultifunc tion disp lay. Calling up digital speedo meter or outside tem perature 왘 Press button k or j re peatedl y until the digital spee dometer or the outside te mperatu re appears i n the mult ifuncti on d isplay.
168 Control s in detai l Control system AMG menu The m ain sc reen of the AMG men u shows you the ge ar current ly engaged as well as the engin e oil tem peratur e.
169 Controls in detail Contro l system RACETIMER The RACETIMER allows you to time and save dr iving stre tches i n hours, minut es and se conds. 왘 Press button è or ÿ repea tedly until yo u see the AMG menu. 왘 Press button j re peatedl y until you see th e RACETIM ER.
170 Control s in detai l Control system Saving lap ti me an d star ting a n ew lap 왘 Press button ç whil e the timer i s running. The inter mediate tim e will be s hown for 5 seco nds. 왘 Press button ç within 5 seconds. The inte rmedia te time sh own will be save d as a lap time.
171 Controls in detail Contro l system Lap analy sis 왘 Press button è or ÿ repeate dly unti l you se e th e AMG me nu. 왘 Press button j repe atedly until you see th e lap anal ysis. 1 Lap number 2 Lap ti me 3 Maxi mum s peed 4 Lap length 5 Averag e spee d durin g lap 왘 Press button j or k to see other lap a nalys es.
172 Control s in detai l Control system 왘 Press button k or j repeate dly until th e desire d station is found . The station search de pends on the selec ted s etting in t he Vehi cle submenu of the control system ( 컄 page 188). Pressing button k or j will eithe r start a freque ncy scan or selec t the next stored radio station.
173 Controls in detail Contro l system Sele cting MP3- CD tra ck 왘 Turn on the COMAN D syste m and select MP3. Refer to separa te CO- MAND sy stem o perati ng ins truct ions. 왘 Press button è or ÿ repeat edly until the settings for the MP3 -CD cur- rently be ing played a ppear in the multi- function display.
174 Control s in detai l Control system AIRMATIC*/Compass m enu The AIRM ATIC/Co mpass menu disp lays t he AIRMATIC* me ssages and the dire ction into wh ich you are curre ntly driv ing. 왘 Press button è or ÿ repe atedly until th e AIR MATIC/C ompa ss menu appear s in the multifu nctio n display .
175 Controls in detail Contro l system 왘 Press button è or ÿ repeat edly until the vehicle statu s message memo ry appe ars in the m ultifun ction displ ay. If conditions ha ve occurred causing status messages to be recorded, the number of messag es app ears in the mu ltifu nction disp lay: 왘 Press bu tton k or j .
176 Control s in detai l Control system Settings menu In the Sett ings menu there are two functions: 앫 The function Rese t to factor y s etting s? , with which you can rese t all the settings to the orig inal factory settings. 앫 A collec tion of sub menus w ith which you can make indi vidual setting s for your ve hicle .
177 Controls in detail Contro l system Submenus i n the Setting s menu 왘 Press bu tton j . The c ollect ion of the submen us appear s in the m ultif uncti on di spla y. 왘 Press bu tton ç . The se lectio n marker m oves to th e next submen u. The su bmenus ar e arran ged by hie rarch y.
178 Control s in detai l Control system The tab le belo w shows wh at settin gs can be changed within the various menus. Detailed instructions on maki ng individual settings can be found on the following pages.
179 Controls in detail Contro l system Instru ment clust er subme nu Access t he Instr . cluster subme nu via the Setti ngs menu. Use the Inst r. c luster submen u to cha nge the in stru- ment cluster di splay se ttings.
180 Control s in detai l Control system Availabl e langu ages: 앫 German 앫 English 앫 French 앫 Itali an 앫 Spanis h 앫 Dutch 앫 Danish 앫 Swed ish 앫 Portugu ese 앫 Turk ish 앫 Russia n (.
181 Controls in detail Contro l system Time/Date subm enu Access t he Time/ Date submenu via th e Sett ings menu. Us e the Time/ Date submen u to change the time a nd date sett ings.
182 Control s in detai l Control system Setti ng the date (m onth) This function is not a vailable if your vehicle is equip ped with the COMAND system and navigation module*. 왘 Move th e selectio n marker w ith button æ or ç to the Time /Date subme nu.
183 Controls in detail Contro l system Lighting submenu Access t he Light ing submen u via the Setti ngs menu. Us e the Light ing submen u to c hange the l amp a nd lig hting sett ings on your v ehicle .
184 Control s in detai l Control system In low am bient li ght conditi ons the following lamps will switch on additionally: 앫 Parkin g lamps 앫 Tail l amps 앫 Licen se plat e lamps 앫 Side m arker l amps For mor e inform ation o n the dayti me running lamp mode, see “Lighting” ( 컄 page 146) .
185 Controls in detail Contro l system Sett ing ni ght sec urity i llumina tion (Headlamps delayed shut-off feature) Use this function to set whether you would like the exterior lamps to remain on for 15 se conds du ring d arknes s aft er exi ting the vehicle and cl osing all doors.
186 Control s in detai l Control system Settin g interi or lighti ng delaye d shut-off Use this function to s et whether you would like the interior l ighting to remain on for 10 seconds during darkness after you have removed the SmartK ey from the starter switc h.
187 Controls in detail Contro l system Zone map South America 왘 Press bu tton æ or ç to move the selecti on marker to the Vehi cle subm enu. 왘 Press button j or k re peatedl y unti l the mes sage Comp ass setti ng appear s in the m ultif uncti on di spla y.
188 Control s in detai l Control system 왘 Press button j or k repeate dly until th e mess age Comp ass Calib ra- tion appear s in t he mult ifunc tion disp lay. The se lect ion marke r is on set ting swit ched off . 왘 Press button æ to set the selection marke r to Start .
189 Controls in detail Contro l system Sett ing auto matic loc king Use this functi on to activate or deactiva te the automatic central loc king. With the automatic central lock ing system activ ated, t he vehicle is cen trally lo cked at vehicl e spee ds of ap proxima tely 9m p h( 1 5k m / h ) .
190 Control s in detai l Control system Activa ting ea sy-entry /exit f eature* Use this function to activate and deactivate the ea sy-entry/exit fea ture ( 컄 page 132) . 왘 Move t he sel ecti on mar ker wi th button æ or ç to the C omfor t submen u.
191 Controls in detail Contro l system 왘 Move th e selec tion mar ker with button æ or ç to the C omfort submen u. 왘 Press button j or k repe atedly until the messa ge Fold in mir rors when lo cking appear s in the multi- function display. The se lection marker i s on the curr ent setti ng.
192 Control s in detai l Control system Fuel co nsum ption st atis tics fro m star t 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeate dly until th e message From start appear s in t he mult ifunc tion d isp lay.
193 Controls in detail Contro l system Resett ing fuel consu mption statisti cs manually 왘 Press button j or k repe atedly until the messa ge After reset appear s in the m ultifunc tion disp lay. 왘 Press and hold the rese t button in the instru ment clust er ( 컄 page 156) until the value is rese t to 0 .
194 Control s in detai l Control system You can use the functions in the TEL menu to opera te your te lephone, provided it is connected to a han ds-free system and switc hed on.
195 Controls in detail Contro l system Ending a call 왘 Press bu tton t . You ha ve ended the call . The stan dby mess age ap pears in th e multif unction displ ay. Dialing a number fr om the pho ne book If your te lephon e is ready to receive c alls, you may s elect and dial a nu mber f rom the phone book at any time.
196 Control s in detai l Control system Redialing The con trol sy stem sto res the most recen tly dial ed phone number s. This elimin ates the need t o sear ch throu gh yo ur entire phone book. 왘 Press button ÿ or è repeate dly until th e mess age Tel appe ars in t he mult ifunctio n disp lay.
197 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission 왔 Automa tic transm ission For information on driving with an automatic transmis sion see “A utomatic tran smissi on” ( 컄 page 54). Your v ehicle’s transm issio n adapt s its gea r shifting pr ocess to your indi vidual driving styl e by cont inuall y adjustin g the sh ift point s up or dow n.
198 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission Shifting from P to N Moving the gear selector lever up or down shifts the automat ic transmissi on out of park position P : 왘 With the vehicle at a stan dstill, depre ss the brak e pedal a nd keep it p ressed.
199 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission Shifting fr om P to R 왘 With the v ehicle at a stands til l, dep ress the brake p edal and ke ep it pressed. 왘 Move gear selector lever up past the resist ance point to sele ct reverse gear R . 왘 Relea se the park ing brake ( 컄 page 57).
200 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission Shifting from D or R to N If you want to select neutral position N with the transm ission b eing in dri ve position D or revers e gear R : 왘 With th e vehic le at a s tandsti ll, depr ess the bra ke pedal a nd keep it pressed.
201 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission Transmi ssion po sition s The current transmission position appears in th e mul tifun ction disp lay. 1 Current transmission position ! If the curren t t.
202 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission ! If you want the gea r position to remain in neutral position N (for example whe n the vehicle is pulled through a car wash) 앫 do not remove the Sm.
203 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission Driving tip s Accel erator p ositi on Your dr iving sty le infl uences th e transmission’s shifting behavior: Less throttle Earlier upshif ting More throttle La ter upshifting Kickdown Use kickdown when you want ma ximum acceleration.
204 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission Rocking the vehicle Rock ing the ve hicle b y shiftin g betwee n drive pos ition D a nd reverse ge ar R can help fr ee a veh icle st uck in m ud or sno w.
205 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission Gear ra nges With the automati c transmission in drive posi tio n D , you ca n sele ct a g ear ran ge for the automatic transmiss ion to operate within.
206 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission Automatic s hift progr am The pr ogra m mode se lector swit ch is located on the upp er part of the center console.
207 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission 왘 Press pr ogram mod e sele ctor swit ch repeat edly u ntil the let ter of the desire d program mo de appears i n the multif uncti on displa y. Select C for comfo rt driv ing (R 63 AMG: sta ndard driving) : 앫 The vehicle starts out in second gear (bot h forward and reverse ) for gentler starts.
208 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission Limiting gear range 왘 Briefl y pre ss left s hift b utton 1 . The tra nsmissi on will shift to the n ext lower gear as permitted by the shift progra m. This actio n simulta neously limits the gear ra nge of the transmis- sion ( 컄 page 20 5).
209 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission Manual s hift pr ogram ( R 63 AMG only) In addition to the automati c shift prog ram C or S , your v ehicle is equip ped with the manual sh ift program M .
210 Control s in detai l Automa tic transm ission Upshifting 왘 Briefly p ress right shif t button 2 ( 컄 page 20 7). The tra nsmissi on shifts to the nex t higher g ear.
211 Controls in detail Automatic t ransmission Kickdown Using th e kickdow n when d riving in th e manual pr ogram mode M is not possib le. Deactivati ng manu al shift progra m 왘 Press th e program mo de selector switch ( 컄 page 209) repeated ly until C or S appea rs in the multifu nction displ ay.
212 Control s in detai l Good visibility For information on the windshield wipers, see “W indshiel d wipers ” ( 컄 page 60) . Headlamp cleani ng system * The button is located on the left side of the das hboa rd. 1 Headla mp washer b utton 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 39).
213 Controls in detail Good visibility Auto -dimmi ng rear view m irrors * The reflection brightness of the exterior rear v iew mirro r on the dr iver’s si de and the interior re ar view mirror will.
214 Control s in detai l Good visibility Power foldi ng exte rior re ar view mirr ors* Folding the exte rior rear v iew mirrors in and ou t autom atically When the corresponding function in the contro.
215 Controls in detail Good visibility Fold ing in 왘 Briefl y pres s but ton 1 . Both exte rior rear view mirrors fold in. Fold ing out 왘 Briefl y pres s but ton 1 again. Both exte rior rear view mirrors fold out. Sun visors The su n visors pro tect you f rom su n glare while dr iving .
216 Control s in detai l Good visibility Vanit y mirror 왘 Swing sun vi sor 1 down. 왘 Flip up c over 4 to access vanity mirror 5 . Vanity mirror lamp 3 comes o n. 왘 After using vani ty mirror 5 , fli p do wn cover 4 . 왘 Swing sun vi sor 1 up. Glare th rough a s ide wi ndow 1 Sun viso r 2 Additional sun visor* 왘 Swing su n visor 1 down.
217 Controls in detail Good visibility Rear wind ow defro ster The rear window defroster uses a large a mo u nt of p ow e r . T o k e ep b at t er y dr a in t o a minimum, switch off the defroster as soon as the rear window is cl ear.
218 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol.
219 Controls in detail Climate con trol 1 Left side air vent, adjustable 2 Thumbwh eel for air volu me control for left side and door air vent 3 Left cent er air vent, adjustabl e 4 Right center air v.
220 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol 1 Temper ature contro l, lef t 2 Air distr ibu tion a nd ai r vo lume (automatic, manual) 3 Front defroster 0 USA only P Canada only 4 Incre asin g a ir vo lu.
221 Controls in detail Climate con trol The cl imate c ontrol is operatio nal whenev- er the engine is running. You can oper ate the cl imate c ontrol s ystem in ei ther t he automatic or m anual mode. The sy stem cools or heats the interior depending on the se lected int erior t emper atur e and the current ou tside temper ature.
222 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol Deac tiv atin g the clim ate co ntrol system Deac tiv atin g 왘 Press button ´ ( 컄 page 22 0). The indic ator lamp on the button comes on.
223 Controls in detail Climate con trol Deactivati ng 왘 Press bu tton or Q ( 컄 page 220). The ind icator la mp on butto n U goes out. The automatic operation of air vol ume switc hes off . The se lected blower speed is shown in the air volume display b ( 컄 page 220).
224 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol Adjusting air volume Five bl ower speeds ar e avai lable . 왘 Press button to decrease or button Q to inc rease air vo lume ( 컄 page 220 ) to the desi red level. The indi cator lamp on button U ( 컄 page 220) goes out.
225 Controls in detail Climate con trol The c limate control switch es to the foll ow- ing functions automatically: 앫 maximum blower s peed a nd hea ting powe r 앫 air flows onto the windshi eld an.
226 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol Air rec irculat ion mo de Switch to air recircu lation mode to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the vehicle from the outs ide (e.g. bef ore driving through a t unnel). This se tting cuts off the intake of outside a ir and reci rculate s the air i n the pas senger comp artment.
227 Controls in detail Climate con trol Air rec ircula tion mode with convenience clo sing and openi ng featur e Vehicl es with tilt/sli ding su nroof* Convenience closing: 왘 Press bu tton : for approxi mately 2 seconds. The win dows a nd/or tilt/slid ing sun - roof will close.
228 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol Conven ience o pening : 왘 Press and hold button : unti l th e windows and the tilt/sliding panel are opened or have reached the desired position. The indicator lamp on the button goes out. The air recirculation mode i s deacti vated.
229 Controls in detail Climate con trol Residu al heat a nd venti lation With the e ngine sw itched off , it is possi ble to continue to heat or ve ntilate the interi or for up to 30 minutes . This fe ature ma kes use o f the r esidu al heat produ ced by the engi ne.
230 Control s in detai l Climate cont rol Rear clim ate contr ol panel Activ ating re ar cl imate c ontro l 왘 Press button U . The indicator lamp on the bu tton comes on. The ai r volume and ai r dis tri- bution are a djusted automati cally. Deactiva ting rea r climat e control 왘 Press button ´ .
231 Controls in detail Climate con trol Operating fro m the front Deacti vati ng 왘 Press bu tton : on the front climate control panel ( 컄 page 220). The ind icato r lamp on the button comes on. Reac tivat ing 왘 Press bu tton : on the front climate control panel ( 컄 page 220).
232 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control*.
233 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* 1 Left side air vent, adjustable 2 Thumbwh eel for air volu me control for left side and door air vent 3 Left cent er air vent, adjustabl e 4 .
234 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* 1 Tempe ratur e contr ol, driv er’s si de 2 Air distr ibu tion a nd ai r vo lume (automatic, manual) 3 Air distributi on, driver’s side .
235 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* The aut omatic climate co ntrol i s a 3- zone intel ligent a utomatic climat e control syst em.
236 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* Deac tiv atin g the a utom ati c cli mate contr ol system Deactiva ting 왘 Press button ´ ( 컄 pa ge 234) until the display e ( 컄 p age 234 ) is cleare d. The indicator lamp on the b utton comes on.
237 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* Operating the a utomatic clim ate control syst em in a utoma tic mode You can s witch th e automa tic clim ate control system on and off separately for each zone as need ed. Acti va ting 왘 Press bu tton U ( 컄 page 234 ) while the engine is running.
238 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* Adjusting air distribution Use t he ai r di stri buti on bu tto ns 3 , h , or j for the dri ver’s side , or 7 , b , or c ( 컄 page 234) for the pass enger side to separately adjust the air distribution on each side of the passenge r comp artmen t.
239 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* Adjusting air volume Five blowe r speeds a re avai lable. 왘 Press bu tton to decr ease or button Q to increase ai r volume ( 컄 page 234 ) to the des ired level. The ind icator la mp on butto n U goes out.
240 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* Windshiel d fogged on the outside 왘 Switch the wind shield wipers on ( 컄 page 60) . 왘 Press button U ( 컄 page 23 4). AUTO appears i n the displ ay e ( 컄 page 234). Ai r volume and air distribution are controlled separately for each zone.
241 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* Acti va ting 왘 Press bu tton : ( 컄 page 234). The ind icato r lamp on the button comes on.
242 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* Air rec irculat ion mode with convenien ce cl osing and o pening feature Vehicle s with tilt/sl iding su nroof* Convenience closing: 왘 Press button : fo r approxim ately 2 seconds. The windows and/or tilt/sliding sunroof will close.
243 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* Convenience opening: 왘 Press a nd hold bu tton : until the windo ws and the tilt/s liding pan el are opened or have reached the desi red position. The indicator lamp on the button goes out. The air recirculation mode is deactivated.
244 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* Using driv er-side s ettings fo r all temperature z ones You can us e the set tings of the driver’s side , such as tempe rature , air v olume and air distribution, for all temperature zones.
245 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* Acti va ting 왘 Switch off the ignition ( 컄 page 39 ). 왘 Press bu tton 9 ( 컄 page 234). The ind icato r lamp on the button comes on. Deactivati ng 왘 Press bu tton 9 . The ind icato r lamp on the butto n goes out.
246 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* Activatin g rear a utomatic clim ate contro l 왘 Press button U . The indic ator lamp on the button comes o n. The te mpera ture, a ir volu me, and air distri butio n are ad - justed autom atically.
247 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* Settin g the tem perature 왘 Make su re the front automatic clim ate contro l is switc hed o n ( 컄 page 236). 왘 Press bu tton > ( 컄 page 234). The ind icato r lamp on the button comes on.
248 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* Setting the temperature Use temp eratur e control a ( 컄 pag e 245) to separate ly adjust the air tempera ture of the rea r passenge r compart ment. You s hould rais e or lowe r the temp eratu re settin g in small increm ents, pre ferabl y start ing at 72° F (22 °C).
249 Controls in detail 3-zone automa tic climate control* B-pillar a ir vent s Air vent s are loc ated in both B-p illars. 1 Air vent, adjustable 2 Thumbwhee l for air volume cont rol Adjust ing ai r volu me 왘 Turn thum bwheel 2 to the left to incr ease th e air volu me.
250 Control s in detai l 3-zone automa tic climate control* Adjusting air volume 왘 Turn t humbwhee l 3 downwards to incr ease th e air volu me. or 왘 Turn t humbwhee l 3 upwar ds to decrea se the air v olume. Adjusting air distribution 왘 Move air vent slider 2 to the l eft, right, up, or down.
251 Controls in detail Power wi ndows 왔 Power wi ndows Opening a nd closing The door windows and the hinged quarter windows* are opened and closed electri- cally. The switches for a ll door windows and the hinged quarter windows* are located on the driver’s door control panel ( 컄 page 3 6).
252 Control s in detai l Power wi ndows Opening the door wi ndows 왘 Press s witch 1 , 2 , 3 , or 6 ( 컄 page 251 ) to th e resi stanc e poi nt. The corresponding door window moves downwards until you release th e switc h. Closing the doo r window s 왘 Pull switch 1 , 2 , 3 , or 6 ( 컄 page 251 ) to th e resi stanc e poi nt.
253 Controls in detail Power wi ndows Fully opening t he doo r window s (Expre ss-open ) 왘 Press s witch 1 , 2 , 3 , or 6 ( 컄 page 251) pa st the resi stance poi nt and re lease.
254 Control s in detai l Power wi ndows Openin g 왘 Press and releas e switc h 1 . To stop the hi nged quarter window: 왘 Press and releas e switc h 1 once more. Closi ng 왘 Press and releas e switc h 2 . To stop the hi nged quarter window: 왘 Press and releas e switc h 2 once more.
255 Controls in detail Power wi ndows 왘 Aim transm itter eye of the Smart Key or SmartK ey with KEYLE SS-GO* at the driver’s outside door handle. The SmartK ey or SmartKe y with KEYL ESS- GO* m ust be in clos e prox im- ity to the driver’s outside door handle.
256 Control s in detai l Power wi ndows Convenience c losing fea ture When locking the v ehicle , you ca n close the windows and the tilt/sliding sunroof* (or tilt /slid ing panel *) simu ltaneou sly.
257 Controls in detail Power wi ndows Vehicles w ith tilt/sl iding panel* If tilt /slidin g pane l is closed: 왘 Aim transm itter eye of the Smart Key or SmartK ey with KEYLE SS-GO* at the driver’s outside door handle ( 컄 page 255) . The SmartK ey or SmartKe y with KEYL ESS- GO* mu st be in clos e prox imity to the dri ver’s do or handle .
258 Control s in detai l Power tilt/sli ding sunroof* Opening and closing War n i n g! G When closi ng the t ilt/sliding sunroof, make sure tha t there i s no dange r of anyone being harmed by th e closing pr ocedure.
259 Controls in detail Power t ilt/slidin g sunroof* The til t/slidi ng sunro of is ope ned and closed electr ically . The s witch for the tilt/sliding sunroof is located on the overhead control panel.
260 Control s in detai l Power tilt/sli ding sunroof* Synchron izing The tilt /slid ing sunro of must b e synchronized 앫 after the batte ry has been disconnected or discharged 앫 after the tilt/sli.
261 Controls in detail Panora ma roof with p ower tilt/sli ding pa nel* 왔 Panorama ro of wit h power ti lt/sli ding pane l* Roller su nblinds f or the panora ma roof with po wer tilt/ sliding panel The til t/slidi ng panel an d the front a nd rear ro ller sun blinds ar e ope ned and closed electr ically .
262 Control s in detai l Panorama r oof wi th power ti lt/sli ding pan el* Opening a nd closin g the panor ama roof with powe r tilt/slidi ng panel 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 39). The tilt/sliding panel is opened and closed electri cally. The s witch f or the tilt /slidin g panel is on the ove rhead control panel.
263 Controls in detail Panora ma roof with p ower tilt/sli ding pa nel* Roof panel switch 1 Push back to slide roof panel o pen 2 Push forward to sli de roof pa nel clos ed 3 Push up to raise roof panel 4 Pull dow n to lower roof panel Opening 왘 Pull a nd hold the roof pane l switch to resistance point in direction of arrow 1 ( 컄 page 263) .
264 Control s in detai l Panorama r oof wi th power ti lt/sli ding pan el* Synchroni zing the pano rama ro of with power ti lt/slidi ng panel The til t/sliding p anel a nd its roll er sunblinds must b.
265 Controls in detail Panora ma roof with p ower tilt/sli ding pa nel* 왘 Press a nd ho ld the roof panel s witch in direction of arrow 3 ( 컄 page 263) until the tilt/s liding panel is f ully rais ed at the r ear. 왘 Push and hold the ro of pane l switch in direction of arrow 2 ( 컄 page 263) until the tilt /sliding pane l is full y closed.
266 Control s in detai l Driving systems The dri ving syst ems of your veh icle are described on the following pages: 앫 Cruise control ( 컄 page 266 ) and Distronic* ( 컄 pag e 271) , wi th w hich the vehicl e can main tain a preset speed .
267 Controls in detail Driving systems 1 Settin g current or h igher sp eed Adjustment in 1 mph increments (to the resi sta nce poin t) or 5 mph incr ements (pa st the res istan ce point) (Canada: 1 k.
268 Control s in detai l Driving systems Setting current speed 왘 Accelera te or decelera te to the desired speed . 왘 Brief ly lift th e cruise contro l lever i n direction of arrow 1 or de press in direction of arrow 2 ( 컄 page 267). The c urrent sp eed is set .
269 Controls in detail Driving systems Setting a hi gher speed You can increa se the se t speed in tw o ways. Adjustmen t in 1 mph (Ca nada: 1 km/h ) incremen ts 왘 Briefl y li ft t he crui se cont rol le ver up to the res istanc e point in direct ion of arrow 1 ( 컄 page 26 7).
270 Control s in detai l Driving systems 왘 Brief ly lift th e cruise contro l lever up past th e resis tance point in dire ction o f arrow 1 ( 컄 page 267). 왘 Releas e the cr uise contro l leve r. The veh icle se t speed increas es in increme nts of 5 mph (Canad a: 10 km/h).
271 Controls in detail Driving systems 왘 Briefl y pres s th e crui se cont rol lever down past the resista nce poi nt in direction of arrow 2 . 왘 Relea se the crui se cont rol lev er. The v ehicle s et spee d decrea ses in incr ement s of 5 mp h (Canada: 1 0 km/h).
272 Control s in detai l Driving systems War n i n g! G Distroni c is a convenie nce syste m. Its spee d adjustm ent re duction c apabilit y is intended to make cru ise con trol more e ffectiv e and usable when traf fic sp eeds vary. It is not howeve r, inte nded to , nor does i t, repla ce the nee d for extre me care.
273 Controls in detail Driving systems Distronic does no t act upo n adve rse sight and distance conditio ns. Do not use Distronic during conditions of fog, heavy rain, snow or slee t. Wa rn i n g! G Distronic cannot take we ather co nditions into accou nt.
274 Control s in detai l Driving systems Distronic displays i n the speedom eter dial 1 Set s peed If Distronic is activated, one or two cruise control speed segments come on around the set spee d.
275 Controls in detail Driving systems If Distr onic ca lcula tes that th ere is a d an- ger of collision: 앫 The di stance w arnin g lamp l in the instrument cluster comes on ( 컄 page 26). 앫 An intermittent warning sounds. 왘 Imme diately ap ply the br ake to avoid a coll ision.
276 Control s in detai l Driving systems Distron ic men u in the contr ol syst em Use the DIST RONIC menu to di splay th e curren t setting s for your Dis tronic sy stem. The information shown i n the multifunction displa y depends o n whethe r the Distroni c system is activated or deactivate d.
277 Controls in detail Driving systems 1 Sett ing current o r higher sp eed Adjus tment in 1 mph inc rements (to the re sistan ce point ) or 5 mp h incr ement s (past th e resista nce po int) (Canada:.
278 Control s in detai l Driving systems Setting a higher speed You ca n incr ease t he se t spee d in tw o ways. Adju stme nt in 1 mph (C anada : 1 km /h) increm ents 왘 Briefl y lift the cr uise contr ol lever up to the resistance point in direction of arrow 1 ( 컄 page 276).
279 Controls in detail Driving systems Setting a lower speed You can re duce the se t speed in two ways. Adjus tme nt in 1 m ph (Can ada: 1 km /h) increment s 왘 Briefl y pres s th e crui se cont rol lever down to th e re sist ance p oin t in direction of arrow 2 ( 컄 page 276).
280 Control s in detai l Driving systems Setting to la st stored speed (“Resu me” functi on) 왘 Brief ly pull th e cruise contr ol lever in direction of arrow 4 ( 컄 p age 276). The Dis tronic re sumes to the last set speed . 왘 Remove your f oot from the ac celerator pedal.
281 Controls in detail Driving systems Setting the f ollowin g distance in Distronic You can s et the spe cified foll owing distance fo r Distronic by varying the tim e setting between 1.
282 Control s in detai l Driving systems Increasin g distanc e Incre asing the dist ance setting tells Distronic to maintain a greater fo llowing distan ce to the p receding v ehic le.
283 Controls in detail Driving systems The mo st lik ely cause fo r a malf unction ing syste m is a d irty se nsor ( located behind the hoo d gril le), es peci ally at times of snow and ic e or hea vy ra in.
284 Control s in detai l Driving systems Lane cha nging Distronic has not yet detected the vehicle changi ng lan es. The re will be insuff icien t distance to the lane-changing vehicle. Narrow v ehicles Because of their narrow profile, the vehi- cles tra veling nea r the outer edges of the lane have not ye t been detecte d by Distron ic.
285 Controls in detail Driving systems 왘 Swit ch on the di stance w arning fun c- tion in the control system ( 컄 page 191). 1 Symbol for a ctivated di stance warning function When th e distan ce warni ng fun ction is switch ed on, you will see the : symbo l in the S tandard display .
286 Control s in detai l Driving systems Adaptive Damping System (ADS)* The fine tuning of the damping is depen- dent on: 앫 road surface conditions 앫 your dr iving styl e 앫 your p erson al set tings The ADS switch is located on th e upper part of the center console.
287 Controls in detail Driving systems Basic setti ngs (except R 63 AMG) There are two setting s from which to choose: 앫 Raise d leve l, for dri ving on rou gh roa ds 앫 High way le vel, for driv i.
288 Control s in detai l Driving systems Basic settin gs (R 63 AMG only) There are two settings from which to choose: 앫 Rais ed leve l, fo r driv ing on rough r oads 앫 Highwa y leve l, for dr ivin.
289 Controls in detail Driving systems Raised level Only c hoose the raised l evel wh en the ro ad conditions permit. Otherwise : 앫 Fuel consumption may i ncrease. 앫 Han dling c harac teristic s of th e vehi cle may be unf avorable. 왘 Start the en gine ( 컄 pa ge 54) .
290 Control s in detai l Driving systems Highway le vel 왘 Close all doors and the tailgate. 왘 Start the eng ine ( 컄 page 54). The switch is loca ted on the upper part of the center console. 1 Vehi cle le vel cont rol swi tch 2 Indicato r lamp If ind icator la mp 2 is on: 왘 Press s witch 1 ( 컄 page 289) .
291 Controls in detail Driving systems Park tronic * (Par king assist ) The P arktroni c syste m is an electron ic ai d design ed to assi st the driv er durin g parking ma neuvers. It visually a nd audibly indicates the rela tive distanc e between the vehicle and an obst acle.
292 Control s in detai l Driving systems Range of the sensor s To function properly, the sensors mus t be free of dirt, ice, snow and s lush. Clean the sensors regularly, being careful not to scratch or damaging the sensors, see “Cleaning the Parktronic* system sensors” ( 컄 page 414) .
293 Controls in detail Driving systems Warning indi cators Visual sign als ind icate t o th e drive r the relative dis tance between the sens ors and an obst acle. Th e war ning indic ator for th e front area is located a bove th e cent er air vents in the das hboard.
294 Control s in detai l Driving systems Switching the Parktronic system on/o ff You can switch off the Parktronic system manuall y. The P arktronic s witch is locate d in the upper part of the center console. 1 Parktronic switch 2 Indicato r lamp Swit ching of f 왘 Press Parktroni c switch 1 .
295 Controls in detail Driving systems Rear view camera* Wa rn i n g! G The rear view came ra is only an ai d and may display obstacle s from a distorted perspec- tive or i naccuratel y, or may no t displa y ob- stac les at all.
296 Control s in detai l Driving systems T he re a r v i e w c am e r a i s an o pt i ca l pa r ki n g aid. It show s you t he ar ea behi nd th e vehi- cle in the COM AND s ystem di splay when reverse ge ar R is enga ged, for exam ple during paral lel pa rking.
297 Controls in detail Loading 왔 Load ing Roof rac k* 1 Trim cover 왘 Flip ro of trim co vers 1 open. 왘 Attach the roof rack to t he attachment points under roof trim covers 1 . Follow roof ra ck man ufactu rer’s installation instructions. For f urther inf ormatio n, inq uire at yo ur Merced es-Be nz Ligh t Truck Cen ter.
298 Control s in detai l Loading Loading ins truction s Load d istribu tion The gross ve hicle w eight w hich is the weight of the vehicle including fuel, tools, spare wheel, instal led acces sories ,.
299 Controls in detail Loading Please pay attention to and compl y with the f ollowin g instr uction s whe n loa ding t he vehicle and transporting cargo: 앫 Always place ite ms being c arried against f ront or rear seat bac krests , and fasten them as secu rely as possi- ble.
300 Control s in detai l Loading Second s eat-row Two cargo tie-down rings are located in the footw ell be hind th e dri ver’s and pass enger seat . 1 Cargo tie-down ring Third seat -row Two c argo t ie-dow n rings are lo cated in the footwell behind the second-row seats.
301 Controls in detail Loading Expanding cargo c ompartment You can separate ly fold each s eat of the rear pa ssenger comp artment to ex pand the cargo compartment. Expa ndin g cargo compar tmen t in pa rt Foldin g thir d-row se ats 왘 Completely lower the h ead restrai nts of the th ird-r ow seats.
302 Control s in detai l Loading 3 Seat b ackrest 4 Seat c ushion 5 Strap 왘 Move se at backre st 3 slight ly for- ward. Seat cushion 4 is r eleas ed and f olds forward automati cally.
303 Controls in detail Loading Folding second -row s eats 왘 Move th e seat to be folded to i ts rear - most position ( 컄 page 1 38). 왘 Remove the rear center console*, if so equip ped ( 컄 page 32 3). 왘 Remove the head res traint from the resp ective se cond -row se at ( 컄 pag e 141).
304 Control s in detai l Loading Foldi ng third-row seats 왘 Completely lower the head re straints of the third-row seats. 1 Seat be lt holder 2 Releas e hand le 3 Seat b ackrest 왘 Place s eat be lt in seat belt h older 1 . 왘 Pull re lease h andle 2 on seat backre st 3 in direction of a rrow.
305 Controls in detail Loading Second-row s eat unlock ed 1 Lock sta tus indi cator 2 Red mar king When th e seat is unlock ed 앫 lock status indic ator 1 is ex tend ed 앫 red mark ing 2 is clearly visibl e 왘 When th e seat is unlocke d, push se at backr est ba ck u ntil the se at aud ibly engages .
306 Control s in detai l Loading Cargo com partment cover bli nd* The cargo com partment cove r blind ca n be insta lled beh ind the th ird-row se ats or th e seco nd-row seat s. Blind installed behind third-row seats 1 Handle 2 Mount Rolling out blind 왘 Pull blind on handle 1 acros s the cargo compartment.
307 Controls in detail Loading Installin g blind 왘 For installation behind se cond-row seats, inst all the blin d ext ensions ( 컄 page 307) . 왘 Remove the c overs from the mounts in side t rim. 왘 Press o n co ver at its lo wer ed ge a s indicate d by arrow.
308 Control s in detai l Loading When not in use, yo u can attac h the cover blind extens ions to the cover blind. 5 Extension guide rail 6 Mounting 왘 With the cargo comp artment cover inst alled beh ind th ird -row seats , ins ert extension guide rail 5 into mounting 6 .
309 Controls in detail Loading 앫 With the car go com par tment e xpan ded in part ( 컄 page 301) , use holders behi nd C- pillar s 2 and the cargo tie-d own rings in the third- row foo twell ( 컄 page 300) .
310 Control s in detai l Loading Loosenin g the parti tion ne t Belt hook attached in the second-row footwell 1 Buckle 2 Belt hook 3 Cargo tie-down ring 왘 Loosen the tightening belt by pulling buckle 1 upwa rd in direction of arrow. 왘 Remo ve belt hook 2 from cargo tie-down ring 3 .
311 Controls in detail Useful features 왔 Useful features Storage compa rtments Glove box /CD changer* 1 Glove box li d rele ase 2 Glove box lid Openin g the glove box 왘 Pull li d rele ase 1 in direction of arrow. Glove box lid 2 opens downward. Closing th e glove box 왘 Push glove b ox lid 2 up to clo se.
312 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Closi ng CD chang er* 1 CD changer 왘 Gently push CD changer 1 up in direction of arrow until it engages. For information on CD changer operation, see se par ate COMA ND sy stem o per ating instru ction s. Locking an d unlocking t he glove box separately You can lo ck the g love box s eparate ly, e.
313 Controls in detail Useful features 1 Cover 2 Chrome label 왘 Tab lig htly on c hrome la bel 2 of cover 1 . Cover 1 swings open. Front armr est stora ge compartme nts Two st orage comp artmen ts ar e locat ed be- low th e arm rest. Bot h can be open ed se p- arately .
314 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Rear ar mrest stor age co mpartment * A storag e comp artme nt is loc ated in t he armrest of the rear center co nsole* between the second-row seats.
315 Controls in detail Useful features Third-row storag e compartm ent Storage c ompart ments are located on t he side trims of the third-row s eats. 1 Storage comp artment Parcel net s Parcel ne t in.
316 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Parc el net in cargo compa rtmen t 1 Parcel n et 2 Clips 3 Mounting op enings 4 Mounting l ug 5 Rail 왘 Take par cel net 1 out of l ower clips 2 . 왘 Push rails 5 up sligh tly in direc tion o f arrows. 왘 Pull mounting lugs 4 out of mounti ng openings 3 .
317 Controls in detail Useful features Card/ticket holder wit h bottle o pener A card/ ticket holder and a bottl e opener are loca ted i n the cup hold er of the fr ont center console. Card s and ticke ts c an be inse rted into the slot in th e middl e.
318 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Cup holder in front of secon d-row seats A cupholder is located in front of the seco nd-row seat s. Opening cup holder 1 Storage compartment cover 왘 Open stor age compar tment cover 1 ( 컄 page 31 4). 왘 Press s torage co mpartm ent cover 1 down in direction of arrow as fa r as it will go.
319 Controls in detail Useful features Cupholde rs in thir d-ro w side tr im Cupho lders ar e located in the s ide trim s of the th ird-r ow seats. 1 Cup holder Ashtrays* Your ve hicle i s equi pped w.
320 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Removi ng ashtra y insert 왘 Grip as htray in sert 2 on the side s and pull it out u pwards. Reinsta lling as htray in sert 왘 Inse rt ashtra y insert 2 a nd push down until th e ball cat ch eng ages. 왘 Close as htray c over pl ate 1 .
321 Controls in detail Useful features Cigarette lighter* 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 39). 1 Cover plate 2 Cigarett e lighter 왘 Open cover plate 1 ( 컄 page 3 19). 왘 Push in cigaret te lighte r 2 . The cigare tte lighter will pop out au to- matically when hot.
322 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Power outlets Power outlets a re located 앫 in the ad ditional storage com part ment in front center console ( 컄 page 32 2) 앫 in the second-row footwell .
323 Controls in detail Useful features Power outlet in second-row footwell 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 39). 왘 Flip u p cove r and insert elect ric al plu g (cigaret te lighter typ e). Power ou tlet in ca rgo co mpartmen t 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 3 9).
324 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Removing 1 Rear center console 2 Releas e handle 3 Rear center console bas e 4 Folding b ack 5 Handle 6 Anchorage points 왘 Pull re lease ha ndle 2 . The front part o f center console 1 is releas ed from base 3 .
325 Controls in detail Useful features Installin g You can install the rear center console in two different positions. In the mo st for- ward position (position 1) you can expand the car go compartment fu lly ( 컄 page 302) without removing the rear center console.
326 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Heated steering wheel* The ste ering whee l heating warms up th e leathe r area o f the steeri ng whee l. The st alk is lo cated on the low er left -hand side of the stee ring whe el. 1 Switch ing on 2 Switch ing off 3 Indicato r lamp Switching on 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 39).
327 Controls in detail Useful features Telephone* Radio transmi tters, suc h as a portable tele- phone or a citizens band unit, should only be use d ins ide the vehicl e if th ey ar e con- nect ed to an an tenna tha t is inst alled o n the outs ide of the v ehicle.
328 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Please note that these functions are onl y avai lable with Merced es-Benz approved mobile phones. Please contact a n authori zed Merce des-B enz Light Tr uck Cent er for inf ormat ion on fe atures a vail- able fo r your m obile phone o f choic e.
329 Controls in detail Useful features Removing mob ile phone from mobile phone crad le Example illust ration 1 Relea se catch for mobi le phon e 2 Mobile phone cradle 왘 Press r eleas e catch i n dire ction o f arrow 1 and take mobile phone out of mobi le ph one cradle 2 .
330 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Tele Aid* Shortly after the completion of your Tele Aid acqu ainta nce ca ll, you w ill rec eive a user ID an d password. By visit ing www.mbus and select ing “Tel e Aid” (USA only), you will have access to account information, remote door unlock and more.
331 Controls in detail Useful features System se lf-check Initially, after switchi ng on the ignition, malfunc tions are detected and indica ted (the indicator lamps in the SOS button, the Road side A ssistan ce butto n • and the Information button ¡ stay on longer than 10 seconds or do not come on).
332 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures A voice connection between the R esponse Center a nd the oc cupants of the ve hicle will be estab lished automatica lly soon after the em ergency call ha s been initi at- ed.
333 Controls in detail Useful features Roadsi de Assi stanc e butt on • The R oadsi de Assi stanc e butt on • is located bel ow the center armres t cover. 1 Road side A ssist ance bu tton • 왘 Open the storag e tray ( 컄 page 313 ). 왘 Press and ho ld button 1 (for longer than 2 seconds).
334 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures The Me rcedes- Benz Ro adside Assist ance dispatc her wi ll eithe r dispat ch a qual ified Mercedes-Benz technician or arrange to tow your vehicle to the near est Merced es-Be nz Light Tru ck Cente r. For services such as labor and/or towing, charg es may appl y.
335 Controls in detail Useful features When the connection is establi shed, the messag e Cal l connect ed appear s in th e multif uncti on displa y. The T ele Aid sy stem will transm it data generating the vehicle identification number, model , color and location (subject to availability of cellular and GPS s ignals).
336 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Call prio rity If othe r se rvice ca lls such as a Roadsid e Assistanc e call or Informati on call are activ e, an Emer gency c all i s st ill pos sible . In this c ase, the E mergenc y call wi ll take priori ty and overr ide al l other ac tive call s.
337 Controls in detail Useful features Stolen Vehi cle Recovery servic es In th e event y our v ehicle wa s stole n: 왘 Report the incide nt to the police.
338 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Programming t he integra ted remote contro l Step 1 : 왘 Switch on the ignition ( 컄 page 39). Step 2: 왘 If you have prev iousl y progra mmed a signal transm itter button a nd wish to retain its programming, proce ed to step 3.
339 Controls in detail Useful features Step 3 : 왘 Hold th e end of the h and-hel d remote control 5 of the device you wish to train approximately 2 to 5 in (5 to12 cm) away from the signal trans - mitter button ( 2 , 3 or 4 ) to be pro- gram med, wh ile k eeping indicato r lamp 1 in view.
340 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Step 9: 왘 Press the “ train ing” b utto n on t he garage door opener motor head unit. The “ train ing li ght” is act ivate d.
341 Controls in detail Useful features Reprogr amming a single signal transmi tter button To prog ram a d evice using a sign al tr ans- mitter button previously trained, follow these st eps : 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 39). 왘 Pres s and hold the d esir ed s igna l transmitte r button ( 2 , 3 or 4 ).
342 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures 앫 If another hand-hel d remote control is avail able f or th e same devi ce, tr y the program ming steps again u sing that other hand-held remote control. Make sure new batte ries are in the hand -held remote control before beginning the procedu re.
343 Controls in detail Useful features To ma ke sure the di spla y is corr ect, the compass must be s et to the prope r geographic zone ( 컄 page 18 6). It m ay al so be nec essary to calibra te the compas s ( 컄 page 187). Floormats 1 Retai ner pin 2 Eyelet Removing 왘 Pull floormat off of retainer pins 1 .
344 Control s in detai l Useful feat ures Infrared reflect ing wi ndshield * 1 Infrar ed trans parent are as Your veh icle i s equip ped with in frare d reflec ting glas s, whic h reduces the amo unt of radi ated hea t enteri ng the vehi cle interior through the windows.
345 Operation The first 1 000 miles (1 500 km) Driving instructions At the ga s station Engine compar tment Tires and whe els Winter driving Maintenance Vehicle care.
346 Operation In the “Operation” section you will find detailed information on operating, main- taining and caring for your veh icle. The first 1 000 miles (1 500 km) The m ore cauti ously you trea t your v ehicle during the break-in period, the more satis- fied yo u will be w ith its pe rformanc e later on.
347 Operation Driving inst ructions 왔 Driving inst ructions Drive sensib ly – save fuel Fuel consumption, to a great extent, depends on driving habits and ope rating conditions. To sa ve fuel yo u sho uld: 앫 Keep t ires at the recomm ende d inflation press ures.
348 Operation Driving instruc tions Power assi stance Brakes War n i n g! G With th e engine not run ning, th ere is n o power assistance for the brake and steering systems . In this case , it is im porta nt to ke ep in mind that a con siderabl y high er degree of effor t is nece ssary to bra ke and st eer th e ve- hicle.
349 Operation Driving inst ructions To hel p prev ent brake d isk c orro sion a fter drivin g on wet ro ad surfac es (parti cularl y salted roads) , it is adv isabl e to brake t he vehi cle with conside rable fo rce pri or to parking. T he heat genera ted serves to dry the bra kes.
350 Operation Driving instruc tions High-per formance brak e system (R 63 A MG on ly) The h igh-perf orm ance bra ke syst em is design ed to opera te unde r the extrem ely high operating d emands require d to accommod ate the perform ance capabili- ties of the vehi cle.
351 Operation Driving inst ructions Driving off Appl y the br akes to test them br iefly af ter drivin g off. P erform th is proced ure onl y when th e road is cl ear of o ther tr affic. Warm up the engine smoothly. Do not place full load on the en gine unt il the ope r- atin g temper atur e has been reach ed.
352 Operation Driving instruc tions Tires Treadwe ar indic ators (T WI) are req uired by law. T hese indi cator s are loc ated in six plac es on t he tr ead cir cumf eren ce and become visi ble at a tread depth of approx imatel y 1 / 16 in (1.6 mm), a t which point the tire is conside red worn and should be replace d.
353 Operation Driving inst ructions Tire tractio n The safe spee d on a wet, snow covered or icy roa d is al ways low er than on a dry r oad. You should p ay particular atte ntion to the condi tion of the road whenev er the outsid e temper ature s are clos e to the free zing poin t.
354 Operation Driving instruc tions R3 2 0 C D I , R3 5 0 , R5 0 0 Your veh icle i s facto ry equipp ed wi th “H”-rat ed tires, wh ich have a speed ra ting of 130 mph ( 210 km /h). An electro nic speed l imiter prev ents your vehi cle fro m exce eding a speed of 130 mph (210 km/h ).
355 Operation Driving inst ructions Road sal ts and c hemica ls can a dversel y af- fect bra king effi ciency. Increa sed pe dal force ma y become necessary to produce the nor mal b rake eff ect.
356 Operation Driving instruc tions Passenger co mpartment Dr iving abro ad Abroad, th ere is an e xtens ive Mercede s-Benz servi ce networ k at your disposal .
357 Operation Driving inst ructions Control a nd operat ion of radio transmitter s COMAND system, radio and teleph one* Telephones and two -way rad ios Radio t ransmitt ers, s uch as a p ortable telep.
358 Operation Driving instruc tions Oxidation catal yst (diesel e ngine) Your vehi cle is equip ped wit h an o xid ation catalyst , an impo rtant elem ent in c onjunc - tion with the oxygen sensors to achieve substantial control of the pollutants in the exha ust em issions .
359 Operation Driving inst ructions Coolant te mperat ure During severe operating conditions and stop-and-go city traffic, the c oolant tempera ture m ay rise to a pproxi mately 248°F (1 20°C) . The engine should not be operated with the coolant tem perature above 248°F ( 120°C).
360 Operation At the gas st ati on Refueling The fu el fille r flap is loca ted on th e right-hand side of the vehicle towards the rear. L ocking/unlocki ng the vehicle with the SmartKey or the SmartKey with KEYLESS -GO* aut omatical ly locks /unloc ks the fue l filler flap.
361 Operation At the gas stati on 왘 Open the fue l filler f lap comp letely. 왘 Turn the fuel cap to the counterclock- wise a nd hold on to it u ntil p ossibl e pres sure is re leased. 왘 Take off the fu el cap. 왘 To preve nt fuel vapor s from e scapin g into o pen air, f ully inse rt filler nozzle unit .
362 Operation At the gas st ati on Low outsi de temperatures (diesel e ngine) To prev ent malf uncti ons, di esel fue l with impro ved cold flow cha racteris tics is o f- fered in the winter months. Check with your f uel ret ailer. Check regularl y and be fore a lo ng trip 왘 Open the h ood ( 컄 page 364).
363 Operation At the gas stati on Windshield /rear window w asher syst em and headlamp clean ing syst em* For more information on refilling the wash- er reservoir, see “ Windshield/ rear window washer sys tem and headlamp cleaning* system” ( 컄 page 372).
364 Operation Engine compart ment Hood Opening War n i n g! G Do not pu ll the release le ver wh ile the vehi- cle is in moti on. Oth erwise the hoo d could be forced open by passing air flow. This cou ld cause th e hoo d to come loose and injure you and/o r others.
365 Operation Engi ne co mpart ment The ho od lock rel ease le ver is loca ted in the dri ver’s footwe ll. 1 Hood l ock rele ase lev er 왘 Pull re lease le ver 1 downwards. The ho od is unlo cked. Han dle 2 pro- trudes s light ly from th e radiator grille .
366 Operation Engine compart ment Closing 왘 Let the hood drop from a he ight of approximate ly 1 ft (30 cm). The hood will lock a udibly. 왘 Check to make sure the hood is fully closed. If you ca n rais e the hood a t a poin t above th e head lamps, then it is not proper ly closed .
367 Operation Engi ne co mpart ment 왘 Press button k or j on t he mul- tifunction steering wheel repeatedly unti l the foll owi ng messa ge appe ars in the m ultif uncti on dis pla y: One of th e follo wing messa ges will sub sequent ly appea r in the mu ltifun c- tion d ispla y: 앫 Engin e oil level OK 앫 Add 1 .
368 Operation Engine compart ment If the re is ex cess engi ne oil w ith the engine at oper ating temp eratur e, the foll owing messag e will appear : Engi ne oil leve l Redu ce oil leve l 왘 Have excess oil si phoned or drained off. Contact an authorized Merced es-Be nz Light Tru ck Cente r.
369 Operation Engi ne co mpart ment 왘 If necessary, add engine oil. For more information on engine oil, s ee “Technical data” secti on ( 컄 page 538) and ( 컄 page 540). For inf ormat ion on me ssag es in the m ulti- function display concerning engine oil, see the “Practical hints ” section ( 컄 page 459).
370 Operation Engine compart ment 왘 Uns crew fill er ca p 1 from filler n eck. 왘 Add engi ne oil as requir ed. Be ca reful not to ov erfill w ith oil. Be care ful not to spill any oil when adding . Avoid en vironme ntal dam age caus ed by oil entering the ground or water.
371 Operation Engi ne co mpart ment The coolant expansion tank is located on the pa ssen ger s ide o f th e eng ine comp art- ment. 1 Cap 2 Coolant expansion tank 3 Indicator wall 4 Coolant level 왘 Using a r ag, turn cap 1 s lowly approx- imatel y one hal f turn coun tercloc kwise to rele ase any ex cess p ressure.
372 Operation Engine compart ment Windsh ield/rea r window wash er system and headlam p cleani ng* system The win dshie ld wash er reservo ir is loc ated in th e engin e com partm ent.
373 Operation Tires and wheels 왔 Tires and wheels See an autho rized Merc edes-Be nz Li ght Truck Center for information on te sted and recomm ended rims and tires for summer and winter operation. They can a lso offer advice concerning tire service and purc hase .
374 Operation Tires and wheels Tire ca re and ma intena nce Regula rly check you r tire inflati on pressure at least once a month. F or more informa- tion on checking tire inflation pres sure, see “R ecomme nded tire inflatio n pres - sure” ( 컄 page 380) .
375 Operation Tires and wheels Tread d epth Do not allow your tires to wear down too far. Adhesion properties on wet roads are shar ply reduce d at trea d dept hs u nder 1 / 8 in ( 3 mm).
376 Operation Tires and wheels Loading the ve hicle Two labels on your vehicle show how much weight it may pr operly c arry. 앫 The Tir e and Loadin g Informat ion plac ard can be fo und on the dri ver’s door B- pillar.
377 Operation Tires and wheels Tire and Lo ading Infor mation Tire and Load ing Inform ation placard 1 Load limit information on the Tire and Loading Informati on placar d The pl acard showing the load limi t inform a- tion is located on the driver’s door B-pi llar.
378 Operation Tires and wheels Steps f or determ ining corre ct load l imit The f ollow ing st eps have been develo ped as requi red of al l manufa cturers under Ti tle 49, Code of U.S. Federal Regulations, Part 575 pursuant to the “National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Sa fety Act of 1966”.
379 Operation Tires and wheels The hi gher th e weight of all o ccupan ts, the less ca rgo and luggage l oad capa city is avai lable. For more information, see “Trailer tongue load ” ( 컄 page 380).
380 Operation Tires and wheels Certi ficat ion labe l Even afte r careful determina tion of the combined weight of all occupants, cargo and the tra iler t ongue load (if appl icable ) ( 컄 page 380) .
381 Operation Tires and wheels Your v ehicle is equ ipped with the Ti re a nd Loading Informat ion plac ard loc ated on the dr iver ’s doo r B-p illa r ( 컄 page 376 ). The tir e inflat ion pres sure should be checke d regularl y and sho uld only be ad- justed on cold tires.
382 Operation Tires and wheels Be sure to readjust the tire inflation pressur e for nor mal drivi ng speeds. Y ou should w ait until the tir es are col d before adjust ing the tire inflation pr essur e.
383 Operation Tires and wheels Checking t ire inf latio n pressur e manuall y Follow the st eps below to achiev e corre ct tire i nflation pressure: 왘 Remove the cap f rom the valve on on e tire.
384 Operation Tires and wheels Reacti vating the Run Flat In dicator The tire in flation pressure monitor mu st be reacti vated in the f ollowing s ituatio ns: 앫 if you have ch anged the tire inf la.
385 Operation Tires and wheels If you wish to confi rm activation: 왘 Press bu tton æ . The f ollow ing mes sage wi ll appea r in the m ultif uncti on dis pla y: Run F lat Ind icat or resta rted Afte r a cer tain “l earning phas e”, th e Run Flat Indic ator checks the set pr essure valu es for all f our t ires.
386 Operation Tires and wheels War n i n g! G Each ti re, inc ludi ng the spar e (if provid ed), should be checked m onthl y when cold a nd infl ated to the i nflatio n pres sure recom- mended by the vehicle ma nufactur er on the vehicl e placar d or the tire infl ation pressu re label.
387 Operation Tires and wheels Reac tivatin g the TPMS The TPM S must be rea ctivated when you have a djusted th e tire infl ation pre ssure to a new level (e.g. because of different load or driv ing cond itions ). The T PMS is then recal ibrated to the curren t tire in flation press ure s.
388 Operation Tires and wheels Checking tir e pressure elec tronically with the Advanced Tir e Pressure Moni- torin g Syst em (Adv ance d TPMS )*, (Cana da only) The TPMS only functions on whe els that are equippe d with the prope r electronic sensors.
389 Operation Tires and wheels Reacti vating Advanc ed TPMS * The TPMS must be reactivated when you have ad justed th e tire inf lation p ressu re to a new le vel (e.g . because o f differe nt load or driv ing condi tions). T he TPM S is then recalibrate d to the current tire i nflation pres sure s.
390 Operation Tires and wheels 왘 Press button è or ÿ on the mul- tifunction steering wheel repeatedly until th e standa rd displa y menu appear s in the multifu nctio n display ( 컄 page 16 6).
391 Operation Tires and wheels Overinf lated ti res Over inflated tires can: 앫 adversely affect handling charact eristi cs 앫 caus e uneven tire we ar 앫 be more prone to damage from road hazards .
392 Operation Tires and wheels Tire siz e design ation, load and speed rating 1 Tire wi dth 2 Aspect ratio in % 3 Radial tire cod e 4 Rim di ameter 5 Tire load rating 6 Tire s peed rati ng Genera l: D.
393 Operation Tires and wheels Rim diamet er The ri m diame ter 4 ( 컄 page 39 2) is the diameter of the bead s eat, not the diame ter of the ri m edge. R im diamete r is indicat ed in inche s (in). Tire load rating The tir e load rati ng 5 ( 컄 page 392) i s a numerical code associ ated with t he maximum load a tire can support .
394 Operation Tires and wheels Summer tire s 앫 At the tire manufacturer’s option, any tire with a sp eed capabi lity above 149 mph (240 km/h) can include a “ZR” in the size designation (f or exam- ple: 245/ 40 ZR 18). To d eterm ine t he maximum spe ed capability of the tire, the ser vice descri ption for the tire must be refer red to.
395 Operation Tires and wheels All-season and winter tires Load i dentificatio n 1 Load ide ntification In addition to tire load rating, special load inform ation may be molded i nto the tir e sidew all followi ng the lette r design ating the tire speed ra ting 1 ( 컄 page 39 3).
396 Operation Tires and wheels DOT, Tire Iden tification N umber (TIN) U.S. tir e regulati ons requi re each new tire manufactur er or tire retread er to mold a TIN into or onto a sidewall of e ach tire produced .
397 Operation Tires and wheels Tire type cod e The code 4 ( 컄 page 39 6) may, at the option of the manufacturer, be used as a descr iptive code for identi fying signif ican t characte ristics of the tire. Date of m anufactu re The date of manufacture 5 ( 컄 pag e 39 6) ident ifies th e week a nd year of manu fac- ture.
398 Operation Tires and wheels Maximu m tire in flatio n press ure 1 Maximum permis sible tire inflatio n pressur e This is the maxi mum perm issible tire inflati on pres sure for the tire . Always foll ow the recomm ended t ire inflat ion press ure ( 컄 page 38 0) for prope r tire inflation.
399 Operation Tires and wheels Quality gr ades can be f ound, where applica ble, on the tire sidewa ll between tread sh oulde r and ma ximum sect ion width. For exam ple: All pass enger car tires m ust conform to federal s afety require ments in additi on to thes e grade s.
400 Operation Tires and wheels Temperature The te mperat ure gr ades are A (th e high- est), B , and C, re presenting the tire’s r esis- tance to the generation of heat a nd its ability to dissipat e heat when tested unde r controlled conditions on a specified indoor labor atory t est whee l.
401 Operation Tires and wheels Tire and l oading t ermino logy Accessory w eight The combined weight ( in excess of thos e sta ndard ite ms whic h may be replac ed) of automatic transmission, power st.
402 Operation Tires and wheels GVW (G ros s V eh ic le W eight) The G VW comp rises the we ight o f the vehi cle incl uding fu el, tool s, spa re whee l, insta lled acce ssorie s, pass engers and cargo and, if appl icable , trailer to ngue load.
403 Operation Tires and wheels Rim A metal supp ort for a tire or a tire a nd tube assemb ly upon which the tire be ads a re seate d. Sidewall The portion of a tire betw een the tread and the bead.
404 Operation Tires and wheels Rotating tir es Tire rotation can be performed on vehicles with tires of the same dimension al l around. If your vehicle is equi pped with tires of the same dimension al.
405 Operation Winter dri ving 왔 Winte r dri ving Before the onset of winter, have your vehi cle wi nterize d at an au thoriz ed Merced es-B enz Lig ht Tru ck Ce nter.
406 Operation Winter driving Snow chains Snow chains should only be driven on snow-covered roads at speeds not to exceed 30 mph (50 km/h). Rem ove chai ns as soon as possible when driving on roads without snow.
407 Operation Maint enance 왔 Mainte nance We strong ly reco mmend that you have your v ehicle servic ed by a n autho rized Merced es-B enz Lig ht Tru ck Ce nter, i n accordance with the Maintenance B ooklet at the ti mes call ed for b y the maintena nce serv ice in dicat or.
408 Operation Mainte nance Clearing the main tenance servic e indicato r message The ma intena nce servic e indica tor mes - sage is automa ticall y cleared 앫 after ap proxim ately 10 seconds when y.
409 Operation Maint enance Calling up the ma intenanc e service indi cator display You can c all up th e maintena nce serv ice indicator di splay at any ti me to check when the next maintenance s ervice is due. 왘 Swit ch on the ig nition ( 컄 pa ge 39).
410 Operation Vehicle care Cleaning and care of the veh icle Regular and pr oper ca re will help to main- tain the v alue of you r vehicle . The bes t way to prot ect your v ehicle fr om harm ful envi - ronme nta l inf luenc es is to was h it and us e protective treatments re gularly.
411 Operation Vehicle care Merce des-Ben z becaus e of the pos sibility of inc ompatib ilit y betw een mat erial s used in the production process and othe rs applie d later. We have selected car-c are products and com piled r ecom mendatio ns w hich are specia lly matched to our vehicl es and which always ref lect the latest te chnology.
412 Operation Vehicle care Engine clea ning Prior to cleaning the engine compartment make su re to protec t electr ical com po- nents and connectors from the intrusion of water and cleaning agents. Corrosion protection, such as MB Anticor- rosion Wax, should be applied to the en- gine compar tment after every e ngine cleaning.
413 Operation Vehicle care Orna mental moldin gs For regular cleaning and care of ornamen- tal mold ings, use a use d amp cloth . Headlamp s, brake l amps, tail lamps , side ma rkers, t urn signa l lense s 왘 Use a mi ld car wash d etergent, suc h as Merc edes-B enz ap proved C ar Shampoo, with plenty of water.
414 Operation Vehicle care Clean ing the Distroni c* syst em senso r cover 1 Distronic system sensor cover 왘 Switch off the i gnition ( 컄 page 39). 왘 Use a mi ld ca r wash d eterg ent, such as Merced es-Be nz appro ved Car Shampoo, with plenty of water and a non-scratching cloth to clea n sensor cover 1 .
415 Operation Vehicle care Cleaning the Rear View Camera lens* 1 Camera lens 왘 Only use cl ean wate r and a s oft, non-scratching cloth to clean camera lens 1 . Be care ful not to a pply wax to came ra lens 1 when waxi ng the v ehi cle. If neces - sary , rem ove th e wa x usin g the Merced es-B enz app roved Car S hampoo with plenty of water.
416 Operation Vehicle care Cleaning the p anorama roof wi th tilt/sl iding panel* The rear part of the panoram a roof has a protec tive laye r on the ins ide. 왘 Use a soft, clean cloth and a mild window cleaning solution. An automotive gla ss cleaner is re com- mended .
417 Operation Vehicle care Hard pla stic tri m items 왘 Use M ercedes -Benz ap proved Inte rior Care, a soft, lint-free cloth and apply with light p ressure . Steering wheel 왘 Wipe with a damp cloth and d ry thor- ough ly or clea n with Me rcedes-B enz approve d Leather Care.
418 Operation Vehicle care Leather uph olstery Please note th at leathe r upholste ry is a natural p roduct an d is therefor e subje ct to a natural ag ing process. Leat her up- holstery may also react to cert ain ambient influence s such as high humi dity or high tempera ture by showing wrinkl es for exam ple.
419 Practi cal hi nts What to do if … Where will I find ...? Unlocking / loc king in an emergenc y Opening / closing in an emergenc y Resetting activ ated head restraints Replacing SmartKey batter i.
420 Practi cal hints What to do if … Lamps in ins trument c luster General information: If any of the fol lowing lam ps in the i nstru- ment cluster fails to come on during the bulb s elf-ch eck when s witch ing on the ignition, have the respective bulb checked and repl aced i f nec essar y.
421 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Problem Po ssible cause/ cons e- que nce Suggested s olution ; (USA only) 3 (Canada onl y) The red br ake warn ing lamp comes on while dr iving and an acous tic warnin g sound s. You are driving with the parking bra ke set.
422 Practi cal hints What to do if … Problem Poss ible cause /conse- quence Suggested solution ; (USA only) 3 (Canada o nly) - v The re d brake warnin g lamp com es on whi le driv ing. In addition, the yellow ABS mal - function indicator lamp, and the yell ow ESP ® warning lamp come on and an a coustic warn- ing s ounds .
423 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Problem Possible caus e/conse- quence Suggested solu tion ? (USA only) ± (Canada onl y) The ye llow eng ine mal functio n indica tor la mp com es on while drivin g.
424 Practi cal hints What to do if … Problem Possible cause/conse- quence Suggested solution ? (USA only) ± (Canada o nly) The yellow engine ma lfunction indic ator la mp com es on w hile driving. A loss of pr essur e has been detecte d in the fuel sys tem.
425 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Problem Possible ca use/consequence Suggested s olution v The ye llow ESP ® warning lamp comes on while the engine is running. The ES P ® has been s witched of with the ES P ® switc h or has s witch ed off due to a malfunction.
426 Practi cal hints What to do if … Problem Possible c ause/consequence Suggested solution < The red seat belt te lltal e come s on for a maxim um of 6 seconds after st arting the engine . The se at belt tel ltale rem inds y ou and yo ur passen gers to fast en you r seat belts befor e driv ing of f.
427 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Problem Possibl e cause/ conseque nce Suggested soluti on < During drivi ng the red seat bel t tellta le flas hes and y ou addi tion- ally hear an int ermitten t war ning chim e with inc reasin g intensi ty.
428 Practi cal hints What to do if … Problem Possible ca use/consequence Suggested solution H USA only: Combination low tire pres sure/TP MS malf unctio n tellt ale for th e TPMS il luminat es continuously. Canada only: Low tire press ure tellta le for the Advanc ed TPMS * illumi nates continuously.
429 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Wa rn i n g! G Each t ire, inc ludin g th e spare (if provi ded), should be checked monthly when col d and infla ted to the in flati on pres sure reco m- mende d by the v ehicl e manuf actur er on the vehicle placard or t he tire inflat ion pressure label.
430 Practi cal hints What to do if … Problem Possible ca use/consequence Suggested solution The yell ow fuel ta nk reserv e warni ng lamp in the fuel ga uge comes on while driv ing. The fuel le vel has gon e below the res erve mark. 왘 Refuel at the next gas stati on ( 컄 page 360).
431 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Lamp in center console Problem Possible ca use/consequence Suggested s olution 59 The fron t passeng er front air bag off indicator lamp illu mina tes and re - mains illumin ated with the we ight of a typi cal adult or someone larger than a sm all indivi dual on the front passenger seat.
432 Practi cal hints What to do if … Problem Possibl e cause/ consequen ce Suggested soluti on 59 The fr ont passen ger front air bag off indicator lamp does not illuminate and/or does not remain illumina ted with the weight of a typic al 12-month-old child in a stan dard c hil d rest rai nt or less on the front passen- ger sea t.
433 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Vehicle status messages i n the multifuncti on display Warning and malf unction mess ages appear in the mult ifunct ion dis play loca ted in the inst rument cluster. Certain war ning and ma lfuncti on messag- es are accompani ed by an au dibl e signal.
434 Practi cal hints What to do if … On the pages that follow, you will find a compilation of the most important warning and mal function mes sages that may appe ar in the m ultif uncti on dis pla y.
435 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Text messages Displa y message Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible solut ion ABS ino perativ e See Operat or's Manu al The A BS has d etected a malfun ctio n and ha s switc hed o ff. The E SP ® and the BA S are als o deactivate d.
436 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possib le cause/cons equence Poss ible so lution ABS unava ilable See O perator ’s M anual If t he ye llow ES P ® warning lamp v fla shes whi le driving and this messag e appe ars, th e elect ron- ic tracti on sy stem ha s switch ed off to preve nt overhe ating of the driv e wheel brakes.
437 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Displa y message Possible c ause/consequence Possibl e solution DISTRONIC ––– mp h You have attempted to set a speed whi le driv ing below 20 mph (3 0 km/h). 왘 Accele rate to a sp eed exc eeding 20 mph ( 30 km/h) and set the spe ed ( 컄 page 266) .
438 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possible cause/con sequence Poss ible solutio n DISTRONIC avail able ag ain Distronic * had been de activated an d is av ailable agai n.
439 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Displa y message Possible c ause/consequence Possibl e solution DISTRONIC cur rently un avail able See Operat or’s Manu al Dist roni c* is de activ ated be c.
440 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possib le cause/cons equence Poss ible so lution Dep ress brak e to shif t out of Park You have tried t o shift the automa tic transmission into pos ition D , R or N usin g th e gear se lecto r leve r with out depressi ng the brake pedal.
441 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Displa y message Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible solut ion ESP ino perativ e See Operat or’s Manu al In addition, the yellow ESP ® warning lamp v comes on. The E SP ® ha s detect ed a ma lfunc- tion and switched off .
442 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possib le cause/cons equence Poss ible so lution ESP unava ilable See O perator ’s M anual The ES P ® was deac tivat ed be ca use of i nsuffi cient p ower suppl y. T he char ging v oltage has fa llen be low 10 volt s.
443 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Displa y message Possible cause/ consequence Possib le so lutio n P Shif t to P You have started the e ngine or switched on the ignition with KEYL ESS-GO* an d open ed th e driver’s door wi th the automatic transmiss ion not set to position P .
444 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Poss ible ca use/c onseque nce Poss ible solu tion SRS Res traint sy s. malf uncti on Vis it worksh op The sys tem is malfu nction ing. 왘 Drive wit h added caution to the nearest authori zed Merce des-Benz Li ght Truck Center.
445 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Displa y message Possible cause/consequence Possibl e solution Fron t passeng er airb ag enab led See Op erator’ s Manua l Front passenger front air ba g is .
446 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possi ble cause/ consequ ence Possible sol ution Fro nt pass enger airb ag enab led See Operat or’s Manu al Monitor the 59 indicator lamp on .
447 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Displa y message Possible cause/consequence Possibl e solution Fron t passeng er airb ag disa bled See Op erator’ s Manua l Front passenger front air bag is deacti vated while dr iving even though an adult or someone larger than a small indi vidual is oc- cupying the front pas- senger sea t.
448 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possi ble cause/ consequ ence Possible sol ution Fro nt pass enger airb ag disa bled see Operat or’s Manu al Monitor the 59 indicator lamp on.
449 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Displa y message Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possib le so lutio n Chec k tires Then restar t Run Fl at Indica tor There was a warni ng mess age ab out a loss in the tire in flati on pressu re and the Run Flat Indicator has not been reacti vated yet.
450 Practi cal hints What to do if … Disp lay me ssage Possible c ause/consequence Possibl e solut ion Tire pres sure moni tor inop erati ve The TPMS or Advanced T PMS* is malfunctioning. 왘 Have the TPMS or Advanced TPMS* checked by an authori zed Merce des-Benz L ight Truck Cent er.
451 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Symbol messages Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible s olution # The battery is no longer charg- ing.
452 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Disp lay me ssage Possible cause/ consequence Possible soluti on # Bat tery/Al terna tor Sto p vehicle The batter y is defe ctive. 왘 Stop the vehicle in a safe location or as soon as it i s safe to do so.
453 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible s olution ; (USA only) ! (Canada onl y) Rele ase park ing brake You a re driv ing wit h the pa rking brake s et. 왘 Releas e the par kin g brake ( 컄 page 5 7).
454 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Disp lay me ssage Possible cause /consequence Poss ible soluti on ; (USA only) 3 (Canada only ) Chec k bra ke flui d lev el There is insuf ficient brake fl uid in the reservoir. 왘 Risk of acci dent! Carefully stop the vehi- cle in a s afe location or as soon as it is safe to do so.
455 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible s olution • Cool ant level Stop c ar, s witc h engin e off The coolant is too hot. Among other possible causes (the cooling fan could be malfunctioning), the poly-V-belt coul d be bro ken .
456 Practi cal hints What to do if … During severe operation conditions and stop-and-go city traffic, the coolant tem - perature may rise close to 248 °F (120°C ). Displ ay sym bol Disp lay me ssage Possible cause /conseq uence Possible soluti on 왘 Observe the cool ant temperatu re in the mult ifunct ion d ispla y ( 컄 page 166).
457 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible s olution B Top up coolant See Op er.
458 Practi cal hints What to do if … When th e messag e Add 1 qt. engi ne oil when next r efue ling (Canada: 1 lite r ) appear s while the en gine is ru nning a nd at opera ting tempera ture, th e engine oil level has drop ped to app roxim ately th e mini- mum lev el.
459 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible s olution N Engi ne oil leve l Stop c ar, t urn en gine off There i s no oil i n the engi ne. There is a danger of engine damage . 왘 Care fully br ing the ve hicle t o a hal t as soon as it is safe to do so in a safe location.
460 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Disp lay me ssage Possible cause /consequence Poss ible soluti on c You are drivi ng with one or more doors open. 왘 Stop the vehi cle in a safe loca tion or as soon as it is safe to do so. 왘 Close the doors.
461 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Possible cause/ consequen ce Possib le so lutio n F Key not de tected The Sm artKey with KEYLE SS-GO* is not d etected whil .
462 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Disp lay me ssage Possible cause/ consequence Possible soluti on F Key d etected in vehic le A SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO* left in the vehi cle wa s detecte d while trying to lock the vehicle from the outside.
463 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Poss ible ca use/co nsequ ence Possible s olution . 3rd br ake lamp The hi gh mount ed bra ke lamp is malfunctioning. This message will only appear if all light emitting diodes have stopped working.
464 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Disp lay me ssage Possible cause /consequence Poss ible soluti on . Cor nering la mp Left The left corne r-illum inati ng front fog lamp is malfun ction ing. 왘 Replace the bulb as soon as possible ( 컄 page 48 4).
465 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Possible cause/ consequen ce Possib le so lutio n . Lice nse plate lamp Left The le ft lic ense pla te lam p is malfunctioning. 왘 Replace the bulb as soon as pos sible ( 컄 page 484).
466 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Disp lay me ssage Possible cause/ consequence Possible soluti on . Mark er lamp Fro nt Left The le ft front si de marke r lamp is malfunctioni ng. 왘 Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center as soon as possible.
467 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displ ay messa ge Possible cause/ consequen ce Possib le so lutio n . Swit ch off ligh ts You have remov ed the Smar tKey from th e starter s witch and opened the driver’s door or removed the SmartKey with KEYL ESS -GO* fro m the ve hicl e and lef t the headl amps on.
468 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol Disp lay me ssage Possible cause /consequence Poss ible soluti on . Turn sign al Rear Left The lef t rear turn signal la mp is malfunctioning. A substitute bulb is be ing u sed. 왘 Replace the bulb as soon as possible ( 컄 page 48 4).
469 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displa y me ssage Poss ible ca use/co nsequence Possible s olution L Tele Aid inop erative One or more main functions of the Tele Aid * sys tem are m alfun ctioning . 왘 Have the Tele Aid* sys tem checke d by an auth orized Merc edes-Be nz Li ght Truck C ente r.
470 Practi cal hints What to do if … Displ ay sym bol D isplay m essage Possible caus e/co nsequ ence Po ssibl e solu tion n * STOP car to o low The AI RMATIC* is in operat ive. 왘 Avoid larg e stee ring ang les. Othe rwise a fe nder o r tire cou ld be damaged .
471 Practi cal hi nts What t o do if … Disp lay symb ol Displa y me ssage Poss ible ca use/co nsequence Possible s olution n * Vehi cle ris ing wait briefl y The veh icle le vel is too low. 왘 Do not drive off. The ve hicle level c ontrol* has no t yet adjusted the vehicle level to the ne c- essary hei ght required for driving .
472 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? First aid kit The first aid kit is stored under the cargo compartment floor, see “Vehicle tool ki t” ( 컄 page 472) . Vehicle tool ki t The vehi cle too l kit is sto red und er the car - go compartment floor.
473 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fi nd ...? 3 Securing hook 왘 Release securing hook 3 (located be - low th e floor h andle) fr om hold er. 3 Securing hook 4 Cargo compartment floor, raised 5 Upper cargo com partment lip 왘 Engage securing hook 3 on upper cargo compar tment lip 5 .
474 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? Vehicl e jack The vehi cle jack is lo cated unde rneath the storage compartment floor. Storage posi tion 왘 Remove vehic le jack from its s torage compartmen t ( 컄 page 472) .
475 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fi nd ...? Setting up the collapsible wheel chock The c ollapsib le whe el choc k serves t o ad- ditiona lly sec ure the veh icle, e.g. whil e changi ng the whee l. 1 Tilt t he pla te up ward 2 Fold the lowe r plate outw ard 3 Insert t he plat e 왘 Tilt both plate s upward 1 .
476 Practi cal hints Where will I find ...? Your veh icle i s equip ped with a spare wheel w ith coll apsible tire. The spare wheel is located u ndernea th the carg o compartment floor ( 컄 pa ge 472).
477 Practi cal hi nts Where will I fi nd ...? 1 Guide pi ns 2 Spare wh eel 왘 Plac e spar e wheel 2 into spare w heel well. Mak e sure spa re whe el 2 is plac ed preci sely on gu ide pins 1 .
478 Practi cal hints Unlocking / lockin g in an em ergency Unlocking t he vehicle If you cannot unlock the vehicl e with the Smart Key or KE YLESS-GO *, open the driver ’s door us ing the mechanic al key. Removi ng the mec hanica l key 1 Mechanical key lock ing tab 2 Mechanical key 왘 Move loc king tab 1 in di rection of arrow.
479 Practi cal hi nts Unlocking / locking in an emergency Locking the vehi cle If you cannot lock the v ehicle with the Smart Key or KE YLES S-GO*, lo ck the vehi cle carry ing out the follo wing ste ps. 왘 Close the front passenger door, the rear rig ht door and the tailg ate.
480 Practi cal hints Unlocking / lockin g in an em ergency 왘 Inse rt a suit able ob ject su ch as a coin into th e slot of l ock 1 . 왘 Turn l ock 1 countercl ockwise by 90° in direction of arrow. 왘 Remove cover 2 . 3 Fuel fi ller f lap rele ase 왘 Pull r ed fuel filler flap r eleas e 3 in direction of arrow.
481 Practi cal hi nts Opening / closi ng in an emergency 왔 Opening / closing in an emergency Power tilt/slid ing sunroof* You can open or close the tilt/sliding sunroof manually should an electrical malfuncti on occur. The til t/slidi ng sunr oof drive i s located behind a cover on the ove rhead control pane l.
482 Practi cal hints Reset ting activ ated head restra ints If the active head restraints have been triggered in a r ear-end collision, the active head restraints must be reset. Otherwise, the active head restraints cannot offer any additional protection in the event of anoth- er rea r-end co llisio n.
483 Practi cal hi nts Replac ing Smar tKey ba tteri es 왔 Replacing SmartKey batteries If the bat teries in the SmartK ey or the SmartK ey wi th KEYLE SS-GO* are discharged, the vehicle ca n no longer be locke d or unlo cked. It is rec ommended to have the batteri es replaced at an autho- rize d Merc edes -Benz Li ght Tr uck C ente r.
484 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs Bulbs Safe vehicl e operation depends on proper exterior light ing and si gnaling. It is there - fore es sent ial th at al l bul bs and l amp assem blies are in goo d work ing order at all time s. Correct headlamp adjustment is extremely impor tant .
485 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs Front l amps Rear la mps Lamp Type 1 Parking /stand ing lamp W 5 W 2 Turn signa l lamp PY 21 W 3 Additiona l turn signal lamp LE D 4 Headlamp s: Low beam H7 (55 W) Bi-Xenon headlamps*: Low beam 1 1 Vehicles with Bi-Xenon* headlamps : Do not replace t he Bi-Xenon bulbs yourself.
486 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs Notes on bulb replacement 앫 Only use 12-vol t bulbs of the sa me type and with the specifi ed watt rating. 앫 Switch the lights off bef ore changi ng a bulb to preve nt short circuits. 앫 Alway s use a clea n lint-f ree clot h when handling bulbs.
487 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs Replac ing bulbs for fron t lamps Before you start to repla ce a bulb for a front la mp, do the f ollowing f irst: 왘 Turn the exter ior lamp switch to posit io n M ( 컄 page 146) . 왘 Open the hood ( 컄 page 364).
488 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs High bea m headl amp bulbs 왘 Turn cover 1 co unt ercl ock wise. 왘 Remove cover 1 . 왘 Turn b ulb sock et 4 cou nter cloc kwis e. 왘 Pull bu lb sock et 4 out of the head- lamp hou sing. 왘 Pull the high beam bul b out o f bu lb sock et 4 .
489 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs Low beam an d high b eam fl ashe r spot bulbs Front turn signa l lamp bulbs 왘 Pull bu lb soc ket 1 out of the head- lamp ho using. 왘 Pull the turn signa l bulb out of bu lb socket 1 . 왘 Insert the new turn signal bul b into bulb socket 1 .
490 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs Examp le illust ration (R 6 3 AMG) 1 Corn er-ill umina ting f ront f og la mp* 2 Cover 3 Retain ing s crews 왘 Remove re taining screw (s) 3 . 왘 All model s except R 63 AMG: Inse rt a suitab le obj ect (e.g. scre wdri ver) at po int indi cate d by the arrow and pry out c over 2 .
491 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs 왘 Tur n bulb sock et 5 counterclockwise . 왘 Pull bu lb soc ket 5 out of the housing. 왘 Pull the bulb out of bul b socket 5 . 왘 Insert the new corner-illuminating front fog lam p bulb into bulb socke t 5 . 왘 Inse rt bulb sock et 5 into the housing.
492 Practi cal hints Replacing bulbs Opening the side trim panels 1 Lock 2 Cover in left side trim pane l 1 Lock 2 Cover in right side trim p anel 왘 Inser t a suit able o bjec t such as a coin into the slot of lock 1 . 왘 Turn l ock 1 clockwise (left si de trim panel) or counterclockwise (right side trim panel) by 90° in dire ction of a rrow .
493 Practi cal hi nts Replacing bulbs License pl ate lamp s 1 Lice nse pla te lamp c over 2 Screw 왘 Loosen screws 2 . 왘 Remo ve lic ense p late la mp co ver 1 . 왘 Repla ce the lic ense pl ate lam p bulb. 왘 Rein stal l licen se plate lamp cover 1 .
494 Practi cal hints Replacing wiper blades Front wiper bla des Removing 왘 Remove the Sm artKey from the st arter switc h. Vehicle s with KEYLES S-GO*: 왘 Make sur e the ve hicle’s on-boar d electr onics have status 0 ( 컄 page 41) . 왘 Fold the wiper a rms forward until they engage .
495 Practi cal hi nts Replacing wiper blades Installin g 1 Wiper blad e 2 Attachment 3 Guide t ab 4 Opening 왘 With gu ide tab 3 slidi ng int o open ing 4 , place wi per blad e 1 onto wiper ar m in direction of arrow. 왘 Fold wipe r blade 1 towards wiper arm.
496 Practi cal hints Replacing wiper blades Removing 왘 Remove the Sm artKey from the s tarter switch. Vehicle s with KEYLESS-GO* 왘 Make s ure th e vehicl e’s on -board elect ronics have st atus 0 ( 컄 page 41). 1 Wiper arm 2 Wiper bla de 왘 Fold wip er ar m 1 away from the rear window until it engages.
497 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 왔 Flat tire Preparing the vehicle 왘 Park the vehicle in a s afe dist ance fr om moving traffic on a hard, flat surfac e when possible. 왘 Turn on the hazard wa rning flasher ( 컄 pag e 152). 왘 Turn t he stee ring wheel so tha t the fron t whee ls are in a straig ht-a head position.
498 Practi cal hints Flat tire Mounting the spare wheel Preparing the vehicle 왘 Prepar e the vehicl e as desc ribed ( 컄 page 49 7). 왘 Take the w heel wren ch and the vehicle jack from the vehic le tool kit ( 컄 page 47 3). 왘 Take th e spare w heel fr om the w heel well u nder the cargo com partmen t floor ( 컄 p age 476) .
499 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 1 Whee l wrenc h 왘 O n w h e e l t o b e c h a n g e d , l o o s e n b u t d o not yet re move the w heel bol ts (approxima tely one full turn with whe el wrench 1 ). The jack ta ke-up bracket s are locate d dir ectl y beh ind the f ron t wh eel h ousin gs and in f ront of the rear wh eel hous ings.
500 Practi cal hints Flat tire Removing the wheel 1 Alignmen t bo lt 왘 Unscrew upper -most wheel bolt and remove. 왘 Repla ce this whee l bolt with al ignme nt bolt 1 supp lied in the vehicle to ol kit ( 컄 page 47 2). 왘 Remov e the r emainin g whe el bo lts.
501 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 왘 Guide s pare w heel o nto t he a lignmen t bolt and pus h it on. 왘 Insert whee l bolts and ti ghten them slight ly.
502 Practi cal hints Flat tire Electr ic air pump 1 Flap 2 On/off switch 3 Electrical plug 4 Air hose with press ure gauge a nd vent scre w 5 Union nut 왘 Open flap 1 on electr ic air p ump. 왘 Pull ou t electric al plug 3 and air hos e with p ressu re gau ge 4 .
503 Practi cal hi nts Flat tire 왘 Press 0 on elec tri c air pu mp swi tch 2 . 왘 Turn the SmartKe y in the st arter swi tch to position 0 . 왘 Ve hicles with K EYL ESS-G O*: Press th e KEYL ESS-GO start/st op button twice without depressi ng the b rake pedal.
504 Practi cal hints Flat tire 6 Whee l wren ch 왘 Tighte n the fiv e whee l bolts e venly, fol- lowing th e diagon al seque nce illust rat- ed (1 to 5), unti l all bolts are tight. Observe a tightening torqu e of 110 lb- ft (150 Nm ). 왘 Store jack and all other vehicle tool kit items ba ck into th e stora ge well.
505 Practi cal hi nts Bleeding the fue l system (diesel engine o nly) 왔 Bleeding th e fuel system (diesel engin e only) Driving the vehic le until th e fuel tank is empt y is no t rec ommend ed. O therwis e, ai r may be su cked into the fuel sys tem.
506 Practi cal hints Batter y The batter y is located u nder the fr ont passeng er seat. The ba ttery shou ld always be suffi ciently charg ed in order to achie ve its rated s er- vice life . If you use you r vehic le mos tly for short -distan ce trips , you will n eed to have the battery charge checke d more freque ntly.
507 Practi cal hi nts Batter y ! The battery is a valve-regulated lead acid (VRLA) battery, also referre d to as “fleece” battery. Such batteries do not require t opping-up of the electrolyte l evel. VRLA batteries therefore do not have cell caps and the battery cover is non- remo vabl e.
508 Practi cal hints Batter y Discon necting, removing, reins talling and rec onnecti ng the bat tery Step 1 (Dis conne cting) 왘 Set the automa tic transmis sion to position P ( 컄 page 199). 왘 Fir mly de press the pa rkin g brak e ( 컄 page 66) .
509 Practi cal hi nts Batter y 왘 Swit ch of f all ele ctric al cons umers. 왘 Read and observe safety instructions and prec autions ( 컄 page 506) . 왘 Open the front passenger door. 왘 Move the front pass enger seat to the most rear ward position ( 컄 page 4 5) .
510 Practi cal hints Batter y 왘 Switch off the i gnition ( 컄 page 40). 왘 Remove the Sm artKey from the s tarter switch. Vehicle s with KEYLESS-GO*: 왘 Make s ure the vehicl e’s on- board elect ronics have st atus 0 .
511 Practi cal hi nts Batter y Step 5 (Disconnecting) 7 Battery co ver mounting nuts 왘 Unfasten and remove battery cove r mounting nuts 7 . Step 6 (Dis connect ing) 8 Battery c over with integrat ed air channel 9 Pullin g batt ery cov er ou t a Lift ing b attery cove r 왘 Lift batte ry cover 8 slightl y in direc- tion of arrow a .
512 Practi cal hints Batter y Step 8 (Di sconnec ting) f Positive termi nal with cover g Negative ter minal 왘 Disconnect battery negative lead from negative terminal g . Make sure the negative lead does not come into contact with the positi ve lead.
513 Practi cal hi nts Batter y 왘 Connect the positive lead to the posi- tive te rminal a nd fasten it’s cove r ( 컄 page 512) . 왘 Connect the negative lead to the nega- tive termina l ( 컄 page 512).
514 Practi cal hints Jump starting If th e batte ry is di schar ged, the engine can be starte d with jump er cables an d the bat- tery of an other veh icle. O bserve the f ollow- ing: 앫 Jump starting should only be performed using t he jump-st art conta cts in the en - gine compar tment ( 컄 page 51 5).
515 Practi cal hi nts Jump star ting The jum p-start con tacts are located in the engin e compar tment. 1 Negative (-) terminal 2 Positive (+) terminal 왘 Make sure the two vehicles do not touch. 왘 Turn of f all ele ctrica l consu mers. 왘 Apply pa rking brake.
516 Practi cal hints Jump starting 왘 Connect positive terminals 2 and 4 with the jumper cabl e. Clamp cable to charg ed ba tter y 4 first. 왘 Start engine of the vehicle with the charg ed ba tter y and run at idle speed. 왘 Connect negative terminals 1 and 3 of the b atteri es with the jump er cable .
517 Practi cal hi nts Towin g the veh icle 왔 Towing the v ehicle Merced es-Ben z rec ommend s that the vehi cle be tra nsporte d with all wh eels o ff the ground using flatbed or appropriate wheel lift/ dolly eq uipmen t. Thi s metho d is prefer able to o ther typ es of towi ng.
518 Practi cal hints Towing the vehicle Installing to wing eye bol t Depending on whether you are towing a vehicl e or you are being towed, the towing eye bolt can be screwed into thr eaded holes w hich are located be hind co vers on the right-hand side of each bumper.
519 Practi cal hi nts Towin g the veh icle Removing cover 왘 Press mark on cover 1 as ind icated by the arrow. 왘 Lift off cover 1 to r eveal the threaded hole f or towi ng ey e bol t. Installin g towing eye b olt 왘 Take th e towing ey e bolt and wheel wren ch from the vehi cle tool kit ( 컄 page 473).
520 Practi cal hints Fuses The el ectric al fuse s in yo ur veh icle s erve to switch off malfunctioning power circuits. If a fuse is blown, the components and syst ems secure d by that fus e will s top operating. If a newly inserted fuse blows again, have the cause determin ed and re ctified by a n authoriz ed Merc edes-Be nz Center.
521 Practi cal hi nts Fuses Fuse box i n engine compartment The ma in fus e box is l ocate d on t he pa s- senger side of the engine compartment. 왘 Open the hood ( 컄 page 364). 1 Clamp 2 Main f use box cove r 왘 Releas e clam p 1 . 왘 Lift f use box cover 2 up .
522 Practi cal hints Fuses Fuse box in passenger comp artment The f use box is locat ed b ehind a cov er in the das hboard o n the passen ger side . 왘 Open the front passenger door. 1 Cover Opening: 왘 Pull cov er 1 in direction of a rrow. Closing: 왘 Clip upper end of cover 1 into o pen- ing.
523 Technical data Parts se rvice Warranty coverag e Identification labe ls Layout of poly-V-belt drive Engine Rims and tires Electrical system Main Dimensions Weight s Fuels, coolants, lubri cants, etc.
524 Technical data The “T echnica l data” se ction pro vides the necessar y technical data for your veh icle. Parts service All auth orized Me rcedes -Benz C enters maintain a stoc k of Genuine Mercede s-Benz Parts requir ed for mai nte- nance and repair wor k .
525 Technical data Warr anty co ver age 왔 Warr anty co ver age Your veh icle is co vered und er the terms of the warranti es printed in the Service and Warranty Information booklet.
526 Technical data Identificat ion labels 1 Certific ation l abel (o n driver’ s B-pilla r) The V ehicle I dentif ication N umber (V IN) can be found in the following locations: 앫 on the c ertific.
527 Technical data Identificati on labels 4 Second-row seat 5 Carpet 6 VIN 왘 Move second-row seat 4 on pas- senger side to th e rear as fa r as possi- ble ( 컄 page 138) . 왘 Fold carpet 5 in direction of arrow. You may have to cut the perforated carpet using a sharp object, e.
528 Technical data Layout of poly-V-belt drive R3 2 0C D I 1 Coolant pump 2 Idler pu lley 3 Automatic belt tensioner 4 Power steering pump 5 Air conditioning compressor 6 Crankshaft 7 Idler pu lley 8 .
529 Technical data Layout of poly-V-belt drive R6 3A M G 1 Idler pu lley 2 Idler pu lley 3 Idler pu lley 4 Automatic belt tensioner 5 Power stee ring pump 6 Air conditioning compressor 7 Crankshaft 8 .
530 Technical data Engine Model R 320 CD I (251.12 2) 1 R 3 50 (25 1.165 ) 1 1 The quoted data apply only to the standard vehicle. See a n authorized Mercedes-Benz Ligh t Truck Center fo r the corre sponding da ta of all spe cial bodie s and special equipmen t.
531 Technical data Engine Model R 500 (251 .175) 1 1 The quoted data apply only to th e standard ve hicle. See an a uthorized Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center fo r the corresponding d a ta of all special bodies and special equipmen t.
532 Technical data Rims and tir es ! Only use tires which have bee n tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz. Tires approved by Mercedes-Benz are deve loped to provide best possible performance in conjunction with the driving safety syst ems on your vehicle su ch as ABS or ESP ® .
533 Technical data Rims an d tires Same size tires R3 2 0C D I R3 5 0 R5 0 0 R3 2 0 C D I ( S p o r t P a c k a g e * ) R 350 ( Sport Pack age*) R 500 ( Sport Pack age*) Rims (light allo y) 7.5 J x 17 H2 8Jx1 8H 2 8Jx1 9 H 2 Wheel offset 2.20 in (5 6 mm) 2.
534 Technical data Rims and tir es Spare wheel (coll apsible tire) R3 2 0C D I R3 5 0 R5 0 0 R6 3A M G Rim (steel) 6.5 B x 18 H2 – Rim (light alloy ) – 5.5 B x 19 H2 Wheel offset 1.58 in (40 m m) 0.51 in (1 3 mm) Collaps ible tire 1 1 Must not be used with snow ch ains.
535 Technical data Electrical system 왔 Electrical system Model R3 5 0 R5 0 0 R6 3A M G Generat or (alternat or) 14 V/150 A 14 V/ 180 A 14 V/180 A Starter motor 12 V/1.4 k W 12 V/1.7 k W 12 V/2.2 kW Battery 12 V/70 Ah 12 V /95 Ah 12 V/95 Ah Spark pl ugs NGK P LKR 6A NGK PFR 5 R-11 NGK T20 036N Electrode gap 0.
536 Technical data Main Dimensions Model R3 2 0C D I , R3 5 0 R5 0 0 R6 3A M G Overall v ehicle len gth 203.0 in (5 157 mm) 203.0 in (5 157 m m) 203.0 i n (5 157 mm) Overall v ehicle w idth (exterio r mirrors f olded out) 85.4 in ( 2 168 m m) 85.4 in (2 168 mm) 8 5.
537 Technical data Weights 왔 Weig hts Roof load max. 220 lb (100 k g).
538 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Capaciti es Vehicle components and their respective lubr icants mu st mat ch. Ther efor e use on ly products tested and appr oved by Merced es Benz . Please refer to th e Factory App roved Service Products pamphlet, or inquire at your Merced es-Be nz Lig ht Tru ck Cen ter.
539 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Model Capac ity Fuels, coolants , lubric ants, et c. Power steer ing a pprox. 1.3 US qt (1 .2 l) MB Po wer Steer ing F luid Front wheel hub s approx.
540 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Engine oils Engine oils ar e spec ifically teste d for the ir suitabi lity in o ur engines and durabili ty for our ser vice inte rvals . Theref ore, onl y use approved engine oils and oil filters re- quired for ve hicles with Ma inte nance System (U.
541 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Brake fluid Only br ake flui d appro ved by Merced es-B enz is recomm ended. Your autho rized M erced es-Ben z Ligh t Truck Center will pro vide you with addi tional information.
542 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Gasoline ad ditives (ga soline engine) A major concern among e ngine manufac- turers is carbon build-up caused by gaso- line. Me rcedes -Benz rec omme nds only the use of quality gasoline containing additives that prevent the b uild-up of carbon dep os- its.
543 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Thes e blend s must a lso me et all ot her fu el requi rement s, s uch as resi stance to spark knock, boiling range, vapor pressure, etc. Diesel engine Only use comm erci ally av ailab le veh icular diesel fuels No.
544 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. If the coolan t leve l is lo w, wat er and MB 325.0 anticorrosion/antifreeze s hould be used to bring it up to the pro per level (have cooling system checked for signs of leak age). Pl ease ma ke sure th e mixtu re is in acco rdanc e with la bel ins tructi ons.
545 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Anticor rosion /antifreez e Your vehicle contains a number of alum inum par ts. T he us e of al umin um components in motor vehicle e ngines ne- cessitat es tha t anticorr osion/an tifreeze coolant used in such engines be specif ical ly formu lated to pro tect the aluminu m parts .
546 Technical data Fuels, coolants, lubric ants, etc. Win dshi eld wa sher and h eadla mp clean ing* syst em Both th e wind shield washe r and headla mp clean ing* s ystem a re supplie d from the windshie ld washer f luid reservoir. The wi ndshi eld an d head lamp w asher fluid reservoir ha s a capacity of a pprox.
547 Index A ABS 100 Indicat or la mp 420 Messa ges in the m ultifun ction disp lay 435 Accelerator position, automatic transm issi on 203 Access ory we ight 401 Accident 64 Activ e he ad res train t 8.
548 Index Automatic climate control (3-zone)* 232 Air conditioning, Cooling 243 Air conditioning refrigerant 540 Air distri bution 238 Air reci rculation m ode 240 Air vents, Front 232 , 238 Air vents.
549 Index Bevera ge hold er see Cup h older Bleedi ng th e fuel syste m (die sel eng ine) 5 05 Bolts , Spare w heel 5 00 Bottle o pener 317 Brake As sist Sys tem see B AS Brake fluid 541 Checking 362 .
550 Index Climate control 218 Air conditioning, Cooling 228 Air conditioning refrigerant 540 Air distri bution 223 Air reci rculation m ode 226 Air vents, Front 218 , 224 Air vents, Rear 23 0 Air volu.
551 Index D Date d ispl ay, Se ttin g 181 Daytime running lamp mode 148 Setting 183 Deep w ater see Sta nding wate r Defogging w indshield 225, 2 40 Defrosting, Front 22 4, 239 Defrosting, Rear 217 De.
552 Index Door control panel 36 Door handle 36 Door windows see Power windows DOT 396, 40 1 Drinking a nd driving 347 Driving 51 Abroad 356 Hydroplaning 352 In winter 354, 405 Instructions 51, 347 Pro.
553 Index Emission control 358 Information label 527 System warran ties 10 Vacu um routing di agram la bel 527 Engine Belt la yout 5 28 Break- in re commen dati ons 346 Cleaning 412 Compartment 364 Ma.
554 Index Fog lamp, Front see Corner-ill uminating front fog lamps* Fog lamp, Rear 150 Messa ges in the m ultifun ction displa y 466 Replac ing bul bs 484 4-ETS 1 06 Front air bags 77 Front defroster .
555 Index Gros s Axle Weigh t Rating s ee GAWR Gros s Trai ler Weig ht see GTW Gross Vehi cle Weig ht Rating se e GVWR Gross Ve hicle Weig ht see GV W GTW 401 GVW 402 GVWR 402 H Halo gen he adlam ps s.
556 Index I Identi ficati on label see Labe ls Identific ation labels Certific ation l abel 527 Ignition 40, 5 4, 67 Immobi lizer 107 Indi cato r lamp s se e Lamps , In dica tor a nd warning Infan t a.
557 Index Remote control 112 Replac ing batterie s 483 Select ive s ettin gs 114 Starter swi tch positions 39 Starting the engi ne 54 Turni ng of f the engi ne 67 Unlo cking an d opening, Power tailga.
558 Index Front fog lamps* 146 Front passenger front air bag off 78, 88, 92, 93, 431 Fuel res erve 29, 43 0 High beam headla mps 29 Instrum ent cluster 2 6, 420 Park tro nic* 29 3, 29 4 Pregl ow indi .
559 Index disp lay messa ges Microphone, Hands-free 33 Mirrors Adjusting 48 Auto-dimming * 213 Exterior re ar view mirrors 49 Interior rear view mirror 48, 212 Mobile ph one see Tele phone* MON 54 2 M.
560 Index O Occupant Classifi cation System se e OCS Occupant dis tribution 40 2 Occupant saf ety 72 Active head re straint 83 Air bags 74 Chi ldren and air ba gs 75, 86 Childre n in the v ehicl e 84 .
561 Index Poly -V-belt driv e Layout 5 28 Positions (Memory function*) see Seats 145 Powe r assista nce 3 48 Power outlets 322 Powe r seats se e Seat s Power tilt/sliding sunroof* 25 8 Convenience clo.
562 Index Refrigerant, Air conditio ning 540 Refuel ing 360 Regular c hecks 362 Remind er, Sea t bel t see Se at be lts, Tell tale Remote control Smart Key 112 SmartKey with KEY LESS-GO* 116 Remote do.
563 Index Seats 1 32 Adjusting 43 Easy entry/ex it featur e 132 Heating* 1 42 Memory function* 144 Multicontour seat* 136 Ventilation* 143 Securing ca rgo 299 Selec tor lev er see Ge ar se lector lev .
564 Index SRS 81 Indicat or lamp 430 Messa ges in the m ultifun ction displa y 444 Stan ding l amps Replac ing bul bs 484, 485 Standing water , Driving through 3 55 Start er swi tch 24, 3 9 Positions .
565 Index Technical data 540 Air conditioning refrigerant 539 Brake flui d 539, 541 Coolant 539, 54 3 Dimensions, Vehicle 536 Electr ical sy stem 535 Engine 530 Engine oil 538, 54 0 Engine oil additives 540 Fuel r equir ements 5 42 Fuels, coolants, lubricants, etc.
566 Index Tire inflation pressure Checking 382 Checking manually 383 Checki ng tire pre ssure el ectroni cally, Advanced Tire Pressure Monitoring System (A dvanced TPM S)*, (Canad a only) 388 Checki n.
567 Index Turn si gnal la mps Cleaning lenses 413 Messa ges in the m ultifun ction disp lay 468 Repla cing bulbs 484 Turn si gnals 60 Additional in mirrors 485 Bulbs 4 85 Cleaning lenses 413 Indicat o.
568 Index W Warnin g indicat ors Parktronic* 293 Warnin g lamps see L amps, Ind icator and warning Warnin g sounds Distance warning function* 284 Distronic* 275 Exterior lamps 68 Parking brake 58 Park.
Servic e and Literatu re Your auth orized Merced es-Benz L ight Truc k Center h as traine d techni cians and genui ne Merc edes- Benz Pa rts to se rvice your v ehic l e prope rly . For exper t adv ice a nd qual ity servic e, contact an au thor ized Merc edes-B enz Li ght Truck Cente r.
An important point after buying a device Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mercedes-Benz 2007 R 320 CDI along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center